P.I. Meena (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

The Heart of Darkness

The ulcers are bleeding.
Get him ready for surgery.
-We have to stop the bleeding.
-Yes, Doctor.
You're not Dr. Andrew Rakhaw.
You are Imay Pokhral.
You brought me here yesterday.
But… are you gonna save my life…
or kill me?
Just like your father killed…
the whole of Littnong.
I don't know if I can
save your life, Banshu.
But I'm here to try.
How are you gonna save…
someone who's already dead?
I've already told you this.
Look, there's a new one right there.
And there's one over there.
This one's very lethargic.
This one's extremely sluggish.
And there's one dead pig over there.
-It's dead?
Do one thing.
Please take care of all
the remaining pigs here.
-Listen, Meena, if you're here to fight--
-I'm not here to fight with you.
I need your help.
What happened?
Did Mainline News print this article?
About 100 kilometers…
Hang on a second.
Send in the intern.
-Ashish, right?
-No, ma'am. Amit.
…is Littnong a small village
-Could you look into this
-where people are
-and tell me if we've printed it?
-dying of a mysterious fever.
Is this a new virus?
Ma'am, I'll just check.
Do you mind if I use this water?
So, the mother thinks
it was not an accident?
She thinks he was killed.
That's a lot to take in.
we didn't print this.
And none of the mainstream
newspapers has it either.
You can go now.
Excuse me.
Yeah, Omar?
Hi, Meenakshi.
I just spoke to the University office.
-Dr. Arsian is on leave.
He had to suddenly leave for Istanbul.
Some kind of an emergency.
There was this contact number
I found in his office.
-I tried to call him. No answer.
Okay, thanks.
I had a word with our correspondent
in the North East.
He'll get in touch with you.
You'll get all the information you want.
Thanks, Annie.
Meena, why are you doing this?
The column is ready.
So soon?
I told you, it writes itself.
Okay, well, great. Meena…
this is Maria.
She writes astrology forecasts for us.
And Maria, this is Meenakshi Iyer.
Okay, Maria, thank you.
We just have some work to finish.
I know.
I see love…
and death.
Okay, Maria. Thank you.
It wasn't anybody's fault.
I'm sorry about Maria. She's a little--
-Why did she say that?
-What do you think?
She's a fortune-teller
trying to make a living.
Trust me, I know her. She takes in people
at her place after 6:00 p.m.
Maybe she just wants you
as her customer.
I can't get the fortune teller's words
out of my head, Joy.
I couldn't have known that
one death after the other
will soon start piling up.
I thought I lost you.
What happened?
Where is Joy?
Please relax. Calm down.
I won't calm down!
Tell me, where is Joy?
Joy has been moved to another ward.
Go that way and take a left.
And please don't yell.
This is a hospital. Okay?
You scared me.
So, you really want to save me?
If people find out…
that you are Kedar Pokhral's son…
they will kill you.
I'm right here, Banshu.
I'm taking responsibility
for my father's actions.
Nobody's going to listen to this nonsense.
I have also been through a lot.
I don't think so.
Please sit.
By the way, if you're here
to dress my wounds,
it's already done.
The nurse in the emergency ward
was really sweet.
"Minister Nandan Sen
attacked by the rebels."
The Minister was with the rebels.
So, what do these reports mean?
What can I say about the reports?
I'm not a reporter.
What have you gotten into?
How is this my fault?
I was asked to organize a watch.
That's exactly what I did.
Subho, Adi was there too.
This will come and bite us!
Oh, really?
In the end, it's about you and your Adi.
You don't care if I live or die.
-Subho, I'm serious--
-Excuse me, sir!
You said that the court would
grant a verdict in my favor.
Well, the judge was
in a mood yesterday and--
Everyone had to take the heat.
Look, I don't care about the others.
I just care about my case!
I hope you remember
how much money I have paid you!
We can make another appeal to the court.
Make another appeal?
So, I'll have to pay you again!
Don't play around with me!
I get it.
You are a fraud!
You are all cheaters!
-Sir, please relax--
-You, let it be!
I know for a fact that you are incapable!
-Another satisfied customer?
-What, this?
Oh, no. He was just…
It's not an everyday thing.
Don't go from shit to deeper shit.
What is with your happy hormones?
Where are they?
Mama! Give me a plate of momos.
Has the pain subsided?
The pain in the body
of a Littnong resident can never subside.
Wait a minute.
Make sure to take one tablet
before dinner every night.
Why do you keep distributing
free medicine to everyone?
These are free samples
from medical companies.
may I ask you something?
My baby won't have any problems, right?
We'll try our best to make sure…
that your baby doesn't have any problems.
Who is "tigerone"?
Another scam in allocating funds.
Not bad.
Rebels and the minister are here.
Come on, tigerone!
Say something.
Say something.
Looks like I need to cultivate tigerone.
What do you call an elf who runs off
and stops working for Santa?
Rebel without a clause!
Hello, detective!
Turn around. I'm over here.
How is Mrs. Dey's phone with you?
Mrs. Dey is dead.
What are you up to?
Please tell me what is going on.
How did she die?
She hung herself.
What have you been trying to do?
I was trying to support her emotionally.
I may be slow-witted…
but I'm not stupid.
-How did you know…
Partho was going to Bagdogra?
Oh, yeah.
You're holding the boy's phone.
I have his phone, and I also have evidence
that the police erased all the data in it.
That's why I'm dealing with you…
I'm not your enemy, madam.
Listen up.
What's going on?
-I'm flying to Bangkok tonight.
-Why was Hazra here?
-Partho's mother killed herself.
You are not getting involved with any
of this shit! Do you understand?
-Hazra is a wicked man.
-Oh, yeah?
-He told me that you are…
-What did he say?
Did he call me wicked?
How long will the postmortem take?
It takes very long
if the case is not important.
Well, it's not important.
I heard that she committed suicide because
she couldn't cope with her son's death.
May I say something, madam?
The souls of those who commit suicide
or die in an accident…
don't attain liberation.
They don't rest in peace until they
find the answers they're looking for.
This is something the people
in my village believe.
He didn't die in an accident.
Some people were trying to kill him.
I need your help. Please.
Let's go, madam.
Come on.
I have a sinking feeling that
this is not going to end well.
But you need not worry.
Annie is with you, Joy.
-Yeah, listen, I've sent you
-the blessed Bangkok contact.
It's a landline number. So, add the code
of Bangkok before dialing the number.
-Okay, bye.
Listen, I'll be stepping out for a while
early in the morning.
You need not wake up.
I'll be back soon.
Hello! Littnong Hospital.
How can I help you?
Hello? Hello?
Hello, Adi.
-Yes, tell me.
-Listen, how's your mom?
Mom is fine. Yes. Tell me.
Okay. Actually, I need your help.
Of course, I am not going to Bangkok.
Pritam Sen might as well fire me for this.
But I need to do this.
Aren't you surprised by what I'm doing?
Because I am.
Hi, I'm Rupam.
You must be Meenakshi.
-Yeah, hi.
Thanks for seeing me. Please sit.
So, how was your flight?
I've stopped rating them.
Annie told me that you wanted
some information on the Littnong virus.
Yeah, so… it was a virulent outbreak.
But that was not the surprising part.
Well, then, what was surprising?
The fact that it was brought
under control in no time.
What do you mean?
You see, we don't work
very efficiently here.
But this time, it was magic.
Did you write about it?
Of course not.
Why not?
Human life has no value here
in the North East.
Who's gonna care about the dead?
The stories that I write
are never acknowledged.
So, you were saying that…
the outbreak was contained in no time.
-So, is there a good hospital in Littnong?
-Yeah, there is one.
There's a charitable hospital
run by the Chopra family.
-Chopras in Littnong?
There are three to four generations here.
Tea, timber, and perhaps
a few other things that aren't legal.
Any good doctors?
Yes, there's one. Dr. Andrew Rakhaw.
I've only heard about him.
Does he head the hospital?
He's probably the only doctor there.
Well, then, I'm sure
he knows about the issue.
I mean I'm sure he's had something
to do with containing the outbreak.
-Okay, I'll look into it. Wait.
-Dr. Rakhaw?
-Dr. Rakhaw.
What is the matter?
I just want to see him.
He's in the operation theater upstairs.
Please wait.
Yes, okay.
-Excuse me.
Hi, I'm looking for Dr. Andrew Rakhaw.
Is he around?
I'm Dr. Andrew Rakhaw.
And you are?
Meenakshi Iyer. I'm Partho's friend.
Parthopratim Dey.
Yes, he was supposed to come and see me.
Partho passed away.
He met with an accident.
That's devastating.
I'm sorry.
Are you a student of virology too?
Yup. Postdoctorate. Saskatoon.
So, the cold weather here
wouldn't be of concern to you.
I actually wanted to talk
to you about Partho.
-Where are you staying?
-Hill Look.
go to your hotel and get some rest.
I'll come and see you there.
By the way…
you need something warm.
Doctor, Partho wanted to meet you
regarding the viral flu outbreak.
But now the outbreak
has been brought under control.
Yeah, it was a bit of a scare.
Was there something peculiar
about the virus?
I can't say much about the virus,
but I do know about the fever
caused by it.
Initially, we weren't able
to bring it under control.
But after mixing and matching a few drugs,
and keeping the infected people
in isolation, we managed to control it.
So… was it a new virus?
I don't think so.
It was a flu virus
that never spread to this place.
Perhaps a foreign tourist
was a carrier of the virus.
This is just like…
the research paper of Dr. Wexler.
I'm sure you have read it.
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.
Shall we go there?
Where did you meet Partho?
We were a part of the
International Student One Health Alliance.
We met a year ago.
He was really looking forward
to meeting you.
So, you're here instead.
A virologist's quest?
Something like that.
I could show you the slides, but…
there's a ban on sharing
any information on the virus.
I have to move.
Dr. Rakhaw.
I understand the confidentiality of it,
if you could please show me the slides,
it would be really helpful.
Okay, I'll try.
Tomorrow at the hospital. 10:00 a.m.
-Good night.
-Good night, Doctor.
Good morning.
You should have called
if you needed anything.
Did something happen last night?
Yeah. One of the hospital wings
caught fire.
It was the path lab.
Luckily, no one was in there.
Path lab?
Whatever had to happen, happened.
Make sure there is no problem.
What the hell happened?
They say it was a gas cylinder blast.
Will you be around?
No. A gas cylinder leak is not a story.
Are you here for the next few days?
I'm leaving in the afternoon.
-I'll talk to you later.
-Yeah, sure.
-Hello, Mrs. Chopra.
Who is that girl?
Meenakshi Iyer. She's from Kolkata.
-Why is she here?
-She's inquiring about the virus.
-Is she a journalist?
-I don't know.
This path lab…
Are the slides gone too?
Thank you.
We have to get rid of Rakhaw.
-Make sure the work is done tonight.
The bamboo trees are flowering.
These bamboo trees…
do not flower for decades.
But when they do…
they destroy both humans and the forest.
These beautiful flowers
are flowers of death.
Fire pours down from the skies.
The forest gets charred and human beings…
are finished.
Our cursed mountains.
For you, this can be a myth.
But for us…
we bear the brunt of this myth.
Are you alright, Doctor?
It was my lab.
I have a slide at home.
You can check it out.
Was it a gas leak?
It could be anything.
When our forests burn…
you never know
how far the sparks will fly.
Please get moving.
-Hey, you're cutting in line!
-What are you doing?
There's an emergency.
We too have an emergency.
We need to go too!
-I'm waiting here since morning.
-You can't cut the line…
Come on, make it quick!
-You get back!
-This won't do!
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