Mehmed: Fetihler Sultani (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[Mehmed: Sultan of Conquers]
[Mehmed: Sultan of Conquers]
Sir, Prince Mehmed wants to see you.
Sir, Prince Mehmed wants to see you.
God willing
We managed to break up
The Crusaders before they united.
Catholic Knights can no longer
join Janos.
According to what I heard
You declared your sultanate in Saruhan!
I mint currencies in your name.
Agreements were made with the apostles.
Is this true, Mehmed?
Cough, my prince.
Open your mouth, open it.
Dear Ahmet!
Dear Ahmet!
Leave my prince!
What did you do to him?!
-Your mother is here.
-Call the doctor!
-Let them prepare the healing house!
-Your mother is beside you, breathe.
Breathe, son, breathe, my prince.
Breathe, son, breathe, my prince.
You'll get better.
Help us!
Was it you who sent me to die, mother?
You, me
And everyone in this room.
And everyone in this room.
Is not important than Byzantine.
I did what I had to do
for to keep the empire alive.
I am your son, mother!
I am your son, mother!
You were so until you united
with Catholics!
Is that why you made Emperor Johannes die?
I didn't minted those golds, sir.
I thought Venetians only
problem was to ruin trade.
I thought Venetians only
problem was to ruin trade.
But, it wasn't their only plan.
What was it?
Who knows!
Maybe they wanted you to send an Akinci
leader and kill me.
You created a council, listened
to artists and merchants problem
You created a council, listened
to artists and merchants problem
And you issue rulings like sultans!
Did Venetians do this, Mehmed?!
While our Sultan ran
from one war to another
Isn't my duty to solve the problems
of merchants which was forgotten?
Isn't my duty to solve the problems
of merchants which was forgotten?
These are very bold words
for just an ordinary governor!
I'm not just an ordinary governor!
I am prince Mehmed,
the grandson of Murad,
the leader of the veterans,
the son of Murad Han.
the leader of the veterans,
the son of Murad Han.
I did what was right for me.
Now if you'll excuse me
I would like to go to Saruhan, to my job.
I would like to go to Saruhan, to my job.
This isn't the time to go back.
I ruined Janos' game.
According to information
we got from Hungary
We must eliminate them
in their place!
Otherwise, there is no peace
or tranquility for Ottoman.
Otherwise, there is no peace
or tranquility for Ottoman.
What do you order, sir?
The invasion of Hungary campaign.
The invasion of Hungary campaign.
I have other reasons to worry.
The infidels are no longer the same
infidels who we defeat in Varna.
Four full years have passed.
Four full years have passed.
Their cannon and guns are much stronger.
I think their number will also be greater.
I think their number will also be greater.
What do you ask of me, sir?
A new victory will be written
in our glorious history.
A new victory will be written
in our glorious history.
Get ready.
Be of help to me.
The prince was exhausted.
We gave him medicine,
he'll sleep for a while.
My lion.
My hero.
Your mother will always be by your side.
I'll be here to protect you.
I'm sorry, Halime Hatun.
I'm sorry, Halime Hatun.
How is our prince?
Have you come to finish your work, Huma?
What do you say, Halime?
Do you hear what you're saying?!
Isn't your helper who tried
to kill my son?
Didn't you stop and just watch
while my son was suffocating?!
Didn't you stop and just watch
while my son was suffocating?!
What are you talking about, Halime?
Do you understand what you are saying?
Why would Huma Hatun do that?
Why would Huma Hatun do that?
We don't know that
you didn't cooperate with her!
Or do you think I forgot your stories
you told my son, Mara?!
Pray for the sleeping prince over there.
Pray for the sleeping prince over there.
Otherwise, I would have held
you accountable here!
What would you do?
Would you have killed me, too?
I attribute your audacity to your grief.
Don't exceed your limits.
You will answer to Sultan Murad
for trying to kill my prince.
You will answer to Sultan Murad
for trying to kill my prince.
Don't you know anything but slander?!
Do you think that the Sultan Murad
will be convinced of your lies?!
Let our Sultan listen to me.
And then you will see
if it is a lie or the truth!
Now get out of the room!
Now get out of the room!
Get out!
Your anger will not harm anyone else.
Isn't this unfortunate?!
Enough, don't you see what
she accuses me of?!
Enough, don't you see what
she accuses me of?!
When did our Sultan believed her lies
to believe her now?
Who would believe that you tried
to kill prince Ahmed?
No one, I know that.
But I don't have anymore energy
to bear her lies.
I get that she doesn't want her son
to get hurt.
But her accusations against me
every time exhausted me.
But her accusations against me
every time exhausted me.
Everyone does what suits them.
She'll see that she can't hurt you,
be patient.
She'll see that she can't hurt you,
be patient.
Was he also with them?
Send a messenger immediately.
The informant who sent us
false information from Transylvania
Is this how you feed the soil with blood?
Sir, forgive me.
I didn't see you were here.
No one can predict when
and where I will be.
Even you.
Even you.
Sir, in order to achieve your mercy
Sir, in order to achieve your mercy
No need to explain.
I know the details, but
I also don't allow complacency.
How is your relationship with Janissaries?
How is your relationship with Janissaries?
They listen to me.
And trust my words, sir.
Do you also trust what they say?
Do you also trust what they say?
Their poems.
And their slogans which
they call out everyday.
"Many heads is cut off."
"But no one cares what it is." they say.
Do you know why?
I do, sir.
Because in the head that is cut off
There is no more a mind.
The line between negligence and betrayal.
It is very thin.
And you
You are on that thin line, Candarli.
You are on that thin line, Candarli.
Be realistic, Candarli,
think about me too.
Be realistic, Candarli,
think about me too.
While I think if there is traitor
in my palace
While I think if there is traitor
in my palace
My deputy
My Grand Vizier
My Grand Vizier
It seems that
I take solace in the fact
that he was in ignorance.
I take solace in the fact
that he was in ignorance.
I won't do it ever again.
If you repeat your mistake, you'll be
the one to lose your head, Candarli.
If you repeat your mistake, you'll be
the one to lose your head, Candarli.
Yes, sir.
Imperial Council awaits us.
Okay, sir.
Johannes was really sick.
His death was planned by God.
The Emperor has just died.
The Emperor has just died.
That's enough before his body gets cold.
You are right.
Let's live his pain, and honor his soul.
Helena Dragas will remain
in the dungeon until,
the day of her execution for
treason against the empire.
You can't do this, Demetrius.
After my brother watches the execution,
he'll return to his duties as
Despot of the Peloponnese.
he'll return to his duties as
Despot of the Peloponnese.
Then each one will get his due.
Don't worry.
We were dividing the lands of Ottoman
after the war.
You are late.
There is news from Naples.
Neither Capello nor anyone arrived
with ships to Naples.
Neither Capello nor anyone arrived
with ships to Naples.
He couldn't have sold us out.
To whom?
If he sold us to Sultan Murad, we'll have
the Prince of Transylvania's head soon.
If he sold us to Sultan Murad, we'll have
the Prince of Transylvania's head soon.
If knights can't come
The war zone will turn into hell for us!
I won't allow it.
What can you do?!
I cannot allow a defeat like this.
I cannot allow a defeat like this.
The armies must be dispersed
I can't let you give up,
when we are this close.
Even after your entire plan was revealed?
Even after your entire plan was revealed?
I have one last plan.
And stronger than all!
This time I will have to pay a price, too.
Cannon master Urban.
Cannon master Urban.
Why did you put it here, Saruca?
Candarli Pasa closed the cannon warehouse
after you.
And I even hid it here
so nothing happens to it.
And I even hid it here
so nothing happens to it.
Were you able to finish it?
Yes, sir.
We made it without skipping any detail.
It is better than infidel', right?
Don't you have any doubt.
Horse, woman, gun are our traditions.
God bless.
God bless.
Whose sword is shining
Whose sword is shining
His eyes do not shed tears!
God bless.
-How many do we have?
-Around fifty, Pasa.
That's enough.
It is enough.
But we need troops to use them.
No one except the Janissaries
can use it, sir.
No one except the Janissaries
can use it, sir.
This is not possible.
Don't be that sure.
We've seen it together they get
bloody when they have the chance.
Right sword won't stay
in the wrong sheath.
There are many heroes who are loyal
to Haci Bektas Han and do the custom.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
But who would cooperate
with us without fearing Kurtcu?
Kara Mustafa Agha.
Stop walking around like a dog!
Stop walking around like a dog!
I got dizzy.
Mehmed has returned, Pasha!
He is back!
He returned with his status and respect!
-Aren't we going to do something?
-Like what?
Oh God!
Oh God!
I can't believe it!
I'm blinded by anger!
How can you be so calm?
Are you blinded by anger?
Have I ever told you
the story of the lion and the jackal?
Come, sit down and listen.
It's a story.
The lion and the jackal
have become friends, Ishak.
They wandered and were hungry.
The lion said
"Brother jackal."
"You are hungry and I am hungry."
"This isn't okay, let's hunt."
They are like you and me, friends.
They are like you and me, friends.
While they wandered around,
they found a feeding horse.
The lion's eye sparkled
and he looked at the jackal.
The lion's eye sparkled
and he looked at the jackal.
"I'll catch it, but"
"I have to get angry first
and gather my courage."
He stretched, rolled and stretched.
He looked at the jackal.
He said: "Look into my eyes,
do my eyes shine with anger?"
He said: "Look into my eyes,
do my eyes shine with anger?"
The jackal looked at it and agreed.
He said: "Yes, brother lion."
Then lion went to the horse.
A roar and a claw.
Then lion went to the horse.
A roar and a claw.
He killed him with a fatal blow,
cutting the horse into pieces.
And they filled their stomachs.
Days passed, and time passed.
They both got hungry again.
They again find a horse.
They again find a horse.
A young wild horse.
No saddle or anything.
It had no owner or skills.
He doesn't know how to escape,
or even play.
But it's wonderful, beautiful
and attractive.
Just like Mehmed.
This time the jackal spoke.
"It's my turn, brother lion.
Don't exhaust yourself."
"It's my turn, brother lion.
Don't exhaust yourself."
"It said it proudly."
"Let me get angry."
"My eyes will shine with anger."
"Watch me." it said.
"Watch me." it said.
The jackal stretched, rolled
and get ready.
"Look, brother lion."
"Look, brother lion."
"Do my eyes shine with anger?"
The lion said: "No, brother."
The jackal's eyes do not show anger.
It's a jackal after all, it played tricks.
The jackal's eyes do not show anger.
It's a jackal after all, it played tricks.
"Forget it, tell me I look angry."
"Forget it, tell me I look angry."
Lion played along.
"Since you say so."
With that anger, jackal went to the horse.
With that anger, jackal went to the horse.
Just when it was about to attack,
wild horse kicked him.
And jackal fell down.
Horse ran away, and jackal on the ground.
Horse ran away, and jackal on the ground.
Lion is surprised.
The lion went to the jackal.
It looked with pain.
It looked with pain.
"Now your eyes are shines."
it said.
Our horse became brave.
He was naive, but he matured.
He knows how to play,
as well as politics.
He knows how to play,
as well as politics.
Be careful.
And don't walk around saying
your eyes shines with anger.
You won't see where it comes from!
You'd better wait for me.
Okay, Pasa.
Master Urban.
Master Urban.
We're finally together again.
I want to go to church tomorrow to pray
for the soul of your brother Eunice.
I want to go to church tomorrow to pray
for the soul of your brother Eunice.
Don't forget to pray for me too then.
General Alex has come, sir.
Let him in.
You called me, Emperor.
You called me, Emperor.
Sit down, Alex.
There are things we need to talk about.
Sit down.
Excuse me.
Sit down!
Were you married, Alex?
Were you married, Alex?
No sir, I didn't have time to marry
because of my service to the empire.
No sir, I didn't have time to marry
because of my service to the empire.
Make sure that you
aren't missing anything.
You must have a passion
for someone in your heart, right?
-Get out!
-Forgive me, sir!
Anyway, I kept talking.
Prince Orhan will be handed over
to the Turks tomorrow.
Prince Orhan will be handed over
to the Turks tomorrow.
Form a chosen union,
I don't want any mistakes.
Yes, sir.
My old friend Urban.
Time has not been fair to us.
-I know you blame me for this.
-If you untie me
-I know you blame me for this.
-If you untie me
I can make the injustice of time
more just with my claws.
You killing me won't change anything.
You killing me won't change anything.
Let me decide that!
Untie him.
I need you.
More than ever.
I also think
Your daughter must need you.
My daughter!
Is she alive?
Is she alive?
You're getting rusty here.
I'm sure that the canons
you hide is still usable.
I'm sure that the canons
you hide is still usable.
Where is my daughter?
The only thing that's separating you
is a last service to me.
The only thing that's separating you
is a last service to me.
The decision is yours, Master Urban.
The decision is yours, Master Urban.
-Where do we put the gunpowder?
-At the end of the barrel.
-Where do we put the gunpowder?
-At the end of the barrel.
We pour the gravel into the barrel
and we tighten it.
We set the crosshair
And shoot.
Powerful weapon!
Where are we going to use this, sir?
I don't think facing Janos will be easy.
I don't think facing Janos will be easy.
He will do his best to wear us
down before the war.
Do you mean he's going to attack?
It's hard to know that.
But he'll definitely target or Sultan.
The Sultan's tent is in your trust
if any possible attack occurs.
Yes, sir.
Well, but
We have to inform the
Janissaries about this.
I see you're worried.
What are you worried about?
It is impossible without
Kurtcu Dogan finding out.
He has his people everywhere.
Then we'll inform Kurtcu.
How will this happen?
I got that.
You should know the Saruca
weapon system carefully.
You should know the Saruca
weapon system carefully.
I will handle the rest.
"History of the Byzantine" by Procopius.
I read it.
It tells ancient Byzantine.
In one word, intrigue.
In one word, intrigue.
The situation now is not
much different, sir.
But even if Demetrius takes the throne
I still don't get how he can
be useful to us.
I still don't get how he can
be useful to us.
Won't he be our enemy again?
I don't fear of his enmity, Lala.
It is enough that he keeps
his promise to me.
Which promise?
He'll send Orhan to us.
Zagnos is already on the way.
If I had known,
I wouldn't have let him go alone.
If I had known,
I wouldn't have let him go alone.
I know, Lala.
That's why I didn't tell you.
I need you here.
Do you want me to help you?
Come on, ma'am.
It's an honor to serve you.
All our obligation, my son,
is to serve the Lord Jesus.
My Empress
Isn't it horrible that Christians only
turn to God when they feel lonely?
Isn't it horrible that Christians only
turn to God when they feel lonely?
Although there is different ways
to reach the God.
Although there is different ways
to reach the God.
Tell me, Notaras.
My son Demetrius.
What can we do to make him reach God?
My son Demetrius.
What can we do to make him reach God?
His wife, Zoe.
As far as I know
She is in a relationship with Alex.
She is in a relationship with Alex.
What stage it is
How nice to know that Demetrius
won't go to hell alone.
It's nice.
It's nice.
What do you order?
Even if we cut Janos off
from the Latins
This army of infidels is larger
than we expected.
This army of infidels is larger
than we expected.
If we had the princedoms
you brought to my presence with us
We would be talking about
other stuff, Pasa.
Don't worry, sir.
Master of leaders in Anatolia
have been informed.
The soldiers are already on the way.
And, God willing, we are ready
to destroy the infidels.
We will, of course.
Every time they attack us
Their end was terrifying.
But they are gathering
their strength fast every time.
We have fought failed wars with the army
The Crusader who fights every ten years.
That's why he is here.
Infidels is together
in prosperity and peace.
As for us Muslims, instead of unity,
As for us Muslims, instead of unity,
We care about ourselves.
I mean that, why don't we become
one fist against the infidels.
I mean that, why don't we become
one fist against the infidels.
How can unity be achieved when
the goal is separate, my prince?
Don't we want that?
Don't we want that?
But we know from experience
that what you say is not possible.
But history disagrees, Halil Pasa.
In community there is mercy
and in division there is torment.
Who will we call, Prince?
The Dulkadirli who listens to the Mamluks?
The Dulkadirli who listens to the Mamluks?
The Karaman's who were
our enemy just yesterday.
Let's say they came.
Let's say they came.
Will they care about us?
Wouldn't they say that the country
Osman Gazi founded years ago
It isn't powerful that
They want their previous enemy
to attack his enemy, sir?
They want their previous enemy
to attack his enemy, sir?
You listen to your heart again, Pasa.
The issue of Islam isn't
just ordinary concerns.
The issue of Islam isn't
just ordinary concerns.
While the Catholics struggle
to unite with the Orthodox
We must also unite.
Is it easy to maintain those armies
in our capital, Prince?
Is it easy to maintain those armies
in our capital, Prince?
You're talking about Byzantium.
Didn't the Latins occupy Constantinople
under the pretext of alliance?
We are not
We are not
like those infidels
with different beliefs,
is one.
The book,
is one.
is one.
With all these,
With all these,
We will certainly unite.
My order!
I swear to God,
who holds the sky
And the creator of land
That who keeps us alive
And Turkish people.
They face a great calamity.
And fighting this calamity
It is all our job!
This is time to leave your will
This is time to leave your will
And fighting the infidel.
It is time for Oghuz to unite
And for Muslims to live in safety.
And for Muslims to live in safety.
May God bless our war.
Mehmed, stay.
Prepare yourself.
Then go to Malkacoglu'
Akinci corp.
Make the road safe.
Make the road safe.
So that nothing bad happens.
It is your order, sir.
Is this all you could do
in all those years?
Is this all you could do
in all those years?
Let's start with reducing
the balls weights.
My mother.
What happened, my prince?
What happened, my prince?
How much there is left?
Not much.
You'll meet your mother Huma soon.
The roses my father gave.
We've been on the road
for a long time
But they still didn't grow up.
Why don't my roses bloom Aksemseddin?
Have I committed a sin?
Why don't my roses bloom Aksemseddin?
Have I committed a sin?
No sins for children, sir.
All beautiful things come
with patience and prayer.
All beautiful things come
with patience and prayer.
Whoever resorts to the truth..
-It can even reach the sky.
Is it possible to really go to sky?
Is it possible to really go to sky?
Sure, my prince.
It is enough for you to believe sincerely.
I will tell you a story now.
There was a sultan
There was a sultan
like your father, back then.
He gave two roses to his two sons.
He said: "What I want from you"
"I want to see these roses bloom."
One of the sons, but it aside.
No water, no sunshine.
No interest,
Patience or persistence.
That rose just dried up.
-Doesn't it ever bloom?
-It never bloomed, my prince.
Then some time passed
The Sultan asked his
two sons about the roses.
The Sultan asked his
two sons about the roses.
He ordered them to bring it.
The eldest son
He brought the dried up rose,
And told him about the situation.
The Sultan looked at the little one.
The Sultan looked at the little one.
He saw that in his little son's hand
There is a beautiful, red rose.
Sultan wondered and
He asked him about how he did it.
"I grew it with patience."
said, his son.
"I watered it everyday,
took it out to sun."
"I watered it everyday,
took it out to sun."
"And I told it nice things."
He then said: “I turned to God.”
Effort comes first
Effort comes first
Then wisdom.
And now
Tell me, prince.
Is there any
Nice words you memorized for your roses?
Nice words you memorized for your roses?
Of course, my mother made me memorize it.
I have a rose with three branches.
I am a dervish and I have a plate.
I have a problem.
I have a problem.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I can't watch my mother die.
What are you going to do?
I'll go and talk to Demetrius.
Don't forget to ask Orhan.
Don't forget to ask Orhan.
Where did he come from now, Notaras?
You don't know it.
Emperor Demetrius
He decided to hand Orhan over
to the Turks.
He decided to hand Orhan over
to the Turks.
How could this happen, Notaras?
Doesn't he know how much
Orhan important to us?!
Maybe he does it so that he knows
how important he is.
Maybe he does it so that he knows
how important he is.
You think I care about
Orhan's life, Notaras?
Orhan is the only guarantee
in front of the Turks.
Do you know where they went?
I know, but
I know, but
That wouldn't be good
if Emperor hears about this.
I will not let
our empire be lost
in the hands of Demetrius.
our empire be lost
in the hands of Demetrius.
Candarli Pasa.
Candarli Pasa.
He wants you to stand strong.
He said he would find a solution.
That Mehmed you said wouldn't come
He came like a Sultan, Pasa.
He came like a Sultan, Pasa.
He'll definitely wants to take revenge.
I don't get it, Kurtcu.
What did he do to please the Sultan?
What did he do to please the Sultan?
His Eminence Prince Mehmet.
What's going on, Pasa?
I don't know, Kurtcu.
May it be good.
I see the pot of rock candy boiling.
So an agreement was made with the Sultan.
So an agreement was made with the Sultan.
Right, Kurtcu?
Yes, sir.
Our pot is boiling, thank God.
Our pot is boiling, thank God.
When the promise isn't fulfilled
It falls.
Yes, it falls, but
Yes, it falls, but
The drink inside
It will water the soil like blood.
So, it's important not to overthrow it.
For this, we need a solid trivet.
For this, we need a solid trivet.
That solid foundation
Will it prevent the it
from being knocked over?
Yes, it will.
Each pillar of the sheet metal that
keeps the Janissary cauldron afloat
Each pillar of the sheet metal that
keeps the Janissary cauldron afloat
Corresponds to a force.
One of them is Sultan.
It protects justice.
He rules among people.
This is insight.
Other one is soldiers.
They make the effort.
And they shed blood.
And they conquest.
This is strength.
The last one is
It's people.
It would be useful.
They work.
It is service.
It is service.
If one of them doesn't work,
or breaks
May God forbid, cauldron
Might fall down.
We were never the part
that doesn't work, sir.
There isn't any separate part,
Kurtcu Agha.
There is only two sides.
Infidels and Muslims.
If one of the pillars break
And it spills
Muslims will get hurt,
not the infidel.
Muslims will get hurt,
not the infidel.
I forget the past.
I want
Everyone to forget.
For this reason
For this reason
We have left yesterday behind us.
We want to unite for the future.
And let everyone know that.
Did something happen, ma'am?
He is waiting me at that carriage.
Distract the guards. I have to go.
Distract the guards. I have to go.
What are you doing here?
Sorry to disappoint you.
Let's go.
Let's go.
This perforated iron
It is launched only once.
It will do us more harm than good in war.
When we reload it
The infidels already will have reached us.
The infidels already will have reached us.
Everything has its way, Kurtcu Agha.
Make two rows of three.
Listen me.
Ishak Pasa.
Yes, sir.
Don't stand there, Pasa.
We will make representation.
And you will be the enemy soldiers.
And you will be the enemy soldiers.
Yes, sir.
Do you think the cannons
will be enough to defeat the Turks?
Do you think the cannons
will be enough to defeat the Turks?
A good commander
doesn't have one plan, Cardinal.
The Turks will cross this bridge
to reach the battlefield.
The Turks will cross this bridge
to reach the battlefield.
First, Ottoman "Akinci's" will cross
the bridge first.
After them, the Janissaries.
Once Akinci's pass the bridge,
cannons will start shooting.
Those Akinci's won't let you
fire the cannons.
Those Akinci's won't let you
fire the cannons.
You underestimate
my military intelligence, Cardinal!
That's why we need Urban.
The cannons will be in such a place that
they will not know where they came from.
If you can create long-distance cannons
If you can create long-distance cannons
This means we can go to Jerusalem,
not only Ottoman throne, Janos.
Don't load them before it gets cold, okay?
Don't load them before it gets cold, okay?
Look, they are cracked.
Where did you find this?
Come on, don't stop, start.
Does he know about his daughter?
What do you think?
This is all slander, Notaras.
If so, what is this?
Either Alex or Demetrius.
Either Alex or Demetrius.
Decision is yours.
Look, stop a minute, stop.
Raise your shield up, got it?
It can't hit you.
But the infidel will.
Come on, attack!
Come on, attack!
Wait a minute, brother.
Wait a moment.
Let him come, assistant.
Come here.
-What is your name?
-Son of Ali, Hasan.
Have you missed prayers, Hasan?
Have you missed prayers, Hasan?
I come here to become an Akinci,
not a student, sir.
War is fought with faith.
You will be close to martyrdom.
You will be close to martyrdom.
Now tell me
Do you have missed prayers or not?
I have no missed prayers
and no fasting either.
I have no missed prayers
and no fasting either.
God bless.
-Do you know any language?
-I know Romanian and a little Serbian.
-Where did you learn them?
-My father was a merchant.
-Where did you learn them?
-My father was a merchant.
I used to go with him to Constantinople
to deliver the goods, I learned there.
"Used to"? Is he dead.
He was on his way to Constantinople
He was on his way to Constantinople
The Byzantines killed him
in a chaos occurred at the port.
-May he rest in peace.
Are you a Turk?
Where is your homeland,
your tribe and your clan?
I am Turkish, from Ulubat, sir.
From the Karakecili clan.
Do you have a prince?
Do you have a prince?
Suleyman Celebi, imam
of the Grand Mosque in Bursa.
-Do you have a mark?
-Yes, sir.
-Have you ever fought, Hasan?
Do you have any experiences in travel,
raid or fighting training?
-No, sir.
If you don't have a sword training,
you can't be an Akinci, Hasan.
If you don't have a sword training,
you can't be an Akinci, Hasan.
You can't come in if you don't have
sword experience.
Please! I come from far away.
-Next one!
-Listen, sir, I came far away.
Please hear me, sir!
Hear me, sir, please!
Continue, assistant.
Continue, assistant.
Come with me.
Come and tell Bali Bey your problem.
Who is this?
Hasan, Ulubatli Hasan.
Hasan, Ulubatli Hasan.
He doesn't have sword training.
He wants to become an Akinci.
I said no, but he insisted.
I can, sir. Don't mind my inexperienced.
I can, sir. Don't mind my inexperienced.
I can ride horses, and throw arrows.
I can do it all.
I can become an Akinci.
Listen to me, sir.
They aren't Akinci's, brave man.
They aren't Akinci's, brave man.
Rather, they are the candidates.
Isn't that Prince Mehmet?
It is him, sir.
My old friend Federico.
I heard you went on a long trip.
I heard you went on a long trip.
Go back if you want.
Don't let your children and wife
worry about you.
Only concern of their is that
I didn't obey our Emperor.
Only concern of their is that
I didn't obey our Emperor.
Don't let this cold death
follow that concern, Federico.
Hand me Orhan.
It is the order of Emperor Demetrius.
Orhan will be handed over to the Ottomans.
You know I won't allow this.
Don't force us to use swords against you.
This is your choice.
This is your choice.
I am not responsible for
Christian blood that will be shed.
May the Lord forgive you.
I didn't know you loved me so much!
Not for you, rather for
the future of our Emperor.
Not for you, rather for
the future of our Emperor.
-I'll have to hide you for a while, Orhan.
Will you do that while
Zagnos awaits us?
Notaras wants to take advantage
of you to take his position. Is that so?
No, the thing he wants
not reputation or position.
What is it then?
He wants Helena.
This is the way, Bali Bey.
Do you know anything
about Vlad's soldiers?
We heard that they withdrew
to the mountains.
We heard that they withdrew
to the mountains.
But winter is coming,
they can't survive in the mountains.
Why did you ask?
We have to meet Wallachians
who wants revenge.
We have to meet Wallachians
who wants revenge.
I need several people who know mountains
well to guide me.
Just like his name,
he scared many infidels.
He is strong and loyal.
He knows the area as well as his name.
He knows the area as well as his name.
Who is he from?
He is my nephew.
His father, my brother,
was martyred in Varna.
In the arms of Shahab ad-Din Pasa.
That's why I'm close to him.
May he rest in peace.
I hope he is in heaven.
You already know Hamza and Saltuk.
One of them is my eyes,
One of them is my eyes,
And the other is my fist.
Thank you.
The day of battle is near and imminent.
The army will go on its way.
The army will go on its way.
And you start your preparations
for security, Bali Bey.
You know, Sultan Murad Han
wouldn't want any obstacles.
War is a wedding to us, sir.
We'll do everything necessary.
It is our Sultan's personal wish.
As you know, the sons of Evrenos
are related to rebellion in Berat Castle.
As you know, the sons of Evrenos
are related to rebellion in Berat Castle.
That is, in this war, Malkacoglu's will
have to work a lot in this war.
Malkacoglu's life will be sacrificed
for our Sultan.
Don't you worry.
-Shahab ad-Din.
-Attention, heroes!
-Shahab ad-Din.
-Attention, heroes!
Let's go.
Sir, I need to talk something important.
Sir, I need to talk something important.
Please, sir!
-Who is this boy?
-Please, sir!
-It's Hasan, sir.
He wants to become an Akinci.
He wants to become an Akinci.
He is the son of a Turkish merchant
who delivers goods to Constantinople.
The Byzantines killed his father
during a dispute in the port.
Please, sir, let me pass.
Sir, I want to be an Akinci.
They didn't let me in because
I didn't have sword training.
They didn't let me in because
I didn't have sword training.
Please excuse me.
I'm sorry for your loss, Hasan.
You want to be an Akinci.
You don't know the custom of them.
The shah and sultan of
this place is Bali Bey.
The shah and sultan of
this place is Bali Bey.
When he says no, let alone me,
even Sultan Murad Han can't interfere.
This is the old custom.
First, the death sentence
on Empress Helena.
Then, sending Orhan to the Turks.
When will we put an end
to all these mistakes?
When will we put an end
to all these mistakes?
The Emperor takes the decision,
do you realize that, Nataros?
Why is there a Senate?
Why are you here?
So the emperor doesn't make
the wrong decision, right?
Does Senate have an authority?
Not on the Emperor,
But he has power over the people.
But he has power over the people.
What difference would it make?
We cannot oppose a killer like Demetrius.
You've lost your mind!
You are clearly trying
to take us with you.
Not myself, I try to save Byzantine!
Not myself, I try to save Byzantine!
If you leave and go out
If you leave and go out
You will be the only ones responsible
about the empire that will collapse.
We can't do anything. What shall we do?
We won't kill the Emperor!
We won't kill the Emperor!
Politics is sharper than the sword.
That won't happen.
Trust me.
And support me.
And help me.
Why did you leave the prince alone?
Why weren't you by his side?
Why weren't you by his side?
Mara was here. I wanted
to keep him away from her.
Otherwise, I would have never leave him.
Why did you want to keep Mara away?
Why did you want to keep Mara away?
She suddenly entered the room.
She sat next to Ahmed
and narrated stories full of innuendos.
Then, even though I warned her
Then, even though I warned her
She sent Ahmed outside.
Why would she do that?
Since you called Mehmed
Huma Hatun suffers from delusions.
Huma Hatun suffers from delusions.
I think she was the one who sent Mara.
While Ahmed was fighting for his life
Huma was just watching him.
Huma was just watching him.
Why didn't you tell me this before?
I kept silent to avoid mistrust.
Huma Hatun's intention isn't good, sir.
Huma Hatun's intention isn't good, sir.
She wants to kill Ahmed!
Do you hear what you're saying?!
I get Huma.
She's a mother.
She thinks about the life of her son.
Does she think about her son's life
by sacrificing my son?
Sir, if you allow me
Sir, if you allow me
I want to go to Bursa.
Where did this come from?
My strength is not enough
to face all this evil.
I'm not afraid for myself,
rather, on my son's life.
Let me go.
Instead of having you suffer
from losing a kid
Instead of having you suffer
from losing a kid
I prefer death!
I missed you for all these years, dear!
I missed you for all these years, dear!
Thank God very much
we met in good health.
I see you're doing well, Mara Hatun.
I hope you are healthy
as good as your mood is.
I hope you are healthy
as good as your mood is.
Thanks, Bahar.
I felt better after seeing you.
I brought you roses, mother.
But it hasn't bloomed yet.
I brought you roses, mother.
But it hasn't bloomed yet.
You came and flowers bloomed in my heart.
I have given you everything.
Was it for this?
Was it for this?
I don't get your anger, sir.
But I haven't done
anything unworthy,
But I haven't done
anything unworthy,
of your name or
this place. I won't.
Enough with your words!
Get ready!
You will go to Bursa.
You will remain there
until further notice.
A gift from emperor Demetrius to you.
A gift from emperor Demetrius to you.
Sit down, Orhan.
Let me order for you food,
you must be hungry.
Let me order for you food,
you must be hungry.
You'll eat something deserved.
You must have forget what it is.
Did you really believe that
you would be a ruler to Ottomans?
Did you really believe that
you would be a ruler to Ottomans?
As you believed that young man
named Mehmed would take the throne
As you believed that young man
named Mehmed would take the throne
I believed it, too, Zagnos.
Mehmet will be a sultan for the ages!
But you..
Mehmed is a former sultan whom
was overthrown by his own Janissaries.
Mehmed is a former sultan whom
was overthrown by his own Janissaries.
You admitted your mistake and obey me
I may forgive you.
Being one of Muhammad's men is not easy.
Kill me now here.
Kill me now here.
Don't prolong it.
I wanted to drown you with
the blood of Christians that you shed.
But not now.
Why didn't we say
"In the name of God"
Why didn't we say
"In the name of God"
And attack that infidel Janos?
Why don't we suffocate
him while he's asleep?
Forgiveness of God!
Forgiveness of God!
You are ridiculous!
How many infidels will Akinci'
kill you think?
Oh, my God!
Shut up, Saltuk.
Shut up, we'll be ashamed
in front of the prince!
Bring the kids.
Do not harm us.
There is no one with
a sword in our caravan.
There is no one with
a sword in our caravan.
No harm will come to you, old man.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
We escaped from Janos' oppression,
to the land of hope.
To Ottoman.
But the road is difficult.
We are resting.
We heard that Wallachian soldiers
are in the mountains.
What happened to them?
They joined with their killers.
They submitted to the killer Janos.
Isn't there a man of pride
and chivalry among them, uncle?
Someone brave who will oppose them?
They withdrew to the caves
at the Bucegi Mountains.
They withdrew to the caves
at the Bucegi Mountains.
Where are those Bucegi Mountains located?
If Demetrius knows you saved me,
he'll kill you too.
If Demetrius knows you saved me,
he'll kill you too.
Someone should have told him that
he can't do anything.
Don't worry about it.
I don't want you to get in trouble
because of me.
If you like, I can get lost for a while.
If you like, I can get lost for a while.
As long as I have
a prisoner Like Zagnos
Demetrius can't harm you.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
Now, your only enemy is not Demetrius.
Mehmed will do everything
in his power to save his Lala.
Mehmed will do everything
in his power to save his Lala.
Time will show us what he can do.
We are trapped in Carpathian'
Why don't we go back?
Because the castle is
completely under Janos' control.
Because the castle is
completely under Janos' control.
Will we give it up?
But we are very few in number.
We can't risk a battle
in front of the castle!
We can't risk a battle
in front of the castle!
We will attack Janos' forces
and wear him out.
Isn't there anyone coming to help us?
Where are the Ottomans?
Weren't they our allies?
You said Sultan Murad wouldn't forget us.
I was wrong.
We are alone.
Wallachia castle is a dream for us.
Wallachia castle is a dream for us.
Every victory begins with a dream.
Who are you?
We are the Ottomans whom you lost hope.
We are the Ottomans whom you lost hope.
This is Prince Mehmed,
son of Sultan Murad.
We have been waiting for your arrival.
However, Janos destroyed everywhere.
Keep your anger alive.
We have a revenge to take from Janos.
We have a revenge to take from Janos.
His army is large.
We are just a group of men.
It's impossible to defeat Janos.
Don't lose hope.
To see the limits of possibility
We must try the impossible.
Rest assured.
We have thought of everything necessary.
We have thought of everything necessary.
Hamza Bey will present
to you necessary information.
It's time for duty.
It's time for duty.
Let everyone who can carry
a sword follow me.
What if we fail, sir?
What if we don't get the job done?
Effort and reasons from us
and success From God, Korkut.
Who knows?
Maybe you'll take Janos' life.
God willing, sir.
So, my birds sent the news I wanted.
Not your birds,
but your loyal dog Notaras.
No need to get angry.
No need to get angry.
Being in love isn't a bad thing.
Being bad is loving Emperor' wife.
Isn't that right, Alex?
What do you want? Tell me.
Beautiful and young Zoe.
I want her to live, just like you.
Beautiful and young Zoe.
I want her to live, just like you.
I will find a way to get you out of here.
At any cost.
But if something happens to Zoe
But if something happens to Zoe
Who said I want to run away from here?
What do you want then?
What do you want then?
You worked so hard to raise us.
Forgive us, ma'am.
I forgive you, daughter.
My beautiful girls are like angels.
Like I always said
We at Harem appreciate morals,
not beauty.
We at Harem appreciate morals,
not beauty.
Do not forget this by any means.
The Harem is not a council
for fun and wasting time,
The Harem is not a council
for fun and wasting time,
Rather, it is a center of knowledge.
Remember that you are in
a school of written gratitude,
Remember that you are in
a school of written gratitude,
on its entrance: “Oh God,
open doors of goodness for us."
The basis of the state is very clear.
Birun does it,
Enderun thinks.
Enderun thinks.
And Harem
It smiles.
Don't be sad and make me sad.
Let your faces always smile.
Is Bursa far away, great mother?
Is Bursa far away, great mother?
No, my son.
Whenever you want to see me,
you can come and visit us.
Oh my dear.
Are you going to death?
Why are you so sad, Huma?
We have no idea about the future, Mara.
Suppose we part forever.
Suppose we part forever.
If we meet again, we'll be happy.
I come and go.
Not only me,
Everyone comes and goes.
Only you
Only you
And my prince will stay.
Take care of each other.
Take care of each other
as each others trust.
Take care of each other
as each others trust.
We met late and we part quick, mother.
I hope this longing won't last.
So, you realized your mistake.
Yes, sir.
We want to be by your side facing
the real enemy this time.
We want to be by your side facing
the real enemy this time.
Your apology covers
your stupidity this time.
Go ahead!
Don't give them weapons.
Don't give them weapons.
And take what they have.
Which unit should we take them, sir?
Weren't you looking for men to help Urban?
Let them help with that.
Yes, sir.
By the way
They must be hungry!
Satisfy their hunger.
Satisfy their hunger.
Yes, sir.
Let everyone leave their weapons.
How can you deceive me
and go behind my back?
Do you realize that you're really crazy?
Orhan is the our only guarantee
against the Ottomans.
Orhan is the our only guarantee
against the Ottomans.
You spilled Christian blood
for a helpless man.
Orhan will go.
But this time, not alive, only his head.
So, Zagnos' head will accompany him.
Mehmed's teacher Zagnos.
I have him.
If you kill Orhan
If you kill Orhan
I'll kill Zagnos with my own hands.
Release my mother Helena Dragas
from prison immediately.
Release my mother Helena Dragas
from prison immediately.
She'll be executed now.
As you wish, brother.
Let Orhan and Zagnos keep their heads.
All nobles will witness this.
Make the necessary call.
My brother and I don't want to be alone
while watching this unforgettable event.
Right, brother?
When I saw Kurtcu,
I remembered those dark days.
The betrayal they inflicted on us.
Just as there is a time for patience,
there is a time for revenge.
I know that, sir.
But I can't end the pain in my heart.
Wisdom will end the miracles.
Courage and boldness are nice, but
Knowledge of politics
It is the best of all.
We'll remain silence in order not
to create chaos until time comes.
And when it comes?
When it's comes
We'll hurt those who did to us.
Come on, prayer.
Dear Byzantine nobles!
Dear Byzantine nobles!
Even if the traitor was my mother
She will pay the price.
Let this be an example to all of you.
The traitor is not our holy saint.
The traitor is not our holy saint.
Rather, the traitor is you, Emperor!
Take that dog.
Take that dog.
What you are doing is
an execution without trial!
Moreover, we know that you I made
an agreement with the Turks.
What do you wait for, Alex?
Take them!
Are you also opposing the Emperor?
So it's over here!
My Empress.
My son Johannes' real heir!
Long live the
Byzantine Emperor Constantinos!
Long live the
Byzantine Emperor Constantinos!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
The security of this region is
of great importance, Candarli.
The Akinci's leaded by our prince
must be there, sir.
The Akinci's leaded by our prince
must be there, sir.
The support we got from
Candaroglu and Ramazanoglu
Let them position them left and right.
Let them position them left and right.
Must be on the right side.
-Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you.
Welcome, Ibrahim Bey.
-Thank you.
-I'll tell our Sultan.
-Thank you.
-I'll tell our Sultan.
If you want, you can
My lord.
Son of Karaman, Ibrahim has come.
You with a honored tribe
And you honored, Ibrahim!
You brought peace!
Thank you, brother Murad Han.
Thank God, we caught up.
We entered your tent
and felt glad to see your face.
The steppe keeps you strong.
The steppe keeps you strong.
Obviously the years
don't make you wear out.
But you're tired from the road.
Let me make preparations
for you and rest.
The war flag is up.
Before I'll destroy infidel Hungarians,
my fire won't go away.
Thanks God, there is fighting
together in our fate.
Thanks God, there is fighting
together in our fate.
As for your fire, I have cold drinks.
Oh God!
Hearts are in your hand alone.
Hearts are in your hand alone.
Make us united.
Don't let our brothers
Don't let our brothers
go in the wrong way.
Oh God, please make us be with you,
Oh God, please make us be with you,
And with those Muslims,
Let us win victories for you, God.
Let us win victories for you, God.
We worship you alone.
We do not subject us to others.
Give strength to our Sultan, army
And those who fight against the infidels.
And those who fight against the infidels.
Do not deprive us of your victory.
Thank God.
I came once I got your call.
You know, Timur's threat.
That's why, I left a big part
of my army behind.
I'm here with a personal unit.
I'm here with a personal unit.
I wish you didn't tire yourself out.
Maybe we'll martyrs, right?
I do not desire kingship or sultanate.
I do not desire kingship or sultanate.
Martyrdom is a great rank.
I hope we'll be worth of it.
God willing, brother Murat Han.
This is our desire and prayer as well.
I also brought my family
to your capital for this reason.
If God takes our lives,
they'll come to pray for me.
If God takes our lives,
they'll come to pray for me.
Let's go to the battlefield first.
We'll see then.
If we'll die, or the enemy will die.
If we'll die, or the enemy will die.
We met you years ago when
Gulsah was a child, Halime Hatun.
We met you years ago when
Gulsah was a child, Halime Hatun.
How time quickly time passes, right?
God Bless.
Daughter Gulsah is very beautiful.
God Bless.
Daughter Gulsah is very beautiful.
Thank you, ma'am.
Is her husband fighting with Ibrahim Bey?
She is single.
We couldn't find the right one.
I hope you'll be a bride
to palaces, my beautiful daughter.
Look at Urban.
As if I'm the one who was in prison
for years!
He does not sleep or get tired.
Because his concern is different.
What else will it be? He tries
to kick Muslims out of here like us.
What else will it be? He tries
to kick Muslims out of here like us.
Urban tries to save his daughter.
His daughter?
I overheard Janos
and Cardinal's conversation.
I overheard Janos
and Cardinal's conversation.
It turns out that Urban has a daughter
named Zoe in Constantinople.
What does Janos have to do with this?
What does Janos have to do with this?
Byzantine prince
The Byzantine prince Demetrius.
The Byzantine prince Demetrius.
Once upon a time, he rebelled
his father and took refuge in Serbia.
Janos was fighting Turks at that time.
Janos was fighting Turks at that time.
When Urban did not participate
in this war and ran away
Janos burned down the village
where Urban lives.
Did he sell his daughter as a slave
to Byzantines?
Did he sell his daughter as a slave
to Byzantines?
Watch out, you idiot!
I will.
Okay then, great.
Have these ready tomorrow.
Have these ready tomorrow.
Bring water here, son.
Young man!
Young man!
Bring water here.
Are you having a good time, Master Urban?
If you want, come and help us.
Share this fun with us too, Your Highness.
Share this fun with us too, Your Highness.
Help will be provided soon.
You'll have many trainees.
The Serbs accepted the alliance.
Branković, the stubborn goat
He was finally convinced!
Soon a group of Bohemian soldiers will go
to welcome Branković into the dark valley.
You can share that fun with them.
You can share that fun with them.
Doesn't Branković know the way?
Why would they go to get him?
I don't know, but Janos wanted this.
What is there not to know?!
Someone had to report Janos'
orders to Branković.
Someone had to report Janos'
orders to Branković.
-In the bloodiest moments of the war,
Branković will hit Murad from his back
with his army.
Branković will hit Murad from his back
with his army.
Come in.
This one.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The silk isn't worthy of your skin, but
Famous masters made this for you,
from Mosul.
Thank you, Gulsah Hatun.
Gifts are sacred to Turkmens. Come on!
India lands are famous.
Otherwise, its fabric is worth
nothing next to the Turkmen cloth.
Fabrics are ruined!
-It will be cleaned immediately.
I got it, I'll remove the stain.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
Oh, my God!
I always tell her to let concubines
do it, but
It's for nothing.
Excuse me.
She's been here for a long time.
But she still hasn't been able to
achieve nobility yet.
Excuse her.
If the Serbs came
to the battlefield,
in the most intense moments
of war, we'll lose a lot.
You are right.
You are right.
We must inform our prince about
this as soon as possible.
Follow the path of the creek at the back.
You can get there faster through it.
And what will you do now?
I will kill Janos.
Come on! How can you?
I won't leave you here alone
on such a difficult mission.
We have to part ways, Saltuk.
We have to part ways, Saltuk.
Maybe, we should doing this
for the first time in our lives.
Also, if you can succeed
Then Serbs and others will have no power.
Then Serbs and others will have no power.
What if you get caught, Korkut?
Look over there! What if you get caught?
Than the martyrdom will be mine.
Than the martyrdom will be mine.
I'll go to heaven
and wait you there, brother.
Come on, time is short.
Don't forget telling them about Urban.
Don't forget telling them about Urban.
-Forgive me.
-I forgive you, brother!
-You too forgive me.
-I forgive you!
-I forgive you!
-May God help you!
-I forgive you!
-May God help you!
Let your path be open, come on!
Do you think he believed it?
How can you be sure
that he is a Turkish spy?
You are just looking.
But I see.
Sometimes, focus trumps intelligence.
That man in Wallachians is an Akinci.
That man in Wallachians is an Akinci.
He still has the ring mark on his thumb.
It's a ring that only
Turkish archers wear.
As long as you understand that there
is a spy, Why are you so comfortable?
As long as you understand that there
is a spy, Why are you so comfortable?
I have realized that trouble
isn't a solution.
True, the trouble is not the solution.
But their infiltration into
our country is a real danger.
What is it?
Are you afraid?
Not fear, but caution.
End of our brother, Prince
of Transylvania, must be a lesson to us.
He isn't wrong.
He isn't wrong.
You made your plan
and we didn't even talk about it.
At least we should have talked
about the hope.
Hope kills in war, Cardinal.
Only the truth makes you live.
General Janos, Akinci informant
took the bait. He left the camp.
General Janos, Akinci informant
took the bait. He left the camp.
There is another truth.
Knowing the enemy means
preventing danger.
Knowing the enemy means
preventing danger.
It is more useful than prayers in war.
To separate Akinci's and Janissaries
from each other
To separate Akinci's and Janissaries
from each other
We don't need Urban's cannons anymore.
You are scary.
But we will need Urban on the battlefield.
But we will need Urban on the battlefield.
I don't understand how you do this!
Intuition or intelligence?
Or is it a gift from God?
Do you want to really understand?
Do you want to really understand?
Then let that man help our prince.
Then let that man help our prince.
Since you are worried
Wear my clock and sword,
and get outside.
Wear my clock and sword,
and get outside.
Why would I do that?
To really understand what
it's like to be Janos.
The end of your path, Janos.
The end of your path, Janos.
Hope is comforting.
The truth makes you live.
The truth makes you live.
Doubt kills you.
I've heard that Turk Akinci's are brave.
But I never thought they would take
the risk to go to hell and kill the devil.
But I never thought they would take
the risk to go to hell and kill the devil.
Allah is the greatest.
Say it, Turk.
Are there spies like you at headquarters?
You will die so painfully
Your begging won't change anything.
Master Urban!
A Turkish Akinci would never lie!
He is deceiving you.
Will you work for this man whom sold
your daughter to Byzantine as a slave?
I bear witness that there is
no god but Allah.
I bear witness that there is
no god but Allah.
And I bear witness
I'm saying that
I'm saying that
When it intensifies, the Serbs will come
with their army to support that Janos.
We won't be able to stop them.
We won't be able to stop them.
Brankovic, he can't betray us again.
-Are you sure, Saltuk?
-Yes, sir.
-Are you sure, Saltuk?
-Yes, sir.
We must get to Bali Bey, and confront
the Serbs in the dark valley, sir.
If what Saltuk says is true,
we don't have much time.
If what Saltuk says is true,
we don't have much time.
If Malkacoglu' can't get Kosovo in time
The army will collapse.
There is no other way
to stop Serbian army, Emir.
It's enough for our Sultan's army
to hold on just a while.
Then, we'll push Brankovic back
and go in to Kosovo, God willing.
Let's go and see with our own eyes.
Where is Korkut?
Is what that Turk said true?
Where is my daughter?
Is what that Turk said true?
Where is my daughter?
Aren't you a little bold
when we'll almost win the war?
You still need me to adjust the
deflection settings on those cannons.
You still need me to adjust the
deflection settings on those cannons.
Where is my daughter?
Do you remember what happened to
you last time you threatened me?
Do you remember what happened to
you last time you threatened me?
All I want is to expel those Muslims who
curse our country with the call to prayer.
All I want is to expel those Muslims who
curse our country with the call to prayer.
Then you will meet your daughter.
I promise you.
Do you understand now?
God willing
I have complete faith
in victory, Candarli.
God willing.
God willing.
The Kosovo will be filled with chants
of the victory of Islam, sir.
Kosovo is the land
where many armies get victories,
Kosovo is the land
where many armies get victories,
Many heroes became veteran
Where my grandfather Murad Han
became a martyr.
Next to him is also
your great-grandfather.
Next to him is also
your great-grandfather.
Candarli Ali Pasa.
Yes, sir.
Do you know the prayer that my grandpa,
Murad Han, said on these lands?
Do you know the prayer that my grandpa,
Murad Han, said on these lands?
Oh God!
Make me a sacrifice for these Muslims.
Do not defeat a believer
at the hands of infidels.
I sacrifice my life for
this victorious army.
Accept my prayer.
Either we will be a victorious Muslim,
Or a martyred soldier.
God willing, sir.
What are you trying to do, Janos?
We put a lot of effort into that union.
Why did you kill the prince of Moldavia?
His mind was full of doubt.
His mind was full of doubt.
I saved him from torment.
He should be grateful to me.
There wasn't a single
Moldavia soldier left outside.
And you are lying back
and enjoying yourself.
And you are lying back
and enjoying yourself.
There is no need for all this stress.
There is no need for all this stress.
There isn't any Moldavian
that knows their prince is dead.
There isn't any Moldavian
that knows their prince is dead.
What do you mean?
Where are they?
Some of them wait in the dark valley,
where I will ambush the Akinci'.
Some of them wait in the dark valley,
where I will ambush the Akinci'.
What about others?
They will prove impossible
to defeat Janos.
They will prove impossible
to defeat Janos.
I put Wallachians I blinded,
and send them to Murad's tent.
-Will they hand them over?
Bags filled with gunpowder
were placed on their backs.
Of course, they don't know
what they carry.
While they think they'll be given
the Turks and run to Murad's tent
While they think they'll be given
the Turks and run to Murad's tent
After the flamed arrows of
Protect the prince.
There are many of them, Prince.
My dear.
Did you have a bad dream, son?
Did you have a bad dream, son?
My roses!
The roses my father gave me.
The roses my father gave me.
Protect the prince.
The Ottomans, whom you decided to
sell your brothers for, stands there.
The Ottomans, whom you decided to
sell your brothers for, stands there.
But I won't be as cruel as you.
Here's your chance.
Here's your chance.
Whoever reaches
the Ottomans will be saved.
Whoever does not
will be a target for our arrows.
Whoever does not
will be a target for our arrows.
And maybe they'll know what will
happen to them when they see you.
Let's go.
Come on, walk.
Let's go.
They say Hungarians are strong.
Is that true, sir?
There is no one stronger than us
on the battlefield. Be brave.
There is no one stronger than us
on the battlefield. Be brave.
What is this, sir?
Who is there?
There is an attack!
-Yes, sir.
-Protect the tent.
-Yes, sir.
-Protect the tent.
Line up!
What are these sounds?
-Pick up your weapons, soldiers.
-Protect the Sultan.
-Pick up your weapons, soldiers.
-Protect the Sultan.
The arrows come from
the direction of the forest.
The arrows come from
the direction of the forest.
To the forest!
What's going on, Candarli?
Sir, we are under attack
from the northern border.
Sir, we are under attack
from the northern border.
You enter your tent.
Let's go.
Protect the Sultan.
Don't forget, the biggest tent is Murad's.
Don't forget, the biggest tent is Murad's.
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