Inuyasha (2000) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

You've gotta be kidding! Even if it is Feudal Japan There's no hot baths?! C-C-Cuh-Cuh Cold! Kagome, don't force it.
Come on out.
No! I'm all bloody and dirty.
And I can't stand my filthy hair! The Sacred Jewel My name is Kagome Higurashi.
I'm just your average school kid but, through some strange, weird situation I've ended up here, in the "Warring States"era.
Rejoice! My power is coming back! My body is being restored! You have it I know you have it!! Let me go! You're disgusting! Let me go! I've also become the target of demons all after a jewel in my body.
This "Jewel of Four Souls," which belonged to some "Kikyo"person How did it end up in ME? Now I have to team up with a half-demon called "Inuyasha" who wants Jewel's power and who intends to keep the fragments for himself.
Am I dreaming? But it's NOTa dream! What's going on?! Stop barking, Inuyasha.
What happened to the Jewel?! The arrow to which Kagome attached the crow's feet hit the Corpse Crow and destroyed it but it also shattered the Sacred Jewel.
In other words, fragments of the Sacred Jewel have been scattered throughout the world.
Who knows whether there were one hundred fragments or a thousand.
Should even one fragment fall into evil hands, however the destruction will be incalculable.
It wasn't my fault was it? I feel sort of responsible.
Kagome, Inuyasha You must use your combined strength to gather the fragments and restore the Sacred Jewel! Huh? Listen up, old hag! I'm one of the "evil-doers" looking for the Jewel! It cannot be helped But I have to go home.
Besides, I don't have such powers.
And Inuyasha is so selfish.
Sit!! So you are here, Inuyasha.
Rrragh! I'd forgotten about the subjugawhatchamacallit.
Shame on you! Spying like that! Huh?! Yeah, right! All I was doing was trying to steal the Sacred Jewel.
Yes, I know.
If you knew, why'd you ask? The future looks very bleak Inuyasha, unless you join forces with Kagome, who has the ability to "see" the Jewel there is no way all of the fragments will be found.
And I'm tellin' you that if it's for the sake of the Sacred Jewel I'll put up with the dumb girl, so stop worryin'! Do you really dislike me that much, huh? Kikyo What's that expression on your face, Inuyasha? Well, well! The Sacred Jewel I thought lost over fifty years ago has appeared once more.
It's going to be very interesting Priestess Kaede Yes? My daughter I see.
I will be right there.
I must return.
Do not fight.
"Hey" what.
Get undressed.
Oww! Why, you Why did you?! Pervert! I didn't mean undress undress! "Put your own weird stuff back on," is what I meant.
Because this makes me look like Kikyo? Whatever.
Oh, please It's like he's in middle-school.
Look! I can't work with someone who's always picking a fight! That's fine with me! I prefer to go it alone.
I see! You don't need me along then? Hey.
Where you goin'.
I've made up my mind.
I'm going home.
Goodbye, Inuyasha.
"Going home"? Hey! My name is Kagome.
Please address me as such.
Hey! Wait! It's not "hey," either.
Wait, I said! Hey! What?! It's useless to try and stop me.
You got that Jewel piece, right? Leave it.
You mean this? Sit! Why, you! You can't have it.
I can't believe that guy! Inuyasha has never once addressed me by my name! This way, Priestess Kaede She suddenly collapsed? Yes.
She was just fine this morning.
Let's see Hmm?! Stay back! Huh? She's floating.
Hair?! That's how I got here, thru the Dry Well.
I'm sure I can go back from here.
Bones That dry well is nicknamed the "bone-devouring well.
" It is where the corpses of the dead demons are discarded.
After several days, the corpses disappear.
Those are the bones of the Centipede-Monster.
Now I'm afraid to go in.
Now what? Ouch! It can't be.
That's hair! Oh, my! You can see it, then my web of hair.
But being able to "see" it isn't enough Who're you?! I'm going home.
Goodbye, Inuyasha.
Let her go, who cares? What's with you all? Interesting! Wanna take me on, huh? They call me "Yura of the Demon-Hair" though you needn't bother remembering it.
Your time's about to run out! I'm helping myself to the Jewel! Now look what you've done to it.
Where are the other fragments? Give it back! Answer my question! Where are the remaining fragments!? I I don't know.
I see.
In that case you may as well die! I see.
In that case you may as well die! It's useless to try and escape! Gone Who was that girl? Wait a minute! They're all girls from the village.
What's going on? Planning to tie me up again? Well, I'm not giving in.
Inuyasha, don't do it! Do not harm the girls! Old Kaede! Wow, look at you.
You're a bloody mess.
Have you nothing nicer to say? So why shouldn't I hurt 'em, huh? They're sure tryin' to hurt me.
They're all under a spell.
Kagome? Where's Kagome? She went back to her own land.
Not that it matters or nothin'.
I don't need her to handle this.
You mustn't! Do not touch the village girls! Will you quit flappin' your gums already? Or have you forgotten they're after you, too.
Don't you understand, Inuyasha? We must get to the one who is controlling them.
Now you've completely lost it.
Then Inuyasha, please Cut the hair! Just cut the hair and the trance will be broken! The what? I don't see anything.
Now, then Time to draw close this prey.
No! Inuyasha, run! They're not too smart, whoever's behind this I may be tangled up but even if I can't see who's doing it I can cut down whoever's in front of me! Ohh, so sorry! I suppose I've teased you long enough.
Inuyasha! Nnyaah! The tension's gone.
The head must not have been severed.
Oh, man I thought I was done for.
If you'd been a mere human, it would have come clean off.
The village men! More human puppets? It's gettin' kinda old.
Inuyasha, leave this to me and make your escape.
Aw man, would you quit bein' such a martyr an' Old Kaede! Inu yasha Can't be helped.
Ooh! Such pretty, silver hair.
Hang in there, old woman! Be careful, Inuyasha! The hair You say somethin', old woman? Never mind.
Such a stubborn one.
This is fun.
And this silver hair I must have it! Old woman, you said you can see the strands! Tell me where it's being pulled from, then.
Don't be ridiculous! With me in this condition and even with my seeing powers Hurry Kagome can So she can see it, too? Yes.
For this foe Kagome Kagome is necessary for victory Where is this? The bottom of the well.
That's right That girl came after me and pushed me into the well.
We've looked in this well over and over again.
But I already told you, it's where she fell in! You must've been dreaming.
It's the truth! Gramps! Sota! I'm back Back to my own time.
Kagome, you've been gone for three days We've been so worried.
Sis, what happened to you? I'm not dreaming! I'm really home! Gramps! I was so scared! Kagome What happened?! Okay This is it, old woman.
Givin' you a decent burial's the least I can do.
Only I'm not dead yet.
What I meant was, bury you to hide here.
I'll even come back an' dig you out, if I don't forget.
Are you sure? You had better not forget.
Do not forget, Inuyasha! I know! I know! Curse that stupid girl! Where'd she run off to, at a time like this?? Happiness at last.
Wherever she went, she won't get away! It feels so good.
It seems Inuyasha can't even SEE Yura's hair! What hope can he have of defeating her? In order to help Kaede, we have to defeat Yuraand fast.
Nothing Inuyasha does seems to have any effect! She's GOT to have a weaknessSOMEWHERE.
Next time.
"Yura of the Demon-Hair" See you soon!
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