Feels Like Ishq (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Star Host

Hi, son. We've just reached Jari.
We won't have any network range now.
So no funny business in the house, okay?
And if you still want to do it,
fix it before we are back.
Love you, son!
Uncle and Aunty
went to the Himalayas last year, too, no?
And year before that.
And before that, too?
Yes, you also go
to Vaishno Devi every year.
That's religious, not adventurous.
What adventure? Last year,
they went up from the western side.
Before that, from the east,
and before that, from the south.
It's all the same.
Fresh oxygen, ice, mountains, Maggi.
You must have Maggi, too.
With unlimited COD.
Limited alcohol.
And lots and lots of hot girls.
I've messaged them,
just waiting for their replies.
In short, it's going to be a blast!
It'll be a blast.
But for my first guests, not you and me.
Don't tell me you
put the whole house on Stay BnB.
Except my room and the bathroom.
And my first guests,
a couple from Mumbai,
will arrive tomorrow.
You can't do this to me, man.
Listen, I am doing this to me.
Actually, for me.
I want to see the Northern Lights.
And I just need
a small amount for my trip fund.
What about our mutual fun?
I invested in our friendship
and that's what I get in return?
What's the use of this posh house,
if you just want to be
serving desperate couples?
Dude, this belongs to my parents.
And they want me to be independent.
Look, the Northern Lights trip
will happen as destined.
Think about what's happening now!
Right now, you owe me 650 bucks,
as you're drinking my guests' beer.
Come on, pay up!
Pay you 650 bucks?
What sort of a friend are you?
Okay, do one thing.
Help me out in exchange for this beer.
Today's video is all about tips and tricks
on how to make you become a star host.
First off,
your place needs to be squeaky clean.
If you haven't dusted, you're busted.
In order to be a star host,
you have to have green grass.
So make sure
you water it every single day.
Good linen equals good reviews.
After a long day of #Wanderlust,
your travelers want to be
able to sleep like a baby.
Your guests have travelled
a lot of miles to stay with you,
so make sure
you go the extra mile for them.
Taking photos in the middle of the road?
Are you nuts?
Hello! You were speeding, what about that?
And around such a sharp corner.
So? Are you the police?
Bloody tourists,
they just throw plastic around.
Listen, mind your language. Okay?
I've lost my way and the bloody
cab driver randomly dropped me here.
I'm standing here
and the map is leading me in circles.
And you were about to commit hit-and-run.
The actual victims are my strawberries.
They were a present for someone.
Okay, fine. Let me help you.
If something happened to you,
I'd be screwed.
No, please don't touch anything. Please.
Listen. Where is this Bandarwadi?
This is Bandarwadi.
Can't you see all these monkeys?
Yes, I can see.
Welcome to Le Château Tranquille.
Sunset Point, also called Lover's Point…
Get ready for a great romantic gateway.
You? You followed me here?
Listen, I know you were not hurt.
So don't ask for compen--
One second. This is Le Château Tranquil?
It's "Tranquille." It's French.
-Who gave you this address?
-Its owner.
You go and call your boss.
I have a booking.
-Mr. Aditya?
-You're Akshay?
Akshay's lady friend?
You are Aditya?
Welcome to Mahabaleshwar.
Welcome to Le Château Tranquille.
A place for you to kickback,
unwind and heal.
Yes, I've already seen
how welcoming you are.
Listen! I'm sorry about before.
I was driving very fast.
I hope you are not hurt.
Of course
it won't affect your lovely stay here.
These flowers are for you.
Keep them away from me, man.
Can't you see I am allergic?
Okay, leave the flowers.
Let's go inside and talk.
Welcome drink is ready, too.
You, me and Akshay…
-Where's you boyfriend?
He's not planning to come
and I'm planning to leave.
Listen. It's pretty late.
It's a long weekend
and everything will be booked.
Can we let bygones be bygones?
Bye. I'm gone.
Come on.
Relax, it's me.
Listen, this is Bandarwadi.
The monkeys will take your luggage.
Believe me.
Okay, I am leaving first thing tomorrow.
Yes. Okay, come.
Please come. Please.
-So, has Akshay confirmed--
I don't want to
keep hearing his name.
I'm not here for a honeymoon.
So, please, don't treat me like
a cheesy guest on some romantic getaway.
-Right, of course. Sorry.
-Thank you.
Please, come. Welcome to your room.
-If I may say so, it's cozy--
-Is there "Skip Intro" option?
Yes, of course.
But as your host, please allow me
to show you a range of activities
for an unforgettable
experience in Mahabaleshwar.
Like water activities at Tapola Lake.
-I have aquaphobia.
-That's okay, we can hike to Lovers'…
Sunset Point.
Listen, I am more of a beach person.
I hate heights.
Then why are you here?
To chill in the room.
You do you. Be comfortable.
Please, I am gonna…
Alone? Something is definitely fishy.
I've read that criminals
often love to pose as tourists.
Don't talk rubbish, okay?
I called to update you,
not to get Crime Patrol stats.
You are a classic victim.
An ideal case for an episode.
-What sort of a friend are you?
-I'm not bluffing. Check yourself.
I didn't think you had it in you, kiddo.
#solotrip, huh?
Hey, listen. Cool down
and come back. Okay?
By the way, have you packed the bug spray?
I've heard bugs are an issue there.
Anyway, let me know
when I should send the car to pick you up.
All right? See you soon.
Hey, enjoying the room?
I wanted to tell you
that this house is CCTV monitored, so…
I mean, this area is safe.
It's a safe space.
Do you have bug spray?
Lots of insects here, right?
First you called me a monkey,
then a servant,
and now an insect. I told you--
She's a kid, bro.
We had a small fight, so she took off.
She's a little moody.
Yes, a little.
Listen, what about the final instalment?
Brother, I'll pay you whatever it is.
You know, I'll pay you extra.
Just tolerate my girlfriend
for a little while, please.
All right? Come on, son,
I'll also give you a five-star rating.
It's a win-win for both of us. Happy?
Okay, sir, my pleasure.
I'm hungry.
There's a list of restaurants in the room.
Tell them you're my guest.
I don't want to go out alone.
I'll call a cab.
Or you can cook something.
Vegetables are complimentary.
Just kitchen charges will be extra.
I don't know how to cook.
My cook has made some cabbage.
If that won't do, then Maggi?
Just Maggi?
I can cook seven different types of Maggi.
Cheese Maggi, Masala Maggi, Maggi Misal,
and if you want Maggi
for dessert, then Nutella…
I know a very good place.
Which is a perfect blend of--
Yes, I'm not buying that place. Let's go.
Excuse me. Who are you?
I don't know you.
Shernaz darling, don't say that.
You walk into my place once in a year,
and then you expect me to be nice to you?
Hello. Who's that chick?
Taking advantage of your parents' absence?
Darling, it's about money.
I've put the whole house on Stay BnB.
She's just my guest.
Only you have my affections.
Funny boy.
Why do you need so much money suddenly?
Want an iPhone?
No! Northern Lights! Remember?
Yes, your dream trip.
What do you want?
She wants to eat your amazing food,
I want just 10% commission.
Don't be stupid.
Are you some small-time tour guide?
Seven percent and free ice cream.
That's it, go on.
Hi! I'm Shernaz.
Not Shah Nawaz, Freddy. She's long gone.
-Welcome to my diner.
-Thank you.
Have you seen the menu?
What will you have?
Poor girl, she looks so hungry
and you're making her
read the whole menu?
She looks like
she could eat a seven- course meal.
Leave it to me. Vegetarian?
Very nice, Shernaz. Very filling.
Yeah, I can see that.
Especially the eggplant that you loved.
Wait. Which one is the eggplant?
-Why? Are you allergic to eggplant also?
I've never eaten eggplant.
Generally, I am not a fan.
If I called it aubergine,
you'd rate it five stars, right?
Life is too short to pass judgement
on something like eggplant,
that you've never tried. Isn't it?
You don't look like
you ran away from home.
How did you know?
I'm not just good at feeding people,
I am also good at reading people.
Wow, Shernaz! Read my face also.
Boiled egg, you are an open book.
There's nothing to read.
Right now, I'm talking to her.
So, don't disturb.
Come on, spill it.
My ex cheated on me with his ex.
He keeps saying that I'm too young
to understand the complexities of love
and he keeps saying that
I'm some stupid, spoiled, protected child
and that I'm not ready to leave the nest,
so I came here to prove him wrong.
Maybe he's right.
Not exactly cut out for adventures.
So… I'm leaving tomorrow.
Ms. Patience!
You have already left the nest.
You're telling
your life story to two strangers.
You don't know yourself yet,
how is he going to know you?
Don't prove him right.
Do something you've never tried before.
Unexpected things can be very surprising.
Like this eggplant that you loved.
Yeah, I did.
But I ate that by accident, too.
Exactly, Tara!
We almost had an accident, too.
-Look, he's talking again.
You've not even asked your guest
if she would like some wine.
-Yeah. Would you like--
-Too late!
Thank you, Anand.
#solotrip #yummy #eggplant
#saliboti #soulfoodforthought
-Good night.
-Good night.
What time can we call a cab tomorrow?
For sightseeing?
No, to go back to Mumbai.
Well, the checkout time is 10:00 a.m.
But should I call it earlier for you?
To avoid traffic.
That'll be great. Thank you.
Listen, I asked you about the insects.
There are quite a few--
There are no insects here,
the lizards ate them all.
Hey, hello?
Please don't joke around.
I have entomophobia.
-Fear of insects.
Oh, I see. Insects.
Like cockroaches?
Shernaz was right.
You are obsessed.
It's not obsession, it's affirmation.
You have to keep reminding the universe
and yourself of what you want to achieve.
Yes, but don't you think,
if you keep seeing this everywhere,
then actually seeing it won't be exciting?
It's my excitement.
I'll manage. Good night.
Fine. Nice boxers.
-Ravi Kaka, will you drive to Mumbai?
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-I used the milk for coffee. I'll pay you.
-No, it's okay.
-I've called the cab, so…
-Cancel it.
I think I'm gonna take Shernaz's advice.
-Ravi Kaka?
Cancel the trip. Okay.
Will you show me…
Yes, of course.
Please stick to Hindi and English. Maybe?
And the adventure begins.
You're kidding, right?
Listen, I've come here
for sightseeing, okay?
Not to participate in Fear Factor.
Tara, why do drab
tourist stuff like everyone else?
Now that you've taken Shernaz's advice,
don't overthink it.
Do the unexpected!
Let go of your inhibitions
Let go of your inhibitions
Savor the raw life
Always follow your heart
Let go of your inhibitions
Let go of your inhibitions
Enjoy the freedom
Nothing to be ashamed of
If you look back,
the kayak will lose balance.
Look ahead, Tara. Just go for it.
Let go of your inhibitions
Let go of your inhibitions
Let go of your inhibitions
Let go of your inhibitions
Very funny!
So, your aquaphobia is gone now?
Phobias don't just go away in a day.
But, actually, in the lake…
I just felt so… Tranquille?
Such fabulous colors!
Yeah, they are nice.
You must find all skies lacking
in comparison to your Northern Skies.
No, it's not like that.
You keep telling the universe
what you want to see,
but you're not seeing
what the universe is showing you.
Okay. What is it showing me?
Where are you?
It's been so long, no stories, no posts.
Yeah, I'm okay. Having fun. Why?
I just wanted to make sure
that the host is treating you well.
I'm paying him a shitload of money and…
Tara, I'm spending
this much money not just for you,
but for us.
It's for us. Okay, listen…
Everywhere we've been today,
how much did it cost?
-Don't worry about it, it's all--
-Taken care of?
Behind my back.
Aditya, this was my solo trip, right?
And I thought you agreed
because you wanted to,
and not because Akshay was
tempting you with extra cash.
Wow, look who's talking.
Tara, you came here just because
you wanted to make your ex jealous, right?
A boyfriend who treats you
not like a girlfriend, but a two-year-old.
Yes, okay.
I did it to make Akshay jealous
in the beginning, but then I thought…
You know what, it doesn't matter,
because now I know
that you wanted me to be adventurous
so you could get money
for your own adventure.
Tara, I didn't hide anything from you.
I did it for money in the beginning,
but then I did it for you.
That guy doesn't respect you
and you don't respect yourself either.
You are stuck with a toxic asshole
and you don't even know it.
Tara, you're extraordinary.
You came all the way from Bombay.
You're doing these things for yourself,
doing these unexpected things,
surprising yourself,
and I'm really proud of you for that.
Because you deserve that,
and so much more.
I'm happy that bloody moron didn't come,
because I got to spend this time with you.
I'll feel like shit tomorrow
because I know we can't be together,
because you're there and I'm here.
I'm so upset that I met you
not as a friend, but as a bloody host--
I'm really sorry. I had…
I saw in a tutorial
that there must be a respectable distance
between the host and the guest.
I shouldn't have done that.
Please don't give me a bad rating.
Please, that's all…
What is that?
Tara, I…
Listen, I'm sorry
I kinda ruined the moment earlier…
Talking about the ratings and all.
Should we kiss now?
We don't have to.
Understood? Go straight and then
take the right. Don't take the old road.
-Tara, right? Shivin.
Hope you had a great stay
at Chateau Tranquil.
Yes, I did. It's actually Tranquille.
It's French.
Actually, it's Anupama Kutir.
Listen, do I owe you anything?
You don't owe anybody anything, Tara.
Take it. How'll you go
to the Northern Lights otherwise?
I will one day. What's the rush?
And a friend told me that if the universe
is showing you something, see it.
So, let's see.
Allow me.
Listen, the left road is closed.
So go straight and then right.
Dude, I told you the same thing
and you didn't understand.
She said it and you understood.
-She is hotter than you, right?
-It's Anupama Kutir.
Le Château Tranquille.
A trip to this castle in the clouds
will bring you closer to yourself.
I am leaving
as a different person. Braver.
I was welcomed into this
not-so-humble abode by not just a host,
but a guide, a friend, a star host.
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