Generation Z (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Why was a fully-blown chemical
weapon being transported
across the country?
You contain the spill,
and I'll contain the people.
My mum, brother and little sister
are all in Dambury.
They attacked you. They took one
bag, with all the drugs in it?
I say it's an inside job.
You didn't even bury her.
She's cosy.
She's alive.
Get out, and get your family
before it's too late.
Oh, shit.
Where is she now?
Argh! Fuck!
Get off!
Is anybody there?
What are you doing here?
Steff. Mm?
The phones have gone mad.
What is that?
Agh, f
There's checkpoints on
the edge of town.
Yep. They're not letting
anyone through.
Brilliant. I was going on holiday
this week.
Who are you?
What's going on?
I was watching that. Hey!
Turn it back on.
You don't know me, but we
When is breakfast?
Is it eggs?
We have come to bring you news.
We have been given a gift.
Is it a free gift?
Something that we want to share
with you.
Nothing free? No.
Watch this.
That's what we want to share
with you.
I was dying,
but now the disease has gone.
That was impressive.
It's you, Morgan.
Hello, Cecily. Long time no see.
I thought you'd skipped Dambury.
Off to find yourself.
Long, long time ago.
So did you?
Hmm, what?
Find yourself?
Still looking.
What happened to you to make you
so spry?
I don't have to explain myself
to you.
Listen, everyone.
These people are infected.
Just look, look at them.
You're always moaning, Morgan.
You said the care home
was oppressing you.
I think he's got
your number, Morgan!
Crypto-fascists, you said.
They see us as monsters
and they lock us away out of sight.
But maybe it's time for us
to BE monsters once in a while.
..I'd be very careful
what you wish for.
Oh, don't listen to him. Yeah.
He can't stop us.
They can't stop us.
They They!
THEY CHANT: They, they, they, they!
All right, OK, fine.
I believe in democracy.
So I'll just, um
I'll just slip off now. Thank you.
CHANTING: They, they, they, they,
they, they!
Bring him back, Frank.
Kelly. Hey, how's your dad?
Hey. Um
Well, my mum says he's going to be
all right, but
..I don't think he is, is he?
Right, yeah, I'm coming over.
OK everybody out, please.
It's a general evacuation.
We need all patients out.
Wait, we can't just empty
the hospital.
We're transferring anyone who came
in the last few days
to a temporary military ward.
Excuse me.
Thank you. What military ward?
Yep, quick as we can.
That's confidential.
Charlie, soldiers are here.
I-I've got to go.
Dambury Emergency Response.
Yeah. Hello.
Do you require assistance?
I need some help.
I'm in a bit of trouble.
He's just woken up! He's not
fit to be moved!
Don't fucking touch him!
He's just woken up!
Up we get guys. Quickly as we can,
please. Thank you.
What are you doing?!
Ow, fuck! Listen, I'm his wife,
that's his daughter.
Where are you taking him?
Come on, you
No, you stupid!
Come out, you! Come here, you!
Come on, come on, come on,
you stupid little key!
Come on!
Come on!
Come here, you!
Look, I think maybe you should
calm down.
You're going to have
a heart attack.
Already had one!
Whoa, you're the new beau?
What do you know about it?
No, I'm just curious.
Get him, Paul.
Bastard! Come here!
Right, go round!
Get round!
Get back. Move right back.
I don't know, he's just woken up!
Kelly! Kelly!
How does it work? Where am I going?
Get out the way!
My wife's over there.
Can I just talk to her?
Let me talk to me wife!
You stay with Charlie.
I'll call you, OK.
Where are you going?
I need the bike. Kelly?
Kelly, what are you doing? Kelly!
Kelly! Stay back! Just stay back!
Kelly, be careful!
Stop where you are. They've got
They've got my dad in there.
Enough, enough, enough, enough.
Dad! Dad! Please. We can't, no.
Colonel, I'm concerned about
the truck's travel manifest.
How so?
Why was it being transported
at all?
Well, it looks like the danger
rating has been downgraded.
And who was responsible for that?
I don't know.
Somebody at Kafferton?
Well, you better find out who,
because this thing is coming down
on your shoulders.
Well, that is the least
of my worries.
Round up anyone to do with
the care homes,
any radical politicians.
What, in Dambury?
RADIO: Dambury Emergency Response.
A curfew order is now in place.
All residents of the town
must return to their homes
until further notice.
Please follow these public orders
in order to keep yourself
and others safe.
Fucking hell!
Why don't you text like a human?
Because I'm a weirdo, as you so
kindly diagnosed the other day.
And I can't get hold of Morgan.
Why do you want to talk to him?
I'm allowed to be worried about him,
aren't I?
What, some old dude you met through
a school project?
No, he's like a patriarchal anchor
slash counter culture figurehead.
Oh, yeah, I guess.
But why you dragging me into this?
Steff, the investigation.
You know, old people-gate -
the conspiracy.
The two of us - ace reporters
for The Bugle?
You know, like Peter Parker
and Jonah J Jameson,
or Woodward and Bernstein.
Mark Ruffalo and Rachel McAdams.
I don't watch the news.
How did I let you talk me
into this?
Basic coercive tactics.
I'm not that easy to manipulate.
Kelly's meeting us here.
Is she?!
No, she's fucking not.
This is blood.
OK, let's get out of here.
Wait, where are you going?!
There's no-one here.
Come on! Hello?
OK, there's no-one.
Finn? Stop fucking about.
Finn, where'd you go?
Just help me out of here.
R-Right, OK.
Oh, jeez.
What happened?
Well, um, I just got chased
by a gang of ghouls
..and it was led
by an ex-girlfriend.
Oh! Yeah.
So, what, you're Steff?
Yeah. Yeah?
Yeah, well, we all
have pasts, Steff.
They took the residents,
all of them.
B-But they didn't take you?
Yeah, well, you know, too clever.
Ran away and hid.
What's that?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
That's the army.
Maybe they traced my call.
What call?
Um Emergency Services.
Why would they do that?
Maybe they know I know that it's a
cover-up for chemical weapons spill.
Maybe they want to silence me.
What? Yeah.
Well, he showed me proof.
W-Why should we trust you?
Well, I trust him. What because
he's a counter anchor or whatever?
I know what to do.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We've got to hide.
We've got to hide.
The claw.
So, you got bitten
over an ex-girlfriend?
Yeah, well, I had a fairly hectic
'80s and
This is deep.
..I met Cecily.
Oh, hey, army sergeant dude.
Um, my-my name is Stephan Paulson.
My-My mum is the manager.
Er, she sent me here
because one of the caretakers had
said there'd been a disturbance.
B-B there's no-one here.
Um, but when my parents come, they
can explain everything, you know?
Yeah, I met her at an animal rights
protest in, what was it, 86?
What are those soldiers doing here?
Oh, no, no, no, that's Steff.
There they are.
Oh, hey Mum and Dad.
I'm here, as you asked me.
Pal, what's going on? Well, um
What's going on?
Everyone's gone.
Gone? All gone?
Yeah. Where are the staff? You're
going to have to leave, ma'am.
Where's Hatty? Do you have any
paperwork with authority for this?
You can go, or you can be
detained under the emergency orders.
It's your choice.
Ermemergency orders.
What emergency orders? Didn't you
get the text this morning?
A text? Did we get a text?
I haven't got time for this.
Private, put these two in the truck,
please. No! No!
We're going, thank you. Get in
the car. You two, search the place.
Hey, Private.
We did some pretty wild
things, you know. We
Some break-ins andliberated
a few things.
What?! You held all that back for
my Voices In The Community essay!
Cecily was quite an activist.
And now she's a cannibal.
Search the place.
..back. We're not Listen to your
mother, please!
Mum, we have to go back! Steff!
We're not staying here while
she's over there No, no, no, no!
..and those military men
are taking her to
Look, stop whinging or I'll turn my
hearing aids off, and I am
That is unfair! That is petty!
Stop it, Steff!
That is petty! You can't be arguing,
so you turn off your
It won't come out. Stop.
Mum. Mum, Mum, Mum, just
Hey, just
Thanks, Charlie. That's all right.
It's all right.
I just got a text. I've got to go
to the army medical centre.
I'll come too. No.
Why not?
I need you to stay home.
What if they find your nan?
Just letlet me deal
with your dad,
and I'll call you, then, all right?
I know it sounds bad, but might have to prepare yourself
for the worst.
About your dad.
I can't believe you, Charlie.
What, is this why you're all doomy,
so I can join Dead Dad Club
with you and just give up?
What? No, not give up, just know, confront the chance
that it might actually happen,
do you know what I mean?
Look dad's going to live,
so you can either support me with
this or you can get fucked.
It's a bit mad out there, Steff,
don't you think?
I'm not staying here
while my friends are in danger!
You will do as you are told!
We left Finn. We left her!
What were you even doing there
in the first place?
I was taking a risk, which is more
than you've ever done, Dad.
That's enough. Be quiet.
Oh, you can talk to him like that,
but don't try that on me!
I'm fucking here. I'm not a cuck!
A cuck? What's a cuck?
You are.
Well, I take it I take it
that's a
I take it that's a bad thing,
Steff?! "Oh, is it a bad thing?"
Of course it's a bad thing,
you stupid cuck!
Oh, for God's sake.
Oh, you!
OK, so, um
I got a clearer picture
of that truck
and the canister on the back.
Look at that, it's really specific.
I've seen that before at Kafferton.
The MoD Labs?
The same labs that Cecily
and I broke into.
On a date?
We were kids. Young activists trying
to save the world.
Well, what is it?
What have they spilt?
It's nasty.
Very nasty indeed.
It's called Salvepuerian.
It attacks older members
of the community,
making them strong,
violent, aggressive.
It regenerates bodies
..allowing them to survive injuries
that would kill you and I.
It regenerates bodies?
Yeah, on older people the slower
immune system allows them
to survive longer if
..they continue eating flesh.
On young people, not so much.
Yesterday, a woman attacked us.
She was young.
Yeah, well, it kills
the young quicker.
It burns straight through them.
She died in front of us.
I'm sorry.
You shouldn't have had to see that.
It makes the old eat the young?
It's a society killer.
Yeah, you can blow up buildings,
you can kill, maim, but
..the spirit of the people will
always overcome it.
But this weapon
This weapon's specifically designed
to create an event so horrific
that society would lose
all cohesion.
And this thing was in that truck?
Not any more.
Hey, Mum?
What the fuck!
Agh! I've missed you!
Get off! You're hurting me!
Stop doing your army shit, man.
I'm sorry.
What, you don't like fighting
any more?
Why are you wearing my clothes?
It's a disguise. I'm on a mission.
Oi, get the boots off my bed!
Oh, bro.
Oh, my God. Hey.
Oh, my God!
Maisy Billy
Maisy. ..there's something I've
got to tell you.
What? What is it?
Hey, Billy! Stop, man.
No, Charlie, man.
I'm actually done with it.
I genuinely thought she'd left him,
you know.
What is he still doing here?
It's a mystery.
I don't know. I'm gone.
Billy! Charlie!
Maisy, stay there.
Come back!
Let me come! I'll be right back.
Let her go. This is
what she does, innit?
Look, she's always hated me,
hasn't she?
She thinks I'm trying to be her
dad or summat. I don't know.
Yeah, argh.
Oh, my God.
How long until
the infection takes hold?
Depends howthe virus
is introduced to the body.
In a single bite and through saliva,
six to 12 hours.
In its pure form, multiple bites,
much quicker.
Classic Billy.
Just smashing into our lives like
a fucking wrecking ball.
Oh, shut up, Charlie.
What's your plan then?
You know there was a crash outside
Dambury four days ago?
And they spilt all this toxic
shit everywhere.
Billy, it's already here.
Kelly's Nan attacked her dad.
What's my plan?
To get you and Maisy the
fuck out of here.
You're welcome.
I can't lie, you are harsh on Mum.
You know, it's not easy.
You know she was seeing
Michael before, back then?
Before Dad died.
Did Dad know?
Think so.
Before he died?
You make it sound like he
Did he kill himself?
I don't know, Charlie.
But they broke Dad's heart.
So, I'm sorry if I'm a bit harsh.
I better get back actually.
Charlie, will you be ready when
I come for you?
Yeah, we both will.
Oh, Mum.
I think you're drinking
That's Sandy, that's Bob and
then that's Michelle.
Bob looks like Shrek.
Explain it again?
Business deal, small thing,
it went wrong, messed it up.
No, I don't get it.
A business deal with a kid?
Why is he still here?
It's fine, Karen Five stars.
There is no saving this generation.
This is drugs, isn't it?
Yeah, it is. Yeah, but it's safe.
Fuck sake, Michael. It's safe.
Trust me. Trust the process, Karen.
All right?
Hello? Mrs Owen? Yeah?
We're looking for your
daughter, Billy. Why, is she?
Can I come in?
Yeah, course you can. Yeah.
You got a warrant, mate? A warrant?
Got any ID? Oh, don't be silly,
just come in. It's fine.
What you inviting them in for?
Search upstairs.
Oh, don't mind me carpets, mate.
Are you the dad, are you? Fuck, no.
Well, this has got nothing
to do with you then, has it.
You all right?
Nothing upstairs.
Lookif you see Billy Yeah.
..give me a call on this number.
We just want to help her.
Thank you for your time.
Hang on a sec, mate.
Can I have a word?
Is there a-a reward?
Yeah. Yeah? Yeah, there is, yeah.
That's interesting.
You OK?
Funny thing is, I don't feel-I
don't feel bad at all.
Here, come on.
There we go.
So, this is where I die?
Yeah, Golden Uplands stands where
the original Dambury Cathedral
was situated.
What happened to it?
Henry VIII happened.
Pulled it down.
These tunnels are all that's left.
I never knew there was
so much history here. This
town's built on blood.
Yeah, in the 14th century they
made bows, arrows, armour, cannons.
And in the 20th century made
mustard gas and rifles.
And now the biggest employer,
aeronautics systems making missiles
and drones.
So welcome to casa scientifico.
Oh, like a secret lair.
You actually think you can do
anything with this old junk?
Old does not necessarily mean junk.
Now, this is hopefully something
that will slow down the infection.
I stole it on my little day trip
to Kafferton Laboratories in '86.
Well, good luck jabbing yourself
with some 40-year-old serum.
Yeah, well, it should slow
the spread of it till
I can work things out.
What you think you can cure it?
You told someone about this,
you went to the papers?
Of course I did.
It was just covered up.
I want you to promise me something.
Please be more careful.
Look around you.
There is no careful.
Finn, I lost my wife
and young family
and I wouldn't want that
to happen again.
I know you know how that feels.
Is that why you don't talk about
them, your family?
Hello. Someone's upstairs.
It's Steff.
I know you're there.
MAN SHOUTS: Who are you?
I'm Janine.
SHOUTS: She seems OK!
Are you in charge?
We have no leaders.
You came back.
I wasn't going to leave you here.
Um, w-we better get going.
Th-th-th-there's a curfew on.
OK, bye, Morgan.
What's going on?
That's my parents.
How long do we have
before the curfew?
The last thing I said
to my dad was bad.
Probably wasn't that bad,
considering the context of what's
I called him a loser and a cuck.
Yeah, that's bad.
Using lame American alt right slang
as well.
I mean, who says cuck any more?
I feel awful. He's not a loser.
I love him.
What is going on here?
They must have broken
curfew looking for me.
It's not just a curfew, Steff.
It's a coup.
Will you fucking keep
your hands off her?
Why you pointing a gun at us?
Is that even safe?
Have you seen this?
He's pointing a fucking gun like a
fucking animal.
..this is so good.
I don't know why I ever cooked
If you eat it quick enough,
it's still warm.
When I bit into my son,
it was electric.
Was there something in the flesh?
It was different.
I mean, all these strangers
taste incredible, it's true,
but when I bit into my son
..I felt complete.
How does that work, then?
Are you saying there's a connection?
Just talking about my feelings.
It's common sense that your own
flesh would taste better, isn't it?
They, they've done something
to us. They need to change us back.
After what we've done?
There's no going back.
Oh, God, I know what I've eaten,
I've killed.
You can't be having doubts now.
You were the one that led us.
I never would have had
the courage if it wasn't for you.
I felt weak and tired before.
I felt like I'd been sold a lie.
I worked hard all my life
and for what?
The country I worked for has gone.
Everything I knew has gone.
You can call it
a disease if you want.
I call it, freedom!
And I feel like I'm back. Woo.
MAN: Freedom!
She's talking about eating
our relations.
OTHERS CHANT: They, they, they!
Yes. It's radical.
But it's wrong.
Of course it's wrong.
But everything is these days.
OTHERS: They, they, they, they,
they, they, they, they, they, they.
They, they, they, they, they, they,
they, they, they, they.
Oh, you all right, Kel?
Hey. How's your mum?
Um, she's CHARLIE!
Yeah? She all right? KELLY.
Oh, come up.
I'm really fucking scared.
My mum, she just texted from
the military hospital.
She said, "Don't come."
I'm really sorry.
Like with your dad,
I know how you feel
about him and I shouldn't have said
that No, it's all right, it's OK.
I don't even know what
to think of him any more.
Just that he's gone.
And now I'm just stuck
with this idiot boyfriend.
What's up? Crisis?
Er, yeah.
Everybody hates me as usual.
It's Finn and Steff.
Hello? Hi?
KAREN: Hi. All right. Bloody hell.
You'll have me windows off.
Mind the bloody door It's open.
Oh, right.
Oh, Jesus Christ. Whoa,
whoa, it's like rush hour in here.
CHARLIE. They're arresting people.
What's going on? They've got
my mum and dad, right.
You're going to get arrested
What'd you mean?
..when the police turn up.
There's a curfew, man.
That doesn't matter.
We've got to go get them.
All right, let's go then.
KAREN: All right, just upstairs,
go on, just.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Shoes.
Take off your shoes. No time.
No, sh-shoe
What the fuck?
We go down there
and we bust them out.
And Billy's back.
Billy will know what's happening at
that base. She's Army.
She could help get your parents
out of there.
Would she do that, Charlie?
I don't know.
Yeah, but you don't know where
she is.
She could be like, dead
Bro, look, the fire's gone and her
bag's not there.
..or has been eaten by a cat.
I'm pretty sure there's stuff like
that in the woods.
What? Where do you think we are?
Yeah, well, I don't know.
It's dangerous, there's loads of
I'm just bare stressed out and I
Whoa, woman, fucking hell.
Charlie. Who the fuck are these
Look, let it It's OK.
Look, let's just be still and quiet.
It's Kelly.
What, Lorraine and Jason's Kelly?
How the fuck am I supposed
to recognise her?
I haven't seen her since she
was ten.
Well, I didn't know you were going
to jump out with a gun, did I?
Is that a real gun? Yeah.
Can I hold it? No, you fucking
cannot. Is that you, Steff?
Yeah. You recognise me?
This is Finn.
Charlie, why have you bring these
people here?
I said I was coming to get you.
My dad was bitten.
They took him to
the hospital that the Army set up
on the edge of town.
We saw Steff's parents
down there as well.
It's like they're,
they're in prison.
I don't know why they rounded up
Steff's parents but,
probably part of
a public order thing.
Well, we need to get them
out of there. Get 'em free.
And I can help you, how?
Er, I thought you had a plan?
Yeah, I'm formulating it.
I've got a van.
You have a van but no plan.
Charlie, I was meant to come for
you, Maisy and Mum,
not break people out of
a military prison or whatever
the fuck you want me to do.
But there is a way.
You shouldn't have
told anyone about me.
Billy, just listen, man
You've put us all at risk.
The football pitch has a drainage
ditch that runs under it.
We used to play Oh, really, a
secret tunnel? ..there as kids.
It comes up right up where they've
built the compound.
Well, they won't be expecting it
and I doubt they have
the stomach for shooting
unarmed people.
Wow. You really have thought this
through. Haven't you? Fucking kids.
Right, well,
look we wait here till dark,
and then we go in.
It has to be tonight or they might
get moved.
I don't understand.
She takes all these risks
to Dambury and doesn't help.
Well, what she's doing makes sense.
What'd you mean?
Maybe you should stay.
Save your mum and sister.
Charlie, what's it going to be?
Are you staying here
or coming with us?
Maybe I should help her.
Oh, great.
So you're not coming to help either?
Oh, well, that's just fucking great.
Where's he going?
I'll talk to him.
Steff? Hey?
What do you want me to do?
What did you actually want me to do?
Honestly, ditch them.
If I do, Steff is a gonner.
OK, so what?
It'll be OK.
Yeah. Sure.
Feel like my soul is just waiting
to catch up with my body.
I thought he was my best mate.
Anyone here not sure?
No. OK. We can do this.
We just have to be careful.
They'll never expect this
because it'stoo insane.
Oh, yeah.
Idiocy as a strategy. Nice.
Thought you were leaving Dambury
with your sister?
What and leave you
to get yourself killed. No way.
What? Nah. Billy's going to get
Maisy and Mum out
and then we'll follow.
Well, I thought-I thought
you abandoned us.
Abandon my best mates?
Why would I do that?
You literally just did.
Yeah, but it's not what you say,
is it? It's what you do that counts.
Can we, um, put our hands together?
Like cheerleaders?
United we stand.
Divided we're lumbered.
Right, let's make a move.
OK, this, is it?
This leads straight to the base.
KELLY: Oh, shit. Hold this.
STEFF: Are you sure about this?
Yeah. Or do you want to ask nicely
at the front gate?
There's no other way in.
It's a very over engineered drainage
tunnel for a football pitch.
Think they were going to build
a shopping centre there.
Wait here.
There's a sort of cage holding area.
There's people in it.
Maybe if we cause a diversion while
the soldiers are dealing with it,
we get over there and open it up.
Yes. All right.
KELLY: Jesus.
Steff. Dad.
What you doing?
Stand back.
KELLY: Terry, have you seen my mum?
Er, in the first green tent.
Mum Mum. Oh, God. Oh.
Mm. Hungry.
Kelly. I'm sorry.
No. Come here. HUNGRY.
Argh. Argh!
Let her go. Let her go.
KELLY: No! No. No.
Jesus. Fuck.
Left, left, left.
Army. Stop or I'll shoot.
Get in.
Stop Stop.
I've just got to lie down.
I need a lie down.
your dad bit me.
MUSIC: When We Fall by Beak
# As we stand in line
# In the pouring rain
# Where the mist settles down
on us all
# With the sound of the children
left behind
# Makes us choke on
our fear even more
# As the smoke becomes fake
and all we can see
# Is the flames of the fading forms
# We return to the naked,
won't we flea
# With our medals still
never worn #
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