Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e03 Episode Script


I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
(J.L. humming)
Mrs. Gabler, now, you live
at 400 West Third
Street, is that correct?
Yes, it is.
Now, according to the police
report on July the 14th, 1987,
at approximately 10:15 p.m.,
a murder took place
outside that very building.
Were you at home at the time?
I told the police that I
saw two men fighting,
but I couldn't make them out.
Huh but that's a very
well-lit street, is it not?
I couldn't see because
my eyes have gone bad.
You mean to tell me that
you can't see 20 or 30 feet?
I need glasses.
Excuse me.
What did you say?
Oh, uh, nothing.
Mrs. Gabler, you are under oath.
Who's Helen?
My sister.
I haven't seen her in years.
She lives in Ohio.
You just identified your sister
from far over 40 feet away.
Is that correct, Mrs. Gabler?
Which means that you
were perfectly capable
of seeing two men struggling
outside your building on
the night of the murder.
Doesn't it, Mrs. Gabler?
Oh, well, oh
Now, you did see the
man who killed the victim,
Ward Price, outside
your building, did you not?
And do you see that man
in this courtroom right now?
Would you identify him, please?
That's him.
Thank you, Mrs. Gabler.
Thank you very much.
The people rest.
(J.L. whistles)
Gertrude? Gertrude? Gertrude!
Where do you think you're going?
To lunch.
Who's answering my phones?
If you hurry, you can.
You know, it wouldn't hurt
to skip a meal once in a while.
How would you know?
Derek! In your office, sir.
Oh. How did it go
with MacAllister?
Well, it was worthwhile
bringing in the old lady from Ohio.
We finally nailed the creep. Ah.
Derek, where the hell
DEREK: Yes, sir?
Well, how did it go?
Ta-da. Oh, no.
Shampoo, manicure,
and a light trim.
Look at him.
Isn't he beautiful, huh, Max?
Here's the bill. Okay.
Raoul is the best in the city.
I just wanted the damn
dog cleaned, not remodeled.
This is an outrage!
There should be a law against
this kind of price gouging.
Is there?
I don't know, sir.
Well, find out.
Yes, sir.
Oh, I was supposed to ask you.
You going to Jake's place?
Uh, no, somebody's
got to stay here and work.
Hey, baby dog.
Come here, Max. Come here, Max.
How are you, kid, huh?
Have I got some lunch for you.
Yes, I have.
Oh, yes.
Am I glad I found you.
This guy Dinello was bad news.
Where's the rest of the backup?
We are the backup.
Okay, here we go.
(elevator bell dings)
We know you're in here.
Come on out and put your
hands on top of your head.
GROUP: Surprise!
(chuckles): Don't shoot!
ALL: Surprise!
I'm going to see to it
that you get life for this.
Oh, you do that.
You don't think I was
going to let you get married
without a party, did you?
WOMAN: So there I was,
my first day in the big city,
and my car gets broken into.
Every bit of my luggage is
stolen, and I am standing there.
I am trying so hard not to cry.
And this man walks up to me,
and I, of course,
think that it's the thief
that's coming back
to take my pocketbook.
Here she is about to bean me
and I'm trying to convince
her I'm a white knight.
(indistinct chatter)
We were the best
in the business.
You got it.
McCabe says the only reason
he made Jake an investigator
was to separate you two.
You guys are really going to
be happy together, you know?
She's changed my life, Jake.
Yeah? The best two months
two months and three days I
Hi. I love your
place. Hey, babe.
Thank you. You love his place?
Yeah. Well, you should've
seen his last place.
I mean, it was an
old railroad station.
It was it was incredible.
Can we go home now?
Let's go.
(Jake whistles)
Hey, ho-ho. Hey, no, no-no.
You guys, don't leave now.
Oh, don't, look. Don't, please?
I mean it. I've got
the champagne.
It's expensive. Oh, it
was such a great party.
Thank you. Wait, why
are you guys leaving?
It was the best
engagement party I ever had.
"Ever had"? It's the
only engagement party
you will ever have.
You hear me? Uh-oh.
Hey, look, really, I've
got to get ready for work.
All right, okay. Thank you.
Okay. You're welcome.
We had a great time. Okay.
Bye. Bye-bye.
Drive safe.
Jake's one in a million, huh?
I like being around you two.
It's almost like
you're the same guy.
Now what exactly
do you mean by that?
I love you.
What's wrong?
I'm not sure. Sit tight.
Freeze! Police officer!
WOMAN: Dennis?
(phone rings)
MAN (on phone): Jake?
Bad news.
MAN: Yeah, I've
got it here, sir.
(indistinct chatter)
(indistinct chatter)
What have you got?
Geez, I'm sorry
about this, Jake.
What have you got?
Single shot.
It was fast.
We have an eyewitness.
Apparently he saw something.
Stopped to check it out,
walked into a kid
robbing the place.
Kid went over the fence.
Eyewitness describes the
suspect as about six feet,
Hispanic, blue
long-sleeved shirt,
jeans, black high-top
basketball shoes,
tough looking. Great.
That could be one
of a thousand kids.
(sobbing): Oh, Jake.
Oh, God
It's okay.
I was just I was
just sitting in the car
just watching and
and I just felt so helpless.
And then he, he
shot, he shot Dennis.
(sobbing) Then he fell
I swear I'm going to
get whoever did this.
I promise you, okay?
(garbled radio transmission)
Okay, all right, all right.
Take her home. Take her home.
(continues sobbing)
(garbled radio transmission)
(garbled radio transmission)
MAN: Thank you very much.
I'm sorry, Jake.
I don't know what to say.
Me, either.
What have you got?
What is this? This is nothing.
Well, there's a thread in there.
It's silver metallic and
black stretch material,
and it's fresh.
It was just hanging
on the top of the fence.
A big wind
could've blown it off.
And that's it.
(siren wails)

Hello, gentlemen.
I guess you're wondering
why I'm here, right?
What do you want?
I saw the graffiti outside,
thought I'd stop in.
By the way, I'm a cop.
Let's go.
Hold it right there.
You know, they're
thinking of running a contest
down at the department.
Prize goes to the gang member
with the best colors.
The winner gets a VCR.
Take off your colors.
Hey, man.
I don't even have time.
Take 'em off.
Take 'em off and hold 'em up.
Let's go.
I don't have all day.
Get 'em up.
Yeah, you.
Stand right there.
Hand that to me.
Let's go.
You win.
Sit down. Sit down.
Now, we're going
to do this again.
Now, we've got an
eyewitness who saw you do this.
Now, what I need
from you now, Richie,
is I need your
side of the story.
Well, I didn't kill nobody!
Man, that was the
first job I ever tried.
How am I supposed to know
some guy's gonna
burn me, huh? Sit down!
Let me tell you something.
You know what I think?
I think you're pulling
me around the block.
Now, I've got all day with you.
I get paid for this.
So now, what you
and I are gonna do,
we're gonna start over. Got it?
He's so young.
JAKE: A cop comes
down the alley
How could he have done this?
How old is he? (Richie shouting)
Laura, I'm terribly sorry.
Mr. McCabe, there's a
positive ID in the line up.
This is the boy in the alley.
JAKE: He surprised you, right?
You saw him coming
down the alley.
You got scared and
you pulled out a gun.
I keep telling you,
man. I got no gun.
Stop lying to me! I'm
not lying to you, man!
I didn't shoot him!
We'd better take her home.
Thank you.
RICHIE: I keep telling
you, man. I got no
Stop lying to me!
I know you did it, Richie.
I didn't do it. I'm
taking it from here.
This one's mine.
I'm taking it.
Not this time, J.L. Jake!
That's an order.
(sniffles and sighs)
Hold out your hand.
I said hold out your hand.
You know who I am?
I've seen you on TV.
You're the Fatman.
The name's McCabe.
You okay?
I know he was rough on you,
but his best friend was just killed.
Hey, man, I didn't kill nobody.
I swear.
All I did was lift a video, man.
That's all that went down.
I mean, I'm the one that
almost got killed, man.
The man took a shot at me!
Are you sure?
After I got over
the fence, I heard it.
Did the officer just now
read you your rights?
I don't know. All right.
I'll get you a public defender,
but don't say or sign anything
until you see him.
You understand?
what's your story?
I don't have a story.
I just work here.
(door closes)
Why'd you pull me out of there?
You were out of line, Jake.
That kid was five minutes away
from spilling his guts.
Look, I'm sorry about
what happened to Dennis,
but I'm not sure
this kid did it.
We've got an eyewitness.
Why wasn't Denni" gun out?
Dennis would never
have gone down that alley
with his gun in his holster.
It was after the party.
Maybe he wasn't
thinking straight.
Dennis' gun wasn't fired,
and Richie Ortega
says he heard a shot
after seeing Dennis
near the fence.
Yeah, I'm gonna believe him.
(knocking on door) Come!
Oh, finally.
They made me leave
my driver's license,
so we got to be real
careful with this
Come on. Come on.
Here we go.
Fresh asphalt
had been laid the day before
near the fence Richie
Ortega jumped over.
These are Dennis' shoes.
(groans) That's
asphalt, all right.
Meaning that Dennis
must've gone down the alley
and gone back
toward his car in order
to have been shot where he was.
Now, we both know
how difficult it is
to get a perfect eyewitness ID,
and here we have a
near hysterical woman
who's just seen her fiancé
shot down in cold blood
and she makes a definitive ID
without even the
slightest hesitation.
You're saying what?
Laura killed him?
there's one thing
we know for certain.
Somebody's lying.
J.L.: But $50 for a shampoo?
I get a shampoo for nothing
when I get my hair cut.
Yes, I know I'm not a dog.
I don't even have
as much hair as Max,
but that's not the point.
Yeah, he looks beautiful.
Yeah, he seems
very happy, really.
Ah, you got me there.
He sure does smell good.
Real natural herbs, huh?
Well, I'll be damned.
Well, how-how often
should I have this done?
Well, okay.
Thank you very much.
I'll give you a call.
Pleasure to do
business with you.
J.L.: Laura?
Hello, Mr. McCabe.
I was just gathering
some of Dennis' things.
You okay?
Not really.
Me, either.
Right now, the only thing
that would make me feel
better is to put that kid away.
But if he gets a
good public defender,
it may not be so easy.
I don't understand.
Well, the lab ran a
gunshot residue test
on the boy's hands and clothes.
They came up with nothing.
It doesn't prove
he didn't fire a gun,
but with a hostile
jury, you never know.
Is there anything
that I can do to help?
Well, I wanted to
ask you a question,
if you're up to it.
Of course.
You said in your statement
that the suspect had the
VCR under his left arm,
and when you
saw him in the alley,
he had the gun
in his right hand.
That's right.
What's wrong?
The boy's left-handed.
Logic tells you
that he would hold
the gun in his left hand.
I don't know.
Maybe, you know,
maybe it was reversed.
I just everything
about that day was so
Well, that poses
another problem.
If your memory is in question
about any details
of the shooting,
that puts your identification
of the killer in doubt.
I'm sorry
if I'm not saying everything
that you want me to say.
And I'm sorry
that this is gonna be
a difficult case for you.
And I'm
I am so sorry that
Dennis was killed.
Look, I
I don't mean to upset you.
I know.
I'd appreciate it
if you'd stick around
for a few days.
Of course. I was planning to.
Without you, I
don't have a case.
You're my key witness.
(knocking on door)
You got it?
Of course I've got it.
You are some piece of work.
What is that supposed to mean?
I heard on the news.
The kid's gonna take the fall.
You hired me to do a job.
I saw a way to take at least
two months off of this project
and I took it,
and I did it as well as
anybody in the business.
I'm not complaining.
You do your job
as well as I did mine
and we'll get along just fine.
(knocking on door)
Who's that?
Well, I'm not expecting anyone.
(quiet laugh)
Hi, Jake. Hi. How are you?
Come on in. I, uh I'm sorry.
I didn't know you had
someone Oh, please.
No, it's all right. Please.
I want you to meet, uh,
Lawrence Summers, Jake Styles.
Lawrence is an old
friend of mine. Hi.
I used to be Dennis' partner.
Nice to meet you. Yeah, I know.
Laura told me.
I'm-I'm real sorry.
Thank you. It was really
nice of you to come over.
Look, well, I just wanted
to come by and tell you
that, uh, if you needed
someone to talk to
Or hang out with,
or go to the movies
or dinner or whatever,
you can call me.
Oh, thank you.
That's so sweet of you.
Well, that's okay. I
Look, I'm going to go, okay?
So, it was nice meeting
you. Hey, same here.
All right, take care.
Take care of yourself, huh?
I appreciate it. Thank you.
I'll give you a call. Okay.
Bye. Bye.
(door closing)
What was a cop doing here?
Trying to be nice.
Who is he?
I don't know.
She says his name is Summers.
KATIE: Look, there he is.
(camera shutter clicking)
(engine revving)
(engine starting)

Oh. Oh, that's
somebody. Who's that?
(camera shutter clicking)
(camera shutter clicking)
This is D.J. Gerard.
Top wheelman on the West Coast.
Looks like Gregory Pate.
Looks like someone's
organizing a caper.
This is the can man.
This is the guy
I'm interested in.
He calls himself Summers.
Oh, Robert, will you tell Ollie
that I'd like to see him,
please? When he has time.
Let me see this.
Look at this.
He came out of
Laura's with an envelope
that he didn't have
when he went in.
Who is he?
I wish to hell I knew.
Is there a problem?
Oh, Ollie.
(soft chuckle)
I ordered a New York strip steak
charred and medium
rare, did I not?
That is a New York strip steak
charred and medium rare.
This is not a New York strip
steak charred and medium rare.
It is a sample of a
New York strip steak
charred and medium rare.
Oh, this restaurant of yours
is going to hell again.
I'll get you another one.
And don't burn it!
JAKE: We've got these wise guys
meeting in a warehouse, right?
J.L.: Mm-hmm.
That means they're
up to something.
Something that was connected
to what Mr. Six Million
Dollar Suit got from Laura.
Something that, ten to one,
Laura took from Dennis' office.
Something that, ten to one,
was connected with
Dennis' consulting.
Dennis worked as
a security consultant
with the department,
and he also worked
with some of the
most sophisticated
security systems in the city.
Laura got his consulting files,
and now Summers has one of them.
It's high security stuff.
Industrial plants, banks,
diamond exchange.
I want a list of the places
Dennis did his consulting for.
at least now we have a motive.
She spends two months
getting Dennis to
fall in love with her.
She's willing to marry
him, and then she kills him.
It must be one hell of a score.
I don't know. He
said he'd be here.
Where is he?
(car door opens and closes)
How you doing?
All right.
I'm Lieutenant Jake Styles.
This is Detective Grant.
Chuck Dover.
What can I do for you?
Have you, um have you
ever seen this man before?
Yeah. Why?
When did you see him?
Well, he rented
this place from me.
Paid me in cash in advance.
It was great.
Did he tell you what he
was going to be using it for?
No, he didn't.
Well, look, we'd like
to take a look inside.
We've got a warrant.
I feel kind of funny about that.
I don't care if you
feel like a laugh riot.
We're going inside.
Come on.
(snaps fingers)
(door opening)
Like a lawyer's heart.
Oh, damn it.
We're back at square one again.
Not exactly.
You walk like that,
you better have
solved this case.
Well, I haven't
solved it exactly,
but I did find out
who this guy is.
Lawrence Summers, would you
sign in, please? Get on with it!
This is Lawrence Summers.
Hogan in Burglary
made a positive ID.
He described him as,
quote, "Brain," unquote,
from Philadelphia.
Go on.
Well, he organizes
big-time burglaries.
Do you have the places
Dennis did consultations for?
Right here, sir.
Is it possible
that you're actually
getting good at your job?
Well, actually, I'll tell
you how I found this
There's got to be
50 places on this list.
What are we supposed to do now?
We don't know which
one they're going to hit.
We don't even
know where they are.
Which leaves Laura.
J.L.: Hold it.
You work for me, remember?
I'd like to know
where you're going.
I thought I'd go and see
how our grieving
fiancée is getting along.
Don't worry.
I always worry.
About you.
Be careful, kid.
I will.
(door closes)
JAKE: Hello.
Hi. You scared me.
I didn't hear you knock.
I'll knock a little
louder next time.
Going someplace?
Yeah. Yeah?
Yeah. Denni"
sister's coming down
to clear the place out.
I thought it was a lot
better if I just wasn't here.
You okay?
Come on. I want to
show you something.
What? What are you doing?
Jake, st You're hurting me!
Stop it! Not yet.
Come on. I want
you to get in the car.
Get in the car.
Watch your toes.
(sets parking brake)
What time is it?
It's 4:00.
That's when Dennis was killed.
It's also the time that you
saw Richie Ortega, right?
That's right.
Right down there, is that right?
There's no way in the world
you could ID someone from here
inside the car in this sunlight.
Jake, you're right.
You know, I must have
been outside the car.
Oh, it's just such a blur,
but it only makes sense.
I mean, you're absolutely right.
That's the only explanation.
Is it?
Sit down!
Why don't you tell
me what it's like?
How do you do what you do?
How do you sleep with a man
knowing you're
going to kill him?
How much did they
pay you for that?
I have the right to a lawyer.
You don't have any rights.
Not with me, you don't.
You killed my friend.
And when that happens,
I don't have any rules.
Look at me.
One way or another
And I don't give a damn
how long it takes
I'm going to get you.
One day, you'll look up,
and you'll see this.
You're not even
making any sense.
I didn't do anything.
I didn't do anything.
I want you to tell me
You just made it all up.
Tell me what it's like.
Tell me what it's
like to stand there
and pull the trigger on
a man who loves you.
Tell me what that's about!
All right, Jake, knock it off.
That's enough. (gasps)
I want her.
I'll take it from here.
You remember what I said, hmm?
'Cause I meant it.
Why don't you sit down?
Come on.
You all right?
No, I don't think so. No.
Let me tell you something.
You kill a cop, another
cop's not exactly rational.
If you kill a cop's partner,
he's going to hound
you to the grave.
Laura, I'm going to
make it easy for you.
We know you did it.
Face facts.
We have you.
So why don't you come clean?
I want a lawyer.
Laura, I'm going
to tell you the truth.
Off the record.
Jake is out of control,
and I can't
guarantee your safety.
Don't misunderstand me I
couldn't care less about you.
It's Jake.
He's special, like Dennis.
I don't want him blowing it
by killing you.
I saw the boy shoot
Dennis in cold blood.
I want to go home now.
(door closes)
Well, that's as good
as we can do that.
I don't know.
Good cop, bad cop
never really works
when I'm the good cop.
And I don't understand that.

You really think it was
wise for you to come here?
Well, I'm not
exactly an amateur.
I don't get followed.
Neither am I.
That's why I rented
the second warehouse.
I wouldn't have come
if it wasn't important.
I came to say good-bye.
How do you like my new toy?
I'm sure it's brilliant.
Oh, it is. It's so
obvious, it's invisible.
I really don't
have time to chat.
Yeah, well, neither do I.
So let me be real direct.
You're not finished yet.
I want you at the
funeral on Saturday.
People are going to think
something's wrong
if you're not there.
The D.A. is
sniffing a little close.
You mean you're actually going
to leave town without your cut?
Well, I am rather
stunning in black.
That's what I thought.

(bagpipes playing
"Amazing Grace")
All right, we got 18 minutes
till the guards come
back through; let's go.


MAN: Honor Guard, up and hut.
Forward arms!
About right face!
Fire! (gunfire)
Fire! (gunfire)
Fire! (gunfire)
(bugle plays taps)
(gentle sob)
LAWRENCE: All right, let's go.
Let's go!
Hit the lights.
(siren wails)
All right, hold it right there!
Come out with
your hands in the air!
Let's go! You, come on, move!
All right, come on.
Move, move! Let's go!
All in all, it was
pretty ingenious.
You kill a police officer to get
all the metro
cops at his funeral.
Makes the getaway a lot safer.
Look, I'm not saying a word
until I get a chance
to talk to my attorney.
It took a while to
figure your scheme out,
but it just so happens that
a bank in the metro district
got a delivery of $20
million in cash yesterday,
and that same bank
used Dennis Maclntyre
as a security consultant.
Either read me my
rights or I'm going to walk.
Don't be so official,
Mr. Summers.
You're not going anywhere
for a very long time.
Unless you want to cut a deal.
Maybe cop a plea to
a lesser charge, huh?
What do you think?
Worth thinking about it, huh?
What have I got to trade?
JAKE: Disappointed?
I hope this breaks your heart.
I won't lie to you, Jake.
You don't have to.
Summers gave us everything.
He even gave us you.
Did he tell you the
really funny part?
About the joke on me?
I mean, this was the
smartest job in the world,
but I got double-crossed.
I fell in love with Dennis.
I don't really want to hear it.
No, please, just listen to me.
I killed him.
I'm a professional.
I didn't have any other choice.
I want you to know how
difficult it was for me.
I don't want you to
think that it was easy.
I want you to know
how much it hurt me,
because he was the
only man that ever
I'm only going to tell you this.
I don't I don't want
to tell anybody else,
because I don't think
they'll understand.
The look in his eye
when he knew that I
(metallic click)
In that instant,
Jake, I wanted to die.
And you know what
he said to me, Jake?
He said
(body thuds)

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