Ironside (2013) s01e03 Episode Script


1 Oh, yeah, customized.
Has a whole other meaning.
Well, thanks for the lift home.
That's all right.
It was on my way.
Bay Ridge is on the way to highland? I didn't say I was on my way home.
Booty call.
The kids still call it that? Well, whatever they're calling it, I'm not getting any.
[Music stops.]
Run the beater.
Are you seriously racial profiling? Nah.
I'm curb creature profiling.
He's trying too hard not to look around, but he keeps checking the mirror every five seconds.
All right.
Car and plate are a match.
Registration's up to date.
No warrants.
Maybe your radar's off.
[Alarm ringing.]
Hang on.
It jammed up.
Call it in.
We have shots fired at 422 Nevins.
Perps are in a yellow taxi.
Medallion number 9227.
[Siren blaring.]
That wasn't a mistake, was it? No.
Let's see what they did on the inside.
[Police radio chatter.]
Don't bother.
Get the door.
Players must have found another way out.
Almost all of 'em.
He's Harold Karr.
Still holds the title to the building.
Occb knew him right away.
Old-school high roller.
Most likely this was his game.
Yeah, perps must have thought so.
They put him on his feet and moved him to the safe.
Looks like he had other ideas.
Getaway driver is Shawn Lucas.
He's driving his sister's car.
Had a couple of robbery priors, but not much else.
Perps dumped the cab at Wyckoff and Gates.
They left the guns behind.
They were wearing gloves.
No prints, no leads.
We've got seven leads.
Seat one Chips stacked neat, low, symmetrical rows.
Professional male, tight with his money.
Drinking water out of a glass, not a bottle.
Older, conservative.
He's not gonna take a cab or walk, so check with the high-end car services.
Seat two.
Low on chips, but he's got 'em stacked high, like he's making a show.
He wants you to think he's a tough guy.
Left his jacket when he ran.
Brioni Pocket Square.
- Wise guy wannabe? - Yep.
Like Gotti used to wear.
I'll make some calls.
Seat three.
Kept his chips in a messy pile.
He's young, aggressive.
He's not worried about money because he's got a ton of it.
Look at his card protector.
It's heavy, real gold.
Could I see that for a second? This is super bowl swag from 2007.
All the giants got one of these.
1:15 left.
Manning throws it downfield to David Tyree, who catches it with one hand.
And pins it to his helmet.
Man, Brady cried like a little girl.
You finished? I had box seats.
This here [Chuckles.]
This is the pro.
Half of the money in the game is his.
See these chips, how they're stacked? That's from shuffling them, 20 at a time.
He's drinking water, not booze.
He's here to win, not socialize.
Now, check out the floor.
He's wearing out that carpet.
If he's winning, why is he so nervous? Speed.
These guys play 24, 48 hours at a time.
The perps murdered two men tonight One because he didn't move fast enough, the other just to keep us from talking to him, but they left empty-handed.
Think they'll go again? Unless we find them first.
Does this look familiar to you? It ain't mine.
Oh, that must be my mistake.
Teddy, is this yours? - I thought it was yours.
- No, not mine.
You know what? Has anybody in this room played in a Super Bowl? Maybe that's gonna help us figure this one out.
It's a good question.
I have not played in the Super Bowl.
- Have you? - No, not me.
What do you guys want? Giants are in Dallas this week to play the cowboys.
Three players are home with injury.
Only one of them played in the super bowl in '07.
Got one of these.
So unless you want your coach to find out how you been recuperating Illegal gambling is just the first thing that comes to mind Murder being the second.
I did not kill Harry.
I liked Harry.
Right, which is why you left his dead body at the table, turned tail, and ran like a punk.
Harry went right at that guy.
When the gun went off, everybody ran.
Sit down.
Buddy Rovner was the first out the back.
It's not hard to guess why.
Okay, so guess.
These games are invitation only.
With Harry's, you didn't know where it was till 24 hours before.
Only a player knew enough to set it up.
So why Rovner? Other game got robbed last month.
I heard buddy was at that one too.
74 squad is bitching about your hijacking their homicide? Hey, I was shot at.
Holly was shot at.
The perps are mine.
- Do you like someone? - It's only been 12 hours.
It's already been 12 hours.
Holly, you get in touch with the vic's family? He didn't have any.
- Interviewed his secretary.
- And? Ever hear someone with nothing bad to say about someone work really hard to find something good to say? Harry Karr lost more than he won, but I get the impression the poker games weren't about the money so much as him having someone to talk to.
Make sure you let the M.
No one claims him, they have to dispose of the body.
The guy was friends with every high roller in the city, and they're just going to bury him in Potter's field? Well, with friends like those Be there in a sec.
What the hell was that about? - What? - You pushed me out of the way.
You were about to get tackled by a professional.
Okay, listen.
You stand your ground, and I'll stand mine, okay? Hey, in my office.
- Look, sarge - Close the door.
That happen a lot? - What? - You protecting Teddy.
He carries his weight? - He's a good partner? - Yep.
Would you tell me if he wasn't? No.
Get out of here.
Yes, sir.
That wire secure? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Don't "yeah, yeah" me.
Now you want to buy one deck of heroin.
If he tries to sell you weed Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm there to buy one deck of heroin.
I got it.
Don't let him get you inside.
They try to get you inside, you walk away.
Hold up, hold up.
I know I'm the new guy, but I don't need lessons on how to buy drugs in Harlem.
I got that one, all right? Okay.
Seems like you got it under control.
Watch and learn, baby.
Eight seats, we got five I.
- Six.
Harold Karr.
- Vics aren't witnesses.
Four of them we've interviewed.
They all say the same thing Two guys with masks and shotguns.
Harold Karr would not open the safe.
All of them say buddy Rovner set it up.
Buddy Rovner Won the world series of poker when he was 21.
Cash prize of over $2 million.
So why is he taking on games? Well, according to Vanity Fair, Rovner developed a nasty little drug habit, a pile of debt, and a losing streak as long as the Macy's day parade.
His residence of record is in Las Vegas, but he hasn't been there in seven months.
These guys bounce around the world, chasing games, and listening to the voices in their head They also get used to staying in the most expensive hotels in the world.
Start with chains who also own casinos in AC and Vegas.
If he's a whale, he's being comped.
He's in the penthouse.
Brioni Pocket Square.
You recognize either one of them? No.
But they took me off of the mob kids newsletter when I went into the academy.
I saw two uniforms outside.
Go, go, go get 'em.
I'll see you upstairs.
Hey, going up? Excuse me, guys.
Penthouse? You going to the penthouse? That that's fancy.
Y'all from New York? 'Cause it's crowded, a lot of traffic.
Hey, what y'all think about that That new bike-share program? You don't use it, do you? [Elevator dings.]
Damn, this This is not my floor.
Nah, I am not on the fourth floor, I'm on the tenth floor.
I don't know what I was thinking about there.
Wait, that was Orlando.
That was Orlando.
I don't know what I was thinking.
I was in Orlando when I was on the tenth I was not on the tenth flo I was not on the tenth floor.
It's the 14th floor.
Or was it the 20th floor? [Sighs.]
Sorry, guys.
We'll take the stairs.
Oh, what, hey.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, back up, back up, back up.
Now, you think Rovner tried to rip you off, and you're mad.
And I totally get and respect mad, trust me.
But right now there are about five or ten other cops upstairs waiting for you.
And I'm betting you don't have permits for those pieces I saw bouncing up and down under your coats from halfway across the lobby.
So how do you want this to go down? Turns out they were in the wrong hotel.
[Thrift Shop by Macklemore & Ryan lewis.]
Yes, in the shoe.
- Buddy Rovner? - Uh This isn't what it looks like.
Okay, I guess it is what it looks like.
I'm hunting, looking for a come-up this is awesome I was just playing my game, you know, trying to fix my leaks.
I'm dealt 10-Jack, suited, under the gun.
So instead of just check, holding, I open up the pot, and bump it up to four grand.
Only ATM's keep 10-Jack under the gun.
So, why don't we skip to the part where someone gets shot.
Is that watch real? - What? - Isn't it a bit um Hypocritical, for a cop to be wearing a Balenciaga knock off.
It's not a knock off.
$100 it's a knock off.
You watch someone get murdered, and your first reaction, is to have a hooker party, at the Grange.
We all grieve differently.
On the elevator up to see you, I met a couple of guys.
Bruised knuckles, bent noses, and marinara stains on their shirts.
Word's out that's the second time you showed up at a game, and it got robbed.
Yeah, it's time for me to get on a plane.
You're not getting on a plane.
You're getting lost in the system for five or six days on drug charges.
Meanwhile, I call The Post.
They do a "where are they now?" story on a guy that shows up at games that get robbed.
After that, good luck running far enough or fast enough, or finding a game that'll even have you.
- Yeah, you'd do that to me? - Oh, you [Bangs table.]
You have no idea what I would do to you.
Okay, what do you want me to say? What do you want to tell me? You got to stay in long enough to get out.
- You know what I mean? - No.
Maybe I'm buying some, uh, some supplements from this guy, Gus.
I tell him about a game I'm in.
It's just a conversation, right? There's no bad thoughts in my head.
Then I'm at the game, and these two guys come in.
And they hold us up Masks.
But I recognize Gus.
I don't say anything.
I mean, I'm running out of cash, so I say nothing.
And the next time I see him, Gus hands me a bag of red supplements, and, um, kicks me back my stake, plus 10.
So maybe Maybe you tell Gus where the next game is.
I'm right on the edge on a comeback, but I keep running out of capital before the cards come.
I mean, you see a chance to go back to being somebody that you liked being I mean, what wouldn't you do? Gus Benson Fought in a few undercards, lost his license over some drug collars, and now he owns a gym in red hook.
Go take a look at him.
You got it.
Do you think I can handle it? I mean, maybe I should wait in the car so I don't get hurt.
Yeah, maybe you should.
What's up with them? Sibling rivalry.
They'll work it out.
Yeah, yeah, like Cain and Abel.
I'm here to see Makasi.
I need a deck.
You Rafael's friend? Yeah.
We grew up together in Santiago.
I'm Makasi.
Come in.
We lost visual.
All right.
- You ever sparred before? - Yeah, once or twice.
Do you think we need headgear? Nah, not a big deal.
- You got to keep your guard up.
- Okay.
Are you at least watching the guy? Yeah.
You wanna take it easy? Gotta make it look convincing.
Okay, let's rock and roll.
Hold on, where'd he go? What? Wow.
Yeah, you got to make it look convincing.
Come on.
Hold up, hold up, hold up.
Okay, okay, wait here, wait here.
[Punching sounds, background chatter.]
I'll give you three for the price of two.
Going out of business sale? Yeah, something like that.
You know anyone who wants to buy a gym? He's in bad shape.
Not bad yet, just pliant.
We're gonna need him to be like that.
You want to feel sorry for someone? Feel sorry for Harold Karr.
This kid put himself in this position.
That's probably what someone was saying about Harold Karr.
You ever think about who's gonna be at your funeral? I spent four months in a hospital bed thinking about not much else.
I don't think about it anymore.
I'll get him some coffee.
It might take the edge off a little.
That guy look like he's here to train? Now, the second big guy here is Orville Lambert.
Most of the fights he's won he's been arrested for.
Benson and Lambert could be the two who shot at us, right? Mutt and Jeff combo.
I know chunk style here.
That's Nesto Perez.
Deals guns.
They're tooling up.
They're gonna go again.
From what Benson said, I think it's gonna be their last one, too.
Then they're gonna get out of here.
- So we roll them up.
- For what? A couple of guns, if we're lucky? Hope they confess to a double murder? Nah, nah.
We got to catch 'em dirty, at a game.
I need to put someone on the inside.
- I'll do it.
- You own a suit? - Yeah.
- Nah.
I don't mean something you bought at Joseph a.
Banks for 45 bucks.
I mean something that says you can lose 25 gs in a night.
Guess I'm out.
I've got something.
I'm sure you do.
I have to assume they got a good enough look at us at nevins street.
It's not worth the risk.
So do we get around to me, or do we have to ask the janitor's availability first? I didn't hear you volunteer.
I am.
I'm volunteering.
Yeah, what you got? This is my world.
I know these people.
I-I was one of these people.
You know anything about poker? Yeah, enough to lose, which is the point, right? Yeah.
So It looks like you're up.
Benson and Lambert are about to hit it again we need to know where.
I talked about a lot of games.
Start with the regular ones.
All right, tomorrow is actor night.
Suite at the Gansevoort, everybody brings their, uh, entourage.
Big party.
Too many people.
There's a game on Friday.
Time Warner, top floor, all the New York pros.
Cash? Credit.
All right, there's a game tonight.
In the financial district.
It's pretty conservative.
You know, mainly abc poker, but plenty of cash.
Can you walk me inside? Why? Why? Why do you think? So I can be there when you bust these guys? Yeah, no thanks.
Hey, how you feeling? What what? Well, your pupils, they're starting to look normal again.
I'm thinking shakes setting in.
I give you ten hours.
Bouncing off four stone walls, eyeballed by a dozen degenerates, trying to choke down bologna sandwiches, because you're that hungry.
You're tired, but you can't sleep because your heart is pounding through your ears.
I give you ten hours before you're begging someone to get me on the phone.
Is he always like this? Two men wereilled over a game.
Now, one was probably on his way anyhow, but the other one, this old guy brought you into his life, thinking you were his friend.
Now, you want to race me to the high ground? [Sighs.]
I'm gonna need a change of clothes.
All right.
Let's see it.
We cool? You want a drink? - Nah.
- Nah? What, you got girls waiting for you or something? Yeah, maybe.
Forgetting something? Nah.
I'm robbing you.
[Both grunting.]
Come on, man, we got to get in there.
Ah, ah.
Give it a second.
- What? - Let's do this.
[Tinny fighting sounds continue.]
We're going in.
Police! Let me see your hands.
Hands, now! Get over here, come on.
Man, you guys are stupid.
You couldn't tell he was a cop my niece, she's four, she needs glasses.
She could tell he was a cop.
Bob? Would you like to frisk these gentlemen? You see, we were just gonna bust you for selling, but now we got to bust you for assault, too.
Lots more work for us, and lots more jail time for you.
That's a hell of a way to get your cherry popped, Bob.
We're not bigfooting anything.
My guy was at the scene.
You don't like it? Then take it to the chief of ds.
And, frankly, a guy with your clearance rate shouldn't be begging to take on more murders.
I need to set up an undercover.
I need an esu team, some good wires, - $25,000 to $30,000.
- You're welcome, Bob.
Getting the tting the sever off your ass was my pleasure.
I got an idea where the poker game shooters are going to hit next.
So now you want me to tell operations you want to use innocent civilians as decoys? They're already in danger, and they're not that innocent.
I'm gonna have somebody in the game, make sure none of the victims get stupid.
Who? Teddy? Was that a question or a statement? He fits the profile.
But? Oh, man.
So much easier when it was just me and Gary.
One of us went through the door, and the other one covered his back.
And now you got to send someone else through the door.
Not so much fun being a boss, is it? Being responsible for someone other than yourself? I hate it when you call me a boss.
And I love calling you one.
This Teddy kid He's good.
A lot of potential.
But that doesn't make him ready.
It's your call, but But if you never send him in, he's never going to be ready.
You gonna approve this, or what? Like I really have a choice here? All clear.
You owe housekeeping a pretty serious tip, my friend.
What, you guys gonna watch me get dressed? Leave the door open.
The bathroom too? Oh, come on, man, have you seen the toilets at the station? There was no way that was going to happen.
I could use a shower.
You know who digs the trenches at Potter's field? Rikers island inmates.
I don't see you as the kind who gets wrapped up in someone dying lonely.
I don't see myself as that kind either.
You know what I gave up to take this job.
Most of my family is on the other side.
Mine too.
I guess I never thought of it as "gave up.
" More like "walked away from.
" What, you see something, sarge? Look at the position of the body.
You were right.
Harold Karr makes eight witnesses.
If that's what $1,000 suit looks like, I think you got robbed.
It's what a $2,000 suit looks like.
But on you, it'd probably look like 250.
Hey, buddy? Buddy? If you're doing anything in that shower other than [Shower water running.]
He's in the tub.
Hey! Hey, buddy? I need an ambulance.
- What the hell? - It's on me.
I tossed the whole place before I let him in.
It's not his fault.
I had it stashed in the drain pipe.
You got to hide 'em, otherwise the hookers steal 'em.
I learned that lesson the hard way.
How long you been doing speed, three or four years? You knew what you were doing.
I would have choked in that game, got your guy killed.
So you took the noble way out? You think I buy that? Every day I'm breathing, I'm playing.
I can't help myself.
[Emergency radio chatter.]
Call the D.
See if we got enough for a warrant on Benson and Lambert.
We'll pick 'em up, see if we can break them.
Buddy's next to useless as a witness.
Even it he wasn't, you and I both know that he doesn't give us a case.
You got a better thought, Detective? Stick with the plan.
I can talk my way in.
What if you can't? The one thing I do know how to do is to talk my way into money.
What do we lose by taking a shot, huh? Looks like that hurts.
Maybe next time I say, "don't go inside," you won't go inside.
You set me up.
Come again? You knew he wouldn't do the deal outside.
Well, then you should have walked away.
We're here.
What do you got? We've seen a few people coming in and out.
Esu is down the block, ready to move on our signal.
All right.
It's a working phone.
It's also a wire, always transmitting.
Be anything goes wrong, say, but you order a 7 and 7,e.
We come in.
How about a Martinez? - What? - It's a Martinez.
It's the forerunner to the Martini.
It's got old tom gin, two dashes of maraschino liqueur 7 and 7.
We've got the advantage here.
We know Benson and Lambert's M.
: Arrive late, collect the money.
When everybody's getting tired, bust their way in.
You let the robbery happen.
Pay attention to details.
Keep the players safe.
Don't let anyone do anything stupid.
Don't you do anything stupid.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Don't you "yeah, yeah" me.
No, I've got it under control.
All right.
I'm here for the game.
I'm with Rovner.
Then you wait for Rovner.
He's gonna be late.
Then so are you.
Uh, he's getting girls, so, I mean, I can tell him to bring one more, if you want.
I mean, once the game begins, what are you going to do all night, huh? Smart.
Smart? I like a girl who looks smart.
I got it.
[Tense music.]
I'm not here to supervise, just observe.
Okay, I did sign for $25,000 in cash.
All right.
One guy on the door armed.
Not taking any chances.
The game's on the fourth floor.
Elevator when you come in, and the stairs are in the back on the left.
[Speaking russian.]
Excuse me? Hello? Is there a problem? No.
No, no, no, no.
[Indistinct chatter.]
You okay? [Indistinct chatter.]
Hey, guys.
Any sign of Benson or Lambert? Nothing.
- Calling or folding? - Re-raise, make it ten.
What, you got your flush? - How's Teddy sound to you? - I call.
- He's holding up.
- That's good.
We got Lambert.
He's with a white male, 25 to 30.
Silver Camaro.
He's headed your way.
Turn around.
Turn around.
Where's Benson? Why is Lambert carrying two guns? Damn it.
Everyone get ready to move on my signal.
We're not waiting on Teddy? Fold.
Well, I need a drink.
Let's go.
Let me see your hands! Hands on the table, where I can see them.
Get 'em on the table! Hey, you, money now.
Open the safe, or I start shooting people.
Now! Just open the safe.
[Quiet chatter.]
Don't don't do it.
Hey! What was that? Lit wasn't.
You shook your head.
I saw you shake your head.
Tell me why you shook your head, or I'm gonna blow it off.
Everyone move, now.
Go, go.
Everyone, go.
Get the come on! Stand up.
Stand up! Slower.
You two, get up! Why'd he shake his head? Why'd you shake your head? Get the money! I'm gonna fix this for you.
[Bang bang.]
[All shouting.]
Get your gun down! On the ground right now! Put your gun on the ground! Put it down! On the ground! Put your gun on the ground! Get it down.
Put your hands behind your back! What the hell happened? I didn't give the signal.
I-I didn't make the call.
No, I did.
Well, you could have gotten someone killed.
You could have gotten someone killed.
Did you tell me Benson was on the inside? I had it under control.
I couldn't.
The minute you saw him, what were you supposed to do? Ii was in there.
That was my call.
You were supposed to call it off! Hey, kid.
You want to prove yourself, stop trying to prove yourself.
Am I right, or am I wrong? You're the boss.
Number five.
All right.
So that's it? I doubt it.
For a minute there, I thought it was me.
Thought I had misread you.
Leaned too hard, but then I remembered I was dealing with a poker player.
Yeah, you didn't try to o.
Because of me.
You were playing the odds.
Getting your stomach pumped against a gun in the face.
You knew I so? You knew I didn't want to go.
You didn't want to go because Benson had already tried to kill you once.
Amd Harry Karr wasn't protecting the safe, was he? Why would a lonely old guy who plays bad poker just for the company get himself killed over money? He wouldn't.
If he saw you were about to get killed though, he might have gotten between the gun and you.
Why? Why would he do that? Because he liked you.
Because he thought you were his friend.
Two, three games a year I barely knew him.
You knew him better than most.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Told the wife I'm not coming home tonight.
Let's go get drunk.
No, I got to finish something first.
Let's go get drunk first.
Every assignment I'm always the rich kid.
You know, I run the bank statements and I talk to the trust fund babies, and it was supposed to be different here.
It is.
You're my partner.
Hey! You sober up tomorrow morning, you still want to quit, we'll go get drunk again.
Hey, have you ever had a Martinez? [Another love by tom odell.]
I want to take you somewhere so you know I care but it's so cold and I don't know where I brought you daffodils in a pretty string This one? Yeah, thanks.
It's getting pretty dusty up there.
Let it.
Hey, you remember my first buy? [Laughs.]
When you got the crap kicked out of you? [Laughing.]
You knew I was walking into an ass beating.
What, you want me to apologize now? Man, you hold a grudge.
How did you know I wouldn't get myself killed? [Scoffs.]
You still let me go.
It's what you needed.
And you're a better cop now because of it.
How'd you make that call though? Well, somebody's got to be a surgeon's first patient, right? I might have screwed up today.
I didn't hear any new tragedies on the radio on the way over, so Couldn't have screwed up that bad.
You took your sweet time coming in.
You had a lot to learn.
You were probably eating.
[Both laugh.]
Where did you get these?
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