Freud (2020) s01e03 Episode Script


I need to hurry.
What's wrong, darling?
Something's wrong. I have to go to him.
Dreams are the night's lies, darling.
It works.
For Otto.
The artery.
- Help me.
- Just breathe slowly.
- Hang on.
- Stay calm.
- Apply more pressure.
- Yes, I'll compress now.
He's losing too much blood.
Táltos will come over you
Dear God!
It was legitimate!
The mummy has arrived.
Very nice.
I didn't get a big one.
It was too expensive.
But I had enough for a child.
It's even better, Fleur.
That child has been waiting
for its destiny for 3,000 years.
For you and Crown Prince Rudolf.
This séance
has to succeed.
This séance has to succeed.
- Has to succeed.
- Has to succeed.
Has to succeed.
- Has to succeed.
- Has to succeed.
Has to succeed.
Has to succeed.
Grandpa’s here.
Come here, you.
Where's your little sister?
The other one?
Fall out!
I don't want any trace leading back
to the Imperial and Royal Army.
Our thoughts are with Clara.
We pray for her.
Thank you for your sympathy, Countess.
I also want to ask you for forgiveness,
Dr. von Schönfeld.
The ramblings of
a hysteric woman are, at best,
only of professional interest to me.
Fleur Salomé never
wanted to hurt your family.
She just wanted to help
in her overeagerness.
Forgive her.
Tell her that I accept her apology.
Thanks, Henriette.
Get home well, Countess.
Look at me.
You're scum.
You don't deserve to live.
Kill yourself.
- Dr. Breuer
- Good afternoon, my friend.
This patient is blind
and can't move her leg.
Can you sit up?
Where did you grow up, Elise?
My mother was a maid
at Baron von Sothen's vineyard.
Beautiful. Good wine.
We girls weren't allowed to try it.
I'm sure you secretly
Well, one or two sips.
Did you have to work a lot?
Up and down. Always on foot.
We sometimes were allowed
to ride in the cart with the servants.
You surely had to rest on the vineyard
with all the exhausting paths.
Can you feel the summer heat?
You have beautiful, long hair.
It's shining in the sun.
Mom always said it looked like silk.
She told me to hide it from the servants.
You're running over
Cobenzl's meadows barefooted.
It tickles.
The leg is as stiff as a phallus.
The blindness
Doesn't she want to see
that she's a woman?
Servants were allowed to ride on the cart.
Men have more freedom.
- Women--
- Elise is just one example.
Look around Vienna. Around Europe.
Neurosis and hysteria are everywhere.
The society
- Morals turn us into
- Excuse me, my friend.
- We'll meet tonight?
- Yes.
Dr. von Schönfeld.
Dr. Schönfeld.
Dr. von Schönfeld!
Forgive my behavior yesterday.
It was for the benefit of your sister.
Your sister needs rest.
Dr. Freud!
I forbade you to go near Miss Clara.
- It can't be beneficial for her recovery--
- Get away from the door!
Otherwise, you'll have to clear
your laboratory forever.
Professor Meynert, listen to me
for a second, please. Why not?
You're working with a fraud.
You preach French heresy.
Whatever you think
about me and my methods,
Clara's trauma mustn't manifest.
Kill yourself.
I'll prove to you that Leopold
laid hands on his sister.
You dare talk about
my junior doctor like that?
For our profession, you are
a disgrace.
Kiss You shot him?
Are you mad?
They'll kill you. Are you aware of that?
You attacked the worst enemy.
I can't protect you from them.
- Not from them.
- You'll get your witness.
I won't let you tear me down with you.
The inspector couldn't decline the duel.
- Honor demanded it.
- Honor? Of course, honor.
This won't end well.
Look there. Is this a jew?
Silence. Silence!
This morning,
our loyal comrade Georg von Lichtenberg
died honorably in a duel.
His bravery
shall set an example for us.
His sense of honor
shall lead us in the darkest of times.
His sense of comradeship,
a shining star in the sky.
Cheers to him!
- Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!
- Cheers! Cheers!
Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!
Oh, good old student glory
Where have you gone?
You'll never return, golden time
So happy and uncommitted
He's crazy.
Georg's blood was wasted pointlessly.
It would have been needed in the
upcoming war that will destroy the world.
We'll split churches.
Blow away palaces.
We'll destroy 1,000 years of slave work.
We're the destroyers of the old world.
Tomorrow, we'll ride
with death at our side.
When you're dead,
you don't know hesitation.
Forward, attack, until victory is ours!
Victory! Victory! Victory!
Victory! Victory! Victory!
Victory! Victory!
Welcome, little prince.
Your Imperial Highness.
Mr. Franticek Mucha.
Vienna's heroic tenor.
Too kind,
your Imperial and Royal Highness.
- Your Imperial Highness.
- Your Highness.
The Crown Prince has arrived.
Georg von Lichtenberg is dead.
A duel.
It seems as if he was provoked.
Maybe he lost control, like Leopold.
Let the games begin.
Is that a child?
Miss Salomé
Take her to her room!
Miss Salomé.
Your Imperial Highness, come with me.
Dr. Schönfeld was under hypnosis.
You should have seen him.
His eyes, his movements
I'm sure.
but purposeful and conscious.
That's impossible, Freud.
I know.
What if that's the connection
between those two atrocities?
Officer von Lichtenberg and
von Schönfeld knew each other.
They socialized in the same circles.
- Please sit down.
- Especially Fleur Salomé.
She knew about everything. No idea why.
Please, sit down.
I didn't tell you everything
about Miss Pappenheim.
My cathartic method has a side effect.
During my therapy with Miss Pappenheim
she developed an obsession.
It was towards me.
A sexual obsession?
She tried to seduce me with obscenities.
Until I gave in.
I want you to be warned.
Your patient took sexual feelings from
the past and projected them onto you.
More like fantasies.
Charcot said,
"It's always a matter of genitals."
Always, always, always.
You yourself once said that hysteria
always is a secret of the alcove.
Like Elise.
Repression of the femininity.
Or even better: the female sexuality.
You know old maps, right?
Hydrographic maps.
Where everything ended
and unknown territory started
they drew monstrous chimeras.
- They wrote
- "Hic sunt dracones."
"There are dragons here."
A danger's lurking that
we don't understand.
Keep a distance.
What if I want to be the mapmaker?
The discoverer?
Never forget what you're doing this for.
To heal.
Not for glory.
The spirit realm is and always will be
a moody place.
I hope that the incident
won't lower our chances
of receiving one of your highly-desired
invitations to the Peoples' Ball?
I don't get involved
in the Hungary question at the moment.
Especially when it comes
to former expatriates.
The emperor is relentless when
it comes to that, you know that.
Don't expect your reputation
to be restored any time soon.
Will you let me see her now?
Of course, your Imperial Highness.
Where is she?
Was it a tough day, doctor?
You urgently need a wife.
All right.
Enjoy your bath.
I'm coming.
Please let me in.
What are you waiting for?
You hear my voice.
Everything else disappears.
You're there now.
What do you see?
Both are dead.
There is nobody else?
There is.
I can feel him.
Find him.
Behind that door.
Go through it.
Get me out of here!
Show that you're not afraid.
When the burning thirst is quenched
When the blood is spouting from the heart
And when they groan in horror
Ha! Such amusement
Such amusement
Such lust, such lust
- Franticek Mucha.
- The opera singer?
With newfound courage
With newfound courage
He can see me
He can see me
Her death throes give new life
Wake up. You're awake now.
Something terrible has happened.
I don't think it's good
you're dealing with that Dr. Freud.
He's rummaging around inside your soul.
That can't be good.
Look, sometimes you just
have to be able to forget.
Oh, well
I'm just saying
Of course.
Keep going!
Another treacherous murder
Just took place in Vienna
I shudder thinking about it
You can see for yourselves
Through this murder
The girl suffered the worst pain
After the murder
The killer cut off her head
He himself knows best
Why he committed that crime
Inspector, please get in.
It's a matter of life and death.
I have to insist
that you pay your debt now.
Come on, giddy up!
Move it.
The opera singer is supposed
to have killed two people?
I don't believe it.
The man is a genius.
The best singer in Vienna.
He'll sing for the emperor
at the Peoples' Ball.
I heard him twice and both times
- Got it?
- Yes!
Mr. Poschacher, I also cried,
but I can't change it.
Where did you supposedly see him?
Probably in a vision.
Saints have visions.
What I have overwhelms me.
Why should I lie to you?
This is all bullshit.
Kiss my ass.
Mr. Mucha!
The door was open.
- Nobody's coming. Let's see.
- Let's go.
Mr. Mucha?
Stay calm.
Stay calm.
Freud, what's wrong with him?
- What does that mean?
- It's a state in which the spirit--
Doesn't matter, you're coming with us.
Don't shoot! Wait!
Quiet, quiet.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Don’t mention it.
My God, you were right.
Miss Salomé?
I'm here.
Before your vision of Mucha,
what did you do? How did you feel?
Nothing. Well
it was a normal day.
I took a bath. Everything was normal.
A normal day after
our experience with Clara?
Nothing was normal for me today.
I also took a bath,
but even that wasn't normal.
You can't remember anything else?
I had the vision.
Since then, I've been awake.
Until then
Until then, you must have been
in some kind of trance.
Your encounter with the opera singer
caused the vision and ended the trance.
I'd like to know what caused the trance.
And who.
I am here.
Don't touch me!
I'm your breath.
Miss Salomé?
I want to go home.
I'll help you.
Thanks, but I don't need your help.
Dear Martha
the distance between us is a curse.
It hurts.
Especially the heart
But at the moment, it's my spirit
that misses your intelligence.
I'm eager to discuss a patient with you,
one who is dominating my thoughts,
perhaps more than any patient ever has.
This patient is practically
a textbook example of a hysteric.
If you will, she's a unicorn,
whose slaughter,
excuse that terrible word,
will mean great progress
for our profession.
But until then, I have to accept
the reproach of mysticism.
But directly or indirectly,
the patient is linked
to the unsettling happenings in Vienna
through her peculiar foster family.
And she suppresses the terrible truth.
It only comes back to reality
as symptoms, visions.
Where have you been?
I'm sorry for sneaking out.
I was confused.
I'm glad you're back.
I'm tired. Please!
Were you with Freud?
Stop there!
- I don't want to harm you, I--
- Silence!
You'll never touch me again.
Fine, I'll leave.
But I want to emphasize that this
isn't a speculative or supernatural matter
but an empirical one.
But enough about my obsessions.
How are you, my beloved princess?
My beloved Fleur, what
May I?
What can I do for you?
My left underarm feels numb
ever since I had a riding accident.
According to my doctor,
there's no physical injury.
What is it really about? Fleur?
May I?
By all means.
You're a failure.
A fraud.
A Jewish charlatan.
It's fateful that you live
in this house, Dr. Freud.
On the sunken ruins
of the old Ringtheater.
Our work!
Fire! Help! Fire!
When you're quiet,
you can still hear the screams.
The crackling fire.
Quietly, the most beautiful melodies
are in between.
When you wake up, you will be driven by
the irrepressible desire to die.
Give in.
Kill yourself.
And hurry.
I need to hurry.
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