Long Way Up (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Southern Patagonia

Got sun on my face
Sleeping rough on the road
I'll tell you all about it
When I get home
Gonna roll up the sidewalk
Gonna need letting up
Comin' round to meet you
The long way up
We're gonna ride 13,000 miles through 13 countries.
From Ushuaia, in and out of Argentina and Chile, to the Atacama Desert,
heading up to La Paz before we cross Lake Titicaca,
continuing along the Andes to Colombia, over to Panama,
through Central America and Mexico, arriving in Los Angeles 100 days later.
We're gonna give these guys video cameras,
and they're also gonna have cameras with microphones on their crash helmets
so they can film themselves as they're riding along.
Is this a road? Oh, my God!
A third motorcycle will travel with them,
and on it will be Claudio, our cameraman.
In addition, Russ and I will travel in two electric pickup trucks,
along with cameramen Jimmy,
Anthony and Taylor, who will also help with logistics.
We'll be filming the guys from the vehicles,
linking up with them at borders,
but otherwise, the motorcycles will be on their own.
Well, what a night.
Well, we plugged the bikes in here, but it just didn't work.
You know, there wasn't enough juice in this hotel to power the two bikes.
So, we've called the guys. We said bring in the diesel generator.
And just after 7:00, we plugged my bike in,
and thank goodness it started to charge.
It bummed me out a bit having to resort to charging from this diesel generator.
But we have to leave by about 11:00 really
because there's only one ferry that leaves Tierra del Fuego today,
and if we miss it then uh, we have to wait till tomorrow, so
it'd just put us a bit further behind.
This is our first example of not getting a charge, isn't it?
It's our first example of when it-- when it doesn't work.
Just quite how stuck you are.
It just shows how tight all of this electric thing is.
At the moment, it's just crazy.
All right, Charley, let's do it. Let's get to that boat.
I've got 68 miles of range-- 69 miles of range.
We've got a 65-mile ride. So maybe we're gonna make this.
'Cause it says we'll get there at 1:30.
Okay, and the boat leaves at 2:00.
Yeah, so we'll sort of just pop straight on.
So far, we've come just 235 miles from Ushuaia to here in Onaisin.
Today, we need to do 65 miles to reach Porvenir.
Luckily, the cars made it last night,
so the crew are now waiting for us at the port
to get the ferry to Punta Arenas.
We are in a town called Porvenir.
And Porvenir has a little ferry that'll take you to a big town.
I think it's one of the biggest cities in Patagonia.
It's, uh, Punta Arenas.
We're gonna regroup with the bikes, and we're gonna go to Punta Arenas.
All right, gotta ask you what's your range, Charley?
Uh, it's 54.
-What's yours? -Fifty-one.
And have you got a mileage to the place?
Um 54.
Great. At this rate, I'm not gonna make it.
-Well, it's gonna be close. -Gonna be close.
Come on, boys.
So, that's Ewan and Charley.
That's us.
Everyone else is loaded onto the ferry.
So, this guy will hold it for 20 more minutes, this ferry.
And we wanna get on it 'cause the next one's not until tomorrow.
The job is, can they get to us before this goes?
They need to basically move their arses.
Two miles to go.
I've got an alert. Low charge now.
-Low charge. -Yeah.
Okay. Well, this should do it.
It's just that last time-- We should do it.
They look like they're ten minutes from Porvenir.
Oh, look! They've just jumped.
They're actually coming into Porvenir now.
Come on.
Dave, they're in Porvenir.
They're literally five minutes down there.
God, we're so close.
What do you mean, "That's it"?
The last 5% just went Gone.
You're out?
Okay, well, let me go ahead, and I'll try and make a plan.
-There is a bike coming fast. -Yeah, that's them.
They're here! They're here, guys!
I can only see one, though.
-Ewan's stopped. He's stuck. -No! What do we do?
-Tow him? Can we tow them? -Well, I need a rope.
Can we talk to the captain here and just say we're close,
we just need a little help? We need a rescue.
We can just see Ewan over there. He's just a little blob.
-He can't get closer than that. Here. -All right.
Trouble is, towing somebody on a bike is dangerous
'cause it destabilizes the whole bike.
And it's very easy to come off, and then you're down on your shoulder.
I gotta hold on through your pillar.
I once was in a taxicab in New York,
and a Hells Angel came up to the car like this.
Put his hand through the window,
and he said, "Take me to the Hells Angels club."
Taxi guy was like, "Okay."
Put your rear window down, and I'll hold on through there.
Go slowly.
-Okay, slowly. -Hold the other way maybe, Ewan.
-No, I've got it. I've got it. Yeah. -You got it?
Slowly, slowly. That's it, good.
-Okay. -Go.
-You tell me how fast I-- -Yeah, go a bit faster.
Oh, yeah. That's good.
Good, good, good. This is working. It's working.
Yeah, it's hard, but I've got it. I've got it. I've got it.
Just nice and constant, Dave.
Yeah, yeah, that's good. Just keep it constant. Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, okay. I've got it.
I'm waiting to see if they come around the cor--
Oh, my God. The ferry's starting to move.
Come on!
Go, go, go.
Now, when we get straightened up, I'm gonna just let go.
Okay, Dave, hang on.
Okay, let me go.
Come on!
Ewan's on board!
I'm on the boat, though.
Oh! I could hug you.
David, thanks, man, my hero, my savior. You all right?
Yeah, dude, I'm gonna remember that shit.
-Did we make it by 2:00? -Yeah. Well, no. It's 'cause, like, um
-Yeah, it's two o'clock. -Three minutes past 2:00! Not bad.
Well done, Ewan. That was amazing. Wow. That was--
We're not in Kansas anymore, are we?
Punta Arenas, here we are.
My best view, I think, from a hotel room in my life, just sea and sky.
We're leaving Punta Arenas now, and we'll spend the next two days
riding through the Torres del Paine National Park,
which is the most remote part of our entire trip.
Oh, and by the way,
it's the middle of winter here in Patagonia.
I'm gonna get dressed fully in everything that I have to wear
because it's so cold outside, okay?
So here it goes. Um, underlayer.
Long johns, T-shirt, socks.
Puffer trousers, jeans, cardigan,
puff jacket, full jacket.
It is the beginning of the adventure for us.
We're not experts on electric vehicles.
We don't know the ins and outs of how to make it work the best,
but we're gonna learn.
Gloves, waterproof trousers, waterproof jacket.
Oh, my God. This view is spectacular.
I'll tell you one thing it doesn't look
is warm.
We are heading off the grid, which for electric motorbikes, is huge.
We can possibly end up getting stuck in the middle of nowhere.
So, stay tuned to Long Way Up, two guys lost in South America.
Ooh, some llamas.
They're saying roadworks approximately 15 kilometers.
That's what I'm assuming it said in my unbelievable mastery of Spanish.
Some people call it guessing.
Oh, my God, look at this road! Oh, my God!
There's the three fingers. That's where we're going.
We're gonna meet Rodrigo, who's a mountain guide.
There's a whole industry that has been made up around here
because of those three chimneys that everybody comes to climb.
Hillary was the first to do so back in the '50s.
So, it's steeped in history.
The three towers are also known as Cleopatra's Needles,
and the park has been designated a UNESCO world biosphere reserve.
And tonight, we're hoping to stay at an eco-friendly place
just beneath the towers.
Can't believe I'm gonna get my shorts back this afternoon from my mate in Scotland.
He's such a funny guy, Eric.
He phoned me to say that I'd left my shorts in Scotland.
It's been all over the world,
and he just came up with the idea of leaving them somewhere in Chile
for us on the route.
It's so bonkers, isn't it?
There's our camp ahead of us, the domes.
And we're literally in the middle of nowhere.
Well, let's hope their electricity works, chaps.
We're supposed to be roughing it.
But through Ewan's friend,
we've ended up in this most extraordinary place.
It's unbelievable.
I'd say that might be our man. Hola.
Both are welcome.
Package from Mr. Eric Strickman.
-It's for you. -Okay, this is it.
-Yeah. -Mm-kay.
This was Ewan's best friend in school, and they were like that.
He is a bit of a jokester. I have no idea what could be in there.
There's a little care packet.
There they are.
-That's hilarious. -Oh, how hilarious.
-From Scotland. -From Scotland.
"Ewan, you were a nutter for taking on this challenge, but what an adventure.
I've enclosed some batteries
as our contribution to the lack of charging points between here and LA."
-Don't know how many miles that'll get us. -He could have given a double A at least.
What about, uh, the possibility to plug in our motorcycles?
Of course, we don't have any--
-Any electricity? -No, no.
-Yeah, right. -We're screwed.
We have in that container there plugs and everything there.
Anyone can take out all the bikes.
Okay, let's see if this works, Charley.
Yeah. Plug it in. See what happens.
That's good. Yeah, it's working. Seven hours and 50 minutes, it's saying.
Rodrigo, where is the power from?
We're producing our energy mainly from a water source
from a stream next to that hill over there.
We're producing 70% of the electricity just by that water there.
-I can show you everything backstage -Let's do it.
-all the energy room and everything. -Yeah. That'd be incredible.
So this is it. This is the heart of the-- of the whole place.
Basically, they collect the water at the top of the river,
and it comes down here all the way through these pipes
into these little turbines.
Which creates electricity.
You follow that orange cable around. It goes up through the wall
Down here and into these huge batteries, look.
They're so tall, they go all the way to the floor.
All the electricity for the whole EcoCamp comes from these batteries.
So, our bikes are being charged from totally sustainable electricity,
from water electricity.
No generator, nothing.
-And that's the first time. -I mean, I hope we are.
-Hi, Kendra, I'm Ewan, nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you.
-Hi. Charley. -Nice to meet you guys.
What's your involvement here?
I'm the daughter of the founders, and I work here as a guide.
Oh, yes!
My wife's favorite bit of the tour. She's completely obsessed by it. Poop.
-Can you smell it? -Oh, yeah.
Well, what goes into here?
-Pee? -And poo.
-And poo? -Yeah.
-Everything comes-- -Everything comes in here.
Yeah, and it's a filtration system with the worms.
The worms are actually eating all the solids.
And all the water, we chlorate it, and then we dechlorate it,
and we just put it back into nature.
Oh, look at that.
-Wow. So, this is pure water? -Yes, sir.
Charley's gonna demonstrate how clean this water is now
by drinking some of it now for the viewers at home.
-Charley. -Who's-- Who's Charley?
-Great. We had a nice time. -Wow, what a place.
Where are the rest of your production team?
-Uh, they're somewhere else. -I don't know. We don't know.
Well, there's no signal, so we have no idea.
Look at our view up there of the mountains.
It's pretty impressive, isn't it?
Anyway, I'm just gonna go check the bikes.
It's 170 miles tomorrow.
It would help to have a full charge starting off.
Shit. There's no power at all.
So, it was at 41 miles. Now it's 46 miles.
So, it is going up.
No, Ewan's has stopped charging as well.
He's at 38%. So, it is slowly going up.
Ooh, that gave me a bit of a fright.
You know, um, I think I class myself as a bit of a worrier.
And that's something I've gotta get used to again on these trips,
is just to let things happen, and that, you know, I can't control the outcome.
You can't control the outcome of anything really.
And yet, you know, you want to try.
I don't know.
It's very difficult
letting go.
So, we just went to the bikes, and, um, they're dead.
-Nothing there. -Nothing there.
Switch it on. Nothing.
There's nothing on the screen. We unplugged them, nothing.
Nothing at all.
We are so far off the grid. It's our worst nightmare.
Now, there's two things. This, um-- This huge battery here
stores the power that makes the bike go forward.
There's a small battery at the back
that operates the lights and all the electrical equipment.
I'm assuming including the screen here at the front.
And it could be that the 12-volt battery is dead,
and then we just wouldn't know.
So, I need to jump-start the 12-volt battery,
and then we'll be able to switch the bike on.
And if we can switch the bike on and see the display,
it'll tell us how much is in the big battery.
Maybe when we jump-start it,
the bike will come alive, and it'll say 100% charge.
Charley's just about to try and take his cover off the 12-volt battery now.
All electric motorcycles and electric cars have to have a 12-volt battery
so that they operate certain things,
so that if you break down, you can have your hazard lights on.
With a bit of luck it's just that.
Yeah, no. What we'll do is we'll just do a jump.
What I'd like to do is really use this person's car.
-Who is the-- Is it a guest or -It's a guest. Right.
Oh, my gosh. I hope we haven't woken them up.
So, uh, we're jump-starting an electric bike.
It's so old-school. Look at this.
Look how tiny it is, the little 12-volt battery.
Someone's written "charged" on it. That's ironic.
Ewan, you put the red on first.
Positive's on.
Wait-wait-wait a minute.
-Ready, Ewan? Okay. -Yeah.
-Ready? -Yep.
One, two, three.
-Okay. -Yeah.
Oh, there's the power. I've got power now.
-Is that good? -Hold on one sec.
I just turned it off by mistake.
-The lights are on. -Yep. So we have 40
We have 47 miles.
Yes! There we are. We're golden.
Oh, we've solved it.
Hey, hey!
Okay, so we've gotta do your one now, Ewan.
Thirty-nine, it says.
-Thirty-nine? What? -Yeah. Well, it's all right.
-I've got 47 miles. -Forty-seven miles.
-Oh, I thought you meant 47%. -No, 47 miles.
-Yeah, baby! -Both of you have 47.
That's great!
-And they're perfect. Thank you. -And we have got a go situation.
We are good to go.
Satisfying solving problems, isn't it? Kinda good.
The interruptions are the journey after all.
Forty-seven miles, which should get us to the border.
Ewan, maybe we should tell them because the bo--
I can't call either. I've got no signal.
-Okay. -So we have to use the sat phone.
Okay, the first thing always to know is how to switch it on.
-Nope. -Nope.
All the gear and no idea.
They got these covers on that don't really
Here's power. Power's at the top.
Okay, there it is.
That was it.
Always keep your sat phone well-charged.
Can anyone remember how to use this thing?
Hi, guys. Can anyone hear me?
Hey, Charley, go again. I did not copy.
You certain that was Charley?
Yeah, it's popping up as Charley.
Oh, hang on.
Am I re--
Oh, I'm not sure how this works.
Do you hold the button in?
Correct. You, uh, press the button,
and then the walkie will let you know when you can start talking.
And then you keep it pressed until you're done.
Now, luckily, I was listening when they were explaining it to us.
Okay, so we are good to go.
We have 47 miles as range
-so we can get to the border. -Good to go.
Perfect. All right, we will see you guys there.
-The electric vehicle thing is-- -We can go.
It's just a different sort of thing, you know? It really is.
I think one of the things when you're on a road trip is,
you know, you sort of take for granted all these years
of just being able to pull into a gas station and fill your tank, you know?
Even before a trip like this, you know you're going to have that battle,
but you don't realize it until you're in it.
We haven't quite got into the charging rhythm on the trip yet,
but we are only 10% in.
You know, our maximum prototype range is about 200 miles on a charge,
but we're learning as we go.
The cars are learning. The cars are getting better.
These are prototype vehicles.
So, well, this looks like a great computer deck here.
This is the sort of regen.
So, you put that on so that the braking--
actually so the braking motors regenerate electricity back into what's going on.
This is the ride height of the car. How high and low you want to set it up.
'Cause we're taking them through terrain they just haven't done through before.
They're doing really, really well.
Going to lead the way, master?
Uh, sure.
-Okay, here we go. -Back to Argentina.
-Can't find the horn. Oh, there it is. -Oh, there we go.
I think if we go faster, I don't think we'll make it.
Just like with a petrol car,
you're sitting at 100, you're gonna chomp through the fuel.
Not charging last night really screwed us up.
We still have a long way to go,
and now we have to get through the border back into Argentina,
and who knows how long that's gonna take.
We had a great time out here.
No, It's going to be easier because it's just his paper.
It's not even mine. I don't even know whose that is.
-That's Charley's. -Okay, I thought it was.
-Is this it? -Yeah, next door.
-Next door? -Yeah.
You're not smuggling any cookies into Argentina, are you, Charley?
My cookie-- Oh. Some people have stolen my cookies.
What-- How did that?
-What? -What?
-What? -Did you give them away?
No, no. I noticed that it was there.
I turned my back, and it looked like it was gone.
-He said, "Oh, here. Have this." -Mm-mmm. I took it.
-No, yeah. -You took it? Oh.
I just, um, helped myself to it not knowing it was yours.
Gracias. Thank you very much.
Argentina again.
If you go back 200 years,
Argentina, Chile and Peru were actually regions of the Spanish colony,
and then they broke free during the Latin wars of independence.
We still have 100 miles to get to our hotel in El Calafate.
And with daylight fading fast,
we can't risk getting stuck out here in the middle of nowhere.
Not in this cold.
We'll have to call for a diesel generator
to come out to charge the electric motorcycles,
so we can get to town.
I don't know what else we can do.
There's some stickers on this, uh, petrol station. Look at it.
You can't see out of it for stickers.
Okay, I gotta plug my bike in.
Can't be here nattering with you all day long, you know?
Estimated time to fill, one hour 55.
If we're a little careful, we can make the hotel.
-And we would do 100 miles in -Two and a half, three hours.
three hours.
That's nine o'clock at night. That's cold.
Once the sun's down, it's gonna be freezing cold.
The weather forecast. At 9:00 p.m. it's still gonna be at zero.
And then 10:00 p.m. onwards, it starts to get colder.
Or we're all in here.
This is another option.
It's got a heater.
-We could do it, right? Yeah. -Should we follow?
Yeah. And if one of us dies, then you can just scoop up
-ship us home. Yeah. -Okay. All right.
Look, we've got good lights on the bikes.
So, what's the thought for today?
Okay, just level one charge. But
Get to the hotel.
Wearing everything I own. I am the Michelin Man.
Well, just when I thought my cold weather riding days were over,
I had to come down and ride in winter.
Here we go.
Oh, Charley, Charley, Charley, help!
I'm good. I'm good. I'm good.
-Sorry, mate. -Okay.
-Let's do it. -Let's do it.
The road to El Calafate is nearly all gravel and only paved towards the end.
Well, this should be interesting.
If we ride too fast, we're gonna run out of charge,
and if we ride too slow,
then we could freeze our arses off when the temperature drops below zero.
We've only got half an hour-- one hour before sunset.
This is what we were saying the other day we mustn't do,
which is set off when we know we almost can't make it.
Ouch. It's getting way too bumpy here.
Ah, Jesus. Poor Charley. This road can't be easy on his leg.
Uh, it's a bit more gravelly than I was hoping for.
It's difficult to read the bumps at night. Not very nice, is it?
I think we're lucky with that moon seeing as our visors are a little tinted.
We just need to find that road.
Whoa! Uh-oh.
Ooh, that was close.
Yeah, that's close.
'Cause this is the hour for hitting animals.
Just hope a llama doesn't come out. That's all.
Look at this cloud up on the left. Charley, sorry, look at that.
Oh, wow.
I don't know what that is. It's amazing, isn't it?
There's little, big, bright lights off in the distance there.
I believe this is the road coming up.
Is it?
-I think so. I don't know. I don't know. -Oh, yes, yes, yes!
I think this is the road!
It's the road.
As smooth as a baby's bottom.
Okay, there's a bit of wind now.
Tell you what, that's cold.
The temperature is zero,
but with that windchill, it feels much more like minus 10.
My toes are really cold right now.
How long does it take to get frostbite?
We got, uh, 17 miles to go. I've just not got very much juice.
We're almost there. We can do this.
I think I see lights ahead.
Hey, there it is!
El Calafate.
Gonna just make this by the skin of my teeth.
I might have to just freewheel in.
Jesus, I can't wait to just have my toes feel warm again.
Yesterday was so tiring that we've decided to take the day off
just to recharge ourselves.
Quite tiring not being on the bikes for a day. It's exhausting.
Nice to have a little day off to walk around, though.
Do a little turismo.
That is amazing!
That is impressive.
-That's a nice little iceberg. Look. -Yeah, that's a pretty one, isn't it?
Don't they always say that they're, like, twice as big underneath?
You just see the-- the tip of the iceberg.
Ah, that's when they say, "This is just the tip of the iceberg."
-Look at the colors. Oh, my God. -Incredible.
Ninety meters high, or something like that.
I suppose standing out here, we don't get any information.
We could always just get Attenborough to, you know, voice-over.
Yeah, voice-over this bit.
-Here we are. Look. -Oh, this is great.
Thank you.
"The Glaciers National Park
is situated in the southwest of Santa Cruz Province, Argentina.
It covers an area of 2,807 square miles."
That's an awful lot of ice.
-That is-- -No wonder it's so cold here. Goodness.
The biggest ice field after the South Pole.
"And it was established to preserve a significant portion
of the Southern Andes glacier forests."
-Glacial forests. -Yeah.
That's kinda cool, isn't it?
"The largest park in Argentina's protected area systems." There we are.
-Oh, my God! -Every man for himself!
All right, Leo.
We're very lucky, the things we see, aren't we?
Yeah, very.
See if we can create a little insulation.
I've got, like, a medical blanket. Rescue sheet.
-God, it's big. -It's big.
That's huge.
Like this.
Like this.
Maybe we cut that off.
I think that looks good.
-Okay. -No problem. Yeah.
It'd be really good now
if we could just get a few days with not much going wrong.
It would just be really nice.
Do you know that thing about the gloves? My dad
I think it comes from the old dueling days or something.
You know, when you would challenge someone to a duel,
you would slap them in the face with your glove and throw it to the ground.
And, uh
If you were to pick it up yourself,
it meant that they had not accepted the duel,
which is sort of a dishonor to you, I suppose.
'Cause if they had picked up your glove and given it back to you,
that was them accepting the duel.
So, I guess the--
So, if you drop your glove,
and you're not allowed to pick it up yourself. My dad said it's bad luck.
Which on these trips is every single day, and many times a day, you drop a glove.
So, he said what you have to do to dispel the bad luck
is stand on it with both feet or at least touch it to both feet.
So, if you see me going like this
it's not 'cause I'm just a lunatic. It's 'cause of my dad.
Thanks, Dad.
I wish you hadn't bothered to tell me that one.
So today we're heading up to Tres Lagos, which is a tiny, little nowhere place.
I'm sure it's not a nowhere place if you live there,
but it's a tiny little town, only 100 miles or so.
And there's a hostel there, and there's a charger there.
Here we are. This windswept landscape, colder than a witch's heart.
But I guess we've only got a little while to go
before there's a café, we can maybe get some coffee and heat up a little bit.
-Hello. -Hello, mate.
Oh, I say.
Car coming.
The shot's more important.
I've enjoyed today.
I'm just looking at Charley there in front of me
and thinking about all the different places
I've seen this image of him on his bike,
and it's just nice to be riding along with him.
It is happy days. Happy days.
This area's known as Patagonian Steppe,
which is actually a dry and arid desert.
Hey, look at that. Just stunning.
Eh, uh, some fries.
-Yeah. -For three.
This is where we've been hanging out to have our lunch
because Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid apparently came here in this area
and hid out for about a month, all the way down from America.
And then eventually they made their way back up
and then they were killed in Bolivia by the Bolivian army.
But this was Butch Cassidy, and that's the Sundance Kid,
and these were his merry men, and they were pretty bad boys.
Almost there. Three and a half miles to go to Tres Lagos.
Hospital, camping, Wi-Fi. "Hosteria Hostel."
That's it.
Come on. I'll show you where we're--
Here we are. Look.
I mean, it's small, but it is our own, you know?
And, uh, Charley's gonna be sleeping under there.
Ewan came in and said, "I'm taking the double bed,"
-is what he said. -That's not true.
I came in and said, "Where do you want me to sleep?"
Looking forward to today. We've got quite a lot of riding today.
Hundred and seventy miles, it might be our longest day yet.
It'd be nice to try and get a good bit of mileage under our belts.
Gonna have to get my sunglasses out, I think.
Looks like we're gonna be riding into the sun.
Onwards and upwards.
We're just leaving Tres Lagos.
Today we need to do over a hundred miles to reach tonight's stop, Las Horquetas.
Well, so, the drama continues. We've just left Tres Lagos.
We have a bit of a headwind with us.
We've got about 100 miles to go, and we've got 83-mile range.
Why is it is so different today? I just don't really get it.
And the dilemma is worsened
by the fact that the bikes are really brilliant to ride.
They're smooth and beautiful, and it's not the bikes' fault.
It's just that it's the charging nature, and that's for all motorbikes.
There's only so much electricity you can carry in a battery this size.
And that's it. It's just physics.
Yeah, we're here.
Be good if we could get a room each tonight.
Are you in the cold? It's just not fair. It's not nice.
Where I come from, we wouldn't leave you outside
'cause we could have you all cozy by the fireplace.
There was a little puppy dog, like, shivering and shivering.
I'd take him in if I could.
We didn't think he was allowed in. And then the guy came up to us and went,
"Look, would you mind if the dogs come in 'cause they're cold?"
And we're like, "Are you kidding me? We thought you weren't allowing them in."
And then he didn't wanna come in 'cause he was thinking--
He thought he was gonna get in trouble.
-Come on! -You can do it!
Little man.
That's nice. I'm glad he's in.
I was worried about him out there, shivering away.
When in Scotland, we wear a knife in our sock when we wear the kilt,
and it looks very like this.
The knife in here is a tool.
No, hija.
That's quite-- Well, it's more like a steak knife, sort of.
But the handle is quite like a
We call 'em sgian-dubhs.
It's got a little tab like that.
Right there in the sock.
Ewan, it's a present for you.
-The knife is for you. -No.
-You take the present. -Yes?
-The knife is for you. -Yes.
In exchange, the coin is for me.
-Okay. -You take.
I'm from Scotland, and it's a superstition
-Yes. -if you give somebody a knife,
they have to give you a coin, and then it dispels the bad luck.
-Otherwise, you cut yourself or something. -Okay, yeah.
-I give you this one. -It's for you.
Gracias, señor. Thank you.
When I wear my kilt, I'll wear it in my sock.
That's really nice, thank you. Thank you, gracias.
Need to put some more sticks in this fire.
Are you sure about this?
Uh-oh. That's how we do it. Just pour kerosene.
Careful. Ready?
Woof. Watch your hair.
Oh, yes.
We're quite far behind where we should be.
I don't even know if we've done 1,000 miles yet, have we?
-Uh, no. -Maybe.
-We haven't? -I don't think so.
We've been on the road-- this is our second week,
and we have 15,000 miles to do -ish.
Join us next week when we discuss mileages and ranges on Long Way Up.
Yeah. There you go.
Hmm. I don't know what to say, Charley.
I don't want to discourage people from using electric bikes
'cause I think they're amazing.
It's just difficult to get these long distances on them at this time.
We're stuck in a corner.
We've said to everybody that we're gonna do it this way.
'Cause it's so cold, the idea was to put the bikes in the house,
let them warm up, and then just finish it off tomorrow.
Throw a blanket over them or something.
We got the bikes inside last night and it kept them just a little bit warmer.
They seem to like it. The stats are better today.
Really better.
Just a learning curve, all this stuff.
With the bikes being warm,
it's the solution to let us do it electric.
You know what I mean?
Three miles to go to the first stop that's on the grid,
and then, uh, we can sit,
and I can try and get the feeling back in my toes with a cup of coffee.
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