Forbidden Science (2009) s01e03 Episode Script

Adversaries, Part 2

Previously in Forbidden Science A new emergency cloning process that can grow a replacement organs in matter of hours.
It's here.
Cloning is a sin! To work here is to work against God! My window of getting spinal transplant is closing.
And I don't think God gives a damn if I can walk again or not.
I'm a carbon copy of a dead woman! Father, do you think clones have souls? Clone organs, clone people.
You're using science to replace God's creation! I'm the one your daughter turn to for a cure.
To her I'm God.
-=Theater Jomblo=- Trans : siGantenG Rev : theKuwat Forbidden Science Episode 3 Adversaries Part 2 Are you gonna behave this time? Come on, who's your mama? You're, Penny.
Who is your mama? -You are, Penny.
-That's mistress Penny, bitch! You like that? Ahhh! You like that, don't you? Oh God! Harder, harder! That's it! That's it! Harder! Harder! Harder! Harder! Rock my fucking world! Oh, that programm is a keeper.
What the fuck did you do? I didn't do this! What explosive did you use? Dwight, do you read me? Dwight! Dwight! Dwight, do you read me? Dwight! This is Colin.
Dwight is dead.
-Can you give me your position, sir? -Yeah.
In the hall way.
Outside the clone organ lab.
The blast must've destroyed the place.
There's There's liquid escaping from the organ lab.
I got the guy who set up the bomb.
Have security standing by.
Negative, sir.
The explosion initiated our emergency procedure.
All access to the area has been sealed.
Including ventilation.
Can you reverse the protocol? No, sir.
We have a team on the way together.
Colin, the liquid from the lab when mixed together become highly toxic and corrosive.
I say you stay away as far as possible.
How long he's been down there? -More than an hour.
-Where is he? There.
Right about there.
-Hold on.
-Yo, what's the situation? The elevator and the stairs door are reinforced with steel.
-It takes another hour to cut through.
-Copy that.
What the hell do you think you doing? I'm praying for his immortal soul.
All things considered, I'd be worried about your own.
I didn't do this! Picketing outside, screaming about how we raping God's plan -then you break it here? -I didn't do it! I'm sure you have plenty enemies.
Not many who would bomb this place.
Save your breath.
We low on air as it is.
You may not care about his souls, but I do.
-You didn't even know him! -And you do? He's just one of your employees.
People like you have -no idea who -Dwight Brody.
All right? Retired from the police force, after a gunshot to the hip.
Every year I gave him his holiday bonus in Feb, so he can take his wife to Hawaii for her birthday, to see her family.
He got 2 kids, and they both in college.
What's your point? My point is, I know him alot better than you do.
So get the fuck away from his body! Now! -Help is on the way.
-Take your time.
No rush.
-Colin, this is Laura, are you alright? -Been better.
Don't worry, I'm fine.
Hey, do you mind I ask what are you doing? -What's look like I'm doing? -Like you using up the oxigen.
Colin, emergency crews almost there, just sit still.
I want to check one thing.
Stand by.
Philip, can you access Binary brain function remotely? -We can check that later! -I want to know what happened! Stand by! Sorry, there's way too much interferences down there.
I can't even tell if there's a signal.
What exactly are you looking for? I sent Binary in here, right before the explosion.
There's a chance that his backup system might still be working.
Binary recorded something that we can use We can use Colin? Colin? How you feeling? Like I got the worst hang over in the history? -How is your hand? -It's ok.
Ok, try this.
The police called.
They want your statement this morning, before Samantha's father gets arrasted.
I, uh I'm really sorry, Colin.
It was my idea to give Samantha that spinal clone against her father wishes.
I just I never thought he He didn't do this.
Not your fault.
You know, when you in the lab last night, watchin you down there, not being able to let anybody know about us, or how I feel I just This whole arrangement hasn't been exactly fair to you, has it? I guess I just I don't know where we stand.
When I was down there in the dark, caughing all night and bleeding, couldn't stop thinking about you.
I was glad to hear your voice.
You know, it's funny how you can answer me and yet you never really answer me.
-Secret to my success! -I bet! So, is this still cassual? What do you want it to be? Cute Are you sure you up for this? I might break you.
Go ahead and try.
Look who's up and out! Alright, shut up.
So, find anything? Those memory chip was badly damaged from the blast, but.
we're able to piece together few images.
Go back.
Play again.
-Zoom in.
-What is it? Clear shot.
I don't understand.
I do.
Looks like a couple of partial, maybe a thumb.
-I'll send it to the police.
Give it to Neilson in security, see what he can come up with.
Were we able to pull anything from Dwight's memory? Nothing unussuai, day to day work stuff, family trips, a couple of birthdays, some private moments with his wife.
Make sure anything pretending to 4Ever is extracted and stored.
Private memories can be given to his family.
Colin, I don't understand, why aren't we handing the finger print over the police? I will.
But first I want to know if it's actually Jacob doing, or I got an enemy I don't know about.
You don't think it wasn't one of the protesters? Not sure.
Neither way, let's keep this internal matter for now.
The device appear to use liquid nitrogen as a primer, it took expertize.
Not exactly your normal home grown bomb.
Why do I find it disconcerting that you know that? Disconcerting? Most guys find it a turn on.
Yeah, until they find an explosive under their bed.
I only did that once! No, tell Davenport he still owe us 3 millions for the pleasure model.
Tell him that we are not running some sort of bionic brothel where he paces as he goes.
Or sort of that fact.
Right, that should be a fun call.
Shouldn't' you be resting or something? Getting round to it.
-Yes? -There's a Mr.
Armstrong to see you.
Show him in.
Looks like the wolf has smell of blood.
Robert! What a surprise! -Pleasant one, I hope.
This is my head of sales, Miss Bethany Montrose.
Please to meet you.
Robert is the head of Armstrong Industries.
Competitor? Oh hardly, our abrations are mostly artificial limbs and such.
Not like the advancest clonist, I'm hoping to achieve.
It's called "hard work".
-So, what's bring you back? -I just heard what happened.
It's awful, simply awful.
Want to see how you holding up.
Oh, don't worry, I'm holding up just fine.
Of course, you're a survivor.
And what about this crazy person, Jacob whatever? I hear he's in jail.
It's a shame we don't have the electric chair anymore.
Innocent until proven guilty, Robert.
I didn't think you have such a soft spot for people who trying to kill you.
No, I just want to make sure I'm getting the right person.
Besides, we all have our soft spots, don't we? Only for my daughter.
She cost me for nearly as much as I earn.
Do you have any children, Bethany? No, but I'm seriously considering a cat.
There's still plenty of time.
Speaking of which, have time to lunch with an old friend? Certainly.
I didn't miss to get out of the office.
Bethany will take care that bussines with Davenport while I'm gone.
Can't wait.
Sorry doc, you can't come down here, The air vent still not working.
-But you're down there? -Yeah, lucky me! What's up? I just wondering if you got anything of the partial I sent over.
I'm afraid not.
The computers still searching.
-Did you try cross checking them -I'm sorry doc, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but this is a security matter.
I design Binary's analysist programme, I just thought I might be some help If I need anything, I won't hesitate to call.
Colin, you here? Find anything interesting? No, I was just looking for you.
Obviously you just got lost on the way.
Yesterday you used my acount to reposition a spine and now you're going through my files.
You right.
I'm sorry.
These just reporter forms from the lab that destroyed.
It's not that you're gonna need them.
What's the matter? You don't trust your boss? Of course I do.
It's okay.
Curiosity is one of your sexy traits.
So I'll see you later? Absolutely.
-You wanted to see me? -Yeah.
Neilson was taking a while on those fingerprints, so I figured I just take a quick look for myself.
I thought I told the security to handle that problem.
Unfortunetly, security is your problem.
I don't follow.
Neilson set the bomb.
MATCH -Are you sure? -Well, I'm sure he touched it.
It's Colin.
Had Neilson report to my office I see.
Thank you.
He left an hour ago.
Any chance you can hack his bank account for me? Who is you mama? There's 3 deposit in the last 6 months totaly half a mil.
Each from an offshore account.
Tried to follow it but nada.
Whoever give him the money it's virtually untraceable.
I need to trace it.
The wolves are at the door.
Dad! -I so worried.
-I'm fine.
It's alright.
So, is it over? Colin said not to press charge for breaking and entering.
And all the other charges have been dismissed.
It's works.
I should be going.
They say I can run lap in six months.
I'm so sorry, dad.
I know how you feel about this.
-Laura offered to let me -I'm still your father.
You're still my daughter.
My home is still your home.
You took care of our little problem? Did I ever let you down? Seems you're right.
Like I said Never hired an idealis, he followed the heart, not the money.
And you? I live to serve.
Make a scotch.
Cheer to death.
And your.
That's what happens when you hired people with principles.
They get sloppy.
Neilson was a spy for me.
I certainly had nothing to do with the bomb.
Let's say I believe you.
-Then why did he do it? -You already know.
That's why you're here, isn't it? Alone.
With that.
No cops, no men in dark suits.
You know why he did it.
Just how much I know.
How much do you know? Neilson brought this.
He seems upset.
Mixing android with clone organs.
Doesn't take a Jesus freak to know when you crossing the line.
And what line would that be? Using computer intelctual and organic material.
Creating thinking machines that could potentially look and act, just like us.
You're overracting.
We're talking about hearts and kidneys powered by microprocessors for longetivity? Only organs.
How many organs to make up a man? -Shut down that project.
-Or what? Or you'll find all the other synthetic manufactures suddenly have a common goal.
To bring you down.
Even the devil has ethics.
There are some lines we don't cross, Colin.
Creating machines are indistinguiseable from organic products even just organs is where that line ends.
Neilson, for all his faults, understood that.
I suggest you do the same.
Thanks for the drink.
We'll keep an eye on you.
And your little secret, Colin.
I've been thinking about your question.
Do clones have souls.
-And? -And I believe God has a plan for all of us.
Just because His hand didn't create you, doesn't mean He wasn't involved.
But I'm a copy of someone else.
You came here.
That was your choice, not the other woman's.
You're no more a copy of her than than I am at my own father.
But you don't have years of thoughts and feelings that don't belong to you.
Then, perhaps, it's time for you to find your own thoughts and feelings.
Decide for yourself if you like chocolate.
Or your favorite book or movie is.
Live your life.
The rest will take care of that stuff.

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