Get Even (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Get It Together

Never dial another day ♪
I ain't worried 'bout a thing
from yesterday ♪
Swear it's so hard,
need to get away ♪
I stay on the move ♪
Bree? Breakfast.
School's already on your case,
don't make it worse.
You're not even close to ready.
What have you been doing up there?
Wouldn't that be nicer warmed up?
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday, dear Mum ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
You thinking of texting her?
Yeah, I'm on my way.
See you at one for Harrington.
-Riveting times.
-Well, don't be late.
And brush your hair,
you're looking a bit
Residents were stricken today
after a 17-year-old student
was found dead outside his home.
A police investigation into
the teenager's untimely death
is currently under way.
Police have identified the victim
as much-loved rugby star
from Bannerman Independent School,
Ronny Kent.
I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
Your secrets and lies. ♪
I heard he fell
Aisha, it's Ronny.
It's awful. It's absolutely awful.
-You haven't called her, have you?
It's 9am. Give me a chance.
Yeah, cos you were just about to.
I'm sure Mum is doing just fine
sunning it up on a beach without us.
It's her 40th. You could at least text.
Say you're thinking of her?
It's not exactly like
she's thinking of me, is it?
I don't even know
what to say to that. I'm going.
-Well, this is weird.
You know, my mum said they're
not even going to announce it.
Trust Bannerman to just pretend
everything's all shiny and great.
John, you forgot your inhaler.
-Hi, Bree.
You look pale. Are you OK?
Yeah. Yeah, peachy.
Terrible news about Ronny.
Thanks, Mum, you can go.
All right.
Thanks, Mrs B.
Detective Bartlett.
Mrs Bannerman.
She's right, you know. You have,
like, zero colour in your face.
It's because
I don't have any make-up on.
Oh, yeah, you don't have that black
stuff you smudge all over your eyes.
What is that, by the way?
The ground-up soul
of your last boyfriend?
-Is your dad away again?
Mr Harrington giving you
a hard time?
-No, everything is fine.
It's weird, isn't it?
I didn't think you would be so
Have you started caring about
your failing grades?
You're really not as funny
as you think you are.
OK, well, I am as funny as I think
I am so that's fine. Look, Bree
Just tell me what's wrong.
You're just doing my head in.
OK, do you want me to
-leave you alone?
See you in there.
I thought you were going to
pick me up this morning.
-Are you OK?
-What do you think?
I didn't think
you and Ronny were that close.
Not as close as you two, apparently.
-Hey, what's that supposed to mean?
-Your kissing date with Ronny?
What you saw on the photo
is not exactly what happened.
I was waiting for you to call all night.
To find out through Jen!
And getting dumped by Dante
Were you never going to tell me?
Well, yeah, course I was. I just
I don't need to apologise for going
and having coffee with someone.
Maybe you should.
If you'd run it by me, I would have
told you it was a stupid idea.
Well, I'm not stupid, Amber. I don't
always need to tell you everything.
I just thought that's what
best friends did.
Well, yeah, but
It's fine.
It's your reputation, not mine.
Come back
when you're ready to apologise.
-What's going on?
-Not now.
You all right?
Attention, class.
As I'm sure you're all aware of our finest students,
Ronny Kent, passed away last night.
There's been unnecessary speculation
regarding the events
surrounding his death.
As you know, Ronny was one of
Bannerman's most promising athletes.
And I ask you all to refrain
from indulging in idle gossip.
Ms Hayes, come with me.
We couldn't get hold of your mother
but Mrs Baggott will
sit in with you for this.
For what?
this is Detective Inspector Misra
and Detective Sergeant Bartlett.
-Hi, Olivia,
thanks for coming. Please, sit down.
We'd just like to ask you
a few questions, if you don't mind,
about your friendship
with Ronny Kent.
Could you give us a few minutes?
Are you OK?
Now, of course, you know that
Ronny passed away last night.
Yeah, I heard. It's, um It's very sad.
You were seen with Ronny yesterday
at Cafe Beyond, is that right?
Er, yeah, I saw him, yeah.
Was Ronny your boyfriend, Olivia?
No, no! No, definitely not, no.
That's a lot of nos.
This was uploaded to
social media yesterday.
That's not what it looks like.
Ronny set me up. I have a boyfriend
You have a boyfriend?
Well, I had one.
What's his name?
Dante. Green.
I I heard that Ronny fell.
Did Ronny know that you had
a boyfriend when he took that photo?
Er, yeah.
And why do you think Ronny
would do something like that?
The phrase he used was,
"Kicks and giggles."
What did you do after you left
the cafe yesterday?
Went home, saw my mum.
For the whole evening?
She had work at eight.
You were alone for the rest of the night?
I've been looking for you.
-Are you
-Please don't ask me if I'm OK.
I don't want to talk about it.
Hey, Miks, I've cleared it
with Amber and it's cool.
You can sit with us at lunch.
-So gracious of her.
Come on, Miks, let's go.
Later, Kitty.
-What is going on?
-Seems our mark wasn't just our mark.
No-one said Ronny was killed.
As far as we know, this is all
a horrible coincidence.
He casually falls out of the window
the day we break into his house?
Can we not make jokes? Someone's died.
What did the police say?
-ErI don't know. Not much.
They went full-on Making A Murderer.
Asking me where I was last night.
They thought I was Ronny's girlfriend.
Something's not right.
We need to know what's on Ronny's
hard drive. Bree, where's the USB?
At home.
-Why is it at home?!
Oh, sorry, are we still planning
on destroying Ronny?
No, but we need to be
ahead of the police.
-Tell each other everything.
-Margot, this isn't a sleepover.
We can't afford secrets now.
In case any of us are dragged in for
more questioning. Especially you.
I mean, did you even wear gloves
when you were in Ronny's?
You said you saw someone there.
Did they see you?
I don't know. And to be honest,
I don't care. I'm done with this.
No, no, I'm not getting cosy
with a murder investigation.
The smartest thing we can do now
is walk away.
She's right. I already lost Dante
because of DGM,
now I'm getting interviewed by the police.
-What do you mean lost?
-I'm done, OK?
Well, it was good while it lasted.
Why are you sitting with me?
I just fancied a change.
Sorry what everyone's saying about you.
What do you mean?
You know, that you're easy?
Vultures, aren't they? All of them.
Just waiting to pick apart
the weakest member of the tribe.
Wait, where are you going?
Well, the last person
you ate lunch with died,
so as much as you're cool and all,
I think I'll pass.
This is Dante Green.
Would you like to come in?
Hi, Bree.
Dad, it's quarter past. Where are you?
Listen, I had to cancel Harrington.
Urgent constituency matter.
Right, so
when are we going to do it, then?
Sorry, I've really got to go.
Hey, Shane.
You free after school?
-How's it going?
I mean, it's
Sorry about you and Olivia.
Are you busy right now?
Had enough?
-Want to make out?
-I'm good.
Didn't think I'd see you here.
I don't know why I'm so upset.
I just want to say I'm sorry.
Go on, then.
I'm sorry.
And I promise, next time, I'll tell you
when I'm about to make
a stupid decision.
What's she doing here?
Let's get out of here.
Your room is gross.
Bree, you home?
-Sorry about this.
-Sorry about what?
Hey, Padre.
You, out.
David, it's chill.
It is not chill.
Get out of my house. Now!
I'm going.
Call me.
You know you're not allowed boys
in your room.
How do you know
I don't do it all the time?
It's not exactly like
you're here to see it, is it?
This hasn't been easy for me.
Not everything's about you.
Well, can some things be about me?
Or will I always be at the bottom
of your list, like Mum was?
Go on, answer it.
I know you want to.
Yes, I'll be right there.
-I'm sorry.
New developments have come
to light in connection with Ronny Kent,
a young student from
Bannerman Independent School.
Oh, man, so close!
Oh, hold up.
The victim's death is now officially
being treated as suspicious.
What's that?
We are particularly interested
in the person or persons
going by the name DGM,
who may have links
with the elite school.
Kitty! Have you heard of DGM?
What? Why?
Police say he killed that Ronny guy.
Let me see.
We are particularly interested
in the person or persons
going by the name DGM.
Isn't this breaking the rules?
I thought we weren't DGM any more.
We don't really have a choice.
We're kind of on our own here.
In that case, new burners.
Why would someone frame us
for murder?
I guess we're lucky
everyone thinks DGM's a dude.
Who hated Ronny enough to kill him?
-Wait, no!
Dante doesn't have a violent bone
in his body!
We can't think like that.
Anyone could have killed Ronny.
And framed us.
Whoever it is is still out there.
Let's look into anyone else
that Ronny might have upset.
Yeah. We could start with his hard drive.
Are you lost?
I feel like some pancakes.
Didn't have any eggs.
Well, in that case
Tiger-themed movie marathon?
Sure. Except these pancakes
might take you a while,
because I would like ten.
Yeah, there is nothing in here
except tins.
I think there is some stale flour
in here somewhere.
Oh, um, by the way
You have a fan.
I'm sorry about earlier, by the way.
I just get a bit weird
on my mum's birthday.
Right. If I were a pancake mix,
where would I be?
I'd try the bottom one.
I found something
on Ronny's hard drive.
What's up? I've got auditions
in, like, three minutes.
Coach Creed was sending
Ronny £500 every month.
Coach Creed? Why?
Maybe he was paying him back
for something?
Maybe he's blackmailing him.
Why would Ronny be
blackmailing Creed?
Because he's a creep
with tons of secrets.
What else did you find?
I'm still going through it.
The weird thing is,
the payments were made
the same day every month,
except this month.
Then they stopped -
just before Ronny was killed.
And Creed hates DGM,
so if he wants to get rid of Ronny,
then it makes sense for him
to try and frame us.
At least he's been suspended.
Gives us a chance to look into it.
You have got to be kidding me.
You should've got a better bed
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye ♪
You should've got out of the red ♪
In the red you're better off dead ♪
Deader than the Red Dead Sea ♪
Promise it to me ♪
Promise me the sea ♪
People, all the people ♪
With big bellies ♪
Banging bigger drums ♪
They beat down on you ♪
They beat the pulse ♪
Into your shoes ♪
You should've got a better bed
Better for your head
Better heads need shut-eye. ♪
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