Kaala Paani (2023) s01e03 Episode Script


[siren blaring in distance]
[man over loudspeaker] Namaskar to all.
Today is the seventh day
of the LHF lockdown
in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Please remember, the LHF-27 disease
is transmitted through water
or contact with those infected.
To protect you from rumors,
mobile networks, Internet,
and other telecom services
have been suspended in all the islands.
If you violate the official curfew
or store excess water,
you will be strictly prosecuted.
To protect you from rumors,
mobile networks, Internet,
and communication
and other telecom services
have been temporarily suspended
in all the islands.
Please remember,
those who are afraid of the waves,
never set sail,
and the ones who try,
never fail. Thank you.
[SP Shiva] Sir,
in the Jenkins Lake investigation,
we've received new information.
Looks like the guys at ATOM
had one other project
other than the Jenkins Island
pipeline project.
The ATTAVUS Project.
We have no details
related to this project,
but the timing feels suspicious.
I would suggest take your team
and personally go to Jenkins now.
-See what this project is all about.
[pensive music playing]
Mohanty ji is not here yet?
The Municipal Council Chairperson,
how can he be so late?
Sir, uh
Well, last night, uh
He he tested positive, sir.
So it has reached our doorstep now.
The rise in these cases,
it's impossible to control.
[Bhowmik] We're trying our level best.
Beds are being arranged
for all the infected in record time.
And what about the non-infected ones?
Bhowmik ji, we are facing
an incurable disease here.
Not only do we have to take care
of our infected citizens,
but also ensure that the non-infected
don't get infected either.
We don't need beds for that.
What we need
is a safe haven to isolate them.
But, sir, that's exactly the problem, sir.
There is no such safe haven.
The infection
has reached every habitable island.
It's spreading everywhere.
We could evacuate the people,
but to where?
Somewhere very far.
To save lives,
we have to attempt the impossible.
We need to find a way
to escape from Kaala Paani.
[theme music playing]
[gentle music playing]
[pops cheeks]
[pops cheeks]
[chuckles softly]
[somber music playing]
Okay, sir. You can go.
[indistinct chatter]
So then? You found anything?
We tried everything we could, Gargi.
The hotel's been shut down
and there's no news of Paul babu.
God knows what state our poor kids are in.
Anyway, here's your medicine.
They've increased the dosage.
The doctors here
are completely crazy and dumb.
Just look at my body.
Does it look like I'm in any kind of pain?
But everybody says
that's how the disease works.
People feel better for a few days
and then they fall sick again.
Arey, if I fall sick,
then I'll get well again.
In two days I'll get discharged, just see.
I can promise you that.
You just see if you can find a way
for us to reach Port Blair.
I'm missing the kids a lot.
You see this?
[solemn music playing]
The night before we came here,
she really wanted to have this juice.
I said, "No!"
"Now be a good girl and go to sleep
and in the morning
this will be your prize."
She quickly jumped into bed, and
Went to sleep.
But in morning I completely forgot
to give it to her.
Such a bad mummy I am.
Didn't give my good girl her prize.
So listen,
please take me to her, all right?
And you know it,
right now there's only one way
for us to get there.
[Chiranjeevi] Boat, boat, boat, boat.
Where do I get a bloody boat
during lockdown?
Even if I get one,
is the Coast Guard my appa?
When even fishing is not allowed here,
he's asking for a boat
to go to Port Blair.
Screwing my brains as if I'm responsible
for his kids getting stuck.
I only suggested it.
The decision to come was his, okay?
Are you going to help me?
Or keep making the same excuses again?
Yeah, yeah, it's cool.
Take your time, sir.
That's how partnership works.
Getting tourists
to guard the stuff is my job.
Then hiding it from the cops
is also my job.
Even digging it out I have to do,
and all you do is smoke,
sit on your lazy ass
and win back-to-back jackpots also.
What else can I do?
Serving useless people
runs in my blood, after all.
My appa, lost his life
saving that damned Orakas.
My amma and brother continue
to protect that ungrateful lot.
What do I do?
Where is it?
you sure you remember
that night you hid it here only,
buried under this tree?
[whimsical music playing]
Saala, I've been digging
for the last half an hour.
Why the hell did you say that it was here?
Playing guessing games, are you?
Playing guessing games, are you?
Pundi, you
were a wanted smuggler at one time.
And you can't even do
This is not a game of cards
where blind guesses can also work.
Fuck off.
One wants a boat, one wants to blow smoke.
My hands have turned to pulp
with that endless digging.
I'll never trust anyone.
Everyone is a pain in the ass.
[boat engine whirring]
[gripping music playing]
Pundi, there's a boat
that side of the beach.
Saala. [chuckles]
Back-to-back jackpot.
Excuse me, sir.
Very good morning, sir.
We are travel company owners
from Port Blair.
Step back.
-Get back and talk.
-Why is he shouting?
-Put on your mask. Who the hell are you?
-[Chiranjeevi] Okay.
Let me, uh Let me introduce myself, sir.
-When you think of Andaman Uh
-[man] Hey!
-Just your name.
And who's this?
Actually, I wanted to talk to you
about renting your boat.
Our tourists need to get to Port Blair.
-Fifty thousand.
Fifty with three zeros.
[chuckling] Got that, sir, but, uh,
one-way is usually 2,000 rupees, right?
Special service during special times
would mean special charges also, right?
What if the Coast Guard stops us?
Oh, so he speaks?
You're the only one with a boat here?
You dodged the Coast Guard
or you bribed them?
Imagine this water is a chessboard.
My queen can go wherever she likes.
-Best, best
Customers are willing to pay me 60,000.
Fine then, go to those customers.
-Call it a deal at thirty.
-Twenty-five, final.
I need cash.
-You'll get the boat the next day.
-Your good name, sir?
-God bless you, sir.
-[Thomas] Thank you.
[suspenseful music playing]
Remember, the patient on bed number 6,
give him another dose.
Okay? I'll come and check on him later.
Till then,
I need you to keep an eye on him.
[Ritu] Sir.
You guys, carry on.
Okay, sir.
-[Ritu] Uh, sir
Well, I was compiling
Soudamini ma'am's research
and I have a feeling
there are some files are missing.
I don't think
she shared this info with anyone.
Anything else?
Yes, sir. Well, um
I am not being assigned any task.
I heard you're leading the LHF Task Force.
If there's anything I can do
Our team values protocols, Ritu,
and those people who value them.
[intriguing music playing]
[water flowing]
[knocks on tanker]
-[Ketan] Hmm?
Can I get a little more water?
This tanker has
more diesel in it now than water.
You want to drink that now?
Come on, next.
-[Parvez] Keep it there.
Sir, think about it.
You'll be set for life.
With 100 bucks?
There's 200 more.
Just have to ask.
Hey, no, no, no.
How can I take away
half of your net worth?
You do one thing.
Find a good lawyer
and get him to prepare your will.
Later, your children shouldn't end up
fighting for their inheritance.
[sirens wailing]
[whimsical music playing]
And in future, if you ever need
any other kind of help, just call me.
I am always here at your service.
You see, assisting senior citizens
is a very important part of police duty.
In fact, why don't I give you
my personal number.
You can call me whenever you like.
-After all, I'm like your son
-[SP Shiva] Ketan.
Arey, sir [chuckles]
Parvez, will you please
escort him to his house?
Yes, sir.
Please take care of yourself, chacha.
Jai Hind, sir.
Looks like Bambooflat Colony
is doing wonders for you.
Yes, sir.
I'll miss them a lot
once I leave from here. [chuckles]
But, sir,
now I think I'm ready to come back.
[laughs] Come back? Where?
Headquarters, sir.
Uh, I thought my work here is done.
You fired a shot in a public place
and a stampede followed, Ketan.
Until the enquiry is complete,
your exile is not over.
I'm going to Jenkins with my team.
But before I go there,
I need something from you.
-Yes, sir.
Before lunch is done,
I want all these filled up.
[suspenseful music playing]
[camera shutter clicking]
[camera shutter clicks]
[Jyotsna] Victor? Vic Victor?
This is Sindhu. Sindhu.
-[distortion over radio]
-Can you hear me?
[line buzzing]
Victor. This is Sindhu.
Is my voice reaching you?
[Vinayak over radio] Sindhu. Victor here.
Uh, adjust the
Adjust the setting. Hello?
Is my voice reaching you?
Sindhu, hello?
Yeah, I can hear you, but it's breaking.
I never knew operating this
would be so tough.
God knows why I asked
the fishermen for this.
You're fine there, Veenu?
Now that I'm far away from you once again,
I'm not that fine,
but I'm trying to get to you
as soon as I can.
You found the meds for that kid?
There's one last hope,
but the pharmacy is very far from here.
Actually, there's one place
where you can get meds, water, food,
and whatever else you need.
Remember Basu Uncle?
I know he's a bit rude.
In fact, very rude.
But if you can manage that,
you'll be safe there.
No. That's not the problem.
There's curfew, there's disease.
In this situation, going out
with the children is a big risk.
Also, I've become
fully responsible for them.
I can only be their babysitter,
not their parent.
Come on. You're the best support
the kids can get.
I am not as good as you think I am.
-[Kaddu] Jyotsna Miss.
-Uh, I have to go.
-[Kaddu] Jyotsna Miss.
[Vinayak] Please take care of yourself.
What happened, Kaddu? What is it?
[crying] Jyotsna Miss, Mummy was crying.
-I saw it.
-It was nothing, just a dream, Kaddu.
A dream, okay?
It's all right. Come.
Come with me. Let's sleep.
[whispering] Come, come.
Go to sleep.
Jyotsna Miss, I am not getting sleep.
Hmm I know how you'll get sleep.
Close your eyes now. [chuckles softly]
[in Tamil] Can you hear ♪
The whispering tree? ♪
Can you hear ♪
The whistling bee? ♪
The words with wings ♪
The river that sings ♪
Are just a few things ♪
That I send for you ♪
[in English] Miss, what song is this?
What is the meaning of it?
Meaning? Even I don't know
the meaning fully,
but when I was your age,
a friend's mother taught me this song.
Now if you close your eyes,
I'll teach it to you too.
[Jyotsna humming]
[switch clicks]
-[Kaddu shuddering]
-[Gargi] Kaddu. [kisses]
My Kaddu. [kisses] My Kaddu.
[Parth] Mummy.
Why why is Kaddu
-It's nothing, beta. She's fine.
-[continues shuddering]
In two minutes,
she will be completely fine.
How'll she be fine just like that?
Calm down, Guchhu. Nothing's wrong.
Go and see what your papa is doing.
[solemn music playing]
Papa. Papa, Kaddu is
Yes, I know.
I'm making chai for your mummy.
Arey, what are you doing? That is salt.
Leave it. I'll make it.
You just hold Kaddu.
I'll make it.
Here. Hold her. Careful.
[Santosh] Come, my darling.
-[Santosh sighs]
-Leave my hand now.
-[Santosh] It's okay.
-[Gargi kisses]
-Ay, Guchhu.
-[Parth sniffles]
[Gargi] What happened, beta?
[chuckles] There's nothing wrong
with Kaddu.
Why are all the men
in this house so sentimental?
Ay, Guchhu, look at me.
What did Doctor Uncle say?
Hmm? What does Kaddu have? The elip uh
Beta, if she has her medicine,
she'll be fine.
But she's a number one brat.
For one week she skipped her medicines.
It's all right, beta.
And look,
as long as Papa's here, I'm here,
Kaddu will be fine, beta.
Papa freaks out even more than I do.
Papa loves a lot, na?
So he panics a lot also.
But the day he stops panicking
[chuckles] you will
look at him and panic.
I've given you enough money
so don't ask me for more.
Whenever you asked for an advance,
I always paid up.
So long I've been asking.
Find us a boat, but
One boat is so hard for you to find?
Enough. Hmm?
Now it's time for us
to come straight to the point.
[knock on door]
Arey, come in. Come.
Come in, guys.
You guys all okay? And your family?
I have good news for you, sir.
A boat has been arranged.
Huh? Really?
Oh, yeah. Done.
Now I will take you and bhabhi
to Port Blair for sure.
-But there's a problem, sir.
The boatman, you know,
is demanding 75,000 to rent his boat.
[tense music playing]
But but that's a lot, isn't it?
It's really a lot, sir,
but then in this situation what can we do.
If you say no,
I can try to find another one.
[Santosh] No.
I'll pay. Yep, I'll give the money.
I'll do something.
I'll make some arrangement.
[spray hissing]
-Already sanitized me so much.
-[device beeps]
How much more will you check, Kanchan?
My name is Rajbir.
And this is merely a standard protocol.
We need one final sample.
[whimsical music playing]
[exhaling sharply]
[water trickling]
[waves splashing in distance]
[wind chimes tinkling]
Hey, listen.
Thank you, sir.
[intriguing music playing]
The project files
[Ketan] SP sir and I are very close.
He tells me everything, you see.
He says,
"Do you know, Ketan beta?"
He keeps referring to me as "beta,"
his son.
Just today he said, "Ketan beta,
I am on my way to Jenkins Island
to investigate the ATTAVUS Project"
"Over here is the report."
[clears throat]
[Ketan sighs]
By the way, what is this ATTAVUS Project?
Besides the pipeline, what were you guys
doing on Jenkins Island?
My contract's, uh, confidentiality clause
is very strict, Ketan sahib.
See, sir, as a friend I would never want
that because of this investigation,
you people suffer any setback.
You just share the details
of this project with me,
and I can get you out of trouble.
Like you got us out then?
[tense music playing]
I know I failed you guys once,
but I tried.
-But you failed.
-But I tried.
Listen, sir.
Sitting at headquarters
and guiding the SP is what my job is.
And to be able to help you,
I just want our old deal back,
where both of us were mutually benefitting
from our understanding. Right?
I appreciate your offer, Ketan sahib,
but we'll manage.
Thank you. [sighs]
You need not worry about us.
Well, of course, I will worry, sir.
And SP
[Wani] I don't want to delay you
any longer.
Those Bambooflat Colony people
must be waiting for their tanker.
One more thing, Ketan sahib.
Do take an appointment next time.
You see, this friendship is
becoming a little one-sided.
Good day.
[Chiranjeevi] Out of the blue,
the idea struck me.
All of a sudden. All of a sudden.
Now 25-25 for each of us,
and the stuff is also ours.
Pundi, we should totally
get smashed on beer tonight.
Hey, can you get from somewhere?
[chuckles] What you thinking,
you'll get beer during the lockdown?
Where are you off to?
Hey, Pundi. Where are you going?
We have to go that way.
Just shut up!
[tense music playing]
Don't get up.
Don't get up, bastard!
Only humans stand on two feet,
but you're inhuman!
Huh? What's going on?
What the hell is going on?
Do you understand anything, huh?
Everything's on fire. Fire.
You may not see it,
but everything's burning up over here.
[solemn music playing]
People are dying, Chiru.
From disease, from the water.
What the fuck are you doing, huh?
Someone's looking
for their kids desperately.
Someone who sat in our vehicle.
And what do you do, huh?
What are you doing with them?
I'm running this partnership, okay?
[breathing heavily]
You're right.
This partnership,
you're running alone.
The dealings you do,
the tourists you get for us,
the stuff you sell.
Who goes to jail, Chiru?
But the thrashing from the police,
who gets?
Who gets branded a criminal?
Saala, a two-taxi venture idea
is what I came to you with, huh?
What am I doing now? What am I doing now?
Huh? Asshole, for your sake,
I became a bloody wild-egg smuggler.
[Chiru breathing heavily]
I didn't exactly put a gun to your head
and force you to do this, okay?
You knew you would benefit
from my business,
that's why you agreed to be my partner.
[chuckles] Hey. Wha
What did you say?
Business, huh?
The shit that you do,
you call it business?
A business, Chiru, involves give-and-take.
You take a little something
and give something back.
But you've never given anyone
anything at all.
Taking is all you bloody know.
From your amma, your brother,
from me, and from the tourists.
Taking is all you bloody do.
Everything you took.
Everything you took away from me.
My dignity, my freedom,
and now it looks like you'll end up
taking my bloody life too.
[ominous music playing]
Pundi, you got
-Why the hell didn't you tell me about it?
What the hell would you have done? Huh?
Put bandages on my wounds?
Or given medicines, huh?
[lighter clicks]
[solemn music playing]
[Chiranjeevi grunts]
Don't do it, Chiru.
He has a family.
You'll be cursed, dude.
You take the husband and wife
to Port Blair tomorrow.
-I'll stay back here.
-Listen to me, Pundi.
Look, in a very short time,
your condition will get worse.
Let me take you to a medical
Nothing will happen to me.
When God took my parents away from me,
in exchange he gave me a strong destiny.
So no matter
how dangerous a disease may be,
if 99 die out of a 100,
I will survive.
You should go.
Until then, this lucky Pundi out here
will play a blind card with death.
[exhales] Chiru.
I've kept some food in the fridge.
You guys have it.
And the pharmacy is quite far from here.
So I'll be back home late.
-All right.
I'm leaving now.
I need you to be a brave girl, okay? Bye.
[Kaddu] Wait, wait!
Take this bottle.
What if you feel thirsty?
Divya Miss always says,
"We should drink water every few hours."
Thank you. [kisses]
-[both] Bye.
-[Kaddu] Mummy, Divya Miss was telling me
-[Gargi] Hmm?
that in the next school term,
she'll make me the class monitor.
-Class monitor?
[Gargi chuckles]
-Just look after her.
-Sure. Don't worry. She'll be fine.
-[man] Thank you.
-Good afternoon, Divya Miss.
Good afternoon, Vidisha.
-Namaste, Mrs. Savla.
Mr. Savla's not here?
He is here.
He is parking the scooter downstairs.
Please write down the name,
roll number and guardian's name.
I'll be back soon.
Move aside. Let me write.
What was it?
[Kaddu] Mummy, if I stand first in class,
you'll get me a Juicy Jumble, right?
-Arey, Aayat, how are you, beta?
-I'm fine.
And listen,
just a first rank won't do now.
You have to score well in English, also.
Got it?
Vidisha will definitely score well
in English, Mrs. Savla.
After all, she's learning from you.
Stop it.
[indistinct chatter]
[solemn music playing]
Sorry, I got a call from Paul
from the office.
So many times I've told you,
reach these meetings before me.
Arey, I don't understand
all these details.
Arey, but I'm here now.
What happened?
Nothing happened.
You take Kaddu and go ahead. I'll be back.
Arey, where are you going?
I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here.
You carry on ahead, I'll follow you.
Let's go together.
Arey, just go.
At least, somewhere be ahead of me.
Come, beta.
-What happened to Mummy?
-I don't know.
[Chiranjeevi] Thomas sir.
-Hey, Chiranjeevi.
Wow. You brought Kamal Haasan today?
This is, uh, Santosh sir,
whose payment I gave you yesterday.
You know what I was thinking?
As soon as his missus gets discharged,
we'll take off directly after that.
Arey, today's not possible.
My boat's fully booked.
Do one thing, two Sundays from now,
you can try again.
But you said, after we've paid you,
we'd get the boat the next day.
Arey, that was just marketing.
What do you think?
You're the only one on the island
who wants to get to Port Blair, huh?
This is India.
People have to line up
for every damn thing.
Then you return my sir's money.
We'll get a boat from somewhere else.
-[chuckles] Arey.
The amount is non-refundable.
You mean, I didn't tell you?
[tense music playing]
I'm telling you now.
Bhaiya, please.
If you want more money,
I'll give it to you, but please take us.
I have two children.
You may have two children,
someone else has five.
Someone has a granny, a father.
If I melt like this,
how will I do business?
If your kids meant so much to you,
you should have kept them with you.
Hey, hey, listen. Just because
I'm talking respectfully to you
doesn't mean you start acting
like a bloody hero, okay?
You have a hero's name,
and you're calling me one?
You know, decent
I may look on the outside,
but just go to Aberdeen taxi stand
and mention my name, Chiranjeevi Prabhu.
You'll hear such stories about me,
you won't dare to act smart again.
I am in control, sir.
Two options I'm giving you.
One is Port Blair,
the other is the hospital.
Which one do you choose?
Easy, sir. Easy, easy. Gently.
-You hold it yourself.
Bloody asshole.
Don't worry, sir. I'll take you
to Port Blair somehow or the other.
That fatso thinks he's the only one
who has a boat.
I'll show him.
I know a police officer in Port Blair.
With his help, I'm going to make
such minced meat out of that fatso.
-[shopkeeper] Yes. Found it, sir.
I wanted Doink Chips Masala Jazz flavor,
for God's sake.
This is Punk Pickle.
What are you doing, yaar?
Please adjust a little.
All right, I'll cancel your license
and lock you up.
Then you adjust a little.
No. Sorry, sir. Let me check.
This one, right?
I can't get chips over here,
how did you find the medicine?
I used to take it myself.
Three years ago,
I was posted in North Bay.
Whenever the boat rocked in the sea,
I would throw up.
The doctor gave me this medicine
for the vomiting.
[suspenseful music playing]
This is a seasickness med?
ATOM guys are taking
seasickness medicines which means
There are Coast Guards all around
Andaman and Nicobar.
Where can they go by the sea route?
That's a question I'll have to ask them.
Did you find Masala Jazz?
[shopkeeper] No, sir.
Cancel his license right now.
[Shashi] Over the last few days,
we have made important discoveries,
and our researchers are quite confident
that this bacteria has evolved
over a very long period of time.
So '89 cannot be the first LHF outbreak.
[tense music playing]
Then, how long has it been here?
Maybe centuries.
All we can say is that this disease
and these islands
have had a very long association, sir.
Sir. Tribal Welfare called.
[breath trembling] It's very urgent, sir.
-Vanished? Meaning?
-[radio crackling]
[man over radio] Meaning nobody knows
where the entire Oraka tribe is, sir.
Even the NGO workers are clueless.
No idea where they went
after leaving their settlements.
[Shashi] Uh, sir.
The Oraka's immune system
is very different from ours.
Measles and cholera decimated 95%
of their population.
So if LHF gets to them, then
[man] Sir.
Sunil ji.
The well-being of the Orakas
should be our top priority.
Deploy the entire Forest Department.
Brief me on the situation every two hours.
[Sunil] Okay, sir. We are on it.
[line disconnects]
I know the Oraka tribe
is an endangered indigenous community.
But why brief you every two hours?
Have you heard about
INS Shalaka, Bhowmik ji?
No, sir.
[pensive music playing]
Around 35 years ago,
a naval ship returning from Vizag
met with an accident
in the Bay of Bengal.
Out of the crew of 27,
26 drowned.
Just one junior officer
passed through water
and somehow reached North Andaman.
He too would have died in a few hours,
but his life was saved by the Orakas.
If that officer
asked for a briefing
every two hours to save the Orakas,
will it be wrong?
No, sir.
[LG Qadri] Bhowmik ji, no matter what,
we have to protect
the Orakas at all costs.
[suspenseful music playing]
[dogs barking]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Jyotsna] No, no, no, no, no.
[suspenseful music continues]
[tense music playing]
[breath trembling]
-[latch squeaks]
-[gate creaks]
[Mister growls, barks]
I am a friend, Mister.
-Calm down.
[Mister barking]
-[breathing heavily]
-[Mister whimpers]
Remember this?
[Mister growls softly]
[switch clicks]
[suspenseful music playing]
[man shuddering]
[breath trembling] Listen.
You've done this before, right?
Of course.
The biggest tailoring shop
on MG Road belongs to me.
[whimpers, groans]
And you are?
I'm helping you, but I don't wish to be
on a first-name basis with a criminal.
Criminal? [breathing heavily]
You think I came to steal water
from the tanker?
In that case, you're also a criminal.
For breaking the curfew.
I'm just here to get medicines
for a six-year-old child.
And I, water for 30 homes.
[footsteps approaching]
Who asked you
to take responsibility for 30 homes?
[knock on door]
[policeman] Hey. Who's in there?
[tense music playing]
Come on out. Come out quietly.
Come on out!
Hey, madam, there's a curfew going on.
What are you doing here?
Sir, I work at the Holy Spirit Hospital.
Uh, I came to pick up medicines
for my patients.
It's an emergency.
[policeman] No! That's not allowed.
If we see anyone in the area,
we have to arrest them.
You'll have to come with me
to the police station.
Okay, sir.
But you can alert the hospital
that their ICU patients
whose medicines Nurse Jyotsna
was sent to get,
their families should be informed
that they can't be saved. Shall we?
You have some ID?
[policeman] Okay.
Let it be.
[Jyotsna] Please make sure
you change your dressing tomorrow.
There's a high risk
of the wound getting septic.
Jyotsna ji, there's
someone close by I know.
I'll go there. You
-You carry on.
-You sure?
One minute.
This tablet's for you.
If you feel any pain, take one of them,
but not more than three a day.
There could be side-effects.
Jyotsna ji, as to
why I'm responsible for those 30 families,
you've answered that question yourself.
I didn't ask you to help me,
but you still felt responsible for me
and lied to a police officer.
Our Guru says,
"Responsibility doesn't seek capability."
"Responsibility makes us capable."
I'll offer prayers for your daughter.
No, she's not my daughter.
I mean, I'm not her mother.
-I'm her, well, uh
-[chuckles] Please don't worry.
I'm not asking you for her ID.
Rab raakha.
[thunder rumbling in distance]
Has the boat been arranged?
Of course.
-[chuckling] Yeah.
I knew you would do it.
Santoshi Maa would never disappoint me.
Yeah, she never does.
Now eat your dinner quickly,
then let's get you discharged
and leave this place immediately.
But there's a slight problem here.
-[inhales deeply]
-Why? What happened?
[solemn music playing]
Arey, just that the doctor
came this morning for a checkup.
He said, "You're completely fine."
"But I'm advising two day's bed rest."
So for 48 hours, I have to be here.
Arey, these are just their
money-making tactics.
So what I'm saying is,
you carry on, I will follow you.
-You heard me.
At least somewhere be ahead of me.
Go and find out where the children are.
I'll get better in one or two days and
join you later.
Why are you getting hiccups, Gargi?
They haven't seen their mummy
in so many days,
the hiccups are a sign
of them missing their mom.
Don't just keep standing here,
wasting time.
Go on.
They must be waiting for us anxiously.
Go on.
Why are you staring like that?
Come on. Go.
[Santosh] Hmm.
Spelling the word guardian right
doesn't make you a guardian, Gargi.
[emotional music playing]
One needs to know
what guardian actually means.
How can I go on ahead of you, tell me?
Are you only the guardian of two of them?
[crying] You're also my guardian,
aren't you?
You are the one who'll walk ahead of me.
[sniffles] So you'll lie to me now?
That your going to follow behind me.
You're going to lie to me
before you leave me-
No, stay away from me!
[sobbing] How can I do it, Gargi?
Without you, how can I?
It'll all be fine. I know you can.
You may not know it,
but you're a very strong man.
[sobbing] Please, Gargi. No.
-Strong enough for both of us.
[Santosh sobbing]
Listen, please don't [sighs]
[crying] Look, you made me cry now.
Couldn't do anything for you.
I could do nothing, Gargi.
-Please don't say that.
You have already done so much for me.
You've given me so much respect,
so much love and care.
I used to go up on the terrace
and just watch the planes in the sky.
But you actually made me sit in one
and brought me here.
What more could you have done?
Okay, look up. Look at me now.
I'm asking you for one last thing, please.
Please don't refuse.
-But I
-I want you to leave this place tonight.
No waiting around
for my funeral and last rites.
No, Gargi, please don't do this.
Don't take away my rights from me, Gargi.
Please let me say farewell to you.
-Listen to what I'm saying.
-It's my last wish. Please don't refuse.
-No, Gargi.
I can't do it, Gargi.
-You can do it.
-[Santosh crying] I can't.
-[Gargi] I'm telling you, na? Enough now.
-I can't.
[footsteps approaching]
[thunder rumbling in distance]
[man] The bill payment is completed, sir.
Here's your stuff.
[footsteps receding]
[waves splashing in distance]
[somber music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Ketan] Kanchan?
Mr. Wani.
[wind chimes tinkling]
[Jyotsna] Sorry, Kaddu.
I couldn't find your medicine anywhere.
[Parth] Didi!
[Parth] It's the second time
since evening.
Do something, Didi, please.
[Mister whines]
[solemn music playing]
Chiru, wake up.
[birds chirping]
Santosh sir.
I got the boat. Come.
Fatso agreed?
Yeah. Hurry up, we have to leave fast.
[waves splashing]
[birds squawking]
[Mister barks, whines]
[Mister whimpers]
[poignant music playing]
[poignant music continues]
[poignant music continues]
[thunder rumbling]
[thunder roaring]
[theme music playing]
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