Ghost Doctor (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

A Well-Planned Coincidence

[Jung Ji-hoon]
[Kim Bum]
[Son Na-eun]
[Ghost Doctor]
[Episode 3]
Where am I?
Why am I doing this?
A cardiothoracic surgeon must
be strong, don't you know?
I have no other choice now.
This guy is not qualified in many aspects.
Take a breath and let's
go. It's an emergency!
Did you really inject 5,000?
I had an emergency back then,
so I asked Go Seung Tak to do it for me.
Well, you must be here for the heparin.
It's this brat. It must be this brat
[Intensive Care Unit]
Blood pressure and pulse are okay.
No abnormal change in discharge color.
Then why
This guy is so weak.
Gee, has he ever exercised?
Then why did you call me here?
Why don't you use honorific?
I wish you had come so quickly to save me.
I called everyone just in case.
It turned out that Dr. Go arrived first.
Has he resumed self-aspiration?
[Self Respiration]
Yes, look.
What's going on?
The ventilator was set at 12 before,
but now it's 20.
He seems to have regained self-aspiration.
Does he?
Then switch to synchronous
intermittent ventilation mode.
Gim Jae Won, prepare for brain MRI.
Dr. Lee, call Professor Eun
from Neurosurgery Department.
Stop staring. Move!
Good, you do it. Why don't
you be his attending physician?
I'm sorry, Dr. An. I didn't mean.
Dr. An Tae Hyeon is Professor
Cha's attending physician.
He's been with Professor
Cha for the longest time.
Please have a good think about it.
What instructions would Professor Cha give?
Gim Jae Won, contact the exam room.
Dr. Lee, call Professor Eun.
- Yes.
- Yes.
So warm.
The pulse is still beating.
Get up. You can do it.
Cha Yeong Min, fighting!
Are you out of you mind?
He's not brain-dead yet.
A patient in a coma can
occasionally have self-respiration.
Just reset the ventilator
and keep observing.
How could you take it
as a miracle or surprise?
These young doctors have no experience.
But Dr. An, don't you know it either?
Why are you also like them?
Is that what Professor Cha has taught you?
I'm sorry.
Cha Yeong Min, why are
you being so stupid these days?
If you waked up,
you wouldn't be in this body now.
My time is limited.
So listen to me, Dr. An.
Who are you?
Don't ask, just listen.
Dr. An, you also heard it, right?
Go Seung Tak injected
President Jang with heparin.
It wasn't a mistake. He did it on purpose.
And Han Seung Won was behind this.
The two of them colluded with each other.
So let Go Seung Tak
attend tomorrow's seminar,
then you'll understand everything.
Dr. An, I trust you and you know it.
Please make sure that he will be present.
Go Go Seung Tak.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
[Search for Patients' Info
Name: Jang Gwang Deok]
[Operation Record]
Where's my coffee?
Oh my, what a hand!
It felt like a baseball bat.
Have you always been beaten like this?
Ten multiplies one is ten.
- Ten multiplies two is twenty.
- Go Go Seung Tak.
What's wrong with him?
Why is he reciting
the multiplication table?
Hey, where are you going?
The intensive care unit?
It's already over now.
What's wrong with you?
[Operation Record]
[Operation Record]
Why is she looking at this?
I was being too exaggerated.
Sorry for bringing you so much trouble.
Nurse Jeong, you don't need to apologize.
We thought he was to
wake up, so we got too excited.
You must have called everyone just in case.
But sure enough, it's just a
temporary self-respiration.
Well, he's not brain-dead.
Just reset the ventilator
and observe for a while.
Why did you even do an MRI because of it?
Will any one of you pay for the expense?
Hey, weren't you the
person who required an MRI?
Please send me the invoice. I'll pay.
What's the matter with him?
He was acting like a maniac just now.
He's like a maniac the whole day.
Did he act that way for his error?
Well, are you disappointed
that I'm still alive?
Or are you reassured
that it turns out I haven't woken up yet?
Go Seung Tak.
Stay where you are.
What did you mean just now?
Vice President Han
Seung Won is behind what?
You and he colluded for what?
Me? How is that possible?
President Han has no
right to let me do anything.
And I will never collude with him.
Nine o'clock tomorrow.
I'll text you the location.
Won't you attend the
seminar on President Jang?
And you said you would speak it out there.
Did I say that?
Yes, you said it with your mouth.
Though I don't know
what you are going to say,
please come anyway. Then we can talk.
Right, well done, Dr. An.
It concerns Professor Cha's reputation.
You must come.
Did you hear that?
You must attend the seminar tomorrow.
Don't try to escape.
Even if you do, it won't help.
I will let you tell your sins
with your mouth anyway.
You brat!
What can you do if he doesn't?
Do you plan to say it yourself
by getting into his body?
Oh, why are you treating me like this?
Don't you also do this kind of thing?
Of course I do.
But unlike you,
I'm a ghost of discretion and taste.
Goose bumps.
[Chief Surgeon: Cha Yeong Min
Assistant Doctor: An Tae Hyeon]
[Professor Cha Yeong Min
from Cardiothoracic Surgery Department]
It's really Professor Cha.
Oh, terrifying!
[From Go Seung Tak: I'm off work. Let's
have coffee tomorrow. Double espresso.]
I'm off work. Let's have coffee tomorrow.
Double espresso.
You are acting normal now?
It's about to be found out.
But is he aware of anything?
During Professor Cha's
hemostatic plug surgery,
I still took it as a
misunderstanding or exaggeration.
But the just-now Go Seung Tak
is really not yesterday's
Go Seung Tak, right?
I also think so.
So different.
He can be totally another person.
It's like he's possessed by a ghost.
Ugh, what ghost?
He was also kind of rude back at school.
But he is really smart.
So when occasionally that person comes,
he changes into someone else
and then
Who's that person?
Please be specific.
Ahh, it looks like that person came again.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Those nurses tend the patients all night.
I thank them for their care.
Gee, here it comes again.
Even if they're exhausted,
I remind them to try harder.
I won't interfere with life and death
or meddle with others' lives.
To do or not to do, it's both okay.
But I'll do others a little favor if I can.
But I can't only do what makes me happy.
No pain, no gain.
Doctor, I'm not put under anesthesia yet.
I'm not put under anesthesia yet.
You haven't put me under anesthesia.
So sour. So painful.
I did this in return for
lending me her body.
Now the anesthesia is working.
It's important to get to the point directly
and get out quickly.
If you stay for too long,
you may change a person's life.
Just as there are rules for the living,
there are also principles for the ghosts.
Therefore, don't interfere
with the living's affairs.
They are as smart as you.
This is my business.
Also leave your treatment to the living.
Don't ruin others' lives.
And did that little guy do anything wrong?
He deserved it.
How can you be so sure?
I've checked President
Jang's medical records.
My operation was perfect.
It was all those guys' fault.
If it were not for them,
the president would have lived well now
and I wouldn't have suffered.
So I will never forgive.
Then you keep running around.
Your own life is already in danger.
But who can stop you
from looking for trouble?
Good luck.
I'm sorry for what
happened to Professor Cha.
Thank you for calling me.
Hi, Beren. This is Se Jin.
Sorry but I have a favor to ask you.
Do you have a minute?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
It's so annoying.
Why hasn't he come yet?
Is this guy running away?
Oh, I'm going crazy.
Oh, I can't believe it!
What on earth is this made of?
Where did it come from?
It's driving me nuts.
You must come.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Why is the seminar of our
department held at this place?
The participants are not
only from our department.
They seem to be from the legal department.
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
Do whatever you want.
Things won't work as you wish.
He's finally here.
Come here.
Come quickly.
Go Seung Tak.
Come here quickly.
Fine, I get it.
I'll arrive in a second.
What an annoying person!
Good. If you want to make it public,
let's make it public.
That young man isn't a person
who would refuse to admit his own mistakes.
Please trust me this time.
I'll watch you for a period
but not too long,
Go Seung Tak.
After the operation, Professor
Cha said he would go out
and then left.
I'll be back soon.
Stay with the patient.
Call me if anything happens.
Don't you know why he
went out and where he went?
He didn't tell me.
It seemed that he got an emergency text.
What was so urgent
that he left his patient?
No common sense.
When observing the patient's condition,
I found that his heart rate elevated
and then called the professor.
He asked me to send him the patient's data.
The examination results
suggested a rupture in the incision.
So I dialed his number
immediately but he didn't answer.
Maybe he was already hit at that time.
That's why I decided to
do the emergency surgery.
What else could I do?
The patient was dying.
As the chief, of course
I should come forward.
What's wrong?
Where's Professor Cha? Isn't he coming?
Right, he said he was
far from the hospital.
Excuse! He did it to
evade the responsibility.
So he left.
Then, could you do it, chief?
Why should I be the scapegoat?
President Jang
is Professor Cha's patient.
Either wait till Professor Cha is back
or keep calling other doctors.
I see.
Listen up.
If anything happens to President Jang,
Professor Cha takes full responsibility.
Are you clear?
But Dr. Gim Jae Won wanted to do an APT
just in case.
It's very urgent. Please be quick.
But the sample turned
out to be uncheckable,
[Uncheckable: The value is too high
or too low, beyond the detection range]
which suggested an overdose of heparin.
Why did you want to do that test?
Because Dr. An Tae Hyeon
gave me an instruction before.
What instruction?
I asked him to rise heparin to 1,000.
So why?
I said clearly 500.
I must have told you
to add heparin to 1,000,
didn't I?
Or did I say 5,000?
I happen to be curious, too.
Was that Professor Cha's instruction?
Dr. An Tae Hyeon said it
was Professor Cha's instruction.
He let me add to 5,000 but
the surgery wasn't done yet.
I also found it strange.
Well, now
Hey, Go Seung Tak.
Dr. Gim Jae won, did you
inject heparin for the patient?
If you did, how much?
I didn't do it.
If not you, who?
Why are you being so quiet?
Do you still dare not speak the truth?
I knew it. You coward!
It's me.
Dr. Gim Jae won asked me to do it for him.
Dr. Go Seung Tak,
what exactly did Dr. Gim Jae won tell you?
He asked me to add heparin to 1,000.
So did you inject 1,000?
Dr. Go Seung Tak,
how much heparin did you give the patient?
I didn't do the injection.
Not even a milliliter.
I knew you would say that.
How could I trust a guy like you?
I'm telling the truth.
I did nothing to patient Jang Gwang Deok.
How can you prove what you just said?
Is there any evidence?
There can't be evidence
for a thing I didn't do.
But there should be a witness.
Dr. Go Seung Tak checked on
patient Jang Gwang Deok after he came in.
Let me take a look at the medical record.
It's here.
Based on the medical
record, the patient has
been injected with
heparin at 500 ml an hour
round the clock according to
Professor Cha Yeong Min's instructions.
The patient suffered
from a cerebral hemorrhage
and cardiac tumor.
The tumor had been
removed during the surgery.
In case it wasn't completely removed
and to avoid tumor cells
traveling through the lungs and neck
to the brain,
we did a heparin injection after
making sure that there wasn't any
postoperative bleeding.
You don't deserve to be called a doctor.
I thought you'd at least learned something
before you could be qualified to sit there.
So simply put,
heparin injection was performed
to prevent the remaining tumor cells
from traveling through this side up here
and clogging blood vessels in the brain.
By the way, you know
what heparin is, don't you?
It's used to prevent blood clotting.
Oh, yeah.
But the thing is
that if you inject too much heparin,
it could cause vascular rupture.
And then what will happen?
The surgical wound could open.
On the medical record, it said that atrial
fibrillation occurred once after surgery.
To minimize the risk of the
recurrence of cerebral hemorrhage,
Professor Cha prescribed no
more than 500 ml of heparin.
When I checked on
the patient, he was stable
and had no abnormal symptoms.
If you increase the dose
under such circumstances,
it's no different from killing the patient.
That's exactly what I thought!
No need to increase the dose of heparin.
If anyone asks, tell
him it's my instruction.
Then I'm leaving.
[Intensive Care Unit]
After saying that he left
and never came back again.
I feel like I was being set up.
Could you tell me what's going on?
So who the heck increased
the dose of heparin?
There's no way to find out.
We don't have a camera, so we
can't make a baseless accusation.
It's said the Legal Department
will run an investigation.
They will find out the truth soon.
Don't worry too much.
As long as you know that I was
still on your side in that situation.
Of course, Chief, we know that.
We are thankful to you.
The professors weren't
in the hospital at that time.
You said you were somewhere far away.
You said you got acute enteritis.
You said your wife's family had a
funeral. Did you go for mourning?
After President Jang learned this matter,
only Chief Ban and my team
members were involved in the treatment.
But how come Professor Cha
wasn't in the hospital at that time?
He caused such a mess.
I know he didn't do it on purpose
and I shouldn't have blamed him,
but he does lack a sense of responsibility.
Chief Ban Tae Sik would do whatever
Han Seung Won asks him to
do in order to take me down.
No, wait.
But evil as he is, he
wouldn't risk someone's life.
Darn it!
Gim Jae Won.
He believes everything the professors say
even if they told him he could
treat a brain tumor with aspirin.
How did such a dumbhead become a doctor?
But he's indeed a kind person.
He wouldn't even walk under a pine tree
because he doesn't want to
kill a pine moth by accident.
How could he do such a thing to a patient?
No. No way.
Sunbae, during the meeting
Didn't you sign the
Confidentiality Agreement?
It's none of our concern anymore.
Why don't you read a
medical paper if you have time?
This Lee Seon Ho guy.
He could become an
excellent doctor one day.
It's obvious that he's
selfish and self-absorbed.
Would a person like that stain his career?
No way.
I feel so bored as if I ate 100 yams.
A statement like that
would make people think
you are even worse
than a first-year newbie.
Didn't you see?
I think even one with four years of
experience can't compare to Go Seung Tak.
What did you say?
Iced Americano.
You asked for hot, right?
I told you that I'd double the coffee.
And by double, this is what I meant.
This is a bribe to make
up for being late, isn't it?
Hey, Crystal, don't you get it yet?
I'm not the punctual type.
Guys, enjoy.
True. He's just a rude
and inconsiderate klutz
who's only good at theory.
Darn it.
Then who is it?
Could it be An Tae Hyeon?
Female patient, 69 years old.
She had the CABG during Post-MI treatment.
[CABG: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft]
She suffered from a
ventricular septal defect.
Four days ago she was
implanted with artificial lungs.
Two days ago she was extubated
and started breathing on her own.
The ejection fraction is 30%.
Her condition is stable.
Oh, yeah?
Then inject anticoagulant regularly.
Switch to LMWH for tedelparin.
She's a patient to whom Professor
Cha has been paying close attention.
Keep an eye on her.
This patient was operated
on by Dr. An at last, right?
An ECG shall be done every day.
Start 24-hour ECG recording
after she moves to the ward.
Since Professor had an accident,
the operation was two
days later than scheduled.
Tell her it wasn't the professor's fault.
Take good care of her till the end.
Okay. Got it.
I must have gone crazy.
How could I doubt my men?
Professor Cha
Is there anything we can do?
The Neurosurgery
Department will take care of him.
Don't you know his condition?
Since the clinical death
has been announced,
he can't be saved anymore.
The student is a master now.
He learned very well.
But hearing that in person
seems to put him in a bad mood.
Hey, careful. He'll hear you.
So be it.
Did I say anything wrong?
How long do I have to
stay in the Emergency Room?
Professor Cha asked you to
start with the basics, didn't he?
Even so, with Professor Cha's condition
There's nothing you can do up here anyway.
Try to understand.
He only said that because he's
sad about Professor Cha's condition.
No matter what, it's quite depressing.
I think it is.
What do you think?
Whenever I talk to him, he'd
Oops, this guy heard us. He did.
We must have scared him.
Who are you?
You can't even recognize your patients?
Oh, right. We didn't count as patients.
We were unsalvageable.
What are you talking about?
How come these patients are still here?
Have we got extra beds or what?
Ask them to transfer within this week.
How can we abandon the savable patients
for those unsalvageable ones?
Are their lives that lovely?
I don't understand why
they won't just give up.
Just let go when the time is coming.
Looks like he remembers now.
How good is your life?
Why don't you give up?
Do you even know us?
Are you leading a great life?
What are you doing?
You'd scare people.
I'll beat you
Scare whom?
Nobody is here.
Well, don't be afraid.
Say hi to each other.
We'll meet often anyway.
Since we've said hi,
let's have a deeper conversation.
I've been holding it back these days.
Come here.
Gosh, what's that about?
Possessed him again?
He He just possessed him, right?
Looks like it.
That's right.
He possessed him.
But he passed through the nurse just now.
So.. How How How?
I don't know.
Oh, I got a phone call. Hello?
What are you doing?
How are you going to pay the price?
Sure. You don't have to.
He does.
What the heck?
If he can, why can't we?
It's discrimination.
11 multiplies 1 is 11.
11 multiplies 2 is 22.
11 multiplies 3 is 33.
Wow, that's surprising.
The kid's got a temper.
The kid's not supposed to be like this.
But he's gone too far today.
Are you angry?
I guess so.
Okay, I understand.
Hey, hey, hey, come on.
You're not crazy. It's okay.
It's just that sometimes
you get out of control.
First of all, I'm sorry I
misunderstood you before.
And I'm sorry about what happened earlier.
I swear, I didn't know.
I'm not really sure how
it happened right now.
I'm not in a good situation either.
So it's already like this anyway.
What's wrong? Who is it?
You're so grumpy.
Hey, wait for me.
This patient fell while
walking and looking at his phone.
According to the CT results,
rib number 5 and 6 are fractured.
Fluid is detected on the lumbar side.
Apart from the assessment of
300, there's basically nothing.
But the heart rate is getting faster
and the blood pressure is dropping.
This patient is in urgent need of surgery,
but there's no operating room available.
So we're waiting here.
Something has to be
done here before the surgery.
Er, so
Since this patient is in urgent
need, why did you ask me to come?
No, I was just thinking
maybe that person would come again.
Which one do you mean?
I'll call another doctor.
Wait a minute. Put the phone down.
Let's look at the CT.
I heard that the CT was taken?
Uh, yeah.
Misaligned rib number 5 on the right side.
I can see that there's hemothorax.
It's not a lot of blood,
except for the chest tube.
If there's a rapid heartbeat
and a drop in blood pressure,
it's not about the lung,
it's a ruptured blood vessel.
You can't see it on the CT, so
we'll have to open it up and look at it.
Now we start to
identify the bleeding point.
Prepare for local anaesthesia.
Get the scalpel, the
electrotome, and the retractor.
Bring in the equipment for thoracotomy.
Find the right angle
so you can see clearly.
What are you doing?
Are you going to leave
the patient unattended?
Uh, okay, okay, okay.
I've returned the favor.
The one you talked
about was just here, right?
Yes, I think so.
Oh, what am I doing?
[Patients' safety]
Oh, right.
I've got somewhere to be.
Ah, look at that guy.
I thought we had known each
other and I should remind him.
Why is he running away?
It's not like he's going to get eaten.
Look at the way he
sticks his neck out all day.
You deserve it.
But why can't we do that when he can?
Is it because they're peers?
What we just saw,
please delete it.
Do you mean all of it?
You know who I am, right?
[Disaster Prevention Center
Staff Only]
It's not like it's happened once or twice.
Does my body belong to you?
Why do you come and go as you please?
Why? Why? Why?
Go to hell! Get away from
me, you annoying ghost!
Get away from me!
Is it the sore muscles?
Why is my body so hot?
That's right, I'm not human.
I'm going crazy!
Wait a minute.
But why am I running away?
What did I do wrong?
Did I say something wrong?
How many people have I saved all this time?
It's strange, though.
They don't seem to be on good terms.
I'm on the side of the new guy.
As for why, just think about it.
Yeah, it's annoying.
Especially that guy. He's really annoying.
And that genius
People always say geniuses are crazy.
So, ignore what he said just now.
Don't take it seriously.
I envy you.
You've got someone on your side.
Ouch! Ouch! It is so hard!
[EunSang University Medical Center]
[Irrelevant personnel are not allowed
to enter the disaster prevention room]
Have you heard?
Professor Cha.
The air is good, the view is good.
That's why they say VIP rooms are good.
But staying in such a big room by yourself,
you must be very lonely.
What's wrong? Did your
roommates torture you?
Whenever I go over there,
they're always after me.
Tell me how it's going,
how beautiful it is.
It's annoying!
They would talk about what they
couldn't see when they were alive
It is hopeless even to
you, the genius, right?
Have you read my medical records?
If there was a way out,
you'd come over right away.
Yeah, well, if you could bring the
dead back to life, you'd be a divinity.
Not a doctor.
I will find out
who did this to you.
If you can't do it, don't talk big.
Get some rest. It'll get
noisier when you change places.
You have to grit your teeth and
get through wherever you're going.
You're so young. You never know.
Maybe you'll wake up.
You mean I'm going somewhere else? Where?
I overheard when my son was on the phone.
He said you'd be transferred
somewhere else today.
Please, please.
Don't be surprised yet.
You seem to be in a hurry.
Just go inside and check it out.
Thank you. Thank you.
Oh my!
You know all about it.
Are you here to watch over me?
It's strange.
Why do they have to
transfer Professor Cha so soon?
It's only been a few days.
That's what I mean.
Other patients who are in a
coma can stay here for months.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Is this revenge for what
happened in the past months?
Chief Ban has gone too far.
It's not Ban.
- It's not Chief Ban.
- That Han Seung Won!
It's the Vice President of Administration.
Why would the Vice President
of Administration do that?
Don't ask me that question.
Why else?
He's afraid that when I wake
up, his crimes will be exposed.
Doctor, what should we do?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Hey, what's that supposed to mean?
How could Go Seung Tak?
It's true.
Everyone here saw it yesterday.
It's true.
Where's Go Seung Tak?
So where is Go Seung Tak now?
Uh, yeah, he just disappeared.
Are you asking about Dr. Go?
He called in sick today.
What? Called in sick?
Seung Tak! Seung Tak!
Oh, Crystal, stop it!
This is not the time to look for gems.
The President's coming.
He's almost here.
Mr. President, as you can see,
Seung Tak is not here.
I didn't hear him go to work.
Probably when you got up
He went to work without telling us?
Seung Tak works around the clock.
He's getting tired.
Tired, come on.
He didn't do anything.
What are you doing here?
He's already at work.
Yes, Mr. President. I'm leaving too.
Keep an eye on him and
report back in detail, okay?
You ordered Professor
Cha to be transferred.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
He resumed self-aspiration
for a while, and I felt uneasy.
Plus what happened at the meeting.
Professor Cha is in such a
state, I'm sure people will say things.
Of course we have to deal with it.
But there are so many eyes on us.
If it goes this far
Who made things go this far?
You should have sent a
silly specialist in the first place,
and escaped unscathed.
Why did you make things so complicated?
It's the same with Professor Cha.
If you chose to hide in the first
place, you should hide until the end.
If you wanted to save him, then you should
have gone there earlier and saved him.
What kind of behavior is that?
It has neither rhyme nor reason.
You've tried so many times,
now you should get results.
Does it matter how it started?
What matters is who did it in the end.
You know.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Yes, it was me.
Get me some heparin, 5,000.
It's Professor Cha's instruction.
[Jang Gwang Deok/M/77]
Gim Jae Won!
Can't you do anything right?
[Emergency Room, Han Dae U]
It's me.
That's right. Dr. An's not that powerful.
Hey, why doesn't he
answer his phone all the time?
I can't stand it anymore.
I'm going to make a visit later.
You should stop them. No. Don't go.
It's not like there's a spare bed.
Someone should have been discharged
for the sake of the hospital's income.
How can you say that? How upset he must be!
By the way, Tes, where is he now?
No, no!
Go Seung Tak, what
are you doing, Chief Ban?
Come on, let's go!
What are you doing?
When did you get here?
Where are you going?
Do you even have a plan?
Tired, aren't you?
You should have brought more people.
Damn it.
This punk.
Oh my!
You're so young, and unexpectedly so weak.
Where are you going? To the elevator?
Yes, yes.
Young man, that's toilsome.
No need to thank me.
Dr. Go! Dr. Go Seung Tak!
- Hey, wait a minute.
- Tes.
- Wait a minute, Dr. Go.
- Right?
Are you okay? Are you okay?
I'm sorry.
Get out of the way! Get out of the way!
Forgive me, please.
Did you just wake up and come running?
To save me? That cannot be true.
Go Seung Tak,
what are you doing?
Dr. Go, Dr. Go, what's wrong with you?
Vice President of Administration,
is that your instruction?
Then I'm embarrassed.
What is it?
What are you doing with my patient?
Dr. Jang Se Jin is Professor Cha's
attending physician?
What is going on here?
The Seattle hospital where Dr. Jang works
sent an invitation to exchange
professors, and I said yes.
It happened that Dr. Jang
had her internship at our hospital.
Why? What's the problem?
But, her being Professor
Cha's attending is a little
Professor Cha was transferred
to Neurosurgery Department.
But the professors there felt a burden.
Dr. Jang happens to be
a capable neurosurgeon.
And I'm grateful that she volunteered.
Was it because of Seung Tak?
When Seung Tak did the surgery
Vice President of Administration
Han Seung Won,
I think what you should be concerned about
is not hospital staff transfer,
which is the authority of the
Chairman of the Council and the President
but the comatose President Jang.
What's going on with him?
When I was in America,
someone sent me President Jang's
medical records anonymously
and asked if I could perform a surgery.
I was supposed to meet him when
I came back, but he didn't show up.
I haven't heard from him since.
I heard that the President's
surgery was a success.
But I don't understand
why this is happening now.
The accident of Professor Cha, who was
the chief surgeon, was also questionable.
It's weird and I have
been trying to figure it out.
Dr. Go, can you help me?
So you didn't know?
I'm one of them who dislike Professor Cha.
I don't like you either.
Then why
Didn't you just stop Professor
Cha from being transferred?
Right, why did you
It's a sense of duty, I guess.
For my first patient.
What? A sense of duty?
Do you think you did the surgery?
That's it. I don't like to think too much.
I've had a lot on my mind lately.
I don't even know what I'm thinking about.
Dr. Go.
I'll leave now. I'm off sick today.
Oops, headache.
That's so rude.
I came here like this? It's crazy.
So, how could you come like that?
What's wrong with you?
I finally got a good look at you.
Don't you have anything to say to me?
You were with me 12 years
ago, and a few days ago.
I have a lot to say.
Then you should say it.
You should have said it then,
and you should say it now.
Look at my eyes.
Oh, Doctor, what a blessing!
You've come at the right time.
Thank you so much for
contacting me every time.
Thanks to you, Professor Cha
was not transferred.
I never thought that after I called Dr. Go
he came right away. I'm so lucky.
I didn't expect him to be like that.
I was so shocked when
he pushed the bed so hard.
So from now on, Dr. Jang, you are
Professor Cha's attending
doctor and guardian?
Yes, I'll need your help.
When did autumn come?
I'm so
I'm so busy that I don't even
know the seasons have changed.
Since I borrowed it,
I'll return it twice.
Go Seung Tak.
Wow, the new FW products are out so soon?
That's a nice suit.
It's cool.
But a ghost's hair doesn't get messed up.
Ah, that's scary.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Are you sure?
I've told you a few times.
There's the guy. The new
guy's coming from over there.
He ran up to him, possessed him, and left.
What does he want?
It's too boring to stay in the hospital.
I think he's just going out
for a while to get some air.
He'll be back soon.
He's physically here, even if he's out,
where else would he go?
He'll have to be firmly
attached to him anyway.
What does that mean?
If his ghost leaves his body out there
What happened?
What happens then?
What's wrong with this madam?
I'll call ambulance.
Go Seung Tak.
Calm down.
Help me first
Go Seung Tak, it's not that way.
Help me first
Are you a doctor?
Ah, yes, I think she's
Will he disappear and die?
If you're still with me,
please save this person.
You have to save her.
[Ghost Doctor]
-=Preview of the next episode=-
Can you see me? Can you hear me?
Hello? Are you with me?
No, I'm not with you.
Good job.
You're a disgrace to the
Cardiothoracic Surgery Department.
Well done.
Good job.
Did he do it on purpose?
Why is that guy here again?
Professor Cha's not doing very well.
What's he doing?
What else? He's trying to survive.
I can't get inside you now.
I'll do it.
I'm leaving the surgery to Go Seung Tak.
How could you do this to me?
And now you're hesitating.
Do I look like Go Seung Tak to you?
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