Farang (2017) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Farangs come to Thailand for two reasons:
to sunbathe or to hide.
Who you're hiding from?
You must stay away from him.
- He claims he's innocent.
What's with the heroin then?
- I don't know.
You think you know him?
- I know him better than I know you.
My daughter.
- Don't you wanna see her?
She killed herself.
You're looking at 20 years in prison.
- Someone set me up!
Call me anytime.
- She wants me to go visit Fabian in prison.
It's a suitcase, a red one.
- No red suitcase.
There's this young girl, living at Fabian's place.
- So what are you waiting for?
Lollo is dead?
- Would I lie about mom's death?
You need a temporary passport
to go back to Sweden?
Can they check your record in every Country?
Enough with secrets, ok?
Going somewhere nice?
Can I come too?
Son of a bitch!
You have put the heroin in Fabian's bag!
What do you think you're doing?
Sit down!
Sit down! Move!
- Ok, ok
You stole from the wrong people,
you know that?
I got money, ok?
You can take it
You talk too much.
You can tell them you lost me.
- Shut up!
Hi, this is Thyra.
I can't answer right now
Hello, Mariette!
- Hello!
Soon your Swedish will be better than mine.
- Thank you.
Give me the keys.
- Only 5 today? - Yes, I'm trying to cut down.
Give me the keys!
- Good morning to you too.
You can't take the car whenever you like!
- Yes I can the keys were inside the car.
Let's go.
- Calm down, your chickens won't escape.
Thank you very much.
- Thanks.
You're not going to your chickens, right?
Get off the car!
Tell me where you're going.
- To do something.
You can't come.
- I might be of help.
I work better alone.
I don't have time
- Then go, you'll tell me along the way.
Fuck off!
I'm looking for Thyra,
she may be at the police station with the lawyer.
Hey, hello!
- Can I charge my phone?
- Yes, got it.
Have a seat, please.
Sir? I'll have one "All around the World", please.
Yes, coming.
Can I get you a drink?
- No, thanks.
You don't look very Swedish.
- You do.
Hello, Pranée speaking.
- Hi, it's Thyra.
I've made up my mind,
I want to come with you to see Fabian.
Ok, where are you?
- In old town, in a bar called Happy Night.
Thyra, stay put. I know where it is.
I'll pick you up, just stay there, ok?
Who let you in?
- No one, but I got something for you.
Don't you have an office where to drink ice tea?
- Have you thought about what I told you.
You're really annoying me,
go do your job.
How could that kid get hold
of so much heroin?
Why am I losing so much time with this foreign vermin?
If you wanna help, defend our own people.
I think we have to work together.
What you mean?
- An exchange, very confidential.
Only you and I will know.
It's not ethical for a lawyer
to betray clients.
Don't you think it would be better
going after the big fish?
Not with someone who's after a personal revenge.
We can put behind bars
every single drug dealer in Phuket
but he's not coming back.
Call me if you see him, we gotta get him.
He can't leave the island!
Ok, calm down. I'll get more people.
Stay where you are.
Call me if you see Rickard or the girl.
- Yes.
Where are you, old lady?
Send me a picture so I know you're alive.
Someone stupid?
- You might say that.
He got what he deserves then.
- Yep.
How about a drink to forget?
- Here.
Mister? I'll have one more, please.
- Ok.
I always get this.
Flower, are you home?
Here he is.
Birdie, I didn't know you made me a dress!
Sorry for spoiling the surprise,
I thought you told her.
Aren't you sitting?
- Of course.
Look, it's so nice!
- Yes, nice
Slit or no slit?
I need a woman's opinion.
I think it would be nice with a slit on both sides.
One here and one here.
Why don't you go try it on?
- Yes, try it.
Listen, we've been doing good business.
Isn't pointing
I know you are wondering
what I would do if you fail.
Will I beat you up?
Will I kill you?
You don't have to worry,
I'm not gonna do anything to you.
I have moral,
I don't mess around with cripples.
Her name is Flower, right?
- Listen
I'm very close to get him.
I know who he is, I know he has a daughter
Do I have to rip her belly open
and tear uterus out of the body to make my point?
I won't hesitate.
So you find the thief
and make him pay.
Yes, sir.
- When that's done, we'll go back to business.
Where is your friend?
- What?
The tailor, did he leave?
- Yes, he left.
But he left the dress.
Are you ok?
What's wrong?
Everything's perfect.
I have to fix something.
When will you be of age?
- Next April.
Sweet happy birthday in advance!
I'm in the mood for something meaty without rice,
I know a nice place.
You can eat something with me if you like.
- Thanks but I'm ok by myself.
I'd love to talk to you some more.
I miss talking in my language.
Thais speak a very bad English
and conversations get so superficial.
You're so cute, you know that?
Let's go somewhere and have fun.
I'll buy you something.
- You fucking pig!
Do you think I'm a whore?
- I didn't mean that
Sorry, I got tied up.
- Filthy bastard!
Let's go
- Let me take the phone you're disgusting!
Hey, do you speak English?
- Yes.
Europen girl, about 15 years old, brown hair
Did you have an argument?
- No.
So you don't know why she left.
- I don't know if she left, something might have happened.
She's not coming. What time is it?
- Let's wait some more.
Stay calm.
Have you checked the messages?
- What?
The messages in your voice mail,
even I can do that.
Listen nothing has happened,
she'll be alright.
Son of a bitch! I know you stole my picture!
- Is that the lawyer?
There she is!
- You talk about secrets
What are you waiting for?
- I saw you
You put the heroin in his bag.
Go to hell!
I'll make you pay for this!
Hey what the fuck are you waiting for?
Farang hey,Farang
Hey how are you?
Are you ok?
Hey, guard!
I'm fine
listen to me, I'm fine
He's sick, he needs help!
I'm fine
I'm fine just a bit dizzy
You're Swedish
- Fabian.
First time in here?
- Yes.
I can tell.
What did you do?
- Nothing
Good, you'll be out soon.
It'll be alright as long as
you haven't insulted the king.
Have you?
It's even worse now that he's dead.
It's a delicate matter, the king I mean
and drugs too, of course.
Do you have snuff?
- You, come here. Visitors.
- Ok, we have 5 minutes.
I wanted to get you fries
but I thought this is better.
This is fine.
How are you?
- I'm good.
And you?
Are you about to leave?
- Not for Finland anyway.
It wasn't me.
I smoke and drink, I don't do heroin.
- Maybe you sell it.
Is that what you were doing
when you left to "fix something"?
That wasn't my heroin, ok?
I didn't do anything.
You must have done something.
Do you know of anyone who would have
reason to plant drugs on Fabian?
Did you see anyone sneaking around the house
or maybe at the beach? - No.
Help me!
- Ok, time's up.
Just let me say goodbye, ok?
- No, sorry.
I'm not leaving, I'll be back!
Ok, I might know something.
- Tell me.
Not here.
I need you to pick up something.
- Ok, what is it?
A metal box in my bungalow.
It's behind a tile on the right of the toilet.
What's inside the box?
- All I need to disappear.
If you don't want to, I'll do it myself.
Please, Rickard what's going on?
What have you done?
I'm helping Thyra with
- I'm not talking about here and now!
What did Rubén Brandt do?
It will never end running away.
It goes on and on
Will you help me or not?
- Ok ok
Good, thanks.
I'm keeping these.
Forget everything, don't talk to anyone.
I promise, I won't.
You can trust me!
- I don't really know that.
Go straight to Top's and be careful!
Where will you go?
- I have something to do.
You're not gonna get in trouble, are you?
- Shit just go!
I'll wait for you
- No, no, no
Can't you just do what I tell you?
- Ok.
Hello, handsome!
A new weapon for your cockfighting?
- No, I got family trouble.
Your Thai family?
Poor them Farangs are stupid.
Hands up!
Scared you?
Here, dumb kid.
- He shouldn't smoke.
He's too young.
- They're menthol flavored. You want it?
Can I pay you next week?
No cash right now,
I can only give you something up front.
I'm not a bank.
Perhaps you could pay me in another way.
Of course.
20% in advance, ok?
- Ok.
No tricks,
I know where you live.
What is it?
What's happened?
He screwed the narcos.
Give it.
Give it!
You won't go far.
You were supposed to be gone!
- I didn't!
How lucky I am!
This is nice.
- Thanks, feel at home.
Did I tell you you could smoke here?
If you wanna smoke, do it outside, got it?
Hi, mom.
So, this is my mother, my sister and her children.
- Hi.
Thyra is the witness
in a case I'm working on.
Your boyfriend should be out
looking for a job.
Find one for yourself first!
What a nag
Listen stay calm.
- Do you hear her?!
This is the law office of Pranée Amatayakul,
I am not available right now
What if she testifies against you?
- I'll take the risk. - Come on!
There's no point in going to get her
if I can't protect her.
She's gonna be there.
Enter from the beach and do not turn the lights on.
I don't want you to leave.
- I can always come back.
You're a shitty liar, you know that?
I'm gonna miss you too.
Of course
It's that I only have you.
- Come on now I'll see you soon.
Let's go.
I'll see you at the harbor,
the last boat is at 9.
Remember, no later than 9!
Ever been north?
- No.
Beautiful temples and lush forests.
I've only been around here.
- Too bad, this island is a shit.
What are you doing here then?
I was in love with a girl,
so I stayed.
Same for you?
- No.
Is it the girl who came here?
- Thyra? No nothing serious.
Just sex then?
- I get sex elsewhere.
I can't remember the last full night of sleep.
How long have you been here?
A couple of years.
Shit same for me,
you get delirious from too much sex.
For me, abuse of love.
Perhaps you went too far.
- Sometimes I think I should just quit it.
But then I'd feel alone.
Is that why you fuck all the time?
Not to feel alone?
Have you told this to Thyra?
That I fuck around all the time?
- That you love her.
You're scared.
- It wouldn't work.
Why not?
- Because I'm shit, ok?
I can't tell her what I do
and we can't be together if I don't tell her.
It just wouldn't work.
- What is it that you do?
Hey are you ok?
- I need to rest.
Have some water.
What the?
Hey, boy.
We need to talk.
Do you have a boyfriend?
- Nope.
What about Fabian?
- I don't think he has a boyfriend but who knows?
Who's that?
- So you and Fabian are just friends?
What about you? Do you have a boyfriend?
- No.
Husband? Children?
- Let's get to the point.
Fabian could get 20 years in jail.
- Why do you care so much?
This boy was murdered in jail,
so that he couldn't tell on his dealers.
Do you want the same thing to happen to Fabian?
This is serious, Thyra.
- I know
The person who framed Fabian
knew exactly what he was doing?
What happened?
- I don't know who stole the bag, ok?
I didn't do it, someone set me up, I promise.
- Easy, boy.
You're stupid but not crazy.
Ok, so why are you here?
- To look after you, of course.
Are you hungry? Or thirsty?
- Yes.
Wait there.
I have a message from your boss.
What do you want?
What do you want?
No, no they didn't sell him a gun.
He just stole it.
- Stole it?! How did he manage to escape?
It's a mess.
- We must get that lunatic!
Anything new?
- Nothing.
- All quiet.
Wait, there's someone.
- Great! I'm on my way!
You get the message, alright?
Why do you people come here?
Thailand has become a big dump.
All the shit ends up here!
You should have gone home to Sweden, boy.
You'll never make it here.
Is Thyra here?
- In English, please.
I need to tal to Thyra, is she here?
- Come back tomorrow, in a reasonable time.
I won't leave before I talked to her.
- Leave or I'll call the police.
I have the right to see her, I'm her
- Uncle.
He's my uncle.
We need to leave, it's too dangerous.
- What have you done to Fabian?
I'll explain, let's go.
- He could be killed
He won't.
- He could get life and you don't care!
Forget that shithead and let's go!
Please, my family is sleeping!
- Sorry. Come on, we gotta go.
- I'm not leaving with him.
I don't have time for this, she's not safe here.
- What you mean she's not safe?
I won't let her go
unless you tell me what's going on here!
He did it!
He put the drugs in Fabian's bag.
I'll call the police.
- No, wait.
What do you wanna know?
I warn you, boy
you talk and I'll break your neck.
She was gonna be his next victim,
that's why I put the stuff in his bag.
I don't believe it.
I'll give you everything I know. Places, names
- What kind of names?
Names that will make your client insignificant,
just let us go for now.
I'll contact you when she's safe in Cambodia.
Trust me.
Let's make a deal I leave the police out of this
if you tell me about your real plan.
I need to meet somebody really soon,
I don't have time for this - Ok, then I'll drive.
Who are you meeting?
Please, stop Taxi!
Thank God!
Can you drive me to the Kamala pier?
- Yes, sure. Hop in.
Where are you gonna meet with Rickard?
- What Rickard?
You don't know who I'm talking about?
- I have no idea.
Can I look inside your bag?
- No, you can't.
Can I look inside your bag?!
What do we have here?
It says "Sean Durant".
Where exactly are you meeting her?
- Down by the boat. - Ok.
We both know his name is Rickard!
- Really? How odd
You decide if you wanna make things complicated.
When and where are you meeting Rickard?
- I don't know what you're talking
You're not going anywhere!
My number's in there.
You better be taking that call
if you know what's best for you.
You really don't like me, do you?
She's yours, isn't she?
She's your daughter, it's obvious.
Hello, do you know what time it is?
- You're still working though, aren't you?
Do you have any friends at the Swedish Consulate?
- It's late and they're all lazy.
Just like you then.
Can you get info on someone for me?
I don't know much,
I'm sending you all I have.
In Thai you die.
Where is he?!
Where? Where?
Ok! Stop!
I'll tell you everything!
A drink first
- You'll have it later!
I'm betraying my best friend I need a drink!
How long yet?
- Till she's here.
Isn't all ready?
- With no cash or passport?
What if she doesn't come?
- She'll come!
Shit I shouldn't have come here.
- Why did you then?
To find you!
- Or 'cause the cops were after you?
And why did you leave Sweden?
It's late, I'll go look for her.
- Answer me!
Don't touch me!
Do you hear me?!
I was forced to, ok?
Can't you just wait for me here now?
I'll never forgive you, do you understand?
- Yes.
Do you have kids?
- What's it got to do with anything?
My daughter.
- Very cute.
People think I'm here to hide
but it's not like that.
In this place, I can be myself.
It's better to have a drink on the beach
than living in 37 square meters
and smoking under a fan, right?
Ever considered quitting drinking?
- Almost every day.
Then I think:
"Hell, I'll quit from tomorrow".
That's what I like most about this place.
They live the moment I like it.
They say life is a fight.
Here, you fight for the day.
Sometimes it's enough.
They never remind you what happened in the past.
The people you forsaken,
everything you have lost.
Here, you decide for yourself who you wanna be.
Only the moment matters.
No one will ever know who you really are.
That's why we like so much being here.
Listen I never killed anyone
and I hope I never will have to.
But I won't hesitate if you make me.
Is this man worth it?
Don't you wanna see her again?
- Then where is he?
Just tell me and I'll let you go!
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