Fatma (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Look at Me

You pushed a goon onto the tracks,
and you shot Şevket, so it's over?
You got me into this,
so you'll get me out.
After he snorts this,
in three to four hours, he's gone.
Look at me.
Look at me!
God, give me patience.
It's yours.
Who are you?
Mrs. Fatma.
I know everything.
What do you know?
I want to talk about your son's death.
My name is Sidar.
My shift is about to start.
The boss would get mad if I sit here.
Oh? We can go someplace else.
What's the matter?
-Is it going to take long?
-I won't be keeping you long.
A drink?
No, thanks.
Mrs. Fatma, I'll get right to the point.
I'm legally obliged to tell you
before we begin
that I'm on the legal team
of Argah Enterprises.
I know. I saw you at the funeral.
-But I'm not here on behalf of them.
-Why are you here, then?
I want to tell you about your rights.
I don't want a lawyer.
Mrs. Fatma, I'm here about Oğuz's lawsuit.
The lawsuit is not over yet.
You know that, right?
But you haven't testified yet.
The police can force you to do it anyway.
Are you aware of your rights?
My child died. Are you aware of that?
Why would I care about the lawsuit
at this point?
I get that, Mrs. Fatma, but…
Look, legally speaking,
the civil suit may be over,
but this is a criminal suit.
It's not something that goes away easily.
There's a statutory period.
You have some rights during that period.
-Did any--
-I don't want any rights.
Did any lawyer tell you about your rights?
Are you listening to me?
I don't want any lawyers,
and I don't want any rights
or anything else.
Look, Mrs. Fatma.
There's been an accident,
and a child died.
And now they're blaming the child.
How can a child be guilty of this?
And you're not doing anything.
Is it your husband?
Is Zafer Yılmaz obstructing you?
How do you know about him?
Like I said, I went through your file.
I know that he wants to be done with this.
What? Why would he want that?
He doesn't even know yet.
I haven't told him.
I'll tell him when he comes back.
You don't know, do you?
Know what?
Your husband, Zafer Yılmaz,
in exchange for letting it go…
has accepted the blood money.
You're wrong.
-Zafer doesn't know.
-He does.
He doesn't know Oğuz died.
I'll tell him when he returns.
-He's missing.
You're not listening--
-Mrs. Fatma.
-Zafer doesn't know Oğuz died.
-Mrs. Fatma, he does.
-Don't lie!
I'm not lying, ma'am.
-I'll tell him when he comes back.
-He already knows.
He took the blood money. He signed.
-Signed what?
-See, there's the date and his signature.
He signed and accepted the blood money.
Mrs. Fatma.
Are you okay?
Do you want to sit down?
What are you thinking?
-About what I'm going to do.
-It's obvious, Fatma.
You have to appeal.
You're going to appeal. That's it.
This is my card. My number is on there.
Call me whenever.
I work for the Argahs.
I can't help you, but we'll find someone.
-How did you get here?
-I drove.
Come with me.
Mr. Ekber is here. Greet him.
Mr. Ekber is in the building.
So? Where should I drop you off?
Just drive. I'll just get out somewhere.
Just tell me where.
No, thanks.
You don't trust me.
You're the Argahs' lawyer.
I'm sure the lawyer of that family
is up to something.
You're smart, Fatma.
I don't know how such a considerate person
could stop pursuing her case.
Zafer worships money.
That's all he cares about.
He was always ashamed of Oğuz.
He was ashamed of him
because he had autism.
He never accepted or loved him.
He never held him in his arms.
He didn't hug him once.
He always watched him from afar.
He wouldn't accept him.
"God sent him as punishment," he said.
But I know.
I swear I know what I'm going to do.
What's this?
Who asks for IDs in a parking lot?
We're stuck.
Somebody must have called something in.
Hello. ID, please.
The lady is my client.
Excuse me?
I'm leaving. Take care.
Get over here.
Take a seat.
You think the story is about you, right?
It's also about me.
I'm in the story too.
I know you're mad at me,
since I'm writing about you and all.
But, no, I'm in it too.
So we're in the same position now,
you and I.
You know what?
I'll tell you about myself,
and you'll tell me about yourself.
Zafer took the blood money they gave
for Oğuz's death.
How do you know?
One of their lawyers told me.
I saw it.
Zafer signed the document.
There was a copy of his ID
in the file too.
He took the money.
While I was looking for him everywhere…
he took his son's blood money and ran.
Fatma, how do you feel right now?
Tell me. I mean…
How do you feel? What are your thoughts?
Tell me, honey. I'm listening.
Tell me.
I made a mistake.
I don't know how it happened.
I'm dying inside.
You know me.
You know me well.
I'd never take it with me
if I knew what was going to happen.
It just happened. I don't know how.
He was suddenly lying in a pool of blood.
I close my eyes. I try to forget about it.
I lie down, and I see him.
I get up, and I see him.
In the dark, I see him.
I look at you, and I see him.
I don't know how it happened.
He was just dead.
I killed him.
I killed him.
No, honey.
Oğuz's death is not on you.
You didn't kill Oğuz.
All right?
You were traumatized, and that's why…
That's why you're feeling like this.
I know it's difficult to lose someone.
It's hard to cope.
You see, you look for him everywhere.
You become lost.
You don't know what to do.
But one day, you wake up, and wow!
You're in a story you never knew existed.
You know what the hardest thing is?
Telling your own story.
Telling others' stories is easy.
But with time, you realize
that you don't even know yourself.
You can't look at yourself
the same way others do, honey.
You're right.
It's hard to know yourself.
Give this to Serra when you're there.
All right. Take a moment to calm down.
We'll meet later.
We'll see what we can do.
All right, honey?
I know what I'm going to do.
Hush. It's okay.
Oğuz, it's okay.
We talked about this, you know.
The police are going to get mad at you.
Wait here. I'll be right back, honey.
My son is acting up.
I just want to file
a missing person report.
Who's missing?
My husband.
-What's his name?
-Zafer Yılmaz.
-When did he go missing?
-A week ago, at most.
Tell me exactly, ma'am.
Not a full week,
but he's definitely missing.
-Where did you last see him?
-At home.
He just left and never came back.
His phone is off too.
Give us a photo if you have one
and your ID.
Then go to the Missing Persons Unit.
I don't have a photo of him,
but I'll bring one right away.
This is no good.
I can't even see your face.
There's a fine for this. It won't do.
-Renew it and come back.
-Please listen.
Look at his condition.
Don't make me do all that.
Zafer just got out of prison.
Check that out.
You must have a record. Please.
Where have you been, Fatma?
I missed the bus, ma'am.
Fatma's here.
Behave, okay?
I'll be back in a few hours.
All right, honey?
See you. Bon appétit.
-Good luck, ma'am.
Did you hear her?
She wants you to finish it up.
There you go.
Flap, flap, flap…
Did the Author send this?
What's wrong, honey?
Mom went to speak with my teacher.
Is that so? Is there something wrong?
He put his hands around my neck.
-Who did?
He bullied me.
How do you know about bullying?
That's what Mom told the teacher.
Oh, honey…
How could anyone bully you?
Who is he?
Don't play with him again, okay?
That guy did the same to you, right?
The guy on the TV.
The one on the tracks.
No, honey.
You must've misunderstood.
That's not what happened.
Your hair is so nice.
But I wish our hair wasn't this long.
I wish we could have it cut short.
We'd put these hairpins on Moo.
Do you want to see Moo?
-Do you want to ride her?
You know that guy in the barn?
He's a butcher.
You know what that is?
He slaughters cattle.
Don't ever go into the barn with him.
He's a killer.
I heard he kills kids too.
Don't go if he calls you. Just scream.
Scream loudly if he touches you.
I'll hear you.
Scream as loud as you can.
Sis, you're hurting my hair!
Hello? What's up?
Look at them.
Look at them running around.
Why did you call?
I didn't have an older sister.
I didn't know how to be one.
Do you remember the village?
When we were their age, running around?
I sometimes think of it.
I do too.
There was a man.
Do you remember the barn?
It was on the way to…
What was it?
You remember the stone alley?
-It was--
-I don't remember. What about it?
I keep thinking about it.
I see the village in my dreams.
Because you stayed a yokel.
-I don't want to fight, but--
-But what, sis?
Why are you thinking about the village?
Go back if you miss it so much.
-That's not what I'm saying.
-What, then?
Just tell me. You keep rambling
about butchers, grocers, the mill--
That's it. The road to the mill.
You're right.
It was on the way to the mill, and--
I keep thinking about that barn.
And the man inside.
You say no one taught you better,
but no one helped me either.
I didn't bring the village spirit
into the suburbs though.
I saved myself. You better do the same.
Don't get me started.
Go on. Get it off your chest.
Can we have the check? Excuse me!
You've already moved on.
-No. Goodbye.
Hop in.
Mr. Bayram wants to see you. Hop in.
-Come on.
Who's the lady?
I can drop her off too.
Don't you dare.
What's wrong? Are you scared of heights?
I've seen a lot, Fatma,
but, I'm not going to lie,
I've never seen anyone like you.
You're unbelievable.
You figured it all out, didn't you?
The secret must be
always being out in the open
so that no one sees you.
You don't run.
That's it. You don't.
They'll chase you if you do.
Why haven't you been caught?
Think about it.
Because you never ran.
You never hid.
Look down.
You'll fall if you jump.
You know, gravity and all.
So you don't jump.
You push someone else.
You figured that out at the site. Nice.
Look at me.
I told you that guy belonged to Ekber,
didn't I, now?
Do you know what that means?
If you don't bring the package to Ekber,
I'm going down.
Because you pushed that guy
onto the tracks.
You're going to do it one way or another.
You can't get out of it, all right?
You'll either handle Ekber
like I told you to do,
or I'll bring you to him in a body bag.
This is where you decide.
What kind of a cleaning lady
is scared of heights?
How do you clean the windows?
I guess you can't even do that.
I'll get you in with the truck.
You'll give Ekber the coke
and handle the rest.
Have you decided yet?
Come on, then. We have to hurry.
I have.
What are you doing?
You've lost yourself
while looking for your lost husband.
There's no spark in your eyes now.
You've changed.
Your brow, your chin,
the person you see in the mirror
has changed.
-This is reserved for Mr. Ekber.
-I have a special package for him.
The meaning of what you know
and the purpose of your life have changed.
We live thanks to the air we breathe,
but we can be reborn
thanks to things we live through.
The decision is yours now, Fatma.
You'll either drown in this ocean,
or you'll take a deep breath
and come back to life.
Leave. I don't want to see anyone
till tomorrow.
Who did you say?
My name is Fatma. Fatma Yılmaz.
I'm not asking that.
Who sent this gift to me?
Mr. Bayram.
I'm Zafer Yılmaz's wife.
My husband is missing.
Did you know him, sir?
-Which Zafer?
-My husband.
Who are you?
-The cleaning lady.
-I see. Okay.
Go work, then.
I clean Mr. Bayram's office weekly.
I work there too.
He arranged my job at the mall.
He asked you, and you said yes.
Thank you.
Yes to what?
For me to work here.
I work in the food court on the weekends.
Since my husband, Zafer, went missing--
What are you rambling about?
What the fuck do I care
about your cleaning job?
Just go work.
So my husband went to prison, sir.
But for a crime someone else committed.
He's been missing ever since he got out.
I looked everywhere, asked everyone.
I ask Mr. Bayram from time to time.
To see if he heard something.
What was his name?
Was it Zafer?
Maybe I know him.
How would you know my husband?
You'd be surprised
at how many husbands I know.
What are you looking at?
Do I look like someone you know?
Where are you from?
I'm from here.
-How old are you?
-Why? Is your son single?
What is he to you?
Why do you care?
Just go put something on.
Look, what you're doing isn't right.
You're so young. Save yourself.
Go put on some clothes.
You feel for me, is that it?
Are you upset that he's fucking me?
Have you seen a mirror recently?
Are you going to tell me what's what?
The lady who cleans my shit
is trying to lecture me.
-Be decent and--
-Fuck that.
Are you my guardian or something?
I'm so sick and tired.
I'm sick and tired
of your sorry little sermons.
I'm the one who's fucking this rich guy.
I fuck him.
This big guy does whatever I want.
You know Bayram?
He chases me around, too, you know.
Of course you know.
So don't be surprised
if your husband does too.
They chase me like dogs.
What does he do to you?
Are you slow or something?
You're wondering
what you did to deserve this.
Are you even listening to me?
-Who can do anything to me?
-What do you do?
You pretend you're not there, right?
You get scared.
You try to tough it out, but you can't.
Then you want to fight back.
You want to stop him,
tell him not to touch you.
But you can't, can you?
You say, "This is the last time," but--
Shut up.
You know how crazy he is?
He keeps beating me.
Look how many false teeth I have
at this age.
He stripped me down
and left me naked in here.
He tore into my back too.
He told me not to scream.
He told me no one would hear me.
What would they do anyway?
Everyone hears. Everyone knows.
Yet no one does shit.
Who can do anything to Ekber?
He once--
I'm usually high as a kite, you see.
That's how I forget the pain.
Come here.
-Look at me.
-I said, look at me.
Ekber, let me go.
-Look at me.
-Let me go.
Look at me.
Look at me!
Ekber, let me go. Ekber!
-Look at me!
-Ekber, let me go.
No one can hear you in here.
No one can hear you in here.
-No one can.
-Ekber, let me go. Let go.
Let me go!
Don't look at me like that.
I'll be fine.
I'm going to save myself
and you.
Don't worry.
No one can save me.
No one can save you either.
What was his name…
You're waiting for Zafer to save you?
I'm telling you, don't.
Don't go if he calls you. Just scream.
Scream loudly if he touches you.
I'll hear you.
I'll protect you.
What the hell are you doing, you bitch?
Come here.
Get over here!
Come here.
I said, come here.
Don't run.
Come here.
Don't scream.
No one can hear you in here.
Look at me!
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me!
Look at me!
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