Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e03 Episode Script

Now Comes the Sub-Mariner

This is the greatest little
video game I ever seen.
It's got the
Skrulls invading the Earth.
Nothing to stop them
creepy alien goofballs
but yours truly.
Yours truly.
Mama Grimm's blue-eyed
baby boy.
- Hey.
- Let me play with it a while.
Oh, yeah? In your dreams.
No, no. I'm not letting
that creep get away with zapping me.
- It's my game, let me have it.
- Yeah?
You took the words
right out of my mouth.
Flame on.
Back off, Mr. Heat Rash.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hold it, you two.
Put that sofa down.
Now, how many times
do I have to tell you
no flame throwing around here?
I'm using my shield.
What is this thing, anyway?
It's just a toy, sis.
I found it in the park.
It probably belongs
to some poor kid.
Any kid who'd
lose a game with me in it
deserves to lose it.
Give me that.
We don't have time for this now.
Reed wants us.
There's an important
message coming in.
Probably Schwarzenegger begging
me to be in his next movie.
Ben, Sue, Johnny.
You're just in time.
Look, it's the president.
I owe you.
Dr. Richards,
it's good to see you again.
Likewise, Mr. President.
Why didn't he
tell us who it was?
Hello, Mr. President.
Just because I didn't vote for you
don't mean I ain't behind
you all the way, big guy.
I appreciate that.
The Coast Guard has reported
encounters with unknown creatures.
We suspect they could be
under the control of the Sub-Mariner.
Prince Namor.
If that weasel
is looking for trouble
If reports are true, this could be
the beginning of a global catastrophe.
NASA has a satellite
tracking station in that area.
Yes, and if
anything happens to it
our entire surveillance
system would be in danger.
- We'll leave right away.
- I knew I could count on you.
After all,
like we say in Arkansas
you guys are stronger
than garlic in a mustache.
- Is he puttin' us on?
- Quiet.
Oh, one more thing.
This operation must be secret.
No need to alarm the public.
Well, you know what that means.
Yeah. I can't
finish playing my game.
Hold it a second.
Excuse me for interrupting.
But since some viewers
might not speak fluent Skrull
we'll use our mighty
Marvel language converter
to bring you up to speed.
Great work, Votan.
The Fantastic Four believe
you were their president.
"garlic in the moustache"
was a nice touch.
Just something I heard on a
country- western radio station
beaming up from Earth.
Now, with the Fantastic Four
off on a pointless chase
in the North Atlantic
we can get on with our plans.
Notify Admiral Kah
on the mothership
hiding behind the Earth's moon.
The Fantastic Four
have taken the bait.
Commander Lyja, initiate Phase Beta.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Commence Beta.
Skrull Earth operatives will now
assume the forms of the Fantastic Four
and commit criminal acts
to discredit them.
Help, it's the Thing.
He's gone crazy!
Excitement is high as
the crowd awaits the arrival
of the queen, and as Her Majesty
gets out of the limousine
she begins to greet her admirers.
Oh! And there's
Sue Storm Richards
one of the beloved Fantastic Four.
And Good grief!
She's stealing
the queen's tiara!
Sue Richards is a crook!
Clear taxi strip for takeoff.
Experimental jet now airborne.
Something has me.
It's Mr. Fantastic
and the Human Torch?
Look out! Mayday, Mayday!
And it is
with a very heavy heart
that I say we do not know why
the Fantastic Four have
become criminal menaces.
But they must be captured.
Bay of Fundy, dead ahead.
- This is the spot.
- Everything looks okay.
Some emergency. My Aunt Petunia
could've handled this one.
What are they?
Well, they sure ain't
chicken of the sea.
Strange, my cybernetic scope
is not picking them up.
Now here we go again.
What's that supposed to mean?
They're not real. They're
some kind of holographic projection.
Johnny, take us down.
Activate underwater canopies.
I'm getting sensor activity.
Getting warm warmer.
That's the image generator.
But why would anyone want us
to think those monsters are real?
Okay, big brain. You tell us.
I'll know more once we get
this back to the lab for analysis.
Hey. We got company.
Ahoy, the Fantastic Four.
You are under arrest by order
of the President of the United States.
Are they kidding?
Come on.
Let's kick some butt.
No, we don't fight
our own government.
We play this one by the book.
It is all going according to plan,
Bring up some more prisoners.
These are beginning to bore me.
Yes, soon we Skrulls
shall grind the Earth
beneath our heel.
And we won't have to battle
the Fantastic Four.
Thanks to my brilliance
they have been neutralized
by their own Army.
Now that the
Fantastic Four are out of our way
may we proceed with our battle plan?
- Not yet.
- What better time?
The forces are gathered
and our enemy suspects nothing.
Not yet. Until my
undercover agents report
the Fantastic Four
are truly out of action
we cannot launch the attack.
Is that clear?
Yes, Your Majesty.
I have the most powerful
invasión force of all
and I'm compelled to wait
on that imperial fool.
What do you suggest?
Begin the countdown. If word
doesn't come from the emperor soon
I'll launch the attack anyway.
Begin the countdown.
In less than 12 Earth hours
we shall dominate this planet
while the Fantastic Four remain
helpless in prison.
This bizarre chain
of events was no accident.
It's time to take action.
Sue, Johnny, Ben,
can you hear me?
- I've got you.
- Loud and clear.
Yeah, I hear you.
But a fat lot of good it does me.
The president is convinced
we've gone crazy and turned destructive.
The way Ben behaved when
they got us, who can blame him?
Oh, come on. So I punched out
a couple of stone walls, big deal.
Somebody framed us.
But who and why?
I don't know, Johnny
but we have to get out
of here and stop them.
I found my way out.
You three know what to do.
We'll rendezvous at Site Seven.
We must clear our names.
Hey, the Fantastic Four.
You think we can hold them?
Are you kidding?
This joint's escape proof.
I really must be going.
Jailbreak, help!
This should do the trick, I hope.
It's all right,
the prisoner's still here.
We're still missing Johnny.
Don't worry, darling.
He's resourceful.
He'll find a way.
Flame on.
Seal the perimeter cells!
They're playing my song.
The alien generator.
The police didn't impound it.
They evidently didn't
know what it was. Watch.
It duplicates life forms.
Wow, that image generator is cool.
I bet it could knock out
some fantastic babes.
Where did it come from?
I'm not sure.
But this is the hallmark
of some highly
evolved alien culture.
If you're talking buggy-eyed
monsters from outer space
why didn't you just say so?
Whoever they are,
they must have created
exact replicas of each of us
and sent them out to commit crimes.
As easily as this.
Get out of here.
And they did this to
get us out of the way.
But why?
- So, what happens next?
- Right, Stretch-o.
Come on, you're the leader.
Start leading.
This device came from outer space.
- Do we have anything going out there?
- The Andromeda space shuttle.
- It's being launched tonight.
- That's it.
Here, put these on.
This is embarrassing.
People will think I'm
covering a zit or something.
These are translingual
patches I've developed.
They will translate any
alien language we encounter
by applying a molecular
conversión isotope
Hey. Why do
we have to fight anybody
when you can talk them to death.
If I didn't know I was here,
I'd swear that was me.
It's an alien form
made to look like you.
Follow us,
but stay out of sight.
Flame on.
to talk to the alien Torch.
I thought you were
going after the hospital.
We came to tell you
that plans have changed.
Okay. After I toast this rocket,
I'll be right with you.
No. We're not
destroying anything else.
Your orders are to come with us.
- Where'd you get this vehicle?
- It belongs to the real Four.
It ain't much to look at,
but it gets the chicks.
We have to return to our checkpoint
and report to high command.
Whatever you say.
Why are you keeping your phony forms?
- Uh, well
- We were told to keep these identities
until ordered to change.
Well, maybe I should too.
Give me the location
of the checkpoint
and I'll punch it into the computer.
degrees north latitude
140 degrees west longitude.
- But you should know that.
- I forgot, so sue me.
We're alone, unarmed
and heading into an alien power base.
Hey, if being
a superhero was easy
any bozo could do it.
I'm tired of waiting.
My troopers are at their peak.
If we don't go now,
we'll lose our advantage.
Give the orders.
Admiral Kah,
you must not attack
until I give the command.
The Fantastic Four have escaped.
My operatives will now
launch a reign of terror
and once the Four
are executed for it
it will be safe to invade.
There's the checkpoint.
My three comrades are there, but you
Comrades, we've been betrayed!
Well, that's nothing
to what you're going to be.
Reed, he's changing
into a A creature.
Transform, comrades.
Johnny, get them.
Come here, Dino.
One for the money,
two for the show.
Now you did it,
you big, dumb schmo.
Start talking.
What's going on?
Based on what the Skrull told me,
I'll pay a call on the mothership.
Alien ship approaching
southeast quadrant.
Ah, it's Operative Kok Nal
the one who assumes
the form of Mr. Fantastic.
Operative Kok Nal
has returned, Magnificence.
Excellent. I want his report.
And so, Your Majesty,
we must not launch the attack.
What? Don't be ridiculous.
The Four are no longer a threat to us.
The Four are only
the front line of defense.
- Earth has much more powerful forces.
- You have proof of this?
Insert this in
your holographic system.
What it shows is only
the tip of the iceberg we're up against.
These hideous creatures
could devastate our brave forces.
Reed's showing them scenes
from old monster movies.
Yes, let's hope the Skrulls
don't watch Saturday morning TV.
As you can see, Your Majesty
it would be suicide
to go against such powers.
Imperial Guard.
Maybe they've seen the reruns.
Storm Trooper Votan?
Yes, Your Highness.
I hereby present Operative Kok Nal
with the Imperial Order
of the All-Conquering Nakdal
for meritorious service
to the Crown.
Please accept my
personal Nakdal, operative.
Coming from you, commander
this is indeed
a Nakdal to remember.
Operative Kok Nal
you will now return to Planet Skrull
with the other three
operatives from Earth.
I will debrief you, myself.
- Uh-oh.
- Now what?
We're in deep doo-doo.
My emperor, I am afraid
I cannot do as you ask.
- What?
- What?
Back on Earth, every trace
of the Skrull invasión plan
must be eradicated.
It is my duty to prevent retaliation
from the Earth forces you witnessed.
- Trooper Votan!
- Yes, Your Majesty?
Give Kok Nal the
Ultimate High Grand award
for bravery beyond Skrullness.
Yes, Your Highness.
And give him three more
of those medals
for the boys back on Earth.
Kok Nal?
You're a skrull Skrull.
Thank you.
I must return to Earth now
to make certain I deserve
these high tributes.
Call me.
They are distracted. Transform.
Hey, the Skrulls!
Gangway. It's clobberin' time.
No need.
My hypno-suggestion ray
transmits orders
that can't be resisted.
How do we know
they'll stay that way?
The hypno-ray told them
they like being goats.
Soon as we get back,
I'll contact the president
and set him straight
about what's happened.
Has the invasión started?
Are we winning?
Give me my game.
- What do you mean, your game?
- Huh?
I know just what to do with this.
Uh, here, son.
Uh, enjoy the game.
What are you doing?
Unhand me.
I am an officer of the
Imperial Skrull Expeditionary Force.
I shall reduce
your planet to ashes.
Do you hear me?
Does anybody hear me?
Hey! Put me down.
I will laser bomb your village
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