From Darkness (2015) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

1 Mr Harding, have you ever picked up prostitutes on Boundary Way in Manchester? Agota's murder was different.
Maybe her killer was too.
- Two killers.
- One in the '90s, one in the present day.
I know how important it is for you to feel you made me well, but there are things I can't escape.
'What if it was a woman copying, 're-enacting the crimes that were perpetrated against her '16 years ago?' Argh! 'A victim would have been present at the scene of the crime.
' A victim would know.
Turn out the light I shall escape Free at last But how can I slip away? When the future becomes my past.
You OK? Shower's free.
Ollie, Jack, hurry up, you're going to be late.
- I've lost my shirt.
Jack? - I haven't got it! - Mum, have you seen my shirt? - In the wash.
- Ollie, get a move on, please! - Right, I'm coming.
There you go.
After the envelope, you didn't want to go back to the hotel.
Lola thought you'd be best with someone you knew Here? I know.
"You lied.
" That's what it said.
Written in blood.
Her blood.
We don't know that yet.
It was a photo.
Whose else? Like it was my fault, like I'm responsible.
Just like Sally, Agota died because I failed.
Sit down, drink some coffee, take a few deep breaths.
What if she's out there, watching us? - She could be out there right now.
- She who? - The woman who killed Agota.
- OK, you're really not making sense.
I told you this last night! I left you a message.
Excuse me.
Ollie, can you turn it down, please?! You're not listening still! Why bring me here if you won't listen? - What am I to you, just a bit of skirt again? - Ollie, turn it down! - Keep your voice down, for God's sakes! - The woman who killed Agota is a victim, someone who was attacked in the '90s and survived.
The lab called this morning.
They found traces of semen.
Agota had sex with someone half an hour before death.
There's this as well.
It's footage of the man we disturbed at her flat.
- It's not clear, but - The man I saw was Too fit, too young.
You said you didn't get a good look.
You were terrified.
- It wasn't Harding, Marsh.
- But it was a man! Look.
You've got to get over this whole Sally Fisher thing.
It's clouding your judgment, the guilt.
Look, come and try and eat something, please.
It'll help.
- No, thanks.
- Claire Claire.
Look, I know you're upset.
I want to help, believe me, I Has she gone already? Yeah yeah.
I'd better head in myself.
You OK? I'm heading into the village, want to come? - When? - Now.
Get your coat.
- Have you got a minute? - Depends -- press briefing.
If you've got something else for me to throw to them? There is something, but you're not going to want to hear it.
Two killers -- one acting now, one in the '90s.
Evidence? You understand unfounded rumours about a multiplying threat is the last thing I need? I received this today.
The interim report on your misconduct case.
I haven't read it yet, but I am hoping for a piece of solid police work, evidence-based.
Four bodies, all positioned, bound, treated with hydrogen peroxide.
Solve it.
Catch him.
Show me what the report misses.
Right, morning, everyone.
Are there any developments?! I'm ready to take questions now.
Please, one at a time, one at a time.
- Yes.
- Superintendant, what does the new body mean? I'm afraid I can't answer that question at this time.
Um, anybody Yes, you.
Are you any nearer to finding the killer? Oh, boss.
Um, I think I've got something.
I've been doing a bit of digging around Caz Jenkins.
- Are you talking to me or looking at that? - Oh - Who is it? - What? I Ellie Myer, kiss kiss? It's just a friend.
It's nothing.
Ask yourself if it's worth it.
You're about to get married.
We're just in the briefing room.
- What's this? - All set.
We're calling Harriet Grado in Boston on Skype.
Harriet Grado? Caz Jenkins -- changed her name, and moved to the States in 1997.
Harriet, can you hear me? 'Hi.
' Harriet, my name is DCI John Hind.
It's nice to meet you, thanks for your time.
'Trudy Mills.
That's who you found, I I think.
' - Boss.
- Cheers.
'She was desperate, like the others, an addict.
'I sold her my patch.
I needed the money to help pay for the flight.
'My husband knows nothing.
'I would have come forward sooner' '.
but if he'd ever found out that I had been a prostitute' '.
that's it.
' Trudy Mills.
Better than 3-0.
Proves she's fallible.
Claire Church, your ex-constable, not as reliable as you might like.
You know, the one thing you had going for you was "nice guy".
Hello? Hello? You lied.
Who is this? She suffered.
Tell no-one.
Not even your beautiful family.
Or you'll suffer, too.
[Thanks, bye.
Norrie! Oh, please, God.
Norrie! Claire.
Oh, thank God.
It's all right.
I'm here.
Oh, thank God, thank God.
Ben Maddock?! I mean Ben? He's always been such a pain in the arse.
What if he never wakes up? Sweetheart.
It's OK.
It's not OK! No.
That was silly, it's not OK.
No, Megan, I didn't mean They've flown them to Glasgow.
The driver had been drinking, some lad off the mainland.
- Megan? - She's in her room.
- Do you have to? - What? It's like, what's going on here, this place just isn't enough.
Don't be ridiculous.
Seriously? Are we going to do this now? Yes! Norrie? Why did you think it was us? Sorry? It was like you expected it to be us in that car.
I saw smoke.
People racing along the road that leads to our house.
I panicked.
I don't know.
When are you going to tell me what's really happening -- the truth, everything? Remember, no secrets? I'm not stupid, you know.
You're involved in some serious shit, and if in any way you feel that now endangers us, your family I was tired.
And I panicked.
No, leave it.
Oh, Norrie.
Unless you think it's a matter of life and death or something.
The bloody thing hasn't stopped ringing since you got involved in all this.
"Hello, I'd like to speak to Constable Claire Church, please.
" I'm sorry, but I don't know who that is.
Unless you're talking about the one toying with her mobile constantly, determined not to really be here on the rare occasion that she actually is.
Forget it, it'll probably just be John, and we both know he'll keep trying.
I chose to bring Megan up here because it's safe.
Life's still precious here.
Until I know the truth, I have to protect my family.
Jesus, Claire, I can't let you endanger my child.
So what are you saying? You want me to go? Just until this is over and done with.
'Hi, I'm glad you called, I tried to call you.
'I was worried, I 'Claire?' 'I failed them.
I have to go back there.
'I have to get them justice.
' 'Right, listen to me.
' 'I don't want to talk.
' 'Claire' - 'I can't.
' - 'Claire!' Where are you going, love? She's already got a lift.
I don't know when it stopped being a caff.
I do know where we can get a good cup of tea.
What is this? Witness protection.
You were scared at the hotel, so Witness protection? OK, so it's maybe a little better than the average.
When I said I wanted to help, I meant it.
I'll keep a spare one at the office.
You hungry? I filled the fridge, brought you some music.
Make it all a bit more homely.
Do you want to drink? No.
What are you doing? Talk me through it, your theory, this killer victim that's getting you so excited.
- This is my way of apologising.
- I don't want your apologies.
- I shouldn't have brought you home the other night.
- No.
It was wrong for everybody, but we do need to speak.
Claire, you've as good as told me you had my baby.
If Megan's mine, she deserves She's not yours.
She's not mine.
She's Norrie's.
Her mum died.
But you were pregnant? God, you lost it.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Claire.
Forgive me.
Agota was murdered by a girl, a woman, a victim of the original attacks in the '90s Someone who suffered but survived the ordeal, then after the attack she suppresses it.
Why would she suppress it? Shame? It's not unusual for victims of sexual violence to deny what's happened to them, blame themselves even.
And a street worker? Low self-esteem, everyone else denying it.
Officially there was no crime.
Then 16 years on, bodies start turning up -- bodies of women like her, prostitutes, victims So vindicated at last, she goes out and kills somebody? Another woman? Not vindicated.
It's more complicated than that.
There's suppression, there's denial.
Denial might be common in victims of sexual violence -- doesn't turn them all into cold-blooded murderers, does it? - She had no justice.
- No motive, either.
I'm sorry, Claire.
Harding faked his alibi.
Excuse me? I tried calling you.
That's him at a charity dinner in April.
'Our mission, to allow our partners to harness' - And again in October, the night Agota died.
- 'Our mission' I know he's on a mission, but he's not just repeating himself.
Look, through the window -- the trees have leaves.
It's the April dinner.
to build a stronger, smarter public sector' Then there's this.
Five streets away from Agota's flat, it's the night we broke in.
It's him, it's the man we disturbed.
We can't identify him from this.
Can't see a number plate, even.
It's still a Jag, top of the range.
Guess what our philanthropic businessman drives now.
You understand what this means? With Sally's bracelet We've never been able to link him to that.
The footage of him picking up Sally, Mimi Fenton's sister's testimony.
If you're so sure, why did you even bother to ask me what I thought about it? This is good news.
You wanted to get these girls justice.
- We've got him! - What if she wasn't a prostitute? Claire, drop it, OK?! A student.
There was student accommodation all around the red-light district.
Look, I kept a copy of every file where the abuse profile fitted with Agota's injuries.
Initially, I was only interested in sex workers, but there was one other.
Chemical burns -- see? Lucy Maxley? We had a call from a man who studied at Manchester in the '90s.
His ex-girlfriend of the time said she was attacked in the red-light district.
Was it Lucy Maxley? I'll give you Boyce, you can follow it up as a potential witness statement! That's all this is.
Are you sitting on anything else? Any more pissed students, traumatised hookers? I don't want you getting sidetracked on this! We're still looking into the bracelet.
I'll hold off on telling Lola about Harding until we're sure.
Get some sleep.
So, apparently, there was Hind, rolling around with backache, the special consultant, Church, flat out on her face on the floor.
- You're kidding?! - Boyce? - I'm not saying a word.
You're like his fag mate.
I'm getting married and I don't want any trouble.
- "I'm getting married.
" - Ignore him.
He's just jealous.
He wants DCI Hind all to himself.
Who wouldn't? - I was hoping you'd be here.
Fancy a drink? - Sure.
Nice day! - Hi, Chris Templeton? - Yeah.
Claire Church and Detective Sergeant Boyce, Greater Manchester Police.
Can we come in, please? - Who is it? - It's the police about the phone call, the appeal.
We'll go in the kitchen.
Rosanna's got an exam tomorrow, PGCE.
It's all right.
I'll come.
- No, it's fine, you're busy.
- No, I want to be with you.
Em, tea? - Oh, lovely.
- Come in.
We met at the beginning of our second year.
I Well, WE were studying law.
The night she said it happened, the attack, me and my mates were throwing a party.
It was pretty wild.
I hadn't told Lucy.
We'd been going through a rough patch.
Her parents had just got divorced.
She had started cutting herself.
It was too much.
Anyway, she turned up at the party and she found me with someone.
And she lost it.
Got off her face, she started yelling, refusing to leave.
Then somehow we ended up sleeping together.
Anyway, the next day, I woke up and she was gone.
To be honest, I thought that was it.
We were over thank God! But three weeks later, one of her flatmates told me that she said she'd been attacked walking home.
Did you see her again? We had a coffee.
And did she confirm it? She didn't look well.
She'd been cutting again.
There were scars on her wrist.
I didn't believe her.
I thought she was playing the victim, trying to make me feel guilty.
Chris called as soon as he saw the appeal.
Your digs were near Boundary Way? Mm.
Which way do you think Lucy walked home that night? She lived in Starbrook, so Right through the middle of the red-light district, Boundary Way.
Can you remember what she was wearing? It was Manchester in the '90s -- not much.
Mr Templeton, no-one's accusing you of anything.
It's just the details will really help us with the investigation.
This is a record of a visit Lucy made to A&E in the early hours of Sunday 7th June, 1999.
Do these injuries fit with Lucy's description of what happened to her that night? The scars you mentioned, could they have been wounds from being tied? What's wrong with Daddy? Nothing.
That's a good girl.
I just wanted to be free.
I was young.
Feel for him, poor sod.
It's not his fault someone was trying to tie him down before he was ready.
How long now till the wedding? Has he talked to you about it? Who? Oh, him! I reckon that's another reason he preferred working with you.
You were single when you did this job.
I've Anna got constantly texting me about table decorations and floral displays.
So call it off.
Joke! Drop whatever else you're working on.
I want everyone on Harding.
What's going on? We've got our prime suspect -- Harding.
Harding? Faked his alibi for the night Agota was killed, and Sally's bracelet was made by a company called Heart Notes, a subsidiary company of Lexington Hearts.
- My porridge.
I didn't manage to get br - Out! You know Harding didn't kill Agota Calgys.
A high-profile figure in the middle of a major police investigation? - I know he faked his alibi.
He gave Fisher - Sally.
the bracelet, he was feared by the prostitutes and drives the same car as the man we disturbed - in Calgys' home.
- Agota's.
His firm own a 5% holding in the land the girls were found in -- the wastelands and the warehouse, HQI Investments.
Confirmed this morning.
He's our man.
Then why contact me? My shoulder number.
"You lied.
" - We never met.
I don't know him! - You don't know this Lucy either! - The boyfriend's story fits.
- She was a student, - not one of your prostitute mates.
- .
Party, she walked home.
Making her a potential witness, at best, if she wasn't too pissed, or high on God knows what.
All the solid, evidence-based police work points to Harding! It's him! Then why did you give me Boyce? Guilt.
She's received the report on my misconduct case.
I don't know what it says yet, but for once she's backing me on this.
Fine, we'll talk about this someplace else, then? My place? You've got a key.
Call Julie, tell her you've a meeting, bring a bottle.
- Stop.
You're being ridiculous - It's your fantasy - You had a theory.
- .
me tucked away - Admit defeat.
It's over! My career's on the line! It needs a stir.
You loved him.
I thought you were going out? Fancied a quiet one instead.
What are these doing here? Ollie.
School project.
Family tree.
- Have you eaten? - I'm not hungry -- done in.
I'm going straight to bed.
Oh, someone rang.
Norrie? Wants to speak to you about Claire? The number's on the side.
You should call him.
He sounded upset.
- Hello? - Hello.
This is Detective Chief Inspector Hind.
You called? Hi, thanks for getting back, yeah.
It's about Claire.
I know I don't know you and this is kind of weird, but you two go way back, and Look, I wanted to ask a favour, basically.
- A favour? - I don't know if she's said anything, but we had a bit of a fall-out recently.
Nothing serious.
And I'm worried.
I'm worried that there's no-one to look out for her.
And she won't do it.
Claire'd solve the whole world's problems before she'd think about her own.
She was on some tablets, some anti-depressants, and Look, she wouldn't want me to ask and I don't know you, and I don't like to .
but if you could just keep an eye on her, just until things are sorted.
That'd be a big help, to know you were looking out for her for me.
Turn it down! Hello? Are you still there? Yeah.
You've got my number.
Yeah, thanks.
What is it? Tell me.
You can tell me anything.
(Oh, shit!) Hello? It's OK.
You can talk to me.
I understand.
I want to help.
That is why you're calling, isn't it? You want help? You said you'd help me before, but you lied.
I don't understand.
What do you mean? You lied to me.
When? When did I lie? What did I say to you? Let me make it up to you.
Let me help you now.
Lucy? It is Lucy, isn't it? I watched her struggle.
I watched her die.
I don't know why.
I don't know what happened, but .
it was me.
Whatever you've done, whatever happened, it wasn't your fault.
I KNOW it wasn't your fault.
You were the victim of a crime.
I know what happened to you.
When the bodies started being unearthed, I I don't know.
I don't know.
Oh, God! I told her.
I gave her a chance to get out, but she wouldn't listen.
Stupid cow wouldn't listen! Nobody ever listens.
Lucy, I know it must all feel impossible right now, but if if you'll let me, I can help.
Let me catch the man responsible, the man who really who did this.
He's the one to blame.
I want to help.
I understand.
I promise, I will get him.
Why? Because I've been there.
Because I know how it feels to have done something so terrible.
Something you think you'll never find your way back from.
What was that? It's nothing.
Are you're tracing this call? Lucy! You promised you'd help me, you promised me.
Don't hang up, please.
You lied.
You lied again, you bitch! I thought I could trust you.
But you're just another fucking whore, like the rest of them.
No, you CAN trust me.
You're only saying that because you're scared.
That's the only reason why you're listening.
I could make you listen harder.
Catch him or I'll kill.
Let's get him.
Do you want to explain? Yesterday, you were dead set against it.
Time to reflect, a decent night's sleep.
You convinced me.
She's still just a theory.
We haven't enough to stage an arrest.
He's coming in for questioning.
- When? - Next week.
You're giving him seven days to prepare, destroy evidence, when he already knows we're suspicious?! His daughter's getting married.
I don't want to ruffle his feathers until our case is concrete.
A wedding, a social event, perfect place to put the pressure on him.
I doubt we're invited! A man like Harding won't know half the people on the guest list.
Anyway, since when have you needed permission for everything? Nice.
Detective Sergeant Boyce.
Detective Sergeant! Nearly a DCI! - You.
- Yes.
How is it? Another thrilling day hot on the tail of hardened criminality? Hell, yes! So, what's keeping you so busy? Coffee run.
"Do you take milk, do you take sugar?" Mine are out quaffing champagne, - pretending to be guests at a wedding.
- Whose wedding? You know I'd have to kill you if I said anything.
Dinner instead? What are you suggesting? Well done, Mr Harding! How much do you think that pile's worth?! Hey, will you look after that for me? Ta.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Oh, congratulations.
What? Nothing.
Two o'clock.
You sure we want to do this? So she says to the doctor, "OK, but only if I can have the flu with it.
" That's very good! Oh, you must be Mrs Harding.
This is a lovely party.
I'm sure you're very proud.
Thank you.
I don't believe we've met? Fiona, I think we should get the guests seated.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you'd all like to take your seats, dinner will be served shortly.
Claire Church, Greater Manchester Police.
This is Detective Chief Inspector John Hind.
Your husband's been assisting us with our investigations.
Really? Gareth? Speaking of jokes, did you hear the one about the prostitutes and the property magnate? Or perhaps that's only for select audiences.
If you'd like to go through, top up champagne.
This way, please.
This is nice! I thought we had agreed this could wait until after my daughter's wedding.
But then we found you faked your alibi for the night of Agota Calgys's murder.
I'll not say any more without my lawyer present.
Another one you missed off the guest list.
Surprising, for a man who enjoys mixing business with pleasure.
- Sally Fisher, Mimi Fenton - Not here, please! We know you gave Sally the bracelet.
It was a sample, a one-off, something you'd only have access to as a sales rep.
We also know your company has interests in the land where the bodies were found.
I want the name of your Superintendent.
Does he know you're doing this? She.
We have CCTV footage of you picking up girls, we have witness accounts of your "sexual activities".
You can't do this.
This is against the rules.
I can have you fired.
Are you keeping a file on me? Did you kill Sally Fisher, Mimi Fenton, Trudy Mills? No, of course I didn't! I just like hookers, for Christ's sake! Tell them.
They're going to find out.
I didn't want you to spoil Adele's day.
Too late for that now.
He faked the video, faked it because he didn't want anyone to know he was attending rehab! Put it down, we're going.
- Put it down, put it down.
- I want to stay.
He's holding back.
We keep the pressure on.
Even without Agota, he's still a suspect for the murders in the '90s.
I think he's had enough for one day.
I think we've all had plenty.
We are uninvited guests on private property.
We don't have a warrant.
We can't make an arrest.
We're trespassing.
Currently, the only ones breaking the law are you and me.
Dance with me! Stop it.
Come here, come here.
How much have you had to drink? Should you, with the medication you're taking? My medication? Who told you about my medication? - Norrie.
- You've spoken to him?! He's worried.
Well, what if I haven't taken any? Have you thought about that? Maybe this is just me.
Maybe I'm just a fucking freak! Hey, ssh! It's not funny.
Look at me.
Let's go home.
Oh! And where might that be? Claire.
Come on, let's go.
You're drunk.
Please please.
If my baby had survived .
would you have stayed with me? Would you? Maybe I never deserved it.
- I'm sorry, I - Oh, shut up! What are we doing? I don't know.
You tell me.
Oh, God.
Are you sure about this? Fuck me.
I just want you to fuck me.
Stop it, get off.
Claire, get off me.
I thought this was what you wanted.
It is, Claire.
It was it is.
I don't Just not like this.
Not like this.
You, leave! Me and Julie, we're not great, but once the boys leave For God's sake, just shut up about your lovely family! I killed it.
I killed my baby.
I was pregnant and I tried to kill myself .
but they woke me.
And he She's right, I am just a fucking whore.
I never should have brought you here.
- I never should have brought you here.
I'm sorry.
- Get off.
It's like I know her and she knows me.
She sees it all -- the shame, the guilt inside.
I didn't want to be here.
Lucy didn't want to be here.
Neither of us wanted any of this.
Lucy didn't mean to kill.
You've spoken to her? I promised her we'd get Harding.

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