Landman (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Hell Has a Front yard

- [WALT] You on your way?
- [TOMMY] On my way where?
Buddy, y'all had a blowout.
[TOMMY] Keep everybody back!
Cooper got hurt.
[ANGELA] Why aren't you with him?
Always got to make it about you.
Oh, yeah, that's what I'm doing.
[COOPER] They sent me to the
truck to fetch a pipe wrench.
And just like that,
three widows and six orphans.
Eight orphans.
I want to make an offer
to the families.
A gift, just to get 'em through.
Do it.
- Honey, they're about to start.
- All right, I'll be right there.
Shepherd-Hastings is
sending an attorney out.
- Their plane lands at noon.
- I'm on your side, Tommy.
You need to understand that.
You're the farthest thing
from being on my side.
Put me on another crew.
Should I be there? I feel guilty.
You should feel guilty.
- I deserve a vacation.
- From what?
I'll see you tomorrow,
you fucking asshole!
I can't wait.
Another dark night ♪
On the interstate ♪
Another hundred miles ♪
In the pouring rain ♪
Is it worth all the time ♪
I've spent away ♪
Another dark night ♪
On the interstate ♪
This is so weird.
Why is she here?
Emotional support.
For who?
You and your brother.
Well, I don't know how
she can give us support here.
There's nowhere to shop in Midland.
If she wants to cheer us up,
se should take us to Dallas.
We can only hope that
that's in the plan.
Miles away ♪
Another late night ♪
- Good God Almighty.
- [ANGELA] Whoo!
Well, how's your day been ♪
My heartbroke little dove.
I broke up with him.
- I did.
You look good.
You send a picture
of the baby ♪
Surprised to see me?
Well, you did ask me to meet you here,
so that kind of blew that deal.
Oh! You smell like a goat.
Thank you.
Where's Cooper?
Dropped him off at his camp.
He didn't want breakfast?
Hell, nobody wants breakfast, it's noon.
Well, I want breakfast.
Let's go to the country club.
Does Monty still have a membership?
Yeah, and he loves it
when I come in there
on a weekend and run his bill up.
Don't you have any luggage?
Oh, I'm leaving tonight.
- It'll be fun.
It's gonna be a lot of things,
honey, but fun ain't one of them.
My whole world ♪
Let's see what we got here.
Happy Sunday, Monty.
Hey, Buck.
You mind if we play through?
I do mind, actually.
But, Monty, you're walking the course.
We're in carts.
- Uh-huh.
- We're gonna be bogged up
behind you all day.
Yeah, well [SIGHS]
the next hole's a par five
and that'll take you
about eight strokes.
Then of course, Billy here
will be hunting for his ball
in the rough like a winded bird dog,
breathing through his mouth
for about a half an hour
and then I'll be bogged up behind you.
See what we can do with this here.
So we're just supposed to wait?
I guess so.
'Cause I don't wait on anybody.
That was a good shot.
Hey, you ever play Pebble Beach?
This is the only course I play,
I don't do this shit for fun.
I'm too goal-oriented to jog
- and I hate the fucking gym, so.
Hey, who's that, uh, headhunter
you sent out to Midland?
[GROANS] Look, Monty,
you have an employee
who failed to report theft of an
asset worth $7 million dollars.
That asset was used
to move illegal drugs
when it landed illegally again
on a public roadway.
Road was private.
It's an easement with multiple
lessors having access.
In a court of law, that makes it public.
You got a pumpjack
with numerous OSHA violations,
a workover crew violating
more OSHA regulations
all under his purview.
Now, something
like this happens again
and it will you'll be negligent
'cause you took no action
against an employee
who knowingly violated
every rule he came across.
That nullifies your umbrella
policy, making you
and I do mean you
the responsible party in litigation.
You ever been to the patch?
I have not.
Any given day I might have
five trucks stolen.
I'm not talking pickup trucks
either, I'm talking oil tankers.
They just disappear one day.
And then a couple weeks later,
they mysteriously return.
And that's just me.
Multiply that by 500.
You want to see the price of oil
go up $30 a barrel?
Start reporting that shit
to the DEA and watch every camp
and every yard
turn into a fucking crime scene.
Then we're on the time table
of the federal fucking government.
Which, I might say,
I've seen [LAUGHS]
kindergarten talent shows move
with more efficiency than them.
Now, look.
Every company has a version of Tommy.
You cannot function without one.
If I fire him, I'm gonna have
to hire somebody else
with less experience and less respect.
[SCOFFS] How you gonna function
with an $80 million dollar lawsuit
and a mandatory shutdown from OSHA?
It's one man, Monty.
Not the one you should be worried about.
If I was you, I'd be
real worried about myself.
Hey, I was just talking about you.
[TOMMY] Well, that's never good.
When are you meeting
with those reps from TTP?
Got pushed to Tuesday.
Uh, I need this problem
to go away, Tommy.
Yeah, well, we're working on it.
What do you need?
My ex-wife and daughter are in town.
They're crashing the country club.
And I just wanted you to know
I'll pay you back.
I'm not worried about a fucking
restaurant bill, Tommy.
I got three cases pending litigation.
I do not need three fucking more.
Okay, we're on it.
You better be.
Enjoy the club.
All right, appreciate it. Thanks.
Okay, girls, we're good to go.
Told you. Monty always liked me.
[LAUGHS] Monty always liked
the length of your skirt, honey.
That's what I meant.
Here you go, bud,
that truck right there.
I know you?
You're about to, motherfucker.
- Let him go!
Get this motherfucker off me!
I'll break his fucking neck.
- Shoot him!
- I'm about to put
this son of a bitch to sleep,
then you can shoot me
and spend the rest of your life
in prison.
But you won't make it long,
you don't hit hard enough.
Oh, shit, you fucking killed him?
Not yet, but I'm fixing to.
- Put the fucking gun down!
- Let him go!
Put the fucking gun down,
I'll let him go.
You ain't making the fucking rules!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You want to fight? Let's fucking fight!
- Huh?
That MMA sure did fuck up
a street fight, didn't it?
You want my wallet now, motherfucker?
Huh? Come take it.
They was our cousins.
Who's your cousins?
Your whole fucking crew.
Now they dead
and you still standing here.
How's that happen?
How's that well blow
and burn up my whole family
and you ain't got a scratch?
I don't know how.
They sent me to the truck
for a pipe wrench.
Woke up in the dirt.
It was raining fucking fire.
I got no idea what happened.
Es mía.
¿Es tuya?
Si la policía la chequea
They gonna say it's yours?
It's easy to find out.
If it's yours, it's yours.
Hey, you keep it.
I got plenty.
We good?
"We good"?
Fuck is that supposed to mean?
I don't want to be
looking over my shoulder
every time I come back to my trailer.
You should be doing that anyways.
But are we good?
You ain't got no problem with us.
Pretty fancy moves, worm.
I wrestled at Tech.
No shit.
That's gonna come in
pretty handy around here.
I ain't trying to get in no gunfights.
But sometimes those gunfights
trying to get to you.
You Tommy Norris's boy, ain't you?
Yes, sir.
Had a pretty rough first week.
Second week's not starting much better.
Well, listen.
This ain't the last time
you're gonna see somebody
get burned up around here,
or thrown off a rig,
or electrocute themselves,
or any other ways
death got for us out here.
Devil cooking up new ways every day.
You got yourself a new crew yet?
Not yet. I'm looking for one.
Well, we ain't got no worm.
And you already know my crew.
Who's your crew?
You just wrestled them.
What's your name?
- Cooper.
- Cooper?
Oh, nah. That ain't gonna work.
We're gonna come up with another one.
Hey, what's yours?
Another margarita, ma'am?
That depends. Does management mind
if I hang my dress from that fan?
I do not think they'd be okay with that.
It wouldn't bother you much,
though, would it?
Angie, quit bothering the kid.
Listen, son, if you give her
any more tequila,
you and me got
a fucking problem, understand?
Yes, sir.
Which one do you like better?
Oh, these are all selfies, honey.
If you really want to make him jealous,
you need someone else to take 'em.
Then, he has two things
to worry about, your body
and who the hell is taking the photos.
Well, what about this one?
Did you bring a bathing suit?
Did you?
I'm wearing it.
I'm gonna go change.
All right.
It's such a mystery to me
why our marriage didn't work out.
Am I embarrassing you?
No, you're embarrassing yourself.
But think of all the great life
lessons you're teaching our daughter.
Embarrassing myself with who?
Hell, everybody here.
See, that's not disapproval, Tommy.
That's envy.
And since the dress
is already coming off
I'll take another margarita, please.
You can bring it to me by the pool.
You really outkicked your
coverage with that one, sir.
Oh, I didn't kick anything.
I punted that one.
Can you bring me an ashtray?
Actually, sir, I don't
think you can smoke in here.
You can only smoke outdoors.
We are outdoors.
I need to see the crash site.
It's Sunday.
We meet with TTP on Tuesday,
and I haven't seen the crash site.
Send me an address.
I'll meet you there.
I don't have an address.
Send me a pin.
You won't find it anyway.
I'll just pick you up
at the hotel, all right?
Hey, honey.
I got a meeting. You okay here?
I'll be fine.
Well, just remember,
this is not my club,
it's my boss's club.
I just want to make sure
he still has a membership
at the end of the fucking day.
Hey, babe.
I got to go, I got a meeting.
- Love you.
- Love you, honey.
[TOMMY] Hey.
[NATHAN] You meet
with that attorney yet?
Yeah, she looks like she should be
on spring break with my daughter.
Remember, young snakes
have the most venom.
Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.
You'd better, because
they didn't send someone
who specializes in petroleum cases,
they sent an expert
in causation of liability.
She will seek vicarious liability,
which is a fancy way of saying
they're gonna blame it on you.
Yeah, I'm aware,
and I made Monty aware
that I won't
fucking stand for it.
Well, that ship has sailed.
They're looking for someone to blame,
and that someone ain't gonna be Monty.
I referred him to the fucking firm.
Does she know that?
I'd make sure she knows that.
You got to get this attorney
on your side, Tommy.
Make her your best friend.
Make her feel sorry for you.
Sleep with her.
Anything you can do
to make her blame someone else.
sit right here ♪
Lord knows
that the race is on ♪
So, uh, how old are you?
Let's see, on day one,
you insulted my gender,
then you insulted everyone's gender,
then you attacked
my integrity and moral compass.
On day two, you age
discriminate against me?
How can I age discriminate
against somebody
in the prime of their fucking life?
There are scientists in labs
trying to figure out how to make
people stay your age forever.
The insult is in asking.
I'm just saying, it's impressive
that somebody's who's only
been an attorney for what?
- Four years.
- Four years,
would be trusted
with a case of this scale.
In other words, it was
meant to be a compliment
till you Gen Z'd your way out of it.
Is it necessary we talk
before reaching the crash site?
Not at all.
- Great.
Turn up the bottle, bartender ♪
And turn up the Jones ♪
I got a memory ♪
My truck, my fucking music.
I can't take it no more ♪
Can you
- And can you
- Oh, baby, don't do that now.
I have to.
But you're in direct sunlight.
But I need revenge photos.
In a half hour, you're backlit.
- That's a good point.
- Okay?
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Baby, what?
This mother-fudger and that
- I
- Is that Madison?
How could he?
She's a fucking brunette.
Oh, honey.
How do I go home?
How do I go home to this?
Madison is my co-captain.
Baby, look at me.
No woman who can do the splits
is to be trusted.
I can do the splits.
Except you.
Excuse me.
Bring us two margaritas, please.
I was told no tequila.
Well, he's not here now, is he?
No, ma'am, he's not.
Dos margaritas.
Fuck that shit.
The fuck are you doing here?
came to say how sorry I am,
see if there's anything I can do.
Ain't nothing you can do.
Ain't nothing I can do,
ain't nothing anybody can do.
You don't have the right to be here.
This is for family and friends,
and you ain't neither,
so get the fuck out of here.
¿Quién es él?
El trabajó para Luis.
Estaba con ellos cuando sucedió.
You hungry?
No, ma'am. I didn't come to eat.
I just
Your husband was nice to me.
They all were.
Just wanted to say I was sorry.
Sorrier that
You're too skinny.
One big wind and you blow away.
Come inside.
Ándale pues.
I know what that means.
Means "time to eat."
Armando taught me that.
Well, Armando was fucking with you,
'cause it means "let's go."
I should leave.
You're in it now.
Come on.
Try any of that kung fu shit around here
and somebody's gonna
shoot your ass, ese.
- You like spice?
- I-I thought I did.
Spice keeps the doctor away.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
You need to clean the plate.
She'll be back to check.
Everybody's really
overestimating my pain tolerance.
You're the worm.
I'm that easy to spot, huh?
You'd think it says "worm" on my shirt.
There's no need for that.
Elvio did a very good job
of describing you.
You're Ariana.
He can sense sadness in me, I guess.
See, you're gonna have to make me laugh.
Well, watching me eat
seems to have that effect.
Can I drink now, please?
- Yes.
- Oh
Do y'all eat anything that ain't spicy?
Dessert's not spicy.
Maybe I should eat that.
I guess you've had enough.
Thank you.
Oh, damn.
If I lived in Mexico,
this is all I would eat.
You would not be so skinny.
Ahí voy. Ahí voy.
- Ahí voy. Ahí voy.
Yes, all you bottle-fed white boys
don't realize that these
serve a purpose,
and entertaining you isn't one of them.
Well, I guess it's one of them,
just not the main one.
anything from the kitchen?
Don't leave.
God, this is the longest I've
gone without thinking of him.
And how we live without him.
slow, atmospheric music ♪
They landed the plane here?
Yeah, they pulled a van up beside it,
off-loaded the drugs
from the plane to the van,
then that oil tanker came over the hill
and hit them going about 70.
Quite the fire, it appears.
Yeah, well,
when 11,000 gallons of crude oil
hits 100 octane avgas,
it tends to go boom.
It would seem to me a plane
would be difficult to steal.
Not if you know how to fly one.
It's not like they got
automatic door locks
and a set of keys.
Pretty hard to hide, though,
unless you hide it in Mexico.
How common are thefts like these?
Planes and trucks, heavy equipment?
Well, I don't know
if I'd call it a theft.
What do they call it in West Texas
when someone takes something
that doesn't belong to them?
Things go missing for a month or so
and then they find their way back.
- "Find their way back"?
- Yeah.
The thieves return them.
That makes no sense.
They steal them to move drugs in
and then they return them.
And if I report it,
a state trooper pulls them over,
and then they have my truck
till the trial's over,
which is two years
from when they found it.
Or I can keep my mouth shut
and get my truck back in three weeks.
Or report it and hope for a speedy trial
or never get it back.
Then I got to buy a new fucking truck,
and it gets stolen.
So, you expect me to believe
that Chevron and Exxon
allow their equipment to be stolen?
Cartels don't mess
with those fucking big guys,
they only mess with the independents.
Yeah, they're crafty fuckers, all right.
You reported the plane, though?
Yeah, to the FAA.
In case some terrorist flew it
into a bank building or something.
The Wild West.
You bet your ass.
[REBECCA] What are those?
Wind turbines.
Out here?
Green energy starting
to push out the oil industry?
Let's go. I want to show you something.
God, they're massive.
[TOMMY] 400 feet tall.
The concrete foundation
covers a third of an acre
and goes down into ground 12 feet.
- Who owns them?
- Oil companies.
We use them to power the wells.
No electricity out here.
We're off the grid.
They use clean energy
to power the oil wells?
They use alternative energy.
There's nothing clean about this.
Please, Mr. Oilman, tell me how the wind
is bad for the environment.
[TOMMY] Do you have
any idea how much diesel
they had to burn
to mix that much concrete?
Or make that steel
and haul this shit out here
and put it together
with a 450-foot crane?
You want to guess how much oil it takes
to lubricate that fucking thing?
Or winterize it?
In its 20-year lifespan,
it won't offset the carbon
footprint of making it.
And don't get me started on solar panels
and the lithium in your Tesla battery.
And never mind the fact that,
if the whole world decided
to go electric tomorrow,
we don't have the transmission lines
to get the electricity to the cities.
It'd take 30 years
if we started tomorrow.
And, unfortunately, for your grandkids,
we have a 120-year,
petroleum-based infrastructure.
Our whole lives depend on it.
And, hell, it's in everything.
That road we came in on.
The wheels on every car
ever made, including yours.
It's in tennis rackets and lipstick
and refrigerators and antihistamines.
Pretty much anything plastic.
Your cell phone case,
artificial heart valves.
Any kind of clothing that's not made
with animal or plant fibers.
Soap, fucking hand lotion,
garbage bags, fishing boats.
You name it.
Every fucking thing.
And you know what the kicker is?
We're gonna run out of it
before we find its replacement.
It's the thing
that's gonna kill us all
as a species.
No, the thing that's gonna kill us all
is running out
before we find an alternative.
And believe me, if Exxon
thought them fucking things
right there were the future,
they'd be putting them
all over the goddamn place.
Getting oil out of the ground's
the most dangerous job in the world.
We don't do it 'cause we like it.
We do it 'cause we run out of options.
And you're out here trying
to find something to blame
for the danger besides your boss.
There ain't nobody to blame
but the demand that we keep pumping it.
Oh, fuck.
What kind is it?
I don't know. The fucking big kind.
Does it have rattles on its tail?
Fuck. Uh
Well, don't touch it.
I don't know what to do. What do I do?
Can I, can I walk away?
That'd be at the top of my list, yeah.
Oh, my God, it's moving.
I don't understand
why you're not moving.
Goddamn it.
You didn't have to kill it.
Well, I didn't have to kill it
till you stood there
and dared the goddamn thing to bite you.
It left me one option.
Nice set of rattles there.
Are you gonna come back
to the truck or are you gonna
wait here for a fucking mountain lion?
I-I-I want to walk back to the truck.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Oh! What the fuck?!
It's just a stick.
Why did you park so far away?
I didn't park so far away.
That's how far away you walked.
What are you gonna do with those?
I'm gonna keep 'em as a memento
of our first day together.
It's our second day together.
Well, it's the first one
that made an impression.
Keep it here if you can.
I'll just be a minute.
What did I tell you
about the goddamn tequila?
[WAITER] Uh, well, they made
a pretty good argument
when you weren't here.
Oh, yeah? Who made the argument?
The 17-year-old?
Neither of them acted 17, sir.
[WAITER] Maybe the older one?
You gonna have to help me
with this shit now.
- Hey, honey.
- Hmm?
Wake up. Come here.
We were waiting for you.
You get that one.
Hey, sweetheart.
[SCOFFS] Fucking asshole.
Come on, let's get you up.
- I feel sick.
- I bet you do. Come on.
Let me get your stuff.
[WHIMPERS] What the fuck are you doing?
Uh, he told me to help you.
Do I look like I need help?
In every possible way. Yes, ma'am.
Wait for me!
You're back early.
They move up drilling to Swenson?
Nah. I had a fight with the old lady.
- Well, we've all been there.
- Oh, really?
Tennis pro bent your wife
over my breakfast table, too?
That fucking happened?
[LAUGHS] Nah, you got me on that one.
Well, if you want to talk about it.
Yeah, I do,
to a fucking divorce attorney.
That'd be the person
to talk to, all right.
Speaking of divorce,
can you help me with my ex here?
She's here?
Yeah, she's in the truck passed out.
Hey, there, Angela.
This bastard threw me in the pool.
Yeah, well, he's tricky like that.
You need a hand? Come on.
Get you inside. [GRUNTS]
Easy oh, careful, careful, careful.
- I'm fine.
- Okay.
Come on, baby.
I'm sorry, Daddy.
I would warn you
about the company you keep,
but she does have custody.
Let me talk to you about that.
I want to stay with you.
I'm old enough to choose.
I choose you.
Honey, that's gonna break her heart.
I'm not worried about her heart.
I'm worried about mine.
Boy, Dale really let himself go.
We should hold him down
and shave him like a poodle.
That's a great idea, honey.
Let's get on it first thing.
You think I'm joking.
Early fall descended ♪
On the dry back
country Aspens ♪
It could be
any time now that ♪
Honey, you're drunk.
I doubt we've had sex sober
five times
in the 20 years I've known you.
Is it in my mind ♪
Or did I finally
hear one sing ♪
Give me one good reason not to.
you're married and not to me.
That's one.
It's not a marriage.
It's a trade.
And I'd trade it back tomorrow.
Trade for what?
Well, you know
those reasons you left me?
- They're still reasons.
- Mm.
And none of them have changed.
Maybe I've changed.
- Come on. Oh
- Let me do it.
Come on, you don't miss this?
We used to do this an hour every day.
If we could do it for an hour
and then you'd disappear
for the next 23 hours, it might work.
- Watch it.
I'm getting harder
to say no to, aren't I?
Listen, I got to tell you something.
And if I tell you after sex,
you'll be furious
and then you'll be sad.
I tell you now, you'll just be sad.
Ainsley asked to stay with me.
For the whole week?
No, till she leaves for college.
Why would she ask that?
I don't know.
It's Dakota.
Baby, she can't run away from home
every time she breaks up with a boy.
I don't think that's it.
Well, what then?
I think she wants to know me.
She knows you.
We're acquaintances. We're pen pals,
but she don't really know me, honey.
What am I supposed to do then?
Gonna be all alone
in that giant house with
She's the only reason I married him.
[SIGHS] We sure fucked up
our lives, didn't we?
With no way to fix it.
Honey, if you tell me
you want to try again,
I'll try again.
It's two weeks on
and then two weeks off,
which is never really two weeks off.
I mean, something always happens.
There's some calamity
that only you can fix.
I can't be second again.
And that's the problem.
With you, I'm always second.
We're not fucking anymore, are we?
Let's go, worm.
Go around.
Scoot over.
Go around.
I'm guessing at how it go ♪
And live full of hatred, ah ♪
I see they praying
for my downfall ♪
What'll it be, honey?
Three black coffees,
a ice-blended mochaccino,
two pumps of caramel
and whipped cream, please.
You got it.
Why they praying
on my downfall ♪
Praying on my downfall ♪
I guess there's nothing
for me to know ♪
What goes around
comes around ♪
Somebody got a motherfucking problem?
[BOSS] Too early for this shit.
I'm feeling myself, no lotion ♪
This shit that I spit
is potent ♪
So smart my mind is open,
hoping for a better day ♪
Thank you, darling.
I feel like I'm in a daze ♪
All right.
What you think to do today ♪
Here you go.
They praying for my downfall ♪
Now that's some genius shit
that only a woman can think up.
Get half naked
and sell two dollar coffees
for eight dollars.
I would've paid her ten.
I'd pay 20. [LAUGHS]
Aw, fuck. I did just pay 20, didn't I?
- [BOSS] Ain't no way
a fucking man can do
something like that.
Standing back there,
no shirt on and a bow tie.
Ain't no woman in the fucking world
gonna buy no coffees
from that motherfucker.
What goes around
comes around full circle ♪
360 ♪
You ever put your arm
around my cousin's widow again,
I'll fucking kill you.
What goes around
comes around full circle ♪
360, 360, huh ♪
Yeah ♪
I feel like nothing to lose ♪
So, Lord, forgive me ♪
And I'm-a sip on this drink
until it's empty, Lord ♪
[TOMMY] Yeah, it looks like
the flow has been reduced.
Uh, not an impaction.
Hey, Dale,
what do you think's causing it?
[DALE] Tommy, I think the perforations
may be scaled up a bit.
You know, it's a 35-year-old well.
This whole thing needs worked over.
He says the whole thing
needs worked over.
So you want to kill the well? [SIGHS]
Yeah, kill the well. Work it over.
Well, what's it producing now?
Twelve barrels a day, down
from 180 when it was put in.
We don't want to frack it?
No, we still have to replace
the tubing and work it over.
Well, I don't like reworking wells
when oil's in a dip.
Well, it's nearly summer.
Dip's just temporary.
That's easy for you to say.
It's not your money.
Yeah, well, my salary's pretty tethered
to your bank account, Monty.
Hey, when is that deposition?
Tuesday morning.
Well, put on a clean shirt
and a sport coat.
They play these things in court.
Yeah, it's hanging in the truck.
What do you want me to do over here?
Kill the well.
All right, I'll talk to you later.
Kill it. Start tripping pipe.
Take a pill.
I'm fine.
You're not fine.
Take a pill.
And you need to exercise.
Nothing lowers
the blood pressure better.
Yeah, well, I don't think
walking on a treadmill
is gonna make me feel better
about spending
$2 million dollars on a well
that may be running dry.
- And that's enough coffee.
- Mm.
Hey, yeah, bring up that rig.
And I want two inch on the tubing.
And I want up by end of the day.
[TOMMY] Rig's coming up.
She's all yours.
All right.
Where you gonna put him?
With the floorhands.
Head on a swivel
and do what you're told.
There's faster ways to die,
but not by much.
Exactly what I fucking say.
Your head's in the clouds
while I'm working them tongs,
you can fucking kill us both.
Look, you got to move
like a boxer on this one.
Shuck and jive when we tripping pipe.
You keep it stable
and you get it down straight.
I don't
I got no fucking idea
what you're talking about.
You'll figure it out quick.
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