Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

In Between Seasons

Let's just forget it happened.
Let's be mature. Let's be cool about it.
I hope we get along.
Let's be mature. Let's be cool about it.
Okay, then.
This is insane.
Aren't you hungry?
Let's grab something to…
Ha-kyung didn't come home?
What did she say on the phone last night?
She told you not to worry because
she'd end it with Ki-jun no matter what.
Hey! You…
Mom worried about you all night.
Why didn't you tell us
you were staying out?
Did you come straight from work?
-Did you eat?
-I'm not hungry.
Mom, food isn't the issue.
Can't you tell?
She couldn't do it.
She's smart and sharp about everything,
but she's clueless when it comes
to what really matters for herself.
Wait here.
-She's crying.
-She is?
-Step aside.
Leave her alone.
Of course, she's upset.
Her fiancé stabbed her in the back.
I knew it.
I knew he was up to no good
when she made excuses for him.
Exactly. She must be really embarrassed.
She has no reason to be embarrassed.
It was all his fault!
Mom, just leave her alone.
Let's give her some time
to get her head together, okay?
This is insane.
The yellow dust has receded overnight,
and today's midday weather will be
closer to that of
early summer than spring.
The temperature will rise to 28°C
during the day in Seoul,
about 7 to 8 degrees higher
than yesterday.
The time between seasons is ambiguous.
You aren't sure whether
you should wear thick or thin clothes.
You hesitate between eating
-Thank you.
-something hot or something cold.
Can I have a hot…
No, I'll have an iced Americano, please.
Thank you.
So, at times, I'm confused
whether this inexplicable feeling…
is sadness about letting go
of the passing season
or excitement for the new season.
What's clear is that summer is coming.
I'm off to work.
I made breakfast so make sure to eat.
Are you going to school?
See you later.
Call me when you're done at the academy.
What's wrong with her?
Is she sensitive in the morning?
She's all grown up.
You can't be dressed like that at home.
Why not? I'm her dad.
Yes. You're a dad who hasn't lived
with his daughter for 14 years.
Breakfast is ready.
Have some before you go.
I'm late for work.
Your car isn't outside.
Did you leave it at work?
Oh, right.
This is driving me nuts.
No. We didn't find
any car keys in the room.
Could you please check again,
just in case?
Yes. Thank you.
The buoy data over the past week.
It's here. Thank you.
-Forecaster Lee, did you catch a cold?
You should have been careful.
Was it cold last night?
It was hot.
Did you sleep out?
You're wearing
the same clothes as yesterday.
Did you sleep out?
That's personal.
What's going on, Forecaster Lee?
You're making me curious.
I'm staying at the training center
while I look for a place.
I can only stay there
until the end of the month.
So I'm living out of a suitcase.
I see.
Assistant Director Shin,
don't you have an extra room?
Didn't you buy an apartment last year?
Did you?
It's not mine. The bank owns it.
I won't be a freeloader. I'll pay rent.
Si-woo, I can't live with anyone.
Where is Director Jin? Is she always late?
That's weird.
She's never been late.
Director Jin, where are you?
The meeting is starting soon.
The traffic is terrible.
It'd be great if Senior Forecaster Um
could start the meeting.
Director Jin is going to be late.
She asked if you could start the meeting.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Why aren't we starting?
-She isn't here yet.
She isn't?
Soo-jin, did you tell him?
Where is Director Jin?
She isn't checking her messages now.
Ask Senior Forecaster Um
to start the meeting.
I already asked him twice.
But he's still as a rock.
Senior Forecaster Um,
please start the meeting.
Senior Forecaster Um.
I'm sorry. I…
I left my car yesterday and…
I understand. Let's start the meeting.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Won't you start?
I will.
We'll begin the morning meeting of May 10.
Satellite center--
I'm sorry.
What's the current status?
A wind warning is in effect
on the West Sea due to strong lower wind
at the edge of
an anticyclone in the south.
Thank you.
If you look at the satellite images,
clouds are rotating clockwise
around Gyeongbuk Province.
-In this case, the inland--
-No. Please go over
the high wind warning
that went into effect two days ago first.
It's chaos here
because of the high wind warning.
Please lift the fishing ban.
What are you doing?
In the last election,
didn't you say you'd help fishermen
make a better living?
We have only two weeks to catch crabs.
You've held us back for two days already.
What do you want us to do?
Don't you know anyone at the coast guard?
Can't the governor
do something about this?
Do something!
I understand their situation.
But until the KMA
clears the high wind warning,
they can't set sail.
There are currently nine patrol boats
that can be dispatched.
And there are only about 32 rescue guards
and coast guards in total.
If an accident occurs on the swell waves,
we can't do anything about it!
No means no!
Shouldn't you do something about this?
The sea conditions there…
Well, the west coast wave period
has dropped down to 11.4 seconds.
Looking at the
oceanographic factors there…
I mean…
Let's help her.
Send her the summarized data.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I haven't analyzed the situation yet.
Senior Forecaster Um,
could you please take over?
The wave height isn't stable yet.
Considering the long wind drift distance,
the wave height
will not subside immediately.
Is that so?
What do you think,
Severe Weather Forecaster Lee?
The wave height remains the same,
but the wave period
dropped from 14.5 to 11.4 seconds.
The wind speed is dropping
and the swell waves
are gradually subsiding.
So your opinion is different
from Senior Forecaster Um's.
The Administrator is calling
because of the high wind warning in Taean.
The local governments
are pressuring the Administrator.
-This is complicated.
Director Jin, what do you think?
They have different opinions.
You need to make a decision.
Hey, Director Jin.
Considering the wave height deviation,
we'll monitor the situation
for another time section.
Got it.
We'll monitor the conditions
until the next update.
-Report that.
-Yes, sir.
The meeting is over.
I'm sorry.
For what?
For being late or for stuttering?
For having to monitor
the conditions some more.
We can do that. What's the problem?
You'll get annoying complaints
from everywhere.
Director Jin.
I'll take care of that.
As a director, you only need
to look after your team.
Okay. I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Good work.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I clearly told him
that you asked him to run the meeting.
-Let's get some coffee.
-All right.
Are you okay?
With what? With being late,
stuttering, or being embarrassed?
I'm talking about the cold.
You sneezed really loudly.
I have rhinitis.
It's because the season is changing.
I'll buy it.
For 300,000 won.
What? Why are you still here?
Didn't you know?
I've been officially transferred here.
Why here of all places?
Ask HR if you're curious.
It was their decision.
So you'll stay here
and keep bumping into me?
Working at Headquarters was my dream,
so I'll work hard.
I lost you
because I was chasing that dream.
Am I wrong?
Do you think that was
the only reason for our breakup?
What else was there?
Do you really not know
or are you just pretending?
It doesn't matter anyway.
Because we have nothing
to do with each other now.
Reporter Chae!
Good day, Reporter Chae.
-Who was that?
-A Severe Weather Forecaster.
He was transferred here recently.
How do you know him?
I just know him from work.
I see.
The warning hasn't been lifted yet.
-That's right.
-Of course.
-We're monitoring the conditions.
I understand this is a problem for you,
but the wave heights are still unstable.
We have to wait a little longer.
Yes. The waves are too high.
-It's too…
-Yes, I understand.
We'd really love
-to lift the warning.
-I see.
-But we can't do that
-Yes, I like crabs.
-as we please.
-It's not on purpose.
-The administration says the waves…
Yes, of course.
-No, it's not like that.
-The message board?
-Yes. Please hold.
The message board is going crazy.
We're the ones suffering
because the KMA is making a big fuss.
The KMA is killing us, not the sea!
Damn it.
Look at that. There's no high wind.
They know nothing about the sea.
I'll let you know
as soon as I hear from them.
-Yes, okay.
We'll do our best.
I can't handle this.
-Deputy Director Han.
-Yes, sir.
Go to the Chief
and get a preliminary report.
"A preliminary report"?
We need one that indicates
when the warning will be lifted.
Otherwise, we'll end up
answering phone calls all day.
Assistant Director Kim,
which team is in charge today?
It's Chief Team Two.
Of all teams…
Are you not uncomfortable
seeing me like this?
Oh, are you?
Then you should leave instead.
Be my guest and go to Geneva, you asshole.
What is it?
The high wind warning has been
in effect on the Central West Sea
-for two days already.
Can you give us a preliminary report
on when it'll be lifted--
Didn't you receive the minutes?
The high wind warning can't be lifted
under the current circumstances
due to dangers posed by swell waves.
So why don't we release
a preliminary report?
Either this afternoon
or early tomorrow morning--
The wave heights are unstable.
I can't release uncertain information
just because we're pressured.
Please wait.
I know you can do it.
What do you mean?
A preliminary report.
You're withholding it on purpose
because of your personal feelings.
Are you saying that
I'm making the crab fishermen suffer
because I want to screw you over?
-Aren't you?
-Mr. Han Ki-jun!
You can talk to me.
I'm the Severe Weather Forecaster,
so talk to me.
Do you know what's going on
in the Office of Spokesperson?
It's impossible to work
because of the complaint calls
from local governments and ministries.
Our work is at a standstill.
Shouldn't the Office of Spokesperson
do at least that much?
-"At least that much"?
-Can't you see
that everyone here is skipping lunch
to analyze data for the high winds?
We're working our asses off
drawing up various scenarios.
You should at least take care
of the complaint calls for us.
Everyone is working
their fingers to the bone.
It's not just you.
You shouldn't be complaining.
It's not your place to interfere.
Stay out of this.
I'm the Severe Weather Forecaster.
In any case,
I'm going to talk to your director.
That's enough, Mr. Lee.
Please return to your office, Mr. Han.
You want me to leave, just like that?
When there's severe weather,
an accident leads straight to casualties.
Don't you know that?
It's not a matter of screwing anyone over.
So go back to your office
and wait for the notice.
-Well, in any case--
-I said go back and wait.
She'll be okay, right?
I'm talking about Ha-kyung.
She looked so dazed.
I know.
Going to work every day
must be hell for her.
As if having to face Ki-jun
every day at work wasn't enough,
everyone who works with her
knows what happened too.
Still, she has to pretend
to be okay and keep working.
Would you be okay if you were her?
What is it? What are you doing?
If you're having
a hard time at work, quit--
I'm busy.
Oh, okay.
Doing nothing is the best way to help her.
She didn't sound good. Is she unwell?
I said I have rhinitis.
You're quite insensitive.
You have a fever.
Take one now.
What are you doing?
It's just part of the job.
Getting on the good side of my director.
Don't worry. I won't ask you out
just because we slept together once.
Take it now, okay?
Yes. What?
The sea is calm.
It's calm enough for us to swim in.
We know the sea
like the back of our hands.
What about the sea far away?
Yes. What does it look like now?
Could you please tell me
the shape of the clouds
and the direction of the wind?
I checked the site.
There are swell waves by the seaside,
and none out at sea.
How did you check it?
Through a captain of a weather ship
who knows the seas at Taean
like the back of his hand.
There's an average
of 18 accidents and 32 casualties
due to swell waves every year.
Most of them knew the sea
like the back of their hands.
The ocean wind is becoming weaker.
The significant wave height is quite tall,
but, as he said,
the wind is getting weaker.
-That's true.
-So if we
bring the warning down to a watch,
big vessels can set sail.
We'll be less pressured,
and the fishermen will be relieved.
If the big vessels depart,
the small ones will follow.
Will you be able to stop them?
Coast Guard is worried about
not being able to control them.
Do you want to keep the warning then?
What do you think?
When it's hard to make a decision,
go with the figures.
But it's crab fishing season.
I can't ignore the fishermen.
Or trust Forecaster Lee's hunch
and bring the warning down to a watch.
Who knows?
Maybe Poseidon will calm the waves.
You talk as if it's none of your business.
The director is responsible
for making a decision,
not me.
This is Han Ki-jun
of the Office of Spokesperson.
Here's the conclusion
our team has reached as of 3:23 p.m.
-It's the Chief Team.
-Will they lift it?
Let me hear it.
Please go ahead.
Strong winds and waves on the west coast
have eased to a watch level,
but given the large variation
in significant wave height in the region,
we'll watch the situation until 9 p.m.,
and decide whether
to lower it or lift it completely.
Wait, Director Jin. What did you say?
Director Jin. Well… Director Jin!
-Here we go again.
-This is the Office of Spokesperson.
-This is the Office of Spokesperson.
-This is the Office of Spokesperson.
-It'll last a little longer.
-The warning?
-I'm sorry.
I'll send the notice then.
Your forecast is more conservative
than I thought.
I made a decision
based on figures and data.
There's one more thing that clearly exists
between the figures and the data.
It's called a hunch.
And mine has almost never been wrong.
-Forecaster Lee.
Forecasting is a science.
If you want to remain on my team,
base your statements only
on scientific evidence, not on your hunch.
Got it?
I'll send out a notice
saying that the high wind warning
on the west coast will be maintained
from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Goodness, the weather is killing me now.
Let's go home.
-We can't go out today.
-Darn it.
-Come here.
-Have a drink.
-I can't believe it.
Who's going to eat all this?
I won't ask you to eat it,
so stop nagging.
Go to the seafood section
and ask them when they're getting loaches.
Why? Will you make loach soup?
Ha-kyung doesn't like that.
-Why are you cooking it again?
-Shall I go?
No, I'll go.
Who makes loach soup at home these days?
You can just order it online
and have it delivered.
She's something else.
Look who's here.
Hi, Soo-ja.
Mrs. Lee?
Long time no see.
Have you been ill or something?
I haven't seen you at the gym in ages.
My youngest had a baby recently.
She needed postpartum care,
so I was in America for a few months.
I see. Did she have a son or a daughter?
A daughter.
That's great.
Daughters are the best.
Your younger daughter got married, right?
I felt really bad
because I couldn't attend the wedding.
Wait a minute.
Let me give you some congratulatory money.
No, you don't have to do that.
Yes, I do.
You gave so much to my daughter.
No, it's okay.
She didn't get married.
-The wedding was called off.
You bragged that
he was a government employee
working with your daughter
in the same company.
Did you brag about that jerk, Han Ki-jun?
-Be quiet.
-What happened?
Was there a problem?
No, not really.
You know how even married couples
split up all the time.
I thought he was awful,
so I called it off.
I see.
You must be really upset.
Your older daughter was divorced.
Now your younger daughter's wedding
got called off.
I was the one who called it off.
I'm glad you're okay
after going through that.
I would have been sick in bed.
Why would anyone
be sick in bed because of that?
You should pay attention
when someone's talking.
My daughters weren't dumped.
They dumped them.
Hey, tell her.
Did you divorce him or did he divorce you?
Let's go, Mom.
-Why don't you understand?
-Don't you have any ears?
-Mom, let's go.
They have good loaches.
-Do they?
-That old witch.
-Let's go.
-Good work.
-Good work.
A new seafood noodles restaurant opened.
That sounds good.
Won't you join us?
No. You guys enjoy it.
See you tomorrow.
-Let's go.
-Is it good?
Aren't you going home?
I am. Darn, my back hurts.
-See you tomorrow then.
-See you.
-Senior Forecaster Um.
Don't you have anything to say to me?
No, not really.
What is it? Do you have something to say?
You might not like me,
but work is work.
Being late for the meeting was my fault.
But I thought you could cover for me.
I see.
Then you should have given a proper order.
Well, it'd be uncomfortable
to have someone much older than you
as a subordinate.
It could be awkward.
But when we work, you're my superior.
And I'm someone who follows your orders.
So you should have given me
a proper order.
That's what your position entails.
If you delay making a decision,
people will complain more like earlier.
If it's ambiguous,
people will voice their opinions
and insist they're right.
If you don't give a proper order,
nobody will follow your lead.
Do you understand?
Yes, I do.
Even if you do,
you'll struggle for a while.
From now on,
I won't be late.
Still, if anything like that
happens again by any chance,
please take over my place.
It's an order.
Okay. See you tomorrow.
Ha-kyung. You should come home late.
Mom is drinking soju straight up.
The one I loved so much
-I lost him
I'll come to your place
to pick up the air purifier.
So can you give me a 20,000 won discount?
Can you come to this address
to pick it up tonight?
What the…
Darn it.
Do you live here alone?
Why don't you lock the bathroom door?
I'm not used to doing that.
Come on.
-Are you a guest?
Why are you standing there?
-Eat some fruit.
Were you taken aback earlier?
Your dad is so silly, isn't he?
Is he in his room?
Don't be like that to him.
He doesn't know anything
because he hasn't been living with us.
Please be nice to--
-I feel the same.
I don't know anything…
because I've never lived with Dad.
By the way,
Deputy Director Han's ex-fiancée…
I heard they had a big fight
in front of the Office of Spokesperson.
She even slapped him in front of everyone.
She said she'd never give up
the apartment.
You're home already?
I'm sorry the house was a mess.
I was busy getting ready for work.
-Cleaning up must've been a lot of work.
I asked you to at least
put away the dishes after you ate.
I was too busy, so I forgot.
I told you they attracted fruit flies.
That's because you put
a banana peel in the trash can.
-I did that only once.
-You did it more than once.
Never mind. Forget it.
Fine. You cleaned the house,
so I'll take the trash out.
Oh, no.
Why can't you do anything right?
What about you? Can you do anything right?
What about me? What didn't I do right?
Did you take care of the apartment?
You didn't, did you?
How did you know?
Everyone at the KMA knows except me.
The rent is really expensive here
because it's a short-term lease.
We were going to move
when you got the deposit back.
I need to know what's going on
so we can plan the next move.
Don't think about that.
Why not? Did she say she won't give it up?
How can she be so brazen?
You said half of it was yours.
Why can't you speak up to her?
Out of the 20 million-won savings,
you deposited 5 million.
I paid the rest.
And I paid the deposit,
intermediate payment, and the loan.
Then what does that mean?
Let's halve it? Don't be ridiculous.
You can't get any more brazen than that.
fighting with her at work
won't do us any good.
It's done, so drop it.
I said you don't have to do this.
-I can just throw it away on my way out.
-Just go.
I don't want you to hold anything dirty.
You're so sweet.
I used to love sitting here.
Why are you here?
This is the right place.
Are you "issue"?
Are you "jjin"?
Stop looking around.
Is this it?
Just go.
I won't sell it to you.
You know why, right?
-Are you throwing this out?
-I said just go.
-By the way, Director Jin.
-What? What is it?
You've never sold anything online,
have you?
Well, this air purifier.
You said you used it only once to test it.
Then it's like a brand new product.
You can get at least 400,000 won
because it's the bestselling air purifier.
Why would you sell it
for just 300,000 won?
And this is a limited edition speaker.
It's even hard to buy this overseas.
If you sell it to an avid fan,
you can get extra money.
Selling a high-end speaker like this
in a full box for half-price
is like giving it away.
What's a full box?
It means the product
is in the original packaging.
Also, here.
The pictures you uploaded.
There are quite a lot of online scams.
You have to take a picture of your item
with your nickname and date.
It makes you look reliable.
-I see.
-Like this.
Like this.
Upload the pictures.
-Nickname. Yes.
-Upload everything?
Set the date and write "no negotiation."
-That means it's a special price.
-I see.
-And full box.
Overseas limited edition.
-And delivery included.
I won't ask you out
just because we slept together once.
Why not?
What? Why?
You just asked me why not?
No, I didn't say anything.
-Did I do something wrong?
Did I say something?
Why are you so nervous?
I'm not nervous at all.
A message!
-A message came?
They'll buy it right away!
That's great.
Thank you. I'll use it well.
Thank you.
Thanks for everything.
Buy me dinner then.
-What do you mean?
-I mean I'm hungry.
Does it have to mean something else?
What do you want to eat, Forecaster Lee?
Let's go.
Pale pink skirt
Fluttered in the spring wind
While chewing on my coat string as usual
On the way to the village shrine
Where wild orchids bloom
When flowers bloomed
The time between seasons is ambiguous.
It's hard to say if it's cold or hot.
But as the hot summer
eventually comes after spring passes,
once this ambiguous period is over,
flowers of another season bloom
before I even know it.
Here's the food you ordered.
You're selling that apartment?
-It's too bad.
-It is.
I'd live there if I were you.
You don't know, but that apartment--
I know a little.
Oh, right.
There are too many things
that remind me of him.
The only solution is to dispose of them.
How can you do that?
What about your heart then?
Can you dispose of your heart
just because it no longer loves him?
I should still get rid
of everything that reminds me.
Even so, you'll regret it anyway.
You can't undo something that's been done.
You probably mean nothing to him now.
So maybe you're making a loss.
Honestly, it's a pity.
I don't want you to go through that.
Are you worried about me?
It's my advice from experience.
No, thanks.
Did you take the medicine?
Just eat the chicken.
What are you doing?
I see you took them.
Your fever broke.
As expected, the time
between seasons is ambiguous.
-This place is nice.
-How many?
-Three? Please wait.
-What's wrong?
Look over there.
-That table is empty.
-Let me clear the table first.
But why are you hiding?
But why are you hiding?
Because they can't find out.
Find out what?
About you and me. Don't you understand?
They're coming this way.
Hey, where are you going?
He must be insane.
Please wait.
What are you doing here?
Assistant Director Shin said
this place has great fried chicken.
What about you?
Someone I know said
the chicken here was good.
We came here to drink.
Someone you know?
That's not him.
I thought it was someone I knew.
You're silly.
Do you want to have a drink with us?
No, something urgent came up,
so I have to go.
-You guys enjoy.
-Please come this way.
Come here.
What happened?
Did they notice? They didn't, right?
Did they?
What are you doing?
What do you mean?
Do we have something
to hide from the others?
If we drink at a place like this together,
they'll misunderstand us.
We can't have rumors
going around about us.
That's a bit too close.
Do you have feelings for me?
No. Why?
I think you do.
No, I don't.
Does it seem like I do?
Just so you know, I don't flirt around.
Hey, I didn't ask you to flirt with me.
-Then do you want to go out with me?
-What? You said you wouldn't ask me out.
That's because I can't ask you out
if I'm the only one who has feelings.
If we like each other, we can go out.
If not, we won't.
So what are we?
What are we to you?
The recent collision happened
because the drivers' visibility
dropped due to the fog.
Why doesn't our country
give fog advisories?
A reporter shouldn't distort the facts.
You should've done your research
before going up against her.
Ha-kyung beat all the competition
and became the youngest director.
-What about the rest?
-And the details?
I think she works here.
It's obvious he's dating a colleague.
Thank you. You can go now.
What was that? Was she hazing him?
How do I turn this off?
Hello, Forecaster Lee.
I want you to find cases
from countries around the world
that frequently have fogs like we do
and put them on my desk.
What's all this?
Did I waste my time?
Office romance will be the death of me.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-hyun Yang
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