Freeridge (2023) s01e03 Episode Script


- The spirit is getting aggressive.
- That message is clearly a threat.
- We have to give the box back.
- You know what's really scary?
The ghost can write backwards.
We can't give the box back now.
If we give it back,
maybe the ghost will leave us alone.
Maybe. Don't you think
we should know for sure
before we hand over
the only leverage we have?
I mean, if the ghost can lift a pen
to write a message,
it can lift a knife to
- Is that her?
- Worse.
- It's Leslie.
- Who's Leslie?
- It's my
- No!
Mm. Mm.
'Sup, bitches?
We need to consult an expert.
Someone who really knows about ghosts.
- No offense, Demi.
- Actually, I agree.
Not with your delivery, but with the fact
that I still have a lot to learn.
Great. So we all agree
that Demi's not helpful. So who is?
I just consulted Google.
And it took me about 30 seconds
to find a local bruja named Cinnamon.
The TikTok witch?
I suggested her two days ago.
You called me "Dummy."
Stop playing the victim, Demi. Huh?
Strong women lead by example.
She's doing an exorcism on a dog.
- She's our girl.
- If we can find her.
There's no way to contact her except DM.
And I sent her a message two days ago
when I first thought of the idea,
and she still hasn't gotten back to me.
- What do we do? Wait?
- What if we don't have time to wait?
What are you doing here?
Giving you a ride to school.
- Yeah, I can't take you.
- You never take us.
Well, I should,
especially with a heat wave like today.
Until your dad is in full remission,
I'm gonna step up and take care of you.
And by me, I mean Rusty.
That doesn't work.
I was okay with a one-day cancer thing,
but every day
having a stranger in my space? No!
- I prefer to walk.
- I don't!
Me neither. I'm cutting down on my cardio.
We're walking.
Something's off with Rusty.
Is he just a first-rate clinger,
or do you think
he's inserting himself
to take over our lives?
- What's his angle?
- Employment?
Well, I did some digging,
or rather scratching,
'cause the info well is not deep.
He's new at school.
He's a junior transfer.
And he has no social media,
which means he's either a psychopath
or better than all of us.
- Yeah, there really is no in-between.
- My vote is psychopath. Stranger danger.
Is he a stranger?
I feel like I've met him before.
Me too. Like, maybe he's been in my home.
No, it was my home.
Yesterday and today.
Anyway, he's not giving me a ride.
I'd let him give me one.
Um, does that mean you want a ride?
No! We're not getting in now or ever.
You can perv patrol beside us
all you want,
but it's gonna be your loss
when you run out of gas.
- Last call.
- Just go!
Without us.
Hey, Cinnamon and I like
a lot of the same bands.
Makes sense. We share a moon sign.
Oh, I have an idea. We should find out
what show Cinnamon's going to next and go.
- And bring the box.
- Why would we bring the box?
Because in order to undo a curse,
you need the cursed object.
Basic curse knowledge, dum-dum.
Great, we have a plan.
We have a problem.
No, we're not talking
about our issues right now.
I don't do taxing conversations
before 9:00 a.m.
It's not about the scar
or scarring or whatever
Or whatever?
It's something else of equal importance
that I'm stressing over.
Now we're talking about
what I'm not ready to.
- I didn't say anything!
- Didn't have to!
You're telling me you're stressing.
I can't talk about
our situation right now.
Whatever you have to share, tell Ines.
Tell me what? Cam's annoying?
Yes, but it's not that.
And I wouldn't normally confide in you,
because, as we both know, you're
Not trustworthy.
But I need some help.
I don't have the box,
and I don't know where it is.
Whoa! Gloria is gonna be so mad.
She has crazy upper body strength
from the bent arm hang,
and when she pulls your hair out,
it never grows back.
Ines, this is why
why you shouldn't tell me.
But since I'm here, I'll try to help.
When did you last see the box?
Hm. Let me think.
We were all together in Gloria's room.
And Gloria said,
"Losers, go home. Get sleep."
"My dad has cancer, yada yada.
My sister is the best."
"Take the box, dummy!"
Then pee, pee, pee. Piss, piss, piss.
I was brushing my teeth,
talking to her about my dad and dummies,
and then I realized I'm still hungry.
So I stopped brushing
and went into the kitchen.
And I opened the freezer to look
for a snack, but everything was meh.
So I had a banana,
which was not in the freezer.
This banana is way too ripe.
Ines, where's the box?
- No idea. I think you took it.
- But I didn't take it.
Or did I?
And if I did, where did I put it?
That's a problem and one
my sister's gonna wanna know about.
You can't tell her.
Ugh, I know what you're thinking.
Are you single?
Uh, yes.
Ready to mingle?
How's your hygiene? Do you manscape?
Okay, that might be too personal.
- God, you really do look familiar.
- Happens a lot.
Maybe we've traveled together
in another life.
Next question.
- She just wants to see me suffer.
- What?
Okay. So, how many fingers
do you think you'd like up your
in your you know?
No, I don't know.
I'm gonna go.
Go. Get out of here,
and stop harassing my friend.
Um, I almost forgot.
Here's your lucky pen. Your uncle said
you need it for your history test.
Luck? I don't need luck.
But I do need my pen.
That's right. Keep going
right out of my sight and my life.
- Do you know the band Basta la Muerte?
- Yeah. My sister loves them.
But her boyfriend is high-key obsessed.
They never miss a show.
Great. We can ride with them tonight.
- Tonight?
- They're playing in Cypress Park.
I saw on TikTok that Cinnamon's going.
Now your plan is in motion.
Yay. Way to put this plan
on the fast track.
Can you slow down?
If I burn any more calories,
my thigh gap's gonna come back.
Can you stop stressing?
Okay, fine. Maybe I am a little stressed.
Or a lot. If I had to rate it
on the anxiety scale,
what is the number that comes
after dry mouth and heart palpitations
but is right before diarrhea?
- Seven.
- I'm an eight.
- Is it about the ghost?
- No.
Is it about what we talked about?
Cam, you said one question,
so I'm not gonna ask you a second.
I'm trying to respect your boundaries.
Unless you want me to disrespect you?
Maybe a little.
Or a lot.
It's eating me up that I don't know
what I did or said that scarred you.
Now that you mention it,
maybe I don't wanna talk about it.
It's on the back burner, because
I can only handle one anxiety at a time.
I lost the box.
Like the box?
Oh shit!
Exactly. So, can you help me?
When's the last time
you remember seeing it?
I remember Gloria told you
to take the box.
And then she was like,
"Go home. I gotta take a whiz."
We were gathering our stuff to leave,
and Ines came out of the kitchen
and said something about a banana?
Oh, oh, I remember. You had the box.
I can't believe she called me "dummy."
Man, I love Wheat Thins.
Oh, wait, it wasn't the box box.
It was a Wheat Thins box.
Sorry. It'll turn up in a few days.
I don't have a few days.
Because the ghost might kill us?
Yes. But more urgently,
that TikTok witch likes Basta la Muerte.
- Oh, your sister loves that band.
- And they're playing tonight.
- So she can give us a ride there.
- Yes.
And that's why you need the box. Ah.
Oh, Gloria is gonna be so mad.
Especially with that upper body strength.
Ugh, I know, but that's not even
what I'm worried about.
I just don't wanna disappoint her.
Gloria takes on so much.
And right now, what's going on
with her dad, we need to lighten her load.
Yeah, we do.
Plus, Gloria never lets me
be the responsible one,
and that bitch needs
to stop calling me "dummy."
Nice BuJo.
Can you stop creeping around here?
You're in my bubble.
Wait, you know what a bullet journal is?
- A BuJo?
- A bullet.
I know there are apps,
but there's something satisfying
about crossing an item off
your to-do list.
The cross-off is half,
if not all, my motivation.
Do you mind if I Can I show you my
Whip it out.
Rusty, I never pegged you
as a color coder.
I feel like it gives the task
a little personality.
Green is for anything money-related.
You should try
ordering the bills by due date.
- What's blue for?
- Household stuff.
And violet is for Tonio Tasks.
He picked the color.
"Invoice Gloria." What's that?
My last two invoices.
Tonio said to give 'em all to you.
Hourly and gas?
I'm not paying for gas.
You haven't even driven me.
I may be responsible for a lot of things,
but I am not responsible
for you or this bill.
- Tonio!
- You scream?
- I'm not paying these bills.
- Yeah, you are.
Rusty, you seem very familiar.
- Who do people say you look like?
- Me? People say I look like me.
That must be it.
Anyway, money is money.
So just pay Rusty what you owe me.
I never agreed to this.
Plus, I need money tonight
to get into a backyard punk show.
- I'm not driving you.
- Once again, I know. You don't have a car.
I could drive you. Plus, those shows
can go off, and you might need a
A chaperone? No, thank you. I'm covered.
My friend does spells,
so I don't need protection.
And I don't need a ride.
I already have one.
You need another ride. I'm not going.
Davina, I want you to go.
But if you don't wanna go, it's fine!
I don't wanna go!
Not because you don't want me to,
but because I don't want to!
- Fine! Do what you want!
- I will!
I don't need to see you
up in those hoes you hang with
after you get all sweaty
jumping around in your lame pit.
I'm out.
Oh no. That sucks.
What are we gonna do
now that our ride is gone?
Should we just disperse
and pick this up another day?
Uh, yeah, I'm tired.
I'm not. It's not even 9:30.
Let's ask Rusty to drive us.
No, we're not calling him.
Sorry, guys.
At least I did everything I could.
I'm sorry I can't drive you.
Things are just too intense.
It's cool. Everyone's leaving.
Don't go.
Do you think I was too hard on him?
- No.
- Yes.
I think he really loves you
and just wants to dance with you tonight.
I don't do the pit.
And I don't wanna go
and watch him drink himself stupid.
I made the right decision. I'm not going.
You don't wanna give him any satisfaction
of what he's asking you to do.
Great talk. Okay. Friends, bye.
I just played right into his hands.
He wants to drink with the boys
and rub on randoms.
If I go, none of that happens,
so I need to go,
'cause going ruins his night.
Guys, this is what
a healthy, mature relationship looks like.
Mm. Love you.
You always put a mirror up to me
to see my best self. Mm.
Meet me in the car.
All right.
I've got a night to ruin.
Peace be with ya.
Demi, I have to give you credit.
That double reverse psychology
you pulled with Davina was genius.
Yeah. Double reverse psychology.
That's definitely what I was doing.
Now all we need to do is find Cinnamon
so she can double reverse our curse.
You know, I thought a punk show
would have more live music.
They blew a fuse.
Should be back on soon.
Hey! What are
This is not an appropriate place for you.
- What are you doing here?
- We told you.
What are you doing?
I'm selling Off-White Claws
to underage kids.
Do you hear your hypocrisy?
I try not to.
- Cinnamon is live streaming.
- Muah, my little Cinnabons.
I'm here at another Basta la Muerte show,
and we're gonna get lit.
- She's gotta be in the house.
- Let's go.
Hold up.
Before we go, I wanna take a moment.
A moment to acknowledge Demi.
Demi, we owe you for getting us here.
I'm impressed by how much
you took the lead on this.
- Ah, it was a group effort.
- No. You found Cinnamon first.
Then it was your idea to follow her
to the show, and you got us a ride.
I mean, I did do all of that.
So hand me the box.
- Now?
- Yes, please.
Oh. Wow. Yeah.
Oh no!
I brought the wrong box.
My mom was wrapping snacks
for a food drive
Demi, just stop.
I know you don't have the box.
- What?
- Yeah.
When I finished up in the bathroom,
you and Cam had already left,
but when I got there,
what, to my wandering eyes, should appear?
Demi forgot the box.
- You knew she had the box, didn't you?
- Hm.
Demi forgot the box.
You know what would be fun?
So you just let me torture myself
for the past two days?
You need to be more responsible.
Not everything
can just fall on my shoulders.
Why are you not upset? Be mad.
No, you don't get to control my reactions.
You know, I'm actually gonna side
with Gloria on this one.
Your recent lack of reactions
for other things is a little offensive.
You said no follow-up.
I'm following your direction.
Always a follower. Never a leader.
- What are you two talking about?
- Nothing!
Let's just go find
this goddamn witch bitch!
See? That's a better reaction.
Sorry, it's my day off.
But we didn't say anything.
Listen, I really appreciate my fans,
but not tonight.
Tonight, I just wanna smoke my face off
and leave all my drama in the pit.
I love Wheat Thins.
A taste for a taste?
- I brought the right box after all.
- Right, how can I help?
So we bought this cursed box,
and now we're cursed because of it
Sorry, I don't do curses.
It's not that I won't. I literally can't.
I don't do curses.
Listen, I don't care
if you don't do curses.
You must be able to give us something.
Well, I do sense a dark energy around you.
That's just Ines.
No, not her.
All of you.
Wait, I'm getting a message.
Your problem is that you are trying
to fix something that is broken.
But to solve your problem,
something must be broken to be fixed.
Fortune favors the bold.
Oh, no. No, thank you. I Oh!
Whatever you choose
is going to be the wrong choice.
But ultimately,
you have to choose not to choose,
and that will be the choice,
and it will be right.
Uh, wait. So what's the right choice?
- What?
- Oh, I'm done.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- What a waste of time.
- Wait!
The hug. What do you think it means?
It means this plan sucked. I gotta pee.
Demi, find your sister. Let's go home.
Oh. You.
- I knew you were gonna be here.
- Okay?
Something came to me after you left.
There's something I need to tell you.
Did you wash your hands?
One sister will be
the downfall of the other.
Cool. Cool, cool.
Someone's gonna die.
So, we going?
My sister's making up with her boyfriend.
- How long's that gonna take?
- Hours. It could take hours.
- What about Tío Tonio?
- Nope.
He's not leaving till he sells out.
he's been killing it with the Claw.
Yeah, it's gluten-free. There's no sugar.
There's no carbs. It's good for you.
So, how are we gonna get home?
What? Don't look at me.
This can't only be my problem to solve.
No one said it was. Just seeing
if you have something to contribute.
A contribution that maybe doesn't involve
teaching a condescending lesson.
So now you're mad.
Of course. I've been mad this whole time.
I didn't wanna give you the satisfaction.
Oh, great. Your timing is impeccable.
Oh, so, now my timing's off too?
I know you probably don't want
actual feedback,
but, yes, this timing is terrible,
because right now I'm tired.
And all I wanna do is go home.
Exactly my point.
It always has to be about you.
Fine, Demi. What do you want? Hm?
To scream at each other in public?
Hold my box.
I wanna kick your ass.
- Seriously, Demi? I'm not gonna fight you.
- Why not?
- You scared?
- Punch her in the tit!
- Ines! Shut up!
- Oh!
Oh, you bitch.
You're lucky I have inverted nipples.
This is not the place for violence!
What are you talking about?
This is exactly the place for violence.
The pit is about self-expression,
and it requires consent.
Well, this is how I choose
to express myself. I consent.
I also consent.
- Yeah, let her do it!
- Come on, let 'em go.
- Hey! Hey!
- Hey! Hey!
Hey! Come on! Let's go!
Hey! Hey! Let's cool down!
Hey, you don't wanna do this!
- Stop!
- It's consensual.
Hey, are you Trusty Rusty from that show?
Dude! It is Trusty Rusty!
Um, nope. Different Rusty.
I'm not going down first.
I'm not gonna make this easy for you!
- You never make anything easy!
- Come on. Use your words!
Come on, Rusty. Sing the song!
Sing it!
Rusty and the Minotaur ♪
Minotaur Man ♪
He is my very best friend ♪
Rusty is Trusty Rusty!
That was my favorite show
when I was, like, five.
Me too! Look!
I'm two halves ♪
But whole with you ♪
Rusty and the Minotaur ♪
Minotaur Man ♪
Now it's time for the fun to begin! ♪
Brought to you by Freeridge Textiles!
Thought you said
you'd never get a ride from me.
Desperate times.
If you're a childhood star,
why are you working for my uncle?
Uh, desperate times.
So you spent all your show money.
No, PBS doesn't pay shit.
Okay, the money was in the dolls.
- They made dolls?
- Yeah.
The show was huge.
- So where's your doll money?
- Long story, but it's gone.
I need this job
to help take care of my grandma.
- Hey.
- I'm sorry.
Nothing to apologize for.
I'm sorry. I need to stop being so judgy.
I love you. Now go to bed.
Don't tell me what to do.
Or do.
Sometimes it's nice
to have such a responsible friend.
Yeah, responsible friends are nice.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Your problem is you're trying
to fix something that is broken.
But to solve your problem,
something must be broken to be fixed.
"Marisol, Please come. I miss you."
But the ghost is Marisol.
Who the hell is Mariluna?
Wait a second ♪
It's been a minute ♪
Got the first six ♪
What's the last four digits? ♪
Pain killer ♪
Doctor said, "Feel better"
Picking up a habit ♪
It's a up system ♪
What's the rythym? ♪
What's the rythym? ♪
Since we're ready here
I guess we just go get 'em ♪
I guess
They should've known, known, known ♪
Known, known ♪
Flowers gonna bloom, bloom, bloom ♪
Bloom, bloom ♪
Smoke is gonna rise, rise, rise ♪
Rise, rise ♪
I'm out the cocoon, 'oon, 'oon, 'oon ♪
Why you didn't grow?
Now I don't know ♪
It's making me think that I was wrong ♪
It's making me so emotional ♪
It's making me so emotional ♪
I guess
They should've known, known, known ♪
Known, known ♪
I'm out the cocoon, 'oon, 'oon, 'oon ♪
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