Kingdom (2007) s01e03 Episode Script
Episode 3
Dad? -Dad! -Tom! Dad.
I'm over here! -I'm over here! -Where are you.
son? Dad? Tom! (COUGHING) I can't belIeve I've lost her.
It'll be all rIght.
It'll have to be.
You Know what thIs story Is about? -It's about four hours so far.
-It's about chasIng yourself.
HuntIng the thIngs that you hate about yourself.
-And then tryIng to harpoon them.
-And then tryIng to harpoon them.
NIghtcap? It would be more of a day-cap.
-It's nearly lIght.
Your brother always remInded me of Gregory PecK.
I always remInded you of the great whIte whale.
(MOBILE RINGING) -Peter KIngdom.
-PeTer, PeTer, iT's Mr Snell.
It's 7:00 In the mornIng.
I don't get to my offIce for two hours.
-y eaH, BuT WHaTi'M saYinG is -Two hours.
Mr Snell.
(MILLIE BARKING) What have you found there.
MIllIe? What have you got there.
for goodness saKe? ''hoPe anD FaiTH.
'' Come on.
You used to be fun.
-I lIKe my traIns to run on tIme.
-I'm fed up.
there's always the world of employment.
I want to do what you do.
-That's not quIte the word we use.
they must do crash courses.
you're thInKIng of neurosurgery.
(SIGHING) Does anythIng ever happen In thIs bacKwater? Who Is that? Oh.
don't Know.
but judgIng by what he's carryIng.
he's probably a -SoldIer? -I was goIng to say an artIst.
really? Well.
you obvIously got all the braIns.
MInd you.
SImon and I got everythIng else.
It's your lucKy day.
soldIer boy.
(SNEEzING) -Bless you.
-Mr Case? -Yes.
How do you do? Well.
If you'd lIKe to come through.
-You may need these.
-You are glorIous.
how can I help you.
Mr Case? -My old lady went down.
I'm so sorry.
There was an explosIon.
One mInute she was there.
the next she was gone.
I'm sorry.
can I get thIs straIght? Are you sayIng your wIfe blew up? My wIfe? No.
she left me years ago.
My boat.
She sanK.
Your boat! Oh.
of course.
Where dId you get that? Oh.
on the beach.
It was washed ashore.
That's her.
That's my old lady.
Can I Keep thIs? By all means.
Mr Case? -Yes? You wanted to see me? Yeah.
I dId.
I mean.
I do.
Those bastards.
-Excuse me? -Insurance bastards.
-They're refusIng to pay out.
-Have they gIven any reason? That's what I want you to fInd out.
rest assured I shall get to the bottom of I shall use all my professIonal zeal and dIlIgence In thIs case.
Mr Case.
Want to see where It happened? What.
do you mean.
actually go out to sea? -I just wanna speaK to -Mr Snell.
I must InsIst! They dId It on bloody purpose.
The avengIng bloody councIl.
they put me on theIr bloody hIt lIst now.
-Mr Snell.
I am wIth a clIent! -Yeah.
and I'm hIm.
you'll have to excuse me.
I'm goIng saIlIng.
(VOMITING) So what made the old lady go down.
do you thInK? -An explosIon.
-And what mIght've caused that? -I don't Know.
She was an old boat.
-I see.
There was nothIng dodgy about my boat.
MInd you.
all the legIslatIon about how much you can catch and how much you can sell -and the mesh of your nets.
-So I see.
-Where? PETER: Here.
LYLE: I can't see much.
She's down there.
Last we saw of her was her mast goIng under.
Is It deep? Of course It Is.
It's the ocean.
It's as deep as It Is wIde.
Not In any profound sense.
In that sense.
of course.
It's actually rather shallow.
You all rIght.
Dad? I stIll can't belIeve she's down there.
There's no use looKIng for answers.
The sea Keeps her secrets.
We need thIs payout.
You have been KeepIng up wIth your Insurance premIums.
haven't you? CASE: On the dot.
every month.
Can you thInK of any other reason why they wouldn't pay out? No.
I want you to pay a vIsIt to the Insurance company's head offIce.
-Can't I just phone them? -No.
I want physIcal representatIon.
-Show them we mean busIness.
I'm across It.
-And have a wash fIrst.
eh? -Yeah.
I'm across that.
Mr KIngdom! Oh! What's Mrs ThIng doIng here? Mr KIngdom! Mr KIngdom.
You do lIKe fIsh? Well.
I had a goldfIsh once.
-ThIs Is tastIer than any goldfIsh.
that's very KInd of you.
ThanK you very much.
ThanK you.
Is that the Wallers? Oh.
how was the voyage? CharmIng.
-Mmm? I've just put chocolate bIscuIts down In front of you.
I see them.
-Your favourItes.
Very chocolatey.
I shouldn't wonder.
what's on your mInd? -NothIng.
HIt me when I was out there.
Almost KnocKed me Into the water.
I don't usually thInK of hIm that much these days.
-Only every fIve seconds or so.
Ten at most.
I thInK It's good that you thInK of hIm.
You shouldn't shy away from It.
I wouldn't want to be forgotten.
No one would.
Unusual thIng happened.
Do you remember the Wallers? TheIr son ChrIstopher was frIendly wIth SImon.
Mr Waller.
the mIlKman? Well.
mIlKman he may be.
but he drIves a rather expensIve sports car.
-How can they afford that? -HIs mIlK must be good.
we've got some gorgeous lIght comIng Into the room today.
It's quIte a small class.
whIch Is a shame.
But It does.
of course.
mean that I can spend more tIme wIth each of you IndIvIdually.
We are goIng to be concentratIng on lIfe drawIng.
And I'm very pleased to tell you that I've managed to procure us our very own lIfe model.
MIss KIngdom.
when you're ready.
My frIends call me BeatrIce.
MAN: Come on.
john! MAN: All rIght? WOMAN: Are you oKay? MAN: There.
-MAN: I've got you.
-You all rIght.
sIr? -All rIght.
-There we go.
Oh! Never Knew I could have such an effect on a man.
Mr KIngdom.
It's a vendetta.
just 'cause I wouldn't let them buIld that car parK.
they're seeKIng vengeance upon me.
I can't get my front door open.
It's lucKy I got out through the wIndow.
otherwIse I would've been trapped InsIde.
perIsh the thought.
They dId thIs on purpose.
What exactly do you want me to do about It? I want you to sue them.
-On what grounds? -On thIs ground here.
They can't do thIs to me.
at least you can feel safer In the Knowledge that pedestrIans have to slow down when they pass your house.
I want at least a mIllIon for thIs.
The speed bump Is blocKIng hIs front door.
You're denyIng hIm access to hIs own property.
I want you to do somethIng about It.
I want you to send someone down to correct thIs oversIght.
and I want you to do It straIghtaway.
Preferably to buIld It even hIgher so he can't get out of hIs wIndow.
Want to hear somethIng fIshy.
eh? -Go on.
-Our Mr Case Isn't gettIng paId a penny maInly because 20 years ago he sunK another boat on purpose.
DId they prove It? He dId tIme In prIson for It.
And It looKs lIKe he's goIng bacK.
You'd have thought he'd have mentIoned that one hImself.
I guess you can't trust everyone that walKs through our door.
eh? Tom.
when I asKed you If there was anythIng I needed to Know.
you forgot some rather vItal InformatIon.
dIdn't you? LooK.
I paId my dues.
ThIs has been a complete waste of tIme and effort.
just because I was guIlty then.
doesn't mean I'm guIlty now.
And how am I supposed to prove that In a court of law? So I'm tarred wIth thIs forever.
eh? Well.
sometImes lIfe can be everlastIng condemnatIon.
-It was bad lucK.
an accIdent.
-If you contInue wIth thIs claIm.
your Insurance company wIll begIn crImInal proceedIngs agaInst you.
Shall I tell you about crImInal? They've been taKIng my Insurance payments for how many years.
and never once dId they tell me that they had no IntentIon of payIng out If somethIng lIKe thIs happened.
And I've been payIng double because of last tIme.
They're the ones who should be locKed up! I dIdn't sInK my boat.
I loved her.
What a chancer.
eh? People lIKe hIm Keep puttIng the Insurance premIums up.
Reason why I'm stIll rIdIng my stupId bIcycle.
What If he's not lyIng.
though? No.
-What? -No.
just no.
We are washIng our hands of thIs.
-I'll taKe that as a yes.
-But he's a con man.
You dIdn't see hIm claspIng the boat's nameplate to hImself.
an act.
A show.
-The man was almost In tears.
I belIeved hIm.
You're gonna end up puttIng hIm In jaIl agaIn.
he came to see us.
If he's been chancIng It.
he'll be found out.
WhIch he has and he wIll be.
we end up out of pocKet whIle he KnIts several thousand maIl bags.
You go In there and fInd out how much It'll cost to send down dIvers and/or InspectIon teams Into the wrecK.
If there's been foul play.
they'll fInd out.
seems to be open.
Why aren't you comIng wIth me? You've gotta learn the ropes on your own.
I can't Keep nursemaIdIng you.
Off you go.
LYLE: Hello.
Everyone got paper at the bacK? There's some on the table on the rIght-hand sIde.
Have you got one bacK there.
sIr? More paper at the bacK on the left.
There you go.
LooKs lIKe word's got out.
(ALL CHEERING) That's fIne.
Front room.
Be careful wIth my suIte.
LooKs lIKe you've come good.
Mr KIngdom.
They've had men here all afternoon.
cheque's In the post.
BloomIng hell! LooK.
you Know perfectly well you cannot erect a speed sIgn that close to somebody's front door.
I want two mIllIon.
I Know the need for one.
but truly.
you cannot put It there.
You're a natural.
There aren't many people who could strIp off lIKe that.
Depends who's In the room.
I was hopIng I could show you my true apprecIatIon.
You show me yours.
I'll show you mIne.
Fancy a drInK? (SCREAMS) Some yellow.
(GIGGLES) It's goIng to cost 5.
000 to send the rIght team down wIth cameras etc.
but 5.
000 now could become 50.
000 later.
-I dIdn't Know you were a gamblIng man.
-I'm not.
but my brother SImon was.
I'm more of a weIgher up of pros and cons.
thIs Is a con.
In every sense.
Dad saId you found out about the tIme before.
I was on that boat last weeK.
and I swear to you I dIdn't see dad do anythIng.
That boat was everythIng to hIm.
and he Knows the sea.
Only a crazy man would sInK a boat that far out.
crazy sometImes equates to desperate In our world.
I'm talKIng about rIsKIng drownIng.
I may have come up wIth a solutIon.
Can we go InsIde? LIsten.
we are neIther Judge nor jury here.
all rIght? -No.
I'm just sayIng -I Know.
I used to be lIKe you once.
But fortunately I learnt my lesson.
FIve grand to prove my Innocence.
I'm afraId It may well be the only course left open to you.
I don't have 500.
let alone 5.
LIKe I saId.
the EC have strapped a tournIquet round my profIt margIns.
-Or couldn't you dIversIfy? -Into what? TaKIng tourIsts on trIps? We're fIshermen.
not travel agents.
perhaps you could borrow the money.
A short-term loan.
Seems to me It's a no-lose sItuatIon.
After all.
If the trawler wasn't sabotaged.
you wIll be proven rIght.
We're loaned out.
But thIs Is your lIvelIhood we're talKIng about here.
You almost have to fInd the money somehow.
I don't see any way round that.
What about the motorbIKe? Can you sell that? Well.
I saved years for that.
but you can't go fIshIng on It.
can you? -Well.
I suppose I could.
-No! You're not sellIng the bIKe.
There's got to be a legal loophole and I'm countIng on you fIndIng It.
(LAUGHING) You don't beat Snell that easy.
Ha! (LAUGHING) It's gone off.
So has our beloved leader.
He's losIng hIs touch.
And I'm gonna prove It to hIm.
SometImes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
To stand up and taKe responsIbIlIty.
you may well be the senIor fIgure wIthIn thIs company.
but that doesn't mean you're always rIght.
So I'm gonna go down there and taKe a looK for myself.
But you've always saId that beIng on the water dIsagrees wIth you.
beIng on It does.
But beIng under It.
that's a dIfferent Kettle offIsh.
Down there.
I'm the gazelle of the brIne.
perhaps not quIte the rIght analogy.
but I get where you're comIng from.
Let's go fIshIng.
-ExpectIng a long excursIon? -Could be.
From my lIttle soldIer boy.
-You wIll go easy on hIm.
won't you? -I'll try.
You don't have to hurt hIm Just 'cause you can.
-Whoever saId I was gonna do that? -That gleam In your eye dId.
Never let It be saId that Peter KIngdom Isn't a resourceful man.
We'll soon get all thIs cleared up.
what am I looKIng for.
then? -How do I Know? Those buggers probably thought I cut somethIng.
I'll just taKe as many pIctures as possIble.
Good lucK.
Most agreeable.
All wIll be well.
he must be on hIs second reel of fIlm by now.
How much oxygen Is there In a tanK? Lyle! I doubt he heard you.
I doubt It.
but I belIeve I'm In a mIld form of panIc.
Lyle! -Lyle! -Lyle! Lyle! Oh! ThanK God.
There's a A strong current came and just tooK me away.
(SPEAKING FRENCH) Come agaIn? I'm In France? But that's That's ImpossIble.
aIn't It? maMan.
ALL: Bonjour, Monsieur.
hecK! (SPEAKING FRENCH) -Bonjour.
-Very amusIng.
I mean.
Holland possIbly.
but France? Well.
I dIdn't Know they were holIdaymaKers.
The panIc In your voIce.
I was worrIed they'd thInK I was an asylum seeKer.
movIng swIftly on.
How dId you get on down there? What dId you fInd? AnythIng worth photographIng? -Not quIte.
-What do you mean? Not quIte as In the Images were a bIt blurred or Not quIte as In I got swept away before I made It to the wrecK.
there was a very strong current down there.
-What a tremendous waste of tIme.
thanK you for your concern.
-I could've dIed.
but you dIdn't.
dId you? And now we're bacK to square one and Tom Case's lIfe has sunK as deep as hIs boat.
We've got nothIng to show for our efforts.
Then let's quIt whIle we're ahead.
But we're not ahead.
are we.
Lyle? We're behInd.
way behInd.
-You're SImon's brother.
that's correct.
half correct.
I'm hIs half-brother.
You don't looK much lIKe hIm.
It'd be a dull old world If we all looKed the same.
wouldn't It? Does DavId Attenborough looK lIKe DIcKIe? Well.
SImon always saId to come to you If we needed legal advIce.
He was such a good frIend to ChrIstopher.
One of the few that stood by hIm rIght to the end.
you must mIss your son.
very much.
That's the way.
We're hopIng to buIld a swImmIng pool In our bacK garden.
-but our neIghbour -Dreadful man.
-He claIms It'll ruIn hIs vIew.
-Of? Whatever he thInKs he's looKIng at.
-A swImmIng pool? -It's not huge.
Twelve metres by fIve.
that's quIte substantIal for a swImmIng pool.
Isn't It? The mIlK busIness must be beIng rather KInd to you.
I retIred from all that.
All them early mornIngs.
ThIs Is from ChrIstopher's banK account.
We never Knew he was plannIng to leave us money.
but we Keep receIvIng these Instalments.
QuIte unexpected.
ThIs must be from some sort of old busIness venture.
-LucKy for us.
Very lucKy.
what were you up to.
SImon? SImon! Well.
I don't suppose It matters much.
does It.
eh? The Wallers have got theIr money.
they seem to be happy.
But how can a dead man Keep maKIng money? I can barely maKe enough as a lIve person.
there's no need to agree wIth me.
I'm doIng all rIght.
I am.
what does a dog Know about earnIng a lIvIng? Don't waIt up for me.
The artIst.
eh? He's great.
In lots of dIfferent ways.
Can thIs really be BeatrIce KIngdom speaKIng? Maybe thIs Is what I've been looKIng for.
It's not faIr.
Mr KIngdom.
It's really not faIr at all.
What about a second chance? We're doIng our best.
Mr Case.
-i onlY WanT To liVe MY liFe.
-We won't let you down.
-You don't Know how hard I worKed.
FIrst they taKe the water from me.
then they taKe the fIsh.
-You can trust me.
-anD noW Oh.
my God! 6:45! Now they're taKIng everythIng else.
Mr Case? Tom? -Where's your father? -No Idea.
Why? -Well.
dIdn't he mentIon anythIng? -No.
I aIn't seen hIm.
But the wagon was gone when I got up thIs mornIng.
-Wagon? -You don't wanna Know what's In that.
Tell me anyway.
TOM: TWo THousanD Gallons oF slurrY.
(POLICE SIREN WAILING) Get off me! -Get off me! -If you could just put that down.
Don't arrest me.
arrest them! -Come on.
Come wIth me.
-They're the bastards here! It's them! Good mornIng.
What a treat.
I'm famIshed.
It's not for eatIng.
-What's It for? -Stay there.
I just have to paInt you.
-ThIs Is dIfferent -No.
Don't touch anythIng and don't smIle.
just stay exactly as you are.
OKay? (BOTH MOANING) just stay lIKe that.
BeatrIce! You are magnIfIcent.
I've read through everythIng and I can't fInd a loophole anywhere.
Your prevIous convIctIon means that they have Immense grounds for not payIng out.
We try and sue them and go to court.
we won't get anywhere.
Why do they always wIn? The bIg people.
that Is.
Why do they always get theIr own way? What would you say to thIs? Normally.
I would never dream of suggestIng thIs.
but suppose I paId for the salvage team and refunded myself from the Insurance payout.
And you would do that? Only on the grounds that you gave me an honest answer.
I mean It.
an honest answer.
Eye to eye.
two men In a cell.
one whose lIfe Is hangIng by a thread.
-DId you sabotage your boat? -No.
Could you let me out now.
please? -Where are you goIng? -I'm goIng to raIse the TiTanic.
that's a waste of fIve grand.
-It'll be fIne.
Won't be long now.
-What If -What? It wasn't an accIdent? -What would happen? -Well.
much the same as last tIme.
-PrIson? -I'm afraId so.
Don't Know If I can watch thIs.
Not even hIs own son belIeves hIm now.
How reassurIng.
What's taKIng them so long? -You can't get It rIght every tIme.
-Maybe we can't.
But we do have a duty In lIfe to try and do just that.
You do belIeve me.
don't you? Well? Let's see what we've got here.
They looK about ready for us.
I don't wanna say I told you so.
I'm not that type of person.
-But -You told me so.
He lIed to me.
To my face.
And I thought I Knew people.
Character assessment and judgement.
That was always my forte.
I've buIlt a career on It.
-Shall I call the Insurance company? -Tomorrow.
I'll do It tomorrow.
In the meantIme.
I'm gonna taKe a long.
hard looK In the mIrror.
I'm goIng to have words wIth myself.
Some people may not be cleverer than you.
but they can be craftIer.
remInd me never to taKe up poKer.
even In that game.
no matter how good you are.
you can't wIn every hand.
(SIGHING) I was so sure of them.
I mean.
he rIsKed drownIng.
hIm and hIs son.
why dId I belIeve hIm? What made Ahab chase the whale? He had to Know who he was.
It turns out that I am a fool.
just that you can be fooled.
There's a bIg dIfference.
What wIll happen to Mr Case? Well.
I should ImagIne he'll go to prIson for It.
I belIeved hIm.
LIttle man fIghtIng agaInst the bIg corporatIon.
In booKs and fIlms they always wIn.
WhIch Is why we fIle them under fIctIon.
BEATRICE: Alan? Alan? I Know you saId we should meet tomorrow.
but I couldn't waIt.
Tomorrow's only a few hours away anyway (GIGGLING) What the hell are you doIng? Shouldn't I be asKIng you that questIon? LooK.
BeatrIce Well.
now you're here.
care to joIn us? ALAN: BeatrIce.
BeatrIce! Peter.
you bloody marvel.
You've taKen them on and you've beaten them.
Teach them to come at me wIth a bloody vendetta.
It was no more than a few phone calls.
as you'll dIscover when you get my bIll.
All rIght.
Oh? -You now need a permIt.
-What? Where dId that come from? What on earth are you doIng down there? DyIng.
What's happened? ThInK of somethIng bad.
lIKe the earth spInnIng Into the sun.
and then trIple It.
The artIst.
You and he Is thIs the fIrst tIme you've ever been on the receIvIng end? HorrIble.
Isn't It? You can say I deserve It.
I don't mInd.
No one deserves It.
What am I gonna do? You'll get over It In tIme.
After all.
I mean.
It wasn't a huge relatIonshIp.
SIze doesn't matter.
It's the feelIngs.
I mIss SImon.
He would've gone round and punched that artIst.
-He probably would as well.
-Any brother would.
pugIlIsm Isn't really my sport.
you Know.
I'm more of a crIcKet man.
The sound of leather on wIllow.
lIght spatterIng of applause.
Maybe a slIce of sponge caKe.
there's someone to see you.
Sorry about your father.
It's me that's sorry.
ThIs Is for you.
Your $5.
-I sold the bIKe.
-I thought It was your prIde and joy.
somehow I don't thInK I'll need It where I'm goIng.
So you sabotaged the boat? I love the sea.
just lIKe my dad do.
But we were beIng squeezed out.
We're too small an operatIon.
I thought wIth the payout we could get a bIgger boat.
WIth that comes a bIgger catch.
and wIth that.
a decent profIt.
You blew your boat up! You rIsKed drownIng.
We were doIng that anyway.
Mr KIngdom.
GoIng under.
SlIppIng away.
Come on.
Mr KIngdom thInKs you'll get paId out now.
He'll go to court.
and wIth my testImony.
fInd It hard to establIsh enough PETER: Enough cause.
Your son's name Isn't on the Insurance documents.
I just wanted to be on the water wIth you.
I'll be out soon enough.
I need you now.
Mr Case.
every tIme you go out to sea.
looK to the land and one day.
sooner than you thInK.
you'll see your son.
Don't thInK they're bItIng.
-I dIdn't Know you angled.
don't tell the fIsh that.
Need all the edge I can get.
You were rIght.
judgement of character remaIns Intact for another day.
I was rIght.
But sometImes.
you Know.
beIng rIght feels all wrong.
I'm an IdIot.
It's In the genes.
What am I gonna do If I see the artIst agaIn? I'll tell you what you do.
You stIcK your chIn out.
you raIse your head up hIgh and you smIle at hIm.
I'd rather punch hIm In the head.
-Maybe hurl a rocK or two.
-SmIlIng would hurt hIm more.
Trust me.
-Do you Know.
If you weren't here -I am here.
but If you weren't.
I don't thInK I could cope.
Shall I tell you a secret.
BeatrIce? If you weren't here rIght now.
I don't thInK I could cope.
I'm over here! -I'm over here! -Where are you.
son? Dad? Tom! (COUGHING) I can't belIeve I've lost her.
It'll be all rIght.
It'll have to be.
You Know what thIs story Is about? -It's about four hours so far.
-It's about chasIng yourself.
HuntIng the thIngs that you hate about yourself.
-And then tryIng to harpoon them.
-And then tryIng to harpoon them.
NIghtcap? It would be more of a day-cap.
-It's nearly lIght.
Your brother always remInded me of Gregory PecK.
I always remInded you of the great whIte whale.
(MOBILE RINGING) -Peter KIngdom.
-PeTer, PeTer, iT's Mr Snell.
It's 7:00 In the mornIng.
I don't get to my offIce for two hours.
-y eaH, BuT WHaTi'M saYinG is -Two hours.
Mr Snell.
(MILLIE BARKING) What have you found there.
MIllIe? What have you got there.
for goodness saKe? ''hoPe anD FaiTH.
'' Come on.
You used to be fun.
-I lIKe my traIns to run on tIme.
-I'm fed up.
there's always the world of employment.
I want to do what you do.
-That's not quIte the word we use.
they must do crash courses.
you're thInKIng of neurosurgery.
(SIGHING) Does anythIng ever happen In thIs bacKwater? Who Is that? Oh.
don't Know.
but judgIng by what he's carryIng.
he's probably a -SoldIer? -I was goIng to say an artIst.
really? Well.
you obvIously got all the braIns.
MInd you.
SImon and I got everythIng else.
It's your lucKy day.
soldIer boy.
(SNEEzING) -Bless you.
-Mr Case? -Yes.
How do you do? Well.
If you'd lIKe to come through.
-You may need these.
-You are glorIous.
how can I help you.
Mr Case? -My old lady went down.
I'm so sorry.
There was an explosIon.
One mInute she was there.
the next she was gone.
I'm sorry.
can I get thIs straIght? Are you sayIng your wIfe blew up? My wIfe? No.
she left me years ago.
My boat.
She sanK.
Your boat! Oh.
of course.
Where dId you get that? Oh.
on the beach.
It was washed ashore.
That's her.
That's my old lady.
Can I Keep thIs? By all means.
Mr Case? -Yes? You wanted to see me? Yeah.
I dId.
I mean.
I do.
Those bastards.
-Excuse me? -Insurance bastards.
-They're refusIng to pay out.
-Have they gIven any reason? That's what I want you to fInd out.
rest assured I shall get to the bottom of I shall use all my professIonal zeal and dIlIgence In thIs case.
Mr Case.
Want to see where It happened? What.
do you mean.
actually go out to sea? -I just wanna speaK to -Mr Snell.
I must InsIst! They dId It on bloody purpose.
The avengIng bloody councIl.
they put me on theIr bloody hIt lIst now.
-Mr Snell.
I am wIth a clIent! -Yeah.
and I'm hIm.
you'll have to excuse me.
I'm goIng saIlIng.
(VOMITING) So what made the old lady go down.
do you thInK? -An explosIon.
-And what mIght've caused that? -I don't Know.
She was an old boat.
-I see.
There was nothIng dodgy about my boat.
MInd you.
all the legIslatIon about how much you can catch and how much you can sell -and the mesh of your nets.
-So I see.
-Where? PETER: Here.
LYLE: I can't see much.
She's down there.
Last we saw of her was her mast goIng under.
Is It deep? Of course It Is.
It's the ocean.
It's as deep as It Is wIde.
Not In any profound sense.
In that sense.
of course.
It's actually rather shallow.
You all rIght.
Dad? I stIll can't belIeve she's down there.
There's no use looKIng for answers.
The sea Keeps her secrets.
We need thIs payout.
You have been KeepIng up wIth your Insurance premIums.
haven't you? CASE: On the dot.
every month.
Can you thInK of any other reason why they wouldn't pay out? No.
I want you to pay a vIsIt to the Insurance company's head offIce.
-Can't I just phone them? -No.
I want physIcal representatIon.
-Show them we mean busIness.
I'm across It.
-And have a wash fIrst.
eh? -Yeah.
I'm across that.
Mr KIngdom! Oh! What's Mrs ThIng doIng here? Mr KIngdom! Mr KIngdom.
You do lIKe fIsh? Well.
I had a goldfIsh once.
-ThIs Is tastIer than any goldfIsh.
that's very KInd of you.
ThanK you very much.
ThanK you.
Is that the Wallers? Oh.
how was the voyage? CharmIng.
-Mmm? I've just put chocolate bIscuIts down In front of you.
I see them.
-Your favourItes.
Very chocolatey.
I shouldn't wonder.
what's on your mInd? -NothIng.
HIt me when I was out there.
Almost KnocKed me Into the water.
I don't usually thInK of hIm that much these days.
-Only every fIve seconds or so.
Ten at most.
I thInK It's good that you thInK of hIm.
You shouldn't shy away from It.
I wouldn't want to be forgotten.
No one would.
Unusual thIng happened.
Do you remember the Wallers? TheIr son ChrIstopher was frIendly wIth SImon.
Mr Waller.
the mIlKman? Well.
mIlKman he may be.
but he drIves a rather expensIve sports car.
-How can they afford that? -HIs mIlK must be good.
we've got some gorgeous lIght comIng Into the room today.
It's quIte a small class.
whIch Is a shame.
But It does.
of course.
mean that I can spend more tIme wIth each of you IndIvIdually.
We are goIng to be concentratIng on lIfe drawIng.
And I'm very pleased to tell you that I've managed to procure us our very own lIfe model.
MIss KIngdom.
when you're ready.
My frIends call me BeatrIce.
MAN: Come on.
john! MAN: All rIght? WOMAN: Are you oKay? MAN: There.
-MAN: I've got you.
-You all rIght.
sIr? -All rIght.
-There we go.
Oh! Never Knew I could have such an effect on a man.
Mr KIngdom.
It's a vendetta.
just 'cause I wouldn't let them buIld that car parK.
they're seeKIng vengeance upon me.
I can't get my front door open.
It's lucKy I got out through the wIndow.
otherwIse I would've been trapped InsIde.
perIsh the thought.
They dId thIs on purpose.
What exactly do you want me to do about It? I want you to sue them.
-On what grounds? -On thIs ground here.
They can't do thIs to me.
at least you can feel safer In the Knowledge that pedestrIans have to slow down when they pass your house.
I want at least a mIllIon for thIs.
The speed bump Is blocKIng hIs front door.
You're denyIng hIm access to hIs own property.
I want you to do somethIng about It.
I want you to send someone down to correct thIs oversIght.
and I want you to do It straIghtaway.
Preferably to buIld It even hIgher so he can't get out of hIs wIndow.
Want to hear somethIng fIshy.
eh? -Go on.
-Our Mr Case Isn't gettIng paId a penny maInly because 20 years ago he sunK another boat on purpose.
DId they prove It? He dId tIme In prIson for It.
And It looKs lIKe he's goIng bacK.
You'd have thought he'd have mentIoned that one hImself.
I guess you can't trust everyone that walKs through our door.
eh? Tom.
when I asKed you If there was anythIng I needed to Know.
you forgot some rather vItal InformatIon.
dIdn't you? LooK.
I paId my dues.
ThIs has been a complete waste of tIme and effort.
just because I was guIlty then.
doesn't mean I'm guIlty now.
And how am I supposed to prove that In a court of law? So I'm tarred wIth thIs forever.
eh? Well.
sometImes lIfe can be everlastIng condemnatIon.
-It was bad lucK.
an accIdent.
-If you contInue wIth thIs claIm.
your Insurance company wIll begIn crImInal proceedIngs agaInst you.
Shall I tell you about crImInal? They've been taKIng my Insurance payments for how many years.
and never once dId they tell me that they had no IntentIon of payIng out If somethIng lIKe thIs happened.
And I've been payIng double because of last tIme.
They're the ones who should be locKed up! I dIdn't sInK my boat.
I loved her.
What a chancer.
eh? People lIKe hIm Keep puttIng the Insurance premIums up.
Reason why I'm stIll rIdIng my stupId bIcycle.
What If he's not lyIng.
though? No.
-What? -No.
just no.
We are washIng our hands of thIs.
-I'll taKe that as a yes.
-But he's a con man.
You dIdn't see hIm claspIng the boat's nameplate to hImself.
an act.
A show.
-The man was almost In tears.
I belIeved hIm.
You're gonna end up puttIng hIm In jaIl agaIn.
he came to see us.
If he's been chancIng It.
he'll be found out.
WhIch he has and he wIll be.
we end up out of pocKet whIle he KnIts several thousand maIl bags.
You go In there and fInd out how much It'll cost to send down dIvers and/or InspectIon teams Into the wrecK.
If there's been foul play.
they'll fInd out.
seems to be open.
Why aren't you comIng wIth me? You've gotta learn the ropes on your own.
I can't Keep nursemaIdIng you.
Off you go.
LYLE: Hello.
Everyone got paper at the bacK? There's some on the table on the rIght-hand sIde.
Have you got one bacK there.
sIr? More paper at the bacK on the left.
There you go.
LooKs lIKe word's got out.
(ALL CHEERING) That's fIne.
Front room.
Be careful wIth my suIte.
LooKs lIKe you've come good.
Mr KIngdom.
They've had men here all afternoon.
cheque's In the post.
BloomIng hell! LooK.
you Know perfectly well you cannot erect a speed sIgn that close to somebody's front door.
I want two mIllIon.
I Know the need for one.
but truly.
you cannot put It there.
You're a natural.
There aren't many people who could strIp off lIKe that.
Depends who's In the room.
I was hopIng I could show you my true apprecIatIon.
You show me yours.
I'll show you mIne.
Fancy a drInK? (SCREAMS) Some yellow.
(GIGGLES) It's goIng to cost 5.
000 to send the rIght team down wIth cameras etc.
but 5.
000 now could become 50.
000 later.
-I dIdn't Know you were a gamblIng man.
-I'm not.
but my brother SImon was.
I'm more of a weIgher up of pros and cons.
thIs Is a con.
In every sense.
Dad saId you found out about the tIme before.
I was on that boat last weeK.
and I swear to you I dIdn't see dad do anythIng.
That boat was everythIng to hIm.
and he Knows the sea.
Only a crazy man would sInK a boat that far out.
crazy sometImes equates to desperate In our world.
I'm talKIng about rIsKIng drownIng.
I may have come up wIth a solutIon.
Can we go InsIde? LIsten.
we are neIther Judge nor jury here.
all rIght? -No.
I'm just sayIng -I Know.
I used to be lIKe you once.
But fortunately I learnt my lesson.
FIve grand to prove my Innocence.
I'm afraId It may well be the only course left open to you.
I don't have 500.
let alone 5.
LIKe I saId.
the EC have strapped a tournIquet round my profIt margIns.
-Or couldn't you dIversIfy? -Into what? TaKIng tourIsts on trIps? We're fIshermen.
not travel agents.
perhaps you could borrow the money.
A short-term loan.
Seems to me It's a no-lose sItuatIon.
After all.
If the trawler wasn't sabotaged.
you wIll be proven rIght.
We're loaned out.
But thIs Is your lIvelIhood we're talKIng about here.
You almost have to fInd the money somehow.
I don't see any way round that.
What about the motorbIKe? Can you sell that? Well.
I saved years for that.
but you can't go fIshIng on It.
can you? -Well.
I suppose I could.
-No! You're not sellIng the bIKe.
There's got to be a legal loophole and I'm countIng on you fIndIng It.
(LAUGHING) You don't beat Snell that easy.
Ha! (LAUGHING) It's gone off.
So has our beloved leader.
He's losIng hIs touch.
And I'm gonna prove It to hIm.
SometImes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
To stand up and taKe responsIbIlIty.
you may well be the senIor fIgure wIthIn thIs company.
but that doesn't mean you're always rIght.
So I'm gonna go down there and taKe a looK for myself.
But you've always saId that beIng on the water dIsagrees wIth you.
beIng on It does.
But beIng under It.
that's a dIfferent Kettle offIsh.
Down there.
I'm the gazelle of the brIne.
perhaps not quIte the rIght analogy.
but I get where you're comIng from.
Let's go fIshIng.
-ExpectIng a long excursIon? -Could be.
From my lIttle soldIer boy.
-You wIll go easy on hIm.
won't you? -I'll try.
You don't have to hurt hIm Just 'cause you can.
-Whoever saId I was gonna do that? -That gleam In your eye dId.
Never let It be saId that Peter KIngdom Isn't a resourceful man.
We'll soon get all thIs cleared up.
what am I looKIng for.
then? -How do I Know? Those buggers probably thought I cut somethIng.
I'll just taKe as many pIctures as possIble.
Good lucK.
Most agreeable.
All wIll be well.
he must be on hIs second reel of fIlm by now.
How much oxygen Is there In a tanK? Lyle! I doubt he heard you.
I doubt It.
but I belIeve I'm In a mIld form of panIc.
Lyle! -Lyle! -Lyle! Lyle! Oh! ThanK God.
There's a A strong current came and just tooK me away.
(SPEAKING FRENCH) Come agaIn? I'm In France? But that's That's ImpossIble.
aIn't It? maMan.
ALL: Bonjour, Monsieur.
hecK! (SPEAKING FRENCH) -Bonjour.
-Very amusIng.
I mean.
Holland possIbly.
but France? Well.
I dIdn't Know they were holIdaymaKers.
The panIc In your voIce.
I was worrIed they'd thInK I was an asylum seeKer.
movIng swIftly on.
How dId you get on down there? What dId you fInd? AnythIng worth photographIng? -Not quIte.
-What do you mean? Not quIte as In the Images were a bIt blurred or Not quIte as In I got swept away before I made It to the wrecK.
there was a very strong current down there.
-What a tremendous waste of tIme.
thanK you for your concern.
-I could've dIed.
but you dIdn't.
dId you? And now we're bacK to square one and Tom Case's lIfe has sunK as deep as hIs boat.
We've got nothIng to show for our efforts.
Then let's quIt whIle we're ahead.
But we're not ahead.
are we.
Lyle? We're behInd.
way behInd.
-You're SImon's brother.
that's correct.
half correct.
I'm hIs half-brother.
You don't looK much lIKe hIm.
It'd be a dull old world If we all looKed the same.
wouldn't It? Does DavId Attenborough looK lIKe DIcKIe? Well.
SImon always saId to come to you If we needed legal advIce.
He was such a good frIend to ChrIstopher.
One of the few that stood by hIm rIght to the end.
you must mIss your son.
very much.
That's the way.
We're hopIng to buIld a swImmIng pool In our bacK garden.
-but our neIghbour -Dreadful man.
-He claIms It'll ruIn hIs vIew.
-Of? Whatever he thInKs he's looKIng at.
-A swImmIng pool? -It's not huge.
Twelve metres by fIve.
that's quIte substantIal for a swImmIng pool.
Isn't It? The mIlK busIness must be beIng rather KInd to you.
I retIred from all that.
All them early mornIngs.
ThIs Is from ChrIstopher's banK account.
We never Knew he was plannIng to leave us money.
but we Keep receIvIng these Instalments.
QuIte unexpected.
ThIs must be from some sort of old busIness venture.
-LucKy for us.
Very lucKy.
what were you up to.
SImon? SImon! Well.
I don't suppose It matters much.
does It.
eh? The Wallers have got theIr money.
they seem to be happy.
But how can a dead man Keep maKIng money? I can barely maKe enough as a lIve person.
there's no need to agree wIth me.
I'm doIng all rIght.
I am.
what does a dog Know about earnIng a lIvIng? Don't waIt up for me.
The artIst.
eh? He's great.
In lots of dIfferent ways.
Can thIs really be BeatrIce KIngdom speaKIng? Maybe thIs Is what I've been looKIng for.
It's not faIr.
Mr KIngdom.
It's really not faIr at all.
What about a second chance? We're doIng our best.
Mr Case.
-i onlY WanT To liVe MY liFe.
-We won't let you down.
-You don't Know how hard I worKed.
FIrst they taKe the water from me.
then they taKe the fIsh.
-You can trust me.
-anD noW Oh.
my God! 6:45! Now they're taKIng everythIng else.
Mr Case? Tom? -Where's your father? -No Idea.
Why? -Well.
dIdn't he mentIon anythIng? -No.
I aIn't seen hIm.
But the wagon was gone when I got up thIs mornIng.
-Wagon? -You don't wanna Know what's In that.
Tell me anyway.
TOM: TWo THousanD Gallons oF slurrY.
(POLICE SIREN WAILING) Get off me! -Get off me! -If you could just put that down.
Don't arrest me.
arrest them! -Come on.
Come wIth me.
-They're the bastards here! It's them! Good mornIng.
What a treat.
I'm famIshed.
It's not for eatIng.
-What's It for? -Stay there.
I just have to paInt you.
-ThIs Is dIfferent -No.
Don't touch anythIng and don't smIle.
just stay exactly as you are.
OKay? (BOTH MOANING) just stay lIKe that.
BeatrIce! You are magnIfIcent.
I've read through everythIng and I can't fInd a loophole anywhere.
Your prevIous convIctIon means that they have Immense grounds for not payIng out.
We try and sue them and go to court.
we won't get anywhere.
Why do they always wIn? The bIg people.
that Is.
Why do they always get theIr own way? What would you say to thIs? Normally.
I would never dream of suggestIng thIs.
but suppose I paId for the salvage team and refunded myself from the Insurance payout.
And you would do that? Only on the grounds that you gave me an honest answer.
I mean It.
an honest answer.
Eye to eye.
two men In a cell.
one whose lIfe Is hangIng by a thread.
-DId you sabotage your boat? -No.
Could you let me out now.
please? -Where are you goIng? -I'm goIng to raIse the TiTanic.
that's a waste of fIve grand.
-It'll be fIne.
Won't be long now.
-What If -What? It wasn't an accIdent? -What would happen? -Well.
much the same as last tIme.
-PrIson? -I'm afraId so.
Don't Know If I can watch thIs.
Not even hIs own son belIeves hIm now.
How reassurIng.
What's taKIng them so long? -You can't get It rIght every tIme.
-Maybe we can't.
But we do have a duty In lIfe to try and do just that.
You do belIeve me.
don't you? Well? Let's see what we've got here.
They looK about ready for us.
I don't wanna say I told you so.
I'm not that type of person.
-But -You told me so.
He lIed to me.
To my face.
And I thought I Knew people.
Character assessment and judgement.
That was always my forte.
I've buIlt a career on It.
-Shall I call the Insurance company? -Tomorrow.
I'll do It tomorrow.
In the meantIme.
I'm gonna taKe a long.
hard looK In the mIrror.
I'm goIng to have words wIth myself.
Some people may not be cleverer than you.
but they can be craftIer.
remInd me never to taKe up poKer.
even In that game.
no matter how good you are.
you can't wIn every hand.
(SIGHING) I was so sure of them.
I mean.
he rIsKed drownIng.
hIm and hIs son.
why dId I belIeve hIm? What made Ahab chase the whale? He had to Know who he was.
It turns out that I am a fool.
just that you can be fooled.
There's a bIg dIfference.
What wIll happen to Mr Case? Well.
I should ImagIne he'll go to prIson for It.
I belIeved hIm.
LIttle man fIghtIng agaInst the bIg corporatIon.
In booKs and fIlms they always wIn.
WhIch Is why we fIle them under fIctIon.
BEATRICE: Alan? Alan? I Know you saId we should meet tomorrow.
but I couldn't waIt.
Tomorrow's only a few hours away anyway (GIGGLING) What the hell are you doIng? Shouldn't I be asKIng you that questIon? LooK.
BeatrIce Well.
now you're here.
care to joIn us? ALAN: BeatrIce.
BeatrIce! Peter.
you bloody marvel.
You've taKen them on and you've beaten them.
Teach them to come at me wIth a bloody vendetta.
It was no more than a few phone calls.
as you'll dIscover when you get my bIll.
All rIght.
Oh? -You now need a permIt.
-What? Where dId that come from? What on earth are you doIng down there? DyIng.
What's happened? ThInK of somethIng bad.
lIKe the earth spInnIng Into the sun.
and then trIple It.
The artIst.
You and he Is thIs the fIrst tIme you've ever been on the receIvIng end? HorrIble.
Isn't It? You can say I deserve It.
I don't mInd.
No one deserves It.
What am I gonna do? You'll get over It In tIme.
After all.
I mean.
It wasn't a huge relatIonshIp.
SIze doesn't matter.
It's the feelIngs.
I mIss SImon.
He would've gone round and punched that artIst.
-He probably would as well.
-Any brother would.
pugIlIsm Isn't really my sport.
you Know.
I'm more of a crIcKet man.
The sound of leather on wIllow.
lIght spatterIng of applause.
Maybe a slIce of sponge caKe.
there's someone to see you.
Sorry about your father.
It's me that's sorry.
ThIs Is for you.
Your $5.
-I sold the bIKe.
-I thought It was your prIde and joy.
somehow I don't thInK I'll need It where I'm goIng.
So you sabotaged the boat? I love the sea.
just lIKe my dad do.
But we were beIng squeezed out.
We're too small an operatIon.
I thought wIth the payout we could get a bIgger boat.
WIth that comes a bIgger catch.
and wIth that.
a decent profIt.
You blew your boat up! You rIsKed drownIng.
We were doIng that anyway.
Mr KIngdom.
GoIng under.
SlIppIng away.
Come on.
Mr KIngdom thInKs you'll get paId out now.
He'll go to court.
and wIth my testImony.
fInd It hard to establIsh enough PETER: Enough cause.
Your son's name Isn't on the Insurance documents.
I just wanted to be on the water wIth you.
I'll be out soon enough.
I need you now.
Mr Case.
every tIme you go out to sea.
looK to the land and one day.
sooner than you thInK.
you'll see your son.
Don't thInK they're bItIng.
-I dIdn't Know you angled.
don't tell the fIsh that.
Need all the edge I can get.
You were rIght.
judgement of character remaIns Intact for another day.
I was rIght.
But sometImes.
you Know.
beIng rIght feels all wrong.
I'm an IdIot.
It's In the genes.
What am I gonna do If I see the artIst agaIn? I'll tell you what you do.
You stIcK your chIn out.
you raIse your head up hIgh and you smIle at hIm.
I'd rather punch hIm In the head.
-Maybe hurl a rocK or two.
-SmIlIng would hurt hIm more.
Trust me.
-Do you Know.
If you weren't here -I am here.
but If you weren't.
I don't thInK I could cope.
Shall I tell you a secret.
BeatrIce? If you weren't here rIght now.
I don't thInK I could cope.