Furies (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

I'd never have bet on you

[Lyna] Before The Olympus of the six,
there were seven crime families in Paris.
- And those families were at war.
- [people cheering]
[mysterious, melodic music playing]
The Aragos, Selma's family,
were feared and respected Godfathers.
But too much happiness
can attract the wrath of the gods
and the jealousy of your peers.
[cheering continues]
Every single Arago
was forced to face their doom.
[people screaming]
Men, women and children.
- [pounding]
- [knob rattling]
[screaming continues]
[music becomes dramatic]
It was a crime so horrific
that it forced The Godfathers to unite.
The Olympus was born.
The survivor of the massacre
had the right to vengeance.
An eye for an eye.
But too much innocent blood had been shed.
Daria Arago, Selma's great-grandmother,
renounced her claim to vengeance,
and her place in The Olympus.
The underworld needed
someone to maintain a balance.
Someone independent,
capable of upholding some form of justice.
Daria became the first Fury.
And since then, the job has been
passed down from mother to daughter.
The Fury was born of blood and lead.
But thanks to her, the underworld
has never been at war again.
Until now.
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
- [people grunting]
- [bullet shells clatter]
- [grunts]
- [rapid gunfire]
[people grunting]
[person grunts]
[both grunt]
[ominous music playing]
[deep breathing]
[music fades]
[Mud Man] What is this? We didn't get
an invite for this impromptu party.
Good thing we're not empty-handed.
I remember my mom used to say,
"When you're visiting a friend,
always bring a little something."
It's a question of education.
Uh, but I don't wanna kill anyone.
That's great.
Just try not to get yourself killed.
[tense music playing]
Or your friends.
The first time I had to kill someone,
know what I learned?
That when you don't have a choice,
it's them or you,
killing isn't a problem, really.
But being sure of that is what's tricky.
- Let's go.
- [gun cocks]
You take the deck, I'll take the bow.
It's okay, kid.
[tense music continues]
[glass pieces clattering]
- [gun shot echoing]
- [high-pitched noise]
[music stops]
It'll pass.
[in wavering voice] I didn't see him.
If it weren't for you, I'd
We're a family. We should look
out for each other, it's normal.
What happened?
You tell me.
A Fury scans everything
and fills in the gaps.
- Yeah, but I'm not a Fury.
- What did you see?
[sighs] I don't know.
There was There was blood and bodies.
It It was chaos downstairs.
Control your emotions,
make space for the rest.
- [Lyna groans]
- [tense music playing]
[Lyna] He came to open the safe.
He had it all planned out.
Then you came along.
But you were out of ammo,
so you improvised.
You had the upper hand
What happened?
[masked person grunts]
[both grunt]
[dramatic music playing]
What is it, neurological?
You're gifted,
but you ask the wrong questions.
Just so you know, I'm in good enough shape
to make you break that habit, that clear?
Why did he let you live?
[Selma] I don't know.
[Lyna] Do The Godfathers know you're ill?
I get the job done.
They don't need to know the rest.
That stolen safe suggests otherwise.
- They've probably emptied it by now.
- Not with an incomplete key.
You managed to steal a piece from him?
[Lyna sighs]
[distant siren blaring]
My father What was in that safe
that mattered more to him than his family?
The Bible of the Six.
Surely The Olympus' most powerful weapon.
They always store it in that safe,
and they only open it
when they're all together,
which happens roughly once a year
during the Scripture ceremony.
[tense music playing]
Inside are the names of all those
who have benefited from their services.
[muffled screams]
- Ah.
- [music stops]
Important people, in prominent positions.
This list protects The Olympus, you know?
If it comes out,
the whole system falls apart.
The Bible is a bomb.
You get why they wanna steal it?
- Yeah, for power.
- Mm.
Yeah, but my father
wasn't interested in power.
The question is, what would
he have done with it? Any ideas?
- [Mr. Tran] Selma.
- I know.
You have to do something.
We can't lose the Bible.
- They'll never forgive us.
- You can trust me, I'm taking care of it.
[Mrs. Tran]
Trust? After what happened here?
If by tomorrow evening, the safe isn't
brought back for the Scripture ceremony,
we're dead.
[Mrs. Tran] And believe me,
if we end up six feet under,
we'll make a little room
for you and your team.
- [tense music playing]
- Hmm?
[music fades]
[Selma] There was no one,
no guards, nothing.
Who is head of security for The Trans?
He's been their head of security
for five years, he's a pro.
You disappeared. Where were you?
[The Fixer inhales]
I had some business to take care of.
[telephone ringing]
That's The Godfathers' encrypted line.
It's never good when it rings.
What's this?
Oh no, don't worry,
it's not my blood. I'm fine.
[quiet, mysterious music playing]
[The Fixer] So tell me,
how did the kid do?
[Mud Man] She threw up.
But then again,
she threw up after the mission.
So, she did better than me
on my first mission.
[Selma] Gotta make progress
on Darius's death.
The Godfathers think it was an inside job.
Maybe it was.
Yeah. But this is getting out of hand.
We have to calm them.
So let's get moving now.
I'll handle Montclar.
I'll take the kid with me.
You'd rather take her with you
to see Mama?
Come on, let's go.
[music fades out]
Right, and it's trustworthy information?
Rue du Repos?
Okay, appreciate it, Marco. Yeah, bye.
[rain pattering]
Do you have a lot of informants
like this Marco guy?
Who do you think we are?
We don't have informants, we're not cops.
Something you should know about Selma.
She's saved a lot of people.
So lots of people, like Marco,
like Mud Man, like me, wanna help her.
Her only flaw is giving chances
to undeserving people.
Like you.
[tires screech]
- [gasping]
- [ominous music playing]
Who are you?
- Who do you work for?
- I work for you, for her.
Oh, yeah? You were sent here by
the bastard who started this war, right?
What're you talking about?
- What's your name?
- What?
- What's your god damn name? Answer!
- Lyna! Lyna Guerrab!
You fucking with me?
This is Lyna Guerrab. Look, there she is.
Huh? Lyna Guerrab is dead.
She's six feet under.
- [tense music playing]
- [gasps]
Oh fuck. You didn't know.
[emotional music playing]
Who are you? Huh?
[tires screech]
- [horn honking]
- [gasps]
- [phone ringing]
- [indistinct background chatter]
She just arrived.
[Lyna] There are no photos
of me before '99.
[music fades]
Mom, look.
It's It's like there's not even a trace
of my existence before I was five.
How's that possible?
Say something.
I don't know.
How are you, my little darling?
Mm, I'm not your little darling,
I'm your daughter.
I mean
There are no photos of me as a baby.
[heartfelt music playing]
Mom, look at me.
You know.
Deep down, you know.
Help me.
This is you.
This is Dad.
And this is me.
No, Mom, I'm here.
No, I'm here.
- Lyna.
- Mom, I'm here!
- Here, here, here, here!
- Lyna!
[objects clatter]
- I'm sorry, Mom. Sorry.
- [gasps]
[music becomes moody]
Mom, I'm really so
[muffled screaming]
- [man grunts]
- [intense dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
[moans faintly]
[faint, ominous music playing]
- [gun blast]
- [grunts]
- [Lyna] Mom?
- [music becomes mysterious]
[skin sizzles]
[music becomes dramatic]
[music softens]
He was here for you.
But why did he wanna kill you?
What do you know?
My Lyna.
Yes, Mom, I'm here.
My Lyna is dead.
[music fades]
But the woman in black
brought us a little angel.
[emotional music playing]
[paper rustles]
- [distant thunder rumbling]
- [music fades]
[birds chirping]
I really thought it was gonna
end in a blood bath this time.
You've got some charm, boss. You've got
The Godfathers eating out of your hand.
They're like piranhas.
If they're eating out of my hand,
they're eating me alive.
Good point.
This wasn't a big achievement,
all we got was a truce.
The whole problem with The Godfathers
is their nature, you know?
[Mud Man] Hmm.
In any case, if they hear
the safe was stolen by Darius'
and The Jelly's accomplice, there'll be
fireworks, it's bound to happen.
[Selma] The masked man, he's the one
who's been in charge from the start.
[Mud Man] What will you do
with the Bible of the Six?
Yeah, I'll admit I thought about it.
Well, you think
about dangerous things, don't you?
That's why you hired me, right?
I would buy myself the Spirit 111.
It's the biggest
wooden yacht in the world.
- And inside, I'd build a cabin for you.
- [chuckles]
Make it Selma style.
[Selma] Darius Guerrab could've bought
himself hundreds of boats like that.
[Mud Man] Exactly. What got into him then?
[Selma] Apparently,
people do crazy things sometimes.
[lively pop music playing]
[man] Hey!
Fuck! Let me out!
- What is going on?
- [man screams]
- It's his fault, he won't stop screaming.
- [music stops]
- [man] Let me out!
- [pounding]
Plus he keeps trying
to play me for a fool.
[pounding continues]
With the, "If I talk, he'll kill me" line.
[Selma] Classic.
[The Fixer] And I said,
"If you don't talk, I'll kill you."
After that, he tripped and fell.
Ah, gravity loosens tongues, you know?
Except he's been stubborn, still.
Let's bring him to our place.
- See if we can reason with him.
- [The Fixer] Hmm.
- [trunk slams]
- [Montclar screams]
- I think you just crushed his fingers.
- It's not his day.
She arrived half an hour ago.
She's in the room.
[lively, mysterious music playing]
Oh, here she comes.
- Lyna!
- Oh!
[Elie] Lyna!
[tense, action music playing]
Where is it?
Don't tell me you walked here?
- [car alarm chirps]
- [Elie] Lyna!
Stop running, damn it!
The hell are you doing?
And you? You're having
my mother's nurses spy on me now?
[Elie] Of course not!
Yeah. Yeah.
But I really had to see you.
- Damn it. The two of us
- No, it's not about the two of us. I know.
What's this?
Not your concern. So what do you want?
I know what you're doing.
I asked myself
a lot of questions after last night.
I get it, I do. I know what you're hiding.
[tense music playing]
The police let you down, so you don't
wanna go back to a normal life,
especially with a cop,
I can understand that.
You're here to ask me to stop, right?
I'm here to tell you I'll reopen the case.
I'll find who killed your father.
Or you could just mind
your own business and let me breathe.
Just breathe.
- That's blood.
- Huh?
I mean, we're in a hospital, so
[tense music continues]
[breathing deeply]
[music intensifies]
[music stops]
[quiet, mysterious music playing]
Listen, you're right,
I'll let you breathe.
But you stay out of this, Lyna.
Or I'll lock you up, that clear?
- Is that clear?
- Mm.
[music intensifies]
- [car horn honks]
- [music fades]
- [punches landing]
- [grunting]
[panting] Hey, I know,
I shouldn't have investigated Lyna.
You disobey me in the middle of a war?
I have a bad feeling about that kid.
Well, that's why I'm testing her.
If she succeeds,
she'll gain your trust and mine.
[grunts] And if she fails?
If she fails
- [punches landing]
- [The Fixer grunts]
Hi. How are you?
I sent a guy over to your mother's.
To watch over her
and to clean the place up.
[The Fixer grunts]
All right, did you soften him up?
[The Fixer] Yeah. He needed it.
[Velcro scraping]
- [weak groan]
- Voilà.
- So
- [Montclar groans and coughs]
If I remember correctly, the question was
why were there no guards at The Trans'?"
[Montclar pants weakly]
He made me do it.
The guy's a lunatic.
No one ever says no to Hervé.
Not even his parents.
What? The Tran's son?
That's nonsense.
What're you talking about, man?
Hervé works for someone. [groaning]
I don't know who it is.
- [intriguing music playing]
- [Montclar groans]
The Tran's son.
[gun blast]
[Selma] He works for the masked man.
[music becomes lively]
That's not good.
[multiple footsteps]
Why would a Godfather's son
steal the Bible of the Six?
To accelerate his succession.
Because his parents
never gave him any responsibilities.
He even came up
with his own business. Death games.
[crowd shouting]
He's got bettors connected
all over the world.
The participants can win big.
But more often than not,
all they get is a bullet in the head.
If we wanna find him and the safe,
we absolutely have to figure out
where his next game is.
[music stops]
So you're gonna participate.
[quiet, dramatic music playing]
[Lyna] "Lyna, go to Mama's."
"Lyna, go in the trailer."
"Lyna, go fight some fucking freaks."
I'm not your dog. You go yourself.
Unless you're not capable.
You don't have a choice, do you?
[Selma] You're right,
I'm not capable anymore.
I could crack at a crucial moment.
There's too much at stake.
But I do have a choice.
You're my choice.
You have the strength I don't anymore.
Well, go home.
Go get some rest. You'll need it.
[quiet, dramatic music continues]
[lock clicking]
[Orso] Hi, neighbor, how are ya?
[lock clicking]
You need some help?
[key breaks]
Give me a minute.
[lock clicks]
- [sighs]
- [door opens]
[door closes]
[approaching footsteps]
Well, welcome home.
I came in through the balcony.
Damn, you're bleeding. Come here.
[ethereal music playing]
You're not really helping me.
Does it hurt?
I'd tell you to get some rest,
to wait until it heals, but it's no use.
I don't have a choice.
Don't tell me I always have a choice.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
[bandage tape peels and cuts]
I thought I'd get some answers.
The more I do this, the less I trust
what I knew about my family or myself.
Well, I don't know anymore.
I don't even know who I am.
[Orso] You're an amazing girl.
[ethereal music continues]
[bandage tape peels and cuts]
And who are you?
[music stops]
- Did I do something wrong or
- Mm-mm.
When I was little and did something bad,
I was afraid the woman in black
would come for me.
I'd completely forgotten.
[tense music playing]
What we do know
is where he's meeting the participants.
Be prepared for them to blindfold you.
Hey, are you listening?
Is this you? Hmm?
Drawing wasn't your strong suit.
[music becomes moody and dramatic]
So, it is you?
You're the woman in black
in all of my drawings.
What, are you like a stalker?
Or you're spying on me?
Or watching over me?
Why did you follow me when I was a kid?
you're my mother?
Have you seen us?
I'm not your mother.
- But we are of the same blood.
- What?
What does that mean?
God damn it, answer.
Too many questions, too little time.
We're here, go ahead.
Or what?
You'll pull out your gun on me?
Punch me?
[Selma sighs]
If you happen to fall into an icy lake,
all you'll care about
is getting back on land, right?
So, you're gonna take part
in Hervé's game and bring him back to me.
Because starting from now,
only thing you care about is the truth.
You'll do anything for it,
even obey me
though I've let you off your leash.
Don't waste my time.
Afterwards, I'll answer you.
[music fades]
[quiet, action music playing]
- [music becomes ominous]
- [water trickling]
Anyone there?
Anyone there?
[gasps and groans]
[multiple muffled screams]
[Lyna] I'll help you!
[Lyna screams]
[tense music playing]
[people chattering]
[door slams loudly]
[tense music fades]
Are you here to kick my ass?
What do you want then?
The file on Guerrab.
[sighs] The Guerrab file.
Ah, the Guerrab file.
The Guerrab file
Here you go, bud, read all you like.
Analyze it, go through the details, you'll
realize I'm not as crazy as you think.
[echoing thud]
[people gasping]
- [feedback over speaker]
- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome!
But first of all, I'm sorry
if you had a bit of a rough trip here.
But as you know,
the grand prize will be worth the effort.
[people chattering]
- The rules are simple.
- She looks weak, dude.
It's a race.
The first person to get to me
wins the prize!
- Easy! No? Don't fall behind.
- [high-pitched noise]
Find the right path and anything goes.
There will only be one winner.
There's no sharing here!
And for those who get injured,
no need to scream.
- We're nice, we'll come finish you off.
- [mystical music playing]
Of course, I also have
a few surprises in store for you.
If you're too slow,
be ready to face the dogs or the bullets.
- [inhales deeply]
- [horn blares]
[music stops]
- [gas hissing]
- [people coughing]
["Monochrome" by Tkay Maidza playing]
[people shouting]
[people cheering]
- [screaming]
- [growling]
[lively rap music continues]
[gasps and coughs]
[Selma] A Fury scans everything
and fills in the gaps.
- [groans and grunts]
- [bones crunch]
[all groaning and chattering]
[Selma] Use your peripheral memory.
- What you register without looking.
- [dog barking]
[painful groaning]
[person screaming]
[coughs, inhales deeply]
[Selma] And if you're not sure,
trust your senses.
[person screams]
[dogs barking]
[people groan and laugh]
[Lyna gasps]
- Help me, I'm stuck!
- [dogs barking]
- [Lyna gasps]
- [man groans]
- I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
- No!
No, don't leave me!
Don't leave me! Don't leave me!
[dog growling]
[anguished screaming]
- [growling]
- [man gasps]
- [growling]
- [gasping]
[people groan and laugh]
Monotone ride or die ♪
Monochrome, monotone
Ride or die, live alone ♪
Monochrome, monotone
Ride or die, live alone ♪
[hysterical laughter]
[car horns honking]
- [people cheering]
[engines revving]
- Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
- [cheering continues]
Willing to be on level with me
The winner you'll be seeing is me ♪
'Cause they fuckboys with casualty ♪
What? And casually I'm on poise
But why should you be? ♪
Well, bravo, princess.
I never would've bet on you.
- [screaming]
- [song ends]
[hard body thud]
[both grunting]
[muffled screams]
[engine revs and tires screech]
[lively music playing]
[people shouting]
Where's the safe?
Go fuck yourself!
Where is the safe?
You won't shoot me.
Bitches like you can't shoot for
Stop! Stop! Stop!
- [groaning]
- [skin sizzling]
Fine! Fine! I'll tell you everything!
I'll tell you everything.
[people chattering and chuckling]
[croupier] Sir, ma'am, place your bets.
Your turn, sir.
Gentleman wins.
Is something wrong, Tran?
You're sweating.
[Mr. Tran] Worried about tonight's event.
Lots of planning involved.
[Mrs. Tran] It makes his ulcer flare up.
Ah. As long as it's not the prostate.
- You have it?
- We're working on it.
I just came here to make sure
nobody loses their cool.
She's right. Smile.
[Mr. Tran sighs]
["Moody Moon" by Camp Claude playing]
The moon the stars the stars ♪
[Selma] Mama?
Seeing the bride
before the wedding is bad luck.
Same as seeing the safe
before the ceremony.
When someone's keeping secrets
it tickles my palate.
I don't like the feeling, it's unpleasant.
And to lose face in front of everyone?
Do you like that feeling?
And what if you're wrong?
Go have some fun, Mama.
♪Into the sea ♪
[song stops]
[intriguing, dramatic music playing]
[car engine revving]
[music becomes quiet]
- [The Fixer] Ah, it's the kid.
- [Lyna] Come on, get out.
[Mud Man] You were right, kiddo.
He gave you the right address.
Come on, hurry up.
[The Fixer] The masked man's
henchmen were here, though.
And they weren't
just carrying pocketknives.
He doesn't know who calls the shots.
He's never seen them without a mask.
[Lyna] Where's Selma?
She's at the Scripture ceremony
to make sure shit doesn't go south.
Before we bring you back
to your dear parents,
tell us why Darius Guerrab
took part in stealing this safe.
[music becomes mysterious]
Want some more?
- No, all right, come on. All right.
- [The Fixer] Come on.
I've never been able
to handle physical violence, anyway.
[chuckles weakly]
Are you Darius's daughter?
[music becomes quiet and tense]
Why did he do it?
Obviously for you, baby.
He did it for you.
He wanted to give you
a new life far from here.
Apparently, Darius was afraid
The Olympus would recruit you.
They say you're special.
Well, are ya?
Anyway, he would do anything
to save you, even betray them.
Actually, all this
All this, it's your fault.
[chuckles weakly]
It's your fault your father was murdered.
[chuckling] It's her fault.
[Fehim] Let us see it.
I don't believe in Santa Claus.
Stop screwing with us!
We'll go play after one glance.
I didn't come here to play.
[Karl] Open it!
Take your dirty fingers
off my velvet, Fehim.
Open it or I'll burn this boat
to the ground. You hear me?
Selma, tell me.
Can't recognize a losing hand anymore?
[loud whoosh]
- [faint chatter]
- [music stops]
[faint, tense music playing]
[quiet, tense music playing]
This way.
No one will see ya.
[Hervé sniffs and sighs]
Throw him in the hold.
The Fury will question him in a bit.
Don't look at me like that, man.
[music intensifies]
[Orso] Get out.
my boss is looking for you.
[anguished scream and moan]
You work for Parques?
[metal creaking]
[breathing deeply]
I didn't talk, I swear.
I didn't talk, I swear. Don't kill me.
- [gun cocks]
- [in wavering voice] Don't kill me.
[masked man] Indulge yourself.
[music intensifies]
- [Selma] Please!
- [people chattering]
- Silence!
- [music stops]
[chatter stops]
[boat creaking faintly]
Let me introduce you to Lyna Arago.
My niece.
My blood.
Your future Fury.
[brooding music playing]
[music becomes contemplative]
[people chattering]
"Your future Fury"?
Feels weird, huh?
For me too.
Who were my parents?
Your father was my brother.
His name was Driss.
And your mother was Kahina.
They were very much in love.
And you made them very happy.
Are they, um
[music becomes mysterious]
In an accident.
[faint chanting]
[metallic clicking]
- [music becomes ominous]
- [head thuds]
[people gasp]
[Mama] The Jelly.
[Fehim] The Bible? Where is the Bible?
[The Californian] Oh, fuck.
[Music becomes tense]
[muffled footsteps]
Selma! [echoing]
[gun blast]
[body and gun clatter]
[ominous musical flourish]
- [breathing deeply]
- [contemplative music playing]
[exhales deeply]
[moody, melodic music playing]
[music fades]
["Vous N'êtes Pas Contents? C'est Pareil"
by Benjamin Epps playing]
So The Fury exists?
I'll need someone to give
me a hand to catch her.
[breathing deeply]
You're doing this for Lyna, right?
If you help me, we can catch The Fury
before your girlfriend
makes a big mistake.
[French rap song continues]
[song fades]
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