Geek Girl (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

["I Wanna Celebrate"
by J. Brook & J. L. Healy plays]
Smile, you're on TV ♪
[Harriet] Harriet Manners,
show me intelligent.
[soft pop music continues]
Show me adventurous.
I wanna celebrate ♪
You and me ♪
Show me moody?
I wanna celebrate ♪
You and me ♪
Oh, I forgot I have a body too.
[notification dings]
Everyone knows fashion people wear black.
I wanna celebrate ♪
You and me ♪
You'd rather celebrate ♪
Differently ♪
I wanna celebrate ♪
You and me ♪♪
Okay, it's time to go!
Um, can I borrow this, by the way?
Of course. Won't you be a bit hot, though?
The plan is to look cool, actually.
- Dad, we're leaving!
- Yeah, coming!
[Harriet] Let the fairytale begin!
[theme music]
[upbeat music]
Yeah, don't worry, I'm on it.
I'll get the final pieces of the pitch
locked by the end of play.
I just got this talking point
- Dad, can we please just
- You guys coming tonight?
Um concentrate, and also hurry up.
I mean, we are approximately
we are six minutes late already.
Come on then, show us the outfit.
It's the little black dress
I picked out for you last night, right?
- Um
- Right?
Well, not exactly.
No, Harriet, what are you wearing?
Oh, you haven't done
what I think you've done, have you?
Harriet, is everything all right,
Yeah, fine, fantastic, actually.
I'm just trying to make
my inner fashion diva, so
Can we just get a wiggle on, please?
[Harriet] I've screwed up already.
And we haven't even got there!
Ooh, yeah, it's Kat.
Interesting, yeah.
She certainly got that, um
You know,
that angular thing that Yuji likes.
Ergo, not a surprising choice.
Not touched
by a little fascia of great genius.
You are overthinking this.
Is it possible to overthink
when it comes to Yuji?
Good point, Bettina.
She's harder to read than War and Peace.
Oh, no, uh, she looks short.
Bear with, my magnificent crocus bud.
I present an unknown face,
plucked from obscurity.
Echoes of your own origin story.
[gasps] The transformation
of the girl from
from nowhere in particular,
to fame and fortune as one of the most
successful models of her generation.
- One of?
- The queen of the catwalk.
The co-line or the front row.
The time for you
and the point to make friends.
Well, Yuji wants something fresh.
[pop music]
Yeah, but that amount of fresh?
["Tudu Tudu Tu" by Maella plays]
When it rains then it hits me ♪
I'm attached to the thought of you ♪
[Harriet] There's no turning back now.
[phone rings]
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
[indistinct chatter]
[Harriet] Okay, no big deal,
just a normal Tuesday,
asking total strangers to judge me.
Is it too late to jump
into the Thames and swim home?
[music stops]
To infinity and beyond!
Okay, baby, you're ready for this.
Nat, wait.
I mean, show me quickly.
I'm sure it's not that bad.
- Really, really is that bad.
- Um
I can try and tie
the tentacles into a bow.
They're not tentacles.
Um, it's fine, I just
I just need a minute.
Okay, uh, I'll see you in there, then.
Don't catastrophise, right?
You'll be fine.
[gulls squawking]
[indistinct chatter]
[Harriet] Well done, Harriet.
What were you thinking?
Logic has failed you once again.
Models, fashion, black.
Oh, I know,
I'll wear a Halloween costume.
Absolute idiot!
No, I'm sorry, Nat.
I'm really, really sorry.
I thought I could do it, but I-I can't.
I'm dressed as a spider!
What's wrong with me?
One of your legs
is at the wrong angle, for starters.
[Harriet] Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Sugar cookies!
- It's you.
- Just me.
You know, if it helps,
I was in Australia earlier this year,
so spiders don't really
frighten me that much.
I just, um
I don't really think
I'm cut out for the fashion world.
I feel like you might be
exactly what we need.
[Harriet] Wait, is he flirting with me?
- Really?
- Well, I mean, what the
what the fashion world needs, not like
Not me. Me.
[Harriet] Obviously not. He has Poppy.
Pull it together, Harriet!
So, show me.
- Show you what?
- How to model.
I mean, you clearly know
what you're doing, so
Okay, sure.
I warn you,
it's not exactly rocket science.
Well, I'm actually quite sure
that rocket science would be simpler.
Okay. Okay, then.
Um, the first thing to remember: do
anything you want, as long as you own it.
Anything, including being dressed
as a giant arachnid
with all eight legs attached?
Including that.
Okay, on to poses.
Start by doing something simple,
like this.
Okay. Okay, we'll call this,
"waiting for the bus".
Well, you're cheating.
That's the exact same.
This is not the exact
It was a completely different expression.
Different bus, maybe.
Okay, you try. I'll be the photographer.
[camera clicks]
[both chuckle]
I didn't know you were gonna take
an actual picture!
Okay, um
No more no more photographer.
Let's try something more editorial.
- Okay.
- Um
- Pterodactyl.
- [chuckles]
Wait, what about this one?
Oh, I know! Um
I know this one. Is it is it?
- The Scream, by Edvard Munch?
- [chuckles]
No, close.
Uh, it's what I call the "Home Alone".
[Harriet] I think I love him.
This dress is famous.
It was made in Paris, but the embroidery
was done in six different countries
in panels,
then flown to France to be assembled.
It literally took over 20,000 hours
of needlework,
and it contains 13 different materials.
Wow, baby,
you really know your fashion facts.
What about what about, um, this one?
Um, it would be like a lion,
and with your hair and everything.
It's like
- It's like a lion boy.
- Lion boy.
You okay?
Um yeah.
- You're ready?
- [Harriet] Nope, absolutely not.
[sighs] Yeah.
Come on.
Should I put that back on, do you think?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Where is she?
- I don't know.
Called her so many times.
She's just not picking up.
She's never late,
and this seems so important to her.
[Wilbur] My illustrious chicken tots!
Are we ready
for a life-altering adventure?
- Where's my redhead?
- [door opens]
[soft music]
Oh, good, a boy.
- A model boy.
- Hmm.
[Harriet] I'm going into battle
with my head held high,
like Boudica, without the helmet,
and this is my slightly bonkers armour.
And a spider.
[Harriet] Everyone is smiling.
Seems like a good sign.
You just have fun, okay?
Remember, they're more scared of you
than you are of them.
Oh, my god, no way.
Halloween costume.
Total weirdo, I love it.
[Harriet] Thanks, Nat.
Well, click your heels,
and come home, Dorothy.
To conclude, joining Infinity
is not like joining another agency.
It's like becoming part of a family.
So, where do I sign?
Betty has all the relevant paperwork
waiting and ready at reception.
Do you have any questions?
Oh, always. Um, so, are you called
Infinity Models London
because our potential is limitless?
Or is it just
that all of your models are really tall?
What would happen next if we signed?
We have a casting day on Thursday.
We teach the girls to walk, pose,
do a couple of test shots,
if the client's casting director
takes a shine to her.
That's actually a school day.
What do you mean, "So?"
You have to go to school, Harriet.
You want to be a paleontologist.
I I just mean that
there are other options, here.
Online courses, and that kind of thing.
Miss Manners,
perhaps I wasn't clear earlier.
For the right girl,
this is a gigantuous opportunity.
Not a word.
Truly epically life-changing
on an iconic scale.
I'm sorry to have wasted your time.
This all seems great, really,
and it makes us so proud
that you see so much potential in Harriet.
Yeah, not that we're surprised, of course.
But there's just no way.
Harriet is sensitive.
I'm not sure this is right for her.
It is.
She has school, exams
I mean, let's think, yeah? I mean,
surely there's a way we can
I can do this, Annabel.
three days ago,
fashion had never crossed your radar.
Never crossed my radar?
I'm best friends with Nat!
opportunities fall into your lap,
and you have to grab them with both hands.
- Carpe diem!
- Carpe diem.
I really, really want this, Annabel.
I'm sorry, sweetheart, it's just
not the right time.
[Harriet] Why are stepmothers
always getting in the way?
[rhythmic music]
I suppose she does have a point
about the length
of my modelling dream, which sums
a total of approximately 17 hours.
No, you have a point.
Just cause you haven't wanted this
forever, doesn't mean it doesn't count.
But the question still remains:
how do I get her to change her mind?
You mean,
how do we get her to change her mind?
We're in this together, Hats.
I'm formulating a plan,
and I think it might just be my best yet.
Does this plan involve a presentation,
by any chance?
Why, yes, Nat.
Yes, it does.
[upbeat music]
[sharp breathing]
Why did you delete me from your socials?
Oh, it's nothing personal.
I was just making room for new stuff,
you know?
Stuff I might actually enjoy.
I'm refreshening my grid
for personal rebrand.
So, you deleted our gorge couple snaps
for photos of actual rubbish.
Are you okay, babes?
Okay, Poppy, can we talk?
What, babe?
I don't think I want to be
in a fake relationship with you anymore.
I I think you're great, it's just
Please, don't say it.
- I have to.
- I'm sorry, really.
No offence.
You're just so not my type.
This is awkward.
You're a little bit
generic for me.
- Uh
- Oh, I'm sorry, Nicky-Noo.
Um, unnecessary, but okay.
Look, Poppy, I just can't keep pretending
to sell these weird drinks.
No, it doesn't work with my brand.
Jude explained it all, remember?
We date for summer, swimwear,
hot tubs, festival fashion,
get a puppy in autumn,
hashtag "rescue dogs campaign".
- Poppy
- Christmas in flannels
and vegan sheep skin.
And then boom, we break up in January
for athleisure and "New year, new you".
- We agreed, Nick.
- No! You agreed.
I just went along with it
'cause I don't know why.
That doesn't seem like enough of a reason
to torpedo our brand, does it?
You're having a wobble,
or whatever this is.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Not accepted.
Okay, look,
I got to get to this thing at Infinity.
Are we going to be okay in Canada?
I'm a professional, Nicky.
I will rise above.
I I do still want to be friends.
Come here.
[camera clicks]
- Poppy!
- Not accepted!
[upbeat rock music]
[indistinct chatter]
[bicycle horn honks]
Good morning, uh, my lady.
I'm still not gonna be in your play, Toby.
Well, I don't think we have the budget
for that amount of water anyway.
How are you feeling?
What do you mean?
What Lexi did the other day in English.
Everyone put their hands up
and said they hated you.
- Do you not remember?
- Oh, right, yeah.
Um, does ring a faint bell. Um
No, I'm fine. No big deal.
[Harriet] Definitely a big deal.
my emotions get the better of me too.
[upbeat music]
These are looking good, girls.
Oh, Harriet, try and keep
the stitching on the leather.
- Mm-hmm.
- And Nat, I was rummaging
around the home and found some old
pattern cutting books for you
from my art college days.
Um Harriet, what are you doing?
- Um
- She is doing some designs.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yes. Um, I want
Toby's decorations for his costumes
to resemble the
- the Camelot era.
- Camelot era.
I see. Well, your attention to detail
- is really impressive.
- [Nat] Thank you.
Could you be any more obvious?
Did you know that
some of the world's most greatest
inventions were rejected at first?
Light bulbs, airplanes,
even umbrellas.
I'm not giving up
now that I know that I can change things.
- This is gonna work, I know it.
- Okay. Well,
is there anything I can do?
Come as early as you can
tonight before dad's party.
And don't forget your karaoke microphone.
On it.
But please tell me
that you're not gonna sing.
[upbeat rock music]
[Harriet] I don't feel
entirely good about this.
[knocks on door]
[Nat] Hey, hey!
Okay, um, quick, just
Did you bring the
Yeah, and ta-da!
Uh, the music's on here.
Okay. Okay, then we are all set.
- I just need to
- Hey, Nat.
You're ready for the big party?
- So ready.
- Yeah, you are.
Oh, and Hats, I gotta play
your record later.
- I'm really psyched for it.
- You don't need to pretend
that's a really exciting present.
Look, I have something better than just
Ah! Ah, ah! One can never have
too much vinyl.
One very much can!
Harriet, you sure
it's the right time to do it now?
It's the only time.
Seize the day, right?
[indistinct chatter]
I love my kids, but the third one wow.
She's like a tornado.
- A very cute tornado.
- Yeah, a sweet tsunami.
Sorry, have you seen Harriet and Nat?
They're meant to be helping with this.
Oh, fine,
I'll go and drag her from her pit.
Listen, you should take five minutes,
all right?
Because this is amazing.
- See you in a bit.
- Hello, Jeff.
[indistinct chatter]
Could really do with your help outside!
[Harriet, whispering] Go, go, go, go, go.
- [Annabel] Thanks.
- Bells!
I've been trying to grab you. Do you want
to get a date in for that river swim?
I swear, once you start,
you'll never look back.
[microphone feedback]
Honestly, I'm just so proud of her.
It's just a shame
they couldn't go together.
- I know.
- But you know best.
I'm sure it's the right decision
for Harriet.
Thank you. I know Harriet's upset,
but you know, it so isn't her.
[microphone feedback]
[Harriet] Uh
Hello. I apologize
for the brief interruption
to your evening,
but time really is of the essence.
The planned schedule will resume
in a few moments,
but this is very important.
I just have a brief presentation
on time management.
So, this is Clark Kent.
By day.
Superman, by night.
This is a classic example
of a double life, and
Um just
But it's the women who are the most adept
at doing more than one thing at once.
Famously skilled at multitasking
[guests laughing]
the modern woman is an inspiration
and and really can have it all.
Girl power!
- Shh.
- Thank you.
And see, I actually think it's fair to say
that you can in fact do anything
you put your mind to,
if you want it enough.
Which brings me to
Let's not forget about
the child actors and models
who managed to maintain
an excellent academic record.
We've got Emma Watson
Lily Cole
And Natalie Portman, Harvard graduate.
Wow, it is food for thought, right?
And this finally
is just a visual representation
of the time it would take to
uh, t-to manage GCSE course work
with an extracurricular interest
such as a part-time job,
and as you can see,
it's eminently manageable.
And that's it, thank you. Good night!
[microphone feedback]
[faint clapping]
Harriet, what on Earth
The fu dge brownies was that, Harriet?
It's why you should let me be a model,
because I can do it,
and I can do it without messing up
my school work.
And I need it,
and I need things to change,
and I need to change things.
She does really want it.
Nat, can you please give us a minute?
Go and find your mom.
- [sighs]
- Well, that was rude.
That was rude?
Harriet, what's going on with you at
the moment? You're not being yourself.
Maybe that's the point.
You just interrupted
your father's 40th birthday party,
which I have spent weeks preparing for
to give a presentation
arguing why you should be allowed
to do something that I
we very specifically said
you weren't gonna be allowed to do!
I'm so disappointed in you, Harriet.
[Harriet] Great! Adding Annabel
to the list
of people who hate me.
We had a moment.
It's all good. All good.
Uh cake's on the way!
[guests cheering] Yay
Yes, right. Yes, I'm
Sorry I got angry. I shouldn't have.
Let's just
get back to your father's party.
[Harriet] I can't believe
my presentation didn't work.
You're right.
I apologize.
It was an error in judgment.
I'll go sort the candles.
[light music]
What on earth is going on with her
at the moment?
I don't know.
This habitat is ruined, I'm ♪
I am scared of spiders ♪
[inaudible conversations]
- How mad was she?
- Oh, she went nuclear.
Does that mean you're not coming, then?
Oh, no.
I'm coming.
I feel so weak today ♪
[guests cheering]
Left me scared of spiders ♪♪
Thank you. Thank you.
[theme music]
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