Inspector Avinash (2023) s01e03 Episode Script
At what time was he arrested?
Never mind, you will get a call back
Are you going to skin us alive?
Prepare what you want.
]I am at work now.
Okay, bro.
Prepare what something nutritious.
I'll be right there.
You guys handle this.
I have to go out for a little while.
- Okay.
- Expose him.
Jot down this number, Rangeela Raja.
Yes, sir.
I am going to eat lady
fingers and bitter gourd.
Let me go, I say.
I won't harm any of you.
Just tell us who you
take your orders from.
Mother f!
Tell us everything else
Tell us everything else
Come, guys.
Hey, scoundrels!
Where have you hidden Bhaati?
How dare you interfere
in my jurisdiction!
- Do you know who I am?
- Sir
Sir. Everybody knows you, sir.
Come, sir.
You will be s!
All of you will be s!
Boys! Get custody of Bhaati right now!
- Baljeet, you scoundrel!
- Sir. Sir. Sir.
- Hey, Baljeet!
- Sir. Sir. Listen to me, sir.
You are making the biggest
mistake of your life.
Your career is finished.
I'm telling you!
I am sorry to say,
sir, but you are making a mistake
and misusing your power.
I am misusing my power?
- I am telling you
- Baljeet
Behave yourself!
Come here, sir. Sorry.
You are such a senior person, sir.
It is not nice to see you standing here.
Come into my chamber, sir.
Sir, Bhaati is linked to a murder case.
We are simply following protocol and
Sir, you have come to
our office for the first time.
I can't let you leave without
showing you our hospitality.
Many people prepare samosas
but Madan's samosas are very famous.
Please taste it, sir.
I want Bhaati, not Madan's samosas.
What now?
We have a problem on our hands, sir.
Yes, Mr. Rathi. What is it?
The people at the Special cell
know that we have Bhaati in custody.
And Dasgupta came sniffing over here.
The scoundrel will create havoc now.
Do you want to talk
or do you want a beating?
Jai Hind, sir.
Ahlawat, why didn't you give me a call?
Don't you know the weapons related
issue is handled by the Special unit?
I was going to call you, sir, the
You are absolutely hopeless!
Absolutely hopeless!
Anyway, tell me.
Has Bhaati opened his mouth as yet?
He hasn't said one word as yet, sir.
The interrogation is ongoing.
- I see.
- They are thrashing the scoundrel.
I want you to keep
him busy with protocol
and nobody will give
him custody until I get there.
That is exactly what we are doing.
Kabir Bhaati.
You are Bhaati and I too am Bhaati.
We are brothers.
Guru ji's team is full of beasts.
They will kill you.
I have been waiting from last 1.5 hours
Where is everybody?
I want
Over here?
What was so pressing you had
to come to STF Headquarter personally?
What you mean by that?
What is so special about Bhaati?
Or are you afraid he
will reveal something to us?
Shut the f up, okay?
Shut the f up and get me Bhaati!
It will be good for your health. Go!
And don't blow hot and cold.
- What?
- Offer him a cold drink.
- I'll be right back.
- What-What did he say?
- Blow what?
- Blow hot and cold, sir.
- Just relax.
- I am relaxed.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Did he speak?
No, sir.
Did you want to call him? Scumbag!
He's dead! F!
Hey, scoundrel!
You kept me waiting for an hour
and a half and you killed Bhaati!
F! F!
You played with me!
I will play with you now!
I will show you how to play games!
You did not take Dasgupta seriously.
Now I shall call Natrajan.
He will s you all!
The whole department will be in the red.
- Just wait and watch.
- What will you do?
What's done is done.
Do the best that you can do.
Tell me this.
How did you find out so soon
that Bhaati is in our custody?
That is not important. That is
That is definitely not important.
Chief of Special cell
set everything aside
and came here to gain custody at night?
Yes, I
What did Bhaati know that
you didn't want us to learn about?
Tell me. I will answer
you if you answer me.
- Hey. Avinash. Avinash.
- Avinash what?
I pity you. I pity you, scoundrel.
- You
- S your English!
You remain a small man
because of your small mind.
Small Inspector.
Mr. blue eyed boy.
Your game is over.
I will shove it in your
rear end if you say another word!
- F!
- What did you say?
How dare you use foul language with me!
- Mind your language!
- What will you do if I don't?
- Who are you talking to?
- Who am I talking to?
Enough, both of you!
If you use up all your energy
here then how will you find the truth?
- Since morning he
- Hold on. Hold on.
No officer of mine can be the
reason for Bhaati's death, Dasgupta.
We don't know that, Samar.
We don't know that.
I shall investigate
this case personally. Okay?
Your Officer has done what he had to do.
Wait and watch my game now.
I will ensure there is a
big lock outside your department!
Very soon. I promise you.
Avinash, my boy. Don't get excited.
Your foes and the planets
have created a Labyrinth around you.
Perform a special worship at your house
and as always listen
to your heart and forge ahead.
I am certain you will
emerge of this labyrinth.
Narayan! Narayan! Narayan!
How did a Bhaati get murdered.
Dasgupta sir was present in the office.
No outsider came in.
Also it is true that the 12-13
people in the office was our staff.
Then how could this happen?
Sir, STF seems to be getting
too big for their boots.
They did not follow the rules.
They set out to nab weapon cartel
Sir, they kept Dasgupta,
my officer outside for 3 hours
and in the meanwhile
they pulled this stunt.
I'm very sure, sir,
Bhati received some
information about their team.
That's why they killed him.
All of them are in cahoots
with the weapons party, sir.
This team is full of misfit,
incompetent and corrupt officers!
Mr. Nambiar,
you will refrain from saying
another word about my team!
Please keep quiet.
I know exactly how
crooked your officers are.
- Samar
- No, sir.
- He's
- Samar, calm down.
At this time you should do what
it takes to cleverly sideline this mess.
And consolidate an internal investigation
team to examine this blunder
which must include one retired judge.
The Bhaati custody death
is attracting a lot of politics,.
We must cool this matter
before it gets out of hand
Very well, brother.
Do not worry.
I have complete control over the matter.
Shashi. Good morning.
Good morning.
Have some of this.
I had it made especially for you.
I am famished.
What's the matter? Why did you stop?
Isn't this what goes into
your body all day these days?
- That's not true, bro
- Brother what?!
Do you know who you are?
You are Ajit Bhushan's son.
You were his favorite.
And you were the most favorite.
You were so dear to him
he is showering love
on you even after his death.
His highness, he is trying to quit
I am a Home Minister, Shashi.
A big chunk of my
time goes towards work.
I have a constituency and
I am unable to give time to it.
You should be overseeing it
so that you may handle the position
if I become the future Chief Minister.
I am talking to you, Shashi!
Get a grip on your life, Shashi.
His highness
I shall talk to him
but in the meanwhile, if you see fit
I can lend you a hand with
the duties of the constituency.
After all I am part of this family.
Sir. Bhaati's final reports are in.
Please sign this, sir.
The reason of death is cardiac arrest.
I am 100 percent sure, sir.
So, you are sure?
Yes, sir. I'm pretty sure.
I have been killing time
here for the past 25 years.
Why don't you take my place?
Hello. What is it?
Where are you?
- When will you come home?
- I am busy working now.
I'll call you later.
There's a lot of news against you.
Please come home early today.
I told you I am busy.
Don't you understand?
I can't come.
I was simply relaying
my observation, sir.
Your observation is absurd!
Unusual traces were found in his blood.
Who will verify those?
Do you want to remain
an assistant all your life?
'Sign it!'
Dr. Verma.
How much longer will it take?
Mr. Mishra, it appears
to be a case of cardiac arrest
but there is a small doubt.
What doubt?
Traces of a substance
have been found in the blood.
The sample needs to
be sent to the forensic lab.
I can only confirm
once I get the report.
Send it quickly.
Lest our suspension letter
comes in before your lab report.
- Hey! You!
- Yes, sir.
Come here!
Take the sample to
the forensic lab yourself.
Right, sir.
Let's save his job.
Varun, request the forensic
head that it is urgent.
- We want the reports quickly.
- Yes, sir.
Okay? Go on. Rush!
Go to your homes and catch some sleep.
All of you leave. I shall wait here.
Are you a genie? Don't you need rest?
- I can't be bothered to
- Silence.
Come here. Over here.
Come here. Come!
I shall talk now and you
will listen without a word.
Who is senior? You or me?
You are.
You have a family. You have a wife.
She worries about you a lot.
It is your duty to quell her worries.
But you hung up.
She called me.
Look, no matter what the situation,
family is very important.
Else man becomes lonely.
And I understood this when my wife
Learn from my experience.
Now go to her. Okay?
- Who will stay here?
- I shall stay, sir.
It doesn't matter whether
I stay there or here? I am a bachelor.
Spare the hospital nurses.
I too am a bachelor.
I shall give company to Kabir.
Come here, Rani.
Yes, sir.
I have a case for you.
Yes, sir.
Treat the STF interrogation
room like a crime scene.
Yes, sir.
Who comes in?
When they come in?
From our team too.
Do you understand?
I want this information
as soon as possible.
Okay, sir.
This need not be said,
nevertheless it would be best
that this remains between the two of us.
I will do it, sir.
You also go
- Rani.
- Yes, sir.
What did Avinash say to you?
It was nothing, sir.
He was talking about
my nephew's admission.
You've been snorting again?
Show me.
Yes, I've been snorting.
Do I need your permission
or his highness's permission
Stop it
Why do you begin
when you are incapable
of carrying it through?
What have you done to yourself?
Did you marry me or marry drugs?
It will be morning by the time
we receive the post mortem report.
This is a dark night.
All my nights are
dark as well as lonely.
Instead of any sleep all
I could remember is her memories
Sister-in-law Suman?
Are you here on duty?
You are here?
Didn't you know?
No, I
I came here to pick
up a post mortem report
but you surprised me.
Are you okay?
I am okay.
May I ask you something?
Why don't you answer his calls?
Look, sister-in-law, it has
been 90 days since he touched alcohol.
I have witnessed it myself.
I can vouch for him.
You are well aware
of how much he loves
Kabir, I don't wish to discuss it.
Look, sister-in-law.
I am not advocating for him.
I am simply letting you
know what's going on in his life.
The only reason I am making
an effort is because I've seen your love
as well as his efforts.
"Today I am like just for you."
"I am alive only because of you."
Why do you not eat if I am not around?
What kind of a savage rule is this?
It is called values.
They were imparted to Goddess Parvati.
When she was being bid farewell.
The name you've taken has silenced me.
Varun has fallen asleep again.
You don't have the time to talk to him!
So, I'll talk to him tomorrow.
That's not going to happen.
You will leave before he wakes up
and you will return
after he falls asleep.
What is so important that
I have to discuss with him?
What do you have to discuss?
You are his father.
He misses you.
Tell me something.
How much time do you spend with him?
The Principal of Varun's
school mentioned to me
Varun is behaving
differently these days.
I spoke to Varun but
he isn't saying anything.
I will make everything okay.
Eat your food.
Shall I serve?
Go on.
The bowl.
I think I should commit an offense.
You will only pay attention
to me if charges are pressed against me.
Let the charges be pressed against you.
I will never solve it.
Which charge shall I press against you?
STF has become Special
torture force now.
The STF Officers have unlimited powers.
They have been made
irresponsible and arrogant.
Mr. Nambiar is right.
The job of the Police
force is to nab the criminal
and present him in court,
but the STF is running a kangaroo court.
This has to stop!
Because no institution is above the law
and no institution has
the right to break the law.
Raja ji, there is turmoil
all over the state.
This is not good for the government.
What is her name?
Amita Binoy Chaudhry.
She is running a
campaign against the STF.
I appreciate your concern, Mr. Sheikh,
but I have been in
power for many years now.
I will do something about it.
Please do something.
Handle it in your own way.
Let me know if you are incapable.
I will handle it
but the headlines will change then.
Well, I'll hang up now.
I am disappointed, Mr. Avinash.
I too am disappointed, sir.
It was an unfortunate incident.
My team and I will cooperate
fully in the enquiry, sir.
Do you know how Bhaati died?
Custodial death, sir.
It was a high profile matter
and criminals like Bhaati don't talk
when asked politely.
It is possible that my
time might have been rigid
Talk, f!
We were running out of time
and he wasn't cooperating with us, sir.
I was interrogating him, sir.
Not only me.
Each of us spent some
time with him alone.
How much longer do you
want to be beaten, Mr. Bhaati.
Speak up now.
In any case I believe
in working nonviolently.
I asked him very politely.
Then the seniors were
handling the investigating,
so I went out for a smoke.
You are a senior, Mr. Rathi.
Do you not have a responsibility?
Yes, sir.
Tell me, Mr. Rathi,
who was the last person with Bhaati?
That was the time when
Bhaati was all by himself, sir.
None of us were there.
And before Ahlawat went out,
sir, I was busy with my filing work.
In the Kiran Kaushik case
which we solved in record time.
The gun that we found with his assassin
gave us a lead to Guddu Ansari.
We were confronted by Bhaati
when we raided his warehouse, sir.
We nabbed him as he was a criminal.
And conveniently left for
home after putting him in the lockup?
What do you mean by conveniently, sir?
Sir, I was on duty
back to back for 48 hours.
I hadn't even changed my underwear.
Also we'd done a lot of running
around trying to nab Bhaati.
I was covered in mud.
I went to freshen up.
I won't even do that
in future if you so wish, sir.
You're completely wrong, Avinash.
He was poisoned.
What do you think happened, Mr. Rathi?
Bhaati got poisoned?
In STF custody?
I went home for 30 minutes
you committed such a big blunder.
Please are spitting on me!
I am stunned!
You mean to say you don't know
what's going on in your department.
And Mr. Rathi.
You always urge me to go home.
Go and play the game of inquiry now.
evil eye on our team
Who could have poisoned him?
Who could it be?
Tell us everything you
know about the poisoning.
I just remembered something, sir.
Mr. Rathi came in after that
and he told me Mr.
Dasgupta has come out.
I went out to see him.
Jai Hind, sir.
Baljeet was alone
with Bhaati at that time.
- Why didn't you call?
- Dasgupta sir came.
I was outside.
I had to handle him as well, sir.
Go get him you fools!
- Get him!
- Sir!
Mind your manners, sir.
He came there and created a commotion,
so what choice did I have?
- So you went out?
- Yes, sir.
Who was with Bhaati at that time?
How would I know, sir?
I was outside, sir.
Do you have any suspects?
Sir, I'm too junior
to comment on my seniors.
Which Officers had tea
in the interrogation room?
I have no idea, sir.
I was outside at the time, sir,
and when I went in, Avinash was with me.
Did he speak?
The scoundrel is a hard nut to crack.
The scoundrel is harping
on the same tune.
We went in and discovered that
Bhaati had died.
Why is this internal
enquiry taking place, sir?
To find out who killed Bhaati, right?
All the people who were present
at the STF Headquarter that day
should be here.
Everyone should be questioned.
Why is it only our
team is being questioned?
Tell us clearly what you are implying.
My team and I were
present at the STF Headquarter
but his Officer Dasgupta from
the Special cell was also present.
Are you accusing the Special cell?
No. No. No. No. No.
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Right, sir.
He is absolutely right.
Look, Ever since STF was formed it has
been a bone of contention with everyone.
- No, I'm sorry.
- Listen to me. One minute.
If Samar's team can face enquiry
why can't Mr. Das' team face enquiry?
The report is in, sir.
The reports of all the
fingerprints and investigation.
Come in.
- Mr. Laxmikant.
- Yes, sir.
Did you serve tea to Bhaati?
Yes, sir.
Who told you to serve him tea?
- Nobody told me.
- Then why did you poison it?
I did not add anything to the tea, sir.
One order from me
can destroy your career.
So, tell us the truth.
His whole body was blue, sir.
I thought his condition would
improve if I offered him some tea.
Tell us the truth!
On whose orders did you poison the tea?
Who paid you?
Who? How much money did you accept?
I have given 34 years
to this Department, sir.
I have neither accepted nor
given one rupee to anyone, sir.
I am not corrupt, sir.
I have served this Department
loyally and honorably for 34 years, sir.
Don't pour my due diligence
down the drain, sir.
I am not corrupt, sir. I am not corrupt.
Mr. Laxmikant,
you will remain suspended
until this enquiry is concluded.
You may go now.
Right, sir.
Hello, doctor.
It's me.
You have done a praiseworthy job.
I loved it. Well done!
I had no idea one could
kill someone in this manner.
I am sending you a small gift.
Please accept it.
I will see you soon.
At what time was he arrested?
Never mind, you will get a call back
Are you going to skin us alive?
Prepare what you want.
]I am at work now.
Okay, bro.
Prepare what something nutritious.
I'll be right there.
You guys handle this.
I have to go out for a little while.
- Okay.
- Expose him.
Jot down this number, Rangeela Raja.
Yes, sir.
I am going to eat lady
fingers and bitter gourd.
Let me go, I say.
I won't harm any of you.
Just tell us who you
take your orders from.
Mother f!
Tell us everything else
Tell us everything else
Come, guys.
Hey, scoundrels!
Where have you hidden Bhaati?
How dare you interfere
in my jurisdiction!
- Do you know who I am?
- Sir
Sir. Everybody knows you, sir.
Come, sir.
You will be s!
All of you will be s!
Boys! Get custody of Bhaati right now!
- Baljeet, you scoundrel!
- Sir. Sir. Sir.
- Hey, Baljeet!
- Sir. Sir. Listen to me, sir.
You are making the biggest
mistake of your life.
Your career is finished.
I'm telling you!
I am sorry to say,
sir, but you are making a mistake
and misusing your power.
I am misusing my power?
- I am telling you
- Baljeet
Behave yourself!
Come here, sir. Sorry.
You are such a senior person, sir.
It is not nice to see you standing here.
Come into my chamber, sir.
Sir, Bhaati is linked to a murder case.
We are simply following protocol and
Sir, you have come to
our office for the first time.
I can't let you leave without
showing you our hospitality.
Many people prepare samosas
but Madan's samosas are very famous.
Please taste it, sir.
I want Bhaati, not Madan's samosas.
What now?
We have a problem on our hands, sir.
Yes, Mr. Rathi. What is it?
The people at the Special cell
know that we have Bhaati in custody.
And Dasgupta came sniffing over here.
The scoundrel will create havoc now.
Do you want to talk
or do you want a beating?
Jai Hind, sir.
Ahlawat, why didn't you give me a call?
Don't you know the weapons related
issue is handled by the Special unit?
I was going to call you, sir, the
You are absolutely hopeless!
Absolutely hopeless!
Anyway, tell me.
Has Bhaati opened his mouth as yet?
He hasn't said one word as yet, sir.
The interrogation is ongoing.
- I see.
- They are thrashing the scoundrel.
I want you to keep
him busy with protocol
and nobody will give
him custody until I get there.
That is exactly what we are doing.
Kabir Bhaati.
You are Bhaati and I too am Bhaati.
We are brothers.
Guru ji's team is full of beasts.
They will kill you.
I have been waiting from last 1.5 hours
Where is everybody?
I want
Over here?
What was so pressing you had
to come to STF Headquarter personally?
What you mean by that?
What is so special about Bhaati?
Or are you afraid he
will reveal something to us?
Shut the f up, okay?
Shut the f up and get me Bhaati!
It will be good for your health. Go!
And don't blow hot and cold.
- What?
- Offer him a cold drink.
- I'll be right back.
- What-What did he say?
- Blow what?
- Blow hot and cold, sir.
- Just relax.
- I am relaxed.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Did he speak?
No, sir.
Did you want to call him? Scumbag!
He's dead! F!
Hey, scoundrel!
You kept me waiting for an hour
and a half and you killed Bhaati!
F! F!
You played with me!
I will play with you now!
I will show you how to play games!
You did not take Dasgupta seriously.
Now I shall call Natrajan.
He will s you all!
The whole department will be in the red.
- Just wait and watch.
- What will you do?
What's done is done.
Do the best that you can do.
Tell me this.
How did you find out so soon
that Bhaati is in our custody?
That is not important. That is
That is definitely not important.
Chief of Special cell
set everything aside
and came here to gain custody at night?
Yes, I
What did Bhaati know that
you didn't want us to learn about?
Tell me. I will answer
you if you answer me.
- Hey. Avinash. Avinash.
- Avinash what?
I pity you. I pity you, scoundrel.
- You
- S your English!
You remain a small man
because of your small mind.
Small Inspector.
Mr. blue eyed boy.
Your game is over.
I will shove it in your
rear end if you say another word!
- F!
- What did you say?
How dare you use foul language with me!
- Mind your language!
- What will you do if I don't?
- Who are you talking to?
- Who am I talking to?
Enough, both of you!
If you use up all your energy
here then how will you find the truth?
- Since morning he
- Hold on. Hold on.
No officer of mine can be the
reason for Bhaati's death, Dasgupta.
We don't know that, Samar.
We don't know that.
I shall investigate
this case personally. Okay?
Your Officer has done what he had to do.
Wait and watch my game now.
I will ensure there is a
big lock outside your department!
Very soon. I promise you.
Avinash, my boy. Don't get excited.
Your foes and the planets
have created a Labyrinth around you.
Perform a special worship at your house
and as always listen
to your heart and forge ahead.
I am certain you will
emerge of this labyrinth.
Narayan! Narayan! Narayan!
How did a Bhaati get murdered.
Dasgupta sir was present in the office.
No outsider came in.
Also it is true that the 12-13
people in the office was our staff.
Then how could this happen?
Sir, STF seems to be getting
too big for their boots.
They did not follow the rules.
They set out to nab weapon cartel
Sir, they kept Dasgupta,
my officer outside for 3 hours
and in the meanwhile
they pulled this stunt.
I'm very sure, sir,
Bhati received some
information about their team.
That's why they killed him.
All of them are in cahoots
with the weapons party, sir.
This team is full of misfit,
incompetent and corrupt officers!
Mr. Nambiar,
you will refrain from saying
another word about my team!
Please keep quiet.
I know exactly how
crooked your officers are.
- Samar
- No, sir.
- He's
- Samar, calm down.
At this time you should do what
it takes to cleverly sideline this mess.
And consolidate an internal investigation
team to examine this blunder
which must include one retired judge.
The Bhaati custody death
is attracting a lot of politics,.
We must cool this matter
before it gets out of hand
Very well, brother.
Do not worry.
I have complete control over the matter.
Shashi. Good morning.
Good morning.
Have some of this.
I had it made especially for you.
I am famished.
What's the matter? Why did you stop?
Isn't this what goes into
your body all day these days?
- That's not true, bro
- Brother what?!
Do you know who you are?
You are Ajit Bhushan's son.
You were his favorite.
And you were the most favorite.
You were so dear to him
he is showering love
on you even after his death.
His highness, he is trying to quit
I am a Home Minister, Shashi.
A big chunk of my
time goes towards work.
I have a constituency and
I am unable to give time to it.
You should be overseeing it
so that you may handle the position
if I become the future Chief Minister.
I am talking to you, Shashi!
Get a grip on your life, Shashi.
His highness
I shall talk to him
but in the meanwhile, if you see fit
I can lend you a hand with
the duties of the constituency.
After all I am part of this family.
Sir. Bhaati's final reports are in.
Please sign this, sir.
The reason of death is cardiac arrest.
I am 100 percent sure, sir.
So, you are sure?
Yes, sir. I'm pretty sure.
I have been killing time
here for the past 25 years.
Why don't you take my place?
Hello. What is it?
Where are you?
- When will you come home?
- I am busy working now.
I'll call you later.
There's a lot of news against you.
Please come home early today.
I told you I am busy.
Don't you understand?
I can't come.
I was simply relaying
my observation, sir.
Your observation is absurd!
Unusual traces were found in his blood.
Who will verify those?
Do you want to remain
an assistant all your life?
'Sign it!'
Dr. Verma.
How much longer will it take?
Mr. Mishra, it appears
to be a case of cardiac arrest
but there is a small doubt.
What doubt?
Traces of a substance
have been found in the blood.
The sample needs to
be sent to the forensic lab.
I can only confirm
once I get the report.
Send it quickly.
Lest our suspension letter
comes in before your lab report.
- Hey! You!
- Yes, sir.
Come here!
Take the sample to
the forensic lab yourself.
Right, sir.
Let's save his job.
Varun, request the forensic
head that it is urgent.
- We want the reports quickly.
- Yes, sir.
Okay? Go on. Rush!
Go to your homes and catch some sleep.
All of you leave. I shall wait here.
Are you a genie? Don't you need rest?
- I can't be bothered to
- Silence.
Come here. Over here.
Come here. Come!
I shall talk now and you
will listen without a word.
Who is senior? You or me?
You are.
You have a family. You have a wife.
She worries about you a lot.
It is your duty to quell her worries.
But you hung up.
She called me.
Look, no matter what the situation,
family is very important.
Else man becomes lonely.
And I understood this when my wife
Learn from my experience.
Now go to her. Okay?
- Who will stay here?
- I shall stay, sir.
It doesn't matter whether
I stay there or here? I am a bachelor.
Spare the hospital nurses.
I too am a bachelor.
I shall give company to Kabir.
Come here, Rani.
Yes, sir.
I have a case for you.
Yes, sir.
Treat the STF interrogation
room like a crime scene.
Yes, sir.
Who comes in?
When they come in?
From our team too.
Do you understand?
I want this information
as soon as possible.
Okay, sir.
This need not be said,
nevertheless it would be best
that this remains between the two of us.
I will do it, sir.
You also go
- Rani.
- Yes, sir.
What did Avinash say to you?
It was nothing, sir.
He was talking about
my nephew's admission.
You've been snorting again?
Show me.
Yes, I've been snorting.
Do I need your permission
or his highness's permission
Stop it
Why do you begin
when you are incapable
of carrying it through?
What have you done to yourself?
Did you marry me or marry drugs?
It will be morning by the time
we receive the post mortem report.
This is a dark night.
All my nights are
dark as well as lonely.
Instead of any sleep all
I could remember is her memories
Sister-in-law Suman?
Are you here on duty?
You are here?
Didn't you know?
No, I
I came here to pick
up a post mortem report
but you surprised me.
Are you okay?
I am okay.
May I ask you something?
Why don't you answer his calls?
Look, sister-in-law, it has
been 90 days since he touched alcohol.
I have witnessed it myself.
I can vouch for him.
You are well aware
of how much he loves
Kabir, I don't wish to discuss it.
Look, sister-in-law.
I am not advocating for him.
I am simply letting you
know what's going on in his life.
The only reason I am making
an effort is because I've seen your love
as well as his efforts.
"Today I am like just for you."
"I am alive only because of you."
Why do you not eat if I am not around?
What kind of a savage rule is this?
It is called values.
They were imparted to Goddess Parvati.
When she was being bid farewell.
The name you've taken has silenced me.
Varun has fallen asleep again.
You don't have the time to talk to him!
So, I'll talk to him tomorrow.
That's not going to happen.
You will leave before he wakes up
and you will return
after he falls asleep.
What is so important that
I have to discuss with him?
What do you have to discuss?
You are his father.
He misses you.
Tell me something.
How much time do you spend with him?
The Principal of Varun's
school mentioned to me
Varun is behaving
differently these days.
I spoke to Varun but
he isn't saying anything.
I will make everything okay.
Eat your food.
Shall I serve?
Go on.
The bowl.
I think I should commit an offense.
You will only pay attention
to me if charges are pressed against me.
Let the charges be pressed against you.
I will never solve it.
Which charge shall I press against you?
STF has become Special
torture force now.
The STF Officers have unlimited powers.
They have been made
irresponsible and arrogant.
Mr. Nambiar is right.
The job of the Police
force is to nab the criminal
and present him in court,
but the STF is running a kangaroo court.
This has to stop!
Because no institution is above the law
and no institution has
the right to break the law.
Raja ji, there is turmoil
all over the state.
This is not good for the government.
What is her name?
Amita Binoy Chaudhry.
She is running a
campaign against the STF.
I appreciate your concern, Mr. Sheikh,
but I have been in
power for many years now.
I will do something about it.
Please do something.
Handle it in your own way.
Let me know if you are incapable.
I will handle it
but the headlines will change then.
Well, I'll hang up now.
I am disappointed, Mr. Avinash.
I too am disappointed, sir.
It was an unfortunate incident.
My team and I will cooperate
fully in the enquiry, sir.
Do you know how Bhaati died?
Custodial death, sir.
It was a high profile matter
and criminals like Bhaati don't talk
when asked politely.
It is possible that my
time might have been rigid
Talk, f!
We were running out of time
and he wasn't cooperating with us, sir.
I was interrogating him, sir.
Not only me.
Each of us spent some
time with him alone.
How much longer do you
want to be beaten, Mr. Bhaati.
Speak up now.
In any case I believe
in working nonviolently.
I asked him very politely.
Then the seniors were
handling the investigating,
so I went out for a smoke.
You are a senior, Mr. Rathi.
Do you not have a responsibility?
Yes, sir.
Tell me, Mr. Rathi,
who was the last person with Bhaati?
That was the time when
Bhaati was all by himself, sir.
None of us were there.
And before Ahlawat went out,
sir, I was busy with my filing work.
In the Kiran Kaushik case
which we solved in record time.
The gun that we found with his assassin
gave us a lead to Guddu Ansari.
We were confronted by Bhaati
when we raided his warehouse, sir.
We nabbed him as he was a criminal.
And conveniently left for
home after putting him in the lockup?
What do you mean by conveniently, sir?
Sir, I was on duty
back to back for 48 hours.
I hadn't even changed my underwear.
Also we'd done a lot of running
around trying to nab Bhaati.
I was covered in mud.
I went to freshen up.
I won't even do that
in future if you so wish, sir.
You're completely wrong, Avinash.
He was poisoned.
What do you think happened, Mr. Rathi?
Bhaati got poisoned?
In STF custody?
I went home for 30 minutes
you committed such a big blunder.
Please are spitting on me!
I am stunned!
You mean to say you don't know
what's going on in your department.
And Mr. Rathi.
You always urge me to go home.
Go and play the game of inquiry now.
evil eye on our team
Who could have poisoned him?
Who could it be?
Tell us everything you
know about the poisoning.
I just remembered something, sir.
Mr. Rathi came in after that
and he told me Mr.
Dasgupta has come out.
I went out to see him.
Jai Hind, sir.
Baljeet was alone
with Bhaati at that time.
- Why didn't you call?
- Dasgupta sir came.
I was outside.
I had to handle him as well, sir.
Go get him you fools!
- Get him!
- Sir!
Mind your manners, sir.
He came there and created a commotion,
so what choice did I have?
- So you went out?
- Yes, sir.
Who was with Bhaati at that time?
How would I know, sir?
I was outside, sir.
Do you have any suspects?
Sir, I'm too junior
to comment on my seniors.
Which Officers had tea
in the interrogation room?
I have no idea, sir.
I was outside at the time, sir,
and when I went in, Avinash was with me.
Did he speak?
The scoundrel is a hard nut to crack.
The scoundrel is harping
on the same tune.
We went in and discovered that
Bhaati had died.
Why is this internal
enquiry taking place, sir?
To find out who killed Bhaati, right?
All the people who were present
at the STF Headquarter that day
should be here.
Everyone should be questioned.
Why is it only our
team is being questioned?
Tell us clearly what you are implying.
My team and I were
present at the STF Headquarter
but his Officer Dasgupta from
the Special cell was also present.
Are you accusing the Special cell?
No. No. No. No. No.
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Right, sir.
He is absolutely right.
Look, Ever since STF was formed it has
been a bone of contention with everyone.
- No, I'm sorry.
- Listen to me. One minute.
If Samar's team can face enquiry
why can't Mr. Das' team face enquiry?
The report is in, sir.
The reports of all the
fingerprints and investigation.
Come in.
- Mr. Laxmikant.
- Yes, sir.
Did you serve tea to Bhaati?
Yes, sir.
Who told you to serve him tea?
- Nobody told me.
- Then why did you poison it?
I did not add anything to the tea, sir.
One order from me
can destroy your career.
So, tell us the truth.
His whole body was blue, sir.
I thought his condition would
improve if I offered him some tea.
Tell us the truth!
On whose orders did you poison the tea?
Who paid you?
Who? How much money did you accept?
I have given 34 years
to this Department, sir.
I have neither accepted nor
given one rupee to anyone, sir.
I am not corrupt, sir.
I have served this Department
loyally and honorably for 34 years, sir.
Don't pour my due diligence
down the drain, sir.
I am not corrupt, sir. I am not corrupt.
Mr. Laxmikant,
you will remain suspended
until this enquiry is concluded.
You may go now.
Right, sir.
Hello, doctor.
It's me.
You have done a praiseworthy job.
I loved it. Well done!
I had no idea one could
kill someone in this manner.
I am sending you a small gift.
Please accept it.
I will see you soon.