Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch (2021) s01e03 Episode Script
Mormon Gold
Need to get in these caves
before the winter sets
in on us.
Because we found gold
coming up from the cavern.
I want to find out
what the hell's down there.
That's bottom, boys.
-We're in.
-[all cheering]
We've opened up that hole,
it looks like Chad's going to
be able to get down in there.
I want the guys to be safe.
I won't take [bleep]!
Forty-five feet.
He's at the bottom, plus.
There's a box there.
Maybe something.
-No [bleep]!
-Yeah, we're on the spot.
[all cheering]
There's some places on Earth
that just don't seem right.
The land feels different,
it acts different.
And this here,
is one of those places.
Some say the land is trying
to hold on to something.
-Aztec treasure.
-Holly [bleep]!
-Caverns of gold.
-Look at this.
There will be million
dollars here.
Some even say,
there's a buried space here.
[man] Yeah.
Me? I never cared much
about the stories.
I just care about finding
whatever the hell's
in the ground.
-Let's get out of here!
We got here.
Ah, there it is.
-There he is.
-Yeah, right.
That's no bigger than this.
I could not have fit
through there with a tank on.
You had to go sideways
so you could bend forward in.
-Yeah, see that.
-You could tear a hole.
All right there.
And you hung up.
Which happened.
The hose got hung up in there.
We had to go through some
rough stuff to get there.
I was getting tangled in those
lines right there.
[man] That you dive route
to it.
[Chad] Yeah.
The lines that I had were
tangling up around my legs
and they would get
caught on these rocks,
and I'd have to go back
and get the line, and
or they could have been
cut, man. With that line,
I mean, it could have been cut
50 feet away, and you
wouldn't really know.
You just feel lack of pressure
water getting in there.
I mean, realistically,
if we went in there
five more times,
someone probably
wouldn't come out.
It's that sketchy.
Oh, wow. Well, that's
getting a little too tighter.
-Not so confined space.
-Confined, son of a bitch.
This takes confined to
another league here.
-It goes in a lot further than
I thought.
-Yeah, it does.
-You're swimming there.
-What? What is that?
-Is that, that's man made.
Yeah. You could see that.
Logs right there.
That's the log structure.
-That's the box.
And see how it helped
those ropes right there.
-How it's held together.
What the hell is son of
a bitch doing there?
[all laughing]
I'll be excited too.
Yeah, that is cool.
Yeah, but you couldn't go
through it,
but you could see in there.
There's just a bunch of rocks,
so I could see.
Look at this deal. I mean,
you're talking about old
times stuff here.
This has to be
hundreds of years back.
Look at that.
You can't build
something like that underwear.
Underwear? No way.
Yeah, that's that.
That there was built,
then this cave was flooded.
-There's no doubt about that.
-That cavern at one time.
[Eric] It's known that the
the Aztecs have hidden things
under caves by diverting water
to flood them purposefully
as a method to to hide
something of great value.
You know, the end of the day,
we're going to have to find
a better entrance.
What I've seen in this footage
is very high risk stuff for
Chad and Ryan.
But what they found is huge.
It's huge, it's uh, it don't
get no bigger than that.
With two miles
a cave system beneath us,
there's got to be, got to be
some kind of dry entrance.
-There's another access.
There's another access
because, you know, damn good
and well, they didn't build
that son of a bitch
right there.
I mean, if they built it,
that they had,
they had a huge access
that we're not seeing, right?
Yeah, we just need to get
[bleep] in there and find the
dry entrance.
-All right.
-All right.
-Set a plan.
-Well, yeah.
Even though we're not holding
a box of treasure counter
money yet.
Way now know that someone put
something in the cavern
30 foot down.
And we found both natural gold
and processed gold
when we found that coin.
So I'm thinking there could be
a boatload gold right
underneath out your feet.
So, here's the tricky part.
How do we get it from down
there up here?
[Eric] I've got this really
highly concentrated die.
It's nontoxic.
When it hits water, it turns
fluorescent green color.
These cave systems,
the groundwater
is flowing beneath the ground.
The idea is we put it
in that water
and it'll spread out.
First we see where it goes.
See if it's finding
a fracture.
See if there's any flow
in there right now.
Sometimes caverns, they flow
really strongly, like an
underground stream.
So the whole idea behind this
is if we could get it to
follow fractures and get into
that cavern system.
We could maybe find another
entrance where we might find
another place to drill.
Based on how that
by spreads out.
If we see it another area.
God, that'll help us out.
Maybe we can go in dry
instead of wet.
-I'd rather walk in
than swim in.
[Ryan] We have 9,600 feet of
flooded caves that's a mile
and three quarters.
And if we can get above the
water table to enter in
certain other places,
we could have a dry walk in
instead of uh, wet walk in.
Here it comes.
She's going to bring
the bucket over here.
We're gonna jump in,
so we can kind of get
right in the center.
I'm ready.
All right.
You could find about six or
eight feet above water level
that's would be perfect.
Back to work.
Wow. Look at that.
It spread like crazy.
I see us streaming
over that way.
Looks like it's all moving
towards the deeper water.
OK, Duane,
you can stir it up.
The pull, man.
Next step is, we go looking
around, scanning the area.
If we can find seeps
in different areas,
we can map that, we could
develop delineation,
we may be able to look further
to the north to find
a dry opening
to this cave system.
-That'll mix it up.
-Oh, that will.
[Chad] Duane that looks great,
I think we're mixed up enough.
Thank you, sir.
[Eric] This dye we're using,
it's biodegradable,
it's organic.
Thing is it only gives you
about two days before
it dissipates.
So it's imperative that
we introduce it and then
explore a soon as possible.
[Eric] Trying to get right
down in the bottom here.
The creek bed here,
so this would be the
obvious spot.
We'd find the dye, but
Should we fly the drone?
-Yeah, probably a good idea.
-[Ryan] Why don't we do that?
Yeah, let's fire it up.
[Chad] It's pretty simple,
We have a cavern that showing
signs of natural gold,
but also the Spanish coin
and whatever the hell
that boxes.
But we don't have a safe way
in to see what's hiding
in there.
So we dump dye in the water.
And that will spread anywhere
where the water flows.
If we find the dye
seeping out from somewhere,
hopefully we can go above
that punch into the cavern
and hopefully find
a dry entrance.
-Okay, there is
-There's the dig site? Yeah.
OK, now we're going down
the creek.
-Okay. Okay.
-Yeah, I'm pretty good view.
[Eric] Got it.
There's a series of
beaver ponds down there.
-Yeah, there is.
-Trying to get it there.
Yeah, there's the water,
getting tight there.
I'll just go right over it,
and zoom down.
We're just looking for
a little seepage coming
out the back.
That's all it takes.
-See any dye or anything?
-I don't see it.
I don't see anything.
Yeah, I think we would see it
in the edge there
if it diluted out.
[Eric] Another thing we could
do is walk when it gets dark.
Just walk down there
with UV light
and we'll just shine it
right on the edge of the bank.
[Chad] Nice.
We've got
this pond full of groundwater.
So if we can interpret
what's going on with
this water,
the water will tell us
where another entrance
to this cave system is.
If we find the entrance to
the cave system,
we see what's in
the cave system.
And hopefully,
it's a bunch of gold.
[Chad] I mean,
after hearing about
this buried treasure for years
and now we see
a box down there,
it's all I can think about it.
We have to get back in there.
[Duane] We dyed the pond green
so we could see if
we could follow the water
to find another entrance.
So far, we haven't seen
So we're gonna go out,
look in the dark
because it will be easier
to see the dye glowing.
But first, we're going to
spread the dye around
a little more.
Plunging this water
is going to get that dye
spread out throughout
the cavities.
Hopefully, it will stretch out
all the way to
the ninety six hundred feet
of scans that we have.
These satellites can show us
the disruption
of the density of the earth,
so we know there's caverns.
But the scans are
not a treasure map.
It's not an X marks
the spot type of deal.
The scans do not show
entry points.
That technology just
doesn't exist,
so it's up to us to figure
the rest out.
We worked the hell out of it.
if that dye is
not in there now
I mean, it's the end.
Before we go out and look for
where this dye might show up.
I just want to give you
an idea of what
it might look like.
This is what it will look like
in the water,
but we should also be looking
on the banks.
It'll look like that.
See that?
-It really stands out.
-Sure does.
[Chad] Wow.
So even if that water
has come up and then receded,
we should still be able to
see it right along the banks.
[Chad] Nice.
I think this gives us
the best chance to figure out
-where this water is going.
We figure out where
the water is going,
we can figure out
where that cavern might be.
-You figure out where
the cavern might be.
Maybe we find the gold.
There you go.
-Yeah, let's go down there.
-Let's go for it.
[Chad] Cool.
We can't forget about
what happened the other night
with that mutilated deer.
Hey, it's right over your
Look at this.
What the [bleep].
It's [bleep] head has been
chewed off.
-We gotta really
be careful now.
Watch every
move we make.
[Eric] Loose in here.
[owl hooting]
All right,
let's dim our lights.
We'll put this UV on
and we'll just start looking.
Earlier today we came out
and we took
a preliminary look for it.
The idea is,
earlier it wasn't dark enough.
Things look
different at night.
We're coming out at night.
We're in this creek bed
that's directly
below the dig site.
And we hope to find
this bright green dye.
I'm not seeing any green.
[Duane] Bouncing by a mountain
lion scab right back there,
that looks fresh.
Within 24 hours.
[Eric] We should probably
make ourselves a known here
to any predators
that are in the area.
[metal clanking]
[Duane] Coming through.
Coming through.
[owl hooting]
[Eric] This green dye should
just pop when we see it.
I don't know where the hell
we are, to be honest.
[Duane whistling]
[Eric] You sure we came
through here, Charlie?
[crickets chirping]
[Eric] Wait a minute,
are those tracks?
[Chad] That's not human.
[Duane] That's fresh.
That was just made.
[Charlie] It's glowing white.
[Eric] It's almost like
the animal secreted something.
[Duane] Yeah.
[Eric] I don't recognize
the track at all.
It's really strange.
[Charlie] You kind
of see the heal
and all the way up
to the to the toes.
[Eric] Yeah.
[Duane] Is bigger than any cat
or bear that I've seen.
-[Duane] Oh!
Do you hear that?
-[Duane] Do you hear a sound?
[all clamoring]
[Eric] Let's go. Let's go.
[Duane] Hell outta here.
[Chad] This way.
-Everyone out.
-[Duane] Get outta here.
[indistinct chatter]
-[Chad] Let's get out of here.
[Eric] Let's go.
We're headed out.
[man] Ah! [grunts]
[Chad speaking]
-[Eric] Right up here.
-[man grunts]
[Eric] There's a road here.
[all panting]
[Chad] What the [bleep]
was that?
[man] I don't know.
[Eric] Let's keep the lights,
uh, surrounding us here.
[breathing heavily]
And just do a 360.
[man] Man
[Eric] That stay on the road.
[Duane] What the hell
would do that?
[Eric] It's an animal.
[Chad] Yeah.
[Eric] That freaked
me out though.
[panting] That, uh, that print
and that weird noise.
-[Chad] What could
that have been?
-[Eric exhales]
-You got made, Chad.
-[Eric exhales]
-[Duane] Damn, it's moving
out, right there.
[Zoey] My mom says
that you can't go out
between, like, 11 to 1 AM.
because the skin walker,
it'll go out
and It will snatch
you right up.
[interviewer] Have you heard
of that actually happening?
-Like, people disappearing?
-[Zoey] Yeah.
One of my friends,
her sister
got snatched up by it
when she was really little.
And does she live?
Or did she just disappear?
For all we know, she's dead.
They haven't been
able to find her
or her body or anything.
They found, like,
scraps of her dress
that she was wearing.
But other than that, nothing.
You know, right now,
given the fact of the noise
that we heard down there,
I'd like to keep
everybody out of that area,
'cause it's so dark.
And it's so dense down there,
you could just walk
right up to it
and not even know it
until you're in,
you know,
face to face with it.
[Eric] Let's work
this bank here
and see if we can, with the UV
and see if we can find a seep.
[Chad] Yeah, okay.
[Eric] And let's get
the hell out of here.
[Duane] 'Cause,
whatever it is,
it's still down there.
Yeah, let's keep
an eye out on
the dark side here.
[Duane] And I'll walk
over here.
[Eric] yeah.
[Duane] We can keep
searching up here
because we've got
visual down in there
and we could see
up the mountain.
So, I think I think
we're okay here.
But you still got to be
watching your six
at all times.
[Charlie] No cow is gonna
make that noise.
[Eric] No.
[Chad] And I didn't hear any,
you know, leaves cracking
or footsteps
or anything like that.
[Eric] No, whatever it was,
it was just standing
there watching us.
[Chad] I think so.
I have had that feeling.
-[metal clanking]
-[Chad] Oh, okay.
[Eric] Here's that little
creek we crossed.
Yeah, I think
if we cross here.
We can go back
to the bank after this.
[Chad] Okay.
[Duane] This is wet.
[Eric] Look at that.
[Chad] Oh, wow.
[Eric] That's, um,
lichen, I think.
Or moss.
So far we haven't found it.
We found lots
of other interesting things.
We found red fluorescence
orange fluorescence,
but this green dye should
just pop when we see it.
So, we're getting up
in elevation a little bit,
but we're still lower
in elevation than
the main dig site.
Look, look at
the cedar trees.
[Charlie] Oh, wow.
[Eric] I think we should
head over there.
[Charlie] Yeah, they take
a lot of water, those cedars.
[Eric] Yeah, Just a little
cluster of 'em right in here.
[Chad] Right,
it's kind of random.
[Eric] Yeah, it is. It is.
[Chad] All these dead
trees around--
[Eric] Dead trees
and nice healthy,
-healthy cedar's right here.
-[Chad] Right?
[Eric] Oh, whoa, what's this?
[Eric] Let's look
right up in here.
[Chad] All these dead
trees around--
[Eric] Yup, dead trees
and nice healthy,
-healthy cedar's right here.
-[Chad] Right?
[Eric] Oh, whoa, what's this?
-Look, look.
-[Chad whistles]
-[laughs] You can
see it there.
-[Eric] That's it! That's it!
[Duane] Yeah, brother.
[Chad] Where's it coming from?
[Eric] That's it.
Follow it up.
[Chad] Where's it coming from?
[Eric] Keep shinning it.
Look at that.
Look at that trickle.
[Chad] You can see it.
[Eric] I think it's a little
spring basically.
[metal clanking]
See where
it's coming out.
Yeah, it's coming
out right here.
-Right under this rock.
-You see it?
-That's a natural spring.
-[Chad] Yeah.
[Eric] And it's the water
from the dig.
It starts right here.
-And how far does it go down?
-Goes down about 5 ft.
So, she's barely seeping out.
It probably just started
not too long ago, maybe.
[Duane] It might be all
that surging?
Yeah, well,
all that surging opened it up.
Is it right under
the rocks there? Check?
-Uh, yeah, yeah, sure.
-So, we search just right
under these rocks right her.
[Chad] That's it.
You put the light on it,
and it just glowed.
Just like that same green.
It has to be connected
to the water over there.
So, I'm going to take,
uh, elevation here.
-I'll take a GPS.
-[Chad] Yes.
We'll go back.
Put it on the map.
This would be one
of the dig sites.
Yeah, we'll draw a line
between here and the dig.
-[Chad chuckles]
-We'll drill it. Absolutely.
-We've got
a valid target here.
-Wait till your dad
hears about this.
-I know.
[Duane] This is exactly
what we wanted to see.
-This is awesome.
-[Duane] good job.
[Chad] Thank you.
So, we found a way into
the cave over by the pond.
But, whoever
put the box in there
didn't go in that way.
It's a death trap.
But finding the die here means
that there has to be
a connection between
these underground caves.
Because we're, you know,
a quarter mile away,
or something like that.
So, if this is another
entry point,
that's that's perfect.
I mean, a dry entry point
would be ideal.
-Hell, yeah.
-I can't wait the drill this.
[Eric] You see those
cedar trees over there?
That's where we found the dye.
Yeah, let's go take a look.
So, we're north
and a little bit west
of where your main
dig site is.
There was a burn
that went through here.
You having it, right?
[Chad] Yeah.
[Duane] It takes a lot
of water for them little
fellas to stay alive.
[Eric] Yeah.
Maybe a little more
healthy than most.
[Eric] Yeah,
the ones that survived.
I'm thinking they may be
tapped into that water source,
and that's what enabled 'em
to survive the fire.
So, I'm thinking,
if possibly you get in a rig
and put trail right up in here
or something like that.
Cut a little road up here,
make a little
platform for 'em.
[Duane] Exactly.
[Duane] This information
is very good.
So, I'm gonna
make a couple calls
and try to get a rathole
rig in for tomorrow.
Rathole rigs
are not very cheap,
but I'm very interesting
in getting into this area
where Eric thinks
that there might be an entry
point to these caverns
I'm very interested.
[Chad] Have you ever seen
the guy at the beach
with a metal detector with,
like, sandals and socks on?
That's Charlie right there.
So any chance Charlie gets,
he's out there
with his metal detector
looking for something.
So, he was up
the butt crack of dawn
and found an old
metal bracelet.
So, since we can't get
the rathole rig
up here for another day,
we're gonna go back up there
and just see
if we find something else.
'Cause every single
thing we find here
is just another
piece of the puzzle
Right around here is where
I found the, um, bracelet.
[Chad] Yeah, yeah.
[Charlie] And, uh,
there's a like a cave
-that goes in,
that's filled in.
And it was right around
that is where I found it.
So, I want to go check
that some more.
[beeping continues]
[Chad] My metal detector
is going crazy already?
[Charlie] Yeah.
[beeping intensifies]
[Charlie] That's a very
strong single.
[Chad] Someone's been,
you know, that.
[beeping continues]
[Charlie] I'm getting
a good hit right here.
[beeping intensifies]
It's going like crazy,
right by [bleep] surface.
[Charlie] About four inches.
-[Chad] Four inches?
-I mean, all I do is scratch
the surface and it's there.
-[Charlie] Hey!
[Charlie] Look at this.
[Chad] Ha!
There's a coin.
[Charlie] What's it say?
Says to the Lord Holiness.
$20, 1849.
-[Charlie] $20.
-Ha! That's amazing, you know.
[Charlie] 1849.
Everywhere I look,
it's going off.
Something's right
in here somewhere.
Ha! Look at this. Found one.
[Charlie] Really?
1849. [laughs]
The coin's from over
a 170 years ago.
Why are they here?
I don't know.
I've never seen one.
[Chad] These coins
are totally different
than the Spanish coin
that we already found.
So, it just gets more
and more strange.
Hell, yeah.
So, we just made the landing
for the rathole rig.
That thing has to set
so flat, it's unreal.
So, we had make 'em
a little platform there.
[Charlie over walkie-talkie]
Hey, Duane.
[Duane] Yeah,
go ahead, Charlie.
Whenever you can
break free from that,
you're gonna wanna
come over to the, uh, cabin,
and see what else we found.
Copy that, Charlie.
Be over there in a minute.
[Charlie] You ain't gon'
believe this?
[Duane] What?
[Charlie] Look at that?
What the [bleep]
[exhales and laughs]
-It's kind of crazy how
that holes in there.
-[Charlie] Yeah.
[Duane] 1849.
This might be a heck
of a deal here.
Holy cow.
Look at this. Pure gold.
It says on here, " Pure gold."
-[Chad] Yeah.
We found stuff
on the property before.
But we've never found
coins like this.
Still had to figure out
what the deal is.
I'm sure they have
a value to 'em.
Uh, what it might be,
I don't know.
But I'm sure somebody
wants to know about 'em.
Here's the deal.
We need to find
an expert that knows
about these things--
Yeah, I'll start off some
research on that.
I think
this is very interesting.
I just don't know
why in the world
they would be on this ranch.
We'll come up
with some answers.
[Duane] Holy cow.
-Look at this. Pure goal.
It says on here, "Pure gold."
-[Chad] Yeah.
[Duane] Here's the deal.
We need to find an expert
knows about these things--
Yeah, we'll come up
with some answers.
I was a sheriff's deputy
for 20 years,
so, getting to the bottom
of things is what I do.
So, now,
we have a Spanish coin,
a box of something
in the cavern,
a nd we've got
these old coins from 1849.
It's just a bunch
of puzzled pieces
that at this particular time
aren't fitting together.
I've got some coins
we found out on our ranch.
-[Bob] All right.
-I wanted to see
maybe if you could
kind of tell me
a little bit about 'em.
[Bob] Okay.
The coins that I found here,
they're all either
it's like pure gold or PG.
So did you actually
dig these out of the ground?
I was doing
a little metal detecting
in a particular area
and that's where
I came up with 'em.
Let's take them all out.
Let's get
a good look at everything.
[Bob] Wow, these are all
Mormon gold pieces.
Wow. Okay.
[Bob] And they're
all very valuable.
If any of these are real
They'll be well over
a million dollars here,
you know, probably
$1.4 million, $1.3 million.
Wow. [chuckles]
We normally do
an analysis to make sure
that the composition
of the medals is correct.
With these,
they would have
been made with 90% gold.
So let's go ahead
and do that first
and see what we've got.
[Charlie] I'm not
a mathematician
but at $1.4 million per coin
with nine coins,
that's a [bleep]
load of money.
So that one there, um,
it's actually a copper coin
that's got
a nickel coating on it.
and then it's got
a small amount
of gold on the outside.
[Bob] Somebody must have
thought these were real
because they have
holes in them.
Somebody's had a welder
and actually melted the rod
right through that plating
to see what's in the core.
I bet you thought these were
from the Lost Rhoades mine.
[Charlie] I'm not
a coin collector.
So everything I learnt is
pretty much new.
Your ranch is part of
the most famous treasure hunt
that's never been solved.
-All of those gold pieces
were actually
made from gold that,
supposedly is in this area.
The story goes is that
in about 1858
a Mormon leader
by the name of Brigham Young,
sent Thomas Rhoades,
to befriend the Indians
here in the southern slopes
of the Uintas.
And about two
and a half weeks later,
the story goes
that as he trotted along,
gold nuggets were falling
out of the saddle bags.
So, and this gold
of Thomas Rhoades,
it came from
Spanish conquistadors
from now day Mexico City.
They were set
to enslave the Indians.
the Indians rebelled.
Killed their Spanish captors
and they took
the goal and hidden it,
and people have been
looking for it ever since.
and that's where the
Lost Rhoades mine is.
Someplace up
in these mountains,
and your ranch
is in that area.
[Charlie] You know,
even though we didn't find
millions of dollars' worth
of Mormon gold coins,
they did give us an angle
to pursue on this.
This very well could leads us
to something much bigger.
[Duane] What's going on,
Uh, just, you know,
ran back in town.
I went to see
that coin dealer.
He said they're counterfeit.
So he tell you anything else?
He told me about
how they fled to Utah
and brought all
of their gold with him
and got with the Ute tribe.
And then they put all of
their gold in these caverns.
What else do you have to say?
I mean, we kind of knew
what we had there,
but one of the guys
with the Mormon Church
would come out and
kind of befriended the Utes.
And, ah, the Indians
saw that the Mormons
were very poor at that time,
and the Utes
didn't use the gold.
Didn't mean anything to 'em.
And this Rhoades guy came out
and they showed him
where the gold was,
and they let him take gold.
Pounds of gold
back into their settlement.
Wow. Wow.
So the estate gold and
the Mormon gold
apparently are the same thing.
-Starting to tie some stuff
together then.
-[Charlie] Yeah.
But he did say that your ranch
is right there
in the middle of all that.
-[Duane] So that's, that's
pretty big stuff right there.
-Yeah, it is.
Supposedly that
Rhoades guy was
Ended up taking
about 60 pounds of gold
back into their settlement.
Sixty pounds.
That's a lot of gold.
-That's a lot.
What if that's what's
in that box that we found?
-Gold left there.
-No telling what's left?
Yeah, It could be
hundreds of pounds in there.
You know, they didn't come up
with only 60 pounds of gold
all the way from Mexico.
Well, if you barricade it
with ten inch logs
-I mean, it must be
something big.
-In a cave.
-In a cave. Yeah.
And then they flood the case.
Yeah, this just
keeps adding up.
This just keeps adding up.
-[Charlie] Yeah
-It's getting
It's getting good.
We just got to find
the right way in.
[Duane] We know that
there's close to two miles of
flooded caves underneath us,
and we know
that there's gold in 'em.
We pulled a coin
out of the pond
and we also know
there's a box down there.
But since we can't get
the treasure out that way,
we've got to find
another way in.
Thanks to Eric
and the trick with green dye,
it looks like
we might be sitting
on another entry point.
Come on, baby.
Oh, yeah.
[Eric] We're drilling in hopes
of locating a cavern entrance.
[Duane] Eric,
this is your pick.
This is the spot right here.
This target
is really promising.
You've got the fluorescent dye
coming out
right from the dye
that we injected
into the main dig water.
And here we are,
maybe a quarter mile
downstream from it.
And we found it coming out
where these cedar trees are,
which are known
to tap into ground water.
You can't
not drill something like this.
Charlie, what the hell
are you doing?
[Charlie] Supervising.
[Duane laughing]
All right. Hit it.
[Duane] So we use
these rathole rigs
in the oil industry,
and we can get down
to about 125ft
to see what's down there.
Hey, grab a sample.
[Duane] So these
things aren't cheap.
So, a 30ft hole is
gonna cost us around $5,000.
But we will do
whatever it takes
to keep moving forward
and find this gold.
[Eric] Okay, keep going.
So as the rathole rig drills,
I'm taking samples
every couple of feet,
hoping to find the green dye
that we injected in the pond
in hopes that
this is connected
to the cavern system
at the main excavation site.
-[operator] Twenty four.
-[Eric] Okay.
We'll go another six feet
and see what's happening.
It's getting
slightly more moist.
But we're still ways
off ground water, I think.
I, uh We're going home.
Not seeing quite
what we need.
[Eric] Thirty one.
Let's hope for something
in four more feet or
-It's drying, it's just
-[Duane] Yeah? [bleep]
What do you think, Eric?
Yeah, I think we could
move on from this one.
I think that's a good plan.
[Eric] I just have
this feeling that this spot
may not be
the answer to
where we'll find the cavern.
We went to 35
If we hadn't
seen a void at 35ft
We're not going
to see it here.
I mean, I don't have
all the answers
for why we didn't see
the green dye.
Why there isn't
a cavern entrance right here.
I don't know.
There's always that point
where you have to
sort of regroup,
and, uh, and we're
just cutting our losses
at this point.
I don't know what's going on.
It kind of defies logic.
What the hell.
Never seen a worm like that.
[Charlie] I'd come down
to the site to
do some cleanup of our tools.
Get them out of the water.
And I saw some worms
moving in the water
and I'd never seen
anything like that.
Wonder where
these would've came from.
Gonna get that here.
Wow, these suckers
are everywhere.
You know,
when we first drilled there
and the blind white frogs
came up out of the drill hole.
You can actually see
right through it.
And now we're seeing
a translucent worm.
Let's get you some water.
You know more of these
things that come up
gives us more ambition to
actually get into the cavern
and actually see what we can
actually find down there.
Take this back to see
if anybody's ever seen one.
[Chad] Down here, I think.
We may see
this guy show hopefully.
Look at what
I just found out at the pond?
What the hell is that?
I was at the pond,
cleaning up.
And those were all over.
They came out of pond?
They were
in the pond swimming around.
Yeah, right by the shore.
[Duane] What,
what are those things?
[Charlie] I've never seen
anything like that here.
Look at how they move.
Uh, wow. We found some, um,
amazing creatures
in the water.
They're sort of translucent,
very light colored
with dark bands.
This is really weird.
Can see inside of it
right there.
It tells us that
these things are probably
living underground
basically in the water.
So those frogs
were like, albino
No pigment on it.
It's just like this.
These air kind of see through.
So it makes you think
it's total pitch darkness.
You wouldn't think
something like that
would live near the surface.
No, it couldn't could.
It's evolved
to have translucent skin,
I guess. Huh?
So how did they get up there
by the surface suddenly.
[Duane] You are
working on that hole, right?
You're plunging, right?
I think what happened
probably was that
vacuum action you were doing
that surging brought them up
to the surface.
Has to be.
And I had to put
the vacuum on there somehow.
Had to.
We know now that with that
surge that we were doing
we were also
pulling out worms,
probably from the same place
where the frogs are.
So if these things
were living in the cell,
they might be extracting
whatever minerals
are in the cell.
Well, these might
have gold in 'em.
-We need to look at these.
Our first step.
We need to look at these
under the microscope
[Duane] Let's do it.
With Eric being here
and bringing in
his knowledge
of different things.
It's huge on how
he might be able to take
that worm and check it out
to see if there's
particles of gold in there
like they're
itty-bitty miners in there
because that's how
they process their food.
[Eric] All right, here we go.
[intense music playing]
[Eric chuckling] Look at that.
He's a glow worm.
Put UV light on him
and they glowed up
ethereal light blue color.
I don't see
any gold in 'em, but,
oh, it's the weirdest thing
I've ever seen.
I think that's pretty typical
of what you would expect
to see cave dwelling creature.
So these things that might be
living in a cavern.
[Eric] What do you see?
One weird son of a bug.
These animals
didn't use a rathole rig to
get down and camp.
And whoever put that box
down there, didn't either.
So we know
there's a better way in.
We find that entrance.
and then we walk out
with whatever's in there Holy.
[Duane] Holy [bleep]
There is another entrance
we haven't found yet.
-[Eric] That's
a kill right there.
-[Chad] It's fresh.
-[Eric] Yeah.
[Duane] We've never had this
kind of problems before.
Some buck was mutilated.
The same damn thing.
You could just
tell it's not right.
-What the hell?
-Holy [bleep].
All the local say that
a skin-walker's
natural form is a wolf.
If something happens you're
just gonna haul your ass
out of there.
-[Chad] What just moved?
-You all right?
[Chad] Pull me out.
-Come on, buddy.
-Look at that.
-Oh, yeah.
Those petroglyphs could be
the original source
of this treasure came from.
[Chad] Y'all need to come over
south of the dig site.
I found a huge cave over here.
before the winter sets
in on us.
Because we found gold
coming up from the cavern.
I want to find out
what the hell's down there.
That's bottom, boys.
-We're in.
-[all cheering]
We've opened up that hole,
it looks like Chad's going to
be able to get down in there.
I want the guys to be safe.
I won't take [bleep]!
Forty-five feet.
He's at the bottom, plus.
There's a box there.
Maybe something.
-No [bleep]!
-Yeah, we're on the spot.
[all cheering]
There's some places on Earth
that just don't seem right.
The land feels different,
it acts different.
And this here,
is one of those places.
Some say the land is trying
to hold on to something.
-Aztec treasure.
-Holly [bleep]!
-Caverns of gold.
-Look at this.
There will be million
dollars here.
Some even say,
there's a buried space here.
[man] Yeah.
Me? I never cared much
about the stories.
I just care about finding
whatever the hell's
in the ground.
-Let's get out of here!
We got here.
Ah, there it is.
-There he is.
-Yeah, right.
That's no bigger than this.
I could not have fit
through there with a tank on.
You had to go sideways
so you could bend forward in.
-Yeah, see that.
-You could tear a hole.
All right there.
And you hung up.
Which happened.
The hose got hung up in there.
We had to go through some
rough stuff to get there.
I was getting tangled in those
lines right there.
[man] That you dive route
to it.
[Chad] Yeah.
The lines that I had were
tangling up around my legs
and they would get
caught on these rocks,
and I'd have to go back
and get the line, and
or they could have been
cut, man. With that line,
I mean, it could have been cut
50 feet away, and you
wouldn't really know.
You just feel lack of pressure
water getting in there.
I mean, realistically,
if we went in there
five more times,
someone probably
wouldn't come out.
It's that sketchy.
Oh, wow. Well, that's
getting a little too tighter.
-Not so confined space.
-Confined, son of a bitch.
This takes confined to
another league here.
-It goes in a lot further than
I thought.
-Yeah, it does.
-You're swimming there.
-What? What is that?
-Is that, that's man made.
Yeah. You could see that.
Logs right there.
That's the log structure.
-That's the box.
And see how it helped
those ropes right there.
-How it's held together.
What the hell is son of
a bitch doing there?
[all laughing]
I'll be excited too.
Yeah, that is cool.
Yeah, but you couldn't go
through it,
but you could see in there.
There's just a bunch of rocks,
so I could see.
Look at this deal. I mean,
you're talking about old
times stuff here.
This has to be
hundreds of years back.
Look at that.
You can't build
something like that underwear.
Underwear? No way.
Yeah, that's that.
That there was built,
then this cave was flooded.
-There's no doubt about that.
-That cavern at one time.
[Eric] It's known that the
the Aztecs have hidden things
under caves by diverting water
to flood them purposefully
as a method to to hide
something of great value.
You know, the end of the day,
we're going to have to find
a better entrance.
What I've seen in this footage
is very high risk stuff for
Chad and Ryan.
But what they found is huge.
It's huge, it's uh, it don't
get no bigger than that.
With two miles
a cave system beneath us,
there's got to be, got to be
some kind of dry entrance.
-There's another access.
There's another access
because, you know, damn good
and well, they didn't build
that son of a bitch
right there.
I mean, if they built it,
that they had,
they had a huge access
that we're not seeing, right?
Yeah, we just need to get
[bleep] in there and find the
dry entrance.
-All right.
-All right.
-Set a plan.
-Well, yeah.
Even though we're not holding
a box of treasure counter
money yet.
Way now know that someone put
something in the cavern
30 foot down.
And we found both natural gold
and processed gold
when we found that coin.
So I'm thinking there could be
a boatload gold right
underneath out your feet.
So, here's the tricky part.
How do we get it from down
there up here?
[Eric] I've got this really
highly concentrated die.
It's nontoxic.
When it hits water, it turns
fluorescent green color.
These cave systems,
the groundwater
is flowing beneath the ground.
The idea is we put it
in that water
and it'll spread out.
First we see where it goes.
See if it's finding
a fracture.
See if there's any flow
in there right now.
Sometimes caverns, they flow
really strongly, like an
underground stream.
So the whole idea behind this
is if we could get it to
follow fractures and get into
that cavern system.
We could maybe find another
entrance where we might find
another place to drill.
Based on how that
by spreads out.
If we see it another area.
God, that'll help us out.
Maybe we can go in dry
instead of wet.
-I'd rather walk in
than swim in.
[Ryan] We have 9,600 feet of
flooded caves that's a mile
and three quarters.
And if we can get above the
water table to enter in
certain other places,
we could have a dry walk in
instead of uh, wet walk in.
Here it comes.
She's going to bring
the bucket over here.
We're gonna jump in,
so we can kind of get
right in the center.
I'm ready.
All right.
You could find about six or
eight feet above water level
that's would be perfect.
Back to work.
Wow. Look at that.
It spread like crazy.
I see us streaming
over that way.
Looks like it's all moving
towards the deeper water.
OK, Duane,
you can stir it up.
The pull, man.
Next step is, we go looking
around, scanning the area.
If we can find seeps
in different areas,
we can map that, we could
develop delineation,
we may be able to look further
to the north to find
a dry opening
to this cave system.
-That'll mix it up.
-Oh, that will.
[Chad] Duane that looks great,
I think we're mixed up enough.
Thank you, sir.
[Eric] This dye we're using,
it's biodegradable,
it's organic.
Thing is it only gives you
about two days before
it dissipates.
So it's imperative that
we introduce it and then
explore a soon as possible.
[Eric] Trying to get right
down in the bottom here.
The creek bed here,
so this would be the
obvious spot.
We'd find the dye, but
Should we fly the drone?
-Yeah, probably a good idea.
-[Ryan] Why don't we do that?
Yeah, let's fire it up.
[Chad] It's pretty simple,
We have a cavern that showing
signs of natural gold,
but also the Spanish coin
and whatever the hell
that boxes.
But we don't have a safe way
in to see what's hiding
in there.
So we dump dye in the water.
And that will spread anywhere
where the water flows.
If we find the dye
seeping out from somewhere,
hopefully we can go above
that punch into the cavern
and hopefully find
a dry entrance.
-Okay, there is
-There's the dig site? Yeah.
OK, now we're going down
the creek.
-Okay. Okay.
-Yeah, I'm pretty good view.
[Eric] Got it.
There's a series of
beaver ponds down there.
-Yeah, there is.
-Trying to get it there.
Yeah, there's the water,
getting tight there.
I'll just go right over it,
and zoom down.
We're just looking for
a little seepage coming
out the back.
That's all it takes.
-See any dye or anything?
-I don't see it.
I don't see anything.
Yeah, I think we would see it
in the edge there
if it diluted out.
[Eric] Another thing we could
do is walk when it gets dark.
Just walk down there
with UV light
and we'll just shine it
right on the edge of the bank.
[Chad] Nice.
We've got
this pond full of groundwater.
So if we can interpret
what's going on with
this water,
the water will tell us
where another entrance
to this cave system is.
If we find the entrance to
the cave system,
we see what's in
the cave system.
And hopefully,
it's a bunch of gold.
[Chad] I mean,
after hearing about
this buried treasure for years
and now we see
a box down there,
it's all I can think about it.
We have to get back in there.
[Duane] We dyed the pond green
so we could see if
we could follow the water
to find another entrance.
So far, we haven't seen
So we're gonna go out,
look in the dark
because it will be easier
to see the dye glowing.
But first, we're going to
spread the dye around
a little more.
Plunging this water
is going to get that dye
spread out throughout
the cavities.
Hopefully, it will stretch out
all the way to
the ninety six hundred feet
of scans that we have.
These satellites can show us
the disruption
of the density of the earth,
so we know there's caverns.
But the scans are
not a treasure map.
It's not an X marks
the spot type of deal.
The scans do not show
entry points.
That technology just
doesn't exist,
so it's up to us to figure
the rest out.
We worked the hell out of it.
if that dye is
not in there now
I mean, it's the end.
Before we go out and look for
where this dye might show up.
I just want to give you
an idea of what
it might look like.
This is what it will look like
in the water,
but we should also be looking
on the banks.
It'll look like that.
See that?
-It really stands out.
-Sure does.
[Chad] Wow.
So even if that water
has come up and then receded,
we should still be able to
see it right along the banks.
[Chad] Nice.
I think this gives us
the best chance to figure out
-where this water is going.
We figure out where
the water is going,
we can figure out
where that cavern might be.
-You figure out where
the cavern might be.
Maybe we find the gold.
There you go.
-Yeah, let's go down there.
-Let's go for it.
[Chad] Cool.
We can't forget about
what happened the other night
with that mutilated deer.
Hey, it's right over your
Look at this.
What the [bleep].
It's [bleep] head has been
chewed off.
-We gotta really
be careful now.
Watch every
move we make.
[Eric] Loose in here.
[owl hooting]
All right,
let's dim our lights.
We'll put this UV on
and we'll just start looking.
Earlier today we came out
and we took
a preliminary look for it.
The idea is,
earlier it wasn't dark enough.
Things look
different at night.
We're coming out at night.
We're in this creek bed
that's directly
below the dig site.
And we hope to find
this bright green dye.
I'm not seeing any green.
[Duane] Bouncing by a mountain
lion scab right back there,
that looks fresh.
Within 24 hours.
[Eric] We should probably
make ourselves a known here
to any predators
that are in the area.
[metal clanking]
[Duane] Coming through.
Coming through.
[owl hooting]
[Eric] This green dye should
just pop when we see it.
I don't know where the hell
we are, to be honest.
[Duane whistling]
[Eric] You sure we came
through here, Charlie?
[crickets chirping]
[Eric] Wait a minute,
are those tracks?
[Chad] That's not human.
[Duane] That's fresh.
That was just made.
[Charlie] It's glowing white.
[Eric] It's almost like
the animal secreted something.
[Duane] Yeah.
[Eric] I don't recognize
the track at all.
It's really strange.
[Charlie] You kind
of see the heal
and all the way up
to the to the toes.
[Eric] Yeah.
[Duane] Is bigger than any cat
or bear that I've seen.
-[Duane] Oh!
Do you hear that?
-[Duane] Do you hear a sound?
[all clamoring]
[Eric] Let's go. Let's go.
[Duane] Hell outta here.
[Chad] This way.
-Everyone out.
-[Duane] Get outta here.
[indistinct chatter]
-[Chad] Let's get out of here.
[Eric] Let's go.
We're headed out.
[man] Ah! [grunts]
[Chad speaking]
-[Eric] Right up here.
-[man grunts]
[Eric] There's a road here.
[all panting]
[Chad] What the [bleep]
was that?
[man] I don't know.
[Eric] Let's keep the lights,
uh, surrounding us here.
[breathing heavily]
And just do a 360.
[man] Man
[Eric] That stay on the road.
[Duane] What the hell
would do that?
[Eric] It's an animal.
[Chad] Yeah.
[Eric] That freaked
me out though.
[panting] That, uh, that print
and that weird noise.
-[Chad] What could
that have been?
-[Eric exhales]
-You got made, Chad.
-[Eric exhales]
-[Duane] Damn, it's moving
out, right there.
[Zoey] My mom says
that you can't go out
between, like, 11 to 1 AM.
because the skin walker,
it'll go out
and It will snatch
you right up.
[interviewer] Have you heard
of that actually happening?
-Like, people disappearing?
-[Zoey] Yeah.
One of my friends,
her sister
got snatched up by it
when she was really little.
And does she live?
Or did she just disappear?
For all we know, she's dead.
They haven't been
able to find her
or her body or anything.
They found, like,
scraps of her dress
that she was wearing.
But other than that, nothing.
You know, right now,
given the fact of the noise
that we heard down there,
I'd like to keep
everybody out of that area,
'cause it's so dark.
And it's so dense down there,
you could just walk
right up to it
and not even know it
until you're in,
you know,
face to face with it.
[Eric] Let's work
this bank here
and see if we can, with the UV
and see if we can find a seep.
[Chad] Yeah, okay.
[Eric] And let's get
the hell out of here.
[Duane] 'Cause,
whatever it is,
it's still down there.
Yeah, let's keep
an eye out on
the dark side here.
[Duane] And I'll walk
over here.
[Eric] yeah.
[Duane] We can keep
searching up here
because we've got
visual down in there
and we could see
up the mountain.
So, I think I think
we're okay here.
But you still got to be
watching your six
at all times.
[Charlie] No cow is gonna
make that noise.
[Eric] No.
[Chad] And I didn't hear any,
you know, leaves cracking
or footsteps
or anything like that.
[Eric] No, whatever it was,
it was just standing
there watching us.
[Chad] I think so.
I have had that feeling.
-[metal clanking]
-[Chad] Oh, okay.
[Eric] Here's that little
creek we crossed.
Yeah, I think
if we cross here.
We can go back
to the bank after this.
[Chad] Okay.
[Duane] This is wet.
[Eric] Look at that.
[Chad] Oh, wow.
[Eric] That's, um,
lichen, I think.
Or moss.
So far we haven't found it.
We found lots
of other interesting things.
We found red fluorescence
orange fluorescence,
but this green dye should
just pop when we see it.
So, we're getting up
in elevation a little bit,
but we're still lower
in elevation than
the main dig site.
Look, look at
the cedar trees.
[Charlie] Oh, wow.
[Eric] I think we should
head over there.
[Charlie] Yeah, they take
a lot of water, those cedars.
[Eric] Yeah, Just a little
cluster of 'em right in here.
[Chad] Right,
it's kind of random.
[Eric] Yeah, it is. It is.
[Chad] All these dead
trees around--
[Eric] Dead trees
and nice healthy,
-healthy cedar's right here.
-[Chad] Right?
[Eric] Oh, whoa, what's this?
[Eric] Let's look
right up in here.
[Chad] All these dead
trees around--
[Eric] Yup, dead trees
and nice healthy,
-healthy cedar's right here.
-[Chad] Right?
[Eric] Oh, whoa, what's this?
-Look, look.
-[Chad whistles]
-[laughs] You can
see it there.
-[Eric] That's it! That's it!
[Duane] Yeah, brother.
[Chad] Where's it coming from?
[Eric] That's it.
Follow it up.
[Chad] Where's it coming from?
[Eric] Keep shinning it.
Look at that.
Look at that trickle.
[Chad] You can see it.
[Eric] I think it's a little
spring basically.
[metal clanking]
See where
it's coming out.
Yeah, it's coming
out right here.
-Right under this rock.
-You see it?
-That's a natural spring.
-[Chad] Yeah.
[Eric] And it's the water
from the dig.
It starts right here.
-And how far does it go down?
-Goes down about 5 ft.
So, she's barely seeping out.
It probably just started
not too long ago, maybe.
[Duane] It might be all
that surging?
Yeah, well,
all that surging opened it up.
Is it right under
the rocks there? Check?
-Uh, yeah, yeah, sure.
-So, we search just right
under these rocks right her.
[Chad] That's it.
You put the light on it,
and it just glowed.
Just like that same green.
It has to be connected
to the water over there.
So, I'm going to take,
uh, elevation here.
-I'll take a GPS.
-[Chad] Yes.
We'll go back.
Put it on the map.
This would be one
of the dig sites.
Yeah, we'll draw a line
between here and the dig.
-[Chad chuckles]
-We'll drill it. Absolutely.
-We've got
a valid target here.
-Wait till your dad
hears about this.
-I know.
[Duane] This is exactly
what we wanted to see.
-This is awesome.
-[Duane] good job.
[Chad] Thank you.
So, we found a way into
the cave over by the pond.
But, whoever
put the box in there
didn't go in that way.
It's a death trap.
But finding the die here means
that there has to be
a connection between
these underground caves.
Because we're, you know,
a quarter mile away,
or something like that.
So, if this is another
entry point,
that's that's perfect.
I mean, a dry entry point
would be ideal.
-Hell, yeah.
-I can't wait the drill this.
[Eric] You see those
cedar trees over there?
That's where we found the dye.
Yeah, let's go take a look.
So, we're north
and a little bit west
of where your main
dig site is.
There was a burn
that went through here.
You having it, right?
[Chad] Yeah.
[Duane] It takes a lot
of water for them little
fellas to stay alive.
[Eric] Yeah.
Maybe a little more
healthy than most.
[Eric] Yeah,
the ones that survived.
I'm thinking they may be
tapped into that water source,
and that's what enabled 'em
to survive the fire.
So, I'm thinking,
if possibly you get in a rig
and put trail right up in here
or something like that.
Cut a little road up here,
make a little
platform for 'em.
[Duane] Exactly.
[Duane] This information
is very good.
So, I'm gonna
make a couple calls
and try to get a rathole
rig in for tomorrow.
Rathole rigs
are not very cheap,
but I'm very interesting
in getting into this area
where Eric thinks
that there might be an entry
point to these caverns
I'm very interested.
[Chad] Have you ever seen
the guy at the beach
with a metal detector with,
like, sandals and socks on?
That's Charlie right there.
So any chance Charlie gets,
he's out there
with his metal detector
looking for something.
So, he was up
the butt crack of dawn
and found an old
metal bracelet.
So, since we can't get
the rathole rig
up here for another day,
we're gonna go back up there
and just see
if we find something else.
'Cause every single
thing we find here
is just another
piece of the puzzle
Right around here is where
I found the, um, bracelet.
[Chad] Yeah, yeah.
[Charlie] And, uh,
there's a like a cave
-that goes in,
that's filled in.
And it was right around
that is where I found it.
So, I want to go check
that some more.
[beeping continues]
[Chad] My metal detector
is going crazy already?
[Charlie] Yeah.
[beeping intensifies]
[Charlie] That's a very
strong single.
[Chad] Someone's been,
you know, that.
[beeping continues]
[Charlie] I'm getting
a good hit right here.
[beeping intensifies]
It's going like crazy,
right by [bleep] surface.
[Charlie] About four inches.
-[Chad] Four inches?
-I mean, all I do is scratch
the surface and it's there.
-[Charlie] Hey!
[Charlie] Look at this.
[Chad] Ha!
There's a coin.
[Charlie] What's it say?
Says to the Lord Holiness.
$20, 1849.
-[Charlie] $20.
-Ha! That's amazing, you know.
[Charlie] 1849.
Everywhere I look,
it's going off.
Something's right
in here somewhere.
Ha! Look at this. Found one.
[Charlie] Really?
1849. [laughs]
The coin's from over
a 170 years ago.
Why are they here?
I don't know.
I've never seen one.
[Chad] These coins
are totally different
than the Spanish coin
that we already found.
So, it just gets more
and more strange.
Hell, yeah.
So, we just made the landing
for the rathole rig.
That thing has to set
so flat, it's unreal.
So, we had make 'em
a little platform there.
[Charlie over walkie-talkie]
Hey, Duane.
[Duane] Yeah,
go ahead, Charlie.
Whenever you can
break free from that,
you're gonna wanna
come over to the, uh, cabin,
and see what else we found.
Copy that, Charlie.
Be over there in a minute.
[Charlie] You ain't gon'
believe this?
[Duane] What?
[Charlie] Look at that?
What the [bleep]
[exhales and laughs]
-It's kind of crazy how
that holes in there.
-[Charlie] Yeah.
[Duane] 1849.
This might be a heck
of a deal here.
Holy cow.
Look at this. Pure gold.
It says on here, " Pure gold."
-[Chad] Yeah.
We found stuff
on the property before.
But we've never found
coins like this.
Still had to figure out
what the deal is.
I'm sure they have
a value to 'em.
Uh, what it might be,
I don't know.
But I'm sure somebody
wants to know about 'em.
Here's the deal.
We need to find
an expert that knows
about these things--
Yeah, I'll start off some
research on that.
I think
this is very interesting.
I just don't know
why in the world
they would be on this ranch.
We'll come up
with some answers.
[Duane] Holy cow.
-Look at this. Pure goal.
It says on here, "Pure gold."
-[Chad] Yeah.
[Duane] Here's the deal.
We need to find an expert
knows about these things--
Yeah, we'll come up
with some answers.
I was a sheriff's deputy
for 20 years,
so, getting to the bottom
of things is what I do.
So, now,
we have a Spanish coin,
a box of something
in the cavern,
a nd we've got
these old coins from 1849.
It's just a bunch
of puzzled pieces
that at this particular time
aren't fitting together.
I've got some coins
we found out on our ranch.
-[Bob] All right.
-I wanted to see
maybe if you could
kind of tell me
a little bit about 'em.
[Bob] Okay.
The coins that I found here,
they're all either
it's like pure gold or PG.
So did you actually
dig these out of the ground?
I was doing
a little metal detecting
in a particular area
and that's where
I came up with 'em.
Let's take them all out.
Let's get
a good look at everything.
[Bob] Wow, these are all
Mormon gold pieces.
Wow. Okay.
[Bob] And they're
all very valuable.
If any of these are real
They'll be well over
a million dollars here,
you know, probably
$1.4 million, $1.3 million.
Wow. [chuckles]
We normally do
an analysis to make sure
that the composition
of the medals is correct.
With these,
they would have
been made with 90% gold.
So let's go ahead
and do that first
and see what we've got.
[Charlie] I'm not
a mathematician
but at $1.4 million per coin
with nine coins,
that's a [bleep]
load of money.
So that one there, um,
it's actually a copper coin
that's got
a nickel coating on it.
and then it's got
a small amount
of gold on the outside.
[Bob] Somebody must have
thought these were real
because they have
holes in them.
Somebody's had a welder
and actually melted the rod
right through that plating
to see what's in the core.
I bet you thought these were
from the Lost Rhoades mine.
[Charlie] I'm not
a coin collector.
So everything I learnt is
pretty much new.
Your ranch is part of
the most famous treasure hunt
that's never been solved.
-All of those gold pieces
were actually
made from gold that,
supposedly is in this area.
The story goes is that
in about 1858
a Mormon leader
by the name of Brigham Young,
sent Thomas Rhoades,
to befriend the Indians
here in the southern slopes
of the Uintas.
And about two
and a half weeks later,
the story goes
that as he trotted along,
gold nuggets were falling
out of the saddle bags.
So, and this gold
of Thomas Rhoades,
it came from
Spanish conquistadors
from now day Mexico City.
They were set
to enslave the Indians.
the Indians rebelled.
Killed their Spanish captors
and they took
the goal and hidden it,
and people have been
looking for it ever since.
and that's where the
Lost Rhoades mine is.
Someplace up
in these mountains,
and your ranch
is in that area.
[Charlie] You know,
even though we didn't find
millions of dollars' worth
of Mormon gold coins,
they did give us an angle
to pursue on this.
This very well could leads us
to something much bigger.
[Duane] What's going on,
Uh, just, you know,
ran back in town.
I went to see
that coin dealer.
He said they're counterfeit.
So he tell you anything else?
He told me about
how they fled to Utah
and brought all
of their gold with him
and got with the Ute tribe.
And then they put all of
their gold in these caverns.
What else do you have to say?
I mean, we kind of knew
what we had there,
but one of the guys
with the Mormon Church
would come out and
kind of befriended the Utes.
And, ah, the Indians
saw that the Mormons
were very poor at that time,
and the Utes
didn't use the gold.
Didn't mean anything to 'em.
And this Rhoades guy came out
and they showed him
where the gold was,
and they let him take gold.
Pounds of gold
back into their settlement.
Wow. Wow.
So the estate gold and
the Mormon gold
apparently are the same thing.
-Starting to tie some stuff
together then.
-[Charlie] Yeah.
But he did say that your ranch
is right there
in the middle of all that.
-[Duane] So that's, that's
pretty big stuff right there.
-Yeah, it is.
Supposedly that
Rhoades guy was
Ended up taking
about 60 pounds of gold
back into their settlement.
Sixty pounds.
That's a lot of gold.
-That's a lot.
What if that's what's
in that box that we found?
-Gold left there.
-No telling what's left?
Yeah, It could be
hundreds of pounds in there.
You know, they didn't come up
with only 60 pounds of gold
all the way from Mexico.
Well, if you barricade it
with ten inch logs
-I mean, it must be
something big.
-In a cave.
-In a cave. Yeah.
And then they flood the case.
Yeah, this just
keeps adding up.
This just keeps adding up.
-[Charlie] Yeah
-It's getting
It's getting good.
We just got to find
the right way in.
[Duane] We know that
there's close to two miles of
flooded caves underneath us,
and we know
that there's gold in 'em.
We pulled a coin
out of the pond
and we also know
there's a box down there.
But since we can't get
the treasure out that way,
we've got to find
another way in.
Thanks to Eric
and the trick with green dye,
it looks like
we might be sitting
on another entry point.
Come on, baby.
Oh, yeah.
[Eric] We're drilling in hopes
of locating a cavern entrance.
[Duane] Eric,
this is your pick.
This is the spot right here.
This target
is really promising.
You've got the fluorescent dye
coming out
right from the dye
that we injected
into the main dig water.
And here we are,
maybe a quarter mile
downstream from it.
And we found it coming out
where these cedar trees are,
which are known
to tap into ground water.
You can't
not drill something like this.
Charlie, what the hell
are you doing?
[Charlie] Supervising.
[Duane laughing]
All right. Hit it.
[Duane] So we use
these rathole rigs
in the oil industry,
and we can get down
to about 125ft
to see what's down there.
Hey, grab a sample.
[Duane] So these
things aren't cheap.
So, a 30ft hole is
gonna cost us around $5,000.
But we will do
whatever it takes
to keep moving forward
and find this gold.
[Eric] Okay, keep going.
So as the rathole rig drills,
I'm taking samples
every couple of feet,
hoping to find the green dye
that we injected in the pond
in hopes that
this is connected
to the cavern system
at the main excavation site.
-[operator] Twenty four.
-[Eric] Okay.
We'll go another six feet
and see what's happening.
It's getting
slightly more moist.
But we're still ways
off ground water, I think.
I, uh We're going home.
Not seeing quite
what we need.
[Eric] Thirty one.
Let's hope for something
in four more feet or
-It's drying, it's just
-[Duane] Yeah? [bleep]
What do you think, Eric?
Yeah, I think we could
move on from this one.
I think that's a good plan.
[Eric] I just have
this feeling that this spot
may not be
the answer to
where we'll find the cavern.
We went to 35
If we hadn't
seen a void at 35ft
We're not going
to see it here.
I mean, I don't have
all the answers
for why we didn't see
the green dye.
Why there isn't
a cavern entrance right here.
I don't know.
There's always that point
where you have to
sort of regroup,
and, uh, and we're
just cutting our losses
at this point.
I don't know what's going on.
It kind of defies logic.
What the hell.
Never seen a worm like that.
[Charlie] I'd come down
to the site to
do some cleanup of our tools.
Get them out of the water.
And I saw some worms
moving in the water
and I'd never seen
anything like that.
Wonder where
these would've came from.
Gonna get that here.
Wow, these suckers
are everywhere.
You know,
when we first drilled there
and the blind white frogs
came up out of the drill hole.
You can actually see
right through it.
And now we're seeing
a translucent worm.
Let's get you some water.
You know more of these
things that come up
gives us more ambition to
actually get into the cavern
and actually see what we can
actually find down there.
Take this back to see
if anybody's ever seen one.
[Chad] Down here, I think.
We may see
this guy show hopefully.
Look at what
I just found out at the pond?
What the hell is that?
I was at the pond,
cleaning up.
And those were all over.
They came out of pond?
They were
in the pond swimming around.
Yeah, right by the shore.
[Duane] What,
what are those things?
[Charlie] I've never seen
anything like that here.
Look at how they move.
Uh, wow. We found some, um,
amazing creatures
in the water.
They're sort of translucent,
very light colored
with dark bands.
This is really weird.
Can see inside of it
right there.
It tells us that
these things are probably
living underground
basically in the water.
So those frogs
were like, albino
No pigment on it.
It's just like this.
These air kind of see through.
So it makes you think
it's total pitch darkness.
You wouldn't think
something like that
would live near the surface.
No, it couldn't could.
It's evolved
to have translucent skin,
I guess. Huh?
So how did they get up there
by the surface suddenly.
[Duane] You are
working on that hole, right?
You're plunging, right?
I think what happened
probably was that
vacuum action you were doing
that surging brought them up
to the surface.
Has to be.
And I had to put
the vacuum on there somehow.
Had to.
We know now that with that
surge that we were doing
we were also
pulling out worms,
probably from the same place
where the frogs are.
So if these things
were living in the cell,
they might be extracting
whatever minerals
are in the cell.
Well, these might
have gold in 'em.
-We need to look at these.
Our first step.
We need to look at these
under the microscope
[Duane] Let's do it.
With Eric being here
and bringing in
his knowledge
of different things.
It's huge on how
he might be able to take
that worm and check it out
to see if there's
particles of gold in there
like they're
itty-bitty miners in there
because that's how
they process their food.
[Eric] All right, here we go.
[intense music playing]
[Eric chuckling] Look at that.
He's a glow worm.
Put UV light on him
and they glowed up
ethereal light blue color.
I don't see
any gold in 'em, but,
oh, it's the weirdest thing
I've ever seen.
I think that's pretty typical
of what you would expect
to see cave dwelling creature.
So these things that might be
living in a cavern.
[Eric] What do you see?
One weird son of a bug.
These animals
didn't use a rathole rig to
get down and camp.
And whoever put that box
down there, didn't either.
So we know
there's a better way in.
We find that entrance.
and then we walk out
with whatever's in there Holy.
[Duane] Holy [bleep]
There is another entrance
we haven't found yet.
-[Eric] That's
a kill right there.
-[Chad] It's fresh.
-[Eric] Yeah.
[Duane] We've never had this
kind of problems before.
Some buck was mutilated.
The same damn thing.
You could just
tell it's not right.
-What the hell?
-Holy [bleep].
All the local say that
a skin-walker's
natural form is a wolf.
If something happens you're
just gonna haul your ass
out of there.
-[Chad] What just moved?
-You all right?
[Chad] Pull me out.
-Come on, buddy.
-Look at that.
-Oh, yeah.
Those petroglyphs could be
the original source
of this treasure came from.
[Chad] Y'all need to come over
south of the dig site.
I found a huge cave over here.