Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Mom! Dad! The day has arrived.
The day of the big race!
The Lake Curve,
the Sand Pit Jump,
the Cacti Pathway.
If I'm chosen as captain, I'm--
I'm gonna give it my all! Awesome!
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
Big Race
Come on, guys, we have to win it.
We've trained super hard!
Well, I'm still struggling
with the sandpit jump.
And there's a dangerous curve
in front of the cacti.
But, yeah, we're going to win!
Cool, huh?
Does that mean it's cool,
or that it hurts your eyes?
I'm going to change.
Why would you say that?
What's important is that you like it.
Besides, it's perfect for your initiation.
My initiation?
Initiation for what?
Who-- who told you
I wanted to be initiated in this?
Don't be afraid.
Just launch and let yourself go.
Forget it. Nothing and no one
will get me off this ramp.
Whoa, I can see my house from here!
Charlie, are you okay?
Yeah, Noa. I'm great.
This is super fun, huh?
Especially for all of you.
Thanks a lot, Noa.
You're wasting your time.
Sports has rejected his friend request.
-Get it?
-What do you mean?
Charlie is really good.
The thing is,
fear is his big mental block.
He's like a baby seal
blinded by the snowplow lights.
Get it?
Okay, kids, listen up.
Let me make this clear.
Whoever doesn't hand in their math work
won't participate in the race.
Kids, kids, those are the rules.
Now we're going to pick the teams
for the big race.
I don't know if I've told you
that I had the honor of winning it once.
You won in 1998.
And you beat everyone else
to the finish line.
The prize was a state-of-the-art phone
which you still treasure.
I love how it rings.
Hi, yeah, I'll call you later.
Yes, I'll be home for lunch. Of course.
Yes, gazpacho sounds good. Yeah.
Love you. Bye.
Okay. Now we'll choose the captains,
who'll then choose
the rest of the team, okay?
And the captains are…
Raquel and Noa!
Kids? Good luck.
I love your sweater. It looks great!
Hey, can you help me
with the math homework?
There's a rumor that you can divide
without a calculator.
And that makes you so… interesting!
We'll meet up at the library, okay?
Charlie, you'll be on our team, okay?
Yeah, yeah, okay.
Raquel likes my sweater, did you know?
-Charlie, come on.
-What's wrong?
Why does someone being nice to me
mean they're up to no good?
After we finish the calculation,
we just need to clear the unknown.
How would you do it?
X is equal to 47.
I'm the daughter of Maleficent!
Wow. You solved all of them.
If you were an app,
I'd rate you five stars.
-You're so useful.
-I'm not that useful on the track.
Excuse me? I mean, hello?
I saw you this morning on the BMX.
It's obvious you have what it takes.
Noa should sign you up.
-No matter what she says.
-What does she say?
No, nothing.
-Just that you're afraid of everything.
-I'm a chicken?
No. More like a frightened baby seal.
See you later!
How will we win with Charlie on our team?
-Very simple. We'll use SWS.
The Southern Whale Strategy.
The group corrals their calf
in the center.
-Charlie will be our calf.
-Well, either way.
Charlie probably won't even participate.
He won't risk falling again.
Hey, what's up, guys?
Are we practicing today, or what?
Well, okay, here I go!
What a wipeout. Respect, man.
Tell him he's off the team
before he kills himself.
But I don't want to hurt his feelings.
Friendship should come
with an instruction manual.
Friend, this is tech support.
How may I help you?
Kev, how can I tell Charlie
he can't race with us
without hurting his feelings?
Tell him the rules won't allow
any Charlies, Michaels, or Ildefonsas.
But that's a lie.
Hey. This is a free service.
What did you expect?
I was looking for you.
Since the race has a dangerous section,
I don't want you to hurt yourself.
You don't want me to be on your team.
That's it, isn't it?
Charlie, it's for your own good.
Besides, the race prohibits anyone
named Charlie or Ildefonsa.
Okay, kids, here are your race bibs.
Red for Noa's team, and blue for Raquel's.
-Good luck.
It's for your own good. You're my friend.
Friend? Your friend or your pet?
-A chicken? Or maybe a seal?
-Just ignore her, Charlie.
We discussed it
and decided you'll be on our team.
That wasn't that hard. See?
It's going to be cool!
Come here, Charlie.
Let's stick your race bib on.
Yay, champion!
You're an asset to any team.
Let's see if Noa can win
with an oaf like that on her team.
I was surprised by your math score.
You earned an A! See?
Mens sana in corpore sano.
Yes, men sound in the sand soundly.
Yay for sound!
Kids, to the starting line!
Five, four, three,
two, one!
He's gonna crash and burn.
I wish I'd listened to Noa!
Charlie's going to crash!
-We have to do something.
-I know!
Find a spot to watch the crash?
No. It's time to apply the SWS.
Well done!
Well done, Charlie!
Southern Whale Strategy!
I don't know why I trusted you.
You never wanted me on your team.
Oh, he's so smart!
And he's not even using a calculator.
I only wanted you to do my math homework
so Teresa would let me join the race.
-She's behind me, isn't she?
-Beside you.
And you know where you and I are going?
-To your office?
-To my office, in one minute.
Charlie, you know what?
Your sweater is pathetic.
Well, I think it's great.
I love your urban look.
That yellow is dazzling,
blinding, ultraviolet.
-Can I take photos of you for my blog?
-Oh, come on!
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