Insomnia (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[EMMA] I'm not sleeping
and it's getting worse.
I told you that my mum died
when I was a kid.
[EMMA] But it's not true.
She died a couple of days ago.
You know, you do look exhausted.
So who knows?
Maybe you are going fucking mad
just like she did.
- I will never be you.
Uh, Mrs. Averill.
DI Hildreth and DS Caine.
We need to ask you a few questions
about the recent death of your mother.
Ah, there you are.
Back to bed for you.
[HILDRETH] The results of the postmortem
show that your mother was suffocated.
Blood from a pressure nose bleed
was found on your mother's pillow.
And fibers from the pillow case
were found in her nasal cavities
and throat.
Did you notice anything unusual
or anyone?
No, not that I can recall.
[HILDRETH] Did you notice any
change in your mother's condition?
[HILDRETH] Don't go too far,
Mrs. Averill.
- [EMMA] Thank you.
- [CAINE] We'll be in touch.
So you went to see your mum
on the Sunday, not the office?
I thought something had happened
to Phoebe.
So that, that's why you were so funny
when she showed up.
Yeah, we had a row. She lied to me.
[ROBERT]Just so I'm clear,
you went to go see your mum
again on the Tuesday,
but when did they tell you
that the death
might be suspicious? Because
you knew about postmortem.
Rob, she means absolutely nothing to me.
Does someone wanna tell me
what's going on?
We'll talk about it later.
Chloe, there's a lot that we're
gonna talk about later.
Right, so I have a grandmother
that I didn't know about
and you guys wanna give me shit
about a bit of coke?
This family is so fucked up.
It's me.
Is there anything else
that you need to tell us?
Not now? Now's your moment.
No. Nothing.
I promise.
[ROBERT] Okay.
[EMMA] You might want to get
a solicitor lined up,
just in case.
Thanks for that, Em,
but I didn't kill her.
Well, they're saying she was murdered,
and they always look at family first.
Maybe there's a family member
we're not aware of.
There's nobody I can think of.
It's not as if anybody
crawled out of the woodwork
to claim us all those years back, is it?
Why would you tell them
I was there that morning?
Why would I lie?
You're starting to sound
really paranoid, Em.
No, I'm not paranoid,
but I have
had to tell Robert everything.
Maybe that's not a bad thing.
You know, you probably
should've told him years ago.
But I chose not to, didn't I, Phoebe?
You know, since you've been back,
you have opened the door
to all this shit
and just pushed me through it.
Thanks for that.
Yeah. I can send you
some sketches, yeah.
- Uh-huh.
- Robert.
- Can I have a quick word?
[ROBERT] Of course. Yeah.
All right, listen, I've gotta go.
All right, speak to you later. Bye.
Um, Will hasn't accidentally seen
something scary at home, has he?
Why? Why, why do you ask?
I had to take this off him earlier.
He nearly had a tantrum about it.
He's been drawing obsessively.
Emma. There is a Caroline Mitchel here.
She doesn't have an appointment,
but you've got space.
Um, yeah, sure.
Put her in the conference room.
I'll head over.
Also, can you arrange an appointment
for tomorrow with Pete Stockwell?
But not here. In a coffee shop.
I need to face the music.
- Of course.
- [EMMA] Thank you.
- Hi, Caroline.
- Hi.
- How are you?
- [CAROLINE] Uh, great.
You said that I could get
in touch if I needed anything.
Yeah. Sure.
Take a seat.
- It's my mum.
- Okay.
I wanted to get
power of attorney sorted.
But I'm worried that I might've
left it a bit late.
Um, mental health.
[EMMA] Yeah.
Right, I mean, look, it is always easier
to get it sorted
before things take a turn,
but it's not impossible.
I'm just so annoyed at myself.
I downloaded the forms ages ago,
but I just
I just couldn't face
filling them in with her.
I kept putting it off.
And now here I am.
Anyway, um, how are you? How's your mum?
Um, she passed away.
Oh, my God.
Emma, I'm so sorry.
[EMMA] Thank you.
Look, so I have a stack of work
that I need to get on with,
so I can't deal with this right now,
but I do want to help.
Um, maybe we can do something
out of hours.
That would be amazing.
And if it is out of hours,
I could throw some wine in.
- Wine always helps.
- Oh, wine always helps.
You're so good at drawing, Will.
What are these?
'Cause they're really good,
but they're, they're really scary.
I had a bad dream.
And is, is that where
this scary lady comes from?
I only see her at night.
Oh, buddy.
Nightmares, you know they're not real.
Even though, sometimes, they
really, really feel like it.
Is that why you haven't been sleeping?
You know, if you have a bad dream,
you can just call for me or Mummy
and we will come rushing into your room
to make sure that you're safe.
- Okay, I promise.
Hey, Chlo.
There's some food for you here.
Hey, Will, baba,
shouldn't you be in bed?
Should I tuck you in? Come on.
- Good night, bud.
- Good night, Dad.
Chloe, can I have a word?
- I'll be with you in a minute.
- Yeah.
Chlo, I'm really sorry
the way that we handled that
this morning.
It wasn't great.
And, look, if you're gonna
be doing drugs,
I just want you to know that you
can talk to me about it.
I just want us
to be honest with each other.
Mum's mum died years ago,
that's what you always told me.
- Did you know about her?
- It's complicated.
[CHLOE] Dad, it's not complicated.
Either someone's alive or they're not,
and did you not just say
that we should be honest
with each other?
No, I didn't know about her.
Mum didn't tell you about her either.
Dad, do you know how bad that is?
- Chloe.
- I'm putting Will to bed.
[ROBERT] I'm in the kitchen.
How you doing?
Yeah, I'm okay.
Um, Will's a bit off.
I spoke to his teacher earlier,
and, um, she showed me this book
he's been drawing
some weird pictures in.
What sort of drawings?
I don't know. He said
that they were to do
with his nightmares or something.
You haven't heard him
calling out for us, have you?
- No.
- No, me neither.
Well, he's asleep now anyway.
You need to speak to Chloe.
Can we talk?
I don't want to fight with you.
I know you're angry that I
didn't tell you about my mother,
but she was nothing like your grandma.
She was very unwell.
I mean, she was insane.
I think the term
you're looking for, Mum,
is that she had mental health issues.
And I would've liked
to at least met her.
Well, you couldn't because she
was in the psychiatric unit.
I don't even know what she looked like.
Chloe, I'm trying
to make peace with you here.
I just want you to respect
that I don't want to talk about it.
Also, Chloe, do not bring drugs
into this house again, okay,
and we'll draw a line under it.
Well, I, uh, tried to speak to Chloe,
but she's having none of it.
Yeah, I overheard.
I think she deserves to know
about what happened
between you and your mum.
She's old enough. You should tell her.
But I've chosen not to
for good reason, Rob.
Yeah, but you're choosing not
to tell us a lot of stuff
at the moment, aren't you?
I get why you didn't tell me
about your mum back in the day,
that it was easier for you
to pretend that she was dead,
but we've been married nearly 20 years.
And it, it That is what
I am struggling with.
It's not the one old lie.
It's all these new little ones.
And it's how easily you can tell them.
Ah, there you are.
Back to bed for you.
[EMMA] Will.
This is my secret hiding spot.
You don't need to be scared.
Starling swarms will soon be lorn ♪
Rooks tell stories across the corn ♪
Goocoo soon will 'es leave ♪
You look good.
I'm just going to the bar.
I'm meeting Julian at 10:00.
Oh, nice.
Thought you'd be gone already.
I've got a late start today.
Did you sleep okay?
Yeah. Sort of.
- Sort of?
I'm sorry, I gotta get this.
Hey, Julian.
Yeah. Yeah.
[EMMA] Got your costume already.
I'll see you later at the show.
[ROBERT] Okay, I'll see you then.
Hey, buddy.
Oh, okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa. All right.
You all right? You okay?
Must be nervous about the show.
Don't be nervous about the show.
Acorns are the best.
Acorns are the best!
Come on. Whoa.
Don't be late for the show.
I won't.
See you later.
- Thanks.
- Here you go. Oh.
[JULIAN] This exposed break here, 3B.
It'd be great with that. It's great.
- Yeah.
- Emma.
- Can you give us a minute?
- Okay.
[JULIAN] I'm sorry, Robert's just left.
I haven't come to see Robert.
I've come to see you.
I saw this in your car
and I found it in Chloe's bedroom,
and the only explanation
I can come up with
is making me want to fucking vomit.
Um, sorry, you're gonna have to explain
'cause I'm not following.
You're Amy, aren't you?
Uh, hold on a second.
I have no idea
what you're talking about, Emma.
She's 18, Julian.
Well, Chloe, yeah, I know.
I was at her birthday dinner.
Do not mess me about.
Do you understand
what I'm saying to you?
- Let's go.
- [MAN] Okay.
Wow. Wow.
Wait, is that what you think?
That because Chloe's got some jewelry
from the same shop that I
bought something for Michelle
that I must be sleeping
with your daughter?
Ever since she's worked for you,
she has become distant, she's secretive.
Now she's got this new friend called Amy
who I've never even fucking met.
I can't believe you're seriously
accusing me of this.
It's the same box!
There are products
of that store everywhere!
She's always had a crush on you.
We all know it. I've seen
what you're like together.
We have known each other for years.
Our boys are in the same class.
For fuck's sake, Emma, is this
what you really think of me?
What, you think I'd actually do that?
I think something's going on.
I found drugs in her pocket.
Drugs? She's 18, Emma.
Look, there's gonna be a lot
about Chloe that you don't know
and a lot you don't approve of,
but it's her business.
Uh, and I'm not part of it.
Are you okay, Em?
Robert said you're not sleeping.
No, I'm not sleeping, Julian,
but that is not what this is.
I must've got
the wrong end of the stick.
It wasn't a mistake.
Amanda set me up.
She just makes you believe
what she wants you to believe.
She lies so well, you end up
doubting yourself, you know?
In my gut, I know I'm right.
Emma, are you listening?
Yes. Sorry, Pete, yes, I am.
Uh, I should've told you straight away
I just didn't want to let you down.
You didn't want to have
the conversation.
That's a different thing.
Okay, that's fair.
You haven't heard the best of me
the last couple of days.
I don't think anyone has.
But I have got you
a great new solicitor.
She's an expert in parental alienation.
I'm gonna send you her details.
There's a donation pot
just through there.
Oh, hey, Liam, hi, May, how are you?
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
There's a donation pot
just through there.
Told you I wouldn't be late.
Um, Michelle saved
a seat for you, I think.
Great. I'll see you.
Hello, lovely to see you. Grab a seat.
You okay?
Julian should be here by now.
How is everything with you two?
He's being so fucking shady.
It's our anniversary today.
Well, I hope
he bought you something nice.
An air fryer.
[ROBERT] How have you been?
You all right?
- [ROBERT] Okay.
Oh, my God. That's so cute.
Thank you and welcome
to our autumn term show.
And presenting the acorns and the oaks.
He's here.
[CHILDREN] Da-da, da, da, da, dah ♪
Da, da, da, dah ♪
Da, da, da, dah, dah da, da, da, dah ♪
da, da, da, dah ♪
Da, da, da daa, daa, daa, dah ♪
You must realize ♪
The trees ♪
Thank you for talking to me.
That's all right.
Sure you don't wanna come in?
Do you know what? I don't feel great.
I'm gonna go home and lie down.
Now, listen, you just remember
dating is tricky at the best of times.
If he was already in a
relationship like you say,
it'll be 10 times worse.
Doesn't mean that it's
completely over, though,
does it?
- Oh, shit.
- [CHLOE] Phoebes. You okay?
- Yeah, yeah. I'm good.
- Are you sure?
[PHOEBE] Yeah, I'm good. I think
I just twisted something earlier.
No, I'm really glad
that he has said that he needs some time
because that's gonna give you some time
to decide whether or not
you wanna go out
with some dickhead
who's dating two women.
I don't want any time.
I know, baby. I'm sorry.
It's been a really shitty day.
You've gotta give
your mum a break, yeah?
She's having a really crappy time too.
Our mum just died.
She's bottling it all up
that she's hurting.
All right.
Right, come on. Hurry up. [LAUGHING]
It's not like
you're gonna meet Mr. Right
sitting at the school play
with the dads.
Chloe, you're joking?
- Hey, how is he?
- [EMMA] He's, he's fine.
Did I miss the whole thing?
- Yeah, yeah, you
- [CHLOE] All of it?
You've missed the whole thing.
I need a word with you.
Tell me what's going on
with you and Julian.
What are you talking about?
He's Amy, isn't he?
You spoke to him.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
So it's true.
I'm an adult.
It's none of your business.
Of course it's my business!
I'm your mother!
Michelle is one of my best friends!
Your dad will fucking kill him!
- We love each other.
- [EMMA] No, you don't.
Yes, we do.
No, he's flattered. You're impressed.
That's not love, Chloe!
What're you gonna do
when you're at university
and you're looking after
Ben every weekend?
And cooking him fish fingers
and sorting out his tantrums?
Because I can tell you now,
Julian will not be there!
He'll be sorting out his new bar.
It's not gonna be like that.
Don't even get me started
on the divorce, the mess,
and the chaos that will cause
for both our families!
Why do you always have to
focus on the negatives, Mum?
Because all we have here is negatives!
Fuck's sake, Chloe,
what is wrong with you?
You know, sometimes, I look at you
and I think, how are you
even my daughter?
How have you got yourself
into such a mess?
Because, Mum, life is fucking messy!
And I fell in love. And that's normal.
But you would have
no idea what normal is
because half your life is a fucking lie!
I'm gonna just
You can't even face your own mother.
What are you so scared of?
That you're gonna end up
as fucked up as she was?
Chloe, I'm sorry.
Let's go home.
I wanna go to bed.
Yeah, I don't blame you, mate.
Come on.
Go on then.
I'm really sorry, Chloe.
I shouldn't have slapped you.
Went way too far.
I shouldn't have said that
about your mum.
I'm sorry too.
Are you gonna tell Dad about Julian?
Yeah, I have to.
Mum, please don't.
He'll never understand it.
And it's over now, anyway.
What the hell is going on with you?
She got dumped. She's hurt.
She took it out on me.
No, I didn't ask
what was going on with her.
I asked what's going on with you.
We do not hit our kids, Em.
Ground rule, day one.
Yes, I know, and I feel awful,
but she said
some really hurtful things, Rob.
Look, Chloe is not an angel,
and, yeah, boy,
can she push buttons,
but slapping her, really?
She said something about my mother.
Oh, my God.
My God, she's a teenager.
She's just gonna fucking lash out
with whatever she can to hurt you.
But you're an adult!
Hey, I've got it.
Thank you, I've got it.
And I'm sorry.
You got a lot going on.
But don't take it out on our kids.
You put cameras up in our house.
What the fuck am I watching, Em?
Jesus Christ.
Will's okay, just so you know.
But look at this.
Em, look at it. Take it.
It's you.
You're the one that he's been drawing.
You're the one that he's,
he's scared of, Em.
You've been sleepwalking
around the house, and terrifying him.
How long has this been going on for?
A few days, a week.
Fucking hell!
Why haven't you fucking told me?
I'm trying! I want to,
I want to tell you.
Your, um, your mother,
her This condition or whatever,
is it hereditary?
I don't know. That's what
I'm trying to find out.
Well, you need to get help.
Before you hurt somebody or yourself.
Two, two, nine, two, three,
three, one, zero,
one, one, one, three, one, two, three,
five, five, two, one, zero,
two, two, one, two, three,
three, one, zero, one
Mummy scares me.
Me too.
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