Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Round Three: Black Vegas

MAN ON RADIO: The fight is over.
The former Champ is back!
Congratulations, Detective.
You got him to the ring.
Yeah. Well, I hope you remember
that when the proper time comes.
You like to beat on people, huh?
You ever tried with a grown man?
So what you doing for
work these days, hmm?
I got a line on something.
- MCKINLEY: How much?
- 20K.
Who we robbin'?
MCKINLEY: Boone. Me and you
gonna be on the front door.
Willie Black, Tommy, and Baby Ray,
y'all gonna be with the hostages,
shuttle 'em into the basement.
Y'all got one job.
To make this here look like
the foxiest party all year.
Vivian, Maxine
You three gonna be acting
like our distinguished hosts.
See, I feel like letting my hair down.
Your town. So where are we going?
CHICKEN MAN: I think I know a place.
- What's goin' on? Where everybody at?
MCKINLEY: This is a fucking
robbery. Get on the ground!
CHICKEN MAN: Listen to me
now. Hey, okay. All right.
MCKINLEY: Move and you're fucking dead!
Y'all niggas gonna kiss or something?
Get the fuck on.
Go on.
Stop your ass right there.
Go sit down.
We got some new house guests.
I want all y'all motherfuckers to
make them feel welcome, you hear me?
Inside, right jacket pocket.
One ring, one watch.
Let me help you with this.
You're shaking too fucking much.
This your first time?
Get the fuck over there, now!
Take that fucking ring off.
WILLIE: Actually, all y'all
motherfuckers sit the fuck down.
That's all I got. That's all I got, man.
Get the fuck over there.
Hey, hold on, hold on.
That's it that's it, man.
You think you're slick,
man? Get the fuck back there!
- Forgot I had that.
- TOMMY: Move!
Hey. Now, look, man, we ain't
seen none of y'all faces.
So clearly, y'all smart, right?
Ain't nobody here trying to get hurt.
So why don't y'all do
what y'all came to do?
Hit your lick, get on up out of here
and, and, and let these people go.
And we just call it all even.
Or you can sit your country ass down,
before I change your life and
shoot your fucking dick off.
Who would be dumb enough
to be fucking robbin' us?
That's the million-dollar question.
The Senator say everybody and they mama
gonna be at this party
tonight at the Hyatt.
Sidney gonna be there.
Liz Taylor. Lola Falana.
Man, I even heard Diana Ross
might make an appearance.
And I'm gonna get her
to sing a song for me.
One of them lullabies or something.
Yeah, well, the party's
supposed to end around 1:00 a.m.
- That should be plenty of time
to get you to the airport.
Man, that plane won't
take off till I'm on it.
Uh, we got a pretty strict
schedule to keep, Champ.
It's for your safety.
Hudson, I just got my life back.
Ain't no schedules tonight.
So I told him. I said,
"If he go down in six, I just
didn't want it to end quick.
If he go down in five, check his pulse."
"Is he alive? If he go down in four,
Quarry couldn't take it no more."
- "If you he go down in three "
There you are.
Oh, I tell you what.
- Mm.
- I'll hand it to you,
your team did solid work with Ali.
Now this puts a real feather in our cap.
- Uh, Chief.
- Hmm?
There is one thing I did
wanna bend your ear about.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's that?
- Bill Mason.
- Mm-hmm.
Getting a lotta complaints.
Brutality. False Arrest.
I think it's time we-we gotta
do something about this man.
Uh, you tryna tell me
how to do my job now
(CHUCKLES) are you?
No, no, no.
Look, look, Mason's a good cop.
He's just a bit high-strung.
(STUTTERING) Leave it be.
Leave it be.
You got something you need to say to me?
You and Chicken fucked up, that's what.
While y'all was too busy
focusing on the trim,
you should have been
hiring more security.
- VIVIAN: Security wasn't my department.
- Negro, please.
Chicken Man listen to whatever you say.
So let me tell you
something, this shit on y'all.
- Say that nose-to-nose, bitch.
- LENA: Hey, hey, hey!
- Are y'all trying to get us killed?
- I'm talking to you, bitch!
- Stop it!
- What, you out of your motherfuckin' mind?
BOONE: Whatchu say?
MCKINLEY: Hey, the fuck
is going on in here?
You three, get down the hall.
Move. Now.
Watch 'em.
Get in.
Come on. Hurry up.
(SIGHS) Now, look, I don't
wanna hear a peep out of y'all
in this room. You understand?
- If I gotta come back in
- We won't be any trouble.
Oh. Don't even think about running,
'cause we got people on the street
watching all the windows and doors.
- We clear?
- Mm-hmm.
MAXINE: Now, whatchu
say your name was again?
- Lena.
- And where your people stay?
East Point. And yours?
I got people everywhere.
Okay, if y'all done wasting time,
I found us a way out of here.
Okay, and how is that?
The attic don't lead to the street.
Lead to the side of the house.
One of us get free, go get help.
Okay, simple. I will do it.
Yeah, all that behind ain't gonna
fit up through that little
Uh-uh. Look, I'll do it.
Plus, I know the neighbor.
East Point, what about you?
All right, let's do it.
How the fuck
did y'all miss this
motherfucker's ring right here?
Well, this ring here
is worthless titty dust.
- WILLIE: Mm-hmm.
- It just got sentimental value.
TOMMY: I tried pullin' it off.
Shit, the nigga finger's fat as shit.
Thing is, the damn thing is
too tight to come off now.
- Is it?
- Doc said some shit about hypertension.
Lemme see. Hypertension.
Lemme see the ring.
You know, my auntie got hypertension.
- We'll see what this ring talk about. Come on.
- Hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey, slow down.
Slow down, motherfucker!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- WILLIE: Like I said,
- let's just get the ring outta there!
- BUNKER: Ow, motherfucker!
What the fuck, nigga? No, motherfucker!
- Slow down! Slow down! It's not gon' (SCREAMING)
- Ready? One
God damn, nigga!
Fucking dick!
MCKINLEY: You gonna open
the door. You hear me?
- You hear me?
- Yes!
MCKINLEY: Get to the
motherfuckin' door. Act natural.
Welcome to the party.
Come in.
- MCKINLEY: This a robbery!
Get in the fucking kitchen!
- Welcome.
Please join us.
- MCKINLEY: Get in the kitchen!
- TOMMY: Go.
We got more cars coming.
TOMMY: Get the fuck over
here! All y'all, hurry up!
LADY: Come on in.
- MCKINLEY: This a fucking robbery!
Move to the fucking den!
Shoot me, nigga. (GROANS)
- MUSHMOUTH ROWE: Talkin' all that shit! (GROANS)
- WILLIE: Got somethin' else
- to say, you trout-mouth motherfucker?
- FRANK: Hey,
you got everything
under control, brother.
All that shit ain't necessary.
You're scaring the sisters.
Some of y'all niggas itchin'
to see Jehovah tonight.
I'll be happy to send you on your way.
Sit down.
It don't matter to me whether y'all
motherfuckers breathin' or not.
'Cause we takin' yo shit either way.
Matter of fact,
- strip 'em.
WILLIE: Start with the fellas.
Then the gals.
If any of you motherfuckers
got a problem with that,
y'all can come see me.
MCKINLEY: Bag's fillin' up.
Might be time to call it.
BOONE: Nah, it's still early.
Look, quitting while you're
ahead ain't the same as quitting.
Mac, we got more money
coming. What you wanna do?
MCKINLEY: One more hour
and we're outta here.
Damn, nigga. It's too
tight, motherfucker.
Manners, bitch.
Hey, Frank.
- Frank!
- Don't be Frank-ing me, li'l nigga.
Sittin' down here in this
goddamn basement in our drawers.
Look, Frank, I just wanna
say I'm sorry about all this.
Hey, we way past sorry, all right?
There ain't but one
motherfucker been tryin'
to make me come to some soiree
since we landed in this
raggedy motherfucker
and that's the nigga standing there
with the warm-ass long johns on,
while the rest of us down
here, freezin' our nuts off.
Wait, hold on, Frank. You
think I had something to do
- Frank!
- Look. You're either very smart or very stupid.
But you're gonna be very dead
if you don't figure out a way
to get us up out this shit.
- Who gonna be dead?
- Did I stutter, nigga?
TOMMY: Man, get your ass over here.
Get your big ass
against the wall, nigga.
niggas all covered up.
No marks. No tattoos.
Hard to tell where they from.
Yeah, that's 'cause they cowboys.
Anybody crazy enough to rob
y'all got to have a death wish.
loud one over there,
he killed before.
Got real steady hands.
But them other two, amateurs.
If anyone tries anything, shoot them.
You hear me?
Don't try no stupid shit.
You wanna tell me why you
got the fucking basement
looking like a goddamn bathhouse?
Yeah, I don't know if you
know this, motherfucker,
but you got me down there
with two little-ass kids
outnumbered ten to one. I'm just
trying to level the playing field.
And some of the motherfuckers
down there is real hard-headed.
Next person to try some
bullshit is getting shot.
- Ain't nobody getting shot.
Says who?
Y'all two a little wet
behind the ears, ain't you?
- TOMMY: Shut the fuck up.
CHICKEN MAN: Hold on now.
Ain't no need for that.
I'm tryna say I don't
think you got any clue
as to who you're
stealing from, that's all.
Some of the biggest goddamn gangsters
in the country are in this room.
- You got New Jersey
Detroit, Kansas City, and Chicago.
These kats in here are
some stone-cold killers.
MCKINLEY: Put the drink down,
get back to work.
Come on, lift me higher.
Get up, he's coming.
WILLIE: Bitch, what
the fuck are you doing?
Go, go, go. Go, go.
Ladies and gents, we got
us a real treat tonight.
See, this right here
is an Atlanta legend.
See (SIGHS) Back in the day,
my uncle used to take
me to this titty bar.
Over there on Stewart Ave.
Now, now, all their chicks was fine.
(CHUCKLES) But there
was this one dancer
She was my uncle's favorite.
I mean
This motherfucker light
up like a Christmas tree
every time he sees this bitch.
She went by the name of Sweets.
'Cause if you asked her nicely,
she'd lick you like candy.
Now, most of y'all ain't get
to see Sweets in her glory days,
but fret not, 'cause tonight,
she's stepping out of retirement
for one last song. Get that right there.
- Put it over there.
- SLIM: What is this nigga doing, man?
Yeah, right next to that pole there.
- There you go.
Don't be shy now, Sweets.
It's just like riding a bike.
Come on, Sweets.
Give us a show now, baby.
Hey, uh
I think you're taking a
little bit too far now.
Shit don't stop till I say.
I think I think right now
maybe you need to understand
you got all of us. Ain't no
reason for you to have her.
Let her go on back upstairs.
- Let her just
- Didn't I already told you to shut the fuck up, huh?
Didn't we already go through this, huh?
And you over here talking
and opened up your mouth.
But since you want to open
up your mouth for this bitch,
why don't you open up your
mouth for this shit right here?
- Go on, open up your fucking No, no, no, no, no.
- No, okay.
- Open up. I don't give a fuck what you saying.
- Okay, I'll do it!
Open up your mouth right the fuck
- Look, I'll do it.
- Excuse me?
Viv, you ain't got to do this.
It's okay, Chicken. (SHUDDERS)
Go on, sit the fuck down
before I paint the room
with you and your bitch.
Go on.
Sweets, I'm sorry you
had to see that, baby.
Let's get back to what we came here for.
Go on, show us what's sweet about you.
And next up this evening, Cry to Me
- by Solomon Burke.
- Go on.
(MAN SINGING) When your baby ♪
Leaves you all alone ♪
And nobody ♪
Calls you on the phone ♪
Don't you feel like crying? ♪
Don't you feel like crying? ♪
Well, here I am, my honey ♪
C'mon, you cry to me ♪
When you're all alone ♪
In your lonely room ♪
And there's nothing ♪
But the smell of her perfume ♪
Don't you feel like crying? ♪
Don't you feel like crying? ♪
Don't you feel like crying? ♪
C'mon, c'mon, cry to me ♪
Whoa, nothing ♪
Can be sadder than
a glass of wine alone ♪
Loneliness, loneliness ♪
Such a waste of time ♪
Oh oh yes ♪
You don't ever have to walk alone ♪
Come on take my hand ♪
And baby, won't you walk with me? ♪
You still got it, Sweets.
That'll do.
Take her upstairs, put
her back in the room.
Let's go, Sweets.
That's not my fucking name.
BABY RAY: Hold on.
- BABY RAY: Hey, I'm sorry about
ALI: So Senator Johnson told
me to come down here to Atlanta.
Go face to face right here
with a white man in Dixie.
- So I showed up, knocked him out, and had some fun.
- Champ!
- ALI: You know what I mean?
- Champ!
Maddox should've never
let you come here.
Oh, I'm sorry, sir. it seems
like you at the wrong party.
MAN: You call yourself the greatest?
- HUDSON: Hey, hey, hey.
- Stay down, man.
Come on, get him out of here.
You ready to go?
- Let's go.
- Excuse me.
I don't want nobody to
need me I don't need ♪
Say, player, I thought you
might be able to help us out.
We seemed a bit turned around.
What can I do you for?
We lookin' for a casino
party. You know where it's at?
Ain't no happening's
around these parts, Mama.
Downtown, that's your ticket.
You got a line to the casino party?
Sure do, follow me.
Welcome to the party.
- Come on in.
- SILKY: Hey.
- Come on in.
- Where Chicken Man?
- MCKINLEY: Right here, motherfucker.
SILKY: Damn.
This is some bullshit.
- You telling me?
- What the fuck did you do?
What you mean, what the fuck
I do? I ain't do nothing.
I'm getting robbed.
Crazy thing Frank think I'm a
part of this whole goddamn thing.
Well, are you?
No. What kinda question is that?
You know goddamn well I
ain't do no shit like that.
Look, there's an opportunity for
me and you to be some real heroes.
When that Lone Ranger
motherfucker come back down here,
you and I gonna turn
into Batman and Robin.
We're gonna ram his ass.
Bang, boom, pow. Me and you.
Nigga, we're down here
all tied like sheep.
Like Laurel and Hardy.
We ain't "bang, boom, pow" and shit.
Frank said I'm dead if I
don't figure something out.
Now, I done made many a White man mad,
but who was he?
Oh. That's one of Lester
Maddox's good buddies.
Ah! Now it all makes sense.
I couldn't tell if he was more
sore about me whooping up on Quarry
or Governor Maddox for allowing it.
You know, Maddox so upset and
he been raising hell all week.
Why didn't he just stop the fight?
Well, if you call the
Senator up someday,
he'll tell you all about it.
Look, I gotta find a pay
phone, okay, to call the house.
Call? Man, let's go.
No, a call will be fine.
Brother, where I come from,
when you get a chance to go home,
you go home.
Plus, I ain't seen nothin' but
the country and the ring all week.
I'm trying to see the city, man.
Get in the car.
- ALI: Come on.
Frank, these motherfuckers
are sloppy as shit.
I don't want to spend the
whole fucking night here.
I say we go and grab
that one motherfucker,
use him as a shield and shoot
our way the fuck out of here.
- Man, you jivin'.
- Oh, yeah.
SILKY: Shit, you serious?
Like a fucking heart attack.
Anybody listening to
Cadillac goin' home in a box.
I'm trying to get us outta here.
You're trying to get
us killed, motherfucker.
Yeah. Yeah, while y'all
sittin' around here bitchin',
I've been schemin' on a way to
get up out this motherfucker. Psst.
- MAN: Nigga.
- Don't nobody fuck with Frank Moten,
and live to tell the tale.
Hey, man, what's all this?
HUDSON: Your guess is as good as mine.
Look like a party.
Y'all sure know how to make
a man feel like the champ.
What's goin' on, man. I'm Muhammad Ali.
MAN: Nice to see you.
You wanna keep your hands by your face.
You see I drop my hands
HUDSON: Ran into the Chief tonight.
Oh, and what did he say?
He said the same thing he always say.
"You just play ball J.D.,
it's all gonna work out".
Hmm. Drunk-ass.
Now, I seem to remember
a very wise, handsome man
saying that you can't
put a clock on progress.
DELORES: Baby, look around you.
Muhammad Ali is standing
in our front yard.
The world got to witness him do
something they said was impossible.
And you were a huge part of that.
- Tonight, let's celebrate.
Tomorrow, we strategize.
And I thank you ♪
I love you, Dee.
You didn't have to
make it like you did ♪
But you did, but you did ♪
And I thank you ♪
All my life I've been shortchanged ♪
Without your love, baby ♪
MAXINE: Viv, why you won't
tell us what they did?
What'd they do to you?
- You dropped me on purpose.
- She did what?
VIVIAN: I felt it.
So now it's my fault?
Maybe you should lie
down, get some rest.
You know more than you sayin'.
Y'all hired me, remember?
And you just happened to be in
the right place at the right time.
That's bullshit.
You in on this.
Yeah, they put her back here,
to keep an eye on us in case we
get any bright ideas or try to run.
Vivian, it's been a long night.
So I'mma let you slide.
Stop talking crazy.
CHICKEN MAN: Some of the
biggest goddamn gangsters
in the country are in this room.
I suggest you watch who you talking to.
See, Vivian Thomas
might get on my nerve,
but she ain't never been crazy.
So what the fuck you hidin'?
CHICKEN MAN: You got New Jersey,
Detroit, Kansas City, Chicago.
These kats in here are
some stone-cold killers.
VIVIAN: Start talking, bitch.
I seen that shit
Y'all hoes talking too much,
and morale is low downstairs.
So I'mma figure out
which one of you bitches
I'm gonna take down there
to help lighten the mood.
It's just which one.
Decisions. Eeny
- Miney
- Get your ass here.
- Get your fucking
- WILLIE: Shut the fuck up.
- LENA: Get your fucking Stop touching me!
Don't you ever
fucking put your hands
on me like that again.
- Bitch you should be fucking thanking me.
- Bitch? No!
Listen to me right now and
shut your fucking mouth.
Take your ass in there and
handle this nigga or I will.
- Okay?
I'm tired of this amateur bullshit.
LENA: Hey, Tommy. Hey, don't worry.
It's me, I'm here.
(WHISPERING) I'm right here.
Yeah? It's just us.
Lena, we shouldn't have done this.
Boy, I been told you that.
No, that ain't what I mean.
Look at this.
(SOFTLY) Fucking
MCKINLEY: Julius Rowe from Detroit.
Aloiscious Jenkins from Kansas City.
That's Mo Slim.
Bunker Willis from Chicago.
(SOFTLY) Fuck.
Tommy said he overheard somebody
say they were some gangsters.
It's the damn Black Mafia.
and Tex take out the little one.
He too scared to shoot.
Don't look like he might put up a fight.
So Chicken.
Silky, get that nigga's attention.
- Nigga, Frank want you.
- Come on.
- Get your ass up, nigga.
Chicken Man, I'm gonna need you
to distract the other motherfucker.
So me and Lamar can take his ass out.
How am I supposed to do that, Frank?
FRANK: I don't know, nigga,
but you better get it done.
You the motherfucker
that brought us here.
All right. And after we get these
niggas, we're gonna take the guns
and keep pretending like we're tied up.
Then we gonna jump the other niggas
when they come down
here to get the loot.
Then, bing, bang, boom!
Everything's everything.
Y'all good with that?
- Not sure we thinkin' it through.
BABY RAY: Man, where
the hell you been at?
Just had to do something. It's handled.
How come nobody told me who
the fuck we were robbin'?
- Your boy Emerson ain't tell you?
I thought y'all's was tight.
MCKINLEY: Snake-ass motherfucker.
And that's why he wanted to leave.
So he could have a fucking alibi.
It seem like the only
thing left to do now
(INHALES) is to keep them from
finding out who we is. (EXHALES)
Get back to work.
Lexi. Lexi.
Psst. Psst.
(WHISPERING) Show them.
Hell no.
The party's on.
I'm getting my people, and I'm
getting the fuck up out of here.
The job is the job.
We came here to get this fucking money.
- That's what I'm gonna do.
LADY: Hey.
I need to go to the bathroom, sugar.
Whoa. Uh You-you-you gotta sit down.
Come on. I'm a nice girl.
I won't do nothin'
to get you in trouble.
Hey, we can hear y'all.
Hey, y'all, let us in. Open the door.
MCKINLEY: You hear me?
Hey, man, get your fuckin' hand off me.
What the fuck you doin'?
What the fuck is wrong
BABY RAY: Look, I said sit
down. Ain't nobody goin' nowhere.
Sit down and keep
quiet. You gotta hold it.
Everybody can go to the bathroom
Get the gun, get the gun!
TOMMY: Hey! Hey! Hey! Back the fuck up.
- Put the gun down, kid.
You ain't no killer.
Hey, what the fuck
are you'll doin'? Hey!
- LENA: Hey! I've had enough of this bullshit!
- Come on, we need you at the door!
Hey, let's go.
- BOONE: Shut the fuck up!
- This nigga got a gun!
BOONE: We gotta go,
we gotta go right now!
CHICKEN MAN: Wait, he a kid.
He a kid, don't kill him. He a kid. No.
- MAN: Shit!
WILLIE: Hey! Tell your
fucking dog to lay down
before I put his ass to sleep.
- Lamar.
Put him down, you fucking black bitch.
- Lamar!
WILLIE: Grab the
fucking bag, go upstairs.
Any of y'all motherfuckers
try to follow me,
you're getting your
head blown the fuck off.
There you are, bitch.
- I'm crazy? I'm talking crazy, huh?
- Think I'm talkin' crazy?
You low-down dirty bitch.
- LENA: Boone! Boone!
- What What happened to you?
- That bitch sliced me.
- Fuck!
- MAXINE: Chicken!
- You see Chicken?
- MAXINE: Chicken!
- MAXINE: Chicken!
- Whoa, what happened, baby?
Look, we're gonna have to
explain that later, okay?
- Come on.
- Hey, listen, we gotta get up out of here
- because the fuzz gonna be here
- I know.
- and shit gonna be worse.
- Okay, listen, I parked across the street. Okay?
- Wait. No, no, no, no, no. We can't do that.
- Why?
- They took all the keys, remember?
- No, not mines.
- Okay, I leaves mines on the front tire.
- CHICKEN MAN: That's my girl.
- MAXINE: It's safer that way.
- CHICKEN MAN: Come on, keep moving now.
- MAXINE: Come on.
- CHICKEN MAN: Vivian, keep moving
You jive ass bitch!
CHICKEN MAN: Viv, girl,
what the hell are you doing?
MAXINE: What the fuck
are y'all doin'? Come on!
You jive ass low down
- CHICKEN MAN: Let's go.
- He dead, baby. Come on.
Come on, I'mma drive.
Watch yourself.
Come on, Detective. Let me
just sneak one more wing.
Man, you open that plate,
you're gonna be defending
your title in this front seat.
I bet you had a badge in
your cradle or something.
No, man. I didn't have
no designs on being a cop.
ALI: Get out of here!
Man, I'd have thought you
was third generation cowboy.
- Like your grandfather was at O.K. Corral.
No, man, I'm from Buttermilk Bottom.
Poorest area in this city.
Never thought I'd be a cop.
So what changed then?
HUDSON: Well, department
was integrating, you know.
Me and my buddies almost
on a dare really
- ALI: Mm.
- went down there and took the exam,
I messed around and aced the thing.
- The rest was history.
I'm in the right job,
you know, being a cop.
There's honor in it.
I'm good at it.
- Can I ask you a question, Detective?
- Sure.
Your marriage rock solid?
'Cause based off these wings,
I might have to take Delores with me.
- Look here, man.
- She comin'.
I hope your sting is
faster than a bullet.
- At least my right hand.
- Well, let's find out, sir.
- Let's see what I got.
- Come on, man. I've been waiting for this.
- Come on, sucker.
Come on, man. You can't
get to your gun fast enough.
What's that?
HUDSON: Stay in the car.
I give you the signal, you
get the hell outta here.
What the hell are you doing?
We're in this together.
- Governor, I'm Detective
- GOVERNOR MADDOX: I know who you are.
I just want to personally
bid you farewell.
Did you get what you wanted?
Yes, sir.
I sure did.
Well, glad you enjoyed your stay.
I expect we won't be seeing
you around here again,
Let's go.
Man, I tell you, Hudson.
Them White boys lucky they
had guns on their hips.
Otherwise I'd have knocked
each and every one of them out.
Let's just get to where we
need to go. All right, Champ?
- Don't you get tired of being a good soldier?
- Yeah.
- Well, don't you just want to
- What?
Take every one of these Jim
Crow lovin' cracker motherfuckers
and bury 'em in a hole?
And then dig 'em up and
do it all over again?
Yeah, I do!
Now, Hudson,
you say you gonna dig 'em up and
put 'em back in the ground again?
- Are you gonna use a shovel or something?
(LAUGHING) Hudson.
Oh, man, I like you. (CHUCKLES)
I can't believe this shit done happened.
- What we gonna do?
- I'mma fix it now.
(BREATHING HEAVILY) Lena was in on it.
- Who the hell is that?
MAXINE: What do you mean,
"Who the hell is that?"
It's the young hoe that you hired.
even know who that is.
She sure as hell did this to Vivian.
- Say what now?
- VIVIAN: She was playing you from day one.
And you should've seen through
that, Chicken. (GROANING) Fuck!
- Goddamn, baby. We gotta get that treated.
- We can't go to no goddamn hospital, either.
- What?
We can't. Cops gonna be
asking too many damn questions.
So what you gonna do?
I need to borrow your car.
- Look, I ain't gonna have it for too long.
Just want to get a couple
things squared away, that's all.
VIVIAN: Come on, Max, I'm bleeding out.
Don't bring my shit back on empty.
Okay, I got you.
MAXINE: Let me out this damn car!
Oh, and Vivian Bitch,
don't bleed on my seat.
VIVIAN: Too damn late, hoe.
- CHICKEN MAN: Come on.
- CHICKEN MAN: See you later.
- Go, Chicken.
If I can't go home,
or to the hospital
where are you finna take me, Chicken?
ALI: Well, all right.
You stay safe out
here, Detective Hudson.
Guess we won't be
seeing you anytime soon.
(CHUCKLES) Oh, no, I'll be back.
So you really trying to go 12
rounds with the Governor now, huh?
I'm a fighter.
Atlanta, y'all got
something real special here.
I hope you know that, Detective Hudson.
Oh, I do.
- All right, I'll see you on the other side.
- Yeah.
- Take care.
- I will.
- Thank you for everything. And thank Dee for the wings.
- I will.
Come on, Bundini. Let's
pack it in, fellas.
Time to go.
Hope you checked the
brakes on the plane, man.
And walk down this aisle with me ♪
And I would love it, yeah ♪
I say it's so early in the morning ♪
Ooh, it's a quarter 'til three ♪
We're sittin' here talkin' ♪
Over cigarettes and drinking coffee ♪
Now, Lord ♪
And I'd like to show you, well ♪
Yeah, Hudson.
J.D. Jenkins.
I got something for ya.
What, some more bullshit?
Beg your pardon?
Look, I did my job, okay?
I guarded Ali, got him
to the airport unscathed
despite your boss' fucking scare tactic.
- JENKINS: Hudson.
- No, no. Look,
I asked you to do one
thing for me, okay?
Something important and
you just brushed me off.
Are you done, Hudson?
I need you to get your ass
over to Collier Heights pronto.
We've got an armed robbery,
over 80 victims all shoved
into a goddamn basement.
Got a A DOA on the
scene, probably more.
This ain't no bullshit. It's a big 'un.
Now I need a fucking detective on this.
You ready to do some real police work?
Yes, sir.
Uh-uh-uh-uh. I see you looking around.
Unless your name is Harriet Tubman,
- you can't run away from this one.
I hear you missed your calling.
Put on a real good performance
back over there at the house, right?
And the Oscar for best performance
as an inside woman goes to
- What's your name?
- I don't know anything.
Well, I need some names.
I'm trying to tell you I
don't know anything, I swear.
I need the names of
everybody who's involved.
A man can make his mark
in the world, but
it ain't worth a damn
unless he can come home
and be welcomed.
LENA: Wait, wait, wait, Frank, please.
- Like a king.
- (LENA CRYING) Please.
This ain't the welcome I was expecting.
'Cause y'all done fucked it up.
We didn't give any real names.
- You know the host?
Do you know the host?
- Chicken Man.
- Chicken Man!
- Is he part of this shit?
Did Chicken Man rob me?
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