Halfworlds (2015) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

I want to talk to your friend alone.
Can you tell me what happened here, Sarah? I have no idea.
So they spot an accident two crime scenes, huh? Once Demi chased beasts, that threatened humanity.
Demi became guardians of the death and kept the human race.
But this peace was soon broken, because the blessing promised gods proved to be a curse.
This curse forever change lives and Demi.
Halfworlds Do you know why I hate liars? Because you have to destroy them, but I prefer to help them.
I believe that my job is to help people? I know about your childhood.
Mafia killed your parents.
Do not mention my parents! Sometimes things are not what they seem.
Did you know? Do not mess with me! Sarah! Are you okay? Let's go.
What happened, Sarah? First they killed your friend.
Then he began to question me for palasik.
Then suddenly waiter tried to kill us.
You know what happens? I do not know.
interrogated me for Demi! Are only interested in Demons.
-Pinung! Sorry! -Please stop.
What is it? A box of junk.
Pinung keep it at home.
Your were a nice couple.
It is.
What do you want? Let me help.
-With what? With information.
we can not trust them.
I know you both.
went from town to town and kill indiscriminately.
How many people you slaughtered? Or them lost count? People you? Who cares? Yes, we have an appetite for people, but keep its kind.
You have no values.
You think only about yourself.
What information do you have? Why did you bring him here? I had to dump the body.
men coroner had to take care of him.
I decided to borrow.
-He's one of us.
If you want his death make sense, act.
What do you expect? -Use your gift.
What You know.
Do it.
mongrel Barata.
He went back to.
You now have two problems.
First, there is nobody to receive the gift.
And secondly, mongrel.
While alive, can steal our gifts.
Two problems, one solution.
-How dare you? Stop! I assure you, you will not win anything if we kill each other.
I know, that you respect seniority.
Do we kneel to prove it? I'll do it.
There are many ways to prove, that we are worthy of the gift.
We have a proposal for you.
We'll give you head mongrel, and you will give us his blessing.
What impudence! -Stop! The gift will be given after nine days.
Bring me the head of mongrel and give you his blessing.
Therefore they say his wisest.
Well, cheers to all.
Gangs? -We have no choice.
You call this "choice"? -We have no other option.
did not return to sully demitska hands with blood.
Firad death was an accident.
What are you going to do with it? -Eddie told you about the girl? Yes, shortly before he died.
killed him faithful dog Dzhuragan.
The others will follow you, as you know you were back.
Once you know the girl You know you may have to kill her.
We can not allow gift to go to the wrong person.
No offense.
Do not hit me.
Who are you? Why paint your face? Remember Looking at the past Find it Your parents Past Open your eyes.
Where did you took? -They were given it some children on the night of the first part of Choki in "moth".
They were strange, covered with hoods.
I could not see their faces.
What? That they'd tell you that night.
But that crazy waiter interrupted us.
Maybe they were tuyuli.
steal prey for their human masters.
A long time ago ancient gods have created creatures called "Demi.
" They were immortal, very strong and our defenders.
In the 18th c.
War broke out and they are set against each other.
Most died.
The survivors scattered on the ground.
But then begun to change.
In what sense? Palasikat feed with unborn embryos.
Genderuo cursed with a thirst for human flesh.
Kuntilanakat experiencing thirst for blood.
They sleep with their victims and kill them.
Finally - banaspati.
They are the most mysterious Demi.
-Why? Because I do not know if they are good, or evil.
How can we get rid of them? According to this book eyes weak spot, you can blind them.
But one thing can kill them.
Demitsko blade.
-Where can we find that? We can not.
The blades were forged in volcano frozen hundreds of years.
Sarah! pursue me? -Why flee? Because you would bump me.
-I'm trying to catch up.
Are you following me? -Get in the car.
It will not happen.
Sarah, this area of ​​the city is dangerous.
Get in the car.
Whatever you seek, will not find it here.
you do not know what you are looking for.
You would not understand.
Let's see.
Maybe you decide that I'm crazy, but I'm starting to believe, that there are creatures which have no place in this world.
But they are here.
You do not have to believe me.
-I believe you.
I joined the police before '17 I got my first job.
It was complete chaos.
Rip me from the squad.
I was trying to get back at them.
And then I saw her.
She looked like a woman, but he was a beast with a black cloak.
I saw killed your parents.
What? -I was very scared.
She was fierce.
I thought I would kill you, but they spare.
Then someone took it.
You pay to live here? -No.
The guard let me to stay here.
I know it's illegal.
-I will not betray the cops.
I have to go.
Let me go! See you! Where have you been all these years? How do you live with such a great fault? Do not lived.
Look it up.
Can we kill you? If you let us, will atone for everything.
Ladies first.
-Thank you, dear.
Are you all right? -Yes.
It's my turn.
Be a good boy.
Very well.
I'll count to 10.
If you do not surrender, we will kill them.
One, two, three.
One Two I never liked to swim.
No need.
It's dead.
No! What are you doing?! Stop! Stop! Damn it! Damn! Shit! What happened? My God! Damn.
-They're here.
Some of them to know what you are.
Wake up! Hello, Mr.
I hope you removed your shoes.
The streets are very dirty.
-Yes, sir.
Sit down.
What do I wear? -Tattoos of demitskiya god I know where did.
-Tell me.
Girl artist Sara.
I think it is the key.
you should not touching it.
-Excuse me? Once word gets out about it, nobody should touch her.
Yes, sir.
How can I keep you, sir? What Mr.
investigator is your concern.
Let me watch the program.
HDTVRip by 5rFF Translation ANNA DELCHEVA
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