Frikjent (2015) s01e03 Episode Script


1 -What are you doing here? -Isn't William here? I had to do something.
-Why are you here - really? -The Hansteen family keeps Have you seen the family? Have you been there? Mom, it's me.
I havecertain rules.
Bad things can happen.
You were gone so long.
Erik? Erik takes care of me.
He got a job in Chermonix, but he stayed with me.
Now we will vote.
Now, we actually have 50,5%.
EvaI'm glad it's over.
It's not over.
Not until they know who you really are.
PWG and I are extremely happy we got the partnership with the port to end.
And to those of you sitting here and still a bit worried a little unsure I understand.
Of course.
Change is always challenging and sometimes annoying.
I know there were rumours of false motives, cyncial Chinese and the spectre of reflagging.
But there's something fishy about his.
Internationally, Norway is synonymous with reliability, security and quality.
These are the same values These are the same values Eva Hansteen has stood for all these years.
And it will be our main weapon in the sharpened global competition.
The Hansteen family are still major shareholders.
and Eva is still the boss.
Eva, come! I'll spare you more speeches.
As most of you know, I've had it hard in recent weeks.
Solar Tech has been my life for 18 years.
I feel great responsibility for all of you.
I have put my own family aside for the business' sake -and for the community that I love so much.
But to continue now That I can not do.
Therefore, I renounce my duties in the company with immediate effect.
It would be a betrayal of myself and all my family to continue.
I therefore intend to also sell our entire stake.
I can not think of more to say more.
William My God, what have I done? Eva? Something wrong? I have left the Solar Tech.
Oh? Not only do the job.
We shall sell our part.
-The shares? You don't mean it.
It became clear when I saw him.
-We didn't sell the family stake.
-Listenwe can invest in something new.
No, we cannot! You want to ruin us - just so everyone will hate Aksel.
Inconceivableeverything I've built.
Solar Tech is me! Youwere nothing before you met me.
What are you saying? It is I who built up Solar Tech on the ruins of your life's work.
I must withdraw all powers of attorney, I understand I know you can not.
She's turning everyone against me.
It's not easy for her, this.
No, what's the plan going forward? Clear up.
A couple of new hires, and then forget I ever came here.
I won't interfere anymore.
William! Come sit down.
What would you say about taking Eva's job? -As CEO? -Yes.
Your name.
All that's well here in this community is tied to your name.
-Yes, but I've been away too long.
-People trust you, that's the main thing.
I need you.
Lars, then? -Lars? -Yes.
We have the same name.
He's not an experienced leader, but he has the people's confidence.
You have a vistorin reception.
Mom, what are you doing here? It's raining all over the flloors.
I have to set out buckets.
We'll fix that.
I'm just gonna -You don't have to.
-Come now.
-You can't stay here anymore.
-What do you mean? Come now.
It's been so nice to have you here, but It's no longer possible.
-They've come back.
-Stop it, mom.
They've drilled holes in the roof.
-Is Erik home? -It's not his fault.
-It's not we who have -No I don't understand why this is going against us.
Let's go home.
I won't be long.
Dad? -Are you ill? -No, no No, it's It's just that I've resigned from my job.
Why's that? It's Aksel.
Your grandmother and I have chosen not to cooperate with him.
What are you going to do now? -I'll think of something.
-Where will you work? At the checkout at Rimi? It will be alright.
Do we have to move? -What happened? -I don't know.
I don't know.
She's finefreaked out on me.
She was fine and then suddenly she wants me to leave.
-In any event, as -I'll take over now.
-The roof leaks.
-I'll take over, I said.
I would be paranoid with such a decrepit roof.
-Can you tag down? -This looks bloody awful.
How can you live like this? -Sorry we don't lve up to your standards.
-You've let the house and mom decay.
You have no idea what she needs, so back off! Don't you think I want to move? But I can't, I'm stuck here! And what you have you done? Nothing! At least I've sent money.
-You haven't been here, so lay off.
-But you have.
And you do shit.
Where's the money now? What did you do with the money? Stop, shhh.
What did you do with the money? Snowboarding? Travel to "Chermonix"? Have you used mom's money on ski holidays? NoMom ignores the money.
Get out of your fucking shed and cobble a board or something! Please, making off with my money! Hi, hold on a second.
-Is something wrong? -No, no.
I'm at my mother's house.
Are you angry at me? No, I'm not angry at all.
Look, I think it's really good you want to help her.
-I just need to stay around until I know she's taken care of.
-Listen to you.
So sweet and caring! -I'll see you soon, yeah? -Yeah, see you soon.
Good before? Lars! What do you say we take over for Eva? Are you going to use me to get to Eva? Forget it! She talked to you first? She asked if it was OK to give up everything? -Just to make her point? It's not so simple.
You could become part of a multinational company.
Build a future for the resort.
I don't respect the way you work.
I'm not asking you to like me, just to think about it before you decide.
MURDERER -It doesn't help to get mad.
-I had forgotten the killer stamp.
Sulking doesn't suit you.
CEO? I can't take that job.
I don't even know I can lead a company.
You've never had the chance.
I bought me some food.
Oh, so nice.
William, I'm sorry.
I would have talked to you first.
I know as well as what to do with myself.
What do you, as well? I cleaned the closets.
Then I thought of cutting the roses, but you had already done.
And Lars? He has his seat in Hansteen Holding, he can work with investments.
And hanging off your skirts? I've got to raise him myself! In the past, you worked all the time.
Now you running up the mountain when you have problems.
William, sorry.
I need you.
More than ever.
Great! I'm starving! -It's been a long time since we've had it here.
-You'll have to wait.
Hello! -Hi.
-What've we got? Potato dumplings? -You loved them.
-I'll eat mine inside.
He hasn't had it so easy.
-Go ahead.
I'm sorry I caused a commotion at your office.
Don't worry about it.
Sometimes things swirl around in my head.
When you leftthey began writing things on the walls here.
Threw stones through the windows.
Large bricks.
I was so worried about Erik.
He still defended you.
They were so mean to him.
What? What was that? Who is it? -Craftsmen.
I asked them to come.
No! Erik! I asked them to come.
They will fix the ceiling and stuff.
Ask the to leave.
They should go! Yes.
I have to ask you to go back.
-We'll look at the roof.
-Mom's not healthy.
She's laying down.
-Who the hell is this? -They're contractors.
-Are you stupid? -They're leaving now, OK? -It's not OK.
You fuck everything up! Excuse me.
You've got to go.
Did you know that she's torn out all the photos of me in the albums? Yes.
You know nothing.
You have no idea what happened here.
When I was in schoolMom would arrange a party for me.
She would make a cake and the whole thing.
She went to the store to shop.
There some kids there talking about going to school and beating me up She becomes hysterical and goes to the school to pull me out.
She drops her bagscustard sauce all over the floor.
-and she slips around in it, hysterical, screaming my name.
Do you get it? The others were laughing themselves to death.
-How old were you? -I turned 15.
Social services arrived.
The house became a mecca for local kids.
They tagged everywehre they could.
"Satan's house", it said.
"Addams family.
" -Would it have been better if I had stayed? -A little late, huh? Hello? I'm working here.
Do you want to see? -I can't see -Move the object.
Keep on the sides.
And move Up a little What do you see? I don't know.
Some streaks.
Silicon nanocrystals.
That's what we're trying to add on top of the cell.
-It would be great to crack the code.
-It would make our owners very happy.
The future would be different.
Think about it.
Where is there the most sun? The equator.
All the poorest countries lie along there.
It we can produce dual solar cells cheaply -world poverty would disappear? -Yes.
You must think I'm some kind of an idiot for trying.
I don't know what it is that you're trying.
Nah, I don't knowI just want to get it over with.
I don't know why I care what people here think.
-What? -No it's good.
-What then? -This.
To be like this and talk about it.
The doctor's house.
When I was little, I dreamed about living here.
I think it's empty.
Welcome! -Do you remember things like this? -Sheer lace curtains? All decent families were like that.
Do you have that now? What's that? Sheers? You would have four children and a German shepherd.
-Sounds more like Karine.
-No, that was you.
-What was it about her? And you? -What was it about Karine and everyone? Was it because everyone wanted her? Maybe.
It's certainly not the smartest thing I ever did.
-You know what? I'm buying it.
-Why? Because I can.
Hey! Are you here?! Hey sweetie! You, come in! Was it you who made Dad resign? No Why does he need to stop? He did not have.
But it was difficult to continue when Aksel Nilsen received a majority.
-Why did you sell to him? -It wasn't us who did it.
-Who was it then? -It was Inger.
Don't angonize Helena with it now.
It was Inger who made sure Aksel got the majority he needed.
I'm sorry.
Come on! Want to eat something? Wait! Was that necesary? It's the truth.
We don't need a new house.
And she hates change.
That's why I'm asking you first.
Talk to her.
She trusts you.
It has its own basement apartment of 60 squares.
She'd feel safer if you stayed there.
Will you talk to her then? Lars? Are you Aksel's errand boy? Turn that off! Yes? Show what you're made of.
You have a responsibility to the company.
The community.
You talk to me about responsibility? I made a lot of mistakes, but you don't have to do the same.
What's it so important suddenly? You never cared about Solar Tech.
I care about you.
You destroy everything in this family! You sold us out! You've been to Eva's? Fucking bitch! Apologize! Apologize, I said! -Where are you going? -Enough's enough.
-This house is not cheap.
-Don't worry about it.
I'll live right beneath you, in the apartment.
They have an intercom, so when you press a button, I'll come up.
-Then I'll come when you need me.
-Inter? Of course! Shall we go and look? Heating coils in the bathroom.
Lots of bedrooms, so you don't have to climb stairs.
And look hereHere you can eat.
You can have a long table here Nice.
It's so nice.
Really amazing.
I've never received such a nice gift.
Aksel Akselmy beautiful boy! -Isn't it fine, Erik? -Every window.
A panorama.
Windows are great? Very light.
Only people can look straight in.
Mom, the windows are fine.
Really beautiful.
Or we can buy blinds, especially in the front.
-I don't know -It's great.
We'll just get new locks and it will be fine.
-I need to go home.
-This is home.
I bought it.
It's yours.
Please mom I need to got home.
Erik, let's go home.
Mom? Lars? Aksel has asked me to take over for you.
Say something? What then? I'm proud of you? No.
Lars If I had only raised you to stand up for yourself.
-Are you angry? -No.
It's my fault.
Everything is my fault.
Karine You were much younger.
I would not have put such a responsibility on you.
But you were so sensible I was so worried when she walked.
There had been so much Aksel.
I consoled myself that you would take care of her.
What are you saying? How would I know that? No, of course not.
Forget what I said.
Forget it, Lars.
I do not know what I'm saying.
Is the offer still standing? Great, Lars! Congratulations! -I'm not doing it for you.
-No, but here you.
I want you to move.
You can stay in the cottage until we made the practical arrangements.
You don't mean that.
We can not pretend anymore.
We will only hurt each other.
Evawe're too old for this nonsense.
Are you going to divorce me because I gave my son some advice? No.
But we can not live together after what happened.
We've done this for 20 years.
But he came back.
Aksel is innocent.
Are sacrificing everything for nothing? Do you remember this? Thanks for lending it.
-I wondered where it went.
-Really guilty conscience.
-Are you staying here now? -A few days -Alone? And your mother? -She didn't think it was a good idea.
Nor Erik.
-Give them some time.
-They've had 20 years.
Sulking again? -Do I? -Yes.
No I should go.
Should we make venison today? We should celebrate.
Should we wait for Helene? Helene is moving in with mom.
She thinks you manipulated me into the job.
I should've warned you against marrying a Hansteen.
-What can I do? -As little as possible.
-What do you mean by that? -No, nothing.
You ♫ She don't mind how I dress Or how much I work, how much I rest ♫ She don't mind how much I sleep ♫ Never asks ♫ why I spend the night awake ♫ She cries just like a baby
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