Ghost Force (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Trashotic / Mikroo

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
And a carrot doughnut sandwich
for Sgt Callaghan.
Thank you for your service,
- Huh?
- (Squawking)
In the name of the law!
My sandwich!
OK! Hey, there!
How would you
like to go with me on a?
(Groans) OK.
Yo, Carla! I found
these two tickets on the ground
and I was wondering if
Ugh! I'm so lame!
Oh, sorry, kid, but Solarman
needs a touch of make-up!
- Ugh!
- Oh, Sergio!
You're such a cutie!
(Kissing sounds)
- You smell so yummy!
- We're on in five!
Oh, please leave the premises
and let our star focus.
All right, here goes nothing!
Huh? What's with this thing?
(Sniffing) Ah!
That ought to do the trick!
(Fans screaming)
- Mwah!
- Sergio! You're so cute!
And action!
- What's that smell?
- Jay, do something!
Don't worry! I'm on it!
- (Sarcastic) Really, Jay?
- I'm doing my best!
Ha, ha! I told you
I got this under control!
(Sarcastic) Thanks, Jay.
- Ugh!
- (Coughing)
What is that?
- Hey, Mike!
- Oh, hey, Andy!
Do you smell a stinky cologne?
Oh! Wait, wait.
This smell's coming from you.
- Uh
- Oh! Easy!
You, Andy, wanna go
to the fair with Carla.
- What? How did you?
- It's simple, my friend!
You smell of cologne, you have
two tickets to the fair,
and you like Carla!
Oh, no! It's Carla!
Oh! I gotta do something! Bye!
Oh! My masterpiece!
Packed with five-a-day fruit and
veg in one succulent sausage.
You are what dreams are made of!
- (Burping)
- Aaah! Scary!
No! Gimme back my sausage,
you monster!
Oh! I gotta fix this!
Ok, OK, OK, OK.
Think, think, think
Ha! What's this?
"Gets rid of all stubborn
smells." Ha! Perfect!
All good!
(Gasps and mutters excitedly)
- Whoa!
- Aaah!
All right, open your notebooks.
- New York was founded
- Ugh! Open the window!
- What did you do now?
- Just put on deodorant.
Ugh! On top of the cologne?
Andy, one strong smell
does not cancel out another.
- It just makes a bigger stink!
- Yo, Andy!
Did you fall
in the toilet bowl or what?
He got you!
Aw, come on!
I don't smell that bad!
It's not you, Andy.
(Coughs) This is a toxic ghost!
Ha, ha! You see?
I'm not the one who stinks!
I say we give that ghost
a whiff of justice.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow! ♪
Ghost Force!
Aw, man! Yo, Fury,
would you mind moving down-wind?
Huh? Argh!
Hello? Come in.
Is this thing on? Hello?
We hear you, Miss Jones.
Do you have any deets
on the ghost?
Ha, ha! Yeah,
that's why I called you!
It's called Spong,
from the toxic taxonomy.
- Any idea where to find it?
- It's likely setting up camp
in the stinkiest part
of New York City.
Oh, ugh!
What smells worse than him?
The sewers!
Pfft! There's no way
your plan's gonna work!
I mean, I don't smell that bad.
(Sniffing) Roar!
- (Laughter)
- Oh, come on!
It obviously has a highly
developed sense of smell.
Which makes sense
for a toxic ghost! Huh?
Huh? Where did he go?
Let's track him down!
(Sniffing) Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Spong should be here somewhere!
According to the boo map,
Spong is located
15 metres to your right.
Thanks, but we could have
guessed it on our own.
- Gotcha!
- Here's your boocaps!
Oh! I think my sense of smell
is overloaded.
- KRUSH: It's about to merge!
- With a garbage can?
It's too late.
He's becoming Trashotic!
Trashotic? Really?
Ha! You can do better than that,
Ms Jones.
OK, the name definitely fits.
(Evil laugh)
I'll set him up,
you take him down!
Super crusher!
- Ready or not!
- Huh?
- Krush!
- (Evil laugh)
MYST: Oh, no!
- I can't hold him much longer!
- FURY: Hey, garbage breath!
How about a taste
of your own medicine?
- My surprise for Carla!
- Huh? Surprise for Carla?
Oh! So that's why
you covered yourself in cologne
- this morning.
- What? Ha, ha! No!
No, no, no, no. That was just
Cologne! That's it!
Trashotic is repelled
by pleasant fragrances!
Fury, you still have
the cologne and deodorant?
- Yep!
- I knew this'd come in handy.
We'll need whatever boo force
you've left to finish him off.
- With pleasure!
- Let's do this!
(Battle cry)
(Cry of distress)
(Sigh of relief)
Fury! (Sniffing)
It's time to take a shower!
Great job, kids!
Spong is neutralised.
- (Sniffing)
- What? I just took a shower!
Oops! That must be
my slime compost!
(School bell ringing)
I was going to go shopping
- So, are you ready?
- Watch and learn.
- Yeah, it's cool.
- Hey, Carla!
Hey, Andy!
Is your BO problem any better?
Uh yeah.
Anyway, I've got
two tickets for the fair
and I was wondering if
well, if you'd go with me
- Uh I mean, if you want.
- Oh, I'd love to.
But didn't you hear?
It closed because of some ghost.
It'll take years to clean it.
Oh! That reminds me, I need to
buy a new coat. See ya, Andy!
Uh, yeah. A new coat. Right.
You OK, buddy?
I got a date with Carla
in a few years!
Ha! I knew it! I knew it!
I knew she likes me! Yoohoo!
Hmm. It should be here.
You are so gonna get an A
for your presentation
- on dimensional psychics!
- You mean dimensional physics.
But thanks, Charlie!
Dude, we won't pass this class
by juggling balls!
Awesome model!
It makes me feel like
even more of a giant than usual.
- Thanks, I spent ages on it.
- Good.
'Cause you're telling
the teacher we made it together.
- Why would I do that?
- 'Cause I'm bigger and older
than you, Junior! And 'cause
I'm not asking, I'm telling!
- (Gasp)
- Hey! Leave our buddy alone!
Unless you wanna
deal with the Baker fam!
Whoa! Whoa! It's cool!
I've got the situation
under control.
More like circus fam!
Stop! It's fragile!
You're gonna
break it!
Next time, mess with somebody
your own size!
The lights are out
all over my mini masterpiece.
- Thanks, Baker "fam".
- On second thought,
I'm going with Bobby's
juggling act. Yo, Bobby!
Huh? What?
Well played, Bakers!
I could've
dealt with that on my own.
The dead battery? I'm on it.
I got a spare one in my locker!
- Let's catch up at the library!
- I can get my own battery.
Liv's on the battery sitch,
and I'm guarding your model.
Good thing you got us,
right, kiddo?
Oh! You've even made
our figurines to scale!
Excellent work, Mr Collins.
Ha, ha, ha!
- Huh? Hey!
- Except you forgot Drake.
I want a little figurine too!
- No, I'm sure I
- Ha, ha, ha!
I've got just what we need!
- Dude, seriously?
- You're welcome.
Lemme know if you want me to
get rid of the real Drake too.
Just 'cause I skipped a year
doesn't make you my babysitter!
Fine, just trying to
look out for you, little bud
Mr Mike, sir.
Ah! There!
There you go. Perfect scale.
Though a bit more graceful.
- Keep out of this, Baker!
- Maybe give ballet a try?
isn't working out for ya!
What is?
- (Running steps)
- Huh? Who?
Express delivery for Mr
Where is everyone?
- Hustle, sis!
- Fascinating!
A ghost that can shrink matter
means it must be working
- at an atomic scale!
- How about we capture it
and then analyse it.
Let's go, Ghost Force.
What are you doing?
Everyone's gonna see you.
Wow! You're way too cool
for this school!
- Oh, yeah? Not as cool as us!
- Oh! Asta! Oh, uh
Children, this is not
an earthquake drill.
Now come out
for Mr Collins' presentation.
Hang on, sir, I just need
to make a few, er
Minor adjustments!
Straight to Miss Jones' lab!
- (Flushing)
- Aaah!
ANDY: I hope Liv's
large and in charge!
She's pretty good at handling
herself. Kind of like me.
Nobody will see us here!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
You've got to be kidding me!
I was bringing this to Mike.
When I got to the library
everyone were gone!
I left them alone
for five minutes
and they got gobbled by a ghost!
Calm down, Liv! It must be
a ghost with the munchies!
Nothing we can't handle!
Oh, no! Not him!
Miss Jones!
We're in the library.
- But we've been shrunk!
- By a tiny ghost called Mikroo
who fears anyone bigger than it.
It should be
fairly easy to capture.
If we weren't tiny too!
and totally out of juice!
Of course!
It's one of Mikroo's powers.
Not only
can he miniaturize things,
he can drain the energy
out of any ghost he encounters.
Wait! what if we made
a boo-power battery
- to recharge Andy and Mike?
- Brilliant idea, Miss Jones!
OK. Here we go.
Taking into account their size,
this should be enough
to recharge both our boys!
Amazing! We just found a way to
recharge our boo energy faster!
Not really. This boo power
battery is way too small
to recharge one of you
at your normal size.
Hang in there, guys!
I'm coming!
Boo, boo.
Oh! I stand corrected,
it is an earthquake!
Uh-oh! Aaah!
- Whoa!
- Gotcha!
- Thanks, bud! That was close!
- See?
Even big guys like you
need a hand sometimes!
Oh, no! He's switching
to booster mode!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
What on Earth?
Krush? Fury?
Myst! Over Here!
Here! Catch!
- Oh!
- Got you!
Oh, no!
Get him! Let's bring
that ghost down to size!
- Time for boo-fight!
- KRUSH: Hold up!
Trust me. I got a plan!
I need you to distract
this ghost!
Miss Jones,
it's a fearful ghost, right?
FURY: Hey! Big ball!
Over here!
- Boo?
- Flexy power!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
- Huh?
- Grr!
Over to you, Ms Jones!
Give Mikroo
the fright of its life!
Let's pump it up!
- Now!
- Roar!
- Aaah!
- FURY: Party's over, Mikroo!
Your turn, Krush!
Grow max!
- Ow!
- Hey!
Oh! These earthquakes
are getting out of hand!
After that weird day, I need you
to do my homework tomorrow.
- You got that?
- Yeah, not gonna happen.
I don't think you get it,
Junior. I call the shots.
Careful what you say. This is
going straight to voice memo.
All I gotta do is press send
and your threat
goes straight to the principal.
Lemme do the math,
weeks of detention
means zero basketball, correct?
Pff Whatever! Yo, Bobby!
OK, maybe you can
handle yourself!
I wasn't even recording.
My battery's totally dead!
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