Panic (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


- [whistle blows]
- [cheering]
[percussion playing]
[whistle blows]
[cheering continues]

[announcer] Welcome
to the 35th annual
Carp Fourth of July parade!
Y'all better not miss
the Metal Stampede, coming soon!
Let's give it up for
the Samuel Maverick High School
marching band!
- [cheering]
- Oh.
Look, there's Bishop.
[Natalie] Oh, and, Diggins.
- Maybe you could work him
for intel.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Ladies.
[Natalie] No. No ladies.
It's been nine days, Diggins.
Have you not heard anything
from the judges?
Patience, grasshopper.
[announcer] Mainstreet Wireless
wishes you a safe
and happy Fourth.
- And to think,
that could've been you.
- Mm.
Why don't you wave goodbye to
the Ghost of Shittier Jobs Past,
- Heather.
- [Heather] Yeah?
Which finger should I use?
- [chuckles]
- [announcer] And how 'bout them
tri-county beauty queens, huh?
Oh. Check out Leela.
She looks beautiful.
[Diggins] She's into you.

[Bishop] Shut up.
All right, later, losers.
[announcer] Oh, my!
It's Arnie,
the most rootin'-tootin'
Fighting Armadillo.
Uh, guys?
I mean, it's got to be
a clue, right?

[grunting, laughing]
- There you go.
- Seriously?
We just got
our first clue in weeks,
and now you guys want
to recapture
your sense of childhood joy?
It's a national holiday, Nat.
Slacking off is patriotic.
I'm gonna go find Shawna.
She says the marching band
has a musical float.
Maybe that's supposed
to be the key?
Good luck, Sherlock.
[announcer speaking in distance]
Do you remember
when we were kids
and my mom used to say
if you swung high enough,
you could kick the clouds
around with a toe?
I remember she said
that the Man in the Moon
was a kid who face-planted
- in a pile of wet concrete.
- [laughs]
One time I asked her
why it got bigger and smaller,
and she said, "Construction."
So for years, I thought
there was an astronaut
doing repair work on the Moon.
You know?
If I ever start a band,
I'm definitely naming it
Construction Moon Work.
Count me in as a groupie.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Does that mean
I can count on you
to throw your bra onstage?
How hot's the bass player?
You tell me.
You're looking at him.
[footsteps approaching]
Is it our turn yet?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
She's-she's all yours.
[Heather grunts]
[Heather] There you go.
Where'd you get that tattoo
on your hand?
There's more behind the
locksmith's if you want one.

[Heather] "Spurlock Farm."
"Breaking and entering."
"10:00 p.m."
I remember John Davis Hale.
And what happened
at Spurlock's farm.
[insects trilling]
[Ray] By the time individual
challenges rolled around
You're not even gonna spank me?
[emcee] Very funny.
[Ray] John Davis was
the favorite to win.
Place even a toe outside
before morning
and you're out.
See you in the morning.
[Ray] John Davis knew
he was in for snakes.
Since freshman year,
he'd been sure to tell everyone
how scared he was of snakes.
[Ray] And that's why
John Davis Hale was in the lead.
Who's ready to party?
[Ray] He'd been lying
since freshman year
just to get ahead in the game.
John Davis grew up
in a 200-year-old farmhouse
in deep backcountry.
There were garter snakes
in the basement
- and black rat snakes
in the attic.
- [laughs]
[John Davis] What an idiot.
[Ray] Come wintertime, they'd
shimmy down into the pipes,
and he used to collect
their skins
and hang 'em on the wall
for decoration at Halloween.
- [fireworks going off]
- [people exclaiming]
[John Davis] Come on, Verizon.
[Ray] You see, truth is,
he didn't give a fuck
about snakes.
[video resumes playing]
[animal chittering]
[Ray] There was only one thing
John Davis was afraid of.
He was afraid of bats.
Oh, God! Oh, God!
[squeaking, chittering]
Oh, fuck.
[panting, chuckling]
[squelching sound]

[Ray] They found his guts
coiled around some
of the old machinery.
And absolutely covered
in bat shit.
Here we go again
That's that's bullshit.
How did the judges know
that he was scared of bats?
That doesn't make any sense.
They didn't.
It was bad luck.
- [ghostly noises]
- [Tyler] What are you
talking about?
Davis was after
Spurlock's stash.
Truck told me he-he's got money
buried all over
the fucking farm.
Drums full of it.
Near his grow house.
Look, Spurlock caught Davis,
plugged him, and then faked
the fucking accident.
He's a fucking criminal.
[Adam] Hale wasn't stealing.
He was bagman.
He stored his money
on Spurlock's farm
because of the booby trap.
Keeper of the pot.
I thought that was
the collector's job.
Nah. We're just the muscle.
Bagman gets in touch,
tells us where
to drop off the money
and when.
I can't believe no one knows
who the bagman is.
Would you want someone knowing
you're sitting
on all that money?
Look at what happened last year.
Yeah. 30K, gone.
Just like that.
We should forget about
the challenge tomorrow.
Go for the real payload.
I mean, seriously,
if Spurlock has money
actually buried
That's a great idea.
- [Ruby Anne laughs]
- How about I stand guard
and you shovel out 3,000 acres?
I wasn't talking about a shovel,
you dick.
The game's changing, you guys.
I'm serious.
It was one thing
before the cops knew.
Now half the game is just trying
to avoid 'em.
Or not.
[Tyler] Yeah.
How are things with Cortez
down at the station?
You getting a little cozy?
- [Ruby Anne] Ooh!
- Yeah.
Forty hours and handcuffs
will do that to you, dipshit.
[Ray] Just imagine
if Cortez got ahold
- of El Chapo over here.
- [laughter]
Our big businessman'd
be looking at federal.
- [chuckling]
- That's not fucking funny.
[Ray] Relax.
Pretty face like that,
you're gonna be making
a lot of new friends.
[Williams] So, what'd you get
from Sarah Miller?
Well, Sarah and her friends
thought that they were just
going to a party at the granary.
And when they got there,
they realized
that the seniors had already
set up a challenge.
Well, did she confirm
what Myra said about the judges?
Whoever the current judges are,
they're always hand-picked
in secret
by the previous year's judges.
So those in charge this year
know who ran point last summer.
- Yeah, and vice versa.
- [Cortez] Those four kids.
All we have to do is nab
one of 'em, and we got 'em all.
Last year's judges
they got two bodies
on their conscience.
Yeah, they do.
[Williams] Can't be too easy,
carrying that kind
of weight around.
It's got to be showing.
Williams, I want you
to go to the church
and talk to Reverend Redd.
He knows this town.
He knows who's in pain,
he knows who's in trouble.
Now go.
And you I want you
to make nice with Sarah Miller,
now that she's got to do
her community service here.
She's not gonna give me
any more information.
She knows
we don't know jack shit.
So I want you
to get close to her.
I want you to warm her up.
You know, connect with her.
[birds singing]
[Hazel English: "Wake Up!"]
Can you wake ♪
From this dream ♪
That they told you
to believe ♪
So you ♪
Can finally be free ♪

- Do you trust
- [bleats]
[brakes screech]
- [bleats]
- Is it just another scheme? ♪
Get you ♪
To buy ♪
All of the things ♪♪
[engine shuts off]
Okay. The chicken coop is
right behind the house.
You just got to keep it
well locked up,
- because, uh
- [both laugh]
the coyotes might get 'em,
you know.
- Yeah.
- So
And, uh, that fence
way out there?
[Anne] You want to stay
downhill of that.
The fence is there for a reason.
Some animals never get
the wild out of 'em.
That's the upper field
and the lower field.
Call that "the prairie."
And the, the stables
and the riding ring.
You ride?
- Horses?
- Yeah.
Mm, no.
Well, I got six.
Four of my own,
couple of boarders.
They need a lot of exercise,
and I'm gonna have to teach you.
Yeah, I don't know.
I can barely ride a bike.
You know, I think I'd be
too scared of falling off.
Really? You don’t seem the type.
To get scared?
To let it stop you.
You didn’t even ask
if llamas bite.
Llamas don’t bite.
Do llamas bite?
[music playing softly]
[Jessica] Mm. Mm-mm, mm-mm.
You hate cigarettes, too, huh?
[sighs] Jimmy always hated
when I smoked.
He said these things
were gonna kill me.
Well, it’s never that easy,
is it? Hmm?
I think Jimmy was right.
You can tell me, you know.
About Jimmy.
You can tell me
anything you want.
Remember a few years ago,
when the Powerball got up to
- to a billion?
- Yeah.
At the station, we put together
this pool, right?
And we bought a hundred tickets,
and, well,
if one of 'em hit,
we were gonna split 'em.
So we're sitting there, looking
at the numbers come up, right?
Those little balls, uh
- Ping-Pong.
- They're called lotto balls.
So the first one comes up,
I look at my ticket.
It's a match.
Second one goes up,
it's a match.
Third one goes up, it's a match.
- No.
- I shit you not.
Fourth one goes up, a match.
Everybody in that room
was silent.
I mean, literally,
they're holding their breath,
and I could just see 'em
thinking about
all the shit they're gonna buy.
Yeah. Last ball goes up.
I looked down at my ticket.
- I have 35.
- Ugh.
I was one lousy digit away
from a billion dollars.
But the thing is, I wasn't
a lousy digit from shit.
There's no second place
to not winning,
just like there's
no second place to not living.
And that’s why I don’t talk
about Jimmy, ever.
He’s gone.

There's nothing else to say.
At the end of the day,
you either have a kid
that's breathing
Or you don’t.
Or you don't.
Hey, hey. Listen to me.
Even if you stop this game
and you bring it
all down for good
it's not gonna
bring Jimmy back.
Nothing’s ever gonna
bring my Jimmy back.
Just like nothing's
ever gonna get your Dayna
out of that wheelchair.
[car door opens, closes]
[car engine starts]
[indistinct radio chatter]

[Dayna] Can I help you?
I was just hanging up
some flyers
for the charity chili cook-off.
[chuckles] Never knew
there was a house back here.
If you’re the one keeps
snatching our packages,
- I hope you’re enjoying
all the free mouthwash.
- Oh, no.
I was, uh, just, uh,
bringing it to you.
Special delivery.
It’s for-for Dodge?
[Dayna] It’s for me.
Dayna Mason.
I’m Dodge’s sister.
He never told me
he had a sister.
[Dayna] Don’t take it personal.
One time he broke
the state record
at the Legacy Rodeo series,
and we didn’t find out
until we saw him on the news.
You want me to tell him
you stopped by?
[gate closes]
- [Sarah] Goddamn it.
- Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
No, stop.
Stop, stop, stop. Stop.
There's a trick to this one.
- I’m supposed to organize
all of these?
- Yes, ma'am.
The thing they don't tell you
about police work
is that it's mostly paperwork.
These, these are the Does.
Those are the bodies
- that show up with no ID.
- Oh, God.
That's nothing. Before I came
here, I did seven years
in SVU down in Dallas.
I was, like, all set up
for a promotion.
They were gonna give me twice
the pay, ten times the action.
Everyone thought I was crazy
for transferring out here.
So why did you?
Because who wants ten times
of that kind of action?
Fair enough.
Funny enough, it wasn’t
the real kids that did me in.
Real live kids meant
you have a chance
at catching the person
that hurt them and busting them.
It was all the photos.
It was like, hundreds of them,
thousands of them.
Girls mostly.
Photos leaked by boys
they thought loved them.
Photos of lonely girls
sharing them with online friends
that then blackmailed them
- for more and more.
- Like what happened
with Abby Clark.
What happened with Abby Clark?
You're a cop. Figure it out.
- [Dodge] Hey, Mom.
- Hey.
- [Dodge] What happened?
- [Jessica] Faucet is leaking,
- and the drip
was driving me crazy.
- Mm.
You hungry?
[Dodge] Dot had me clean out
the grease trap last night,
so I doubt I’ll be hungry
for about a month.
[TV playing indistinctly]
Where’s Dayna?
In her room.
Still giving me
the silent treatment.
The sheriff came by.
Well, thin walls.
You know, there was a time
y'all used to tell me
to go out and date.
- He’s married.
- Thank God for that.
Otherwise he'd be coming
around here looking for a wife.
You used to hate cops.
That was before I needed one.
You know I’m just trying to do
the right thing for Dayna.
For all of us.
But you want to change anything
in this world,
then you have to have
the right kind of friends.
Except it’s never
really friendship
that they’re looking for, is it?
[Mary] I know about the game,
you know.
Abby admitted she was going
to play when I confronted her.
I checked her text messages.
- She didn't lock her phone?
- I had the pass code.
That was our agreement
when I bought the phone.
I only checked
a handful of times.
She wasn't acting like herself.
She was always dodging me,
always running off with Myra,
one of her friends
from the dance team.
Did you see
what was on her phone?
Abby said she wasn't sure
if she wanted
to go through with it anymore.
Jimmy was pressuring her,
saying she wouldn't regret it.
You thought she was
talking about sex.
But now I know that she wasn't.
She swore that the challenges
weren't dangerous.
I would have locked her
in her room.
I would have boarded up
her windows
so she couldn’t run away.
We know that the games are
organized by a pair of judges.
- Did she ever say anything
about them?
- I don’t care who organized it.
I want to know who killed her.
I'm sorry, what?
[Mary] Like I told
the sheriff last year,
a few weeks before
before what happened,
Abby mentioned notes.
Threats left in our mailbox
saying that if she didn't
quit the game,
that bad things would happen.
[Langley] Huh.
Do you have those notes?
[Mary] No.
I didn't even see them.
So, there was only one reason
why she stepped
onto the highway.
The threats pushed her
over the edge.
[music playing softly]
- [entry bell jingles]
- Hi.
Hey. Can I come in?
Can I, uh, get you
a coffee or something? Or
- No, I'm okay.
- Okay.
[exhales sharply]
I have to say, people have done
a lot of crazy things
to win Panic,
but reenrolling in school
after you’ve already graduated?
Well, that takes the cake,
Andrew Dodge Mason.
You know what?
Why don't we just stick
with Dodge?
- How'd you find out?
- My dad's a cop.
He told me to notice things
that other people don't see.
I see you made it
to the National Rodeo Finals
second year running,
saddle bronc.
I didn’t know you competed.
Tell me the truth.
You get one chance.
You lie to me,
I get you disqualified.
Are you a judge?
No, I didn’t even move here
till mid-August.
Still plenty of time to plan.
Sure. If last year’s
judges felt like picking
a total stranger.
Why are you playing?
Hurricane Harvey wiped us out.
Our house ended up
a pile of splinters
about a hundred yards
off the foundation.
And my sister, um
she was trying
to get to higher ground
when a surge swept a car and
pinned her up against a bank.
She was there for hours.
My mom lost
her business,
the insurance company told us
to file for bankruptcy, and
hospital bills.
I’m sorry.
[Dodge] Well, we were looking
to move anyway.
I told my mom
that I needed to reenroll
in order to apply
for a town service award.
She thinks that I’m qualifying
hours this summer.
You really are a good liar.
But I trust you.
And I think we’ll make
a good team.
[Natalie] Mm-hmm.
I’ll help you win.
We split the pot fifty-fifty.
Look, I lived here all my life.
I know the game. You don’t.
What about Heather?
What about her?
Isn't she your best friend?
Shouldn’t you be helping her?
She swore to me
she’d never play.
She said she couldn't even
watch me make the Jump.
- She lied.
- You're angry at her
for playing.
I’m angry at those 50 points.
we have a deal?
It doesn’t really seem
like I have a choice.
What's that?
Spurlock's farm.
If we're gonna be partners
we're gonna have to come up
with a plan.
Because there are
traps everywhere.
[insects trilling]
[Ray] Oh, my fucking God!
Oh, my God, Lyons,
what the fuck, bro?
- What?
- [laughing]
Oh, my goodness.
You know you're an actual
embarrassment, right?
Can you please tell Lyons
he's an embarrassment?
- No, he's your friend.
- He's not my friend.
- Yeah, he's fucking
your friend.
-He's your friend!
[Adam] Fuck you guys!
when I strike it rich,
you're not getting shit.
What the hell?
Oh, my God, dude!
You're giving me a fucking
headache with your bullshit.
Tyler's always getting sensitive
when he's on his period.
Ow! What the fuck, man?
You know what, you've been in
a shitty mood all fucking day.
You know what, I've been
in a shitty mood because we got
busted at the second
challenge of the summer
by the fucking cops!
Now Miller's running her mouth.
Yo! Miller knows
what she's doing.
Well, maybe that explains
why she got arrested.
Fuck's sake, let's just go.
All right.
[Tyler] I'm out!
I'm fucking out.
- What the fuck
you talking about?
- I said I'm out.
I don't need the cops on my ass.
- You're done with Panic?
- Yeah.
Do I look like
I'm fucking joking?
I'm clearing 800 bucks
a week, easy.
So what?
You're Steve Jobs now?
You sell stolen pills
and shitty "H" to junkies
Hey, hey! My shit's clean.
Before all the laxatives
and baby powder
and fucking paint chips?
Fuck you!
Don't come crying to me for bail
when Cortez shoves
your ass in jail!
You're just jealous 'cause
I'm actually fucking earning.
You know what?
It's not worth it.
You weren't gonna win anyway.
You're too big of a pussy.
Let's go.
Hey, where do you think
you're going?
[stammers] It's-it's
six miles to my house, man.
Enjoy the walk.
You shitting me?
- [doors close]
- [engine starts]
Ray! Ray, come on!
Shit! Motherfucker!
You know, when you meet
someone around here,
it's custom to say "Hello.
How are you?"
You going somewhere?
Yeah, Heather's.
Shouldn't be too long.
Just gonna watch a movie.
Had to sentence a boy last week.
Took to breaking into houses
to pay for his kid’s diapers.
Twelve months in detention
and another 12 months on parole.
All for three minutes
of fun and a hangover.
Yeah, yeah,
Heather’s just a friend.
She's a pretty girl.
Trust me.
She won't seem like "just
a friend" for too much longer.

Thanks for meeting me this late.
I had to wait
for my parents to go to sleep.
Don’t worry about it.
This way.

[Diggins] Time flies,
so fly like the crow
To reap future treasures
from wars long ago
Take one of these tokens
along when you leave
And send proof in pictures
by midnight to me
Ray, can you please stop that?
[Troy] Um, translation
- please?
- Troy, I wish
that I could help you.
- But the puzzle is part of
- You’re supposed
to steal something.
- [Diggins] Thank you, Summer.
- [Summer] Uh, okay.
Uh, so we have to go
in-inside the house?
Illegal entry
it happens every year.
- Hmm, student
becomes the master?
- [Diggins] You can choose
the cornfields or the woods
to get to Spurlock's.
And 'cause we didn't
complete the last challenge,
the judges decided it was unfair
to award or deduct any points
- based
- Wait, how is that fair?
- Some of us actually
had to cross.
- Yeah, not all of us.
- Yeah, I had to cross, Diggins.
- Yeah, man, yeah.
Rankings are the same as they
were after the first challenge.
Also, 'cause the cops busted us,
no more spectators.
We're still missing Tyler.
He'll be here.
[Summer] Okay, we'll just
sneak in, steal something,
get out, and then take a picture
and send proof to Diggins
by midnight.
This challenge is worth
50 points, all or nothing.
You need 150 in order to make it
to the next challenge, so
give it all you got.
Good luck.
And Spurlock's a nutcase.
Like, supposedly the whole place
is booby-trapped,
so just try not to die.

[Natalie] Okay, let's do this.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [whooping]
You ready?
- Yeah.
- Let's go around the woods.
[Algiers: "There Is No Year"]
This self-consuming
contradiction ♪
The more it turns,
the more we just deform ♪
But either way, you can't
look in my dark room ♪
With new words
for God and country ♪
New words
for every song we sing ♪
Whoa ♪
And it's only
to get shot down ♪
Whoa ♪
It's only to get
- [animal screeching]
- Stop!
- Gross.
- Yeah.
Whoa ♪
It's only to get
shot down
[muttering] Oh, shit!
It's only to get shot down ♪
Whoa ♪
It's only to get shot ♪♪
- Okay, so which way now?
- [Natalie] Um
it'll be faster
if we split up and scout.
Um, we should see
the greenhouses soon,
or we're too far west.
Let's meet back at
the next break in ten minutes?
Got it.
Hey, watch out.
[insects trilling]
[Dodge] Nicely done.
Very, uh, convincing.
- Where'd you learn how to lie?
- See, it isn't a lie
as long as you believe
the story you tell.
But you already know that,
don’t you?
Right. Come on.
We’re wasting time.
[chuckles] Nice try, Spurlock.
Go fuck yourself.
Fuck me.
What the fuck?
[creature chittering]
What the fuck?
Damn it.
[Natalie] Remember the plan.
We should have decent coverage
of the house from the woods.
Scope out all the entrances.
Uh, I'll keep eye
on the front door.
- You took photos of the map?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- All right. Wish me luck.
Hey. Be careful.
[girl] Is this right?
Yeah. It's right here.
Guys, over here.
Come on.
We're running out of time.
Let's go. Come on, come on.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
- Are you okay?
- Shawna, help me.
[Shawna] It's okay.
I'm gonna get you out.
Okay? Just give me one second.
[whistling stops]
[grunts softly]
Little help?
Yeah. Come on.
Here. Give me that.
[Ray] Well, well, well,
if it isn't Nill on her knees.
Looking for something?
Yeah, my phone.
Ah, your phone.
[mutters] Let me see if I can
You’re going the wrong way,
you know.
The house is south
of the cornfield.
You sure you’re going south?
You’re fucking with me.
I know a shortcut,
if you want to follow me.
Thank you, but I’ll pass.
What? Don’t trust me?
No. Why would I?
You tried to sabotage Dodge
at the last challenge.
I don’t need sabotage to win,
Time’s a-ticking.
[tongue clicking]
Yeah, I don't want
to point out the obvious,
but I’m actually
the one that's winning.
You were winning.
Now you’re lost.
I'm willing to lend you
a helping hand.
You knows? Maybe you’ll even
return the favor.
I’d rather fucking die.
[device clicking]
[Adam] Grow house.
[exhales] Show me the money.
[quietly] Fuck.
[device clicking]
[device whirring]
[alarms blaring]
[alarms stop]
[Spurlock] Son of a bitch.
Fucking kidding me.
You got ten seconds
to clear off my land!
- Ten. Nine.
- Fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Eight. Seven.
- [gunshot]
- Six.
Five seconds
before I start aiming.
Fuck it. Pretty sure
I just lost count.
[racks shotgun]
I'm coming for you!
- [tires screech]
- Huh?
What the what the fuck?
- [gunshot]
- [Spurlock shouting
[twig snaps]
[footsteps approaching]
Hey, man.
Stop! No, no, no!
Stop! What the fuck?
What the fuck?
Let go! Fuck!
Let go of me! Fuck!
Let go! What the fuck
are you guys
No, wait, wait, wait. Fuck!
- What the fuck do you want?
- [muffled pounding]
Fuck! Let me out!
[footsteps approaching]
[metal clinking]
Hello? Come on,
somebody help me!
You can't talk to me,
I'm in my zone ♪
I do what I want
with what I own ♪
Own, own, own ♪
Don't preach to the queen
about her throne ♪
The time for being nice
is dead and gone ♪
Gone, gone, gone ♪
You took a knife,
ran it right through me ♪
Twisted and twisted
and twisted it ♪
Until it consumed me ♪
You made a mess,
I picked up the pieces ♪
Thanks, it was all
for a reason ♪
Just look at me now ♪
Look at me now-ow-ow-ow ♪
Just look at me now-ow-ow-ow ♪
Look at me now-ow-ow-ow ♪
Just look at me now-ow-ow-ow ♪
Just look at me now ♪
I don't really think much
of your style ♪
Ha, ha ♪
Get a grip,
I think you're in denial ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
I can see the snake
behind your smile ♪
But I'm not a prey
you can devour ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪♪

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