Four Lives (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

We've found nothing to link those
deaths to that of your son.
I love you, Jack.
I love you too, Dem.
There's cause for serious concern
because it might happen again.
I still haven't told Tom
about Anth doing escort work.
It was bad enough him
finding out he was gay.
Don't tell me what to do!
It not respectful to your husband.
I don't care.
I've lost my husband, I've lost my son.
Either I'm right and
Anthony's been murdered
or they're right and I'm crackers.
All right, Stephen?
Your dad keeps saying
I shouldn't be panicking.
You know, he probably had
too much to drink Saturday night
and he's just sleeping it off somewhere.
Yeah, well, he could be right, Mum.
Yeah, but it's not like
Jack to miss Sunday dinner.
And he wouldn't still be sleeping
it off on a Monday, would he?
And why isn't he answering his
phone? He might've just lost it.
Look, I'll ring round and ask his mates
if they've heard anything, yeah?
Oh, my God. What is it?
It's the police.
What do you mean?
They're coming to the door.
Mum, what's going on?
Mum, what is it?
They just said he'd
..been found dead in an archway.
What archway?
In a park.
And they said he had drugs on him.
They just said they
thought it was an overdose.
What park did they say?
They just said that
..and then, they said there'd be,
like, procedures to do.
Tests and things on his body
..and then, they left.
That'll be our Paul.
Is he still coming here?
Oh, yeah, every night.
Just sits here talking to Anth,
lost in his own world.
I'm honestly afraid someone
reports him to the police
and he gets sectioned.
It's his way of dealing with it, though.
It's Sami.
Oh, bloody hell. What, again?
He says misses you.
As if I don't know.
..he means well, Sarah.
I just
I don't think you should shut
him out of your life forever
because of what you're
going through now and
..I don't think you do either.
Just meet him.
Talk things through, eh?
Taylor. Jack Taylor.
PHONE: And what,
you're saying you're related?
He was my brother.
Because we were told that we
need to come and identify him,
but that was over ten days ago
and we haven't heard a thing since.
PHONE: OK, I'll just put you on hold.
No, I'm sorry, I don't want
to be put on hold again.
I've been on this call for half an hour.
You're the fourth person I've spoken to.
PHONE: I'm really sorry
but it's not our responsibility.
I'll pass the message on to
the appropriate department.
Yeah, well, can you get someone
to call me straight back, please,
with a day and time?
Because if it is my brother that's dead,
and we don't know that for sure,
but, if it is, we'd like to have
a funeral and bury him.
If you'd like to
No. No, you don't have to, girls.
No, we want to, Mum. We want to.
Dad's put his ring on him, look.
How'd he get these marks?
His hands.
Sorry, you'd have to ask the police.
Is this supposed to be
the date of Jack's death?
That's the date we were told.
What, by the police?
It says the 14th.
That was the Monday but Jack went
missing on the Sunday morning,
so how do they know that
he didn't die before that?
I wouldn't know.
Haven't they explained?
No, we've
..we've been hardly told anything.
They just
They can't be expecting us to say,
"Well, ta very much, that's all
we need to know, then.
"We'll just carry on and bury him."
Is there a reason you
wanted this meeting here
rather than in your parents' house?
They're very distressed.
My sister and me don't
want them hearing anything
..that might upset 'em.
They'll probably upset you.
Well, we'll have to live with it.
We just want to know what happened.
Well, we were among the first two
officers on the scene at the Abbey.
The Abbey? What Abbey?
We were told he was found in a park.
He was found in the
grounds of Barking Abbey.
He was against the wall
in a sitting position.
Like he'd just taken the drugs
and sat down while they took effect.
Jack doesn't do drugs.
I'm not sure that can be right.
There was traces of
white powder in his wallet
and a small brown bottle
and syringe in his pocket.
He had a needle mark on his arm.
What about his phone?
Did you find it?
How'd he get the cuts and
scratches on his hands?
Maybe just deterioration
of the body due to weather.
How does the weather make scratch marks?
Look, this is a lot of questions.
I know, and you're not
giving us any answers.
We're trying to.
So, we have CCTV footage of
Jack getting out of the taxi here.
He walks across the road and has
a brief conversation with a man.
What man?
We've no idea who that was,
but, in any case, he disappeared
and Jack makes his way
to the Abbey on his own.
Can you show us where, please?
Of course.
So, he was here, against the wall.
Have you any idea who the last
person Jack had sex with was?
Why's that relevant?
Well, along with drug users, this is
a spot that gay men might use.
Jack's not gay.
Are you trying to say
that's why Jack was here?
For gay sex as well as drugs?
We're just trying to establish the facts.
You know what?
None of this feels right.
I don't think you know
half of what's happened,
and what you do know,
you're not telling us.
We've given you all the information we can
but there are still ongoing investigations.
Well, there better be
..cos we're not going
to stop asking questions
till we found out the truth.
All I try do is help.
Yeah, but you don't, though, Sami.
You don't give me the space that
I need to deal with what's happened,
so I get nowty with you and you get
wound up, then we end up fighting.
I still crazy about you.
You still love me
..or no?
Shit, I know who this is.
Mrs Sak, it's DC Slaymaker.
I got your email.
Right, yeah, look, I've had
a letter from the coroner
..about a date for Anthony's inquest.
It's up here in Hull.
So, can I have his stuff back now, please?
I've contacted his office.
He's agreed the property can be returned.
Right, so you'll send it straight away?
I'll put it in hand.
What the hell does that mean?
These things can take time.
Look, I've lost my son.
I would like his stuff back, please.
His personal stuff -
clothes, laptop.
It's very important to me.
I understand but it's in storage.
I'll chase it up as urgently as I can.
Thank you.
How can it be so difficult just to
give me Anth's things back?
I tell you these British police is shit.
Yeah, but makes my blood boil.
If I see this Slaymaker guy,
I fucking tell him what I think.
Doesn't help Sarah, you saying
things like that, does it, Sami?
That's exactly it.
II try not to let show.
But you can't, can you?
Please, give me chance to try.
Look, I keep thinking about Anthony.
It would break his heart, if he knew
what happened had broken us up.
Listen and Phil are going away.
Why don't you come with us?
Just chill for a bittogether.
See how it goes, eh?
No, I can't
I couldn't. I couldn't do that, Kate.
I'll be all right.
No, I'm not, not leaving you on your own.
I've just said, I'll be all right.
Just go, Mum.
Piss off to Crete or wherever it is.
Gabriel Kovari, 22, was found dead
in the grounds of Barking Abbey
in August last year.
The inquest heard that the cause of
his death was a drug overdose.
The body of Daniel Whitworth, 21,
was found the following
month in the same place.
That's the same wall where
Jack was found, isn't it?
Yeah, just the other side of it.
The Coroner, Nadia Persaud, said
that she was not wholly satisfied
with the evidence provided by the police.
Therefore, she recorded an Open Verdict.
So, if a Coroner's not happy with
it, why the hell should we be?
Look there's another one.
Anthony Walgate, from Hull.
I mean, not found in the graveyard
but Barking's not that big a place, is it?
This is bloody odd.
I know.
All we're saying is that we think
these deaths could be connected.
I can promise you that
would've been looked at.
There are no connections, apart from
the link between Gabriel Kovari,
Daniel Whitworth and the suicide note.
Yeah, but even the Coroner said that
she wasn't certain that was suicide.
Suppose the note was a fake?
I think you're getting a bit carried away.
We're not trying to be difficult.
This is our brother.
I mean, apart from anything else,
what happened to Jack
between arriving at Barking Station
and then being found dead?
That's a whole 24 hours
you're saying that he's just
lying there in the mud,
doing these drugs or whatever.
It's just not believable, is it?
But if he has met up with someone,
then the question is who?
Can we not see this CCTV?
You can confirm that's Jack?
It's not that clear.
Yeah, it's him. Definitely.
And that's the guy he met?
Yeah, but it don't look like him
and Jack met by chance, does it?
I mean, it looks like he was waiting
for Jack when he got there.
And, even if he wasn't,
I mean, they couldn't have
walked all that way down
without saying anything to one another.
We have to stress
..they only walk together
for part of the route.
The tall guy disappears,
presumably down a side street.
This guy's probably the
last person to see Jack alive.
He might have information.
I think you need to find him.
It could be anybody.
Odds-on he'd have no useful
information, even if we could.
See, this is further along the street.
Jack's definitely alone, now.
He seems stockier.
You sure that's Jack?
Who else is it?
I don't know,
but that picture's crap, so
..don't you want to be sure?
That's all three of them
found in near enough the
same spot in the graveyard.
All around the same age,
all drugs overdoses
and all their phones missing.
I mean, it can't be a coincidence,
Jen, can it?
And, then, you've got Anthony.
Cooke Street, it's less than a few
hundred yards from the graveyard.
Donna, look at this.
I just found this other
profile page on Jack.
Cold tea, Jack, I'm afraid.
Not real JD.
They won't let us bring booze in here.
I'm sorry, mate.
Not had any slap on in months.
Come on.
So, when she meet me,
she was like all English people, OK?
Only eat chips, gravy. Nothing else.
Sod off.
I had to educate her.
And at the end the end, I find a way to her
heart through her stomach.
That and other ways.
Anyway, that's us for the night.
Come on.
All right, night, love.
Good night.
Night, Phil.
We go forward together, yeah?
Husband and wife.
These are better than
what I've got at home.
Come on!
We'd like to examine Jack's laptop.
Your daughters have indicated
that he was using the internet
to contact people.
What, like internet dating?
No, Jack wouldn't have done that.
He always had girls chasing after him.
Well, this was if he went to meet a man.
What do you mean "a man"?
Jack's not gay.
My boy, like that way.
No-one's saying Jack was gay.
It could be that he was just, um
..exploring the idea
Was Jack left or right-handed?
Right-handed, why?
There was a needle mark in his right arm,
where we think drugs were injected.
WHISPERS: Oh, my God.
Well, how could he have done
that if he was right-handed?
Surely that means
someone must have done it?
There's been another development, um
We've been back over the CCTV
and enhanced some of the images.
Here's Jack with the man he
walked with from the station.
And here's the man we thought was Jack
..walking on alone after
they'd parted company.
That's not Jack.
We think your daughters were right
and that's somebody else.
So, Jack may have
gone off with the tall guy?
Well, then, for God's sake, surely
you need to go and find him?
Right, go on, then, in you go.
Go and watch the TV or whatever.
I'll make your dinner in a minute.
Fish fingers?
BOTH: Yeah.
Donna, there's been a break through.
We've got an identification.
Yeah, already.
So, a member of the public
says they recognise him?
It wasn't a member of the public.
It was someone who works in this building.
A copper?
It appears the man on the CCTV
with Jack was already known to us.
Well, who is he?
We're not releasing his identity yet,
so you'll need to keep this to yourself.
His name's Stephen Port.
Did you have any involvement
in the death of Gabriel Kovari?
No, I didn't. No.
Were you involved in
administering any drugs to him?
No, I don't
..administer drugs to anyone
or give drugs to anyone.
Any idea who may have done that?
There was this guy called Daniel.
Is this the Daniel I was asking you
about earlier - Daniel Whitworth?
..might be.
Is this him?
..hard to say.
Could be.
Did you have any involvement in the
death of Daniel Whitworth, Stephen?
No, I did not.
What about this man?
This is Jack Taylor.
Do you recognise him?
I don't pay full attention to the
guys' faces when I'm participating.
Well, have you ever had, um
..sexual intercourse with him?
Doesn't look like the sort
of person I'd go for, myself.
I prefer the more younger, twinky boys.
..did you kill Jack Taylor?
I did not, no.
There's a report in the local press
that a 40-year-old local man
that's been arrested
on suspicion of murder.
And I believe I may have some
useful information about him.
OK, well, I'm afraid there's no-one here,
who can help with that at the moment.
But this is murder.
You only get 72 hours to
question suspects, don't you?
Surely, you'd want any information now?
And I know all about the
websites he used and the drugs.
You must have some idea
who's dealing with this?
I'm sorry, I don't.
You can enquire at Fresh Wharf,
if you like.
I mean, it's a bit of a trek.
It's out by the
I know where it is, thanks.
Ryan Edwards?
Yes. DC Pericles, Homicide
and Major Incident Team.
I'm Stephen Port's neighbour.
Well, I met Gabriel Kovari.
I think I can help you.
I want you to look at the
area behind the church.
Ever had any reason to go into that area?
No, I don't go into such areas.
You've not been into the
grounds behind the church?
No, no.
Too spooky.
I wouldn't go there.
In all the eight years that you've
lived across the road from there?
I thought it was all private.
Because three of the people
that have been found dead
have been found slumped up
against the wall here
..of the Abbey.
I didn't know that.
So, that's news to you, is it?
Did you put them there?
No, I didn't.
You see Anthony was found
..slumped outside your address
..with a large amount of GHB in his system.
The other three men were found
over by the wall area of the Abbey.
Again, all with a large
amount of GHB in their body.
Stephen, can you
..account for that at all?
No, I can't.
All right, did you write this letter
..that was found with Daniel Whitworth?
No, I didn't, no.
Did you send text messages
to Anthony Walgate's father
purporting to be a person called Dan?
No, I don't know anything about any
..text messages to anyone's father.
Are you telling us the truth, Stephen?
Yes. I'm telling you the truth, yeah.
About all of these boys?
Young boys.
Their whole lives ahead of them.
All found
One outside your flat.
Had been in your flat.
The others across at the churchyard.
All with high levels of GHB in them.
Highly unusual way to die for one person.
This is four.
Type of men that you say
you find attractive.
And I'm including Jack Taylor in that.
..this is serious.
It's really important
..that you tell us the absolute truth.
Everything I've told you is true.
PHONE: Donna, I've just heard.
He's been charged.
Oh, God.
PHONE: You had this right.
Well done.
They've charged him.
WHISPERS: Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
PHONE: Hello?
Mrs Sak, it's DC Slaymaker.
There's been an important development.
I've got something I have to tell you.
Right, go on.
I'm ringing to tell you that
a man's been charged
with the murder of Anthony
and three other men.
You were right all along.
Mrs Sak?
Yeah, um
..who was the bloke?
Stephen Port.
You're kidding.
I'm being stood down from this
inquiry with immediate effect.
We all are.
The investigation's being taken over
by the Met's Homicide
and Major Incident Team.
You won't be hearing from me again.
DC Ian Atkinson.
This is DCI Tim Duffield
also of the Homicide
and Serious Crime command.
This is Tom, Anthony's Dad.
WHISPERS: All right, Tom?
Before we go any further,
we just wanted to express
our deepest condolences
for the death of your son, Anthony.
Thank you.
Come in.
Three others.
We believe there may be other victims, too.
Not necessarily murders,
but other young men
who have been raped or
sexually assaulted by Port,
while under the influence of the GHB drug.
What makes you think that?
We examined Port's phone and laptop.
We found text messages,
contacts he's made on various websites.
And the police had been
called out to investigate
accusations of assault by him
before he ever met Anthony.
What, so he was
..he was known to police
before he killed Anthony?
Yes, though there were no convictions.
Did that not arouse suspicions,
when you questioned him
about Anthony's death?
Evidently not.
So, he's run fucking rings
around you lot, then?
That's why the Met's voluntarily
referred itself to the IPCC.
They'll no doubt be conducting
a full and detailed investigation
into what's happened at
Barking and Dagenham.
But the case is now with our team
and we'll do everything we can
to see Port convicted.
Yeah, but those clowns at Barking
might have lost vital evidence.
I can't say it will be easy, but
What about those malicious texts?
Was that him?
He's not admitting to it.
Did he nick their phones?
Yeah, we believe so.
He could have had them unlocked,
gone through them for contacts,
texts, other personal info,
before selling them.
We know that he used false
identities to cover his tracks,
deflect blame from himself
onto others who
..who didn't even exist.
Evil bastard.
Luring Anthony out there to do that to him.
It was such a lot of money,
Anthony found it hard to resist.
I don't understand.
Youyou did did know that Anthony was
..was occasionally working
as a male escort?
I had, um
Thank you, Sarah.
I'll be acting as Family Liaison
for you and the other families.
That's my personal mobile.
If you need me at any time,
day or night, give me a call.
Thank you.
All right.
How long have you known about this?
Him selling himself.
A while.
Since he died?
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't know how.
You know, it was one thing
finding out he was gay, but this,
selling his body.
Look, it was just something that
he did now and again for money.
Is that supposed to make me feel better?
It's bound to come out.
What are people going to think
that we couldn't support
our son financially?
What are you saying,
you feel ashamed of your own son?
I don't know what I bloody feel, Sarah.
We want to make it clear
that we do understand
the concerns of the LGBT community
in the light of recent events in Barking.
We take the issue of
hate crime very seriously,
which is why, in line with
Metropolitan Police practice,
we have a dedicated LGBT liaison officer.
This is just PR. It's bollocks.
And we are here to listen.
Can I say something then, please?
Go ahead, sir.
John Pape.
I knew one of the
..young men.
Gabriel Kovari.
Now, after he died,
I became concerned that his death
wasn't being properly investigated.
I had information that I thought
might assist the police.
When I approached you made me feel like I was interfering.
Sorry, wewe can't comment
on your specific concerns,
there's a court case pending,
but we do hear you.
I'm sorry, but you're
hearing us too bloody late.
This is just PR. It's spin,
it's box-ticking fucking bollocks.
I'm sorry, sir. Who, are you?
I'm Ryan Edwards,
Stephen Port's neighbour.
When he was arrested,
I too went to the police
with information I thought
might be important.
The officer didn't want to know.
They sent me to Fresh Wharf.
There, I actually found someone
who wanted to listen,
but, Christ, you didn't make it easy.
It's as if we,
and I don't just mean gay people,
I mean the public in general,
are just a massive inconvenience.
Obviously we don't want people to
feel unhappy with our service.
I'm sorry, I haven't finished.
There's a reason that gay
people need the respect
and the protection of the police.
We've been a persecuted minority
for thousands of years
and that threat never ever
goes completely away.
We feel it still.
I'm not going to point the finger
at any particular individual.
But I believe young men died needlessly
and, if they did, I think collectively
Barking and Dagenham police
have blood on their hands.
Well said.
Well said.
But who's listening?
There's no press here.
Nothing will change.
They think they can do
a PR exercise like this
and fob us off and it'll all just go away.
Sarah, we should let
you know straight away,
we understand Port's going
to stick with his not guilty plea.
We think he'll claim the
boys took the drug voluntarily
and there was no intention to kill.
He's hoping the Crown
will reduce the charges
from murder to manslaughter.
Look, we understand your fears
but we have built the
strongest case we can, so
..let's try and be positive, yeah?
Members of the jury, in addition to
the rapes and sexual assaults,
the Crown intends to show that the
defendant murdered four young men
by injecting them with lethal doses
of the date-rape drug, GHB.
We say all of the offending
behaviour was driven by
a predilection for having sexual
intercourse with unconscious men,
young, boyish men
..sometimes referred to as "twinks".
And those crimes,
together with those of rape
and sexual assault of other young men,
who were lucky enough to survive
and whose evidence you will hear,
will show that the defendant is a
man utterly devoid of conscience
..and humanity.
It'sJack's sister, aren't you?
Yeah, I'mI'm Donna.
I'm Sarah, I'm Anthony's mother.
I just wanted to say I'm
I'm really sorry.
I keep thinking if I'd
kicked up more of a fuss
..about what happened to Anthony,
..maybe Jack would still be alive.
Oh, God, you mustn't think that.
TELEVISION: Later, we heard from two men,
who said that they were raped by
Stephen Port but had escaped.
The prosecution says that Port
filmed one of those rapes
on his mobile phone.
That footage was played to the court.
The public gallery was cleared, but
some relatives stayed on to watch
Switch it off, Sami.
..and Stephen Port himself
Come in.
What is it?
I, um
..I just wanted to say that
..Anthony was our lad and we
need to see this through together.
Yeah, you're Yeah, you're right.
I'm not proud of some
of the things I've said.
And I know there's going to be things
that are going to come out in court and
Well, it won't make any difference to
the way I feel about him because
..he was my son.
And I loved him.
I know you did. I know.
I'm sorry.
God, come here.
Was the sexual relationship you had
with Anthony Walgate consensual?
He was advertising himself as an escort.
Did you have sex more than once?
The first time, after we
..haggled over the fee, I paid him.
The second time, after he'd taken
more of the drugs he brought
..he just wanted it.
He was really high.
Justjumped on me again.
Would you ever have sex with a man
while he was unconscious
from the effect of the drug?
With a boyfriend, I might.
But, never with a stranger.
Did you have a sexual
relationship with Gabriel Kovari?
No, definitely not.
How did he come to leave your flat?
One day, he said he was
going to meet some guy
at a frat party in Ilford.
What is a frat party?
It's where guys take drugs and have sex.
He told me to come along later,
if I could, so I did.
And what happened?
There were around six guys there,
as I recall.
..Gabriel was there with
this guy called Daniel.
They were taking drugs.
Were they having sex?
I'm not sure,
but, later, they said they were
going back to my flat.
And did you go with them?
No, I stayed at the party
..and when I got home,
Gabriel was gone and
he'd taken all of his stuff.
And was that the last you saw of him?
Yes, it was.
When exactly did you meet Daniel Whitworth?
I can't be sure of the exact date.
Was it before or after you met
Gabriel Kovari?
Around the same time, I think.
Did you have sex with Daniel?
Yes, I did.
And you claim that
relationship was consensual?
Definitely, yes.
Where do you say it took place?
At my flat.
That was where he told me that
he'd given too much GHB to Gabriel
..and he'd died.
He felt bad about it. He was
..thinking of killing himself.
He asked me to help him
write a suicide note.
What was your reaction?
I didn't want to do anything wrong.
But you say he persuaded you?
He said,
"If you do this for me
"..I'll let you fuck me."
So, you say you wrote it for him?
Did he dictate it to you?
Even the sentence which read,
"Please do not blame the
guy I was with last night,
"we only had sex, then I left.
"He knows nothing of what I have done."
No, I added that bit.
What happened then?
We had sex and, when I woke up,
he was gone.
Never saw him again.
You told the court earlier
that you've never given drugs to
another man, is that true?
Yes, definitely.
And yet syringe marks were
found on Jack Taylor's body.
Can you account for them?
Ah, I thought we were talking about GHB.
That would be Tina.
Crystal meth.
I happened to have some at my flat I suggested we take some.
He said, fine.
I injected myself and he injected himself.
He injected himself?
Had he ever done that before?
I don't think so.
Well, it wouldn't be an easy thing
to do, the first time, would it?
Isn't he likely to have needed assistance?
And what happened then?
The drugs kicked in.
We took off our clothes and had sex.
It went on till midday.
On the Sunday?
On the Sunday.
Then, I suggested, "Before you go,
why don't we try some GHB?"
He said, "Oh, right, yeah,
I've heard of that.
"Let's give it a go."
So we did.
Then, he said he fancied some outdoor fun,
so I took him to the Abbey.
And you say you had sex there?
Eventually, he said he felt tired
and wanted to sit down,
so I left him, went back to the flat.
That was the last time I saw him.
None of this is true, is it?
There was no sex party.
Daniel Whitworth never met
Gabriel Kovari. It is true.
When the police first asked you
if you knew Jack Taylor,
you denied it, didn't you?
Only because I didn't
want to get blamed for
..something I hadn't done.
The story about Jack Taylor
remaining at your flat
throughout the Sunday and
you having sex again that night,
it's nonsense, isn't it?
No, it's not.
The postmortem showed Jack
died on the Sunday morning,
just a few hours after you
met him at Barking Station,
so how could you have had sex
with him on the Sunday evening?
The truth is that,
after first meeting him,
you took him back to your flat
and, either there or later
in the grounds of the Abbey,
you injected him with crystal meth,
gave him GHB without his consent,
had sex with him and left him
for dead. That's not the case.
When the police examined your laptop,
they found countless internet
searches, such as
"unconscious boy drugged and raped",
and "gay teen knocked out and raped".
Why was that?
That was just general curiosity.
I put it to you that you have lied
throughout to save your own skin.
The truth is you like playing God
and manipulating and controlling young men
and penetrating them
while they are unconscious.
I admit I told lies at first, but
..only because I was worried
the truth made me look guilty.
I know it's very late in the day
but would you care to change
any part of your account now?
No, I wouldn't.
Don't you agree it would be a good thing
for the families of the four dead men
to find out the truth about what happened?
I'm telling the truth now.
Thank you, my Lord, no further questions.
I mean, he's put things in our heads
that we've got to live with
for the rest of our lives.
If he'd not felt he had to keep
how he was a secret from us,
he'd probably never have met that animal.
He'd still been alive today.
All right, Dad.
The jury's coming back in.
Hi, just to let you know,
the jury's coming back in.
Thank you.
Members of the jury,
will your forewoman please rise?
Have you reached a verdict on all counts?
All except the charge of
murder of Anthony Walgate.
Then please give us the verdicts
on which you are agreed.
On the charge of
murder of Gabriel Kovari you find the defendant
guilty or not guilty?
On the charge of murder
of Daniel Whitworth,
do you find the defendant
guilty or not guilty?
On the charge of murder of Jack Taylor,
do you find the defendant
guilty or not guilty?
We will now move on to the rape
and sexual assault charges.
Jack was a loving son, brother,
uncle and grandson
and a true inspiration to
everybody that knew him.
He was the life and soul of our family.
He meant the world to us.
Life will never be the same.
Finally, we have got justice for Jack.
And, now, we can let him rest in peace.
Thank you.
I'm sorry to call unannounced.
No, no, no, that's OK.
Come in, come in.
I, um
..I managed to track down
Anthony's belongings.
This has been in storage a long time.
Better late than never.
How are you feeling?
Well, I've had better days.
Yeah, I can imagine.
He may have got found
guilty for the others, but I
..I think he's going to
get away with Anthony.
I really think they're
going to find him not guilty.
How, when he give the
drugs that kill our boy?
Well, the issue is,
whereas with the later victims,
Port should have known the drug
could have fatal consequences
cos he'd have seen 'em,
but, with Anthony being the first,
he might not have known.
That's shit. Yeah, I know
that and you know that.
The question is what will the jury think?
We'll find out tomorrow.
Anyway, I just wanted to say
fingers crossed and good luck.
Thank you. And
..some chocolates for you.
I just
I wanted to say, whatever happens,
thank you for everything
you've done for us.
At least you did the job right.
Much appreciated.
What is it?
It's all covered in mould.
Members of the jury,
will your forewoman please rise?
On the charge of the
murder of Anthony Walgate,
do you find the defendant
guilty or not guilty?
I just want to say this -
that Port being convicted
is only half the story.
The other half is the police.
This case has been a disaster.
I don't know why, because I only
know my part of the story but
..whether it's down to laziness
or homophobia
or lousy management, cutbacks,
maybe a combination of all of those,
we'll have to see,
but lads have been robbed of their lives
and families left devastated.
And if this is what policing's like
in this country, then it's broken.
It's totally fucked
and somebody needs to sort it out.
That's all.
You know what Anth would say,
if he could see us now?
"Why the fuck go to Hornsea, Sezza?
"All you can see is grey sea,
grey skies and oil tankers.
"If you're going to
remember me on me birthday,
"Stop indoors and have a massive piss-up."
It's not the Aegean coast, for sure.
I love it, though.
It's the nearest I'll find to peace here.
I know.
I got a letter about Anth's graduation.
It's next month.
They want me to go up on stage
with all the other students
and accept his degree.
Will you?
Yeah, course.
You better come with me, though.
For sure.
All them dreams, eh?
For all of them lads and their
families, just rubbed out.
Questions left unanswered.
Like did my own son even love me?
Anthony loved you, for sure.
I swear.
I'll never hear him say it again,
though, will I?
I'll never get to tell him,
"Whatever you did, you daft,
selfish little git,
"Whatever stupid mistakes you made
"'re my lad
"..and I still love you."
For the posthumous award
of Diploma of Higher Education,
Anthony Walgate, to be collected on
his behalf by his mother, Sarah Sak.
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