Pablo Escobar: El Patron del Mal (2012) s01e03 Episode Script

Escape de la Cárcel

For our costumers' convenience
and to maintain our health,
we'll set up a processing line.
What you see here is a press,
the purpose of which
is to make each and every pack
that leaves this lab
weigh exactly the same.
This way, as you know,
once the product is pressed and packed
we'll always have
two pounds,
this weighs two pounds.
This way,
we can account for everything.
We'll know exactly
how much we're producing,
how much is being distributed,
sold and how much product
our dealers and clients are receiving.
Got it?
What are we going to call these things?
Yes. Things. This will be called "thing."
This is an awesome party.
Will you tell me
what you guys are doing?
Tell me about your business,
this kind of party isn't cheap!
Well, we
We're working.
Yeah, right.
Your employee won't tell me anything.
No, sir, not "employee." We're partners.
Listen to this guy! Boasting like this!
What are you guys doing?
Do you know those Motoa brothers?
The Motoa brothers? Of course, man.
Those guys send cocaine to the U.S.
- Why?
- Don't tell him.
- Come on, man, tell me.
- Relax, dude.
Look at him.
who the Motoas' top supplier is?
What a cool party!
- What's up, Pablo?
- Welcome!
Go get some drinks.
Yes, honey.
Sheriff, make yourself at home,
this is your neighborhood, your street.
- Thank you.
- I'll leave you to talk to Pablo.
I always said you'll be successful.
I see you're doing great.
You do what you can.
Give me some credit,
you learned from me.
Everything. It was always you.
Don't think I'm ungrateful.
Then, Pablo, take my advice.
Why don't we stick to our usual business?
Why this? Ours is safe, less stressful.
This will only give you headaches.
Ambition, maybe, I don't know.
Let me think about it.
I'll think about it
and let you know.
And we'll be both happy.
Okay, Pablo.
Think it through very carefully.
This is a great party, Pablo.
Thank you for inviting me.
Pablo, what a party!
Thanks for inviting
the whole neighborhood.
It is nice, isn't it?
Can you imagine the kind of party
we'll throw when we get married?
Pablo! We can't even call ourselves
a couple and you talk about marriage.
No, Pablo! Someone might see us!
I don't care if they see us. Do you?
- What the fuck, dude?
- Fabio!
Don't start making a fuss again!
Go home!
I warned you, Pablo Escobar.
I told you to leave my sister alone!
Leave her alone! She's just a kid!
- I'm not a kid!
- Go home!
Go on, go!
- Didn't I tell you?
- Wait.
Calm down and listen
to what I have to say.
Okay? Listen.
Patricia and I are in love.
We're going to get married.
Married? Are you dumb or what?
Come on, man! Stop it!
Pablo! Come here!
- Come on!
- Don't touch Pablo!
Don't touch him!
You're a puppet, motherfucker!
Pablo Escobar!
- Show your face, asshole!
- Come on, let it go!
Let it go!
- Okay, it's over.
- What's going on?
Are you okay, Pablo?
- What happened to Pablo?
- He was beaten up.
Nothing happened.
They were drunk and got into a fight
over a girl, nothing serious.
Nothing is going on here.
Mrs. Enelia threw a party for friends.
Don't ruin her party,
we're all friends here.
They got drunk and fought over a girl,
you know how it is.
- They made a fuss.
- We are here for something else.
I have an arrest warrant for you.
- What?
- What?
Hold on. Easy, Pablo.
No problem. Just relax.
There's no need for violence,
I'm a respected merchant.
Don't grab me.
Easy, Pablo, don't worry.
Take care of Enelia, and deal with it.
Roberto, please, take the woman home.
- Take her home.
- Pablo.
I hate Ecuadorians, dude.
Yeah, we need to be careful.
Pass me the wallet.
- Hello, I've got
- Don't bother.
Please, just open the trunk.
Are you taking something back with you?
- No, sir. Nothing.
- Are you sure?
You didn't feel like
buying fruit this time?
No, Officer. This time
my cousin and I are
only traveling around, that's all.
Sure. Come with me, please.
I know very well
what you have in those tires.
So, stop wasting your time, and tell me
what's the deal going to be?
$100, $300.
How much will it be next time?
This is bullshit.
There is something weird here, Gonzalo.
Hey, my man! It's Pablo!
What's up, man?
You're halfway there already!
What happened, Pablo?
- All good, Pablo?
- Hey, we're not friends, man.
What's the matter with you?
What happened, boss?
My cousin and I were driving
and the car started making noises and
well, it made it this far.
Weird. Everything was fine
just a few hours ago.
Oh, I can see something's come loose here.
Just give me a minute.
Sir. Sir.
Stop it!
What? What was that?
I'll speak to your cousin.
We can fix this, Pablo.
You know that every problem
in life has a solution.
Everything in life has a solution.
Okay, listen carefully, guys.
The job is in Ecuador.
We are putting together
a self-sustainable business
and we want to use Colombian workers.
We have a commitment to solve
the economic problems in this country.
Therefore, we are looking
for honest people.
We need hardworking employees
who desire better lives for themselves.
Who is going to sign up for the job?
- Me!
- I will!
All of you. Great.
Chili, write down their names.
Thank you, my friend. Thank you.
That's excellent.
We'll have plenty of work.
It's very kind of you.
- Hi there!
- Hey!
What's up, Gonzalo?
- Tucson, come back later.
- Sure, boss.
Let him in.
- Come in.
- How are you, Sheriff?
- Sit down. Coffee?
- Thank you. Sure.
- Are they taking care of you here?
- Well, it's still a prison, you know?
Yeah, that's right, but you have
friends in high places
who can get you out.
Yes, man.
Where's Pablo?
I thought he was coming, not you.
Well, he sent you a message.
Do you think I'm an idiot?
- What do you mean?
- I know Pablo is here.
- He isn't.
- Then why is his car here?
- I know you didn't
- What's up, Fabio?
- I was waiting for you.
- You two do whatever you want.
If you want a fight, I won't stop you.
What I have with your sister
is the real thing, Fabio.
- I love Patricia.
- Shut up.
Cut the crap, man.
How can you love her
if she's still a child?
I understand that, Fabio,
but these things happen.
- That's love.
- "These things happen"?
What are you talking about?
Shut your mouth
or I'll shut it for you.
- I'm getting out of here.
- Calm down.
Let's talk about it, bro!
I want us to be partners!
But why, Gonzalo?
Why deal in business
that will only mean trouble for all of us?
It's going to be bad for us,
the cops will be on to us
and it'll be bad for people.
I offered you a safe and secure business,
but no!
You insist on crossing the border,
ending up in jail there
or being shot in the head.
Say something.
- I want to talk to Pablo.
- That's impossible.
We're starting a profitable business.
It's an independent family business.
So don't worry about it anymore, Sheriff.
Thank you so much for everything.
Give this to Pablo for me.
I think he likes the Atocha one.
Open up.
Good luck, Sheriff.
Don't tell me this is all yours.
It was.
Now, it's yours.
Are you doing this because of Patricia?
No, not really.
I'm doing this because
you're not just the brother
of the woman I love,
but you are also my friend.
We are friends.
I don't know.
I don't know, Pablo.
I haven't finished studying.
I haven't and I must.
Well, that's your call.
Do you want to study or to be rich?
- What if I see something?
- Call me right away.
Careful, don't call me
unless you're alone.
In the meantime,
do as they say. Okay?
Yes, sir.
How are you?
- Great, how's your sister?
- Good, studying.
- That's good.
- Hurry up.
So, what now? Go on.
Okay, now you know.
Work hard.
I don't want any trouble. Be good.
- Yes, sir.
- Yeah, sure.
Yes, of course.
Okay, go.
Do you know where are we going?
They told me there was money involved,
and I go where that is.
Let's go.
Hello, Pablo.
- Go ahead.
- Thank you.
They stopped us.
- What if they'd searched us?
- They didn't.
- What if they had?
- They didn't.
I'm an idiot for listening to you.
Don't complain.
If we set up the business
and gave dignified jobs
to all those people in need,
it was to take the goods from here.
So, relax.
We'll tell those employees
to take the goods over there.
But that's not a one-man job.
I know, but you need to be
a man of vision.
You don't have to be cheap.
You have to understand
we're meant to do much greater things.
Much more important things.
We need to learn to delegate tasks,
like all good managers do.
Listen to yourself, "managers"!
That's the problem,
we're not managers, we're criminals.
That's what we are, criminals!
This is my stop. I'll go to Medellin
and you have to prove yourself here.
Manage the business.
Keep an eye on everything.
Make sure everything is secure.
Yup. Those guys have to work
day and night.
- See you later.
- Got it.
Take care.
- See you.
- Seferino, turn that on. We're leaving.
Let's go, close the door.
Hi, Patricia.
Are you mad at me?
I came to invite you
to go on a trip with me.
A trip?
You go missing for so long
and now you show up for a trip.
Yes, of course, to make it up to you.
No, Pablo, it's boring.
First, you promise me the moon,
you make me get in trouble
with my family and then you vanish.
No, that's why I'm telling you.
My plan is to go away
so we can be alone.
Do you know the trouble I'll be in
if I go with you
without asking for permission?
What's the problem? I don't care.
I'll face anything for you. Won't you?
And where would we be going?
A squad.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
This is the checkpoint
between Colombia and Ecuador.
Papers, please.
Seferino, hand me the papers, please.
All the papers are okay.
What are you taking to Colombia?
Hunger, Officer.
Is the truck empty?
Easy, turn around for a pat down.
Lend me your knife, soldier.
Hey, bro, what the hell?
Have you lost your mind?
Where is it?
Where's what?
How will you fix my tire?
Don't waste my time.
You know what I'm talking about.
Where is it?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Everything checks out. You may go.
Hey, easy, man. Calm down.
- Fabio! Fabio, come here!
- Let me go, Mom!
I'm going to kill that bastard!
You're scaring me!
- Let go. Pablo!
- Come back!
- Oh, God. Fabio!
- Pablo Emilio!
If you're so tough, come outside!
- Fabio, please!
- Pablo!
- What's all this ruckus?
- Where's Pablo?
"Good morning, Enelia, how are you?"
"I'm good, thanks. And you, Fabio?"
We can't find Patricia anywhere.
Is Pablo here?
Don't talk to Mom like that.
Patricia is nowhere to be found, man!
- Where is Pablo?
- Let's not fight. Let's calm down.
- Where's Pablo?
- Let's be civilized.
Calm down.
Don't talk to her like that.
- What's wrong?
- Where's Pablo, bro?
- I don't know.
- We can't find Patricia.
I need to find her, man!
It will be all right. Come, lean on me.
I'll walk you through every step.
Try to get some sleep.
Gasoline, huh?
Bring the papers now,
you'll be spending a long time in jail.
That's why you're found dead
on the road all the time, rats!
Who are you calling a rat?
Go get the papers, now!
There's no one with the name of Escobar
which other flights left
in the last two hours?
One flight to Cali departed not long ago.
- Cali?
- Yes, sir.
Hello, Grandma?
It's me, Fabio.
Have you ever been
to Cali before, Patricia?
I came here with my mom,
a long time ago.
We came to visit my grandma.
Oh, I see. Yes.
What's the matter with you?
You think you can just take the girl?
You pervert!
Hello, ma'am.
I'm Pablo Escobar Gaviria.
He's saying hi, Grandma.
Listen, girl. You shut your mouth.
My problem is with him.
He doesn't know a thing about respect.
You need to take care of yourself too!
Ma'am, for what it's worth,
I've never been disrespectful to her.
Oh, really?
Should I be thankful for that?
She is a decent girl.
And if you are seeing her,
you need to marry her.
By the power vested in me,
I pronounce you husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
Thank you, Father.
- Good luck, son.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Congratulations.
Thank you.
- Hello?
- It's her.
Be careful with what you say.
What is it?
I'm in deep shit and you are the only one
who can help me.
Wow, check out the trick shot!
Watch closely.
Hi, how are you doing?
I've got no money.
My brother is in trouble.
I'm feeling such a strange happiness.
It's just that
I can't believe you are my wife.
Is it true that Patricia is my wife?
Till death do us part?
That's too much happiness.
Peluche, go find Pablo.
So what happened to Chili?
He just gave me a number
for you to call him at.
Must be the shitty police in Ecuador.
- Is he going to jail?
- No, relax.
They called because they want money.
- Where's Pablo?
- Why do you care where he is?
- Gonzalo
- Why do you care?
He got my brother into this,
he has to sort it out.
- Relax.
- Don't tell me that.
- Don't give me that crap.
- Cousin!
There's a huge mess up there, in Cali.
Patricia and Pablo got married.
My mom says that all men are assholes.
And that you are no exception.
But you'll prove her wrong, right?
You'll be faithful, like the priest said.
If you promise me that no one else
will touch you, or look at you.
That you won't be naked with anyone else,
the way you are with me.
Then I'll promise to be
the best husband in the entire world.
And I'll also promise you
I'll be the best father in the world
to all the children we're going to have.
Are we clear on that?
And I mean it, nobody else.
But you promise to be faithful?
Hey, Gonzalo.
How did you get this number?
I'll tell you about it later.
We have a problem.
Won't you congratulate me?
Come on, cousin.
I will when you get here.
I need you in Medellin, now.
What do you mean?
They got one of our trucks in Ecuador.
Guess which one.
You just stay calm.
All of you, remain calm.
It's all cool here.
You just get back home, brother.
- See you.
- All good?
Stop busting my chops, Mireya.
Jesus Christ! Asshole.
Get in, we're leaving.
- Your people never came, let's go.
- Relax, Officer.
- Give it some time
- It's been half an hour.
Do you think I'm stupid? Get in!
Chill out, man. I came here from Ecuador
because they said the money was good.
Let's wait some more.
I'll tell you what.
Give me ten grand, and I'll let you go.
What are you talking about?
Do you think the stuff's mine?
I'm just an employee, bro.
You'll be negotiating in jail, then.
Get in, hurry!
Hello there.
Hi, boss.
Pleasure to meet you.
I'm Pablo Emilio Escobar.
How are you, sir?
Hi, Chili.
Excuse me, we were just
My cousin and I got a bit delayed
trying to find a solution to this problem.
Who owns the goods we seized?
I'll be honest with you, sir.
It all belongs to my boss.
I'm here on his behalf
so you can tell me how much you want
and we can solve this quickly.
You are the one with the cash.
So, you tell me.
Well, my boss sent five grand
as an advance.
He said as soon as he sells the goods,
he'll triple that amount.
So it will then be 15 grand total.
Money's not the problem here.
- You said your name was Pablo?
- Yes. Pablo Emilio Escobar.
Pablo, you are under arrest
for attempting to bribe an officer
and possession
with the intent to distribute.
- I'm just an employee.
- We are all employees, sir.
- Cuff him.
- Listen to me.
- It's not my fault
- You always screw up!
Don't start with your excuses, man!
- You can't live
- Freeze!
- Turn around!
- Easy, man!
I've got nothing, man!
Everybody says that.
What's wrong with you, huh?
- What, Fabio?
- Don't give me that!
I'm asking you a question!
Why are you out on the street
like a whore all day, huh?
You left without a word,
like you can do whatever you want!
You can't talk to me like that anymore!
I'm a married woman now!
Yeah! Because I told Grandma!
She took you to the altar!
You'd be out on the street
What's your fucking problem, huh?
Stop talking to me like that!
- Are our parents home or not?
- No, they aren't here.
What were you thinking, huh?
- There's nothing I can do now.
- I already got married, so
Come here.
Come here!
Does this mean you've forgiven me?
I knew it, Fabio!
Think about it. Are you sure
you don't want to negotiate?
Don't talk to him,
he's not paying attention to you.
- Leave it to me.
- He's not paying attention.
Hey, buddy.
- Listen, I'll
- You don't know who we are.
- Don't you see where you are?
- Stop it, man.
Calm down, man. Let it go.
- How do I clean this up?
- One moment.
What's so funny, you pussy?
Why are you smiling?
Guillermo, what do you think
about the crime section?
This, here.
This is the last straw.
I told him so many times to be careful.
He's always getting into trouble.
Are we going to visit him?
Be careful, Peluche.
It's one thing to work together
as brothers,
and another to do the same
stupid things he does.
Don't worry, Mom,
I'm doing nothing wrong.
Nothing wrong?
What kind of favors do you do for him?
- Silly favors.
- Silly?
Oh, yeah, you guys are so clever!
I don't see you bribing the cops.
Who'd have thought that up?
Don't worry, Mom, Pablo will be out soon.
And you, be careful.
Just keep studying
and doing what you have to do.
Don't you dare start doing the favors
this idiot is doing.
I didn't do anything
No. I'm just warning you.
Mind your elbows.
- Gerson is and will remain a good boy.
- He'd better.
I warned you.
Do you know who's there?
- He'll be glad to see you.
- Who?
- Guess.
- Don't be a fool.
The Sheriff.
- The Sheriff is here?
- Yeah.
Be careful, Gonzalo.
We have to be careful with him
because I don't think he liked
that we didn't do business with him.
If that powerful guy hasn't gotten out
of here as yet, what will happen to us?
I'm fucking scared. I want to go home.
What we have to do
is talk to Peluche so that he can bribe
Judge Magdalena and get us out of here.
What about the two cops
who put us here?
Who'll take care of that
if Chili is in here too?
I'm so sorry that Chili is here.
Sorry? He was dumb enough to get caught
and that's why we're here.
- He's just a kid.
- He's not, cut the bullshit.
Okay, let me sleep.
I'm sorry for being late. How are you?
- How are you?
- Good. Have a seat.
I've been going over everything.
I wanted to congratulate you, it's great.
After all the intelligence work,
we hope we can count on you.
Of course. With all the data you collected
they can only hope for prison.
One would think that,
but I think we have to be careful anyway.
- Mom, what happened?
- Hi, my prince.
- Why are you wet?
- I got wet on the way.
- Get me a towel, please.
- Sure.
You're such a good boy.
Mom, someone sent you
these gorgeous flowers.
You have a boyfriend
and you didn't tell us.
We invite you
to the funeral of the honorable judge,
Magdalena Espinoza,
which will take place very soon
at the capital of Antioquia.
Let me see.
Not this, that.
It looks pretty.
And there was no card?
No, I looked everywhere.
Someone took it off.
That's why I said we have to be careful.
Careful of what? Is this to scare me?
Who'd be so crazy
as to do this with a federal judge?
Look at what's happening.
We'll appoint some men
for your protection.
I don't want more men or guards.
We just want to make sure
you and your children are safe.
If you only knew. My daughter
didn't understand what was going on.
She asked me if I had a boyfriend.
Can you believe that?
We're in this. This is serious.
We have to end this.
Are we going to let them intimidate us?
No, we'll have to take this forward
without fear.
Thank you for your concern.
Let's go.
Follow her.
You know what to do, gentlemen.
Keep going! Pass it!
Pass it!
Get the ball.
Boss, the guards are leaving.
Something is about to go down.
Hey, Indio! Keep an eye out!
Watch out for guns.
Okay, okay! Stop it!
- Hey, what's up?
- Stop, man!
You shouldn't visit me here.
This is no place for a girl like you.
I needed to see you, honey.
Please, don't say those things.
Look what I brought.
I don't understand
how you get into trouble like this.
Boss, we need to get out of here!
Go, go, go!
Out, out!
Get in there!
Stay here and keep quiet!
Don't look anyone in the eyes!
You can't leave me here!
What are you going to do?
I can take care of myself.
Someone will come later
to help you get out.
- Where's Gonzalo?
- I don't know.
Thank you! Bye!
Hey! Get all the visitors out!
We need to evacuate the area!
Come on, get the visitors out!
This series is freely adapted from
Based on news articles and real events,
the historical facts are surrounded
by fictional characters and dialogues
that recreate undocumented situations.
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