Gogol (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

The Blood Flower

TV 3
The bodies of young women
have been found near Dikanka village.
A horseman was always seen
not far from the crime scene.
- I can prove useful to you.
- Well, Gogol.
I'm Alexander Binkh,
head of the local police.
Good day, Vakula!
If we do not stop the horseman
then soon he might come
for your daughter.
I'm with you.
Well, you asked for a doctor.
Here he is.
Leopold Leopoldovich Bomgart.
- Is he drunk?
- Well, yes, but he can still do surgery.
I am Alexey Danishevsky.
I see you've met my wife already.
But you're dead!
There is another world.
A dark, hidden one.
You are able to enter this world.
It is your gift.
Mr. Guro!
Take Mr. Guro's body with you back home.
You've got no business here anymore.
I'm not going anywhere.
We must find the murderer.
It's Mr. Guro's trunk.
Lisa is in danger.
Devised by
Are you there, my sweet?
Screenplay by
Wait, don't let Father see us!
Why worry about that old fool?
I will marry you regardless.
Fate is harsh to us.
Father shall soon leave for Mirgorod
to find me a rich husband.
Does he want to feel
the force of my fist?
I will let no-one have you.
I'd sooner die than marry another.
Father's looking for you, Bogdana.
Don't get caught.
Where are you headed, Darinka?
I'm going to the fields
to bring Fyodor his supper.
Don't stay out too late, sister.
I'll try my best.
You'd better!
Oh, who's talking!
- Where the hell are you?
- I must run.
Who's that looking for trouble?
I'll show him trouble, the scoundrel!
Like flies to a honeypot.
I've brought you supper.
Thank you.
May I sit with you a while?
Fyodor, when I am 17,
will you ask my hand in marriage?
You surprise me, Darinka.
Who needs such an ugly husband?
I do.
Will you kiss me, Fyodor?
Hey, where are you going?
Stop. Hey!
Fyodor, wait. I'll come too!
Stop there!
Where is it?
Where did it go?
Maybe you should.
What's all this?
I'd think a person
of Mr. Guro's stature
would hide away something of interest.
All I see are papers.
These papers may
shed light on the investigation.
6 AUG, 9 SEP
22 SEP, 2 OC
Paraska's ears are small here.
Her ears were bigger than that.
What do you
think this means, Mr. Gogol?
"Twelve plus one"
Perhaps there's
some kind of system.
Look, here are the four dates
when the horseman killed,
and one more date:
October 2.
October 2
is the day after tomorrow.
Guro died before Paraska,
but identified the date of her murder.
So, judging by his calculations,
the next murder
should take place on October 2.
Why that date?
October 2 is
the feast of the Intercession.
I had a calendar here somewhere.
One moment
A holy feast
So, the first murder
took place on July 20.
July 20 - the feast of St. Elijah.
Then August 6
August 6 - Apple Feast Day.
September 9 - the Harvest Festival.
September 22 - the Autumn Equinox.
Feast days abound.
Perhaps that is the system.
The horseman
murders girls on feast days.
Mother always said to
be on your guard on feast days,
evil spirits rage,
their strength increases tenfold.
It all fits.
Four feast days, four murders.
There are 9 more this year,
for a total of 13.
So Guro believed there
would be 13 victims.
and that they would
be killed on feast days.
This means we may determine
when the next killings will occur?
It would seem so.
There were 13 girls in my vision.
4 are already dead.
9 more may die.
And the last victim will be
Lisa Danishevskaya.
I guess you shouldn't
be worried about me.
It was nothing but your vision.
My visions have proved true lately.
Mr. Gogol, please!
A cave, blood, ghosts of the killed girls.
It looks like the creation of your
luxuriant imagination of a writer.
This isn't the case.
It's your safety.
You must leave! Please.
I can't.
I can't leave the place now.
Perhaps I'll explain you
everything one day.
Is it somehow related to your husband?
Mr. Gogol!
There you are!
Join us for breakfast.
Sorry, I must go now.
Rest, O Lord,
the soul of Thy servant
Father Bartholomew!
- Woe is upon us!
- What is it?
Basavryuk is here.
Again? That man of sin.
O Lord Jesus,
may the devil burn his mustache.
My condolences.
I am sorry.
Forgive me, O Lord.
- Hey, lady!
- How may I help?
- Who are you?
- Christina.
Where's Hanna?
Oh, your Hanna is dead.
Now it's me.
I'll be damned.
I come for a pretty maid
and get someone old and grayed!
Mr. Binkh,
he is devising such wicked deeds.
Perhaps, God willing,
you could, as you say
isolate him?
And why should I isolate him?
It is clear he is a demon!
His face is all dark
and wrinkled like an empty pouch.
And why should I detain him?
Because you dislike his face?
Look at your own.
We cannot allow
his dog-like snout
to touch Christian souls.
Right, for the last time,
we do not arrest people
for having dog-like faces,
or throw them in jail.
We have laws.
This is Russia.
Sir, a young man and
a maiden wish to see you.
Come in.
What brings you?
My younger sister Darinka is missing.
She brought Fyodor supper
in the fields, then vanished.
- Help us, for mercy's sake.
- You're from the capital, after all.
I am sure your sister is alive.
we have little time to waste.
Let me be of service.
I can put together a search party.
- Let me speak to him
- I'll do it myself!
I see I was light
on the whip, you little wretch!
Do not come within
a gunshot of her. Am I clear?
I am a free Cossack,
I'll do as I wish.
I will never give Bogdana
to a low-life such as you.
And I keep my word.
It may as well be written in stone!
Please, Father, leave him!
Petro's helping us.
Mr. Gogol can confirm.
Good Lord.
I'll pay any price for Darinka.
Just find my daughter.
I will do everything in my power.
If I may help, just say.
Very well.
You see?
There are serious people on the case.
Now get back home immediately!
Learn some manners!
He is like a bear, sir.
I couldn't stop him.
My apologies.
Mr. Gogol.
I do not know where to start, but
I feel I'm losing my mind.
Leave Nikolai, he's mine.
He's my destiny.
Back off,
or you will regret it.
Who was that girl, Nikolai?
She's not real, is she?
But she talked to me, and
I don't understand,
I really am losing my mind.
You see, this girl
But at the same time, not quite.
I don't understand.
Do you know her?
She is the drowned girl.
Sometimes she appears before me
as a ghost.
- A ghost?
- Yes.
Why did your ghost appear before me?
I do not know.
You have passed your visions onto me,
and we are both going crazy.
It's the only explanation.
Your ghost is
very beautiful.
- Where's the girl?
- Beast, beast
- Is she alive?
- Beast
Why are you bloody?
You're not injured.
Perhaps some animal
attacked him and Darinka.
I think this bastard
is referring to himself.
Answer me - what was this beast?
Mr. Binkh, surely you see
he cannot speak!
Look at the state he's in!
So you have a better idea?
Pray tell.
We need to search
the forest for the girl.
So you think every time a
peasant girl goes missing,
I should send out
my entire Cossack squad?
You have the entire
village at your disposal. Just ask!
- Where are you, sister?
- Darinka!
Where are you, sister?
Where are you, sister?
Not me you're looking for?
Why are you here?
Do not be angry.
You asked to be taught
to control your gift.
So here I am.
So then
Shall we start?
Why did you visit Lisa?
I forbid you from bothering her again.
Am I being clear?
I see I'm not right for you.
Boys once chased me in their droves.
Am I really no longer pretty?
That's not what I meant.
Of course.
I do not wear
elegant dresses like your Lisa.
I'm just a water nymph.
I shall no longer visit her, or you.
Master your gift without me.
All I want is for you
to stay away from her!
- I
- Don't visit my pond again.
- Or I'll drown you.
- You got the wrong idea!
Mr. Gogol
Are you well?
Yes, yes, I'm fine.
Hey, everyone!
God rest her innocent soul.
Stay away from her!
I lost one daughter, and now you
want to take the other from me!
If I see you near Bogdana again
I'll kill you, you beggar!
Why today? The feast
is the day after tomorrow.
Could Guro's predictions
have been mistaken?
And my theory about feast days
has proven to be wrong.
To err is human,
as the ancients said.
Well, that clears everything up.
Darinka was brutally murdered.
This is proof of Fyodor's guilt.
I would not rush
to conclusions, Mr. Binkh.
Doctor, has alcohol blinded you?
I see blood, entrails.
What else do you require?
This is not human blood.
This is not Darinka.
It's Ovis aries.
What the devil is that?
The domestic sheep.
As you see, Mr. Binkh,
I can still tell human entrails
from those of a sheep.
What are you saying, then?
Someone came here
and butchered a sheep.
You do indeed know a sheep's guts
better than a human's.
You should switch to livestock.
You, sir, are a churlish fool.
Give me some water.
You are unfair.
Dr. Bomgart is a master of his trade.
A master? I'll say.
A master of gutting corpses.
He cannot operate on the living.
He fainted sooner
than pulling my tooth.
Had to go to Mirgorod.
It's the horseman!
He did all this.
Darinka's alive.
He wants to kill her on
the night of the Intercession.
That was quite a day, Mr. Gogol.
it's getting late.
I shall go home.
Dr. Bomgart, why can't you
operate on the living?
Is that churl
already telling tales about me?
Once in St. Petersburg,
I operated
on a child.
The operation failed,
and the child died.
I stopped operating after that.
I want no other person
to die under my knife.
Did that satisfy your curiosity?
are a good doctor.
You should not bury your talent.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol:
Born in Poltava Province in 1809.
One of six brothers,
two of which died in childbirth.
Three died in infancy,
and only Gogol,
the most sickly child, remained alive.
"The mystery of birth".
"A dark one?"
You can enter this world.
It is your gift.
The blood of innocents,
by the hand of innocents,
the den of the beast.
Autumn flower.
The blood of innocents,
by the hand of innocents,
the den of the beast.
Autumn flower.
Autumn flower!
You're a fool to return.
I said I would drown you!
I cannot do it without your help.
I don't know
How could a simple
water nymph be of use?
Do you know anything
of the autumn flower?
Why do you need it?
I don't yet understand.
It's the blood flower.
It blooms once a year,
under the moon
on Intercession Night,
where gold is buried.
Its petals are the color
of innocent blood.
Only an innocent
can pick this flower,
and uncover its hoard of gold.
You are quick.
But to obtain
this gold from the earth,
the innocent must
spill another innocent's blood.
This flower is better forgotten.
How did you learn of it?
I do not know.
I see it in dreams and visions,
but I cannot explain it.
It is beyond me.
Teach me.
What do I get for it?
What is my reward?
Kiss me first.
What? Is it Lisa?
Then get Lisa to teach you!
There can be nothing between us,
she is married.
Then why will you not kiss me?
Your gift is innate.
It accompanies you as fate.
You were not simply born,
you were chosen.
The answer is in your past -
your childhood.
- Are you ready?
- For what?
I couldn't save his five brothers.
It is some kind of curse,
I was powerless.
It is God's will. He decides
who survives and who does not.
- Your task is to treat our son.
- Mama
Maybe you're my destiny?
I ask only one thing of you:
pick the blood flower,
and the gold is ours.
If you comply,
you'll live like a pig in clover
until your dying day.
So, is it a deal?
Basavryuk is no mere demon,
he is a hunter of souls.
Devil's son!
I wish he had a blister
as big as a haycock under each eye!
What do you mean,
"a hunter of souls"?
He gets men drunk,
gives necklaces to maidens.
They hang on his every word,
and he corrupts their souls.
And the people are too afraid
to bring justice upon him?
This damned demon
has struck into us such fear
that it is shameful to admit.
Last year, I wanted to follow him,
but he saw me.
I barely got away.
He was going to Bear Creek.
It is rumored that he corrupts
souls in that cursed place.
Nobody can find
a single trace of proof.
That son of Satan
can cover his tracks.
Tell me, Father,
does Lisa Danishevskaya
often come here?
All the time.
A beautifully pure soul.
She prays ardently, as if for two.
It must be for
the sins of her husband.
What are his sins?
Only she and God know.
But I am sure he lives in sin.
I have never seen him in church.
Thank you, I will go.
I won't disturb her.
He was going to Bear Creek.
The blood flower blooms once a year,
under the moon
on Intercession Night,
The den of the beast.
Bear Creek.
Mr. Gogol?
Lisa, do you know of Bear Creek?
Why do you ask?
Just tell me. It's very important.
It's in the north of the forest,
near the lake, but
nobody goes there.
The locals say evil lurks there.
But I think it's mere superstition.
Forgive me, I must hurry.
Mr. Gogol, do you plan
to go to Bear's Creek?
You must not.
It may be dangerous.
I must go.
Granny Komarikha
was telling stories about you.
So what did she say?
She said when you were young,
you met a real demon.
Oh, she lies. Don't listen to her.
But she said
it was you who told
that story to everyone.
I could've stretched it,
I enjoyed tall tales when I was young.
Now go to sleep.
Don't talk of demons at night,
or they will take you away. Sleep.
Vakula! Vakula!
Mr. Gogol, what happened?
Can you take me to Bear Creek?
I won't go there.
And I'd advise you the same.
Then tell me where it is.
And do you have
any sort of weapon?
Just to frighten off animals.
I am afraid to go alone.
Take this. This is the only
means of protection I have.
It shoots, doesn't it?
Indeed, it does!
I paid dearly for it
at the Sorochintsy Fair!
Taras Bulba himself would
shoot Poles with it!
It's an old custom: you burn
a sheet on Intercession Night,
and you will be married.
We're still too young, though.
Maybe you're my destiny?
The moon will soon come out,
and the blood flower will rise.
Take it.
Look at all this gold.
It will soon be ours.
To take the gold from the water,
you must do one small thing.
Sprinkle the
earth with her blood.
You will be rich,
and Bogdana will be yours.
Just kill her sister.
Hurry, Petro.
The moon is going.
The gold is disappearing.
I will not be forgiven.
I will burn in hell.
Such is the fate of a Cossack.
Don't touch her! Stop!
Drop the dagger!
Don't listen!
If the gold goes, you lose Bogdana.
He's a demon!
It's not gold he wants.
He wants your soul!
Kill her, and Bogdana is yours.
Don't believe him!
Bogdana will never love a murderer.
She will never know.
Look, Petro
the gold is disappearing.
Petro, don't do it!
Please, I beg you!
The beast.
The Blood Flower did bloom,
taking two to their doom!
What happened to her?
Get away from here! Go!
Where's the doctor?
can you save her?
She'll die during surgery,
I cannot accept the burden.
Who should live,
and who should die
is for God to decide, not you.
Is that clear?
I am the only
survivor of six brothers.
That was His will.
And this will be His decision.
You just do what you know best.
You're a talented doctor.
I do not know my calling in life,
but you were born for this purpose.
I will need an assistant.
I'm at your service.
Hush, daughter!
It was your fault he went there!
It was all your greed!
And Darinka's death
will also be on you!
She isn't breathing.
Was this His decision?
This was His decision.
You should sleep, Mr. Gogol.
I'll sleep later.
- Yakim
- Yes?
You've known me from the cradle.
Indeed. I served your parents
before you were born.
Tell me,
did any occurrences
in my childhood seem
No. You were sick sometimes,
but nothing special.
If I may, sir,
I will return to my sleep.
It's dawning already.
Yakim, are you
hiding anything from me?
I wouldn't dream of it, sir.
Get some sleep, Mr. Gogol.
Keep going. Push!
Is he silent?
He's not breathing.
O Lord, have mercy
on your servant, Vasily Gogol.
Let just one child of mine
survive on this earth.
Hear me, O Lord.
Hey, sir
I know how to ease your pain.
Do you wish
to have a healthy child?
Is that possible?
Everything is possible.
It only depends on
how far you are willing to go.
I would do anything. I cannot
bury another infant.
One thing troubles me.
It was not Darinka in my visions,
but some girl whom I don't recognize.
Maybe you did see her before,
and your mind is playing tricks on you.
Crucially, all the girls are alive.
The horseman
has not killed on this night.
It means my system must be wrong.
I must go now.
Such a pity.
She was a good girl.
Bazhana was her name.
Maybe you're my destiny?
"The Blood Flower did bloom,
taking two to their doom."
This at least confirms your theory.
The horseman does kill on feast days.
When is the next one?
In five days. Mokos Friday.
We will no longer bend to his will.
What do you suggest?
There will be no victims.
There will be nobody to kill.
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