Kidnapped (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

(soft music playing)
(MD) Did you ever think
that I might be lying?
That I'm not going to release you?
(Chloe) No.
I trust you.
(door slams)
- (traffic horns honking)
- (music concludes)
(tense music playing)
(car horn honking)
(train brakes squeal)
Come with me.
(music concludes)
- (indistinct chatter)
- (MD) Do you know my number?
No. Wrong.
In the end, it's 1-5.
You have to know it.
(MD) And what is the first
thing you have to do
when you get back to England?
Er, tell the police that I'm fine
and that they can dismiss the case.
You have to do it right.
To keep your family safe.
Remember we have friends in police.
Don't mention Black Death.
We will know.
That's my business card.
In case you need to contact me.
I'll be there in a few weeks.
When things have settled down.
And then we can
be together.
(car horn beeping)
Go on with my number.
(MD) Good. Good girl.
(keys jangling)
- (door shutting)
- (tense music playing)
Thank you.
I'll come.
(indistinct chatter)
(elevator bell beeps)
(indistinct chatter)
- (telephone ringing)
- (indistinct chatter)
(keys thudding)
- (breathes deeply)
- (keys jingling)
(inhales deeply)
(Nicoletta) How can I help you?
I was (inhales deeply)
I was kidnapped.
Can you confirm your name, please?
- It's Chloe Ayling.
- One second.
(door opening)
Miss Ayling, I need you to come
to a private room with me, please.
(MD) It's fine.
I'll come too.
I'm afraid not.
(sighs) I'm her friend.
Er, I need to stay with her.
Please. Just wait here.
Okay. You have the email.
I'm going now.
Sir, you are not permitted
to leave the building.
(in Italian) Please take care
he doesn't leave
the building, thank you.
(music concludes)
(Nicoletta in English)
Would you like to have a seat?
Can you tell me what happened?
Yeah, erm, so
I was booked for a a shoot,
er, here, in Milan,
maybe maybe five
or or six days ago.
- (breathes heavily) And
- (sombre music playing)
and when I arrived
at the studio (sobs)
When I arrived at the studio,
that's when two men,
they grabbed me.
And one of them put
their hand over my face
and my mouth
and then the other one
- injected me in the wrist. (sobs)
- Okay.
- (Chloe sobs)
- (breathes deeply)
- (Chloe sobs, sniffs)
- You're safe now. (chuckles softly)
We have police on the premises.
- (Chloe sobs)
- I'll come and get them.
- Okay?
- (breathes deeply)
I'll be back in a sec.
(in Italian) I need to notify
the Embassy in Rome.
The police are coming up,
aren't they?
- (officer) Yes.
- (Nicoletta) Okay.
(sighs, sniffles)
- Here.
- Thank you.
- (in English) Hello, Miss Ayling.
- (sniffles, sighs)
- (door shutting)
- (police officer) I need to ask
a few questions, okay?
Where have you been
for the past six days?
Er, I was
I was held captive
in a house.
I don't know where.
So, how did you get here today?
Er, I was, er, dropped
in the countryside
and I phoned a friend,
er, to ask for help.
Are you talking about the man
who brought you here today?
Yes. Er, the kidnapper released me
in the countryside
and I phoned him,
and, erm, I asked him
to bring me here.
So, you have your phone with you?
No. (sniffles)
(police officer) Okay.
I I borrowed a phone
to call him.
Can you give me
his phone number, please?
Yeah, erm,
it's 351,
Er, no, that's wrong, wait.
- I'm sorry. My Er, it's
- (Nicoletta) Chloe?
We need to go
to the police station now,
so you can give a statement.
Okay. (sighs)
Okay. (chuckles softly)
- (sniffles)
- (siren blares)
(indistinct radio chatter)
(Nicoletta in Italian)
And they kidnapped her.
Well, we are trying
to figure out how
how to proceed. Now, we are
(in English) Chloe.
Just have a seat for a few moments.
Erm, I'll be back to you.
- (in Italian) Erm, hello.
- (detective) Hello.
(Nicoletta) So, she was kidnapped.
This morning, she showed up
at the Consulate
- as soon as it opened
- (detective) Yes.
with a man.
Well, that's weird because
(in English)
Does my mum know I'm okay?
(detective in Spanish) Okay,
we'll take her into custody now.
(indistinct chatter)
(Nicoletta in English) This is
Deputy Police Commissioner
Serena Ferrari.
She's the Head of Organised Crime.
They will ask questions
in Italian and I will translate.
- It will be simpler this way.
- (device beeps)
(Serena) L'uomo che l'ha portata al
consolato, come lo conosce?
(Nicoletta) The man
who bought you to the consulate,
how do you know him?
(tense music playing)
- (Nicoletta) Are you okay?
- I think
What's wrong?
Quest'uomo, qual e il suo nome?
- Fuck!
- (Nicoletta) This man,
- what's his full name, please?
- (music concludes)
- (Nicoletta) Is everything okay?
- (sombre music playing)
He didn't take me.
He just kept me prisoner.
His name was MD.
Or maybe his real name was Andre.
I'm not sure.
(Nicoletta) Non mi ha preso lui,
ma mi ha tenuta prigioniera,
il suo nome e MD, M-D,
ma il suo vero nome potrebbe anche
essere Andre, non ne sono sicura.
Puo spiegarmi perche
ha detto che e venuto
a prenderla oggi
se in realta era alla fattoria?
Can you please explain
why you said he came
to pick you up today,
if he was actually
at the farmhouse?
He got them to release me.
That's why.
(Nicoletta) Perche lui ha fatto
in modo che mi liberassero.
Che la liberassero da chi?
Who did he make release you?
I can't.
I'm not meant to talk about them.
(Nicoletta) Non posso,
non dovrei parlare di loro.
(in Italian)
Why is she hiding things from us?
I don't know.
That's really strange,
being kidnapped
(MD in English) Remember,
Black Death is watching you.
(in Italian) We need her
to tell us where she has been.
(Nicoletta) Yes, I understand,
but you see her
(MD in English) We will do anything
to keep you quiet.
- (Nicoletta) Are you all right?
- Are they angry?
- No, no, no, no.
- (breathes heavily)
(Nicoletta) They
they just need to know the truth.
(voices echo)
They're really dangerous.
- (voices echo)
- Who are?
(in Italian)
Nothing makes sense here.
We can't help you
if you don't give us answers.
(Chloe screaming)
Please, she needs a break.
Can we have a break please?
We can bring her some food,
have her get some air,
and then we can continue
a bit more relaxed, please.
(Nicoletta in English) I told them
we're going to have a break.
- Okay?
- Okay. (breathes heavily)
- Can I step out?
- (Nicoletta) Absolutely.
(Serena in Italian)
We need some answers
before talking with him.
We found on him
a fake ID and the car keys.
(indistinct chatter)
(in English) Not hungry?
Can you tell me why
you don't want to talk about him?
Because he was the one
who helped me get free.
He was the one
that told them to release me.
Who did he tell?
If I
say anything bad about them
or tell the police
then they'll kill me and my family.
Who will?
I don't work for the police.
I work for the Consulate.
I work for you, Chloe.
Black Death.
That's who he works for.
You you have to tell me
what you know.
I'm here to protect you.
They're like the mafia.
So, they kidnap girls
and auction them,
and sometimes they kill them.
I know, it sounds
crazy. (sighs)
What happened to you is crazy.
My advice.
Tell the police what you told me.
They can find who did this.
(breathes deeply, sniffles)
- Okay?
- Okay. (sighs)
(tense music playing)
(Chloe) The first night,
I stayed on the floor,
and then we shared a bed.
And I slept on the right,
and he slept on the left.
- Condividevate il letto?
- (Nicoletta) You shared a bed?
- Yeah.
- Si.
(Serena) Ha fatto sesso con lui?
Did you have sex with him?
Quanti uomini c'erano?
How many men were there?
(Chloe) Four or five, I think.
Quattro o cinque, credo.
Ha visto le loro facce?
Did you see their faces?
(Chloe) I only saw, er, MD's face,
and one other guy.
Puoi parlarmi della Black Death?
(Nicoletta) Can you tell me
about Black Death?
Er, Black Death wanted
to auction me on the dark web
for er, 300,000 dollars.
(Serena) Puo identificare l'uomo
che l'ha portata al consolato?
Could you identify the man?
- Yes, I could identify him.
- (Serena clears throat)
Erm. Excuse me.
Is there someone with my mum?
Is she safe?
Because if they they know
that I've been talking about them,
they'll go after her.
(Nicoletta) Yes,
she's with the police
in the UK right now.
Ci puo descrivere il paesaggio?
Could you describe the landscape?
MD led me out
onto the balcony yesterday,
so I could see that there
were trees and mountains around.
Ma non ha lasciato la casa
in nessun altro momento?
You didn't leave
the house in any other moment?
- No.
- No.
Da dove venivano
i vestiti che indossava?
Erm, where did the clothes
you were wearing come from?
MD gave me the
gave me the tracksuit,
and the trainers.
I think he might have
bought them yesterday.
MD le ha dato la tuta e le scarpe
e pensa che possa
averle comprate ieri.
- (police officer) Buongiorno.
- (shop keeper) Buongiorno.
(in Italian)
Do you recognise this girl?
(door opening)
(music concludes)
(in English) Miss Ayling.
Can you please confirm
the statement you made
at 8:00 p.m. today?
"Before leaving,
MD gave me the tracksuit
I was wearing and trainers
which I believe
he bought yesterday".
We have spoken to the woman
in the shoe shop.
Yeah. (breathes deeply)
- I went to buy the shoes.
- But then why did you lie to us?
Because I was, erm
because I was scared
you wouldn't believe me.
So, you agree it seems strange
that you went to buy shoes
with your kidnapper?
Yeah. (sobs)
Yeah, I know I know
it sounds mad, but (sighs)
MD had promised to free me.
And and he was
the only one helping me.
And all the others
were watching all the time, so
so I just did exactly as he said.
(sighs, sniffles)
Why didn't you tell us this?
Because I was scared
that I'd done something wrong.
Or that, erm
Or that it was something
that I could be blamed for.
And I'm (sniffles)
I'm embarrassed
because (sniffles)
because (sobs)
because I didn't ask for help
or try to escape. (sobs)
(sighs, sniffles)
We found traces of semen
on the bedsheets.
Did you have sex with MD?
There was, er, one morning
where he asked to have sex with me.
But I told him that I couldn't
while I was in captivity,
and, erm,
I I asked him
if if he would wait,
because I said
we might have a relationship
in the future.
Because I thought,
if he believed me
that he might save me.
And he did believe me, so
So, he he told me
to go take a shower,
so he could masturbate.
(breathes deeply)
- (file thudding)
- (Storari sighs)
Thank you, Miss Ayling.
(clears throat)
- (door shutting)
- (sniffs)
I think it's going
to take a bit longer, Chloe.
Police have to investigate
Black Death.
How much longer?
A few days more. Er, a week?
Do you have to get home
to your son?
(sombre music playing)
- It's fine. He lives with his dad.
- Okay.
Where will I stay?
The police have arranged
somewhere safe for you.
(door shutting)
I want to answer all questions,
but first I I would like
to explain something.
You did really well today.
Thank you.
You should be proud of yourself.
At the beginning of the year,
I was diagnosed with leukaemia
(indistinct chatter)
and desperate
for a very expensive treatment.
I borrowed money
from Romanian guys
I met in Birmingham.
(Nicoletta) Chloe?
Could you sign, please?
Yeah. What is this place?
This is a women's shelter.
The police want you to stay here.
(MD) And part of the conditions
of borrowing the money was
that I would work for them.
And what happened next?
You don't know
how powerful these people are.
Please don't leave me here.
(Nicoletta) I'll be back tomorrow.
You just need to sleep now.
(Nicoletta) I'm sorry.
(door shutting)
(Piers) Why did you lie
to the police, though?
Chloe, you see,
this is the problem.
Your idea of brushing it off.
You you lied!
- No, because
- The shopkeeper says
she saw you laughing and joking
with one of the alleged kidnappers.
- I wasn't laughing and joking.
- (Piers) And you were shopping
- for shoes?
- (Chloe) No,
- I wasn't laughing and joking.
- (Piers) But you do understand
there's a lot of people
who don't believe you.
I do understand,
I do understand why.
So, you haven't been
unfairly treated?
You did lie?
(music concludes)
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