Good Cop/Bad Cop (2025) s01e03 Episode Script

Mr. Popular

[HENRY] Whoever did this
wanted us to find the body.
Most likely moved from another
location and dumped here.
- Who would do this?
- Someone from Birch Creek.
How do you figure?
Call it a hunch.
Not exactly 'The Case
of the Speckled Band'.
The notoriously difficult
Sherlock Holmes mystery.
Not a reading crowd, I guess.
So you going to the big game, Glen?
You bet. Go, Eagles!
- Go, Eagles!
- Ah, yeah!
Go, the Eagles.
- Well, see ya.
- Yeah, sure.
I forgot how football
crazy this town is.
Yeah, well, the Eagles do
look damn good this season.
Brand-new QB transferred in
from a high school in Texas.
Cannon for an arm. Birch
Creek is going down!
They think they're so great over there
'cause they have a
Sam's Club and a Costco.
Come on. Where's your school spirit?
It's rivalry week.
I'm supposed to get excited
about gerrymandered city lines
that determine what colour
sweatshirt we should like
and cheer for another
town's kids to get concussed?
Painfully clear why you sat by
yourself at lunch in high school.
Speaking of the old days,
the short cut to the police station
doesn't happen to
still be there, does it?
The hole in the fence in the alley?
No, they fixed that,
like, five years ago.
Last one to the station buys lunch!
I didn't agree to this wager!
Neat place. You come here a lot?
No. That's kind of the
point, on account of the
Sensitive nature of
this transaction. Right!
Have you tried a Neti
pot? Changed my life.
- What?
- For your sinuses.
You know, it's ragweed season?
I noticed you wiping your nose a lot.
- Don't notice things about me.
- Right.
- Bring the photo?
- Yep.
Here's the guy.
- That's Jake Wilson.
- You know him?
Eagles, star quarterback.
This kid is the real deal.
Yeah, well, I want him gone.
I mean, not dead. Okay? Just gone.
Yeah, well. It's your money.
- Did you get the burners?
- Yeah.
- They're pink.
- Yes, sorry.
That's all they had.
That and Sponge Bob.
Come to think of it, Sponge Bob
was more of a walkie-talkie
You talk too much.
Yeah, sorry. Happens when I get nervous.
I also get hungry. I'm thinking
about ordering something.
Do you want to split a Cobb salad?
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven and eight.
Dude, found this taped to your locker.
Oh, that's nothing.
That's just a bad joke.
The words of my great teacher,
prima ballerina Anna Morazova.
You can Google translate.
Tonight, on her birthday,
we will honour her with best
recital this town has ever seen.
Why the sad clown face, Paige?
Nobody's gonna come. It's
the Birch Creek game tonight.
That's why none of the
other girls are at rehearsal.
We will still do show.
- You are number-one dancer now.
- Cool!
Does not mean you are good.
Okay, everybody listen
up. Two big announcements.
First off: Henry's buying lunch.
Lily, find the most
expensive place to order from.
That would be the new
Italian place on Douglas.
I'm not gonna use a coupon,
even though I have one.
Is today the day I try calamari?
You cheated and you had a head start.
You still woulda lost.
You're tall but you
run like Frankenstein.
Frankenstein was the doctor.
And his footspeed was unknown.
Yeah. I was just about to say that.
Brother from another
mother. [CLICKS TEETH]
You're a grown man
in a letterman jacket.
[LAUGHS] It's Rivalry Week, baby! Yo!
Bradley's the only player
in Eden Vale history
to score against Birch Creek.
- Two lousy points.
- The Immaculate Safety.
Quarterback's in my sight,
time's expiring on the clock.
Their O line didn't even touch me, man.
I was like a ghost! I just ran in and
Yeah. I was kinda hoping
you'd all join in.
Sorry, Bradley.
Second big announcement:
Officer Szczepkowski has been
on the job for three months
so it's time he takes
his first solo call.
Ay! Szczepkowski!
Wow. Really?
Oh, no.
I don't think this pie is ready
to come out of the oven yet.
This is a good first solo call.
The annoying San Francisco
couple on Ridgemont
wants a patrol car to stop by.
They found something
"concerning" in their yard.
Yeah, last week they had me come over
'cause there was a goat and
it was lookin' at 'em funny.
The week before that a balloon
was stuck in their tree.
You got this.
Yeah. I got this.
Thanks for coming with
me on my first solo call.
My presence negates the solo
part, but you're welcome.
Now, pretend I'm not here.
Establish control,
assert your authority.
- Be firm.
- Okay.
Here I go.
Red leather, yellow leather.
Red leather, yellow leather.
Hi. I'm Officer Szczepkowski,
this is Officer Ray.
- She's not here.
- Oh.
I'm Eben. This is my wife, Andi.
Wow. That sounded very
antiquated and aggro.
"My wife"? Like you're a possession?
I forgive you.
We moved here to spend more
meaningful time with the kids.
Where are they?
- What day is it?
- Friday. Why did you call
Finn is at soccer, Levi is at filmmaking
and Luci's firing pots.
- No, no, no. That's
- No, sorry, that's Thursday.
Sir, why did you call
us to your domicile?
Did not have "human
remains" on my Bingo card.
Do you think this will delay the
completion of our swimming pool?
Of course, that's not
what's important here.
Of course, that's not what I said.
Okay, please don't fight.
Louise, Henry?
Thanks for coming to see me.
You did the right thing, son.
- Bless you.
Get the door, bud.
Notice he calls a total stranger
'son' and his own son 'bud'?
It's a figure of speech.
And he was talking to me.
That young man is a team
mate of Jake Wilson's.
Mark's a running back
that Coach Grady
converted to wide receiver.
Oh. I don't hate that.
Kid's got wheels for a guy his size.
- He runs a 4.6 40.
- Damn.
- What's his yards per catch?
- I can leave and come back.
Oh. Sorry.
You know how Lou and
I get about football.
Kinda like you and Star Trek.
Remember when you were little
you had all the toys and the bed spread.
It was Star Blazers,
the American adaptation
of the pioneering Japanese
anime Space Battleship Yamato.
- Star Trek is for children.
- Yeah, of course.
Right, sorry.
Anyway, I've got a
new case for you guys.
Oh! The partial human remains.
Well, no. We're gonna
stick a pin in that.
I got something better.
Now, apparently, somebody broke
into Jake's host family's home,
took a photo of him
while he was sleeping
and then taped it to his locker
along with a threatening note.
How is that better?
Probably just a couple
Birch Creek knuckleheads.
You know the drill. They
prank us, we prank them.
Yeah, but I mean, all the same,
this game is important to the town
and Coach Grady is a
close personal friend.
So I'm gonna throw everything
we have at this thing.
[CHUCKLES] Of course you are.
- Is something wrong?
- No, no.
Re-allocating police resources
from investigating human remains
because somebody played a joke
on your buddy's football player,
that feels just right.
Okay, look, we're all on the same team.
It's called prioritising.
The coroner's best first guess
is those bones are over 100 years old.
So I am asking you to prioritise
an actual death threat against
a currently living person.
With this leadership
the Argo would've been destroyed
by Desslok and Prince Zordar.
If you'd watched Star Blazers
you'd know that was a perfect burn.
[HENRY] I can't believe he has
us doing this B.S. assignment
for his good ol' boys.
We are detectives, not
school crossing guards.
That's not fair. We're
here to be detectives.
Oh. It's okay. You can cross.
Glass half full,
we get to revisit our
old stomping grounds.
Of course you're happy to be here.
- You loved high school.
- And high school loved me.
Class president, editor of the yearbook.
Varsity point guard.
Occasional girlfriend of
Bobby "The Doogs" Dougan.
What did you ever see in him?
The Doogs had an admirable
quality of thinking I'm awesome
and I just couldn't resist
his teenage dirtbag vibe.
Mechanic coveralls, work boots
Exactly. Why'd you even mention him?
'Cause he's right there.
Gah! The Doogs!
Duck down!
Sorry. Frankenstein. Tall.
I knew I'd regret that.
- Hey, Henry!
- The Doogs. Sweet ride!
Thanks, man. Made some mods.
Hey, sexy.
Ew! No.
You guys want to get high
in the groundskeeper's shed?
- You know we're cops, right?
- You don't kiss like a cop.
Okay, we're done.
Would you stop?
He's quite the feather in your cap.
Okay, it was high school.
He said you don't kiss like a cop.
That's present tense. Which means
- Louise Hickman!
- Mrs. Branch?!
Oh, my best student.
It is so great to see you.
Did you know I still
use your essay on Thoreau
in my AP English class?
Mrs. Branch.
It's so great to see that you're
still at EVHS shaping young minds.
Yes, into unquestioning blobs
incapable of dissent
or original thought.
I see you're still upset about
getting a C- in my class.
You wrote rules on an
essay on civil disobedience.
That makes literally no sense!
Okay, well. [CHUCKLES]
- It is great to see you.
- You too.
There is something fundamentally
wrong with that woman.
You're such an absolutist.
Just because you didn't like her
doesn't make her a bad person.
Did I ever tell you that in
high school I spread a rumour
that Becky Simpson
hooked up with her cousin?
Does that make me a bad person?
- Yes.
She used to torture me!
In seventh grade
she made everyone on the
bus call me 'Poo' Hickman.
In her defence that's pretty funny.
Don't judge me.
It's not like you got a perfect record
with people from your past.
So, were there any signs of
forced entry into your home?
We're trying to figure out how
someone took a photo of
you while you were sleeping.
My host family are the Mintons.
They're real sweet people
but they don't lock
their doors at night.
Probably just some kids fooling around.
Can you think of anyone
that would want to hurt you?
Besides every D-line in the state?
[LAUGHS] Caught your
game against Millbrook.
Saw you toss that
linebacker like a rag doll.
- Broke that guy's collarbone.
Bless you.
Honestly, the only thing I'm
worried about are my allergies.
Y'all got different
trees than I got in Texas.
We appreciate you coming out.
And I'm sure the note
is nothing more than
the handy work of some
overzealous Birch Creek fans.
Yeah, because they know we're
gonna kick their ass tonight!
[CROWD] Yeah!
Well, still, out of an
abundance of caution,
Big Hank is increasing police
presence at tonight's game.
Appreciate it.
And thank your dad for his concern.
It's good to have
friends in high places.
That's our motto: to protect and serve
Big Hank's friends.
How the hell the police get involved?
I didn't call them, Coach.
You need to keep a low profile in town.
No drinking, no partying,
not even a parking ticket.
We don't need any more police attention.
- Hey, Coach Grady!
- Bradley!
- Sorry to interrupt.
- Get in here!
Ahhhh! [LAUGH]
Jake, you need to meet Joe Bradley.
The Immaculate Safety.
I've heard of you.
Hey, a former Eagles legend
protecting a current Eagles legend.
What's that, Bradley?
Big Hank assigned me to
be Jake's security detail.
Promise not to let him out of my sight.
I'm gonna be, like,
your bodyguard from
from The Bodyguard.
Ahhh! [LAUGHS]
Okay. These are all of the
bones I recovered from the site.
Sheriff's department is
checking the rest of the yard
with their ground-penetrating
radar machine.
They have the best stuff.
We don't even have a
functioning microwave.
The only button that works is 'potato'.
Yeah, the trick is to heat stuff
up in increments of 'potato'.
Like, popcorn is two
and a half potatoes.
Ooh, I'm gonna try that.
Also, there are some clothing fibres
and a plastic packet of
Valentine's Day hearts
at the same depth.
Could be a clue to when the victim died.
Pretty eventful first solo call.
Um, I didn't go by myself
today. I asked Ray to come.
- I know.
- She told you?
No, you accidentally
turned your walkie on
when you fell in the pit
and started screaming.
[STAMMERS] Just a lot
of earthworms down there.
Just caught me by surprise, is all.
You sure it didn't have
anything to do with you
second guessing your
decision to become a cop?
Walkie picked that up, too, huh?
Uh I just don't know
if I have what it takes.
I kinda feel like a fraud.
Yeah. I get it. Being a cop is tough.
When I'd been on the
job for three months
I felt like I was wearing
a Halloween costume to work every day.
But I hand-picked you
because I know you can do it.
- Thanks, Lou.
- You're welcome.
And next time I send you on
a solo assignment, go solo.
Nadi! Hi.
Oh, do we have lunch plans today?
I made piroshki.
Ooh! Those are like gold around here.
I caught Lily trying to steal these
out of my lunch in the office fridge.
You are coming to my recital
to honour my hero, yes?
- Wouldn't miss it.
- Is tonight.
- Gotta miss it.
- Hank. You made promise.
I know and I meant it.
But any other night.
Tonight is Birch Creek.
I know you want those
kids to have their moment.
Just move the recital
to a different day.
I cannot move Anna Morazova's birthday.
Maybe they move game.
This is the big game.
Oh! Oh.
Is Championship?
Well, no, but it is a big game.
If they win, they will get
to play in Championship?
Well, they're I mean,
it's early in the season.
There's lots of factors,
like strength of schedule
and it gets kinda political sometimes
Does not sound like big game.
Nadi, Eden Vale is a football town.
I will make it a dance town.
I left him another note.
And just to make sure he
really gets the message,
I'm gonna go buzz the tower.
"Leave town. This is your last warning."
- No!
- [CRASH!]
You saved me.
That's no big deal, Jake.
Safety is kind of what I'm
known for around this place.
You know, because of the
- No, yeah, I got it.
- You got it.
Well, well, well.
Still think it's a bunch of
high-school kids playing games?
What do we got?
Jake was unhurt, thanks to
Bradley's quick thinking.
That's a sentence I didn't think I'd say
when I woke up this morning.
Uh huh. What'd we find
out about the driver?
- Deceased. White male. 30s.
- [MAN] Lou!
I'll be right back.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What are you doing here?
We don't really need County
Sheriff's support on this one.
Oh, no, yeah.
I just, uh heard it on the radio
and thought I'd make sure you were good.
Oh. Well, that's nice.
You went to Birch Creek, right?
You going to the game tonight?
Nah, my ex-wife's gonna be there.
So there's gonna be enough
tackling on the field.
Arggh. [LAUGHS]
Yeah. Um
The deceased is Dustin Crovetti.
Did a stint in the state pen.
Last known residence was Birch Creek.
Guess he wanted Eden
Vale to lose tonight.
Running over your star quarterback
is one way to do it.
- Did you guys go in?
- No. Uh
It's your crime scene.
Well, damn right.
County's just here to direct
traffic and look pretty.
Not that you look pretty.
And not that you don't.
- Hmm?
- I'm neutral to your appearance.
Fellas! Let's open up the vehicle!
Hey, um
Great to run into you.
Would be nice to see more of you.
- Detective?
- Oh.
What did you find out?
About the driver?
Got a positive I.D.
I'll go back to the
office pull his jacket,
check any last knowns.
Great. Meantime, Junior and
I will search the vehicle.
Again, don't call me Junior.
- Dad didn't mean that.
- No, no. He's right.
Sorry, Henry.
Okay I'll circle back.
Play nice.
I prefer nitrile to latex.
Superior protection
from corrosive chemicals and punctures.
Eh, nitrile can't hold a candle to latex
when it comes to range of motion.
May the best glove win.
Uh. If you rub that
you get three wishes.
It's a Neti pot. Ragweed season.
Something wedged under here.
We're gonna have to remove the seat.
No, no, no, no. Let me give it a shot.
You won't be able to get it out.
There we go!
Ah, see? Range of motion.
Could be a burner phone.
Still works.
And according to these last few texts
this was a job for hire.
And whoever did the hiring is over 40.
- How do you figure?
- They're horrible at texting.
Unless he meant to send a hitman
three eggplants and a peach.
They went to a bar called
The Old Place. You ever been?
Yeah, long time ago.
Place is dead. Middle of nowhere.
Me and Lou will check it out.
Let's give it up for Officer Bradley.
Thank you, folks. But
I was just doing my job.
Like Coach Grady always says,
you play for the name on
the front of your uniform
not the name on the back.
Although, that might be
a little bit confusing
'cause my name is on the
front of this uniform.
- Point is, it was a team effort.
Isn't that right, Jake?
Oh, boy.
So how did it go with Dad back there?
Are you guys getting
along a little better?
We get along as well as we need to.
We'll never see eye-to-eye
on everything but it's fine.
- It's not fine.
Have you seen this man?
Uh-huh. He was here earlier.
- Are you sure?
- Oh, yeah.
He was with this other guy
who ordered a Cobb salad.
I mean, who orders a
Cobb salad at a bar?
You don't want to know
how old those eggs are.
Does that security camera work?
[LOU] Wait, freeze it right there.
That's Carl Branch.
Mrs. Branch's husband!
[HENRY] I'm shocked.
That someone would marry
that terrible woman.
Thank you. Let's split up.
You go to his house
and I'll go to his
workplace at the Apple Store.
- This town has an Apple store?
- They opened last month.
- Welcome to the Apple store.
- Hi.
Is Carl Branch here, by any chance?
Sorry, he's not here.
Oh. Can I ask you a few questions, then?
Make it quick.
I only have three.
Are either of you football fans?
Did your husband bet on tonight's game?
And lastly, did you give me
a C- in English
because you secretly knew
I was smarter than you?
I'm going to answer in a way you
were never able to in my class.
Concisely. No.
Mr. Branch. Lou Hickman, EVPD.
- If you just have a
- Louise Hickman?
We went to high school
together. Becky. Becky Simpson.
Becky Simpson. Becky!
Wow! I haven't seen you in forever.
Yeah, well, I left town
after someone spread a
nasty rumour about me.
My whole life fell apart.
I didn't No. Didn't hear any rumour.
Of course not. You were
one of the good ones.
Where are my manners?
These are my babies,
Coco and Mrs. Boots.
- Oh, my God. Oh!
I rescued them. But,
really, they rescued me.
Excuse me!
Poo Hickman.
I have grading to do.
So unless you have more
questions, it is time to go.
Just one more thing.
Is there anything about
your relationship with Jake
outside the classroom
that you're not telling me?
Are you suggesting
that I'm having an inappropriate
relationship with a student?
Well, it's just that earlier I asked
if either you or Mr.
Branch were football fans.
And you 'concisely' answered no.
However, you have all of
the football games circled
on your calendar hanging
on the wall right there.
- [THUD!]
Why, isn't that Jake Wilson?
I have no idea where he came from.
You mean you have no
idea from where he came.
You're a predator, Mrs. Branch.
And a lousy English teacher.
Stop! Police!
You're under arrest.
How'd you beat me here?
Short cut.
Turn around.
Also I ran varsity track. Go, Eagles.
Go, Eagles. [SIGHS]
Let's go, Eagles!
Eagles! Eagles!
Let's go!
Where's Nadi?
I don't know.
We had a little bit of a disagreement.
I didn't go to her dance recital.
Well, I'm sure she'll let it go.
- You think so?
- No.
I was being sarcastic.
I don't have a full range
of facial expressions
because of the Botox.
[ANNOUNCER] That's the
end of the first half
and we are scoreless.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please take your seats
for a special halftime performance.
What's Nadia doing on the field?
I have no idea.
In honour of great Russian dancer,
Anna Morazova!
Did she say in honour of Russia?
When nights are ablazin' and heavy ♪
Alone in my room and I'm ready ♪
To rest for a while ♪
Oh, rest for a while
I don't mind it ♪
I don't mind it ♪
And I don't mind it ♪
I'll wait and I'll listen ♪
I don't mind it ♪
And see you through to the kitchen ♪
I don't mind it ♪
I'm not taking it back ♪
I don't mind it ♪
I don't mind it. ♪
Whoo, whoo!
What did you say?
Arms higher. Bigger smile.
Hey, Lou, you got a minute?
Yeah, I'm letting my
suspect sweat a little
before I question her.
Hey, I'm reheating coffee.
Do you think two potatoes is enough?
- I'd go three.
- Mmm. Alright.
- What's up?
When I was cataloging
the bones into evidence
I noticed the breaks in the bones
were at a 45-degree angle.
And under magnification
I discovered these,
like, serrated marks.
I think the body was dismembered.
Mmm. To what end?
Um Maybe to make it
harder to identify the body?
I don't know. Just a theory.
Pretty sure an imposter
wouldn't have thought of that.
- Good work, Officer.
Hot potato! Hot potato!
I'm just looking at your bank records.
You recently withdrew $5,000.
That's a lot of money for a small town.
You could buy a bass
boat or build a gazebo.
Or hire someone to kill Jake Wilson.
I don't know who that is.
Oh, well, let me give you a hint.
Your wife is having an affair with him.
Ever been to a dive bar
called The Old Place?
This is a screen shot
from the bar security video
of you with Dustin Crovetti.
A career criminal with
quite the rap sheet.
Pretty sure he wasn't
there to sell you a boat,
build you a gazebo,
so that leaves the third thing.
Mrs. Branch,
folks in this community
trust you with their children.
I can't believe you would
take advantage of a minor.
- It wasn't like that with us.
- Why?
Because he's a boy? You
think that makes it better?
He's not a boy, he's a man!
Not in the eyes of the law.
Okay, look.
I just wanted to scare Jake out of town.
Okay? I didn't want him dead.
I wanted him to leave Eden Vale
before word got out about the affair
and it ruined my wife's reputation.
I'm going to type that up
and you're going to sign it.
Ragweed season.
And I am personally going to make sure
you get the maximum punishment,
because I don't like when
people take advantage of kids.
He's not a kid.
He's a 25 year-old
pretending to be a teenager.
- Jake's twenty-five!
- Jake's a grown man!
I figured it out first.
Seems like it was a
tie. How'd you get to it?
When we interviewed him
he sneezed into his hand,
which means he's been out of school
for at least six years.
In 2017 there was a push by the CDC
to have all school-aged children sneeze
into the crook of their elbows
to stop the spread of germs.
This is a kid. This is
an adult. Jake's an adult!
Huh. Pretty good!
- How'd you figure it out?
- Sneeze thing, too.
- Time out.
[ANNOUNCER] 30 seconds left in the game.
I got this, Coach. Let me go hail Mary.
Calm down.
[ANNOUNCER] Eden Vale calls a time-out.
I got your text. What is it?
We said to meet at the parking lot.
Son, it's the fourth quarter.
I came down from the stands.
It's as close as I
get to the parking lot.
We arrested Mr. Branch
on attempted murder
and arrested Mrs. Branch
on corrupting a minor.
But we had to cut her loose
because the minor turned
out not to be a minor.
Jake Wilson is a
25-year-old posing as a teen
so he can play high-school football.
That's crazy! We've gotta
get him off the field!
Eden Vale is out of the huddle.
Let's see if Jake Wilson
can create a little last-second magic.
After we win.
Alright, boys, come on!
39, I'll make your mumma mine.
Alright, blue 42, blue 42!
- Tackle him!
- Stop him!
Jake! Tackle him!
Oh, my God!
Mumma? Is that you?
So, I will see you
at my studio next week
for first lesson.
Fans, huh?
New students.
I sign up five already.
I told you Eden Vale was dance town.
We're definitely not a football town.
I'm so proud of you, babe.
Let's promise never to fight again.
That was not fight. You
don't want to see fight.
No, ma'am, I do not.
Still, though, I need
to apologise to you.
I had no idea how homesick you
were until I saw that dance.
You understood the story of the dance.
Yeah, of course. Isn't that obvious?
It was all Coach Grady's idea.
My host family doesn't know
anything about Coach's plan.
They're good people.
Coach Grady found me after
watching a video of mine
when I was playing my
Junior College days in Plano.
He forged all of the documents
and enrolled me in high school.
- I knew it was wrong.
- Then why did you do it?
I don't know.
I guess I wanted a chance to
come back and re-do high school.
I made a mess of my first go round.
Don't you ever just wanna go back?
- Yes.
- No.
Can't believe Coach Grady did this.
- He's one of my closest friends.
- Guess we know what that means.
No, Henry, what does that mean?
- Hmm?
- Your record's still intact.
The only Eden Vale player to
ever score against Birch Creek.
You're an insult to the uniform.
We should be the ones talking
to Coach Grady, not him.
And I told you,
there was something fundamentally wrong
with Mrs. Branch as a person.
Okay, you had a premonition
that in the distant future
she would have an affair with a student
who turned out to be a grown man?
I didn't know the exact way
her lack of moral character
would reveal itself, but yes.
[LAUGHS] You are so annoying.
Because I'm judgmental of a woman
who was willing to sleep with a minor?
Because you are
judgmental about everyone!
Is this about Dad?
Okay, you are so quick to
write him off all of the time.
You know, people are
complicated. And so is he.
Don't you ever just owe him
the benefit of the doubt?
- Who made you his keeper?
- You did, dummy. When you left.
I had to pick up the pieces.
Well, I didn't ask you to do that.
Okay, I guess in your universe
that totally absolves you.
Do you really believe he's gonna
do the right thing in there?
Yes. And if I'm right, I get
to punch you as hard as I can.
- What if I'm right?
- Then you don't get punched.
I know I screwed up
by bringing Jake here.
Birch Creek have owned us for so long,
I just wanted to know what
it felt like to win one.
I can't look the other way, Grady.
You put a grown man
on the field with kids.
Somebody could have gotten hurt.
I'm asking for your help. As a friend.
I'll lose my job, Hank.
I'm sorry.
So now you're all high and mighty?
Everyone knows you have
turned a blind eye to worse.
Yeah, I know they do.
Not a great thing to be known for.
I'm charging you
with falsification of documents
and child endangerment.
- [THUD!]
- Oww! Come on!
- Heyyyy.
- How'd it go?
I can't believe Big Hank
arrested Coach Grady.
I told you, not everything
is black and white.
People are complicated.
Like how you ruined
Becky Simpson's life.
We don't know that.
I haven't seen her in years.
She's probably doing great.
Department finished at the scene
of the San Francisco family's house.
Found a few more bones.
Thought I'd drop 'em off.
Oh! Hand delivery. That's fancy.
Why didn't you just have one
of the deputies drop it off?
Um. I could've. But I
was headed here anyway.
Going to the Pioneer to get a bite.
The Pioneer, that's on
the other side of town.
That's completely out of your way.
Henry, why don't you take
the rest of the night off
and I'll catalog these
with Detective Carson.
Sure. Yeah. See you at home.
Still doesn't make sense
how you thought the
station was on your way.
Unless the Red Hook bridge was closed
and GPS re-routed you this way?
- Yes.
- Yeah.
Have a great night.
These ones definitely
I mean, it's clearly not enough
here for a whole skeleton.
I'm thinking maybe leg and foot.
That seems right.
You look for metatarsals,
I'll work on the tibia.
- I think these are yours.
- Thanks.
I find with puzzles it's best
to start with the corners.
- Ooh, phalanges.
- Ooh!
I was looking for those. Thank you.
So, what would you usually
be doing on a Friday night
if you weren't sifting through old bones
in a dark musty room?
Probably writing.
You're a writer?
Wow! Really?
I didn't know that.
What kind of stuff?
- You promise not to laugh?
- Yeah, I promise.
I'm working on a novel
about an expedition of
wizards tracking a dragon
that holds the key to the
survival of a kingdom of elves.
Sorry, sorry.
I'm not laughing at you, or your book.
I just, um
I was surprised to hear that, is all.
Because. I mean, you're,
like, so [GRUNTS]
- and it's so
- Nerdy?
Uh, no. It's just unexpected.
Can I read your novel when you're done?
- Maybe.
- Maybe?
You don't have the best track record.
You promised not to laugh
and then immediately laughed.
That is fair.
But, you know
Now that I've had time to digest
the fact that Shane Carson
of Warren County Sheriff's department
is a fantasy writer
I think it's pretty cool.
Officer Szczepkowski thinks that maybe
it was someone trying to cover
up a murder from 100 years ago
and I think he's right.
Which means there could be
other body parts
scattered around out there.
I mean, you'd probably
think it was cooler
if it was, like, an elf
or something, but still.
I think we're done for tonight.
We don't have to be. Wanna grab a drink?
- [HANK] Amazing!
- I know!
And Darling
Is there a cure for this hunger? ♪
A terrible curse to be under ♪
I'll be sleeping with that ♪
And it's no small thing ♪
You'll smoke me out in your own ways ♪
And chase me around until mornin' ♪
And follow me back. ♪
Ooh, honey, I don't mind. ♪
I guess I should call you Detective.
I guess I should call you Doctor.
Hold that thought.
This is my son, Jean-Marc.
His name's French, he doesn't
speak French. He's a baby.
Right. Of course.
Bien sûr.
A baby.
You have a baby.
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