Fast Layne (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Mile 3: Vin Goes Wild

Previously on Fast Layne
- My name's VIN.
- The car is alive?
Whoa! My feet are huge!
This is too weird.
You fight like brother and sister.
No, we don't!
Layne, these are the bad guys.
I feel a little tipsy!
I saw the subject in
a futuristic-looking car.
- Who's this person?
- My cousin.
- Campaign? So, what're you running for?
- School president.
Vote for Layne Reed.
More like Lame Reed.
Time to figure out who built you.
Mom? Dad? My parents built VIN?
- Wow.
- Double wow.
Are you OK?
My parents lied to me, Zora.
We have this thing called
"Triangle of Trust."
Me, and my mom, and dad made a promise
that we would tell each other everything.
You know, we were
equal sides of a triangle.
And now, it's, like,
two sides ran off and said,
"Hey, let's build a secret car without
telling the other one."
as secrets go
building a supercar is pretty cool, huh?
Then why keep it a secret?
Incoming call, Mom and Dad.
Here's your chance to find out.
- Hello?
- Hey, hon.
- Sorry we keep missing you.
- It's OK.
How's the convention?
Hello? Everybody's freakin' out
about TechWare's new
10 terabyte flash drive.
Including me, couldn't sleep a wink!
10 terabyte flash drive.
Yeah, but I'm sure you don't want to hear
about a boring flash drive.
Hey, we tell each other everything, right?
Triangle of Trust?
You bet.
Hey, everything OK, sweetie?
Oh, yeah, everything's fine.
Well, we're heading into the convention
center parking lot now, all right?
So, we'll check in with you later.
Love you!
Love you.
Why didn't you ask them?
That flash drive my dad was talking about?
It was released nine months ago.
They lied to me, again!
I hate lying to her.
I know, but we have to.
Let's go! ♪
Jump in, it's time to go fast ♪
Turn up the radio, blast ♪
I got my foot on the gas ♪
We just wanna go ♪
My life is feelin' unreal ♪
Both hands are takin' the wheel ♪
Rev up the engine, it feels ♪
Like we're ready to roll ♪
Oh yeah, I'm ready for it ♪
You know I'm ready for it ♪
I just wanna go ♪
You know I'm ready for it ♪
I just wanna go ♪
Alert. Movie event in two hours.
Two hours?
Oh my gosh, I completely forgot.
I'm unprepared. I am never unprepared!
Wait! What movie?
It's the biggest event of my election.
And the entire school
is going to be there.
Wait. We're done talking
about your parents?
- Yep.
- You're not even gonna try
- to find out who they are?
- Nope.
You're gonna stuff everything into a box,
and not talk about it?
Zora, I'll open it when I have time.
You know, I don't think
that's a good idea.
I'll be OK. OK? I'm totally fine
It's 5:57.
Subject, Layne Reed.
Entering shed.
Behavior, weirder than normal.
Surveillance continues
after pee break.
Hey, Layne! I figured it out!
Our connection totally makes sense now.
VIN, I'm just looking for my backpack.
Rob and Cheryl built me,
and they built you!
They didn't build me.
Uh, they made me?
They "made" you? How's that work?
Uh never mind, they-they built me.
Which means, we're brother and sister!
Oh! I gotta download
everything I need to know
about being a brother and sister.
And done.
Oh, it's gonna be awesome!
I mean, sure, we'll have our fights,
but in the end,
we'll always have each other's backs.
So! What'd you wanna do?
Play video games? Make nachos?
Take a bath?
OK, don't make this weirder
than it already is.
Alert. Prepare movie snacks.
I know, Alonzo, I know.
Wait, wait, wait. Movie event?
As your brother, I should be there
to support you.
- No.
- Please?
- No!
- Come on!
- No!
- Wait a minute!
This is the start of
a classic brother-sister fight.
This is so us!
Alert. Depart for movie event
in 15 minutes.
Great, the smart car
has to stay here,
but the dumb watch gets to go everywhere.
I'm Alonzo,
and I run Layne's life.
Mel Subject just left shed.
It's time to find out
what you're hidin', cuz.
I've infiltrated the shed.
Status, vacant.
Very creepy
and very dusty.
- I'm Alonzo.
- Hello?
I am in control of everything
Layne says and does.
- Who said that?
- And soon,
I'll control the world.
Evil robots!
Aunt Betty, I'm leaving now!
We go around and around ♪
And around and around ♪
And around and around, and back again ♪
We go around and around ♪
And around and around ♪
And around and around, and back again ♪
In circles ♪
And now, live and interactive,
it's Jocko's Survivalist Guide
With your host me, Jocko!
Greetings, class!
This is, without a doubt,
my favorite part of survivalist training,
Insect Week.
How to avoid 'em,
and how to eat 'em!
- Jocko, sir!
- Question, Mel?
There's a plot to take over the world.
Pretty sure it's evil robots.
Mel, I thought we agreed
you were gonna stay on topic.
We are in danger, sir.
OK, well, if there was to be
some kind of "machine uprising,"
I'd advise everyone in the class to pack
a bug-out bag.
A bug-out bag?
Yeah, It's a bag that contains
all the survival supplies
you'd need in an emergency,
compass, batteries, twine
Bug-out bag, on it!
Thank you, sir!
Vote Layne Reed!
Enjoy the free popcorn and the movie.
If you want any extra salt,
I brought plenty of mustard powder.
Oh, man!
Layne Reed, sixth-grader.
Underdog, courageously battling
for school presidency.
Hi, Anna.
Any comments for the student
social media page, TruthBuzz?
The banner's crooked,
I forgot the ice,
and I brought mustard
powder instead of salt
Well, good luck.
Everyone's still raving about how fun
Jasper's pudding pool party was.
I know
If I'm gonna unify this school,
I have to fun the pants off Jasper.
Ooh! Finally some buzz!
- Oh don't don't post that.
- Already did!
Cody Castillo, cool guy.
Mr. Retro, doesn't own a cell phone.
Any comments for TruthBuzz?
Just gettin' some chairs.
My projector battery!
All right, Daddy-O,
now don't move a muscle
or you're gonna mess up
my entire history project.
Stiff as a mummy, Z.
- Now close your eyes.
- Mm-hmm.
And prepare to get plastered.
Talk to me.
Zora? I'm in a bit of a jam.
- What's goin' on?
- I forgot my projector battery.
At your place?
- I can grab it real quick!
- You sure?
Yeah, I just finished up some homework,
so it'll take a couple hours to dry
It's all good!
A couple of hours?
Uh, hi, everyone. Sorry for the holdup.
There's been some technical difficulties,
And it comes as no surprise, this stinks!
But at least we all have
our mustard-flavored popcorn.
How we doing?
I looked by the front door,
all around the house, and down here
Layne, what's the holdup?
Everything's under control.
Well, hurry up.
I know when a group of kids
is about to turn on you.
Hey, if Layne needs a battery,
I can help!
I got all kinds of plugs!
What about VIN?
Bring him.
What about those bad guys?
You're right. Cover him up.
Whew! It's a little dark out here.
VIN, can you see?
My sensors are blocked,
but don't worry!
- I got this!
- OK, but be careful.
Oh! Whoops! Whoa!
What was that?
Nothing. Cue tire squeal?
I gotta be honest, Zora.
I can't see, and I really need your help.
I'll be your eyes!
Right, right, right, right, right!
Goin' right!
- Left, left!
- Goin' left!
Goin' this way, now! Ahh!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
VIN you're going butt-first!
Ohh, that's not good!
Ah, that feels better!
Thank you!
My dad taught me how to juggle.
He learned it from his father.
So he told me.
Here's a joke.
How do you know when
adults are lying to you?
Their mouths are moving!
Am I right?
Ooh, gonna need this for my bug-out bag.
Why are you pawing at my wedding ring?
You know how much deer meat
we can get for this thing?
If you're hungry,
I'll make you a sandwich.
No, Mom. I'm trying to collect things
for my bug-out bag.
Honey, you can't take
things that aren't yours.
But we are in danger.
The machines
they're coming.
OK, so it's machines now?
OK. Do you want a snack?
OK, that's enough.
That's enough. What is going on with you?
This is not the organized Layne I know.
If you can't show the movie,
I'm shutting you down.
OK, everyone,
I think it's time to
Back up, VIN.
Keep going. A little more.
Uh, it's time to enjoy
our feature presentation!
Careful gettin' out. Oh!
Waddling Tall: A Penguin Tale!
Waddling Tall?
This is a documentary,
we're not here to learn!
This is lame!
VIN, she needs a cooler movie.
You can stream stuff, right?
Totally. Searching Ooh, a car!
Perfect! Wirelessly linking to projector.
- Yeah!
- Race Demon Six?
Cool! My parents would
never let me watch this!
Who changed the movie?
- She did it.
- He did it.
Whoever did it
saved my campaign!
All me, totally saved it.
Anything to help my sister.
Thank you, VIN.
Thanks for dropping everything to help me.
No problem.
So how you doin'?
You mean about my parents?
Yeah! About your parents.
No time to talk about it.
Feelings still in the box?
Sweet! Look at that car!
Do you guys see this car?
Is that the good guy's car?
Look who's a movie talker.
I'll keep him quiet.
You go mingle.
Who's that guy? Where's he goin'?
Who's he calling?
- VIN! You have to whisper.
- Sorry!
Oh! I mean
Layne Reed. No surprises.
Everyone's digging the movie, but
kinda liked the juggling.
That's a lotta popcorn you got there, bud.
It's for me and my date.
Oh. You and a date?
I'm just playin'. It's for my abuelo.
- So, you live with your grandpa?
- Yeah.
My parents are in the military.
The distance is tough, but
we make it work.
Trust me, you can live in the same house
as your parents
and still have distance.
I never really thought of it that way.
Oh, hey! Uh
I never thanked you for helping me get
that car part.
No biggie. Whenever you need help
with that car of yours, just let me know.
I will.
Eww! Romance!
Who's the jerk that keeps talking?
VIN, shh!
how long do I have to wait until I can
hear the evil robots?
They talk when they wanna talk!
Bet if Layne found a talking machine,
everybody would believe her.
Oh, man! What's happening
to that car?
It's almost over, VIN.
Mike drives his car into a
Into what?
The car crusher?
- No!
- Hurry! He's freaking out!
This is barbaric!
Layne, my fluids are backing up!
VIN, settle down.
I'm gonna put you in manual mode.
Oh, the core-manity!
- VIN!
- I gotta get out of here!
VIN, stop! Stop! Slow down!
Layne Reed.
My office tomorrow.
Oh, that's not good.
Layne, I'm sorry
I ruined your movie night.
You got excited and stressed
your battery system.
Just wanted
to help my sister.
I know, VIN.
We're gonna get you
charged up. Just rest.
All right, I'm just gonna ask
What's the story with this car?
What? It's-it's a normal car.
It's like it has a mind of it's own.
Cody, what is a mind?
So you're not gonna tell me.
All right.
I'll take it back to the shop,
and I'll charge it there.
Thank you for this.
- You look like you're about to burst.
- I know!
This is all my parents' fault!
I spent the last three days babysitting
their secret car,
and now my campaign is ruined.
This is good.
Open that box.
If they had just told me the truth,
then none of this would've happened.
Go, girl!
Now I have to go to
the principal's office.
I mean, what am I going to say?
How am I going to explain all of this?
Triangle of Trust.
What a bunch of hooey.
Feel better?
actually, I do.
Thanks, Zora, it's nice to know
I can count on you.
We should have a handshake.
Hi, hon!
How was the movie?
Oh, don't ask.
Oh, sorry to hear.
Melvin has something
he'd like to say to you.
- I-I don't recall that.
- Mel.
I'm sorry, I took some things that
don't belong to me.
I was just trying to save the family.
This is my bug-out bag.
My change jar.
My hairspray?
Really? Oh, and of course.
My projector battery.
What's this?
It's a basher.
To bash stuff.
Where did you get this?
Your parents' room.
Oh, my gosh!
I know!
This could be a clue about my parents!
No! I just remembered I left my dad
covered in Egyptian mummy goop!
Eh, he'll be fine.
Let's go, the room's upstairs.
Hmm, maybe it's just junk.
I really thought it
was gonna do something.
This just got interesting.
- Look at that lab!
- Wow.
- Is that the White House?
- Yeah!
Oh, my gosh!
- Project VIN, classified.
- What's that mean?
This means my parents had a reason for not
telling me about VIN.
They weren't allowed to.
My parents are government scientists.
My parents are amazing.
Tell me about that car.
I can't.
Tell me about the car.
Wh-why are you standing?
Principal Mugbee,
I've learned that trust can be difficult.
Sometimes, you have to believe in things
when you might not fully understand them.
I don't understand.
I accept whatever punishment
you deem appropriate, but
I can't tell you about the car.
Consider this a warning.
I'm watching you, Layne Reed.
Hey, I've been looking for you.
Let me guess, everyone hated the movie?
Actually, my post is getting mega-views.
Kids loved it.
You're trending!
Good news, Layne Reed.
You might have a shot
to unify this school after all.
Ned Meyer.
A follower. Forgettable.
New text from Mom and Dad.
"How was your movie event?"
Aww, she did well.
I wish we could tell her more.
I know, honey,
but we can't for her safety, and ours.
Dr. Reed. Dr. Reed.
The colonel's been waiting for you.
Thank you, Private.
- There they are.
- It's go time.
- Well, hey, should I stay here?
- Yes.
Incoming call.
Hey, Cody.
Uh, Layne
I think it's time you told me
what's really going on with this car.
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo!
Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!
Next time on Fast Layne.
I did it! Jasper Mark: king of gym class.
- Oh, great.
- Jasper would make a better president.
- Challenge accepted.
- Wow.
I can babysit Mel.
We gotta go somewhere remote.
Like the woods.
Zora and Mel are in trouble!
We gotta save 'em!
Your car just talked! Like a person!
Uh, I have a lot of explaining to do.
But first, jump in!
What's that button do?
We're about to find out.
We're trapped here.
We're dead!
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