Farzi (2023) s01e03 Episode Script


That's why no one takes it seriously.
Bills are printed in big presses
in foreign countries
where hundreds of crores
of FICN are printed.
They have the infrastructure, technology.
In fact, to some extent,
they have government backing, too.
The bills are smuggled in various ways.
It's impossible to smuggle together.
So they are smuggled in vehicles,
in suitcases,
with ordinary export products,
like textiles, electronics, and so on.
They're brought in small installments.
They keep trickling in
through our borders.
Whether it's Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal,
or of course, our neighbor, Pakistan.
Sometimes their means are innovative.
These bastards work really hard.
Who knows where those bastards are.
if they fail to reach the right market,
even the best fake bills are useless.
So, distribution is the backbone
of this business.
And they have an elaborate network.
Eventually, they reach businesses,
banks, ATMs, and the common man.
That's why we're here
for this one-of-a-kind cell.
For the first time, various agencies
are coming together for one goal:
to fight counterfeiting.
-Yes, sir.
Hello. I'm Shekhar Ahlawat,
the Chief Investigating Officer.
Whose idea was this?
Not ours, sir. It's from the ministry.
India's counterfeiting operation
is run by this man.
He's a wanted man.
He lives primarily in the Middle East.
He keeps visiting India
but no one knows when he does.
The entire system's in his pocket.
Mansoor Dalal.
This is Jitendra Joshi,
Mansoor's right hand.
They call him Jitu Kaka.
And this is
Mansoor's main distributor, Bilal.
I called the NIA but no updates yet.
It's been two weeks.
Are they really investigating it?
Look, Megha, you found the bills.
That's an achievement.
Leave the rest to them.
Why can't we investigate it?
I'll do it myself.
Are we the police?
Are we the law enforcement agency?
Our job is to conduct research
for the government
and assist the police
with investigations. That's it.
For the NIA, it's just a fake bill,
and by the time they work on it
I'm stopping a financial calamity.
Once the technicalities are dealt with,
mass production will have started
and our scanners won't detect the bills.
Those are heavy claims.
Look. I don't have time
for your theories. Sorry!
So we're being paid to do nothing.
I was busy working
and now you've come and spoiled my mood!
I've told you repeatedly
that we are just analysts, not James Bond.
What the hell!
-Hello. It's me.
-Yes, sir.
I have a friend. He's well connected.
-He wants the stuff.
-Sure, sir.
It's a big order.
-I'll take 10%.
-Done, sir.
Hello. Lakde called. He's guaranteeing it.
It's a big order. Call the Artist.
Okay, I'll call him.
Come on, pick up, man.
We have a big order. Can you handle it?
What do you mean? Of course.
How much? I'll talk to Sunny.
Don't use names, asshole!
Sorry, Anees. Motherfucker!
No, not you.
Let's meet if this works out, okay?
Sure. I'll talk to "him."
I need two bundles
from the Kathmandu FICN raid.
ID card, please.
-When will you return it?
-It's for lab testing.
I know, but I need to enter a date.
Date of return, date of receipt.
Two months.
-Make it six.
Testing might take time.
They're good, depending on usage.
Which one costs more?
This one, sir.
-What's the price?
-70,000 rupees.
With discounts. I won't make any profits.
Don't ask to lower the price. I can't.
Did I ask you to?
-You're bargaining.
Our work comes in handy sometimes.
Give me two phones and a good discount.
Sir, the discount
Why are you laughing?
-Isn't this good?
-Very good, sir.
Our apps will run smoothly on it.
It's not for me, it's for Vyom's birthday.
Did you buy it for Vyom?
-Sir, he's six.
Can't a six-year-old use a phone?
My son is very bright.
Is it for me?
-Why, sir?
-Why? That's why I bought two.
For you and for Vyom.
Aren't you ashamed?
Buying phones with counterfeits?
But you still accepted it?
Now I'm not the only guilty one!
Boss is over there.
Hello, Lakde.
Kesaribhai Doshi, MLA. Do you know him?
He's from Gujarat.
He's waiting inside. Come.
It's protocol.
It's all right.
Sir, he's here.
What will you have?
Sir, he's the guy.
He's talented.
I need 20.
You must wonder why I came here myself.
I have a rule.
I want to talk face-to-face.
Get going. My guy will handle the rest.
Let's go.
Want a drink?
Be my guest. There's no hurry.
That's enough. Let's go.
If this pans out, you'll be rich.
When do you want the delivery?
The campaign will kick off in two weeks.
Two weeks is a bit tight.
And the delivery?
Will his guys pick up the stuff?
You'll have to deliver.
In Surat.
What are you saying?
A cross-border delivery?
Sorry, we can't.
Not Not at this price.
You said, "One last time."
But this has become a habit.
Why did you take a big order?
-I'm asking you, Firoz!
-I agreed, Uncle.
We were doing well as small-timers, Sunny.
Why take such a risk?
How long will we be insignificant for?
We have to take risks in life.
It's an unnecessary risk.
Such risks ruin lives.
It's not like we're doing well now.
We're drowning.
I'm doing it for our future.
Your future, not mine.
Say that you'll help us.
-Come on.
-We only have 26,500 feet.
What the hell?
That isn't enough paper.
I'll call Anees?
Theft won't solve everything.
We must think big.
You'll get me in trouble.
-Give us an idea, Uncle.
-Go away!
-You're all here.
We're all here.
Rekha didn't invite you?
-How could we know that, son?
Anyway, we're all here.
-You should've told me.
Daddy, I want to play with my friends.
Open the gifts first, please.
Check this out!
-He's Mom's best friend.
-Is he a buffoon?
-Give me a kiss.
Did your mother tell you not to? Go.
It'll be late when we get there.
He's sleepy, too.
-Is this yours?
I'm taking Vyom home next week.
I've told you. What's with this "Why?"
Vyom will also go.
Is your plan with Vyom or
First, out of the blue,
you call me three times in one day.
Second, you came here
when I told you you're not invited.
-Such an expensive one at that!
-Is your list done yet?
First, when was the last time you saw him?
Tell me.
how long can you take care of Vyom
I stopped buying the snacks you like.
This numbering system of yours
ruined our marriage.
First, do this. Second, not this.
Third, do all of this. Fourth, do nothing!
Fifth, die. Sixth, vanish.
-Seventh, go away. Eighth--
-Shut up!
Vyom is sleeping.
Be a responsible father first.
Then take Vyom with you.
I'm calling an Uber.
Why are you throwing me out? Dearest
Fine. I'm leaving.
I'll walk.
By the way, where does Arjun live? Okay.
Never heard of it.
Sir, you're the head of R&D,
you know everything.
They need a rep from every agency.
Please suggest my name from the RBI.
Sir, think of it as good riddance.
You want to investigate counterfeits,
Okay. I'll get you permission.
Give me two days. This week. I promise.
Sir, we're analysts, not James Bond.
Don't worry.
I'll be back in three to four months.
No more than a year.
If you want to pull off a big scam,
do it legally.
-Sir, we need an ID.
-For whom?
And to legalize any business,
you need papers.
What are you guys doing with me?
What is he saying?
He's saying that he would've
died without an ID.
Thanks to us
he will have an ID before he dies.
Right, Grandpa?
No, asshole! I'm going to die soon.
Why would I need an ID?
How long will it take? Please!
They'll make it.
Why? But why?
Soon. Please.
Your company has been registered.
That day, we didn't launch a company,
but history.
I used to do live theater.
I work in a call center.
I'm an athlete.
I teach karate.
I'm a third dan black belt.
She can handle security too.
-I love traveling
-I love it.
-Acting, dancing
-Hanging out.
-Taking selfies.
-I love sleeping, also. A lot.
Same. Me, too.
What's the job?
Pick up the phone
and answer the call.
So, pick up the phone and answer it.
I want to take this job
to support myself.
Last English film you saw?
Dil Dhadakne Do.
-I have lots of followers on Instagram.
13,000? Any other languages?
Hindi and Gujarati.
-I speak Konkani.
-A bit of Kannada I can understand.
I speak Hindi and English, too.
I have to know the brief,
or how can I sign on?
You know?
We were hanging out the other day
Excuse me.
Please tell him that I've been waiting.
I've already told him twice.
Okay, I'll tell you how to do it.
Excuse me, ma'am. That's not allowed.
It has a hard drive, a chip,
and a detailed manual.
You could have sent someone
Megha Vyas.
Let me join the task force.
I'll be of immense value.
Now it's a job interview.
You could work for top MNCs.
Sir, I can make big bucks in MNCs,
but I can't serve the nation there.
-Serve the nation?
-Yes, sir.
I interned
at the Security Printing Organization
in Heidelberg, Germany.
This This is my biggest achievement.
I helped develop this.
Does your team have
a security printing expert?
No. That is where I come in.
I'm that expert, sir. You need me.
You're not on my list.
This is from Kathmandu, right?
-Can CT-600 detect it?
-Yes, sir.
-How long before it hits the market?
-Sir, it's really easy.
CT-600 is a chip which can be installed
in any cash machine.
Help her, whatever she needs.
I want to take CT-600 to Delhi.
-Do you want a leave?
Are you high?
Keep your mouth shut
in front of him, okay?
This is business. I'll talk.
-And if he offers tea, just decline.
-But why?
-Refuse it. Listen to me.
-Why refuse tea?
You're making a business directory?
Yes. For film artists and technicians.
But tell me something.
The Bollywood folks launch their own kids.
What good would a directory do?
We're trying to bring
the Indian film industry together.
-Is the paperwork complete?
Give it to me.
All right. Give us 50% up front
and the rest after the job's done.
Sir, let's settle for 30%.
We don't work below 50%.
-Let's celebrate this with a cup of tea.
Sure. A ginger tea.
It's been a week and I have nothing to do.
That's how it is.
You'll be idle for days.
Then you'll be so busy, you won't sleep.
So, enjoy the peace while it lasts.
Sir, this too.
Send it to IB, CBI, ED.
And send a copy
to the External Affairs Ministry, too.
Sir, I've been meaning
to show you something.
I found this bill at a restaurant.
It's a fake one, sir. Here.
It's a sandwich note. A small-timer's job.
His tools aren't hi-tech,
and the paper is substandard, but
We have to stop him.
This design is from an offset press.
I put together a list of presses.
We can go there and check.
There are hundreds of presses in the city,
but I made a list of the ones
near the restaurant I was at.
-Just 11 presses
-Hold on.
-Sir, we can go there
-and if we don't find anything
Mansoor Dalal.
We have to infiltrate his network.
A few bills won't matter.
He'll be caught.
It's only a matter of time.
-We have to stop--
-Sir, we're late for the meeting.
Subhash, two teas, please.
11 presses.
All today, madam?
Mr. Shinde,
the bills have been circulating.
We're already late.
Look at the bill.
Look at this.
Is this fake?
There are 11 printing presses
in your area.
I have a list.
It's on short notice.
How can we do it?
I need my boss' approval
to conduct the raid.
Raid? It's not a raid.
The two of us will go there
and check these presses.
Two minutes for each one.
Shall I ask my boss
to talk to your superior?
No need to drag superiors into this.
Don't belittle me.
We're short-staffed.
One constable is here and one is missing.
-There's no one here.
-Who would rob a police station?
Let's go. We'll be done in two hours.
Tea! Let's have tea first.
Hey, make it quick.
Put it down.
Mr. Shinde, we're running late.
Please come. I'll treat you
to tea at a good restaurant.
A good restaurant?
Let's go to Starbucks then.
Okay. Sure.
-Forget this roadside stall tea.
-Shall we?
Madam, may I go home now?
We've covered almost all of them.
-The last one is two minutes away.
You've given us a tour of Mumbai today!
We're the police,
but we have families, too.
Mr. Shinde, it's two minutes away.
We're almost there.
There it is. Kranti Magazine.
Stop here.
Madam, it's closed.
Let's come back tomorrow.
We visited seven presses.
I'm tired.
We're already here. Get them to open it.
Kranti Magazine, Mumbai.
-Do you know the owner?
-No, ask him.
Mr. Shinde, please ask.
They may not be here for us.
Maybe someone else.
Hey, do you know the owner of this press?
-Mr. Madhav.
-You have his number?
No. But I have
the number of his manager, Yasir.
Tell me.
Fuck! She saw us!
-Shut it down!
If we shut it down,
it'll take a while to restart it.
Delivery's tomorrow.
-To hell with it!
-Listen to me!
Be quiet.
How long to wrap up this batch?
Tell me.
15 minutes.
Wrap up this batch.
Switch off the lights. All of them.
They'll think we're closed. Come on.
-Light, light.
We got the owner's number.
Okay, call him.
-They're calling.
They're calling someone.
Don't answer it!
Hello? Yes, Yasir speaking.
-They'll hear the machines.
-Hold on, there's no network here!
Yeah. What happened?
What do I do?
I Do I have to come right away?
No, I'm not feeling well
I have a fever. Yes.
-I'm resting after taking a pill.
Hold on. I'm losing the network.
Hello? It's better now.
My knees hurt,
so it's difficult to get around.
In the morning yes.
My stomach's upset, too.
I'll be there in two minutes.
No, I'll be there.
-Nothing worked?
-I'm coming. Okay.
They want to meet me.
I'll take the back exit.
Handle things here.
Are you Yasir?
-Is this your press?
-No, it's Mr. Madhav's.
-I work for him.
-Can you open it?
-Yeah, open it.
-I can't without permission.
What's going on?
Yasir is there! They're talking!
It's just a formality.
Please unlock it for two minutes.
Madam, you may not know,
Mr. Madhav is the owner.
He was a freedom fighter. He's well-known.
We run Kranti Magazine.
-It's his press.
-Madam. Uncle, one minute, please.
I can't hear shit from here!
Are they coming in?
How would I know?
She's a government officer.
A senior one at that.
Two minutes.
How can I? Without Mr. Madhav here.
Sunny, the police are headed this way!
Turn off the machines now!
If I open it
Wait! Asshole! It's a sandwich note!
What will we do with one side?
Print the other side!
-They'll make a sandwich out of us!
not without permission. No, right?
One minute. Let it finish. Wait!
Shut it down!
Is your press running?
No. Madam, what are you doing?
-I can hear a machine.
-I mean, I could hear it until now.
-Just two seconds ago.
-That's Bittu.
Bittu. Mr. Madhav's adopted son.
He sometimes walks in,
turns on the machine and then leaves.
-Is he inside?
Bittu's a ghost.
But nobody fears him.
Why fear the ghosts of loved ones?
Are you done?
We'll look for ghosts later.
Unlock the press.
-How can I--
-Just two minutes.
-Unlock it! Now!
Go, I'll bring it all!
Quickly, Firoz! There's no time!
They're coming inside!
No need to fear him.
Two minutes. Just two.
Come on, quick!
Pick it up.
What are you doing?
Listen to me.
We still have time.
Do what you can, but hurry up.
We have to leave.
Go in.
Come in. Take a look.
-Turn on the lights.
-Wait. Slow down.
Take your time, but do it.
-My knees hurt.
-Please walk slowly.
Go, turn the lights on.
"Knee pain."
I told them not to do it!
We are screwed now.
What's up there?
-What are you doing?
-Keep quiet!
Did you check the trash?
I thought you did.
What are you doing? Stop! Sunny!
The ACP called. He's pissed.
-Jai Hind, sir.
-I'm not conducting a raid.
I'm just checking the local presses.
You put my seal on the letter?
-I had a hunch
-You stupid!
Come back right now. Now!
I'll leave right now. I'm really sorry.
Jai Hind, sir.
Mr. Shinde, let's go.
Let's go. My boss
just screwed me sideways!
-Sorry, man.
-What do you mean?
-It happens.
-What happens?
-I could lose my job.
-I said I'm sorry.
Hey, you
Were you going to kill her?
Are you crazy?
That was a close shave.
We need a new place.
It's too risky here.
All this money
I heard a noise and I
Firoz Mr. Madhav?
What is he doing here?
Be quiet.
I must have kept it there.
I keep forgetting things. This
Here. Take this.
Go and pay off Ratan.
We can still save our magazine. Go!
-Hurry up.
-I'll go right away. You--
-Yeah. Go.
Go home and rest.
-Let's go, Grandpa.
Come on, I'll take you home.
He'll take it. Sunny, go and pay Ratan.
Don't worry.
What was that?
It happened again.
What do you mean?
I've seen him like this before.
You never told me.
He'd forget things in the office.
It seemed normal, given his age.
But I've never seen him in such bad shape.
I'll ask Firoz to call Lakdawala.
We need the drop location.
Sunny, can't you see?
This is a sign from God.
Let's put an end to this.
We've had enough.
You misread the sign, Uncle.
The police came,
but we didn't get caught.
Grandpa doesn't remember anything.
It's a sign we're on the right track.
The deal is on.
Sir, I was excited about the new job.
Who talks like that?
Did you memorize that apology?
-She's just like you, sir.
Are you done here?
Relax, man.
I can't relax.
Shall I sleep here?
Don't stress me more.
Checkpoint ahead. Act normal.
Might as well eat the steering wheel.
-Where are you going?
Show me your papers.
Here. Pass over the papers.
Hurry up.
Come. Get down.
Come on!
-What are you looking at? Open it.
Come on.
Here you go, sir.
-Come on.
-We have all the documents.
-And the permissions.
-That's all.
-Just open it.
-Sure. The keys, Firoz.
-They won't take it if the box is open.
-Let him check.
Have a look.
There's nothing here. Just directories.
-What's a "detectory?"
It has names of people
from the film industry.
-You mean, even Katrina's?
Why would she share her number?
-It's just the camera crew
-Then it's useless.
The packing is a lot of work.
-Step back.
-Tollywood, too.
Try the number.
They'll answer it. Give it a try.
-Search it carefully.
-They won't accept open boxes, sir.
What's in there?
-Open it.
-It's ink, sir.
-Shut up!
-Open it up.
-I am. There's nothing.
What is this? A film telephone directory?
Do you drunk dial them?
Let's sit down and talk, sir.
-Bring him.
-You'll talk?
-Come, let's talk.
Why bother, sir? Careful.
-Hey, sir. Please listen.
-What's this?
-We're not carrying much.
Let's talk, sir. Please come, sir.
Okay, come.
Tell me. How much?
-That's too much.
-50? We don't have it, sir.
You have English liquor.
You aren't even paying transport tax.
So don't pretend to be poor. Okay?
Sir, how about you keep a few bottles?
Alcohol is banned.
There's no ban for you, sir.
-Make it two bottles and ₹25,000.
-Yes, sir.
-Six bottles and ₹30,000.
-Sir, three bottles and ₹30,000.
Don't bargain here.
-Come on.
-No, sir!
-Take six bottles.
-All right, take it.
-Take it.
-Take it.
Look, sir.
Not here.
Why were you so dramatic about the liquor?
"Sir, two. Sir, three."
Fucker. And you weren't?
Turn left.
-What about the booze?
The money.
He's right. We can't take it back.
Why give them free booze?
It's scarce here.
We'll party with this.
I told him, "Bro talk doesn't work."
If you're loaded, you get respect.
-What do you say? Right?
-You're right.
The gate? Did Uncle open it?
Get out.
This place is like a temple for me.
And you sinned here.
You took advantage
of my illness and did this?
I should've known
that a thief's son
would only become a thief.
And you? I
I loved you like my own.
And this is how you repay me?
Because of your father,
I lost my daughter forever.
I thought
I wouldn't have to endure greater pain.
But you
You turned out
to be worse than your father.
We did it to save Kranti
Creative Supervisor - Subbaiah KG
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