Firebuds (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Treehouse Trouble/The Getaway Car That Got Away

[alarm ringing]
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through, our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day ♪
We're crackin'the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl Yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
[Bo] "Treehouse Trouble."
OK, team, the time has come.
Bum-ba-bum-ba-bum! ♪
for another top-secret,
super-official Firebuds meeting.
Awesome sauce!
-Let's do it!
-Aw, yeah!
I'll take notes!
Huddle up, Firebuds!
Our first order of business
-[child] You're it!
-[children laughing]
-I said, our first
-[laughing, cheering]
You're it!
Argh! What we should do first is s
Time for birthday cake and oil shakes!
Come and get 'em!
-[brakes squeal]
-[horn blows]
Buds, we gotta find our own meeting space.
That's That's what I was trying to say!
This playground's gotten way too busy.
Whoa! So what would you all think of
A bedroom pillow fort! Cozy, right?
Oh! Violet! Watch my side mirror.
Ow! Axl, that's my foot!
Bo, I think your room's too small.
Um, OK. How about
The woods behind our house!
There's lots of space,
total privacy, and
Aah! They're everywhere!
[siren sounding]
Even I can't outrun them!
All right. Uh
Ooh! I know!
[Bo] Popcorn's dog house!
The puppy's right, Bo.
There's no way we'd all fit in there.
Ah, I guess not. But there's
just gotta be a place. Hmm
[gasps] And we're looking right at it!
[angelic chorus]
-Behind a tree?
-Piston, come on.
He means we should hollow out the tree
and make a secret cave hideout!
What? No! I'm saying we build a treehouse!
I mean, I guess that would be easier.
Being up that high would be good
for spotting people in the neighborhood
-who need rescuing.
-And it would be our space!
With all the stuff we need.
Neatly arranged by size and color.
Let's build a treehouse!
OK! But how?
Pfft! My dad's a carchitect, remember?
With all the houses
he's designed and built,
I'm sure he's got
all the supplies we need.
Ooh, right, let's go ask him!
Hmm. A treehouse, huh?
Now, that is a tree-mendous idea.
Cool ramps!
Oh, that's a model for a
carpartment building
we built last year.
Heh. That's what I love
about being a carchitect.
You give people and vehicles
a place to come together.
Now [clears throat]
I suppose y'all need some supplies.
-It's beautiful!
What'd I tell ya?
So much stuff!
So organized!
The most important thing
our treehouse needs
is ramps, ramps, and more ramps!
Actually, the most important thing
is a computer command center.
I believe you mean the bookshelf
filled with safety manuals.
[gasps] What about the fire pole?!
No! The ramps are more important.
-Computer command center!
-[Flash] Fire pole!
-Let me give you
a piece of advice, Bo.
Every building needs a plan
for how it's going to look
before you build it.
So ya better make sure everyone agrees
on your plan before you start.
Thanks, Uncle Floyd.
All righty! Who's ready
to design our treehouse!
[all cheer]
-[Axl] Ramps, ramps
More ramps!
[Jayden] Command center
boom, boom, bam.
[Piston] Here's a perfect spot
for a bookshelf.
Buds! Buds! Time out!
Those are all great ideas.
But Uncle Floyd said we all need to agree
on one plan. So I think
we should work together
to make sure everything fits.
Because, you know
We can build our clubhouse in a tree ♪
If we all work in harmony ♪
Or we can all build
the things we want on our own!
That way, we all get everything we want!
I like that idea better.
Oh, yeah!
As long as I get my bookshelf!
We all win!
Uh, I guess we can give that a try.
This can be the fire hose storage area,
so when there's an emergency,
I can grab 'em like wham!
And then I'll slide down
the fire pole like whoosh!
Fires are gonna think twice
before messing with us!
[both] Wee-oo!
These cables should connect
my lookout camera
to my mega-monitor. So we can look out
for people in trouble in the neighborhood.
While we enjoy my collection
of safety manuals.
[tool whirring]
With these ramps to zoom up and down,
nothing'll stand in our way!
Of saving the day!
[smooches] Perfection!
And we're done! You ready to do this?
So ready!
Bum-ba-bum-ba-bum! ♪
Huddle up, Firebuds!
Hey, man, my camera!
Hoods up! Here comes Axl!
What's that?!
[slow-motion] Nooooo!
-[brakes squealing]
-My manuals!
Who put a bookshelf in front of my ramp?
Who put a ramp behind my bookshelf?
Who put all these fire hoses
in the doorway?
OK, looks like doing
our own thing didn't work.
So maybe, we should try
fixing it together, 'cause, you know
We can build our clubhouse in a tree ♪
If we all work in harmony ♪
Or I can just make more doors
for my ramps to go through.
And I can make more room for my cables
by moving the fire pole.
-And I can just
stack these hoses out of everyone's way.
[hammer banging]
Um, Axl, I think that hole
is weakening the wall.
Jayden, that pole was holding up the roof!
[gasps] No.
Violet, you're you're piling
too much stuff in one place.
The floor can't hold it!
Uh Uh, Buds
I think the treehouse is collapsing!
Get outta here!
[brakes squeal]
Is everyone safe?
No. Look!
-[siren sounding]
We gotta get Axl down!
How? The ramps are all broken!
Hmm [gasps]
Maybe we could put the pieces together
like a puzzle and make a new ramp
for Axl to slide down.
I never met a puzzle I couldn't solve.
[beeps, whirring]
Let's see, you go here
And you go there
OK. While Jayden's doing that,
we need an action plan.
Piston and I can nail the pieces together.
Then we'll lift the ramps up.
And Violet and I can bolt 'em in place!
Wham, bam, perfect plan!
-If it works.
-Solved it.
That's it!
Don't worry, Axl! We'll get you down!
All right. Let's roll, Firebuds!
-I think it's falling!
Axl, it'll be quicker
if you bolt the other side!
[engine revving]
Aw, I'm so glad you're OK!
Me, too!
[siren whoops]
Bo? You OK, buddy?
[sniffling] Yeah.
Bo, we can still fix it.
The same way you all rescued me.
By working together.
The way we should have
done it to begin with.
I'm ready to design
a new plan when you are.
Just say the word.
Oh, I can do more than say it.
We can build our clubhouse in a tree ♪
If we all work in harmony ♪
Gotta stick to a plan ♪
Where we all lend a hand ♪
'Cause we're stronger than ever ♪
When we work together ♪
We can build our clubhouse in a tree ♪
If we all work in harmony ♪
Gotta stick to a plan ♪
Where we all lend a hand ♪
'Cause we're stronger than ever ♪
When we work together ♪
Yes, we're stronger than ever ♪
When we all are working together ♪
Well, now. That is some treehouse!
[chuckles] Who came up with the design?
We all did!
You were right, Dad.
Buildings really do
give people and vehicles
a place to come together!
All right, Bo.
Let's do this one more time!
Bum-ba-bum-ba-bum! ♪
Huddle up, Firebuds!
"The Getaway Car That Got Away."
[Jayden] Here we are, Firebuds.
The Motopolis Police Department!
Or, as we like to call it,
where Mom and Dad work!
[siren whoops]
-[Bo] Hi, Officer Ethel!
-Hiya, kids!
What brings ya to
the M.P.D. this fine day?
We're here to see the Deputy
Chief of Community Support,
Jenna Jones. Also known as "Mom."
And her partner,
Officer Pops I mean, Pete.
Hmm They were hosting
a community outreach event at the park.
I'll radio 'em and see
if they're on their way back.
Feel free to play with anything
in the Lost and Found
while ya wait.
As long as ya put it back after.
Come in, Deputy Chief Jones, over.
Ooh, we can play Bounce Bag!
-Yeah, let's bounce!
-Awesome sauce!
OK, everyone, spread out!
Jayden, come look at this.
Hold up. Is that my mom and your dad
getting medals from the mayor?
Yup! [sighs]
When we're older, I hope we can
help people like they do.
And I hope we can play
Bounce Bag before we get old.
What? Sure. I'm ready when you are.
Hoods up! [grunts]
[all grunting]
Uh sorry! I'll get it!
-[siren whooping]
-Hey, Jay-Jay.
Sorry we're late, honey, but Louis Lam
and his getaway car Throttle
robbed a toy store
right next to our event.
Yeah, good thing we were there to nab 'em.
[scoffs] Some getaway car
you turned out to be.
Wha?! You were the one
who picked a toy store
next to a police meet-and-greet.
Here you go, Ethel.
All right, you two.
Let's get your wheel and fingerprints.
[gasps] Whoa! Is that the new
Speed Demon 9000 remote control car?!
-You bet it is!
-Aw, man,
I'd love to play with that!
And get your grubby little
fingerprints all over it?
No way. Ya gotta keep the package perfect
so ya can sell it for top dollar. Yeesh.
Don't you kids know anything?
Hey, Piston. Everything OK there, son?
Oh! Yeah, affirmative, dad.
I almost got it
Now you just hang tight
while I get your pal's prints.
What are you doin' that for?
It helps us keep track
of everyone we bring in.
No two finger or wheelprints are alike.
Now it's Throttle's turn.
[machine whirring]
Cool star pattern. I had
bedsheets like that once.
Keep your hands away
from the rims, junior.
I just got 'em polished!
Got it!
Thanks for letting me out, kid!
Sorry, Lam, gotta scram!
Come on, Jenna!
I'll call for backup!
Sorry, kids. Lunch'll have to wait.
This is a disaster!
I just let the getaway car get away!
Don't sweat it, Piston.
I'm sure our parents will find Throttle
We can't find Throttle!
All patrols, be on the lookout!
I know how we can
make it up to your parents.
We catch that getaway car ourselves!
-Now, you're talkin'!
-Aw, yeah!
Impossible. If the grown-ups
couldn't catch him,
how can we? We're just kids.
Well, kids can do great things, too.
You said yourself that you wanted
to be like your parents someday.
Yeah. Someday. But not today.
Besides, Throttle could be
anywhere by now.
There's no way we could find him.
Hey! I think I know how to find him.
We can track Throttle using
the remote control car he stole.
The car sends out a special signal
to its remote controller.
And I can follow that signal with this.
That's where Throttle is right now.
But how do we know that's really him?
We chase him down, that's how.
[both] Let's roll, Firebuds!
[sirens blaring]
Hit the sirens
Turn on the lights ♪
There's trouble brewin'
And we gotta make it right ♪
We're gearin' up
We're in the groove ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move! ♪
There he is!
We actually found him?!
Man, ya gotta trust your vroommate, P.
What?! How did those kids find me?!
All right, time to kick this up a gear.
[brakes squealing]
Where'd he go?
-The signal's gone.
I don't know. Something
must be blocking it.
[sighs] I knew we couldn't do it.
Hey, I know those tire tracks.
It's got stars like my bedsheets.
These are Throttle's tracks!
And they lead right into that building!
He musta gone inside, and the walls
are blocking the signal.
What is this place?
[Throttle] A model-boat factory? Ha-ha!
I hit the jackpot! Look at all these toys!
And they even come
with their own bottle of glue
for easy assembly. Boo-ya!
It's him!
I say we radio our parents
and let the grown-ups take it from here.
OK. Mom, this is Jayden. Come in, Mom.
[Jenna] Jayden, what are
you doing on a police radio?
We found the getaway car.
You did (echoing) what?!
He's in the model boat
warehouse on Grille Street.
[Pete] Just sit tight, kids.
We'll be there in five minutes.
Five minutes! Ha! Ah!
I'll be long gone in five minutes.
It's not like a bunch of kids can stop me.
Oh, yeah? Firebuds, seal the exits!
-[alarm sounding]
-Exit sealed!
[alarm sounds]
[alarm sounds]
This is the last exit!
[alarm sounds]
It's- It's jammed!
Why does it have to be jammed?!
Uh Oh!
If we line up, we can block the doorway.
Aw, look at you all blocking the exit.
It's so adorable and pointless.
[tires squeal, engine revs]
-What is this?
-I can't move!
He glued our wheels to the floor!
Hey, we may be stuck.
But at least we're stuck
blocking the door.
So you can't leave, either!
Unless I build a ramp and jump over ya.
Didn't think of that, kids, did ya?
No, I I really didn't.
I can't believe we thought
we could actually
catch him ourselves.
Throttle's right. We're just kids.
Sure, butlook at all the stuff we did
because we're just kids.
Jayden, you tracked a toy car.
Total kid idea.
Most adults can't even
put the batteries in those things!
[chuckles] That was pretty cool.
Violet, you noticed the star pattern
in Throttle's tracks,
'cause they reminded you
of your bedsheets.
Awesome kid move!
That's my vroomie.
We can still stop Throttle if we try.
Kid stuff may have gotten us this far,
but I fail to see how it will help us now.
It won't! Listen to the little kiddie car.
This isn't a game.
Exactly. It's not a
-[siren whoops]
But maybe it could be a game!
-[grunts "I don't know"]
What are ya talkin' about, P?
You've got to trust your vroommate, J.
Come on, Throttle!
What are ya waitin' for?
Leap over us!
All right, you asked for it!
What's Piston doing?
I think he's got a plan.
[tires squealing]
[slow-motion] Yeah!
Ha-ha! Well, it's been fun, kids.
-See ya never.
-[Piston] But Throttle
You don't wanna leave without this, do ya?
Hey! That's my Speed Demon 9000!
Well, then, come and get it.
Hey, Buds, how about a game of keep-away?
Argh, come on! [grunts]
-Hey! No fair!
-Let's play!
Stop! That package
is in perfect condition!
-You'll scuff it!
[engine revs]
Gimme that!
-[engine revs]
[grunting] What?!
Oh, lug nuts!
Now you're stuck, too.
I guess catching you
-was a game, after all.
-You said it, Piston!
-[imitates drums] We got him!
Great plan, Piston!
Case closed.
Ha! Uh, so
How do we get unstuck?
That's a good question.
Well, any place with this much glue
has got to have glue remover.
-[siren blaring]
-[sighs] You're OK!
You all right, there? Where's Throttle?
Right here.
You caught him?
Thanks to Piston's genius plan.
Wait. You hatched the plan, Piston?
Kids can do more than you think, Dad.
Well, you don't have to tell me that.
I see you prove it every day.
I'm proud of ya, son.
So is someone gonna unstick me, or what?
Hold on, Jayden. First things first.
We've got to get a picture of the heroes
who tracked down the stolen toys
and saved the day!
[camera clicks]
[closing theme plays]
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