Pact of Silence (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

El hater

What were Martina
and Rodrigo fighting about?
Um, I don't know.
Uh, she didn't tell me.
Well, why did you keep talking to Rodrigo
instead of going to look for Martina?
- Irene
- Is that Martina?
Martina! No!
Are you all right?
You bastard!
- Let go of her!
- Get off them!
Get out of here!
You pervert!
You filthy pervert! Asshole!
- You bastard!
- Martina?
Fer, watch out!
- Hello!
- Hi.
- How are you?
- Great. How are you?
Good, thanks. Come in.
I love your place.
Ah, thank you.
Want a drink? I'm making tea.
- That's perfect.
- Okay.
Where's your family?
Thought I might meet them today.
Uh, well, I told them to walk the dogs
so we could have a bit of peace and quiet.
Aw, that's sweet. But, yeah.
Maybe that's better, since I'll be talking
about my life and might need some
Well, a bit more of an intimate space.
Well, it's intimate, if not a bit small.
- But it's what I can afford to rent.
- Right.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
- Let's sit over there.
- Okay. Let's do this.
I'll just grab these.
This book is gonna help you so much, Sofi.
You'll be able to buy a place,
and you won't have to worry anymore.
- Do you own your own place?
- Yeah, I do.
But, I mean,
I still don't have what you do.
No, um family.
You've got years of memories,
pictures, paintings.
A real home.
All you need is to own the building.
But you'll have that soon. You'll see.
That's my biggest dream,
you know?
- Hello.
- Great. You're here.
- Almost done. Give me a second.
- Wow. Would you look at all these flowers!
I know, it's embarrassing.
Rodrigo doesn't send me flowers.
- Mm!
- Grab some.
They're beautiful, all right.
But who's been sending them to you?
I can't tell. One of my many suitors.
Mm-hmm. Well,
you should hold on to this suitor.
Flowers alone are worth it.
- Are you hungry?
- Yes.
- Me too.
- What are we eating?
- Sushi?
- Oh yeah, sushi.
There's a great place nearby.
You don't wanna get that?
Um, no.
It's just a suitor.
Uh, I'm so sorry, Sofía.
I'd rather you didn't record it.
It'll be like I'm giving an interview,
and I'd rather it be
more like a conversation
between two good buddies.
No. That's fine.
But let me take some notes instead.
- Yeah, of course. Yes.
- Okay?
Why don't we start
with your childhood,
what it was like for you as a kid?
Well, my mother was really beautiful
and pretty young.
I watched them leave you.
They were four little rich girls.
Oh, yes. They had lots of money.
They could've kept you easily.
But they didn't want to.
My dad was my hero.
We were very close.
No! Mommy!
Mommy, wake up, Mommy!
But none of it lasted.
My parents had a lot of money.
And because of that,
they were kidnapped and then killed.
Officer, help me!
She's getting away!
My aunt and uncle
ended up taking me in.
Keep walking!
And cared for me.
They gave me lots of love
and a home.
I was happy back then.
Whenever I look
in the mirror, I can see my mother.
The two of us were so similar.
I'm just so impressed by that.
You get ideas, and somehow,
you make pages appear! It's, uh
I don't know.
You know, it's not fast or simple.
- I'm always searching for inspiration.
- Mm-hmm, I'm sure. I guess.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Hello there.
- My husband, Manuel.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Hello. I'm Brenda. Nice to meet you.
- How are ya?
- Hello!
Hey, you!
- What's your name? Aw!
- My name is Camila.
- Hi! Oh wow! Your doll's pretty.
- Thank you!
Well, you're very pretty too.
- How old are you?
- Thank you. I'm seven.
You know what? I'm not going
to the campaign closing with you guys.
I'd rather the two of you go alone.
What's happening?
Nothing, sweetheart. You know your father.
I'll just be in everyone's way.
Lupita, can you bring me
some water, please?
Yes, ma'am.
I'll be there in a moment.
Darling, are you serious?
Just forget it. I'd rather not be there.
But you're not just my husband,
sweetheart, you're my mentor.
I can't do this without you.
They haven't seen you in ages.
They're always asking after you.
Don't you think it's time to let everyone
know what you've been going through?
No, I don't, Irene.
I haven't spent my whole life
earning the respect of my peers
so that I can watch them pity me.
- It's all right, Dad.
- No!
No. I don't want them
to see me like this. I'm not ready.
- Thank you, Lupita.
- Ma'am.
It's all right, love.
We'll do whatever you want.
Whenever you're ready.
And we'll be there to support you,
as always.
Come on. Where's that smile?
Oh, hi!
How are you? Oh, what a beautiful kitty.
Want a sandwich? Hang on.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
- Hi!
- Hey! How are you?
- Good, you?
- Working hard.
What's up?
Yeah, we're all just hanging out,
you know?
So we should talk
about what happened yesterday.
Oh yeah. What happened? I forget.
Or was it because I said hi to you
while you were with someone?
That was stupid of me.
Forgive me, Brenda, I'm really sorry.
No, dude. I'm the one who's sorry.
I don't want it to seem
like I'm ashamed of you, you know?
Look, I know you got all of your plans.
And your fancy friends.
And you're famous now, right?
And nobody knows
that you used to live here.
Itzel, just relax, okay?
I don't wanna argue when you're like this.
Like what?
I get it, Itzel.
You don't feel like forgiving me now.
And I know you hate hearing this,
but you don't have to keep living here.
Look, you know I'd never force you
to do anything.
- It might be a good idea to go to rehab
- Don't start with that!
Well, why don't you move into my house?
Itzel I know this is the only world
you've ever known. Trust me. I get it.
But I want you to know
that I'm here for you. I've got you.
The second I wanna put myself
into a clinic, you're gonna know.
But I don't need you
to bring me your stuff.
It's embarrassing.
You don't wanna have
a little peek?
Did you bring me
that paint that I like?
Brenda, Martina's not answering
any of my calls.
Did you honestly think
you could get her with flowers?
Martina is a boss.
You won't be able to impress her
with material things.
You've gotta earn her trust.
Okay, but how do I do it?
She doesn't wanna see me.
Martina's obsessed with her socials
and tags herself
in every place she ends up at.
I can track her down that way.
What should I do after that?
How well do you know your coworkers?
Well, I guess I know that guy pretty well.
He's my roommate.
He's actually the one
that got me the job here.
Don't mention my name,
but why don't you ask him if he's looking
to make a little money on the side?
You want him to also date Martina?
No. Just the opposite.
Your friend is gonna help you
get Martina to finally start trusting you.
What's wrong, Mommy?
- You know what, sweetheart?
- What?
Now that I have this big,
exciting book project to work on,
we'll finally be able to have
the beautiful life I want for us.
I know I have to get over it.
All the stuff with Sofía.
Well, I'm starting to feel
a little bit bad.
This was your plan.
Get her to publish the book,
and then sue her for defamation.
It was, but
I wasn't thinking about her kid, and now
What if I crush her
and end up hurting her daughter?
Brenda, I know
that you're trying not to think about it.
But I think you know that deep down,
you're worried that Fer
or Sofía's kids are your siblings.
What do you think
will happen when this is over?
Do you think
you can make them love you if you
if you destroy
their mothers' lives forever?
You've always longed for a family, Brenda.
I'm not sure I would call it "longing."
But you're my family, Alex.
I know. But it's not quite the same.
Hey, hey, hey.
What's wrong?
Why don't you get down from there, okay?
You can talk to me. Come on!
- No, I'm worthless.
- No, no, no!
No, that's not true!
I'm begging you to come down
so we can talk about this.
Israel kept telling me
I was worthless.
He said that to me when he left.
I'm nothing without him.
I'm not attractive or smart enough.
Israel sounds
like he was an asshole
and he shouldn't have treated you
like that.
Do you really wanna throw your life away
for an asshole like that?
Listen. I know we don't know each other,
but people have been treating me
like shit since the day I was born.
But I'm never going to kill myself.
I won't give them that satisfaction.
Please, come down.
I've got you. I'm here.
Welcome, everyone.
It's so good to have you all here with me.
Today, we're gonna be making
a delicious green juice
for detoxification.
So before we begin,
I can see you all here.
Thank you for your comments.
I'm reading them all.
And wow. My queens,
my kings, what's up with you?
This is You know I always treat you
with respect and love.
I'm not super into this. 'Kay?
Don't pay attention to them.
Haters will always exist,
and we just have to learn
to deal with them.
You know what?
I'm gonna stop. We're gonna address this.
I'm not bothered by this,
but since you're all upset,
we're gonna block them.
Because you guys are right,
the truth is that this is a safe space
with no bad vibes allowed.
I'll just I'm gonna block them.
That hater was someone who knows me, Alex.
I mean, they were asking me
about my birth mother.
That's a typical online insult.
Everybody insults mothers.
No, no, no! This person was unrelenting
and challenging me on who my mother is.
Why the fuck
would they insult me that way?
It's really messed up.
They're trying to scare me.
But I won't let them win.
Today, it is with some sadness
that I leave behind
my role as your deputy.
But I'm excited for this next chapter
as I enter the race
for which I've been preparing.
But we're not saying goodbye
because I promise
that I will be your next mayor!
Long live Mexico!
Irene! Irene! Irene! Irene!
Thank you! Thank you so much!
Irene! Irene!
Your Honor, thank you so much
for being here.
- Thank you.
- Deputy! The feed is live right now.
How do you feel now that you're
a candidate to become mayor?
Well, I'm very happy, especially since
I have the support of the new generation.
And personally, is there anything
you wanna share?
Well, I can say that I know how difficult
it can be to find job opportunities.
But my government
will facilitate that for youngsters.
But is there a secret
that you might be able to share
with all of my kings
and queens who are watching this?
Wow. Mm For me, this is all a dream.
A dream I've had all my life,
and it's finally coming true.
So you have to work very hard
to achieve your dreams too.
Wonderful. We're gonna be
with the candidate for a while.
So, if you have any questions,
leave them here.
- All done.
- Perfect.
That was fun!
A little secret? Something personal?
Well, those are things
that interest my followers.
But it distracts from my campaign,
so don't pull something like that again.
It's my first day,
and your mother is gonna fire me.
Don't worry about it too much.
She's just very private
about her personal life.
Do you think maybe
the two of us could get together
and you could explain
the campaign to me a bit more?
Sure, I could.
All the principles of her campaign
are based on honesty.
My mother's reputation is impeccable.
That sounds like every politician,
you know.
But it is true in our case.
My mother's never been involved
in any kind of scandal or corruption.
Okay. Fair.
I hear you. But even though your mom
won't like it,
I think people are gonna connect
more with the human angle.
- I'll show you the live stream.
- Hmm.
Twenty-two thousand views.
After that, we made
a little video from it,
and that video now
has almost two million views.
And it'll just continue
to go up and up and up.
You know what it's taken
for me to generate this kind of following?
Hard work?
And experience.
Now I know what my followers like.
Like for example, tell me
what's Irene like as a mom?
- She's very generous.
- Mm.
We aren't blood relatives.
But she's always treated me as her own.
I didn't make things easy for her.
When Irene met me, I was a bitter kid.
I was wild.
My mother had just passed away.
And my father
was never around.
Irene took care of me when I was sick,
was always devoted to me.
She was always kind, even when I wasn't.
Are you okay?
Just thinking about my parents.
You're very lucky to have her.
Each other.
You want a coffee?
Uh, sure.
I'll be right back.
Hang on,
I'll help you with the coffees.
Oh shit, I'm so sorry.
That was all my fault.
- Let me grab that. I'll help you.
- Yeah. No, don't worry.
- Does it burn?
- Yeah, a little.
Are you okay? Oh, sorry.
No, no. Adriano, no. No.
- We can't do this.
- Why not?
I got carried away.
This isn't right.
I just I don't wanna make trouble.
Don't worry. I'm gonna clean myself up.
Damn it.
Are you feeling okay, Mom?
Honey, would you do me a favor and grab
the sleeping pills from the bathroom?
Where's your brother?
Probably out with his friends.
Of course, in this house,
everyone just does whatever they want.
Thank you.
Tomás? Tomás.
I'm okay, Sam.
Not again.
I'm fine, I swear.
Tomás, come on.
Put on your pajamas
and go to sleep before Dad gets back.
Tomás, listen to me.
Why are you wearing my clothes?
Shut up.
If you don't, I'm gonna tell Mom
and Dad that you got home drunk.
Don't worry about it.
I won't tell.
I'll make a deal with you.
Will you sing me a lullaby?
No, Tomás. Go to sleep.
The one about the spider.
The spider
That one.
Oh, Manu.
- Our lives are finally gonna change.
- Yeah.
Thanks to your talent, Sofía, my love.
And thanks to Brenda.
I swear, when I saw that house,
I could imagine us living there.
We'll still probably have to ask
for a loan, but
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Whatever it takes,
that little house already belongs to us.
- Yeah?
- Yeah?
What are you doing,
calling me at this hour?
No. What if they find out?
What would I do then?
Honey, I told you
I didn't get home that late,
but those sleeping pills you take
make you forget everything.
And where were you last night?
I went to the movies with friends.
And don't even start
'cause I got home early, all right?
Oh, that's nice.
"Good morning, Mom. How are you?"
Isn't that true, Sam?
- Morning.
- See what a nice table I set?
- Gorgeous.
- I'm gonna take a little photo.
- Let me fix this.
- Sweetheart. Come on.
- Hey. One.
- We're trying to have breakfast.
- I'll be quick. Just one.
- Fer
- Hey
- Mom.
- Move over. It'll be quicker.
- Take off that necklace.
- Move a bit so we can all be seen.
- Come on.
- It'll be quick. Come on. Look here.
- Yes, boss.
There. All done.
Thanks, honey.
- This breakfast is bullshit.
- You should eat something.
No fuckin' way.
It's gorgeous out.
We should do something all together.
I'm busy.
Dad's driving me to soccer practice.
Yeah, that's true. You know what, though?
I've just been called to a meeting.
I'll drive you first
and head straight there.
- Gotta go.
- Drive me to the bookstore?
- Sure. We've got to go.
- Okay.
- Good. Otherwise, I'm gonna be late.
- What? Leaving?
- No one's eating?
- Everything was delicious.
Yeah, I've gotta buy this book.
It's for a project at school.
I'm sorry, Mom.
Sweetheart, I'm really sorry.
But this meeting just came up, okay?
What's up, Fer?
Hey, Martina. Are you up
for brunch and mimosas in a bit?
Oh, I can't. I'm sorry.
I have a work meeting.
Fer, are you there?
Will I see you next week?
Um, wait. One of the guys
I'm seeing is calling me.
- He's calling you now?
- Gotta hang up. I'll call soon.
You didn't sleep again?
No. I can't find anything
to mess with Irene.
I'm pretty sure Adriano deleted everything
because he's complicit
in whatever they're doing.
Well, I hope not.
Because if it turns out Irene is corrupt,
I really wouldn't want him
to be involved in it.
Well, what? I think he's sweet.
He seems like a good person.
I'm not even gonna ask
if you like him because it's obvious.
All right.
- He is hot. He's intelligent.
- Yes.
- Mm-hmm.
- What? Am I not supposed to feel anything?
Sure, except for one small little detail.
He's essentially Irene's son.
Yes, I know.
If I don't find any dirt on Irene,
what could be better
than stealing her son?
Buy you a drink?
Thank you.
Hi, gorgeous.
Thank you.
I don't believe in God, but if I did,
you'd be the answer to my prayers.
Why don't you try a better one than that?
What do you mean,
you haven't sent the budget?
No, I don't care how late it is.
Yes, it's your fault
for not doing it in time.
I need you to do it right away.
- Hey.
- You think you're better than me?
- Huh?
- What are you doing?
- No! Relax! I'm not gonna hurt you.
- Let go of me!
I just want
- No! Stop it!
- Shh! Shut up. Shut up!
Just shut up and listen.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Help me!
- I said just shut up and relax.
- Hey! Let her go, man!
Let her go!
Get out of here! Go!
Are you all right?
Martina. Martina!
Your big, beautiful face
will be everywhere.
At the supermarket,
at garages, in convenience stores.
Even in the subway.
That's great, Alex.
Hey! This is a huge moment
in your career.
you were just an influencer.
But now, you're an icon.
And very soon,
you're going to be a superstar.
When are you gonna stop?
I can't believe there's nothing on Irene.
I mean, it just seems absurd to me.
There's not a single incriminating email
or even a dirty money transfer. Nothing.
A teacher?
"A Teacher at La Victoria Boarding School
was arrested for abusing his students."
Why would Adriano
have saved this article?
Learning to Love. Sofía's book is
about a romantic relationship
between a teacher and a student.
I bet she lied to me,
and it actually is autobiographical.
But the article says that the teacher
abused a bunch of students.
I mean, she was 16 years old.
He was an adult. That's manipulation.
I'm sure she thought it was love, but
But why did Adriano
save this article, then?
He's got nothing to do with Sofía.
Well, maybe Irene was also involved
with the teacher.
- Who are you texting?
- Adriano.
I have to try
to get information out of him.
Are you calling from her place?
Brenda, Martina passed out.
What? Why did she pass out?
That asshole completely lost it.
Omar! Omar! Call Alex!
What's happening?
Someone's trying to kill me.
Call the police!
- Are you okay?
- Omar! Help me!
- Omar! Help!
- What's happening?
They're running me off the road. Omar!
Brenda, answer me!
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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