Outlast (2023) s01e03 Episode Script


[suspenseful music playing]
[Nick] Let's go. You're good!
Get there!
[Jordan] I see Charlie
coming up on my right side.
I'm not worried about them.
[narrator] But Charlie
is quickly catching up.
Almost, almost, almost.
[Joel] Uh-oh. He started slowing down.
[narrator] Alpha Team has yet
to put their craft into the water.
If you had us a boat, we could go.
I'm working on it.
It's a little too late for that.
We're counting on Bravo.
[narrator] Their only other shot
at a crab pot for protein
rests in their alliance with Team Bravo.
[Javier] Use the stick as a gondola, man.
Brian, it's still shallow.
You can push with the ground.
Use the stick. Push the ground!
It's not that easy.
The current's too strong!
[Javier] Please, push the ground!
- Look, it doesn't work!
- [Javier] Use the stick!
It doesn't Now what?
[Javier] Use the other stick!
Push the ground!
Only one stick!
Shut up.
[Jordan] There goes Charlie Team.
I'm almost kinda chuckling at her.
I'm going right at the island.
She's going to the right.
What are you doing?
That's a huge mistake.
She's gonna go right past that island.
[Nick] Aim for the middle of the island,
not the nose, or you'll miss.
[suspenseful music continues]
[Jordan] She read the current
better than I did.
She zipped right past me,
and she was gone.
[Nick] She's goin'. Look, hey.
She's gonna get it, look. Go!
She caught the current perfect.
- [Nick] Yes, girl!
- [Seth] You got it!
[narrator] But in the end,
Angie from Team Charlie,
is the first player
to make it to the island.
[Nick] Victory. Tastes like food, baby.
- [narrator] Exhausted and wet
- Hell, yeah.
Angie must still find the crab pots.
But with only five on the island,
will she take just one to feed her team,
or will she take them all
to sabotage the others
and push her team ahead in the competition
for one million dollars?
All right.
Let's feed the boys.
[theme music playing]
[Justin] I'm here to play the game.
I'm here to win.
What is this?
Oh, yeah!
I didn't even see this in front of me.
Oh! [chuckles]
It blended in!
[narrator] Dungeness crabs
are abundant in Alaska.
Rich in protein and amino acids,
just one crab per person
is a satisfying meal.
Oh, baby.
I can't wait to fill this thing up.
[narrator] And these crab pots
can hold up to 12 crabs each.
[Angie] Oh, shit.
I think I proved to everybody here
that if they want anybody
on their team, it's me.
I got three,
and I think that's my max carry.
[narrator] Even though one crab pot
is more than enough to keep her team fed,
Angie takes as many as she can carry
in effort to cripple the other teams.
[Angie] I'm just robbing everybody,
and I ain't ashamed.
[narrator] Delta Team's Jordan
was swept up by the currents
and missed the island entirely.
[Jordan] I dropped the ball.
I took the wrong path,
and the river's gonna take me
wherever the hell it wants.
[narrator] Team Alpha's raft
is still incomplete,
and with the tide on its way back out,
their window to get to the island
is quickly closing.
[Jill] Perfectionism is what we pride
ourselves in. I know I have my whole life.
But out here,
we don't have time for perfectionism.
And Alpha's alliance team Bravo
[Javier] You're halfway there, man.
Come on.
also fares poorly
in navigating the Neka currents.
[Javier] Come on. You got this!
It's done. The current's too strong.
We needed to leave at our campsite!
He didn't follow
any of the advice or my pleas.
Can you swim it?
[Brian] I ain't going in the water.
[bleep] I lost the stick.
[atmospheric music playing]
[narrator] After a grueling race
against the other teams,
Angie is the only player
returning to camp with a victory.
[Angie] It was Nick that doubted me.
To show up with not one but three,
after him telling me that I couldn't do it
because he believed that I was trying
to take an easy way out of this game,
I just couldn't wait
to just shove it in his face.
- [Nick] We got three?!
- [Angie] Yeah.
[Nick] I can't believe you got three.
Hell, yes.
Oh, man.
I feel bad, Angie.
Like, good job.
You made us proud.
But at the same time,
I am banging myself up inside my head.
We're eating now, boys.
[narrator] It could take
at least another day
before they're able
to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
The next steps are to wait
for the tide to come in,
set the traps in the river,
and pray that they do their job.
How wet are my next pants and jacket?
[Seth] Your pants seem like
they're pretty saturated.
I don't like being in bed, man,
and everything is just wet.
It's taking forever 'cause I'm using
my body heat and this sleeping bag.
And it sucks
because the guys are up doing stuff,
and I'm just warming my clothes up,
just to be able to get out of this bag.
I feel useless right now.
[narrator] Despite their victory, tensions
between Nick and Angie are still high.
It is just out of character for me,
so I apologize.
I mean, I started it.
We were both exhausted.
So, I came out inappropriate,
and came out the wrong way,
and I kind of triggered her.
I didn't know what I was saying.
It just came out.
Literally, while I was talking, I'm like,
"What the [bleep]? What are you saying?"
Especially when you told me it triggered
your PTSD. I'm like, "My God."
[Angie] Yeah, it's a male thing, dude.
I get it. I was, like,
immediately ashamed of myself.
I understand your apology.
I see where you're coming from.
Hopefully, it doesn't happen again.
'Cause I won't hold back,
and I don't hold back.
- [Nick] I apologize.
- [Angie] I'm still happy with our team.
[Nick] Yeah, me too. I'm definitely happy.
[Angie] We just hit a rough patch.
It's all right, though.
[Nick] Plus, that was
high-stakes stuff, man.
Everybody wanted to throw down.
Not one person was like,
"Let someone else do it."
I think, in a weird way, I kinda lit
a little bit of a fire under her.
And so, not thank me,
but also, well, it didn't
turn out that bad, did it? [chuckles]
[Angie] It took forever, but I'm dry!
I think he sees me
in a whole other way now.
At least, I hope he does.
[Javier] Give me your stick. I'll pull ya.
- You soaking wet?
- [Brian] My boots are soaked. [bleep]
Damn it, I'm [bleep] now. Goddammit.
[western music playing]
[Brian] My whole inside is wet.
How the hell
am I gonna sleep tonight? I'm done.
How'd it go?
Well, it woulda got over,
but the current was too strong.
- Really.
- [Javier] And so
- Like taking you too quick?
- We put in too close to the island.
We should've been, maybe here.
I can feel good about myself.
I wanted to launch this thing at the camp,
utilize the current,
and aim that raft to the island.
We went out,
and the current was just pulling me
Yeah, it started dropping fast.
- I mean, look. This is an hour, I think.
- Yeah.
We gotta get him warm.
Sorry, guys.
- All right.
- See you later.
- I'll see ya.
- Take care.
[Brian] It was Javier's fault
we failed, obviously.
I let him make the final call,
and it was his failure.
It wasn't my failure.
[narrator] The agreement
between Alpha and Bravo
to share crab pots
with each other yields nothing.
There's a part of me
that wishes that Team Alpha
- was on that water right now
- I know.
going for the crabs because
Do we address it, or do we just let it go?
I don't know. I'm kinda fired up.
I am too, and you can tell it
'cause I'm running my mouth.
[Jill] I was counting on Justin
to build this boat,
and he failed, majorly.
Let's get the map.
Well, guess what?
This race, it's not over yet.
So, this is a tomorrow thing.
When low tide hits,
we can get across. We can walk to 'em.
I'll find the way
to get to the island without Justin.
[narrator] Jill is the only player
on the game board to discover
that there is more than one
way to get to the island.
When timed correctly with the tides,
it can be reached by foot.
Jordan from Team Delta
is also coming back empty-handed.
[Jordan] I'm trying to realize
why I lost that battle,
why I lost that fight.
[narrator] His fruitless fight
against the currents
has caused him to burn
over a thousand precious calories,
leaving him physically
and emotionally depleted.
I'm tired. I'm cold. I'm wet. I'm hungry.
And I just got my ass
handed to me on the river.
[narrator] His team
is unaware of the outcome.
[Jordan] My team has done their job.
I haven't done mine.
What's up, dude?
[voice breaks]
I felt the weight of that failure.
[dramatic music playing]
[voice breaks]
I'm so sorry, guys. I really thought
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I really tried to get it.
- [Paul] Come here, buddy.
[Joel] Nope, that's all right.
That's all right.
When Jordan came back,
I felt bad for him, you know.
That's my buddy. I wanna
keep him around 'til the very end.
- That's just a tough one.
- No. It is what it is.
We got a good boat, got another day.
That boat'll take us
wherever we need to go.
- We have tons of mussels for dinner.
- All right.
We'll get you taken care of. We're doing
the bed so you can come take a nap.
Don't think nothing more of it, dude.
[atmospheric music playing]
Heating tiny things is tedious,
but we need it.
I know.
[narrator] With the day's mission
ending in failure,
Bravo Team resorts to their last batch
of mussels to curb their appetite.
[Brian] So, Justin never put
that boat in the water?
Justin didn't even finish the boat.
We started an alliance with Jill
and Amber and Justin's team.
But now, I feel like
if they join forces with us,
they have to bring something.
And so far, it's been absolutely nothing.
Wait, are the boots dry now?
Yeah, a miracle happened
and they actually somewhat dried.
They're not totally dry,
but I'll live another day.
[Javier] I know I was upset with Brian,
but then I realized
I don't wanna lose Brian.
I kind of suddenly
had more of a fear in me.
What about you? What are you feeling like?
I tell you what.
I feel better that you're better.
If Brian goes down,
I gotta pack up my shit
and either find another team to join,
if they have me, or that's it.
My run here is done.
And so, yeah, crab would be nice,
but I'd rather keep my buddy.
I'm glad I'm stuck here with you, man.
- Yeah, same here.
- I'm glad you feel better.
I'd kinda sorta be [bleep]
without you, buddy.
[narrator] A frigid night seven
moves into a cold day eight morning
on the Alaskan game board.
While yesterday was a big setback
for three of the four teams,
there are still two crab pots
remaining on the island.
[Jill] Okay, ready.
[narrator] However, Alpha's raft
is still incomplete.
Still at it. Just cleaning her up.
We need to hurry.
[narrator] Fed up with waiting
for Justin to finish his raft,
Amber and Jill hatch a risky plan
to get the crab pots without one.
[Jill] So, we've decided
to take advantage of this low tide.
We're gonna hike the line as quick
as we can, before the tide comes in.
Okay, yeah.
[Jill] Let's see
if we can't get across in low tide.
I think that we're connected
to the island.
[narrator] In Neka Bay, the tides
reach their highest and lowest peaks
about every six hours.
It reached its lowest
at 6:20 a.m. this morning.
By 12:48 this afternoon,
the water will be up to 16 feet deep.
[Jill] Oh my God, look!
We can walk to the island.
[laughs] We can get our pots.
- [Jill] We are right on time.
- [both laughing]
[narrator] It took Amber and Jill
20 minutes to walk to the island.
[Jill] Look at that sight.
With the tide on its way back in
[Jill] Let's see if we can get to those.
[narrator] every minute they spend
looking for crab pots
increases their risk
of getting stranded there overnight
with no shelter or fire.
[Amber] Do you see anything?
[Jill] No.
Just another conch.
- I think we have plenty of those.
- Yeah.
[Jill] Setting it in that cove
is probably a bad idea.
Where are they?
[Amber] You can tell
the tide is coming in.
[Jill] We got a job to do.
We can't worry about that.
[Amber] We're on a mission.
[Jill] Why can't we find the other pots?
[Amber] I know it.
Where the heck are they?
We're beachcombing, and they're not here.
[Jill groans]
So frustrating.
The more tired and hungry that I get,
like, the more frustrated quicker I get.
[frustrated scream]
[narrator] As Amber and Jill
try to fight the rising river
in their search for crab traps
Dawn, from Team Delta,
finds a potential threat near their camp.
[Dawn] Bear tracks.
Oh, yeah.
Look at that.
[Jordan] That might've been the thing
I heard outside the camp.
- Doesn't seem like a very big bear.
- [Paul] No, it's not very big.
- No, I think you can take him, Jordan.
- [chuckles]
[Nick] Hey, y'all, hold up.
[tense music playing]
[Nick] Wanna talk legit.
Let's talk to these chumps.
See what they're about.
[whispering] Mess with 'em.
[narrator] Team Charlie
seizes the opportunity
to gather intel
on their competitors, Team Delta.
- [Paul] What's up, neighbor?
- [Angie] What's up?
[Nick] Good to see you all.
[Dawn] Hey, how are you?
[Angie] How's it going, man?
How's it going?
- Getting ready for this cold?
- I like the cold. I don't dig the wet.
Yeah, unfortunately,
we're gonna get more of it.
- [Angie] Oh, absolutely.
- Yeah, that's a fact.
[tense music continues]
Not gonna lie. I feel like
both of our teams are top.
What makes you think
you're as strong as our team?
I mean, we have three crab pots
to feed us all with, like, five crabs.
I was the only one to make it
to the island out of how many people?
[Seth] We are number one.
Yesterday proves that.
But we definitely want
a fourth member to join our team.
So, I think if we can
maybe get one person from their team,
and then that'll put us
back up to a team of four
and then obviously, give us an advantage,
muscle-wise, over the other team.
We're the last four team.
So far.
You can't You gonna gain somebody else?
[Nick] We've been looking for another one.
We wanted you guys to check it out.
See what's on the better side.
- On the better side.
- Absolutely.
Delta's definitely in the running
for the top dog out here.
I mean, they're a whole team
full of good competitors.
I don't think it would be smart
to take somebody
just to weaken their numbers
and boost ours.
At the end of the day, there's gonna be
three teams that's not gonna win,
and I definitely wanna be
on the winning team.
If I were you, with three,
and you only have a slot for one,
I would take someone from over there.
- We thought about that.
- Get that one out.
- [Angie] We know who we want.
- We know who we like.
Who were you guys thinking?
- [Seth] We can't tell you.
- [Nick] Can't tell you yet.
Charlie Camp, they really approached us
with the wrong demeanor.
"Our camp is the best
and blah, blah, blah, blah."
You come in and tell us
you only want one of us,
and you don't have the balls
to tell us? Come on, man.
[Paul] Just to be
straight up with you guys,
we're pretty tight.
Um, so we're not gonna break it up.
But if something was to happen, you know,
and it gets down to where that comes,
we appreciate the invite, and we're open
to discuss if something happens.
- Okay, that's fair.
- When it starts getting cold
- We're here to warm you up.
- Okay.
Like we've stated from day one,
best-case scenario
is that the four we started with is,
we just dominate.
- [Seth] Y'all take it easy, guys.
- [Angie] Take care.
[Paul] Stay safe.
But when it comes down to it,
my goal, obviously, is to win this.
You gotta keep your options open.
[tense music playing]
[narrator] Amber and Jill from Team Alpha
are still on the island
looking for the remaining crab pots.
[Jill groans, frustrated]
[narrator] Unfortunately,
their window to walk on dry ground
back to camp has closed.
[Jill] It's already covering up.
Well, we're gonna have to abandon this.
And get across.
Yes! Yes!
[upbeat music playing]
[Jill] We found our crab pots.
And we not only retrieved ours,
we retrieved Bravo's
to prove to them, you know,
we're trying to make an alliance
with you and be five strong.
[Amber] [bleep]
Did the tide already come in?
[Jill] Man, I wish we'd have got up
this morning earlier.
[narrator] Amber and Jill
have no way of knowing
how deep
the near-freezing water has risen.
[Jill] Shit. We're screwed.
The water has came in, significantly.
[narrator] They are faced with a choice.
Stay on the island and wait out the tides,
or attempt to cross the river,
not knowing whether
they'll have to walk or swim back.
[Jill] [bleep] it. Oh my God!
[Amber] Mother [bleep].
It's not getting any lower.
- [exhales]
- [Jill] Oh, that's deep!
Oh my God! Ooh.
You're knee-deep, right there?
[Amber] Yep.
[Jill] Shit, this was stupid.
It got deeper
and deeper.
[narrator] The water temperature
is below 40 degrees
which means Amber and Jill
are at a severe risk of hypothermia.
Oh my God.
[Jill] At this point, it's already been
close to 25 minutes
that we've been in these icy clothes, wet.
[narrator] Now, soaking wet
and exposed to the cold Alaskan air
[Amber] I'm cold.
the longer hypothermia is left untreated,
the deadlier the consequences.
[Jill] I knew it,
and I felt it go into my knees,
and I'm just, oh shit,
we're freezing to death.
[narrator] They must change
into dry clothes immediately,
or their heart rate could drop low enough
to send them into a coma.
We were on the verge of hypothermia,
and we had to get fire quick, quick-quick.
[narrator] So, Amber and Jill
rush back to camp,
expecting their teammate Justin
has kept the fire going
while they were gone.
[Jill] My body is lacking
to maintain warmth.
[tense music playing]
[Amber] Hey, Justin!
- Yeah.
- [Amber] We're gonna need you, man!
[narrator] Their teammate
has let them down, once again.
[Jill] Soon as we get the fire going,
then we can get in the sleeping bags.
So here we are, freezing to death,
trying to get a fire.
We need our third teammate.
Justin, we need your help!
I know you heard us hollering at you.
I know that you responded
when she yelled at you to come help us,
and you didn't do it.
I don't know if it was just tunnel vision
that we continue to see in Justin
working on the boat,
but it's just disrespectful.
[Justin] What the hell happened?
[Amber] We got the crab pots. We got
in the water. It was up to my chest.
If you'd have come over
when all that commotion was going on,
you would've known.
I couldn't hear.
If you came when we yelled to help us,
you would know that we're soaking wet.
It's not my fault you got in the water.
- Don't blame me.
- Jesus Christ, Justin!
[Justin] Jeez, I'm here.
I'm trying to assess what's going on.
- I didn't know what happened.
- [Jill] We're wet. We need a fire.
- [Justin] What do you need me to do?
- We need a fire.
[Justin] Check your tone talking to me.
I'm here to help.
Don't worry about a tone!
[Justin] I am worried because
I didn't understand what was going on.
If you woulda left your boat
for five seconds, you'd have found out.
I didn't know it was an emergency.
You coulda come and talked to me.
Are you serious?
- We're wet. You want us to come to you?
- [Justin] I didn't know!
You want me to read your mind?
- We want you to come when we call you.
- Don't assume I know what's going on.
Go play with your boat.
Don't tell me what to do.
If you want my help, I'm here.
- I can help, so
- [Jill] Yeah, you'll help, my ass.
[Justin] Let go of your shitty attitude
and talk to me like a mature person.
I'm not gonna talk to you at all.
I'm done with you for the day.
It's taken Justin two days
to build this boat.
I'm losing confidence.
I don't want your help.
- We manage just fine.
- What would you like, Amber?
- Split wood, cut feather sticks?
- [Amber] Yes, please.
If you could please
just cut those into smalls.
Just get my feet dry,
then I can take over.
[Justin] That's what happens when emotions
take control. You can't think straight.
You get shitty with people.
[Jill] He needs to prove to us that
he's worthy to be a part of this team.
It's gonna get nasty.
He may have to go find another team.
[narrator] Despite the turmoil
between team members,
Jill and Amber's risky strategy paid off
as they are the only other team besides
Charlie to win the crab pot challenge.
[intense music playing]
[wind howling]
[narrator] It's been nine days
in Alaska's unforgiving wilderness.
[Angie] I'm gonna bait the traps
[narrator] Team Charlie is hoping
to have a crab feast dinner tonight.
- [Angie]throw 'em out
- [Nick] Get us some crabs, girl.
- [Angie]and bring you some food, okay?
- [Nick] Do it.
So, turns out that it does make more sense
to put the lightest person on the raft.
You know, it's just physics.
[Angie] Heigh-ho, heigh-ho
Off to the crabs I go ♪
[narrator] Angie will brave the river
once again to set the crab pots
and after a few hours,
go back to collect them.
- [Seth] I believe in you, girl.
- [Nick] Happy hunting.
- [Angie] Thanks, guys.
- [Nick] Get it.
Like, nothing out here is easy.
This is all real.
We got the crab pot and it was a great
victory, but also, "Here's more work."
Uh, "Make it work."
[Angie] Bye, guys!
[Seth] Bye, Angie. Kill it.
[Nick] But Angie's tough, so,
if it works out
and we can make this thing pull
and it brings us food,
then it will have been worth
all the risk in the world.
[narrator] Crab fishing in Alaska
can be dangerous and unpredictable.
Even if Angie is able to navigate
the forceful currents and set the traps,
there are no guarantees
she will catch anything.
All right.
[narrator] A crab pot works
by using bait to lure the crab
into one of three strategically
placed openings called leads.
The upward slope allows them
to easily enter but not escape.
These cull rings allow the
smaller size crabs to escape,
leaving more room for bulkier,
meatier crabs.
And with the least durable raft
of all the teams,
Angie is guaranteed to get wet
and risk hypothermia.
[Angie] Pretty scary stuff.
[narrator] Charlie is not the only team
hoping to secure crab today.
[Justin] Can you get the bow in?
Go ahead, set her down.
Okay. Wow.
- Thanks, girls.
- Yes.
[narrator] Alpha Team's raft
is finally ready for its maiden voyage.
[Amber] Yes!
- Woo!
- All right, we're off.
Woo! Ah!
I'll go get the other one.
Just toss it.
So, this is not just Team Alpha.
- This is Team Alpha and Team Bravo.
- Yes.
[Jill laughs]
- We're good?
- We're good.
Wish we'd have fashioned a better paddle.
Yeah, but
[Jill] If we'd have had
two sticks with a tarp on it,
it would have caught more water.
But he did not want any help.
[Justin] Building the raft did take me
away from the camp a little bit.
I was a little over-ambitious.
It did take me a little bit more time
than I anticipated.
Team Alpha, baby!
But was the time spent
well worth it? I would say so.
That's [bleep] epic.
[Jill] Justin and I,
we've had a couple little spats.
But he built the best boat.
No doubt, it is the best boat out here.
Maybe Justin will come through for us.
I guess we'll see.
[upbeat music playing]
[tense music playing]
[narrator] Since Delta is the only team
without a crab pot,
Paul is going on a solo hunting expedition
and hopes to secure protein for his team.
After a few hours
and minimal signs of wildlife
Yes [bleep].
he spots some markings on a tree
that indicate deer may be nearby.
[Paul] This tree's been used
for several years.
You can see they use this like a signpost.
Every deer that comes
through will probably hit that.
There's a buck using this area,
and he's a good one too.
This is definitely a good sign.
[narrator] As the most
experienced hunter on Delta Team,
the pressure on Paul
to catch a deer is high.
[Paul] Gosh, it's tough.
Now, we're down to very limited resources,
and sometimes
I feel like I'm not doing enough.
[narrator] Just one could yield
more than 50 pounds of meat,
enough to sustain them
for two to three weeks.
[Paul] Holy shit.
[tense stinger]
[Paul] Definitely a bear kill.
So close to camp too.
[narrator] The deer carcass is not only
a sign of danger for Paul and his team,
it means that he has stiff competition
when it comes to hunting.
[unsettling music playing]
[Paul] Extra careful in here.
Damn squirrel. [exhales]
If I could just kill something!
[narrator] After nine days in the wild,
Paul is starting to lose faith in hunting
as a reliable food source for his team.
[Paul] To win the whole thing,
we've gotta get some protein.
What I've sacrificed to be here,
you guys don't know.
[voice breaks]
I've had these in my sleeve.
There's little notes on the back.
It says, "You got this, Daddy."
"We love you so much."
It's why I'm out here.
Makes it tough, you know. [exhales]
[narrator] Unfortunately for Team Delta,
Paul is returning to camp empty-handed.
While Team Delta faces their difficulties
[rain pattering]
[narrator] Justin takes his raft out
in hopes of securing crab,
but the weather takes an unexpected turn.
It's now foggy,
more cold, and more wet,
and Justin's patience is wearing thin.
Are you [bleep] kidding me?
Come on, come on, son.
Yeah, baby!
That's what I'm talking about.
[narrator] Justin collects a total
of 12 crabs for his team, Alpha,
and their alliance team, Bravo.
[Jill and Amber] Woo-hoo!
[Justin] Come on down.
I bring gifts.
Wow! Look at the size of that guy!
[Amber gasps]
- We're gonna eat good tonight.
- What?
- Oh my gosh!
- [Jill] Are you serious?!
Though the last team to get crab pots,
Alpha is the first team to acquire crabs.
Oh my God!
[Amber] They're huge!
Deficient in protein for nine days,
the hearty shellfish meal
will replenish Team Alpha.
It's so heavy!
Oh, I'm so sorry I'm gonna eat you.
I need to remember
that Justin is who he is
and I am who I am,
and together, we make
an incredible, hard rock team.
I've had so many traumatic
experiences in my life
that I distrust human beings in general.
But from here on out, I will have
1,000% of my confidence in him,
and I'll be behind him with 100% support.
We've caught crabs in Alaska! [bleep]
[narrator] Across the Neka River,
Charlie Camp waits to hear
if their crab mission was also a success.
[Angie] Nick! Seth!
- [Seth] Dude, that was Angie.
- [Nick] That was Angie?
Come see your dinner.
[Nick] We gonna eat tonight?
[Angie] Two each,
and these things are massive.
- [Nick] We eatin', baby!
- [Angie] Alaska provided!
- [Nick] Oh, man.
- [Angie chuckles]
- Fire's burning.
- Okay, let's all take the raft up.
[narrator] In a matter of hours,
Charlie Team's crab pot collected a total
of six Dungeness crabs,
weighing in at about three pounds each.
This haul will keep the team
moderately fed for the next two days.
[Angie] I think being here
and not having the basic things,
like food and water,
having to go and find it,
just makes you appreciate so much.
- [Angie] Thank you, sir.
- [Nick] Yep.
[Angie] You have to work for your stuff,
and it's just a strange,
true appreciation.
[Seth] Food, baby.
[Nick] Alaska provided.
[Nick and Seth, chanting]
Angie! Ho-ho-ho-hugga bugga!
[Nick] They smell so good, oh my God.
[Angie] I got on this crazy-looking raft
and fed the group.
It was hard, but I did it.
Fire-roasted crab, oh my God.
Oh my God.
Proud of you, Angie.
- [Angie] Thanks, man.
- [Nick] Proud of all you.
[voice breaks] I think I'm just
not used to doing good
or being told I'm doing good.
Dude, I look like a savage just digging
into this thing, but I don't even care.
- [Seth] I think we're eating tonight.
- [Nick] Yeah, we eat'n.
E-A-T apostrophe N, eat'n.
- [Seth] [bleep] English teacher.
- [Nick laughs] We eatin'.
[narrator] Charlie
aren't the only ones
enjoying a hard-earned feast tonight.
[Justin] You guys got the pots,
we set the pots,
we got the crab,
now we're eating the crab.
[Amber laughs]
- Alpha Team.
- [Jill] Alpha Team.
[narrator] Alpha Team stayed true
to their word by sharing their crab haul
with neighbors at Bravo Camp.
[Javier] Jill, Amber,
and Justin's kind gesture.
- Don't look at me when I'm eatin'.
- [both laughing]
Ah, look at that. Look at that.
Oh, yes!
Oh my God.
[narrator] The only team who will not get
to eat a hearty Alaskan meal tonight
is Team Delta.
Well, I'm feeling it.
I'm starting to feel it now.
The fact remains, we have to have protein.
Jordan, how much longer can you make it?
Not much longer.
[Paul] I haven't eaten in two days,
and it's just catching up.
And I just wanna secure some protein.
I'd say that our team dynamic
is starting to break down
and lose its integrity a little bit.
The name of this game is survival.
You gotta rely on your team for that.
Right now, our team just
isn't producing what we need.
[narrator] Since their own
fishing and hunting efforts
have been unsuccessful,
they discuss how to score protein
from the other teams.
So, I mean, we got the option
of bartering for a crab pot.
We've got an option
to barter for straight-up crab.
[Dawn] I don't want
nothin' to do with Charlie Camp.
That's a no-go.
[Paul] You always
have to think about strategy.
It's hard because you're restricted
by teammates.
Matter of fact, if we don't get food soon,
maybe none of us'll be here.
But any idea I come up with
or anything I say, Dawn shoots it down.
[Dawn] But what about stealing
one of those crab pots out there?
Is that an option?
[Paul] We're opening up a can of shit
if we steal one of their crab pots.
[Dawn] It's a game, Paul.
We gotta play the game.
To be quite honest with you, I'm not
super comfortable in our camp anymore.
I'm thinking about the letter
telling us, you know,
hey, the team you started with
may not be the team you finish with.
If something don't change pretty soon,
then I may be flying a new flag.
[upbeat music playing]
- [Paul] Hey.
- [Jordan sniffles]
I just fell asleep chopping wood.
I feel like dog shit today.
I'm starting to feel the hunger,
the tired, the cold.
Since I've come out here,
I can already feel I've dropped a notch.
My body's hurting, man.
I can feel like I can't
Are you getting black spots
when you stand up?
I'm getting black spots just being around.
Just moving around,
I'm having a hard time.
[unsettling music playing]
[Jordan] As of right now,
I don't think I'm sitting
in a good position.
We're not bringing in
enough protein to eat.
I do not have
the right body type for this.
I do not have the fat reserves
stored up in my body.
Um, I'm pretty much I can play my ribs
right now like an instrument.
I'm having to fight
to stay conscious a lot of the times.
If I stop moving, I fall asleep,
which is just another sign telling me
that my body is eating itself.
My head is starting to hurt.
[Jordan] I'm getting sick.
Like my stomach's getting sick
from the mussels.
- Yeah.
- I can't stomach 'em anymore.
I'm worried
that I'm gonna start throwing it up,
and that's a bad call.
[Paul] I don't know how long Jordan's
gonna be around. He's my guy.
I want to keep him around to the very end.
But if Jordan decides to go,
I need to talk to Charlie Camp.
And I need to do it incognito. Huh.
[Jordan groans]
[Paul] You cool?
You want me to help you up?
[Jordan] I'm good. [grunts]
[atmospheric music playing]
The teams endure three more days
of Alaska's intense
climate and conditions.
[Dawn] Oh, the last couple days
have been kind of a game-changer.
[narrator] And Delta continues to
come up short when hunting and gathering.
We're all tired. Our bodies
are literally eating themselves.
Their food supply has diminished,
and they're running on fumes.
I feel like we're all just ticking time
bombs and we're all slowing down.
I can feel my mind is slipping.
I can feel I'm starting to
to lose my train of thought easier.
[Dawn] We all decided
we were gonna take a nice, relaxed day.
The only thing Joel and I were gonna do
is get mussels and fresh water.
The next thing I know, Paul's like,
"Well, I'm gonna go off and cut
a tree down 'cause I'm Paul Bunyan."
Jordan's like, "You can't do that
by yourself, so I'll go with you."
[Paul] I told him to stay in camp,
and he wouldn't do it. It's just Jordan.
He's in fifth gear the whole time.
He'd mentioned
he was feeling light-headed earlier.
Really, what it's coming down to
is that I need some [bleep] food.
[somber music playing]
I'm just I'm just at a low, weak spot.
[Paul] He just depleted himself,
and it was just a matter of time.
[jarring stinger]
[body thuds]
Heard a large thump,
and I look and he's face down in the mat.
[man] This is Safety Four, we need
a medic on scene at location Delta.
[intense music playing]
I think when he fell,
he hit his head hard on the ground.
[man] We have one male contestant down.
He is unresponsive.
[Paul] It's a really scary moment.
I was really concerned for my brother.
He was He was in a bad space.
[intense music builds]
[closing theme music playing]
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