Karamora (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

If the truth comes out, we have to figure out
how to get people to protest peacefully.
Peacefully, non-peacefully, that's negotiable.
The main thing is to kill the dragon.
No, the main thing is not to become dragons themselves.
You're about to set a record for how long a man can stay awake.
The article will be out tomorrow,
and Arthur will be running the film in the cinematograph.
If at least a fraction of people believe us, it will already be a great victory.
It's not that I believe that a spark will immediately ignite a flame,
but it would be hard to keep it quiet.
People will start thinking and asking questions,
will demand an investigation
into who in their government is a vampire.
By the way, how did Dracula test the vampires?
He didn't.
He executed a total of 100,000 people,
one-fifth of the population of Transylvania.
There were vampires among the pile of executed.
He suspected everyone, paranoid as he was.
We must think carefully about our actions
and prevent human casualties.
Cheer up, Tkachev, we have a chance!
Will you help?
To whom? The policemen?
Because of the "Riders," I understand
for the first time how victims of terror feel.
A bullet or bomb can come from anywhere.
What's in there?
I don't know.
It was editoral office of some British magazine.
I guess it was ruined. So don't crowd in place!
Come on!
- There's something here!
- Pull it, come on!
Holy shit!
Cover it!
- Cover it with something!
- With what am I going to cover it?!
Stay calm! Stay back!
- What happened?
- Stay calm!
Stay calm! Stay calm!
Where are you going?
To the hotel, to collect my things. Once there, we'll see.
Leaving now?
You saw it all yourself, Karazin.
We tried, but they are too powerful.
A branch of a major newspaper was destroyed in one fell swoop,
the day before the article was published.
And now we have no tape and no Grandma Marfa.
They drowned hundreds of people like kittens, and you're just going to leave it like that?
- It's because of us.
- It's not, goddamn it.
They cut off Arthur's head. They do what they want, they're not afraid of anything.
We must answer them.
It didn't work out that way, so let's go back to what we do best. Terror.
When I first saw you,
vibrant, young, like Zarathustra, I gave in to your strength
Zarathustra is the founder of Zoroastrianism, the priest and prophet
to whom is attributed the authorship of the Avesta, the sacred scripture of Zoroastrianism.
and believed that you could do it. But they are real superhumans, they are stronger.
They will always be stronger, that's why there is terror and the underground.
Yes, and all this underground is directed against you by the "Riders".
We are between Scylla and Charybdis, and we have no people, no money, no weapons.
between the devil and the deep blue sea; between two fires
We need a bomb, at least one shrapnel bomb, like Kibalchich's.
Nikolai Ivanovich Kibalchich was a Russian revolutionary, a Narodovolets, an inventor, and a participant in the last
assassination attempt on the Emperor of the Russian Empire, Alexander II. According to the canon of the series, it was his silverware bomb that killed the emperor.
Let's find one vampire and blow him up.
They won't intimidate me, we' ll destroy them one by one.
We don't even have a chemist to build the bomb.
I'll build the bomb myself.
Forgive me. Goodbye, Karazin.
Did you make the bomb yourself?
Even chemistry students get blown away all the time.
You need professionals.
I followed you from the bar.
You're not hiding well, the "Riders" will find you.
They are after me, too.
I propose to unite, comrade Karamora.
And what do they have against you?
Have you heard about the Tiflis expropriation?
The 1907 Tiflis bank robbery, also known as the Erivansky Square expropriation, an attack on the treasury carriage on June 13 (26) 1907 in Tiflis. The attack was carried out by the Bolsheviks and is recognized as one of the high-profile attacks during the 1905-1907 revolution. At the 2012 exchange rate, about $5 million was stolen.
Our men stole rubles in Tiflis
and sent them to Lenin in Zurich.
He converted them into dollars and sent them back through me to help the party.
Are you a Bolshevik?
The "Riders" want to take the money,
but I won't make it to Tiflis alone. With you I have a chance.
I'm sorry, but I will refuse you. All Bolsheviks are cowards,
especially your leaders and migrants.
Not all of them. The one I work for would put any anarchist to shame.
Not even Karl would set foot in his domain.
The Caucasus is a land of opportunity.
Comrade Patsiya, why did we get off the train?
The border.
We have excellent German passports,
I traveled with mine just fine.
Trust a smuggler with experience.
It's one thing to let people out of Russia on all four corners
of the globe, but it's another thing to let them in.
It's written all over your face that you're dissatisfied
with something in the country.
There's an unguarded section of the border nearby, 20 kilometers and we're in the homeland.
I used to pass through here a lot from Munich.
I'd rather walk.
Why walk? It's a long way!
- I don't know how to do that.
- What?
Bakunin did not say a word about the bicycle, I swear.
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin was a Russian thinker and revolutionary, one of the theorists of anarchism and populism. He stands at the origins of social anarchism.
(obscene language in Georgian)
It's as easy as riding a bicycle.
- Go. Go!
- I'm scared! I'm scared!
Komarik, you're as clumsy as a little brother I never had.
Karamora is a crane fly in Russian, and Patsiya calls him "komarik"
which is a diminutive version of the Russian word for mosquito.
What are we going to do?
I know what we're going to try.
How can I stop it?
And how do you stop the World Revolution? You can't! Steer!
Mr. Nobel, we are ready for the meeting.
We have prepared documents for a loan of five million, it will be necessary to
One second.
Why five?
Melnikov's widow asks four millions for her factory.
The fact is that the transaction will be conducted through a state bank.
And the factory is arranged as a concession.
We need to butter someone up.
The factory is losing money, and the Melnikovs benefit from its sale.
It benefits the state after the scandal with the workers.
Why should we butter anyone up?
Because this is Russia, Mr. Nobel.
And besides, your uncle in Stockholm would not have approved it.
No buttering ups.
And no million on top.
I'm sure Vadim Radkevich was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I'm sure he's learned his lesson that he shouldn't be walking in some areas of the capital.
Yes, come in.
Dad, you took a long time.
We had to transfer him to solitary confinement,
or the other prisoners would have killed him.
What the hell?
This shaitan machine is called a car.
I was talking about Vadim Radkevich the Bloodsucker, they released him yesterday.
Oh, we didn't execute him on the spot.
You can't testify in court, you're officially dead, there's no evidence.
Then I'll destroy him myself. And I won't hesitate a second time.
I understand you perfectly well, and I' m disappointed myself,
but there's nothing we can do right now.
Vampires have strict rules,
you can't kill anyone you want, and you can't turn anyone you want into a vampire.
Your system isn't worth a damn.
Keep your head down.
It's alright if I'm being executed for turning you, it's my own fault,
but Mr. Svechnikov is like a father to me and I won't forgive you.
The purchase of the century!
Nobel buys out the factory of the late Melnikov!
It used to ring when guests or enemies arrived.
- There's the right chemist.
- There, go away.
Is there something I should know about him?
He's a charmer. If one doesn't argue with him, everyone likes him.
What is this, a prison?
The safest place to be.
It's all there, with Lenin's commission taken into account.
Comrade Koba, this is comrade Karamora, an anarchist, helped me with the delivery,
Meet Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, born Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili.
Koba was his nickname.
the "Riders" are looking for him, too.
There are only two honest people in all of Georgia, me and Patsiya.
I sent my close comrade with part of the gold through Turkey,
he crossed the border and that was it - no money, no comrade.
They don't call you the Fox of the Caucasus for nothing.
I like him. He flatters as ineptly as if it were his first time.
Sit down, sit down.
That's a great cell you have here.
Prison is the most safe place.
I can do whatever I want here, and I won't go to jail for it, because I'm already in jail.
Dear, would you be so kind as to give my friends a bite to eat from the road?
I see right through people.
I see that you, comrade Karamora,
although an anarchist, are ideological and honest, and Patsiya trusts you.
So you don't have to be afraid of any "Riders" if you want to work for me.
Not exactly. As a businessman, I have a deal for you.
I want to start my own network, my own group, and I need money.
Everyone needs money.
Thank you, Miho. How's your mother?
The doctors in Moscow discharged her.
Thank you!
Give her my regards.
I also need a chemist.
Help yourselves, help yourselves.
Do we have anything to sleep on?
The best chemist. Nobel, nephew of a Swedish oil industrialist.
Can't you use an ordinary chemist?
First of all, we can get a huge ransom for him, I'll give 80 percent to you.
And while his uncle is collecting money,
he's going to make me a bomb.
No one can do it better than him.
I agree, the personnel determine everything.
A famous Stalin quote.
But still, comrade Karamora, you're new here,
and I've been doing business for a long time.
If you want to make money, be my guest.
But just let me choose the method myself.
What, are you going to rob the mail carriage again?
That's petty. Are you a thug or a politician?
You have vertigo from your small successes,
and I offer you an international precedent.
Kidnap one of the Nobel family.
All the newspapers would be writing about it.
Think ahead, comrade Koba.
All right, comrade Karamora, let's not argue.
Melnikov's widow inflates the price.
Wait a little longer and buy the factory later on a cheap price.
When will all the workers starve to death?
Your uncle in Stockholm would not approve it.
You're right, my uncle is in Stockholm, and I'm here, and I make the decisions.
I'm already sick and tired without you. To die of consumption in the ass of the world, going through the papers?
Take your nag away.
What's the matter?
Out, out, out of the way! Come on, hurry it up!
It's locked.
(obscene language in Georgian)
Go, go, go!
Look! We won't get through!
We won't make it!
Oh, mademoiselle, howdy.
I've already written a letter, develop a photo and we'll send it to his uncle.
He is all yours.
While your uncle is preparing the ransom, I need something else.
A special bomb. Here I have described which kind of bomb it is.
You will be given all the materials you will need. You start today.
I'm not making a bomb.
No, no, don't do that.
All right, let's try it this way.
Is that better, Mr. Nobel?
Then make my friend a bomb.
That's very nice of you, young lady, but I'm against killing people.
What is wrong with you?
(obscene language in Georgian)
Alright, to hell with games, Mr. Nobel, let's talk frankly.
I'm against killing people.
I can swear on whatever you want that
not a single person will be hurt by your bomb.
Then what's it for?
Ordinary bombs are made every day without your assistance. I'm not fighting a war against people, but against evil.
This evil is like the tripod from this book,
only not from Mars, but from Earth.
And no one believes it, but these monsters have killed a lot of good people,
they rule the planet without impunity.
I need a weapon, help me.
I was told you would get me everything.
Hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid concentrate, respi respi
Why don't you pass it on to someone who can actually read?
Respirator. I work with hazardous substances, I need it.
You can get Draker's apparatus from the miners. Or at least a gas mask.
Don't worry, we'll let you go,
you're the only good capitalist in all of Transcaucasia.
Sort of like that.
My great-uncle invented dynamite
and now we have to pay for it with our whole family.
Well, if you miss me, give me a shout. My cell is next door, the guest cell.
Are we good?
It's chacha.
You drink wine like a girl.
a Georgian pomace brandy, clear and strong (ranging between 50% alcohol for commercially produced to 85% for home brew), which is sometimes called "wine vodka", "grape vodka", or "Georgian vodka/grappa".
Grieving for someone?
I can see it in your eyes.
You think you're the only one?
You know, my husband was very handsome,
strong, young - everyone envied me.
He was a good guy, he stood up for his comrades.
On May 1 I went to a demonstration, a peaceful demonstration.
He couldn't help but go, he was a man with a conscience.
The demonstration was dispersed by Cossacks,
and my husband was hit with nagaika here.
A predominantly East Slavic Orthodox Christian people group originating in the steppes of Ukraine. They were a semi-nomadic and semi-militarized people, who, while under the nominal suzerainty of various Eastern European states at the time, were allowed a great degree of self-governance in exchange for military service.
He just had a poster in his hands,
he didn't even have anything to defend himself with.
And I became a widow at 20.
This country makes enemies out of us by itself.
I almost got my hands on myself at the time.
Koba saved me.
So I came back to his service.
And what's the point?
To that Cossack?
To everyone. To the Cossacks, to the gendarmes, to the police.
I feel for you, but there is a consequence and there is a cause.
Aren't you, komarik, a philosopher?
This calls for a drink.
They say there is no rendition from the Don, much less from the Caucasus.
Are you ready to start a war over him?
Admittedly, I don't like being given advice and called a thug.
An extremely nasty mosquito.
But this is a matter of principle, and we are always ready for war.
Beautiful words, comrade Koba.
And what would happen if I bring twice as many people here as you have?
The Caucasus will never be subjugated by force; you can only negotiate with us.
How much?
Finally, you have begun to ask the right questions, comrade Verde.
There are those who carry out the order, and there are those who give it. They are the ones who do it.
Who do you mean, the tsar?
I used to think it was him.
But we killed one 30 years ago, and what's changed?
No, it's not him, it's something worse.
Kiss me, komarik, please.
Patsia, no, I don't want to.
You yourself don't know what you want.
Patsia, stop it. Patsia!
No, I don't want to.
I am in pain too, dear.
Your nobility, the lady has left in your car.
It seems to me we've swapped places.
How did you get out?
All that nonsense about Martians? I'm not stupid, but there was something true in what you said.
Will you tell me the truth?
You're kind of free, you can leave.
And what if I don't want to leave?
Untie me.
You're not going to beat me?
Jerking off, you son of a bitch?
You again, Satan?
Oh, I'm sorry. Vadim, I didn't know you had company.
We didn't see you coming, ma'am.
Why don't you come down with us for dinner?
What an amazing nonsense!
I've always liked mysticism more than science fiction.
I get it, you don't believe me.
No, I don't. But it doesn't matter, I'm with you.
Would you make me a bomb?
Not here, but I'll make you as many bombs as you want,
Just get me on the team, get me out of here.
Fake my death and I'm free.
Dammit, I've got a year left because of consumption, I don't want to rot here alive.
I'm all for any adventure, the crazier the better.
We'll blow up vampires, werewolves, devils, whatever.
Comrade Karamora, do you have Mr. Nobel?
You see, the irony is that you cost more than Mr. Nobel.
For him they give fifty thousand, but for you they give a hundred thousand.
And I thought you were an honest man.
I'm a businessman first and foremost, and you have to be honest with yourself.
Will you take me on the team?
Where will I take you? We are surrounded!
Promise me you won't leave me.
Well-uh, yes!
They're not going anywhere, this is my town.
Do we have any more bombs?
What's the point? The hardest part is over! The train station is a few blocks away!
Oh no, Mr. Nobel, the hardest part is just beginning. Run!
What don't you eat?
Well, we were going for a walk with Vadim.
I will wait for dessert.
And I' m probably not going to wait.
His Excellency Alexander Konstantinovich Runevsky requests permission to enter.
So many unexpected guests today!
He introduced himself as the lady's father.
Sure, sure, let him in.
I made it in time! I saw your car. Or rather, my car near the house.
Let me have a word with my daughter.
We've already talked about everything, papa.
Listen, I'm not going to let you do that, it's the cravings in you that are talking, not your sanity.
You refuse blood, and it beckons you.
I was like you myself. It seemed to me
that the world was twisted
and could be fixed, but no, it's the way it is, it won't be different.
I don't care what you say.
You don't believe me?
Dear God, what a drama.
Young people love each other, give love a chance.
- Dad, kill them!
- Vadim, shut up.
Let's all just calm down.
Perhaps, gentlemen, we could talk it over.
Your son is a maniac and a murderer, he is a Bloodsucker.
How much?
You're offering me money?
How much exactly?
This way, here!
If only we had a tiny bomb!..
We're trapped.
I am not a battering ram to break down walls.
I am an entrepreneur and a man of science.
And not a floor rag either!
Kid, we're playing hide-and-seek here. Why don't you hide, too?
Come here! Hurry! They're here! Come here! They're here!
And for a brighter future, only you and I are fighting for!
It's all dirty wenches, Vadim doesn't touch decent people.
There are wolves in the woods, right?
Yes, they kill. But who? A weak, wounded specimen.
It is even useful to some extent in terms of natural selection.
Why pity them, why all this sanctimony?
Yes, Vadim has problems, but we found a compromise.
He was always interested in medicine, he started with cats and moved on to servants.
We decided to move on to those who are not worthy of pity.
Listen, nobody wants any trouble. We can shoot each other here,
or we can part ways for the benefit of everyone.
He killed about a dozen girls.
Whores, he killed ten whores.
So what? The world has only become cleaner.
They died in agony. Therefore, he gave them eternal life.
One phone call and they'll send you to katorga.
A system of penal labor in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. Prisoners were sent to remote penal colonies in vast uninhabited areas of Siberia and Russian Far East. The prisoners had to perform forced labor under harsh conditions.
Name the price, take the money and leave our house forever.
So, these are the rules that I'm not supposed to break, right?
If you have power, money, you can do whatever you want?
My father kindly sheltered the Esser students in his workshop.
They found them, took him as an accomplice, sent him to kayorga.
Not for long,
but on the way there he caught a cold and died.
My mother married a rich man, she was happy.
I was even sent to a typist course in St. Petersburg.
And my stepfather picked up syphilis somewhere and
blamed it on my mother, claiming that she caught it.
So he killed her.
And he was acquitted, they said the man was
in a state of shock, they took pity on him.
He died anyway, having managed to infect hundreds more whores.
And they will die and infect others. And so it will go on through the world.
And the whole world will die of syphilis.
Сan't wait.
Because there is no justice in it.
Hurry, the train!
Patsia, come with us.
I can't betray Koba.
Koba betrayed me.
Run! Run away alone!
I need him.
We were paid a ransom, we still have to give him back.
Lovebirds, the train is leaving!
- No!
- Stay!
Translation done by kapyushonchan.
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