From Here on OUT (2014) s01e03 Episode Script

Kill or be Kilt

1 FROM HERE ON OUT - Kill or be Kilt (103) Call sheet says you're the director.
Wut? Hola, Mr.
TV Man.
There might be a part for you in my TV show.
I'm very, very shy.
- Rico! - Sean! Should I tell you that I can't swim? Definitely good to know Oh, no!!! Don't worry! I'll save you! He's dead.
The impact of the fall must have knocked off his swimsuit.
No tongue in the sex scenes.
He said, no tongue! Stop being straight! What! Gay actor, or no Gay Spy Show.
We have got to make a pact.
You are gay! (sexy music) Stop it! Ooh oh! Yeah! Spank me! Yeah.
Yeah, spank me sweetie slap slap Sam, are you ready? Rico! Hola, Mr.
Jimmy! What are you doing? What's your name? – Patric.
I'm doing Patric.
Okay, and who's Patric? - Cousin.
– Friend.
We are a very friendly family.
I see that.
You wanna join us in? You can be our uncle.
We're being very bad.
- Ooh.
– Rico, you know you shouldn't be in here! Out! This is Sam's dressing room! Oh! It's a dressing room! I thought Devina said it was an UNdressing room! My boo-boo! Let's go, cousin! knocking Sam, you in there? - They gone? - Ugh, sorry about that.
Lemme see! Who's gonna believe I'm a serious spy in this? I have belts wider than this.
This episode's called Kill or be Kilt, nor Kill or be Mini-Kilt.
Well, you make it look, uh, masculine… ish Why aren't we shooting? The crew is having a "Non-Union Meeting" either about money or, if we're lucky, yesterday's tuna salad sandwiches.
Dude, that tuna did taste funky.
This is so hard! How am I supposed to shoot a second episode… season on no money? I mean, we blew the budget on the first episode.
Well here's some good news.
Everyone's buying that you and I are a couple.
– Oh.
This morning I updated my facebook status to in a relationship.
– Ugh! Already? We just started fake hooking up! Don't get all lesbian on me and rush into things.
At least accept my damn request! It's awkward dating someone that's not even on my friends list.
I've sorta been busy.
You know, Jimmy, maybe, uh, you should take our relationship a little more seriously.
I just fake came out to everyone I know this morning and got 216 likes! It's been a very accepting experience! I'm sorry.
That's sweet.
Thanks! That's all I wanted.
I've been a bad boy! – Why, what did you do? Just spank me, Uncle Jimmy! – Ah, oh.
Oh yeah.
Spank me hard! I've been very bad! slap Yes, yes.
(door closes) All right.
slap, slap, slap, slap From here on out There is no more second best Erase all doubt I'm better than the rest! I used to stand aside, While others plowed ahead, But now I'm taking charge My wings are gonna spread.
Don't underestimate me So listen, here's the deal.
To those who think I'm broken Look out! I'm at the wheel From here on out Everybody cheer! scream and shout! Get used to it.
I'm here! (busy office music) Morning, Dotty.
Hold it right there, Randell! Where do you think you're going? – I need to see Taylor! Are you an employee? Did you have a stroke? You know who I am.
I do.
And you need an appointment.
And I'm not seeing one here! Mr Nukem does have an opening a week on Tuesday, shall I pensil you in? Dotty, I am in a hurry! We need to start shooting soon.
Well, I shall notify Mr Nukem of your time constraints when he comes out of a very important meeting.
Or when I feel like it! Would you like a juice box while you're waiting? In silence? Thank you.
But, as you know, time is money.
The company that Taylor is president of's money.
Don't put that down there! Were you raised by Neanderthal gypsies? Or what? USE THE COASTER! Oh… Sorry! Sorry isn't going to cut it, that table costs 12 thousand dollars! WHAT! gah! ah! Who's gonna pay 12 thousand dollars for an okay ish coffee table! That's insane! I looked it up, it's an original Luigi! It's a piece of art! It's an Ampersand! Randell, did Taylor eat anything at that TV Show yesterday that I didn't pack for him? I… I think he had a tuna salad sandwich.
Then that's why he threw up on Brad! Unbelievable! Ugh! I told him never to eat anything you filthy show-people touch! (stomach gurgling) Taylor? You got a minute? - Wuddup Dawg? I was gonna come watch filming today, but I have to stay near the office dealing with a few unexpected emergencies (stomach gurgling) Well, I just wanted to let you know that money came very tight.
Hold that thought.
BRAD, get in here and take notes! Just one minute, I gotta fini… - NOW! So, what is up with this whole, uh s-e-x thing with you and Guy Dubai? Oh well, uh, uh.
Sam and I just have this instant chemistry together….
– Oh, chemistry! Good, good.
- I sure don't it… Did I say that out loud? – Little bit.
And what about, uh, everything else? Like you being way older than him and stuff? Oh, well, I'm probably not THA much older than Sam.
- And, uh, what about him being, like, way hotter than you and stuff? – Wow.
Aheh… well, we're just attracted to eachothers minds.
Ahahahahahah! That's priceless.
Priceless, Brad, are you getting this? Uh, why are we taking notes? No reason! Well, there is a reason, but I'm not going to tell you until next episode! Next episode! New York saw an early cut of season one of Guy Dubai International Gay Spy, you know, the Hawaiian episode and they have decided to expand season two! It is now a full two episodes! That is TERRIFIC! Yay! A two Episode season two! Wow! Well now we can put more money in the show, because the crew… - Brad, listen I promised New York that if we bundled season two into a full two episodes, costs would go down, so I am cutting your budget by 10%.
That's not possible! We're barely paying people as it is.
Calm down! Calm down! Once the show starts airing and my new promotion plan kicks in, advertizers will be begging for ad time.
We'll get a green light for an unprecedented third season! Which means we're a hit.
And we start crankin' out episode after episode.
There's no stopping us! Box DVD sets! Syndication! The crowd roars! Roar.
– Roar.
Taylor! If you could just get us two thousand dollars more, I could make this work.
I double your season and you nag about money? Where is the love? It's there.
It's it's buried under a thin layer of reality, but it's there! That's the spirit (stomach gurgling).
Now, out both of you.
I need to lay my head on my desk until my tummy feels better (continued stomach gurgling) (farts and groans) By the way, congratulations on dating Sam.
It's unbelievable.
– Thanks.
And while we're alone, I was wondering if I could talk to you a minute, uh about the show.
Are you gonna ask me for a roll? Heh heh! No, of course not.
I'd be happy with a small one.
Brad! You're just an office worker at Here TV.
Guy Dubai is a professional cable television show with real actors.
You gave that maid a part.
Yes, but she's a talented actress and she brings something else to the table as well.
A free location.
Well, then, Jimmy, I can bring something to the table, too.
I'm listening.
Free office supplies.
Oh! Brad! Ooh! Poor, naive Brad! – What! I'm a producer now! I've known where the supply room was my first day of auditions.
You're gonna have to do much better than that.
Excuse me.
I have a crew to bribe with free pink highlighters and toilet seat covers.
fart, fart Brad! Potty emergency! Man your stations, this is not a drill! fart Okay, you just might need one of these I took the last box.
(spy music) (squirt sounds) plane flying noise, interrupted by geese (bagpipe music) Fiona! Fiona! Enough with the Bleedin' Bagpipes! (bagpipes fade off sadly) What's so important that you be shouting clear across Locknee Village Tavern about, Haggis? I was just wondering what you might be recommending for dinner? Me specials today are me rumbledethumps with a side of me Tattles and neeps.
I am not a hottie tottie! No one touches my Tatties and Neeps! Cut! Devina, uh, tatties is Scottish for potatoes, and Neeps are turnips.
He is just ordering food! Ohhh! Good.
From Fiona's tatties and neeps line and ACTION! I'm sure you'd enjoy me rumbledethumps with a side of me Tatties and neeps.
They are delicious Scottish food and not dirty at all! I'll take a wee platefull! We don't get many visitors in this village, stranger! Who are ye? I'm Dubai.
Guy Dubai.
I'm here on International business.
Take a load off and I'll be right with ye! Popular place! Every seat taken but this one.
Mind if I join you? Tis a free country, laddie! Or it used to be.
What's your name? Haggis.
– Haggis.
Can't help but notice that your penis has been circumcised.
You're not from around these parts, are you? Not originally.
But you'll learn that once folks find their way to Locknee Village, they hardly find their way out.
Name yer poison.
I'd prefer to use cyanide, but sometimes I use… oh! There's a word that catches my eye.
I'll take a big serving of that.
One cock-a-leekie soup, coming up! You're not wearing a kilt! Kilts be the law in Locknee or else! Peter, Paul, and Mary! The Kilt Inspector coming straight for us! Take off your clothes.
I thought I'd have my Cock-a-leekie first, but if you insist! Perfect! (door opening) Well, well, well.
(suspenseful music) Let's see who we've got in Locknee Village tavern tonight, shall we? Course, we have our dear Fiona.
Evening, Mr.
Kilt Inspector sir! Let's have a wee peak, shall we? There's a good lassie.
Carry on.
Haggis! This must be the Kilt inspector's lucky day! Excellent.
Very patriotic.
I, uh wouldn't mind playing a tune on those bags and that pipe, eh? And who do we have here? Someone who doesn't let the likes of you look up his kilt.
Is that so? (dramatic music) He's wearing knickers! He's wearing knickers! And me forgetting to bring my handcuffs! I'll cuff him with me spare pair! And I thought you were helping me.
I was.
But this… is more interesting… Wearing knickers under a kilt.
What are you a spy? – If I was, I wouldn't tell you! Ohh… not saying if you're a spy or not, eh? I'll just have to collect me some evidence.
Cut! Devina! I only had to stop for your ONCE! Very good! Okay, well, you know let's just take a 30 minute lunch break, because that little meeting this morning cut into our time.
Jimmy, we're leaving.
What? – We're getting paid half of what we deserve, so we're working half days.
What, I'm uh, guys! no no! I'm working on getting us more money! I promise I am! Oh, hey, hey, guess what, guess what, uh, we just got picked up for a third episode! So are you two a couple? – Aha.
But you just met and you never kiss and touch, and touch, and kiss… We touch and kiss all the time when we're alone.
Why don't you kiss for us! Ohhh! Kiss, kiss! Don't you disapprove of gay sex? No, only slutty whore sex like this one do! That's why I pray, devil come out! - Heh heh! But it's love, it's good! You two kiss! Kiss kiss kiss kiss! Okay.
Come on, hunny.
Well… Only if you're in the mood.
Do this all the time… Uh… no… (dorky music playing) Okay… Hehehehe.
Eyyy, that was terrible! My pee pee just fell off! Mine, too! Let's go, so they can practice! They kiss like sick birds that are about to die soon.
We may have to work on our public affection.
I don't want people thinking I can't please my man! Dude! You friended me! Of course.
Holy shit! 384 likes on my relationship status update.
I cannot believe the frikkin crew walked out! THIS SUCKS.
But the great news is we already got the go-ahead for the third episode! I bet in the history of television a few series lasted less than that.
Make us legit.
It's gonna look so cool on my IMDB page.
– Well, don't get your hopes up yet.
If we can't get this episode done on budget, it's over, we're sunk! Come on, it's only money! We'll think of something! - Any ideas? – I got nothing.
Well, not unless we want to risk getting arrested.
I'm listening.
(mischievous music) (elevator ding) (elevator dings to close) Okay.
Okay, it's gonna be a snap! It's right there.
That's worth 12 thousand dollars? I know, it's zaney! (crash sound) Just grab one end! Just what do you think you're doing? Dotty! (dorky music) We're… What are we doing? – Um… We were just saving the show, that's what we were doing.
By stealing?! – NO! Let's say… reinvesting assets! That's good! Let's call it that! Oh… this is getting interesting.
Maybe we should savor the moment and have ourselves a snort.
Okay… Could use one of those.
Never seen that cot before.
What, do you sleep here? I don't think this is really about me right now, is it? Cheers.
glasses clinking Ooh, hoo! So, you were explaining why, uh, stealing is reinvesting.
So I don't report you for robbery, right? Hm.
Bottoms up.
glasses clinking Well, as you know, Taylor's hands are tied, regarding the budget, but yet, here's this 12 thousand dollars coffee table.
Oh God this is boring, this is so boring! Let's hit it again.
Mud in your eye! glasses clinking So, tell me why I shouldn't have you two boys arrested? For peeping at a lady in her nightie.
Gotcha! Oh, please, I don't even think about sex anymore.
But I would love somebody to rub my little corns.
clears throat Let's have another shot.
Here, have another one.
Just a little quick one.
(glasses clinking) Has anybody got a camera? Oh, I do! Ahah, yes.
You two boys get up there with the table, stand up, hold the table up pick it up! Now, put your put your faces through those holes.
It's gonna be a good shot, hehe.
That's a good one.

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