Kaalkoot (2023) s01e03 Episode Script


Mother, don't say that.
No, nothing is finished.
You'll be absolutely fine.
He Nothing.
He's sitting half naked
staring at the water.
The water is getting hot.
Are you boiling the water
by staring at it?
What was that?
Yes. Yes. Absolutely.
Speak to him.
The water is hot.
I'm going to bathe.
Hey! Grandma is about to die!
Yes, grandma.
I will not live for many days.
What happened?
Wait for a few days.
You'll become a great grandmother
in six months.
I will go to the temple today.
If you come here,
I’d have met you at least.
Put a shirt on
Or You'll fall sick.
Why are you standing here
with no shirt on?
You'll catch a cold.
Grandma, I'm a bit busy.
I won't be able to come.
Please care for your health.
Your aunt is all alone here
as well.
If you come today,
you could’ve met us both.
Be careful.
Yes, mother.
He said he'll come today.
- No, I won't.
- Yes.
- Oh, my gravy is burning.
- I
Oh gosh!
You're taking a quick shower.
When you go to meet grandma
she will surely find out
you didn't bathe.
I'm not going to meet anyone.
Yadav, what's the update?
Sir, the number that is on
the internet, under the photo,
is not this phone's number.
How many boys' numbers
are there on the phone?
Sir, we are making a list
and keeping a record of
everyone's chats and messages.
- Make the list and give me.
- Sir!
Many mosquitoes bit you
in the bathroom.
they are extremely cunning
and wait there to attack.
As soon as you touch the tap
they start attacking!
- But you have to wash, right?
- No, I bathe every morning.
Is Ravi's number
not on her phone?
She may have saved it as 'Saiyan'.
'Saiyan'. Okay.
- S
- Go on, search.
Sir, I didn't know her.
I just received her photograph.
What photograph?
Like the way we send
for marriage alliance.
I didn't find it, sir.
Where's the photograph?
It must be at home, sir.
What kind of a man are you?
She's your to-be wife.
Don't you carry her photograph
in your wallet?
Sir, now her appearance
has changed a bit.
Sir, you're too much.
No, I mean,
why would he carry it with him?
Did you get the money?
Yes, sir.
- Good.
I deposited it.
You were saved.
Go home and tear
the photograph.
- Got it?
- Yes, sir.
Got it, sir!
Got it!
Sir, the number that is
under the photo on the internet
is in this phone.
It's saved as 'Mridul 2'.
M for Mridul.
Sir, it contains two
numbers in Mridul’s name.
We'll nab him.
- Ravi, come here.
- Yes, sir.
Call Mridul.
Call the other one,
- he's not answering the first number.
- Yes, sir.
Mridul 2.
Just a minute.
What will you say
once he answers?
I'll think of something.
Then think.
Listen! Don't tend
in your resignation.
No, sir.
Think and come back here.
Sir, you're too much.
Show me the list.
You tease him a lot.
- Yes, sir.
- Enough practice!
Yes, I'm coming.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Mridul, how are you, buddy?
I'm great. Who is this?
You failed to share such
a significant piece of news.
What? Who is speaking?
Tell me where are you?
I'll bring sweetmeats.
Where are you speaking from?
Just answer my question.
Why should I answer you?
Who are you?
My dad?
Something like that.
I'm talking from
Sarsi Police Station.
Come here quietly.
- Understood?
- Hang up, bastard!
After thinking so much
he's requesting him
to come to the police station!
And this idiot assumed that he would come
straight to the police station as per invitation
after getting the laddoos
from Vaishali Sweets.
You want to work as a cop, right?
Become a man first!
Start your day by
taking a cold shower.
- Mr. Yadav
- Yes?
Get me information
from the Cyber Crime Cell.
Sir, they never
answer to our queries.
Then begin your own investigation!
Take Mridul's photograph
- Sir, have some sweets.
- No, sir.
Sir, I've become a grandfather.
Forget it, sir.
He tends to get angry easily.
In a way,
he gets paid for getting angry.
Call Parul's mother here.
We'll question her here.
Out here?
- Here?
- Yes.
Okay, sir. Sit down.
- Greetings, madam.
- Greetings.
- Tell me.
- I wanted to show you a photograph.
Do you recognize him?
Look. His name is Mridul.
I don't recognize him.
Parul was in touch with him.
At least tell us
something about him.
- He was Parul's close friend.
- I already said I don't know him.
I don't even know
any of her friends.
There was one boy who would drop her
outside the house on his scooter.
It's not one, but a dozen boys.
The doctor will be arriving.
I'll talk to you later.
She doesn't even recognize Mridul.
Ask the girl.
How can she tell us?
She'll make some design.
That's all. Let's check.
Let's drink tea first.
Come on.
How do you wear it?
Like this?
- Hey! She is awake.
- No, no.
She's talking in her sleep.
She's not awake.
I see. Parul?
- Parul?
- She has been given sleeping pills.
Listen, do you know Mridul?
Can't you see she's in a bad state
and can't talk!
She can't even move her hands.
Just a minute.
She's talking. Mridul
did he throw the acid?
She won't be able to answer
you at the moment.
- She's had sleeping pills.
- I'll try.
Can you tell us
where Mridul lives?
How can she tell you?
She's having difficulty talking.
Can't you see?
Yes. Okay.
Will you write?
That's enough!
She's in a lot of pain.
Come back later!
Upon hearing Mridul's name,
it's difficult to say whether
she's sad or happy.
Even upon hearing her
dad's name she cries at times.
At times, even when the window
is open and the air is flowing,
she screams loudly.
You cannot understand her
Please leave from here.
Please, leave.
- She's talking.
She's not saying anything!
- Leave.
- Let's go.
Oh gosh
You did great.
Well done.
I truly enjoyed it.
We will have to apply pressure
if we want to close
the case quickly.
Did you call the boy?
One number is off, and he's
not answering the other one.
Let's go and ask
Parul's father.
Sir, you
No, sir
Mr. Jagdish said
you need to do that yourself.
- What?
- Yes.
Also, once you go there,
don't address him as uncle.
We are cops, hence
Come along with me.
Why aren't you eating?
Please, eat.
Please, eat. Dad is sad.
Mr. Ravi!
He's not been eating
since a few days.
Please scold him.
Why aren't you eating?
Why aren't you eating? Eat.
I had something to discuss with you.
- Yes.
- Here.
Yes. So
- Please tell her to go inside.
- Go in.
Yes. Tell me.
Do you any boy named Mridul?
We have found out that
your daughter was running
some shady business with him.
You know nothing
about your daughter.
No boy ever came home.
I never allowed any boys home.
Ask her mother!
She's the one who pampered her.
She's lying in the hospital
tending to her daughter!
Rocky, come here.
I guess he's hungry.
Both my children
are shameless.
The elder one is
lying in the hospital
and the younger one Look.
On her phone
She recorded this video.
This is her condition.
And she showed Rocky this video!
Since then he hasn't eaten.
Come here, boy.
Sir, you were
inquiring about Mridul, right?
He is Parul’s friend.
He works in a cosmetic shop.
Sister speaks to him
over the phone.
- Have you met him?
- No.
I don't meet boys.
- Nobody has the courage
- Where is his shop?
Near Shalimar.
Thank you.
"Those half cooked"
"And half cut"
"Stories you bought off them"
"You went out now to the market"
"Only to sell them
off at a heavy loss"
"What was there in those stories?"
"They were just a pile
of someone’s else’s imagination"
"What have you done?"
"You have picked
up that trash again"
"You are stuck"
"You are stuck"
"You are stuck"
"You are stuck"
Sir! Sir!
I am not Mridul, sir.
Sir, I am not Mridul.
- Sir, I am not Mridul.
- Ravi
He's not Mridul.
Sir, I'm not Mridul.
Oh, my.
Where is Mridul?
Sir, he works in my shop.
He arrived this morning
but fled all of a sudden.
He carries two phones.
- He left one here
- Why did you keep his phone?
It has been ringing since morning.
Give me the phone.
Where does he stay?
Sir, he works
part-time in my shop.
I've no idea where he lives.
I won't hurt you.
It was a mistake.
Only two numbers are saved.
Parul and some Dr. Rana.
I'm sure this doctor
is a client.
Call this number from your phone.
Hello, Doctor?
Yes, tell me.
Doctor, I wanted an appointment.
I'm in great pain.
Who gave you my number?
Mridul did.
Where is Mridul?
I will tell you once we meet.
It's an emergency case.
Please tell me where to meet you.
- Please, tell me
- Tell Mridul
to pay off my dues first.
But my treatment Doctor?
Good acting skills.
Let's go to the police station
and report today's incident.
We won't go empty-handed.
If I go back empty-handed,
once again my virility
will be questioned.
Yes, mom.
Your grandma was saying
Four men are needed
to carry the hearse.
One is dead.
Her grandson doesn't
even care about her.
I told her
He can't carry a bucket of water,
let alone the hearse.
She was crying profusely.
Your aunt is bringing her home.
Okay, I'm coming.
Who is it?
My virility has already
been questioned.
Go to the police station.
I'll go home and join you.
I wonder what the
husband and wife have done.
My son has become so shy.
You were fine as a child.
You may not recall.
You were a child,
around three years old.
You were playing on the roof.
Your aunt has always been silly.
If that wasn't the case,
she would've gotten married.
you were playing
and your aunt came
out after taking a bath,
her petticoat slipped,
she quickly tied it up,
but you started a ruckus.
Why was I doing that?
You were a child. You didn't know
what's right from wrong.
This is what happens as a child.
'No, show me first
else I won't eat food.'
You were cribbing a lot.
'Show me first'.
Then I told her to show and be done
there's no gold hidden there anyway.
Then your aunt took
you to the other room.
Only then did you finally eat.
Mom, come on.
Our ride is here.
It means you are a boy.
A boy is like a sweet made out
of clarified butter.
Even if he is crooked,
he is still not flawed.
- Yes, grandma.
- Oh my!
Ravi, honestly,
if she hadn't given birth to a son,
your grandmother
would have raised a dog named
Mani Shankar Tripathi.
You are my Prince
and I've already searched
a princess for you.
She's a very good singer.
She will also come to the
ashram with her grandmother.
- Drop me home.
- Yes.
I have kept Shivani's photograph
- in your drawer.
- Yes, Mr. Yadav.
Sir, while checking
the data before leaving.
- The doctor's phone number
- Take a look.
is in Parul's phone.
There has been a lot of chatting,
and she seems to
know the doctor well.
What was in the message?
Parul wrote,
'You are a terrible person.'
'I will destroy you.'
Sir, she seems like a bitch.
Anything else?
Sir, the doctor replied,
'Who are you?'
Parul replied,
'Doesn't matter who I am.'
'But I know who you are
and where you live.'
Sir, we got the doctor's address.
"You made friends with them gypsys"
"But I wonder why!"
"Such is the character of the gypsys"
"They will manage a tight
sleep even under the bare sky"
"But how will you do it?"
"You now have nowhere to go!"
"You are stuck"
"You are stuck"
"You are stuck"
"You are stuck"
"You are stuck"
What’s going on inside?
- Who is it?
Who is it?
Who is it?
Hey! Who are you?
How did you enter?
There's a treatment underway.
Is it a treatment
or torture?
Throw it down, bastard!
Sir, look at this.
I'm a doctor. The treatment is underway.
Ask him.
Untie him.
- Untie!
- Yes.
Call to become a man.
He's making everyone a man.
What kind of a treatment is this?
Sir, I'm a doctor.
A sexologist, sir.
I treat gay men here.
The one's ones who are homosexual,
I treat them.
Many of them already
have families now.
What are you saying?
So you hired prostitutes for them.
I mean, for their treatment.
Sir, what are you saying?
I have a family
Do you take us for fools?
Did Mridul supply girls or not?
- Since when do you know him?
- I know nothing, sir.
I don't know anything, sir.
Quiet, you bastard!
He has to clear your dues, right?
What did you say over the call?
What did you say?
Sir, he was my patient.
What's his address?
Sir, we don't keep records.
Is Mridul cured?
Please, sir. Let me go.
- Sir, he is the same Mridul.
- Sir!
He's charged with
attempt to murder.
Sir, can I take him.
I just need him for a few minutes.
- Sir
- Go deal with the fool.
- Will you drink tea?
- No, sir.
Sir, Parul is a very nice girl.
She's not that type of a girl.
Someone uploaded
her indecent photograph.
How do you know Parul?
I was very upset, sir.
I thought I was sick.
Then I met a doctor.
Sir, he
- treats gay men.
- Dr. Rana.
Yes, sir.
But he troubled me a lot,
and took a lot money from me.
He was the one who told me
to meet a girl, then
something will happen.
So, I went on Garamdost.com
and saw Parul's profile.
I am upset.
Please spare me.
I don't deal in such activities.
Sorry. I just wanted to
befriend you, that's all.
Is this how you befriend someone?
Do you know,
I get 20 calls daily!
You are troubling me!
Actually, I, too
am in a lot of trouble.
Sir, we spoke a lot
that night.
We became friends.
You became friends in one night?
Sir, I could understand her problems
and it was the same with her.
I took her sim card
and gave her a new one.
Parul is a very nice girl.
She fights for her friends.
I told her
how that doctor fooled me.
And you let this happen?
Didn't you abuse him?
Give me his number. I'll do it.
There is no need for
you to seek treatment.
You are perfect
the way God made you.
I called her to become a man,
but she turned me into a human, sir.
Do you know who threw the acid?
The guy who I just beat up
this is that rascal's doing.
Parul's ex-boyfriend Manav.
- Let's find Manav.
- Come on.
What did you find out from Mridul?
The girl is not that type of person.
- But her dad said
- The dad’s a bastard!
He hates his daughters
because he didn't have a son.
He wanted a son, so he
raised a dog named Rocky.
I'm taking this.
"Salty holy waters of this town"
"That I gulped down
standing at your temple doors"
"What sort of rains did you
bring down here, my Lord?"
"I wonder now,if you can
handle my aching heart!"
"My soul leaves me like
petals shredding away"
"Oh those false promises you
made of bringing out my new dawn!"
"The salty holy waters…."
"The misery has filled my heart"
"Did you know that?"
"This dam you built
will break one day"
"Can you stop this"
"Or will salty lake
will take over me?"
"You could have satisfied
my thirst with your sweetness"
"But now the saline waters
are buring my throat"
"I thought of you as
the benevolent one"
"And you brought down
this suffering on me"
"My soul leaves me like
petals shredding away"
"Oh those false promises you
made of bringing out my new dawn!"
"Oh those salty holy waters"
"Come now, come my Lord"
"Can’t you see how fretted am I?"
"Come tidy my state of horrow!"
"What can I tell you now?"
"I believe I’ll am alone in this!"
"Why do I expect you to give"
"When you can’t even be
present here to console me?"
"Salty holy waters of this town"
"That I gulped down
standing at your temple doors"
"The salty holy waters!"
"The salty holy waters!"
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