Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Part 3

It's zero, right? - [Bill.]
- And you get that eight.
So you get one more turn.
You can either take that four or that one, and then we're going to count.
- So my I have no hope of winning.
- Um Let's see What was a what’s a perfect card for you? - No, you have no hope of winning.
- [laughs.]
Oh, you’re doing really well.
Look at that.
What?! [slaps table.]
I get that.
See I’m bet This is a game I - I'm qualified to play.
- Wow.
[slap on table.]
- [scoffs.]
- Oh, you killed yourself.
[slap on table.]
- [sighs.]
- Look at that! Big jack is down.
All right.
- What the hell? - That's bad luck.
- Who set these cards up? - [laughs.]
Jesus, Bill.
Is this your method, you beat people and say it's luck? [Bill.]
No, any particular game is very, very luck-driven.
In that sense, cards are like life.
- [slap on table.]
- Oh my God, this is big.
- [director.]
Oh! - Oh my God! - Double war.
- Double war.
- You killed Oh, Triple War! - Triple War! [laughing.]
- [slapping on table.]
- Oh, I beat you.
- Again! - [laughs.]
That was lucky.
You're lucky in life and you're lucky in War.
- And love, too.
- And love.
[click, hard drive whirring.]
- [computer beeps.]
- Hello, I'm Bill Gates.
- [mouse clicks.]
- [tapping on keyboard.]
In this video, you're going to see the future.
- [announcer.]
Bill Gates.
- [applause.]
[news anchor.]
Forbes Magazine calls Gates America's richest person.
[anchor 2.]
Six point three billion dollars.
- [anchor 3.]
Worth 40 billion dollars.
- [anchor 4.]
One hundred billion dollars.
[man 1.]
Bill Gates is one of the most remarkable people - [woman 1.]
Arrogant, greedy.
- I've ever met.
- [man 1.]
Predatory, capitalistic brainiac.
- [woman 1.]
A devil.
Impatient optimist.
- [man 2.]
Your brain is a CPU? - Yes.
[woman 2.]
He thrives on complexity.
[woman 3.]
He's the smartest person I've ever met.
[man 3.]
He did drop out of college.
You guys never understood the first thing about this.
[anchor 5.]
Greatest American businessman of his generation.
[woman 4.]
He was changing the world with software.
[anchor 6.]
Is Bill Gates stifling technological innovation? They’re supposed to be jealous, supposed to be agitated.
[man 4.]
Bill wants people to think that he's Edison - and he's really Rockefeller.
- I'm done.
[error trill.]
[man 4.]
If he were Edison, he'd be less dangerous.
[woman 5.]
Can I just ask you one more question? [man 6.]
Will the real Bill Gates - [cartoon.]
Damn, Bill.
- please stand up? - [mellow instrumentals.]
- [typing.]
[mouse clicks.]
Assess Bill Gates.
- Setbacks.
- [Bill.]
You're trying to personalize it.
- [director.]
I am.
- You know, Melinda and I [director.]
But this is about you.
So, like [stammers.]
let's put up front that there are plenty of other people who are involved in the success and the failure.
- Can we talk about - [Bill.]
Yeah, including Melinda.
Of course, and she’s challenging your assumptions a lot.
- [Bill.]
- She doesn't just go along with the plan.
Sure, no, if I’m super excited about something, she’ll double-check that.
If I’m like, "Hey, this is such a huge setback," she's like, "Okay, well, can’t we salvage this? Can’t we, you know, improve it this way?" I've always had somebody who's, you know, a key person, who cares as deeply as I do, but brings a different skill mix.
Uh, in the case of Melinda, it's a, you know, truly equal partner.
She's a lot like me in that she's optimistic, and she is interested in science.
She's better with people than I am.
She's a tiny bit less hardcore about you know, knowing immunology than I am.
We have a lot of humor in our relationship and we can joke about things.
I’ll sometimes rib a little bit, "Are you sure you know that? What makes you think that?" - And - [director.]
Sometimes he's wrong.
- Absolutely! You bet he's wrong! - [laughs.]
Does she call you on your shit? A lot of it, sure.
Not all of it? Well [laughs.]
I hope she hasn’t doesn’t know all of it No, I’m just kidding.
Uh [laughing.]
You could use these pieces to finish this.
You're right.
Talk about meeting Bill.
How did that happen? [hums.]
Okay, meeting Bill.
I’d only been working at the company a very short time.
I come to this trade show dinner that's just Microsoft people in the hotel.
I come in late because I'm coming across town from different meetings and there are two chairs open.
And so I sit down in the second to last chair.
Bill comes in from wherever he was and sits down in the last chair.
- [indistinct chatter.]
- [serene instrumentals.]
He was funny and very high energy and, at the end of the evening, he said, "A bunch of us are going out dancing.
Why don't you come tonight?" And I said, "Well, I actually have plans later tonight.
" Months later, we happened to be parked - near each other.
- [keys jingle.]
- [car alarm chirps.]
- As I was coming out of the building, Bill was coming out to get in his car, so we stopped in the parking lot and struck up a conversation for a little while.
Bill said to me, "Would you go out with me two weeks from Friday night?" And I was like, "Two weeks from Friday night?" I said, "That’s not spontaneous enough for me.
Call me two days before or something.
" [tires squeal.]
And he called me at home at my apartment about an hour later and said, "Is this spontaneous enough for you?" I thought I'd go out with him once, maybe twice, but he really surprised me.
On the very first date, he let his guard down.
We just We talked for hours and hours and hours.
I could tell that, while everybody else saw this shell and to some extent there had to be a shell when you’re building Microsoft, and the press that came around that early.
Inside of there was this very tender, warmhearted person.
And a very curious person.
How do you choose what to read? [Bill.]
There's a few topics, if it’s about health areas, energy, climate change.
Um, you know, quite a few that, if there’s a good book, I’m gonna make sure to read it.
In the area of energy, Vaclav Smil has written every one of these books.
Earth's Biosphere, Energy Myths and Realities, Energy Transitions.
A couple got kind of obscure.
This one is about the Japanese dietary transition.
I might not even have finished it unless I had kind of a commitment to read everything he’d written.
This He went too far on this one.
The natural audience size might be less than one on this one.
He spent his whole life building a framework of energy by studying every little topic.
[books thudding onto a stack.]
How many people in the world have read all of your books? I don't think anybody.
[director laughing.]
He came He comes closest, uh, yeah.
He likes to be informed and to understand complexities.
And I like to write and to understand the complex world.
And most people don't want to bother.
Most people want only one paragraph.
One sentence.
A tweet, really, right? My books are 300, 400, 500 pages long.
I go into depths, I go into historical depths.
I explain why things became.
How they became.
The latest is Energy and Civilization.
This is one where I’ve studied what he sayspretty closely and I take a lot of notes.
Why does the US use about twice as much per person as Europe does? Each person uses different kinds of energy: heating, materials, food.
- Car engines, ship engines - [car horn.]
- jet engines, diet, fertilizer.
- [rush of jet engine.]
Energy is this miracle and that's core to the modern lifestyle.
So what's the problem? The primary generation sources, which are, uh, coal, natural gas, and liquid gasoline, when you burn them, they are releasing CO2 in the air, and that clearly is causing heating.
And that heating is changing the world before our eyes.
Should I be worried about climate change? Absolutely.
- Why? - Absolutely.
Uh Well, because it's the only planet we have, you know.
You have to be a delusional Elon Musk to think that we can terraform Mars and leave this planet.
We will never leave this planet.
As simple as that.
So, just conserving a little bit isn't enough.
It's good because it [chuckles.]
You know, you certainly, before you get all the way there, you have to get partway there, but no one says that that's a solution for climate change.
You're saying the solution is a combo of things.
Of innovating across all the sectors of emissions.
[cars honking.]
We usually blame cars and coal for climate change, and it’s true.
They are pumping a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere.
But we generate greenhouse gases - in other surprising ways.
- [electrical buzzing.]
Along with electricity and transportation, there's also manufacturing, buildings, and agriculture.
Reducing emissions from these pipes will help, but it won't be enough.
Technologies like solar and wind won't single-handedly shut off any pipes.
Since they’re intermittent, we have to store everything that's generated.
But we can’t build enough batteries to store power for the entire world.
When Tokyo has a cyclone for four days, so wind has to shut off, no sun, where is the energy coming from? Just that energy for those four days is more than all the batteries we make.
According to NASA, the CO2 that’s being piped into the air right now can linger in the atmosphere for hundreds of years.
[cars honking.]
So we need a miracle.
We need a magic bullet.
Well, we need innovation across a lot of different areas.
- [Bill.]
- [woman.]
Hi, welcome! - [Bill.]
- Morning.
- [Bill.]
- [man.]
I'm Bill.
Hi, I'm Bill.
Today we’re super excited to show you how 3-D printing can dramatically improve the energy efficiency of manufacturing.
[mechanical whirring.]
Bill convinced a group of investors to find and accelerate new technologies that can become one of those miracles.
Bill said we need a thousand crazy ideas.
And he said, "I plan on funding a lot of them.
" So what we wanted to do was show how a material like this will just spontaneously grab CO2.
This start-up is developing porous material that could remove carbon from the air, soaking up CO2 like a sponge.
This team is converting CO2 into chemicals, to make recyclable plastics and other products.
Using highly efficient 3- D printing, these scientists are creating materials that produce far less carbon dioxide.
This group is building a longer-range cheaper battery for electric vehicles.
But then could you use a spectroscope and look at what element it is, or Correct.
And so what delta T allows you to make economic sense? Is that because of the photons or because of the heat? I’m telling the story for Microsoft, but the same thing is true today.
He would ask questions that would frequently come from such a different point of view than the people had thought of, that they would get flummoxed.
Do you qualify for PTSITS or do we need to change the policy? He has such a good memory and he has such an incredible capacity for cramming information in his head, if something doesn't line up, he will challenge you.
Stuff like this is not biodegradable, right? Yes, this one is not.
Then you can start talking about solutions.
But there’s two there’s two ways you can become intermittent.
One is that you can have just a big tank of hot water.
You may need to create some general software that they can play around with because what what they’re trying to see would vary a lot.
So I’ve been looking and you might be one of the first applications that fits that that niche.
What are the odds that one is successful? Oh, pretty good.
Uh You know, 40%.
- Forty percent? - Yeah.
It's pretty important that we start deploying a clean solution and that we deploy it unnaturally fast.
It usually takes 50 years before something becomes feasible.
But the warming planet can't wait 50 years.
So Bill went looking for options that could work now.
He began to consider something that many believed was too difficult - and far too risky.
- [cards shuffling.]
Who taught you to play? [Bill.]
Mostly my grandmother.
She was the best card player.
It took me a while before I noticed that she won such a high percentage of the time.
Then I realized she understands the patterns in the cards and what's gone by.
I learned that mental intensity actually paid off, if it structured what you needed to look for.
I'm still confused by this game.
Well, I’ll let you put the five here.
Say you would have picked put the five there.
- Let's do that.
Uh - You're being nice.
- You've mellowed.
- [Bill laughs.]
I have mellowed.
Thank God.
[machine whirring.]
By the mid-1980's, - Microsoft was massively successful.
- [mechanical humming.]
Working with his old friend Steve Ballmer, Bill had grown the company beyond all expectations.
As Paul was so critical to the early days, Steve was absolutely critical to making it a big company.
We're deep partners, pushing each other.
We were both, day and night, thinking about the company.
So you're working long hours, Microsoft is taking all of your attention.
How does that work with Melinda? [Bill.]
Well, when we first met, she had other boyfriends and I had Microsoft.
We were like, "We’re not really serious about each other, are we? We're not going to demand each other's time.
" I was new to Microsoft.
There were a lot of men there.
[laughs, inhales deeply.]
Um And, you know, you You're still looking around, you know, you're still figuring it out.
But after about a year of that, you know, sort of to our surprise, certainly my surprise, uh, you know, we said, "Hey, I love you.
" And she said she loved me and then it was like, "Wow.
" - [director laughs.]
- And now what is going to happen? [Melinda.]
Bill wanted to be married, but he didn't know whether he could actually commit to it and have Microsoft.
You know, we cared a lot for each other and there were only two possibilities: either we were going to break up or we were going to get married.
If it wasn't gonna work with him, I would have moved on, I knew I would move on.
He had to make a decision.
One day, I walked into his bedroom and his whiteboard had the pros and the cons of getting married.
[flutter of a projector motor.]
I took the idea of marriage very seriously.
Bill Sr.
and Mary did everything together.
The way they thought about their lives as a couple, even when they went through the phase where they were going to slow down just a little bit.
How would they balance her board work and his desire to spend a little bit more time not at the office? They also played together.
Before dinner every night at the canal, they would go swimming together.
His parents were both very engaged in the Seattle community, they were both serving on boards.
They had this sense of giving back and a sense of equality.
So that commitment, I really hesitated to make.
and you may kiss your bride.
- [upbeat electronic music.]
- [anchor.]
Bill Gates wants his software to be part of your life.
[anchor 2.]
Bill Gates is on his way into millions of American homes, - through the Windows.
- [mouse clicks.]
[anchor 3.]
Microsoft should sell tens of millions of copies before the end of the year.
It was electric.
I mean, we knew we were changing the world.
We were.
Every time we put out a product, it changed things for people.
- [cheering.]
- [anchor 4.]
The most hyped computer product ever hit the market - at the stroke of midnight.
- [cheering.]
[indistinct chatter.]
There's a lot of single product companies, but we'd become the first multi-product company.
[anchor 5.]
Bill Gates is about 200 million dollars richer this morning.
Microsoft hit a new record high on Wall Street [Melinda.]
It was very high energy, very fast paced.
Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Ballmer! [cheering.]
Please welcome Bill Gates and the Bill Gates dancers! [anchor 6.]
Number one for the second year in a row on Forbes’ list of 400 richest Americans.
[anchor 7.]
Microsoft has unrivaled marketing clout with 80% of the market.
- [typing.]
- [man.]
Competing with Bill Gates is like a knife fight.
Buy ‘em out, boys.
[anchor 8.]
Forbes puts Gates’ net worth at about 14.
8 billion dollars.
[anchor 9.]
His net worth doubled to 36.
4 billion dollars over the past year.
He was the golden boy, Microsoft was the golden company.
He was already famous when I met him.
- [doors hiss open.]
- But then, this sort of persona was growing and building astronomically during that time.
[younger Bill.]
I love you, girlie! [Melinda.]
That dichotomy was really hard for me.
I'm a very private person and I was like, "Whoa, I do not want that.
" [director.]
So you start seriously considering nuclear energy, something wildly unpopular.
Why? [Bill.]
It's the kind of innovation that you know, might not get done unless I came in and helped.
You know, it's hundreds of millions of dollars, uh, requires assembling a team of scientists.
I wouldn't be doing it - if it wasn't for climate change.
- Right, right.
You know, there's many, many challenges, including the economics, the public perception, uh Uh, so, yeah, that's not an easy one.
The bomb forever seared the word "nuclear" in our minds as a force that's destructive.
And deadly.
[mellow instrumentals.]
But what if the thing that terrifies us could actually save us? When a neutron is shot into an atom, it creates a chain reaction and a massive amount of heat.
That heat can generate steam.
that powers a turbine and makes electricity.
All without emitting any CO2.
Nuclear is very seductive.
But when you have this fission reaction, you get radioactive materials.
So the hard part of nuclear is to make sure that, no matter what, those nuclear materials are not getting out.
[electrical droning.]
[woman in Ukrainian.]
Hi, is this Militarized Fire Station #2? [man.]
What is burning there on your site? [man.]
Explosion in the main building! Between the third and fourth units.
Are there people? [man.]
Yes! Alarm our personnel! [director.]
In 1986, operators at Chernobyl power plant lost control of their nuclear reactor.
[mellow instrumentals.]
For weeks, the world watched as radioactive material spread throughout the region.
The investigation revealed the reactor relied too heavily on its operators.
This fear of, “Is it safe?” Appropriately, the public questions, do we need this technology at all? [woman.]
Nuclear power is more hazardous than it is worth.
Certainly there are questions about radioactive fallout.
[woman 2.]
There's a potential for human error.
If you ask most people, they would say "Don't try nuclear.
We tried, it doesn't work.
" The way he thinks about it, that’s part of the opportunity.
There hasn't been real innovation in nuclear energy for nearly 25 years.
When Bill decided to pursue nuclear, he gathered the smartest people he knew.
Nuclear reactors are not the thing that you get into if you want to win popularity contests.
Eliminating polio is a lot more popular.
A whiz kid, Nathan Myhrvold entered college at 14, majored in math, and earned a fellowship with Stephen Hawking.
Bill met Nathan when Microsoft acquired his start-up in 1986.
He’s published articles about the speed at which a dinosaur tail moves, research into asteroids that challenge the entire field, and he's an author of a five-volume, 2600 page book about bread.
What are our solutions to our energy needs? How can we actually deploy enough energy to get off of fossil fuels? It's very hard to ignore nuclear if you're looking at the problem rationally.
How many people have nuclear reactors killed versus the number of people that have been killed by the effluent of coal plants? [director.]
The statistics are fiercely debated, but reasonable scientists would agree nuclear power has caused less than a few thousand deaths total.
Coal kills 800,000 people every year.
People driving to the airport will worry about their flight.
Now, a statistician would say that's absurd.
Driving is really dangerous! [laughs.]
Flying is not dangerous.
Thirty thousand people are killed by car accidents, mostly by drunk drivers.
So you should be afraid of drunk people, really.
When Bill and Nathan got serious about pursuing nuclear energy, they met with an expert whose controversial reputation still precedes him.
Lowell Wood worked with Edward Teller, who’s famous for inventing the hydrogen bomb.
He was the technical head of the Star Wars project back in the Reagan administration.
But beyond his decades of defense work, Lowell also became a prolific inventor.
Today, he holds more patents than Thomas Edison.
Most meetings that involve Lowell and me involve Lowell at some point remarking how stupid I am.
The sad fact of the matter is that almost all nuclear power plants currently in existence were not designed with computers at all.
They were literally slide-rule designed plants.
And the nuclear power plant that exploded at Chernobyl is based on a design from the late 1940’s.
Most modern nuclear power plants in existence in the US at the present time represent 1960’s designs and 1970’s implementation.
So we're brainstorming and saying, "Okay, can we take nuclear reactors and make them better?" [director.]
Bill and Nathan got excited about an old paper Lowell and Teller wrote while they were working at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories.
It was a completely different design, minimizing human error and rethinking - how to contain radiation.
- [mechanical whirring, clicking.]
But the biggest breakthrough: instead of using enriched uranium, Teller and Lowell imagined a way to use depleted uranium, which can't be used for nuclear weapons.
Bill said, "What about this idea that you and Teller and some of your colleagues had?" And I said, "Yeah, there was that.
It continues to look promising, but government’s never gonna do anything with it.
" And so he essentially said, "Maybe we should do something about it.
" [director.]
Lowell's theory made sense on paper, but Bill wanted to make sure that those theories were still valid.
So you needed a very complex simulation.
You needed a super computer.
It wasn't until computer modeling got very cheap and advanced that you could test out ideas.
So Bill founded a start-up caller TerraPower, which set out to see if this reactor could actually work.
[mouse clicking.]
Do you view yourself as a workaholic, or how do you handle that term, that label? Well, you know, I get I believe that the richness of life and the learning and stimulation that I'd like, so, uh The long hours I work, no, they're not for everybody.
I don't try and impose them on everybody.
But I think it's great.
[serene instrumentals.]
He was heads down focused on building Microsoft.
You don't raise a family hyper-focused in your head.
I worked night and day and that was partly how I made sure Microsoft stayed ahead.
That uh, complicated things.
- [hammering.]
- [director.]
With a new baby, Melinda found herself in a massive construction site, a home Bill had been building, designed more for a bachelor than a family.
Tell me about your house.
Are you in your new house yet? No, I'm still building that.
I'm hoping to move in by the end of '96.
Is it just like the coolest house of all time? For me, it’s the coolest house of all time.
There were construction workers on site every single day.
Bill was traveling a lot for work.
[serene instrumentals continue.]
And it was Jen and me in this huge house.
I said to Bill, "I don't feel safe in this house.
I wouldn’t know if somebody came in which door.
" [director.]
I looked into the most prevalent criticisms of you, and this one actually seems the most relevant.
"He's a technophile that thinks that technology will save everything.
" Yeah, I'm basically guilty of that.
Any problem I will look at how technical innovation can help solve that problem.
It's the one thing I know and the one thing I'm good at.
And so, you know, that's my hammer.
Uh And so lots of problems look like nails because I've got a hammer.
Bill's team at TerraPower spent five years testing and refining their design.
Based on that original inspiration, we came up with reactors which are vastly better than today's reactors.
After extensive computer modeling, the idea showed promise.
The new design greatly reduced the chance of human error.
[pumping electronic music.]
Fueled by depleted uranium, the traveling wave reactor functions like a slow-burning candle and requires refueling only once every decade.
Bill and his team believed they had finally developed the ideal energy source.
A reactor that was clean, efficient, and most importantly, safe.
Raging meltdowns in progress.
One spent fuel pod open to the air, hydrogen gas explosions, any one of which already exceeds Three Mile Island.
In a routine meeting, the team watched the news coming from Japan.
[anchor 2.]
and we saw those eerie images just yesterday morning here, of the ghost towns created near the Fukushima plant.
I mean, are we looking at a potential Chernobyl situation where an entire region of Japan would be empty? [anchor 3.]
Firefighters are no longer putting water onto the cores.
That’s the only thing preventing a full-scale meltdown at three reactor sites.
Once they evacuate, then we pass the point of no return.
Meltdowns are [director.]
Public opinion, already skittish, turned completely against nuclear.
[muted explosion.]
When you have a massive setback, how do you deal with that? [Bill.]
You know, I try and step back from it and try and be more objective.
Your ability to detach emotionally from big, big things is a superpower.
Is it also Does it ever get you in trouble? Sure.
I'm able because I've had a lot of success and I have resources, to go do risky things, and, like any good leader, people will follow you.
And if you're leading them into a ditch, it's a bad thing.
- [horse neighs.]
- [cries of battle.]
- [swords ting.]
- [anchor.]
In one Microsoft computer game, the object is to build an empire by obliterating your rivals.
- [horse neighs.]
- [body thuds.]
[anchor 2.]
Rivals paint a dark picture, saying Gates is destroying competitors by buying them up or driving them out of business.
[droning instrumentals.]
Bill's intense focus had made Microsoft the most powerful software company in the world.
His boyhood dream of becoming a captain of industry had come true.
But now, he was no longer a celebrated entrepreneur.
He was branded a monopolist.
[anchor 3.]
Microsoft has doubled its share of the browser market in just the last nine months at the expense of bitter rival Netscape.
They have targeted us.
They have done almost everything they can think of to put us out of business.
[anchor 4.]
The Justice Department is stepping in, worried that Microsoft is out to get a stranglehold on the future of the whole computer industry.
We won't tolerate any coercion by dominant companies in any way that distorts competition.
You couldn't argue they didn't have a monopoly.
They had 98% share of personal computer operating systems.
If you have a monopoly, no one cares how you got it.
Right? You just have it.
A reasonable person might think you had a monopoly? If monopoly means extremely high market share with short term market power, the answer is yes.
If it means that we had an unchallengeable position where new and better technology didn't have a chance to replace us, the answer is no.
So it sounds like I’m being, you know, weasely, even now, when I answer that question.
So? So, I don’t like to be weasely, but the honest answer requires that drawing that distinction between those two things.
Company president and Gates' longtime friend, Steve Ballmer becomes the new CEO of Microsoft.
He let Steve and the company run as best they could and tried not to distract them or have them feel like they needed to worry about that.
He said, "I'm taking on the DOJ trial, and I'm going to deal with this.
" And it was a very heavy burden.
Microsoft people were focused on the fact that they had done nothing wrong.
The lawsuit poses a fundamental threat to the ability of American companies to innovate on behalf of their customers.
You know, there is a lot of competition in this industry.
What would Bill Gates now have said to Bill Gates then? That you have an over-simplistic view of what’s going on here.
You were naive or you had your back up and you were defensive? Naive.
[mellow instrumentals.]
When there's something that doesn't go well, he tries to learn "Why didn't that go well?" He thinks like an engineer, a programmer, right? So the vagaries of people and their behavior can be frustrating.
Also impediments that seem stupid.
The US nuclear industry is bracing for a backlash.
This is a technology that's simply too hazardous.
But what we know is the accidents will happen, so it's just a question of when and where.
[man 2.]
I don't like to play Russian Roulette.
We just need one bad accident.
[mellow instrumentals continue.]
While the world was condemning nuclear, Bill knew his reactor was different.
Fukushima was a slide-rule era plant.
It's of a type of plant that becomes unsafe if you ever shut the power off.
After you take fuel out of a nuclear reactor, it's called spent fuel.
It’s still hot, and it continues to be hot for quite some period of time, so you have to put it in what’s called a cooling pond.
And there's only water to cool it if there's power.
When the 9.
0 earthquake shook the plant at Fukushima, - the reactor shut off.
- [frantic beeping.]
The people who built that said, "Okay, no problem.
We'll put some diesel generators there.
" But then they made a set of other kind of disastrous design choices.
The diesel generators were put at the lowest point, actually right behind the seawall.
So as soon as the tsunami went over the seawall, it destroyed the generators.
As the internal temperature skyrocketed, the reactor turned into a pressure cooker - [high frequency squealing.]
- and soon reached its breaking point.
[rain pattering.]
Bill was always in a rush coming back from Microsoft.
He used to be late a lot, and he picks me up.
- [door slams.]
- [belt clicks.]
And I'm furious.
It's raining, it's dark, we're running late.
And I was like, "You should have gotten off on that exit and if you didn’t Okay, now we’ve got to go this way.
" I was so frustrated.
[mellow instrumentals.]
And he said, "You're not happy.
What's going on?" And I just said, "It's just so much and you're not home.
" And I wanted to put my head down and cry.
And he put his hand down on mine and he said, "Melinda, wherever we're going, we're going there together.
" [director.]
In 2000, the couple unveiled the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to be run by both, equally.
But many believed it was Bill who was calling the shots.
Microsoft mogul Bill Gates [anchor 2.]
Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder and philanthropist [anchor 3.]
Bill Gates: he’s on a mission to take care of the poor.
It felt very odd to both of us that they would be writing about it as Bill's foundation.
When I started bringing it up to him, he's like, "Yeah, that is weird.
" And then he finally said, “Melinda, I’m the one who’s out doing press.
” [director.]
Melinda had a choice.
Stay in the background or speak her mind.
Melinda Gates! - [cheering.]
- [clapping.]
At The Gates Foundation, Melinda has done very important things.
In 2006, she implemented a total restructuring of the foundation.
You're not sitting back in an office, you're out there in the field.
She has been instrumental in increasing focus on women.
You want to lift up a family, a community, a society, you invest in women.
The family planning that Melinda’s taken on is particularly gutsy of her.
She's a Catholic, but she knows what she believes in.
At Microsoft, I was always the senior partner, or the senior voice there.
Here, you know, we’re in an equal position.
But we come at things differently.
Bill will bring data to a conversation.
Like, I can’t keep all of it in my head like he can.
And I will bring the "What have I heard and listened to? What's the human aspect of this?" [Melinda.]
We really got to talk about the nationalist case for globalism.
That one is a push-back on sort of the current rhetoric.
She's the one who actually understand me and talking to her about it, planning with her about it, gives it meaning.
Tomorrow you're leaving at 4:15.
I know that you outlined what you wanted for tennis.
We have your schedule right here.
You won't be getting as much time, but you have some solid chunks.
Also getting in these calls that we talked about with Bloomberg, Paulson, and Perry.
Also, for the board meeting on the 27th, you have a one-on-one with Reed, just so you know, at 3:00 that day.
That's going to be at Microsoft.
Then on Monday, do you think you want to do Seattle work time? Are Is Monday a holiday for most people? - [Lauren.]
Yeah, that's President's Day.
- [man.]
Has he mellowed a little bit? [Larry.]
Not really.
If anything, he's actually throttled up a bit.
I think, with Bill, there's almost a sense there's less time in front of you than there is behind you.
And whether that's the kids going to school, having friends who have been sick.
For all of us, we're a lot more aware, cognizant of the fact that, yeah, we are running out of time here.
[droning electronic music.]
The first of the safety features I wanted to talk about is the fact that the reactor vessel stays at atmospheric pressure.
- No high pressure.
- [man.]
No high pressure in the system.
And this is a result of the type of coolant that we chose.
Unlike the Fukushima-style reactor, the traveling wave reactor doesn't use water to cool itself.
Liquid metal has a very high boiling point.
So high that there’s no real chance that our coolant will ever boil.
That’s because, long before it got to a boiling point temperature, the reactor itself shuts off.
All of the heat that happens after you shut the reactor down can be taken away by just air circulation.
It's called passive heat removal.
It can take the heat directly from the reactor vessel without any electrical power or operator intervention at all.
These are reactors that are built to withstand disasters.
Tidal wave, earthquake, airline crash.
The worst case is that the reactor stops generating electricity, not that any of the radioactive materials get out.
No one's ever done a design that was inherently safe.
It's been discussed.
There have been hundreds of articles written about, "Hey, this could be done.
" But we chose to do it.
But even if there's no danger of an explosion or meltdown, there's still one unavoidable byproduct of nuclear power.
[machinery beeping.]
When uranium is enriched, only 10% of the material can be burned as fuel.
The other 90% is unused byproduct which must be stored carefully.
Right now, there are 700,000 metric tons just piling up.
This is our pit where we study the fuel rods.
We knew that the roof wasn't high enough for this, so we had this big dilemma.
Do we make the roof taller or do we dig a hole? [laughs.]
So we dug a hole! [laughing.]
This is the TerraPower fuel testing pit.
You can see some fuel bundles.
These stainless steel tubes are wrapped in wire, but inside of it, it would have uranium, and that uranium, which we can source from existing waste, is what will power the reactor.
So, the waste that everyone’s trying to get rid of can now be used to make clean energy? Yes.
So, uh, in Paducah, Kentucky, there's this huge government facility that has enough, uh, nuclear waste in it to run the United States for 125 years.
Just 14 miles from a town of 25,000 people [serene instrumentals.]
sits a massive stockpile of discarded uranium.
If the traveling wave reactor works, we'll finally have use for all this waste, and Bill will have one of his energy miracles.
If you built one of these traveling wave reactors, would you let your kids live downriver from one? You bet.
I’d rather have them live there than next to a coal plant or natural gas plant.
After years of work, Bill and his team are ready to build their first prototype and prove to the world that their reactor works.
There's a number of issues.
One is just simply the funding to build a pilot reactor.
Nuclear is a scale economic business.
That is, if you know you're only going to build two or three of something, go shoot yourself in the head.
You are going to lose billions of dollars.
China builds them fast, builds them with cheap money, knows how to cite the goddamn things.
China's one of the countries that’s really building more reactors, and so, it became a natural choice for working together, building a pilot, and ultimately scaling the technology.
So, we had permission from the US government to work with China.
For nine years, Bill kept traveling to China to negotiate a deal.
And it was almost like Groundhog Day.
"Yes, we want to do this.
Yes, we want to do this.
We're in.
We're in.
" And then a year would go by and we're sort of in the same place.
In 2015, President Xi came to Seattle and had a private meeting with Bill.
Then we see real movement.
At long last, Bill closed the deal.
If TerraPower's prototype worked, Bill would immediately move to build more reactors across the globe.
Now, the world would have a new way of generating electricity that is zero greenhouse gas, very safe and very economic.
Finally, after five years of all this planning, shaking hands, celebrating we were gonna have traction.
Just maybe Bill had actually found a way to replace fossil fuels and dramatically reduce carbon emissions.
- And then what happens? - [chuckles.]
A tariff, tit for tat, teetering on a trade war [anchor 2.]
The escalating trade dispute with China is putting some American industries on uncertain ground.
We are treated unfairly on trade.
There are real national security concerns.
Investment restrictions on China with respect to high technology.
We are going to win on trade! [Larry.]
I was on a trip with Bill down to the Bay Area and I glanced down at my phone uh, and I saw a piece of email, uh, that basically talked about the export agreement.
Before we could do any cooperation with China, China and the United States had to negotiate this very complicated contract.
Well, each government has a right to cancel it and our government did.
So, by canceling that contract that gives us the, uh, the legal right to do nuclear things in China, we can't do it anymore.
What was his reaction when you did show it to him? I think he just said, "Oh shit.
" [laughs.]
We always knew that there would be politics involved.
We never thought it would be our own government.
I understand that you're one of the co-founders of Microsoft, - is that correct? - [Bill.]
I'll give you a softball question.
Would you agree that Microsoft is the world’s most respected computer software company? Some people agree with that, some people wouldn't.
What's your opinion? I think we are the most, if you took it on a statistical basis, yes, we'd be the most respected.
The US government sued Microsoft and Bill was grilled for three days of depositions.
[ethereal instrumentals.]
What I'm asking is whether you can think of any legitimate reason that would justify doing that.
[man 2.]
If you don't understand the question, I'll rephrase it.
[man 3.]
Well, sir, let's read, it's only three lines.
The theory behind a deposition is just the written word, right? But they showed the video tapes of it in court.
I have no idea what you're talking about when you say "ask.
" Do you want me to define proprietary API or not? [man.]
No, I don’t want you to define proprietary API.
I looked like I was being sarcastic or giving him a hard time when I didn't need to give him a hard time.
I’m afraid we’re not going to be able to know what my state of mind was when I gave that interview.
If you want to define it, I'll be glad to answer the question.
And so their highlights reel, uh, did make me look bad.
Do you believe that the publication of that statement affected Netscape? Like hurt their feelings? Somebody cried or A certain sense of arrogance came through that hurt us quite a bit.
It shouldn't have hurt us, because that's not what was on trial.
It turned out, though, it was part of what was on trial.
Were you arrogant? In a certain sense people who make billions of dollars in their 20’s and manage, you know, thousands of people, and decide which products they're going to do and not do, uh, and, you know, you don't want to waste five minutes of time.
And yes, there's a that can appear to be quite arrogant.
After a year of antitrust legal proceedings, a federal judge found that Microsoft was a monopoly that uses its power to stifle competition at the expense of consumers.
Once celebrated as a genius coder, Bill was now seen as something else.
Nothing succeeds like excess.
It’s never enough and he’ll do whatever he can to capture more of the market.
[anchor 2.]
Apple's Steven Jobs announced a new partner earlier this year.
- There were resounding boos.
- [booing.]
[indistinct chatter.]
[woman screams.]
[anchor 3.]
Gates was momentarily and understandably shaken, but he was not injured.
The hit squad piled on with [Mike.]
He said to me one time that the antitrust thing was so hard on him, that he looked at me in this really confessional voice, he said: "For the first time in my life, I actively sought distraction.
" [anchor 4.]
Any decision about punishing the company will not be made for several months, if not years.
Bill walked in the door every night and he looked like he'd had the weight of the world on his shoulders.
[mellow instrumentals.]
There was a possibility that this would destroy the company.
That was a serious thing.
We respectfully disagree with a number of the court's findings.
Bill appealed the Court's ruling.
He and Melinda braced for another battle.
In the retrial, I was able to explain to that court why these solutions were just wrong.
Many years into it, the ruling comes in from the retrial.
I'm meeting with Steve and he says: "Microsoft was vindicated on all these counts.
" And then I just started crying.
We were finally vindicated.
Last question, I'm gonna be tough on you.
Let's look at everything.
Promising, but expensive.
Billions of dollars, and cases this year are up.
Your deal with China just blew up.
And I know you're pushing ahead and you want to build reactors in the U.
but I think you'd agree, that's a long shot.
Is there a part where you say, "This is way too hard, I took on too much, I quit"? [Bill.]
Sometimes, you really do have to say, "Let's give up.
" And sometimes, you have to just say, "I need to work harder.
" [director.]
When confronted with something really difficult, he always gives the same answer: work harder.
In the two years I've gotten to know Bill, I've come to wonder whether his strength, that die-hard relentlessness, might also be a flaw.
We got to go swimming at least one more time before I leave the canal.
We should go one of these evenings.
So, if you got hit by a bus today, died, what’s the one thing, the one thing you said, "God, I wish I had done that, that I haven't done.
" You know, thanking Melinda.
Melinda and I both really like The Great Gatsby.
When we were first dating, she had a green light that she would turn on uh, when her office was empty and it made sense for me to come over.
Which comes from the light at the end of Daisy's dock in the book.
The quote is, "He had come a long way to this blue lawn.
" - [uplifting music.]
- "And his dreams must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it.
" [uplifting music continues.]
It's easy to be carried away by someone who wants to change the world.
Someone who won't quit.
Someone with a brain like Bill's.
But it's hard not to wonder Is he in too deep? Will he ever solve these problems? Or will they always be just out of reach? [woman.]
Each one of us has to start out with developing his or her own definition of success.
And when we have these specific expectations of ourselves, we're more likely to live up to them.
Ultimately, it's not what you get or even what you give.
It's what you become.
[upbeat electronic instrumentals.]

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