Fartblinda (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

All In

Keep your friends close,
but your enemies closer.
If you're going to take over some day,
you'll have to be able to deal with that pig.
Take over?
It doesn't matter what I ask them,
they already have their answers prepared.
You need someone on the floor,
someone who hasn't had media training.
Are things at the bank
as good as they seem?
Yeah, I guess.
A friend from the School of Economics has
heard that we have some kind of problem.
-Does she work at a bank?
-No, she's a reporter.
-Who is "BF"?
-She's writing a piece about the bank.
We're having issues, and I'm trying
to hide the full extent from her.
-I don't want to see you here again.
-Are you firing me for doing my job?!
Who's this?
You owe two million.
You have ten days to pay up.
Then it'll hurt for real.
Come on.
-Thank you, Farid.
I need this money
to support my extravagant lifestyle.
Chip and Dale over here
Is this seat free?
-Sure. Please, join us.
Let's see them.
Oh All right!
-Winner with two pairs.
Much obliged.
-Now you can get yourself a new suit.
-I'll get one for you, too.
No rematch?
No, I'm good.
Now I know what your style of play is.
-And what is my style?
-Sort of loose-aggressive, right?
-Playing every hand, bluffing, taking risks.
-That's right.
Like your style was back at Carnegie.
Or that stunt you pulled with Ultuna, placing
huge fake orders in the closing auction.
I guess that's a case in point.
-Who the hell are you?
-Bea Farkas. Financial reporter.
Are you using the same strategies
at the ST Bank?
Hey, I know about the cover-up.
Trading isn't going
as well as it seems, is it?
I'd love to get your side of the story.
You can be anonymous.
I promise.
But I need your word
that you won't reveal who talked to you.
-I swear.
-Fuck it
-I really do need your word.
-I never reveal my sources.
My side of the story is
that the ST Bank is controlled
by the Illuminati.
Peder Rooth is in cahoots with the CIA.
They feast on chubby little babies together
in nocturnal rituals.
And right at the heart of this pedophile ring
is King Carl Gustaf.
You're not the one I'm after.
You're not working alone here
What's the name of your editor?
That old drunk, right?
What's his name? Rapp?
There must be a reason
why Peder Rooth hired you.
You did work with him at Carnegie.
You're adorable.
Good morning, babe.
What a nice surprise.
What is all this?
Are we celebrating something?
Today, we are celebrating the future.
I bought convertibles worth millions.
The loan was approved.
-Did you use the apartment as collateral?
Look, it's an amazing investment.
In three years, you and I will be able
to buy a house in Sitges.
It's all going to work out.
What did he say?
Well, I need to come up with two million
in eight days. I need help.
-That's your problem.
-My problem? It was your client who
Are we done here?
Listen. How does this benefit him?
This is a direct consequence of
You have your answer.
Let's go, boy. Let's go.
Who the fuck is Beatrice Farkas?
She found Henrik at Casino Cosmopol
and asked about a trading cover-up.
We have a leak.
I want to know who it is.
You let her in here, apparently.
Without asking Eleonor.
-She doesn't know anything.
-How can you be so sure?
-Because I've had contact with her.
Henrik, I talk to reporters all the time.
It's part of my job description.
-She was writing a positive story.
-Yeah, this sure feels positive.
Well, Nico and I have no reason to talk,
and I don't suppose you guys do either.
The same goes for Otto.
But Bittan hates me. She's been riding me
about the edge for the last four years.
I don't know. She came forward voluntarily
about Farkas reaching out to her.
-Maybe she's trying to ward off suspicion.
-Is she really that calculating?
I can fix it before it gets out.
-If we just raise the limit
I understand if you're pissed at me.
It's all my fault.
I should have done
that press conference.
Listen, I fucked up
No, I'm the one who talked back.
If I had just folded, he might have
kept me on. But that's just not who I am.
I know. Folding is not your thing.
-Are you still going to pursue the story?
-I met Beijer.
He's just the type for a scheme like this.
A gambler. Adrenaline junkie.
He looked rattled as hell
when he realized who I was.
Then there's the risk manager
running away to avoid my questions.
Plus, their communications director
had Rapp fire me.
Judging by their behavior,
there seems to be a lot at stake here.
The most profitable niche bank
in Sweden.
Maybe it's not so profitable after all.
This is a Chrysalis.
If I may offer some advice,
something more subtle would do nicely.
An understated look is better
for someone with limited experience.
Certainly. I'll get a jacket
from a Swedish brand.
Thank you.
-I ran into Henrik, by the way.
Apparently you said no
to raising the limit.
-He just happened to mention that?
-The subject came up.
You know what he's like.
He'd prefer it if there was no limit at all.
-Yes, he's good.
-He takes huge risks.
We can't give him another inch
at this point, Otto.
This is a Härkila.
-Right. That's quite a different look.
-Yes, it is.
They'll think I'm one of the beaters.
That's a good thing. Shoot well in that,
and you'll make an impression.
But it's entirely up to you.
I trust you to make the right decision.
-I'll give you 250.
-I got 500 at Carnegie.
That's irrelevant here. 250, and I expect
to see results by the end of the month.
All right
If you go over my head again,
you're out.
Could you really afford to lose me?
There's no point discussing details yet.
Now we just need to release an MVP
that we can fine-tune as we go.
So we'll throw in another two mil,
earmarked for sales to build a client base.
That'll be half a mil from you,
by Monday.
-Is that going to be a problem?
I have to tap out.
I mean, I believe in the company
and in this awesome idea,
but I need capital elsewhere right now.
I can't swing this.
-I'm selling my stock.
-To whom?
-Well, to you or Gustaf.
-I doubt either one of us is interested.
-We didn't exactly invent payday loans.
I believe in the business model,
but the risk is high enough as it is.
I have other companies to manage.
-And everything I've invested so far?
-It all stays in the company.
With any luck, it'll fly,
but if it doesn't
That's the risk you take
with a start-up.
Hey, man!
-Great to see you. Are you behaving?
-You've been out of the country, right?
-Yeah, got back from Berlin this morning.
-Hey. Listen
Someone from the ST Bank just called in
a tip about huge losses in the Baltics.
Thought you'd want to know.
Uh Right.
Do you know who the caller was?
No idea. He wanted to be anonymous.
Well, what did he sound like?
I don't know.
He sounded calm and collected.
He seemed legit.
He said it's not about the trading.
It's all about the Baltics.
It's a disaster,
and they've been covering it up.
Thanks for calling.
The ST Bank lent money
to two Estonian holding companies
that have acquired Swedish
waste-management companies.
There's a lot of money to be made
in transporting and incinerating waste,
but these two companies went belly up.
So, the bank did lose money
-But I think there's a lot more to the story.
I have information indicating
that the bank is covering up losses.
What sort of information?
I can't tell you that.
But my sources are reliable.
It's going to take a little more than that
for us to
Talk me through
your auditing process of a bank.
Well, we start
by requesting documents.
-Which they then send to you?
So basically,
they choose what you get to see?
I mean, there are regulations
as to what kind of documents
But what if they cook the books,
so to speak?
That would be a crime.
-Is rooibos all right?
So cute.
All right
I've barely written anything,
and what I have written sucks.
Too much performance anxiety.
Hang on.
-Now, let's sort this book out.
-No way!
Right, what have we got?
-We've got the wife character.
That's a hell of a start.
-A wife
-A wife.
Is she a very tiny wife?
I think she is tiny, yeah.
But maybe she'll get bigger.
You're crazy.
I got you an Americano,
with cold milk.
-How are you?
-I'm fine.
-I got fired.
-I heard.
Listen, I've been thinking about us
So you're breaking up with me?
I get it. It's not working out.
I get it.
I love Sophie.
We have two beautiful kids.
Sure, we have problems,
but what couple doesn't?
It's fine. I've been thinking
along the same lines.
You were great in bed,
but we have no future together.
No, really. I've said that all along.
I don't want to be tied down.
You're too old for me anyway.
This was doomed from the get-go.
Damn it.
Why does it have to be boiling hot?
-So, this feels all right.
-Yeah, great.
I think we'll be able to stay friends.
I'll talk to you later. Right?
These are so tight!
-I've got socks on!
-You do have socks on.
He told me he'd had a fling
with this supermodel PR woman.
I'm sure she smells amazing
and shaves her pussy clean.
But whatever.
God I actually feel a little bad
for attacking him about that journalist.
I wasn't thinking straight. But I saw them
together, and he kind of deserved it.
Hey, why are we even talking about him?
This is a brainstorming session.
We should be talking about the tiny wife.
Why did I drag him out to the suburbs?
He hates yacht clubs and golfing.
-Don't ask me.
-I hate all that stuff, too.
Hey, no phones allowed!
What the hell!
Get me a new one.
If it's broken,
I'll get you a decent phone.
Your communications director
called my editor.
I know. She's good.
-You said I could trust you.
-You can.
I'd never lie. Not to you.
-But it's your job to protect the bank.
So maybe you have tell a few lies.
But it's the best bank in the world.
I have nothing to lie about.
-What's going on in Estonia?
Yes, Estonia.
Great choice of topic, by the way.
Really turns me on.
Well The corp is helping a few Estonian
companies with Swedish acquisitions.
-And how is that working out?
-For us or them?
-For them and you.
-For the Estonian companies?
For the bank, obviously.
Why do you think I'm asking?
Well, we've run some losses,
but that's all in the financial report.
Do you like it?
It's smooth.
-I love you.
-I love you, too.
Unchanged, according to the prognosis.
-But the inflation is on target.
-Almost. But an increase is still unlikely.
OK. So what are the odds?
I wouldn't bet on it.
And that's why I make
ten times as much money as you.
Right, guys. The limit has been raised.
250 until the end of the month.
Our job is to use this leeway
to reduce the edge.
We still have a few weak positions,
but that is about to change.
-We're going short. The OMX and DAX.
-But the market trend is positive.
The ECB is issuing
a new interest forecast tomorrow.
-But the prognosis is unchanged.
-Then short selling is cheap.
-Carl puts it at 20/80, maybe 30/70.
-No way is he telling us to bet on that.
I'm telling you
it's a risk worth taking.
If it works, we're home free.
-Nico, take the lead on this.
-Why, where are you going?
Birgitta. Have a seat.
Our bank is a very tolerant place.
But I won't accept employees leaking
to the press because they feel ignored.
-What? I didn't
-You talked to Bea Farkas, right?
Yes, but I didn't tell her anything.
I referred her to you.
You and she are the only ones
who know what you said.
Birgitta, this industry runs on trust.
And I'm afraid our trust in you is gone.
You have two options.
Option number one: you resign.
Option number two: you're fired.
For fuck's sake, Peder.
I didn't say anything to anyone.
If you go quietly, we're willing to offer you
generous compensation.
We'd like to handle this discreetly.
But if you don't cooperate,
you will struggle
to ever find work in finance again.
Hey, girl. What's up?
Excuse me?
Hey, how's it going?
Who is this?
J-A! Jon-Andreas. The IT guy from work.
Sorry, from your former job.
OK. Hi.
I'm calling because that whistleblower
sent you a new little message.
I'm technically not allowed to tell you,
since you don't work here anymore.
So, here's what I'm thinking:
I could do it as a favor to you
Just tell me what it says.
It doesn't say much.
It's just a bunch of numbers.
2, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 3.
-Uh OK. Bye.
Hey, Henke.
-Assalamu alaikum.
-Wa aleikum as-salam.
-How's it going?
-Great. How are you?
Where's your little boyfriend?
I told you to let that go, but no.
"I cannot stand idly by"
Just like your mother,
stubborn as a mule.
Everyone's up to something.
I lost 2,700 on Fingerprint,
and you don't hear me complaining.
No, but you never complain
about anything.
No, and look at me.
I sleep like a baby,
and my blood count is excellent.
Whereas you look like death on two legs.
What's this?
I don't know. Those aren't mine.
Whose are they, then? Mine?
-Want one?
JULY 23, 1373
She's a child, she's growing.
Kids tend to get bigger.
Oh, fuck you!
-Did you get fired?
-Get the fuck away from me.
-I went by the bank to see you.
-Did you hear me?
-I have to talk to you.
-You bitch!
-Stop it.
-Get the fuck away from me!
Ow! Stop it!
-Leave me alone.
-I'm sorry.
-Do you hear me?
-I hear you.
I'm sorry.
12 years. And they just threw me out,
like yesterday's trash.
Because they thought I talked to you.
-Did Peder Rooth make that decision?
-I can't talk to you. I signed an NDA.
I'm just so tired
of these fucking men.
I've always looked after them.
I changed their goddamned diapers.
Well, I got fired, too.
Your communications director called
the paper when I started asking questions.
I think the bank messed up
and are trying to cover their tracks.
And someone is trying
to tell me something.
I've been getting emails from someone
at the bank. I thought it was you,
but today
they tipped me off about you.
You know something, don't you?
Is it about Estonia?
-Is that where the bank lost money?
It was just a couple of bankruptcies.
A marginal effect.
OK, I know you can't talk to me,
but can you give me anything?
Something I can look into.
A source maybe? Anything.
The trading history.
It's all in there.
And how am I supposed
to get hold of that?
You can't.
No, they
Listen, I'll call you on my lunch break.
I love you,
but I can't deal with this right now.
We're doubling down!
Move it, we're doubling down!
-This is as cheap as it gets.
-What happened?
They think the ECB
might lower the interest. Let's go!
-OK, but what happened?
Someone on Twitter referenced
a source at Deutsche.
Five points down, they think. Let's go!
Who on Twitter?
"Greed is good."
For fuck's sake, Henke!
That's called market manipulation.
I'd like to see you prove it.
Now let's go!
How did it go last night?
Are you all right?
-Raise. 8,000.
-Re-raise. 40,000.
Well, you're not a coward.
I'll give you that much.
But you are predictable. Call.
This right here, Beijer
I can't tell you how satisfying this is.
I need more.
-If Daddy's pockets are deep enough.
350, he says. All right.
Get him 350.
The ECB is releasing their forecast
in five minutes.
Five minutes!
Double down again. Look at this!
-Our limit is 250!
-Fuck the limit, and sit the fuck down!
Four minutes until the announcement.
We're going all in
on an increase.
All in!
-Re-raise. 75,000.
Raise. 250,000.
All in.
You're the man!
No way!
Nik emak! Sharmota.
No, I don't think
my mom is very good in bed.
-All right, your 40%. 180,000.
-What did you do to your lips?
-Looks good, right?
-You owe me 15 for the uppers.
-Oh, right.
-Busy at work? A lot of late nights?
I'm surrounded by idiots and pussies
who should be kneeling before me,
not getting in my way.
You want to come back to my place
for some fun?
-Why not? You're single now.
If you have any blue pills.
I'm kind of worn out.
We can fuck on coke if you want.
No, shit. I can't, I have to work.
But I'll call you.
Want this? It's on me.
For fuck's sake, Amanda
What happened to going to back to school?
You should be getting your degree.
You're over 30.
Do you really want to spend
-Fine, I'll take it. Fuck.
-You called me, remember?
Are you out of your mind?
I know the bank is covering up losses.
-How do you know that?
-I have reliable sources.
-Peder Rooth says it's just rumors
-I'm just trying to help you, OK?
You could lose a lot of money.
If I'm right about the bank,
the value of your convertibles will plummet.
If I give you a heads up
before my story goes to print,
can you redeem your convertibles in time?
How does that work?
There's a three-year duration, unless you
have special reasons to redeem it early.
But that constitutes insider trading.
You want no part of that, right?
-If that's the only way
-It also constitutes a data breach.
I could go to prison.
I don't want to twist your arm.
I really don't.
But if the bank is hiding something,
I will find out. And it will affect you.
-The OMX dropped 2.7. Shut it down?
-Not yet.
Are you sure? If we do it now,
we're home free. The DAX dropped 1.9.
We're staying.
There's more money to be made.
Hey, Robin.
-Listen, I need to see the trading history.
-The trading history?
Yeah. It's about an acquisition in Norway
from a few years ago.
We've got some legal issues,
so I need to know when we took over.
Have you been granted access?
Of course. I was granted temporary access
by Liselott Åhman.
Feel free to call her,
but it's sort of urgent.
-Can you help me out?
-Yeah, of course.
What year?
-The DAX is up a point.
Looks like Congress
is approving the tax reform.
-We're staying.
Don't worry about that.
Someone is just betting against the market.
The ECB just raised the interest,
for fuck's sake.
The DAX is up two points.
The OMX is up one.
It was some time in September
or early October.
I can't find anything in September.
Really? OK. Then I guess it was October.
Can you check?
Excuse me. Robin Lesse.
OK. A letter?
Who sends letters these days?
No, I'll be right there. Bye.
Sorry, I have to go.
But there was nothing in September.
No worries.
There you go.
-Is this a joke?
-No. That's what she left for you.
I guess congratulations are in order.
Uh, yeah Thanks.
The White House just confirmed it.
They passed the tax reform.
-The DAX is up 1.7.
-We can shut it down now and break even.
-It'll turn back around.
-The DAX is up 2.2. The OMX, 2.9.
we can't afford to stay any longer.
Henke, what the fuck?
-OK, shut it down.
Bea, I want to be the first to know.
I held up my end of the bargain.
She took the Baltic bait.
Do you have my money?
No money until I see results.
It wouldn't be very smart
to screw me over at this point.
First you do your job, then you get paid.
That's how this works.
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