Finding Ola (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Finding an alternative for what is.

Mademoiselle Coco.
No way! Really?
Genius, he's a genius.
I told you!
-Have all these women gone crazy?
I mean, they're forcing him to sniff them
so he can guess what their perfume is.
Come on, let the mummies have some fun!
Take it from me,
they're desperate for a little action.
For 13 years, the only time
Hisham actually smelled me
was when the oven blew up
and my eyebrows got burned!
That's what you get for getting married.
Hang on a second.
-Can I get a recording of this?
Ola Abdel Sabour
is actually criticizing marriage?
-We need to celebrate!
Actually, while we're on the subject,
don't you think it's about time?
It's time for what? What do you mean?
I mean, your grieving period is over,
so now that's out of the way,
and Selim I mean Salim
is all better now
-Let's have fun!
-Are you crazy? Shut up!
-What? What did I say?
You trying to get me in trouble?
My daughter's there!
What's wrong with that?
You think divorce in our society
means equal freedom for both parties?
Hell, no! Divorce means freedom for men
and solitary confinement for women!
If my mom heard you say that,
she'd kill both of us.
Yes, speaking of which
where's our Golden Lady Collection
How did you get her
to pose for this picture?
-It's nice, isn't it?
-It is, but how did you convince her?
That's the thing. I didn't.
That's the problem.
She still doesn't know we created
the whole campaign based on her picture.
Oh God! Oh God! Do you actually think
Soheir's not gonna find out about this?
Jeez, Ola! I bet she's at home
with a rope in one hand,
a prison jumpsuit in the other,
ready to kill you.
Told you. That's what I'm saying!
Not just solitary confinement,
a death sentence. That's divorce.
-Wow! That's right! That's right!
-Oh, wow!
That's right!
-Is that Omnia El Daly?
-Who's Omnia Al Daly?
-How could you not know Omnia Al Daly?
No, no, no. You don't get
to be cooler than I am, Montasser!
-She's coming, she's coming!
-Excuse me, please Um
There he goes again.
Un Jardin sur le Nil. Like yours.
-You're too young for that!
But as an expert in this field,
allow me to say
that this parfum you're wearing
is not the best fit
for the natural pigments of your skin.
-Also incompatible with your star sign.
Wow! Really? Oh my God!
You've really done your homework,
haven't you? Bravo.
-I'm a huge fan!
Excuse me, I'm sorry.
I just don't watch TV that much.
So, what exactly have you starred in?
-Hi, I'm Omnia.
-Omnia El Daly.
fashion blogger,
uh, travel uh
I'm more into French.
My English is not that strong.
So, you are the owners
of Second Chance, right?
-Yes, we are.
-Well, congratulations!
You guys are becoming such a hot trend.
-Really? Nice!
-My mom started it.
Then we should do an interview.
Mm! Yeah.
You will inspire so many
of my two million followers!
-Did she say two million?
Sure! It would be an honor, really!
I mean Actually,
I just recognize you now.
I've always been a big fan of yours, huge!
-I'm very familiar with your channel
-and the amazing content you present
Yes, sweetie? What is it?
Don't overdo it.
You didn't know who she was.
Still, I know who she is now,
and I really like her.
Maybe I should give you my number.
-You know, for the interview.
-Let me put my number in for you.
-Yes, please.
Let's do it! Yeah.
-Uh, there
-Thank you.
-That's my number in there,
-and I saved it under the nae Ola.
Can I get a selfie?
-Oh, sure!
-I've been an Omnie forever.
-Oh, sweetheart!
-Let's get in.
Where's Montasser? There he is!
Okay, we're in.
Uh Take these.
You can use them to clean your heels.
She's really nice, and
she's really pretty. She's very pretty.
-Mm. Since when do you care about looks?
-How come I never heard of her before?
Hey, wait a second, guys!
She's doing the live thing.
-I want to watch. What do I do?
-What do you want?
-Do I tap here?
-Tap here, tap here.
Hi, Omnies! How are you?
I can't wait to show you guys what
I bought from the Christmas bazaar!
She's going to talk about us!
Get back here.
very good price.
I bought these products here,
and I met the truly inspirational Ola
-You're the best!
-the founder of Second Chance
-Hey, what is it?
-Nothing, nothing I'm sorry.
It's nothing. I'm sorry.
It's all right, guys, we're okay!
And they say that women don't know
how to drive, huh!
Everyone, meet my boyfriend, Hisham.
-Say hi, at least!
-Just Hi.
-I'm sorry, guys,
but H can be a bit shy sometimes.
If any of you have tried their products,
let me know what you think
I bet you knew about this,
and you haven't said!
Typical boys, covering for each other!
I had no idea.
I saw her with him at practice,
and he said she's a friend.
Friend? Friend?
Are all boys your age like this,
or is it just you?
I'm confused. I'm going upstairs!
-Seriously, I can't believe it!
-What on earth is going on?
Yes! Okay! I'm coming!
-Hi, Hisham.
Sweetheart, I'm so sorry about this.
This was not the way I wanted you to find
out. I was planning to tell you myself.
When exactly did you meet her, Hisham?
And how? She's a kid!
And where do you even know her from?
I had a feeling you were seeing another
woman while we were still married!
-Stop it!
-Didn't I say it?
-Don't let your imagination run wild.
I actually met her after the divorce.
I met her when I gave her an interview
about psychology in Egypt for her channel.
Hmm! Her channel! Right.
Besides, sweetie, you can't expect
me to spend the rest of my life alone.
But I had to make sure it was
serious before telling you about it.
I can't introduce you
to every single woman I go out with.
-That's not that's not how it works.
-Of course not!
Imagine if I was standing in front of my
mother and daughter saying these things.
They would cut me into pieces and feed me
to the dogs as an example to other women.
And I'm not okay with any of this!
She'll come around.
I'm gonna convince her.
Besides, Omnia is a beautiful woman
and a superstar. Honestly, good for you.
I heard you, you little traitor!
I'm so sorry, Ola.
I swear, I had no way of predicting this.
You're literally a textbook example
of a man going through a mid-life crisis.
But please give her a chance.
She's a really good person.
And she has nothing to do with
what happened between us.
Good night, Hisham.
Come on, Ola.
What did you expect the man to do?
Spend his life crying? Of course
he's going to fool around, honey!
It makes sense.
The girl is young and pretty.
I can't stand her, but this is the truth.
Drop it, Nesrine. Just drop it.
Instead of telling me to drop it,
why don't you do something about it?
Move on. Move on, my dear!
Move on? Yeah, as if it was that easy!
Where exactly am I supposed to find a man
when my life is only about work and kids?
Right here.
What do you mean, here?
-The supermarket?
-Wow! Do they sell men now?
-Very funny! Of course not.
But if we think strategically,
we can guess that a married man
is not gonna be here.
He'll be watching TV at home
while his wife runs around,
doing all the grocery shopping.
And someone who's engaged or
has a girlfriend will be walking around
with her, like two lovebirds.
So, we just need to track the guys
who are single, focus and aim.
What about this one?
Small basket hair gel
So he's well groomed, and that's good.
No one likes a caveman.
Let's see what else he's going to get.
Pads? Oh no! Run, run, run!
His poor wife must be in so much pain
she can't go out to do any shopping!
-He's looking at me!
-You're crazy!
Okay, let's see. What about hat one?
-That one?
He's cute.
-Yeah. From his basket, he looks single.
-Yeah, you're getting the hang of it.
-Good girl.
-Okay, so what am I supposed to do now?
-Hook up.
-Hook up with him?
-Go, hurry!
Shh! Shh, shh!
Hurry up!
I can help you, by the way.
If you need help.
Uh I mean, if you can't decide.
'Cause you don't have kids,
and you're not married, obviously.
-What gave the impression I'm not married?
-What gave the impression I'm not married?
-Your basket Your basket.
I mean, I figured it out
from the things that you
-You two are trying to steal my wallet.
-Not at all!
-Yes, you want my wallet!
-No, I was just trying to hook up
Don't get the wrong idea
-What wallet? What happened?
-God, Go, go.
-What the hell is going on?
-Is that you, Ola?
-That's Marwan.
-Zeina's father. Go!
-Isn't he a widower?
-He's boring.
-Let me have him, then! You'll see!
Talk to him. Come on!
-Oh, Marwan! What a pleasant surprise!
-How have you been?
-I'm good. How are you?
-I'm great, thanks.
-Good. All good.
Congrats! Zeina's been showing me
how well your brand is doing.
That's awesome.
That's sweet of you. Thank you.
And I also wanted to thank you
for getting Zeina involved.
No need to thank me.
Zeina is actually the most important
person in the whole project.
Ah! I wanted to introduce you
to my friend Nesrine Shafeeq.
She's the co-owner of Second Chance.
Nice to meet you.
-Marwan, Zeina's father.
-So, what kind of doctor are you?
-I'm a cardiologist.
-Damn! What are the odds!
-Please excuse me
for being kind of blunt
about what I'm gonna ask
but I know from Ola
that Zeina's mother is
in a much better place now,
may she rest in peace.
Why are you still wearing
your wedding ring?
I'm really sorry. She doesn't think
before speaking. She's an idiot.
-I apologize on her behalf.
-No, it's okay, it's okay!
I really respect honesty,
and that's why I'll tell you.
I wear my ring so that the ladies
looking for men in the supermarket
-will leave me alone.
Congratulations again! Bye-bye.
-Bye. Thanks, Marwan.
Bye, see you later.
Hi, Ola.
I've been thinking about what's happened,
and I believe that
if you try to accept Omnia,
the kids are going to accept her too.
How about we go for lunch,
just the three of us,
so that you can get to know her first?
Uh, having lunch, sure, why not?
Sure, let's all go out to lunch
to get to know each other!
Yeah, but let's set an early time,
because I imagine your little Cinderella
has to be at school early in the morning.
We don't want her to be late for class!
Okay. Bye-bye.
-How could you do that?
Actually, it was Nesrine's idea, she was
-You've disgraced me!
How could you use my picture without
my permission?
I'm not even wearing a veil!
What do I tell your brother in Dubai?
What do I tell your Aunt Shukreyya?
Mom, relax. Just tell her that you're
a beautiful woman who respects her age,
and doesn't want
to neglect her appearance.
What's so disgraceful about that?
-Is that what you mean?
Is that what you mean by Second Chance?
Tell me!
Do you want people to say
that I'm clinging to my youth?
Well, just go ahead. Why don't you stick
my picture on a jar of gummy bears
-while you're at it?
-Actually, that's a great idea!
What do you think?
Mother, listen to me.
In Western countries, women your age
are just starting their lives.
I'm telling you. They're getting married,
falling in love
Some of them are getting pregnant!
What makes you think you can't even use
an anti-wrinkle cream?
Are you expired or something?
No, Mom! You're fresh, fresh!
As fresh as this yogurt here!
If you don't like the picture,
we can take it down. Take it down, Zeina.
I was going to give you a percentage
of the sales profit, it's your right
No, no! Wait, Ola! Wait, wait.
Why are you being so hasty?
It's just a conversation.
Wait. Don't take it down, Zeina.
That's more like it!
-What were you saying?
All right, all right!
I'll save it for the bloopers!
This is Hisham, you guys!
-At least let's take a photo.
-No. Forget it.
-I'm fine, really.
Sorry, guys. It's just that
H likes his privacy too much.
"Sorry, guys!
H likes his privacy too much!"
Where's the emoji for contempt?
Why don't they make one?
I have a 20-year-old Egyptian young woman,
seeking marriage
with a young man from the Gulf.
Her terms, information, and phone number
are all available on my YouTube channel,
Abeer The Matchmaker.
-This is very attractive -
-Okay, shut up!
No, no. I can't have both of you
go crazy at once.
What do you mean? You mean, uh that?
No, that
That was Nesrine.
She just sent me this funny video as, uh
a joke!
-Come on, are you crazy?
Uh Yes?
Are you mad at me because I didn't
tell you I saw Omnia with Daddy?
No, sweetie! I'm not mad at you at all!
You did nothing wrong.
And by the way,
Daddy hasn't done anything wrong.
Oh, no! Nothing at all!
Except that he replaced you with someone
who's just a few years older than me!
Replaced me? Mm Sure.
Uh Well, it's his right.
He has the right
to fall in love and remarry,
whether we like it or not.
Are you ready for the bombshell?
This is going to be fun!
And it's my right to do the same!
Not you, Mom!
Over here!
-Here, ma'am! Welcome, welcome!
-Come on.
-How are you, Saleh?
-I'm fine, thank you!
-So this the place?
-This is it.
-God bless. Come on and follow me!
-Nice location.
-Nice, huh?
-Not bad.
-Come on in.
-Step in with your right foot first!
-God bless! Come on in!
Didn't I tell you? Bright, spacious.
It has good vibes!
Hmm! It's nice. This is beautiful.
Good job, Saleh.
-It's perfect, yeah?
-And the entrance is big and accessible.
-But I do think it's a bit expensive.
Stop being so cheap, will you?
You can wear a cheap perfume
'cause it's your own hygiene after all.
But you can't be cheap about this!
This is our livelihood.
This is where our clientele will be!
-Our what?
Where did you learn French, anyway?
In Zefta?
-Hey, come here.
What happened?
Did you talk to your ex the sugar daddy?
Did you have to remind me?
He wants me and Omnia
to get to know each other,
so he's planning for the three of us
to have lunch.
But I'm not going alone, you're coming.
If he marries that girl,
I can't handle it on my own.
What do you care anyway?
So what if he marries that girl?
I don't get it.
Why should we go have lunch with him?
Don't even think about getting married
just to make him jealous! Not a good idea.
As if eligible bachelors
are begging at my feet.
I'm a 40-year old divorcée
with two kids, for God's sake!
Two kids! Two kids! Not just one!
In other words,
I'm a good old second-hand package!
Who would want me anyway?
No one, I'm going to die alone!
-What the hell?
-Yes, like So'ad.
Who's So'ad?
So'ad She's our neighbor. She was
She used to throw stones at us
and break all our car windshields.
Loneliness drove her mad.
No, no. I don't feel good
about this app thing.
I don't want to use a dating app!
It's not my thing!
How did you guys talk me into this?
No, no.
Look! Look at these pictures!
They all look like perverts!
You mean like your friend?
I found her on the app yesterday.
And where do you think I found you?
On Wikipedia?
You were on the app too, weren't you?
Hey, wait a minute!
You found each other on this thing?
-And you matched?
Clearly, it doesn't work.
Why waste my time?
And why are there so many empty fields?
How will I fill all that?
-Yes, just write
-"What are your interests?"
-What? Interests?
-Here, write that you enjoy working.
-Men like successful women. Put that.
-Hell, no!
All you need is a hot profile picture.
And whatever you put in there,
keep it vague. Mystérieux.
Okay, so what am I supposed to write?
-I think
-You're gonna write
that you're a divorced woman.
-A breadwinner.
That you haven't thought about an answer
for this question in ten years
and that now, the time has come for you
to enjoy every moment of being single.
-I need your ID, by the way.
-See what?
Do they need your ID for this thing?
I've skimmed five years off my real age.
No, honey.
It's for the store's lease contract.
-And yours too, Cheap Cologne.
Actually, I never give my ID to anyone.
What am I supposed to do? It's for work!
That's fine, okay!
You can always be a silent partner.
-What? Just do it.
-I'll give it to Ola.
-I don't want him to see.
-I'll give it to Ola!
-What do you mean, give it to Ola?
-I don't want to.
Don't be shy. We all look bad
in our ID photo. Oh, that won't work!
-Give it to me.
-Ola, take it
-I said I'll give it to Ola! Wait
-Hey, are you crazy?
-I said I'll give it to Ola!
-Hey Hey, relax!
-Calm down!
-Take it easy.
This is not even yours!
It's a man's ID. His name's Reda.
-But the photo is yours.
Your name is Reda?
Stop it! Stop it!
-Your name is really Reda?
-Yes, her name is Reda.
-But it's a nice name.
-Yeah, it's cute!
So, why did they name you Reda?
Was it a family vow?
Or that your dad really wanted a boy?
In fact, it was the name
of her grandfather,
-may he rest in peace.
It's perfectly normal!
I always liked your name, anyway!
Cut it out!
You could say that my life
revolves around cleanliness.
Some people think of it as an obsession.
These people are obviously idiots. Do you
know why all these diseases even exist?
-'Cause of oor hygiene!
Of course Me too, I
I'm literally
the cleanest person you'll ever meet.
Uh Well, uh, regarding tonight Uh
I mean, for me,
this is actually the first time
I ever used a dating app like this one.
So I don't really know what people
usually want to get out of it.
You, for instance,
what are your intentions on this date?
My intentions? A one-night stand.
Doesn't get much cleaner than that.
You see, real men don't exist anymore.
But luckily, chivalry runs in my veins.
You'll see.
I was taught that no woman
should ever have to pay for anything.
Do you have 200 pounds?
Hmm? Ugh!
By the way, I think
you need to be a bit more careful
over the next few years.
I can tell that you have pear shape genes
in your family.
And honestly,
I'm really not into heavy girls.
By the way, you think
you're gonna finish all that?
I'll just take the whole plate
so that it doesn't go to waste.
Anyway I'm not really into
these applications and whatnot.
My buddy kept pressuring me
to go on the application, I just tried it.
I don't wanna waste your time. though.
I'm married anyway,
and I'm against polygamy, you know?
-Mmph! Mmm.
Listen to me Basically,
I will grow fat in a pear shape,
I don't like to pay the bill,
and if you're looking
for a one-night stand,
then you should know that I snore, um
Enough, for God's sakes!
Enough! Let me sleep.
I can tell you've been through a lot.
Anyway, I'm Youssef Ahmed Abdel Raheem.
I own a travel agency.
Maybe you've heard of it.
It's called The Weekend Trip.
I've been divorced for two years.
-I often travel outside of Egypt.
But I like to get to know new people
from time to time.
I have a feeling that you and I are
looking for the same thing.
-Do you think that I might be right?
I don't know, guys.
Do you think he might be right?
This is the last chance.
It's the last chance. Please.
-Is it good?
-It looks great.
-Greet them with a smile.
-There they are.
-I'm furious!
-Same here. What a smug asshole!
I really feel sorry for that girl.
-You should feel sorry for me, not her!
-I do.
-Have soup?
-Sure, soup's fine.
Hi, how are you?
-Hi, Ola.
-Hi, Omnia. How are you?
-How's everything?
-How are you?
-Hi, Hisham. All good?
-Hi, Ola.
-You remember my friend Nesrine of course?
-Of course! What a nice surprise!
Your surprises are way better, Hisho!
I really missed seeing your face!
Same here.
First of all,
I'm truly very sorry.
When I met you at the bazaar,
I really had no idea,
and I've been beating myself up
over and over ever since.
You can even ask Hisham.
Oh, it's really not a big deal, honey.
It happens.
We'll just pretend that this is
the first time we've ever met, okay?
Okay. Okay.
Give me that! Give it!
Okay! Okay! Okay!
-See? Please, sit down.
Thank you. Sit down, Loulou.
There's one thing that I haven't
forgotten, and I won't.
Because I really admire
your success story.
And I still want to do an interview.
For real. You just set a time that works,
and let's do it.
Can't she at least let me hate her?
So I can follow
all the other divorced women's lead?
Sure! Thank you.
Omnia seems cool, Hisham. Have you told
her to cut ties with her best friends yet?
Or is this something the young generation
doesn't fall for?
-I don't
-I just wanted us to have this meeting
so that we could talk
in a more civilized way.
Yes, of course! Civil!
Also, for the sake of Nadia and Salim.
Wow, look at that. She's got Salim's name
right, too! Wow! Good.
Actually, it's a tricky situation.
For them. I mean, the situation
is difficult for them to accept,
especially Nadia.
You understand, of course.
I'm sure you know why she's angry.
I mean, excuse me, but the age difference
between you and Nadia,
-is it ten years?
-Not even ten years, I think.
The difference is, like,
eight years maximum, I guess.
-Yeah Around that much.
Anyway, I feel like you want
to ask me for something.?
Would you like me to, maybe, help
telling them you're planning
to get married?
I'm sorry, but wait a second.
I don't think either of us
is thinking about marriage.
Hisham knows very well
I'm not in a rush to get married.
-And maybe
-Maybe that's what he likes about me.
She doesn't even give a damn!
Look, Ola.
All I'm asking here
is that you give me a chance.
I have to admit,
I didn't wanna come today either.
You have no idea how it feels for me
to come and see the woman
who used to be his wife,
who knows everything about him.
But please, try to put yourself
in my shoes here.
I mean, it's surely not easy
for me to start my life
with someone
who's got this kind of baggage.
Yet still, I'm here, and I'm willing to
put in the effort to make this work out.
And maybe you need
to make this effort too.
For your children, at least.
To help your kids accept the fact
that their father has a new life
Whether it's with me or with someone else.
And if you just think about it,
you'll realize that I'm not your enemy.
You and I have much more in common.
Much more than you think.
The worst part is that I like her!
No, not just for the interview!
Ready to order?
-No, thanks. Later. Later, yeah.
-Right Okay.
-See, I'm not hungry, and Ola has a date.
-A date?
-Yes, a date. Didn't you tell him?
-Are you kidding?
What are you
Yes. A date!
It's a date.
And no, I didn't tell him, because
Well, it's none of his business.
-What do you mean? That's nonsense.
-It's not nonsense.
What's the matter, Hisham?
She's right.
She respected our personal life,
and we have to respect hers.
Yeah. Tell him, Omnia, please. Bravo.
And by the way, Mom and the kids
don't know about it yet,
so let's not make it any worse.
We've got enough on our plates.
One case at a time. I'm sure you get it.
And Youssef, by the way,
is a very decent and sweet individual.
Youssef, huh?
-So cool.
I'm sure that when you
when you meet him, you'll like him a lot.
-Next time, we'll have a double date!
-Well, let's not get carried away.
Forgive him.
It's just a generational difference.
We're not that open-minded yet.
Speaking of which, Hisham,
has Omnia graduated high school yet?
-Un Okay, shall we?
Let's do this again some time,
let's get together.
Maybe we'll even manage
to get through lunch.
-See you.
-Study hard!
-Stop it!
-Bye. Bye.
-Bye, Ola.
Who are you?
What have you done with my friend Ola?
Actually, stay like this!
The new you is way cooler!
I will! That felt so amazing!
Where did I get that courage?
I can't believe it! A date?
-Good girl!
-Let's hope this Youssef is worth it.
-He will be! I'm so proud of you!
-He better be!
He stood you up. How childish.
Ah! Sorry, I was just
Uh I mean, I was just making sure
Well, the last woman I met on the app
She was really something!
-The first thing she said was
-She told me "Would you have a problem"
" if you had to date a married woman?"
-Can you imagine?
I guess I haven't really seen much, after
what I'm hearing. What is with people?
You're a hero for surviving it, though.
As a woman.
-Can I ask you a question?
-I already know.
"After all those stories,
how can you still think
you're going to find someone
someone decent, someone normal,
someone sane, through dating apps?"
Keep going.
First of all, I travel a lot
because of my job.
Since I'm on the road all the time,
I know that my only chance
at meeting someone
is through a dating app.
my feeling that I will end up finding
what I'm looking for
just got stronger.
Unless you turn out to be a psycho
who killed her husband
and needs to be put on a leash!
Sorry! Sorry!
-How did you know?
Should I tell him that I don't want
to die alone like So'ad, or not yet?
Not yet, right?
Now, tell me about your work.
Seriously? You want to hear?
Excuse me, but are there men who listen?
-I mean
-I will.
It's just that I'm impressed. I really am.
It's good to know. Uh
It's a small business, quite small,
but I've dreamt about it
for a very long time, and
I couldn't find a better time to
No, wait a minute.
-This is a trap.
It's a trap!
I've heard these questions before.
I don't understand.
You're one of those guys who don't want
their partner to have a career,
and who think that women
should stay in the kitchen all day, hmm?
I mean, where's the catch?
Sorry, there must be a catch!
Why must there be a catch?
Actually, I never saw myself
with a woman who doesn't have a career
or other goals for herself.
Then she'd have a lot of free time,
and since I work and travel constantly,
all her questions and conversations
would revolve around
"What are you doing?
Why are you so late tonight?"
"Where are you traveling again?"
"Who's that woman you're talking to?"
Which would lead to arguments,
and I'm honestly really bad at all that.
Besides, I'm, like
My mother was
She was a working woman all her life.
And maybe that's what helped her
when one day
my father was gone.
My mother made sure
I never missed out on anything.
-She was a very strong woman.
Rest in peace.
Rest in peace.
That's it.
Hello? Second Chance.
That's right. It just exploded
all over the internet.
-Well, yes, that's right.
-The kids told me about the comments.
What do I know? Okay, I'll call you back.
-Bye, Shoushou, bye.
-What's going on? Hey, what's going on?
Where have you been? On another planet?
Grandma's picture for the anti-ageing
serum, it went viral!
Viral? What's that?
A trend. I've become a trend.
They're saying I'm the new Nefertiti!
Do I look like her?
-We struck gold.
The orders haven't stopped coming in.
Guys, I'm I'm so good at PR!
I made you famous, Sousou!
-From now on, I'm your agent.
Whatever money you make, I'll get 30%.
Sure, my dear. When pigs fly!
-Well, Grandma, you owe her!
-Shut up!
So you don't want me
to take down the picture?
What do you mean, take it down? We should
post telling people she's your mother.
-People like this whole family vibe.
Come on, get your phone!
-You mean, right now?
-Why not?
-Is it this one here?
-Okay, are you all ready?
-Wait, wait.
-Come on, Mom. Come on, dear!
-Yes, yes! I'm coming!
Hi, everyone! How are you doing?
Uh To all of you who are asking
about our anti-ageing collection star,
let me tell you
that she's actually my mother!
Soheir! Nefertiti lives!
What the
Who's calling me now? Who is it?
It's Omnia! What does she want?
-Hi, Ola. It's me, Omnia.
Hi, Omnia. How are you doing?
I just saw your mother's picture
on Instagram.
I thought she could join you,
so we'd have her on the interview as well.
Uh Have her in our interview Uh
Let me think about it.
I'll think about it and let you know soon.
You see, my mother
is in very high demand these days,
so I'm not sure if she's available.
Let me just check our schedule and
I'll get right back to you. I'll call you.
-Okay, take your time.
-Yes. Okay.
-Okay, thank you.
-Okay, bye!
-What happened to your ideals, Mom?
-My wh My ideals?
-Look around, sweetie.
Do you see any ideals in this house?
Everyone's looking after
their own interests, so why shouldn't I?
Don't be a fool like your mom. Besides,
all I said was I'd think about it.
Oh, my mom is not a fool.
I'm the one who pushed you
to start all this.
Why let her interview you?
For a bunch of followers?
-I don't recognize you anymore!
Who are you?
What's next? You'll get married
and move on with your life?
Enough. Can we please get back
to talking about me?
So I want is 30%
of what you will be earning from my line.
-Your line?
It's her face on the box, isn't it?
So it's hers.
Yes, Zeina. You're right.
"Yes, Zeina. You're right" So
whatever Zeina says, you just agree now?
-No way. 20%.
-That's right, know where you belong!
You're bandits! Ideals?
Hey there, good morning!
Good morning.
You Weren't you supposed
to be away until tomorrow?
And how did you know where the store was
or that I'd even be here?
You remind me of myself
when I started my company.
I'd go to the main building
to sleep there.
-This is for you.
-Thanks! Is it hot?
-That's too much.
-I guess that you're just like me.
-You like to do everything yourself.
-Uh Right.
-Glad to have you back.
-And here.
-For me?
-Thank you!
-Hope you like it.
You're too much.
I always loved ribbons!
Limited edition!
-It's too expensive. Thank you!
Could you Uh
-You think right now?
-Yes, please.
But I'm wearing another perfume.
I don't think they will mix.
Come on, why not?
Mmm. Lovely!
-Are you going to show me around?
-Oh! Yes, right! I'll show you around
Okay, uh Well, this is the place,
as you can see.
Here, we have body care
Everything related to shower gels, and
things used for baths or bathing.
And here, I have all the hair products.
Things you use for haircare,
like hair masks, and stuff like that.
And and here is the skincare section.
And naturally, this
This is the most important spot,
the cashier.
-Where all the money is.
-That's right.
-This is where Montasser is going to sit.
-Of course.
-Yeah, because he handles the finances.
This is our logo.
And this is my favorite spot.
The kitchen.
This is where I create all my blends
-and my new products.
Everything I could need
is stored right here.
But, wait What are these doing here?
They shouldn't be here, they
Nothing. I just wanted
to smell the perfume on you.
-Uh Can't you smell it from there?
-No. I can't. May I come closer?
-Stop being so rude
Hi, there, guys!
Good morning! Hey, you.
You must be Montasser,
and you must be Nesrine.
Uh Ola's been telling me
so much about you.
-Thank you so much.
Bois d'Encens Where? Where?
-It's here. I'm wearing it.
-Yeah. It was a present from Youssef.
Okay I gotta, I gotta run.
It's getting late.
-I should go back to work.
-Yes, of course.
-Okay. Congratulations again.
-Okay. Thank you so much.
-Bye. Bye!
-You know, Ola?
I'm so very proud of you.
Honestly, I'm proud of myself as well.
-Very modest!
-Really I'll say it. I'm not ashamed.
-I've earned it!
And I know that we haven't known
each other for long,
but I, uh feel as if
-Over here? Mmm.
-I feel as if Sure, honey.
-Uh, sure, come on.
I feel comfortable
in a way that I've never felt before.
And actually
-Thank you.
-For the first time ever, I came to find
someone like me.
Someone like me,
who likes ice cream in the winter.
Mm. Right?
-See, we're a rare breed!
It must be fate.
It's definitely fate.
You see this gray hair
sitting on this head?
It taught me that when I find something
special, I should never let it go.
I know that I might shock you now.
I'm a little shocked myself.
No, no, no. Don't freak out.
This is not an engagement ring.
You can calm down. Calm down, please.
This ring here
is in my family for four generations.
-It never got outside of it.
First, it belonged
to my great grandmother.
-Rest in peace.
-Rest in peace.
When nationalization happened
she didn't care about losing
any of her belongings,
except for this ring.
So, she took it, and she hid it.
Where? Where did she hide it?
Well, I don't really need to tell you
-all the details right now, but anyway
-Oh. Mmm.
One day, I decided to save
every penny I made,
in order to track down this ring,
and when I found it
I bought it back
for five times its original price.
-Five times its price?
But then, I had to give it
back to my mother.
Rest in peace.
She gave it to me before she died.
She said, "Youssef give this ring
only to a woman
who proves she's worthy of it."
"You'll know
the minute you look into her eyes."
May I?
I'm not going to wear it
on this finger, though.
This finger is for an engagement ring,
-and we said
Thank you.
Ah, ah
My God!
It's beautiful! But, seriously
I mean, given its history, it's priceless!
Exactly like you.
I want to be part of your life, Ola.
Can I?
-No, the color is very dark.
-The sandals are better.
-I can't wear that.
Is Daddy going to be there?
I'm not really sure, Doudou.
I didn't ask her.
-You didn't?
-I don't know.
No, I didn't. I don't care.
-Has everyone in this house gone crazy?
My mom the entrepreneur,
and my model grandmother
are having an interview
with my dad's girlfriend, the influencer!
-Don't you find it weird?
-Show me the filters?
Don't you think that's weird?
Are Salim and I the only sane people
around here?
-What's up with her?
-I don't know.
She's always like that lately.
So hormonal!
She's starting to get on my nerves!
Plus, I'm swamped with work!
And Grandma Soheir is a handful!
How come she doesn't get that?
Forget about that.
I have a more important question.
Which filter is better?
This suits my complexion the most,
But the one with the stars will get
more likes. What do you think, Ola?
If the stars get more likes,
the choice is clear.
Look how skinny she is! Yuck!
It's true. Sometimes you need
a favor from a fool..
-Mom. Mom!
Mommy, dear, you see this thing here?
-That's a microphone.
You see that thing he has on his head?
- Headphones, so Hmm?
-He heard?
Ah Finally, I get to meet Nefertiti!
Hisham adores you, Grandma. Really.
-He tells me your cooking is amazing.
-Thank you, my dear.
But first of all, don't call me "Grandma".
-That wouldn't look good on the interview.
Second, Hisham is like a dear son to me.
-He'll always be, no matter what happens.
-Of course.
-Have you met Nazly yet?
-Not yet.
I've been hearing a lot about her,
but we still haven't met.
Well, hearing about someone is one thing,
but meeting them is a whole other story.
Okay, are you two ready?
-Sure, yes, let's begin.
-Okay. Recording in three, two
Hi, Omnies! How are you doing?
Today, I'm so happy, because
have with me the two women
behind the brand that's created
tremendous online buzz.
Drum roll, please!
Dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum Dum!
The local, organic,
newest cosmetics brand in town
Second Chance!
I'm with Ola Abdel Sabour
and her mother Soheir,
who actually poses
as the face of the brand.
-How are you doing?
-How are you, Omnia?
-Hi Omnies!
-Okay. Let me start with you, Ola.
Your viewers know that you created
this brand as an older woman
Sorry, a mature woman.
-A mature woman.
-It's okay, you can say it. It's fine.
Um Why did you create this brand?
Do you feel that life
perhaps gave to you a second chance?
Look, life always gives,
generally speaking
I mean, we've all had our disappointments.
Uh But, anyway,
I guess those second chances
come to people who deserve them
for working hard and struggling,
but were let down the first time.
But isn't it possible that your first
chance wasn't yours to begin with?
Or maybe you just let it
slip out of your hands?
Mm No, that chance
was lost from the start.
Okay, um Next question's for Soheir.
It's new for most of us to see someone
your age representing a skincare brand.
Did you have any fears, any concerns?
No, no, no, not at all.
You see, I personally believe
that even a woman my age
has the fundamental right
to take care of her appearance.
Why not care about beauty?
It's our right to do so.
As I'm sure you know,
women in most European countries
start their lives at my age,
or even older!
I mean, we're not expired.
On the contrary.
And I'd like to take this opportunity
to say to all women,
you have to try our products.
They're 100% natural.
Try using them.
You won't regret it, I'm telling you.
Who is this person?
But we live in a cruel society, don't we?
Weren't you worried about people
thinking you're
Please forgive me for saying this.
clinging to your youth, as an example?
Oh Well, you're
you're actually right, Omnia.
Our society is cruel indeed. I mean
Why say an older woman
who just wants to take care of herself
is clinging to her youth,
knowing that at the same time,
there's some older man
who could be dating a girl half his age,
but no one says
he's clinging to his youth.
-So? Why is that?
-That's got to sting.
I wonder,
what are your thoughts, Omnia?
What do you mean, Ola?
-I mean that
-She means our products are original,
completely natural, and chemical free.
Therefore, suitable for all age groups.
Also, Ola's a pharmacist,
which means that her blends
are 100% tried and tested!
Well, that's a true claim.
I tried the products,
and noticed a facial glow
from the very first use.
Well, you're a natural beauty, Omnia.
I mean it
-Thank you.
-On that note, I'd like you to
meet the Second Chance family.
-My family, my partners.
-You know I'm shy!
These guys are truly my second chance.
As for your question,
why did I create Second Chance?
Because that's actually
an important question.
Well, it was a dream.
It was a dream that I delayed.
But I decided to pursue it to give my
daughter a very important message.
I wanted to tell her
not to give up on her dreams for anyone
or anything, under any circumstances.
Maybe I did pursue my dream
after I grew older, or after I matured
It took me that long to remember!
But please, don't All of you,
don't give up on your dreams for anything.
Anything or anyone! You too, Omnia,
don't give up on anything for Hi
For any anyone.
Thank you. And thank you, Soheir.
-And thank you, Montasser.
-Well, Omnies, thank you for tuning in,
and I'll see you next time!
Stay safe and stay tuned.
Thank you, Ola.
-Thank you, Omnia.
-Thank you so much, Grandma.
-You're welcome.
-Have a nice day.
-Bye. Good luck.
-Okay. Bye, Omnia.
-Don't forget to mention me!
-I'll call you, okay?
Thank you.
I mean this, and not just
because you're my own daughter
but she doesn't even compare to you.
You're a hundred times prettier
than she is.
Hisham must be blind.
-Yes, my baby?
After that sweet, sweet face
you pulled off for the camera
-how can I believe a word you say, honey?
Hey, Youssef!
How have you been? I'm sorry, I
What? Oof!
But are you okay? What happened?
A surgery? What kind
But, I mean when
When did all that happen?
Why didn't you tell me?
Uh Okay, okay.
Okay, I'm listening. I'm listening.
Oh, I have it.
Of course. Yeah, sure. So, wait.
Are you sure you don't have any cash?
I mean, what about your grandma's will?
And your mother, rest in peace?
They never wanted the ring
to leave the family.
Fine, if you need the cash,
then you need the cash, that's fine
Of course I'm not mad. How could I be?
What matters now
is that you pay for those bills.
Okay, fine. I'll make the transfer. Okay.
I hope you'll feel better soon.
Keep me posted, please. Get better soon.
What's that about? What's this ring
-that he's asking you to sell?
-This doesn't make any sense!
Did he say he's at the hospital
and he needs you to sell the ring
-and send him the cash?
-Yeah. Mmm.
Move, please.
-Unlock your phone for me.
-Do you have a picture?
-Yes, I do.
Okay, let me see it.
-Okay, wait. Give me a second. There.
Let's see.
-Do you know him?
Do I know him?
I was this close to finding out
where his grandmother was hiding the ring
for 40 years.
After the government
seized all their property from them.
I didn't ask you if you knew him, Ola.
-This is a group on Facebook. A page.
-You upload his picture
Wait a sec.
So, what's his name? Youssef what?
Youssef Ahmed Abdel Raheem.
Ahmed Abdel Raheem
Now, we'll post this and wait to see
what we'll end up discovering
about his shady past.
-You won't find anything. You won't.
-We'll see. Just be patient.
"You poor thing"?
"Run awaaay!"
"What is it this time?
Money laundering or signature forgery?"
-Holy crap!
-Idiot! I'm an idiot!
His name is not Youssef. It's Khamees,
and he's from Faysal.
Stop laughing?
Khamees? His name is Khamees?
But let me tell you.
I think the guy is just brilliant.
Damn! Basically, he wanted you
to sell that stolen ring for him,
and hand him the clean cash
on a silver platter!
-Why, why, why?
-Montasser was right about him
when he said that he had no scent!
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