Paradise City (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

From a Friend to a Foe

-Come see The Flux,
it's an all ages show,
it's only $10.
My friend is actually opening
for Over It All the same day
as your show but
I heard it might get canceled.
-This fucking washed up
band that you sold me
that's going to cost me
my goddamn mortgage.
That's it,
I'm pulling the show.
-What is going on?
-Seven pre-sales.
I heard you had a show you
got could add Over It All to?
-Yeah, yeah, I do.
-Now we finally have
some business to do.
-So have you spoken
to Gretchen lately?
-Probably a good idea
to do so.
-I just wanted to see
if there was a time
that we could just have a chat.
-He's in a band with her.
It's not going to change
anytime soon.
-There was a Relentless
before Lily,
there can be one after her.
-Taking your baby from the bus
stop to the record label.
Sounds like a real
Hollywood story.
-I'm sorry, sir, please make
sure she gets to her father.
-That little girl was the way
out of this shit-hole existence!
-We need to print out NDAs,
this cannot get out.
-I'm not gonna be a gold-digger
groupie in the tabloids, Mom!
-When you going to
tell Gretchen?
-I'm not, not until
after I propose.
Gretchen Mary Ruth,
will you marry me?
Oh sh--
Shit, babe, I just
dropped the ring.
Hey, we're stuck!
Babe, I'm sorry.
-It's okay.
Of course this would happen.
You would drop the ring and
the Ferris wheel would break.
It's all symbolic.
Life's what happens when
you're busy making other plans.
What matters most
is how well you walk
through the fire.
I don't care where
the ring is.
And I don't care if we're stuck
up here until the morning.
All I care about is how
perfect you wanted this to be.
And to me it is.
Johnny Faust, let's walk
through the fire together.
I say yes.
You give me love
give me love ♪
Until it breaks
-We're getting married!
You give me more
Give me more ♪
-Look at that.
Now, I'm gonna
I don't know, you know
I never
I've never done this.
-Oh, look at this
little cutie.
-Isn't she cute?
-Does she need some help?
-Who are you?
-The nanny.
Okay, yeah, I need help.
-Okay, well, you
called the right girl.
Are you the daddy?
I mean, well, I don't
-Did you adopt her?
I think she may
have adopted me.
She just called me "papa".
-What's your name?
-Oh, that's so pretty.
-Isn't it?
[bell rings]
-Catcher in the Rye,
chapter 17,
why does Sally refuse
Holden's proposal
to run away, live in
a cabin and get married?
-Well, she doesn't think
they're mature enough,
because they're still kids.
-Very good.
-But you and Johnny Faust are
mature enough, though, right?
[school bell rings]
-Have a nice lunch.
-Thanks, you too.
-Thank you.
-What's the story,
morning glory?
-She said yes.
Congratulations, man.
-That's great.
She's a keeper.
-Um, swab her cheek
when you get a chance.
-You don't want to
come meet her?
I mean, take the test
-Until I know for sure
she's mine,
I got too much going on.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, I think so.
I filled out my
information on the form.
Just drop it in the mail
when you get a chance.
I'll let you know
when I get the text.
-A text? To tell you if
you've got a kid or not?
You get a text.
-That's what I chose from
what they offered, yeah.
-The digital age.
-You can download
the reports, too.
-Man, digital age.
Rock and roll.
You guys decide when you're
going to do your next gig?
-No, we're going to
Maya's office later.
Talk about that.
-I'm going to Maui.
With Faith.
-Have fun.
You deserve it.
-Well, I hope so.
I'll have my phone on.
-All right.
-If you need anything.
Yeah, are you sure you don't
want to come in and meet her?
-No, I'm good.
-I'll see you.
-You're good.
-I looked for the whole wheat
and they just don't
even the cheap
whole wheat buns,
so I had to get
these crappy white ones,
and I know you said not
to get the granola bars,
but I got them anyway,
I know they're expensive, but
they're good for you,
and someone is going to
want something healthy
to make it through the night.
And listen, I don't
want you
eating those Cheetos,
Okay, you guys?
If you need anything else,
you know, just text me.
I'm going to go feed the cats.
Good luck you guys.
I'll see you later.
And I'm go--
-Thank you.
-Hey, so, um,
I'm just
going to park the car
and I'm going to come
do your merch.
-What? Why?
-I'm good at it.
I want to help!
-So's Lorenzo.
no, he's not that great.
-What do you mean?
-He shorted you last time,
and I just
-I know but he was
short on money last time.
-I just, it's not a problem.
I'm just gonna
-Mom, he's already
got it covered,
he set up the whole thing.
It's fine.
-I just don't trust him.
-Okay, well, I do, so
-Text me.
-Text me, if there's a problem,
I'll just come right back.
-Um, okay.
I don't think we'll--
-You know I'd love to.
-I'm positive it'll be fine.
-All right.
We've done this before.
-Get me a hoody.
-Or a tank-top.
If there are any left.
A tank-top?
-I don't know.
-I'm not getting
my mom a tank-top.
-Stop it.
-Come on.
-Don't eat that crap.
-I won't. Thank you so much.
-Yo, yo.
-What's going on man?
-What's up, man?
-Do you know where
we can load in?
-Uh, yeah, in the front.
Right there.
-Right there?
-All right, to the front.
We're loading in
through the front.
I'm gonna pack it in.
Thank you, brother.
-Yeah, see you in there.
My birth betrays
my body ♪
-Do you want to
get something?
-Um yeah, I'm just going
to wait
'til Gretchen gets here, and
then I'm gonna go wait in line.
-Okay, I've got to run to
the bathroom really quick.
Come on.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, what's the code
of the bathroom?
-I'm sorry, that's for
customers only.
-Can I get an upside-down
mocha latte?
-I can't wait in this line.
-I'm trying to finish
my business here.
-I'll give you $10,
I've really got to go.
-Excuse me, the world
doesn't revolve around you.
-Just give me the fucking
code, who cares?
-How wretched and rude
are you?
-Did you just--
Do you want to just
-Come on, Jade.
-Can you believe that?
-Yes, okay, but
just hold it.
-I gotta go,
I gotta go.
-Yes, but Gretchen is
literally almost here.
-You know what, I think
I'd like to sit right here
and enjoy my purchases.
-I think the questions is are
you really sitting here
with no food or beverage?
I'm just trying to eat,
drink and be merry.
What the fuck are you doing?
-I'm in the middle
of a work e-mail.
-A work e-mail.
-I'm sorry, do you want
to just sit in my seat?
-I'm gonna get in line.
-Ah, it's good.
So, what are we working on?
-Fuck you.
-Oh. That sounds fun.
What else?
-Sorry I'm late.
My goodness, that's
That's beautiful.
-Yeah, it's really
This place is kind of
busier that I assumed.
Do you want to maybe
just get a coffee
and do a little quiet
walk and talk somewhere?
-Yeah, that's perfect.
Let's do that.
-I could've given you
the four digit code.
I come here all the time.
you were mean.
-What kind of piece
of shit are you?
-The kind that could
ruin a little bitch like you.
-Want some?
-Is that it?
-All right, fucking bring it.
-Come on, do it.
-How about that?
-I'm only happy when
it rains, motherfucker.
-Come with me, ma'am.
-Fuck you, bitch.
Bye, Jade.
-Is that your girlfriend?
-Yep, that's my
sweet pumpkin pie.
I don't really know, uh
what to say.
-I have a game, actually
in a few hours,
so I can't really stay
that long anyway.
But maybe we could do this
not this,
but something like this
another time.
-Yeah, okay. Um
I'm sorry, can I just
Can I just say something
really quick?
I need to lay it all out there.
I'm just
I'm really sorry.
Okay, I messed up
so fucking bad.
And I don't expect you
to, you know,
want to be friends with me
or fuck, even accept my apology,
but I don't want you
to know there's nothing
at all that you ever have
to worry about
with me and Johnny again.
And, look, I'm ashamed, okay?
I was a junkie for a while,
and I just
Just wrapped Johnny
all in my web
and I fucked it all up.
Its kind of this thing
I always do in my life.
Um and I'm
I'm just really sorry.
I know I should have
said something earlier,
but I didn't really know
where to even begin.
So, yeah.
I just I really hope
me being in a band with Johnny
doesn't cause you
any more pain.
-It is painful.
It's not easy.
I have my days where
it sucks, honestly.
But I know how hard you guys
have worked to get here,
and the fans love you guys.
I'm not going to try
to mess that up.
I I'll do everything
I can to move on.
And I appreciate
you apologizing.
I think that this is a good
place to try to start over.
-Good luck with
your girlfriend.
-Get the door, Kevin.
-Come on in.
-What's up, fellas?
-What's up, man?
-Uh, can't really have
beer on site,
but I brought you guys
some soda and some waters.
-And here's the set list
for tonight.
-Well, we're not playing
last, at least. That's cool.
-Let's see this shit.
The Flux.
Who the fuck is that?
-That's my band.
-Oh, cool, bro,
that's your band. Right on.
What's your name?
-I'm Mijos.
-Right on, Mijos.
Let me tell you something.
We're Over It All.
And that includes being
over your band
in the order tonight, so
There you go, Dorito.
Kevin, fix the order
with the promoter.
-Calm down, I'll handle it.
I got to meet this
Simon kid anyway.
Is there any Chinese food left?
-Hey, Hardcore Happy meals
are five bucks.
You get chips, drink,
and a burger,
and a free tour poster.
-What kind of operation
you got going on over here?
Some toasted buns and
some melted provolone
and some cheddar?
-That's it.
What's up, Paulius? It's nice to
finally meet you, man.
-Nice to meet you, too.
I'm guessing you're Simon?
-What's the deal with
the lineup?
-Um, yeah, so The Flux are
kind of like hometown heroes.
So, put you guys
as direct support
because I want you to
play for the most kids.
Want your set to be
packed, you know?
-I don't want to headline,
but my singer's a precious
little princess, brother.
-He really is.
-Um, I mean we can change it up
if you want us
to switch the slots.
You want us to do that?
-I just want a burger, man.
-We can do that.
That's easy.
-Thank you.
-On the house.
Get this man a burger,
all right?
-Appreciate that, man.
And do me that solid,
switch the slots.
We'll headline tonight.
-All right.
-Thank you.
-He wants us to
switch the slots.
-He don't know.
-He's gonna learn tonight.
-You here for a refund
for Over the Top?
-You mean Over It All?
-You, too?
-You, they just announced
on Twitter
they're playing Fredericksburg
It's like a half hour away.
Let's roll.
-All right.
-You gotta be kidding me.
-The Garden would be perfect
for The Relentless show.
-Yeah, but The Relentless
want to do a special club
date in New York, too.
So Madison Square Garden's
going to have to wait
until we have
an album release date.
-Jay's on three,
he's all worked up.
-Oh, I don't got time for this.
-You know what, man?
Let me buzz you back.
We'll talk about the
festival ideas, all right?
[phone beeps]
-You booked them with that
little punk motherfucker?
-The show's got to
go on, Jay.
What can I say? One man's trash
is another man's treasure.
-I paid you 50%
to cancel that show.
-Right, and I got my band
their other 50%
down the road,
what's the big deal?
-That's not how this works.
-No? Why don't you tell me
how it works, Jay, huh?
You book a metal band in
a club where there's no moshing,
and then you wonder
where all the fans are.
-Don't you tell me how
to run my fucking club.
I'm not going to lose my ass
and get sued for millions
by some kid's parents when
he hits his head on the floor.
-Nope, but plenty of other
are willing to take
that risk, Jay,
so you know what? Maybe I
shouldn't book these bands
with you anymore.
-How fucking dare you?
That's it, I'm pulling every
one of your acts
on my calendar right now.
I am done with you!
-Pull 'em, Jay,
pull 'em straight out of your
sister's fucking ass, all right?
Michelle, hold my calls.
-Well, I guess
she really doesn't want
to listen to my demo now.
-Look, I am so sorry.
This is on me.
I swear. We'll get people in
L.A. to listen to you,
you deserve that.
This is on me.
I am so sorry, honey.
Okay, um, so
blue wristbands
for band members
and then red for
everyone else, all right?
-Okay, and what about
the guest list?
-Ah, we're not doing that.
You want me to
charge all your friends?
-Honestly, everybody
knows somebody.
Just charge 'em all.
It's show business,
not friend business, you know?
If anybody wanders in here
and claims that
they just want to say hi,
let them know around
1:00 A.M.
I'll be at the International
House of Pancakes, okay?
-You got it.
-Thank you.
-Yeah, just one?
-Thank you.
-Thank you so much.
-One please.
-ADAM: Are you on the way
to the island yet, or what?
-Escaping the sewer
as we speak.
-ADAM: I'm so happy you're
finally doing this, man.
-Yeah, I gotta thank you
for pushing me to do it,
'cause I guess
I really needed it.
But I do sense
a question coming?
-ADAM: Well, The Relentless
are in dire straights
with their finances and
they're hoping
you can give them the
full 3 million in advance
all at once.
-Aloha to you, too, fucker.
-I'm sorry I'm hitting you
with this now.
Johnny says he's got some shit
going on that's time sensitive.
-He's talking about you.
He's talking about you.
-Talking about me?
-No, not you.
I mean, uh
-What was that?
Only in madness
Do you find beautiful death
And only in sadness
Do you feel happy instead
Be careful what you wish for
Cause you don't know
The guilt I carried this far
All on my own
It's nothing you wanna feel
Don't wait for
the dust to settle ♪
Don't wait
'til it's not enough ♪
Don't wait for
the world to let go ♪
Of the both of us
Don't wait for
the dust to settle ♪
Don't wait
'til you've had enough ♪
Don't wait for the world
to let go ♪
Or to give you up
-Virginia, this is
the last chorus.
Get up here
and let's go.
Get up, come on!
Don't wait for
the dust to settle ♪
Don't wait
'til it's not enough ♪
Don't wait for the world
to let go ♪
Of the both of us
I'm not giving up
I'm not giving up
So don't you give up
-Hey, thank you, Virginia
for coming out.
We are The Flux.
Um, Over It All is
up next, stick around.
Until then,
see you guys next time.
-Let me get this straight.
The singer is also
the promoter of the show.
How does that work?
-Apparently, it works
real good.
Great job, buddy.
We're still the headliner.
Right, Kevin?
-Yeah, we are the headliner.
-Elias, if we wire
three million dollars
to the band,
do you realize we might not
be able to even make payroll?
Plus, we're going to need three
or four million dollars more
to promote the new album.
Are you aware of that?
-You know, I love
the thrill of it, I guess.
You know, I get off on this.
I don't know
what's wrong with me.
-You know, if there's
a curve ball here,
you can shatter the whole
front window, right?
-Bullshit, Ned.
I just keep
stacking the chips.
Now come on, baby Ned,
come on. Let's go.
Go, Neddy, go!
-By God, man.
You need to go to GA.
General admission?
I haven't been General Admission
to a show in 30 years.
Because I need to get
humbled or something?
What the fuck are
you talking about, Ned?
-GA, as in
Gambler's Anonymous.
Blithering idiot.
-You having fun yet?
They probably just
went out to smoke, dude.
They'll be back.
-There's no re-entry.
-It's a school night!
Look, whatever,
I just want to play.
-Kevin, hit the fog.
What's up, Virginia,
we're Over It All.
Hit the fucking fog, Kevin!
-The cops are here.
I breathe
Um, hey officers.
-Hi, son.
How many people did you
have in attendance tonight?
-Clicker says 402.
Legal capacity of this
building's 275.
You have an event insurance
policy we can see?
Fuck that,
I don't need that ♪
-Looks like you're under
fire code for these guys.
But no future concerts can
have any more than 275.
You will never
break me down ♪
-If you can't render those
insurance documents, young man,
then this thing here,
it's over.
Are you stronger?
-Earl, look at the way
the fella's moving his body.
Y'all call that dancing?
-I actually like
this music, man.
You pulled me under
-That's it, shut it down.
-Hey, who are you
talking to?
-Get out.
Get this band out of here.
[overlapping dialogue]
-I'm so grateful
to be here with you right now.
-Me, too.
-It's so surreal that
it's just the two of us.
-Why is that?
[phone vibrates]
-Oh, spoke too soon.
-I'm not taking it,
I'm not taking it.
Turning it off.
here's to another trip
around the sun together.
I love you.
I couldn't have made it
this far without you.
I would never be anywhere
near where I am now
if it weren't for you.
-That's for sure.
[phone ringing]
-This is Adam Stone's office.
-Yeah, I need
to speak with Adam.
-Uh, I'm sorry, he's actually
out for the rest of the day.
Can I have him return?
He's going to have to do a lot
more than "return".
You get him on the line
right now, young man.
-I'm sorry, ma'am,
that's impossible.
He's with his wife for
his anniversary dinner.
Can I ask who's calling and
what this is regarding, please?
-This is the grandmother
of his golden boy,
Johnny Faust's daughter.
-Okay, Meg, real funny.
-No, this is not Meg.
My name is Lizzy Thomas and
I will rip your throat out
like a reptile, you twerp.
Now, you get Adam on the
phone for me right fucking now.
Before the entire world finds
out about little miss Faith.
-Las Vegas?
The fuck?
Hold please.
[phone vibrates]
-The truth is, all this
madness that I engage in
for work, I do
it all for us.
And for our future family.
-I mean, to be completely
fair, if you paid me
all the attention in the world
but worked at a toll booth,
we probably wouldn't be
sitting here right now.
-Why are you swimming
in the shallow end?
-I'm not, I'd just be
afraid you were after me
for my money.
-Ah, I get it, yes.
Men have shovels, too.
-I had a boy toy
before you,
and let's just say
broke actors in L.A.
dig deep for sugar mamas.
-Thank you.
I think he thought you
were talking about him.
-Maybe I was.
-I think I saw him on
CSI last night.
-Probably. Dead body.
-He was pretty good.
[phone vibrates]
-What the fuck?
-Why is that phone ringing?
I thought only me and
your mom had that number.
-I gave it to Ralphie
for emergencies only.
-Just take it.
-Sorry. Okay.
-Hey, you know where I am.
This better be fucking good.
-Yeah, dude, I'm sorry
to bother you,
but I got a woman on the line
claiming to be
the grandmother to Johnny
Faust's secret love child.
-Dude, I'm serious,
her name's Lizzy Thomas.
She the friggin' mother
of the virgin
that Johnny
hooked up with in Vegas.
She's on her fucking way
to TMZ right now.
He was just talking about this
shit in the interview, dude.
Why would I make this up?
-I'll call you back.
-Mrs. Thomas?
I'm so sorry to
keep you waiting.
-It can wait until
after dessert.
No problem.
Where were we?
-Just go.
-This is romantic.
-Just go.
-It's so nice in here, huh?
-You think I'm going to sit
here and enjoy dinner
while you're sitting there
shaking trying to suppress
handling that situation,
whatever it is?
-I'm fine.
-Look at what you're doing,
you're shaking the whole
goddamn table.
Just go.
-I'm just gonna go, I'm just
gonna deal with this.
I just gotta go,
I'm sorry.
Thank you, baby, I love you.
-God, just go.
-You're my queen.
You are my queen.
I am so sorry.
I will make this up to you.
Understand me?
[phone vibrates]
-Hey, Adam, hi,
can you hear me?
-Yeah, what's up?
-Um, I need your help.
Jade is in jail.
-What? Why?
-It's really stupid,
but basically,
she has a bunch of
prior misdemeanor charges
and then she got provoked--
-Hey, you the manager?
-And this fucking chick was--
-I'm sorry,
I hate to cut you off,
I gotta hang up on you.
Call Ralphie.
-Hi, yes, you must be?
Lizzie Thomas.
-Lizzie, hi, Adam Stone.
-Let's get on in there,
I'm starving.
-Oh, hi little lady,
going to go to the rainbow,
look for a pot of gold?
Sup, making some moves?
Making some moves?
Making a big deal?
-Right this way, please.
-You know, I've always
wanted to have
a power meeting at the Rainbow.
-Your server will
be right with you.
-Thank you, could you get
him to hurry up?
-Uh, certainly.
-Thank you, kindly.
-So how can I be sure
that this is true?
-Look in my eyes, man.
Do I look like
I'm fucking around?
I mean did you see that
beat to shit Buick out there?
That's my car.
You seriously think
I would drive
five hours through the desert
with no A.C.
in that thing to, what,
sit and drink whiskey
with some stranger like
a fucking weirdo?
-Good evening, heard
something about whiskey.
Can I get you two started off
with any drinks?
-Yes, let's go, I want
a double jack on the rocks,
and a large pizza pie.
-Okay, any toppings with that?
-You just take every dead
animal you got back there
and you slap it
on that pie.
-All right, meat lovers,
you got it.
Anything to drink
for you, sir?
-Oh, wait, now, I need cheese.
I want extra cheese.
The mozzarella.
-That'll be an additional
cost for the cheese.
We charge extra for that.
-Pack it on, pack it on.
Is it so easy, baby
When everyone's trying
to please me ♪
Ain't that right,
Mr. Manager man?
-So, which one of you
is the gun
and which one of you
is the rose?
-I'm the one that ordered
the fully loaded pizza pie,
so I reckon I would be
the gun tonight.
-I'll just take an
unsweet tea, please, thanks.
-Unsweetened tea,
you got it.
All right.
You know, I always thought that
was such a great band name.
The dichotomy of a gun
and a rose.
That's the contrast of life.
-Ain't you something?
You're like some kind
of Wisdom Waiter or something.
You're awesome.
-Thank you.
-I tell you what,
nobody's bought me a rose
in a hot minute, but I do own a
gun if you know what I'm saying.
-Well, so
What brings you
to the Rainbow?
You looking for a
pot of gold or something?
-What are you, like a psychic?
Who told you, Wisdom Waiter?
That's amazing.
You're something else.
-Well, I guess every
rose has its thorn.
-I'll be right out
with your drinks.
-Thank you.
I love that guy.
So, as I was saying
-I believe you.
Well, good.
Where is the baby's mother now?
-Oh, she's back in Las Vegas
slinging salami sandwiches.
And the baby is with her?
-Why are you asking me
where the baby is?
You better call that vampire
singer of yours right now.
That ain't cool.
-So, here's to getting millions
of dollars to record music
and to writing the best
songs of our career.
-Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
-All right, what do you guys
want to work on first?
-Johnny, can I talk to you
real quick outside?
-Can we just play our
fucking instruments?
-I I met up with
Gretchen today,
uh, just to like, you know,
talk everything over.
And work it all out,
you know. Um
-What the fuck, why wouldn't
you tell me this?
-Well, I just figured
it would be better
if it happened on its own.
I think you should
check your phone.
You should just
make sure that that
that it's not everywhere because
it probably is everywhere,
and it's
-Wait, what the fuck
happened today?
-Jade, she she was
getting taunted
by this person, right,
and me and Gretchen
are over there talking and
working it through,
and I swear to God
I had no fucking idea
that this was gonna happen
[phone beeps]
-Jade, she got so, uh
-[phone vibrates]
riled up that she
she um
she pissed on a person.
-Oh, shit, okay.
Uh, just one second.
One second.
-Hey, Adam.
Have you heard about this shit
with Lily's girl and Gretchen?
-Johnny, do you
have a daughter?
-Oh, fuck. What?
-No, I have not seen the drama
with Lily and Gretchen today.
Answer my question,
do you have a daughter?
-Who told you?
-The baby's grandmother
is sitting across from me
at the Rainbow eating
a slice of meat lovers pizza.
-Is she here?
And she wants money,
quite a bit of money.
Otherwise, everyone finds out.
-Damn straight.
-We need to fucking
finish this.
-Yeah, uh,
I'll be right in there.
Just one minute,
just one minute.
We'll finish it.
Okay, yeah.
I should have told you
about this.
I shouldn't have
kept you in the dark.
I, um
I just had a lot
going on this week.
What do we do?
-Where is the kid?
-With Elias.
-Elias has your kid?
-Jesus, man.
Who else knows?
-Have you spoken
with the mother?
-No, no, no, no.
We had sex when I was
on tour, that was it.
Never spoke again.
-I'm going to call you back.
-This is so good.
-Hello, sir.
-How are you?
-Where are you of to today?
-We're off to Maui.
-She's asleep.
Isn't she beautiful?
-Oh, beautiful.
-All right, so let's go ahead
and take your ID, please.
-Right, of course. Here.
-Great. All right.
And how old is
the little one?
-Uh, she's, um
I'm so tired I can't
even remember.
She's, she's
It's exhausting, taking
care of a child.
-Uh-huh. Faith Faust,
and she is 18 months.
-Earlier today, we got
candid camera footage
of girlfriend of Lily Mayflower,
the bassist from The Relentless
peeing on a random stranger
in a Starbucks.
And yes, Gretchen, girlfriend
of Johnny Faust was there.
-Nothing moves the needle
like controversy.
They're about
to get even bigger.
-This has to be
a publicity stunt.
Pitting these two girls
against each other?
-It's not Elias's style.
-Um, what is your
relationship to the child?
-I love her.
-Well, that's good to know.
Um, but are you her father
or her grandfather?
-Oh, I'm her Godfather.
-Okay, um
Do you have any sort of
in regards to being one
to give consent for travel?
A guardian paperwork, perhaps?
-Uh, no.
I, um
-I do need her legal
travel consent form
from her parents or
a legal guardian.
-I can get that
at the airport?
-Um, no, that's something
that you should have.
-Hey, Johnny,
check out what we got
for the first chorus, man,
-Uh, you know what?
I gotta go, I'll catch up
with you guys later.
-Oh come on, man, we haven't
been creative together
in over a year.
Let's just focus on some
new music for a bit, all right?
Elias put his ass on
the line for us,
Maya's working on
major festivals.
And we need to
have new songs.
There's always something
going on,
but we've still got to write.
-Uh, I'll catch up
with you tomorrow.
-Don't you fucking
dare leave.
-Leo, I told you I'm dealing
with some shit now.
-You've got to deal with being
the front man for this band.
We all have fucked up
personal lives, Johnny.
That doesn't give us a pass
to just put the band last
whenever something comes along
that we don't like.
We have been sat around,
pissed off, going broke,
waiting for you
to sort your shit out.
And now what?
You're just going to bail on us
before you even sing
the first fucking line?
That doesn't work
for me, Johnny.
-If you had any idea
what I've been dealing with--
-Then maybe we'd understand.
-But we don't wanna
understand right now.
What we want is for you to
take whatever chaos is going on
and channel it into
The Relentless.
That's what got us
to where we are.
It's time for you
to stay in this room
and sing your heart out
into that microphone
with words none of us
have heard before.
-Play the fucking song.
-Did you get anywhere
with the band?
Maya's not having it
and the manager's been
in Elias's pocket.
Get them on the phone.
-All right, fuck it.
-Fuck it.
So that's right
Don't look back
Face front
Don't look back
It's not strange
Some painted black
Nothing lasts forever
That includes me and you
They say never say never
Try and see it through
-Can I just get
the boarding passes
and maybe my ID?
-You don't have
proper documentation
from her legal guardian
or her parents,
then I cannot issue passes.
-We can just take
care of that at the gate.
We can just take care
of it at the gate.
We're just going to Maui.
-I understand.
-It's not an international
-But unless you have the
documentation to verify
your relationship to--
-Can I just get my ID?
If you'd just calm down.
From a friend to foe
Both ways lead
to the same road ♪
Don't tell me that's
the way it goes ♪
It's just the path you chose
-Where's the boarding passes?
I paid for two first
class tickets.
Both ways lead to
the same road ♪
-Just give me the ID.
-Code Bravo.
Don't tell me that's
the way it goes ♪
It's just the
path you chose ♪
Nothing lasts forever
That includes me and you
They say never say never
-Code Bravo! Code Bravo!
-Sir, can I speak with you?
-The baby.
-No, no, no, you can't
take that baby.
-Calm down, sir.
-What are you doing?
-An officer is taking the baby.
If you do not cooperate,
you'll be arrested.
-Calm down.
Sir, you need to calm down.
-What did you do?

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