Parallel World Pharmacy (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

The Chief Royal Pharmacian and the Reincarnated Pharmacologist

A house call for the Empress?
Is something wrong with Her Majesty?
Her condition apparently took a sudden turn.
We'll go and—
I don't like the sound of that cough
What's wrong?
What sort of illness does Her Majesty have?
I cannot speak of it here.
Go get ready.
Yes, Father.
Parallel World Pharmacy
The Chief Royal Pharmacian
and the Reincarnated Pharmacologist
Episode 3
The Chief Royal Pharmacian
and the Reincarnated Pharmacologist
Head Court Physician.
How is Her Majesty's condition?
It does not look good.
Her lungs appear to have
weakened considerably.
Your Majesty, I am sorry to disturb you.
So this
is this nation's empress,
Her Majesty Élisabeth II.
Farma, my bag.
Y-Yes, sir.
And this
is how examinations are performed here?
I see. Then it's as we feared
Indeed. The stars are in a horrible state.
I'm afraid her destiny is near its end.
Did he just mention stars?!
Nevertheless, I shall continue
what treatment I can.
Farma, assist me.
Y-Yes, sir.
In this world, pharmacians have
independent prescribing authority,
so they both prescribe
and compound medicine.
The smell of opium and mandrake.
Anesthetic effects.
So he created an anesthesia potion?
Your Majesty, how are you feeling?
speak plainly.
Am I beyond recovery?
Not at all, Your Majesty.
I have brought a powerful medicine.
Please inhale these vapors.
It should ease your breathing.
With that medicine, no improvement
in her illness can be expected.
So all they can do is lessen
her present suffering?
Call the priest.
Most likely, tomorrow night
will be the critical juncture.
This is like a ritual for euthanasia!
Do they not intend to cure her?
No one here does?
I can't remain
on the sidelines!
Lung cancer.
It's not simply pneumonia
In that case
The white death, as it was once known.
Given the lack of injection devices,
the oral route is my only option.
Four medicines, if possible.
One of those four needs to be rifampin,
but it has a high molecular
weight and a complex structure,
making it difficult to envision accurately.
If I mess up
So this is what it means to deal
directly with the patient.
Your Highness!
Prince Louis!
Mother, when will you be all better?
Your Highness, we mustn't
disturb Her Majesty!
Your Highness.
Your Majesty.
Though it is not my place, may I request
permission to treat Your Majesty?
There is a new medicine
for Your Majesty's illness.
Farma, stop!
A new medicine?
Is there truly?
This is no time for jests, boy! Enough!
Hold, Bruno!
You know of a medicine?
That is to say,
you know the name of my affliction as well?
I believe I do.
I see.
Very well, then.
Your Majesty!
When I was hale and hearty,
I was held to be the finest practitioner
of Divine Arts in the empire.
I believe I still retain the ability
to discern who is worthy of trust.
I see that you alone
have not yet given up.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Good. Permission granted.
Farma! Open this door!
What are you doing?
Open up, you fool!
To prevent the bacteria from
acquiring drug resistance,
I need to use three or four
drugs together, if possible.
and finally,
What are you doing?
I am preparing for Her Majesty's treatment.
Don't be ridiculous!
No one in the world can
cure the white death!
I'm surprised.
So you had already ascertained
that it was the white death?
That much has been clear
for quite some time!
Unlike me, he diagnosed her
without special help.
He really is a magnificent pharmacian.
Being a pharmacian is not about
pointlessly brandishing your knowledge.
You must use your knowledge
to soothe the patient's heart.
Farma, think of the patient!
The white death is an incurable illness.
The patient is suffering.
What is the point of
driving them to despair?
A new medicine?
To spout such nonsense is reprehensible.
No, Father. The medicine exists!
And it's
something you need to take as well!
Wait! What are you doing?
Answer me, Farma!
What is it that you are
attempting to compound?
Put your wand away, Father!
Do you mean to destroy the whole lab?
If you cannot explain, it's poison!
Sword Dance of Ice!
What? With no wand or incantation?!
are you?
I ask you once more.
Just who are you?
What is all this?
Knowledge of new medicines.
I dreamed of it the day
I was struck by lightning.
A dream
And that day was the turning point?
On your shoulder. That's the holy mark.
Did the Panactheos grant you a revelation?
I couldn't say.
So that's the situation.
This is incredible.
To think the Panactheos
granted my son a blessing
Please, Father!
Administer this medicine to Her Majesty!
If we say that you compounded it,
your standing within the
court will be preserved.
The medicine you make is yours to give.
That has always been my teaching.
Her Majesty placed her faith
in you and your assessment.
She resolved to stake her life
on your medicine.
Thus you, too, must stake your own life
on giving your medicine.
That is a pharmacian's duty,
and a pharmacian's pride.
Yes, Father.
Farma's attribute was positive water.
Even if he can produce water,
he should not be able to erase it
Are you
Are you Farma?
Are you really my son?
I mean, I consider myself to be.
Ladies and gentlemen, sorry for the wait.
Why is he hiding his face?
What disrespect he shows the Empress!
Does it mean he can't face her?
That took some time.
Where is your father?
Did he turn tail and flee?
No. Nothing of the sort.
The time is of no import. Come closer.
This is the new medicine, Your Majesty.
Chief Royal Pharmacian,
shouldn't you stop your son?
He His skills may have
already surpassed ours.
All I can do is watch him.
Before I report the effects
of this new medicine,
there is something I would
like Your Majesty to see.
Might I have Your Majesty's cooperation?
Very well. Proceed.
This is a sputum sample
I obtained from Your Majesty.
Please bring that close to your eye and
peer through the hole toward some light.
Like this?
What are these?
I see They look like creatures—
Pardon me.
Now then.
What are these?! Bugs?
Head Court Physician, what do you see?
Incredible They look
just like caterpillars.
Are these living organisms?
Farma, explain what we have witnessed.
They're extremely small organisms
that cause the white death.
They're bacteria.
Your Majesty's body is being
affected by these organisms.
Bac-teria, you say?
There exist diseases in this world caused by
infection with micro-organisms like these.
The medicine I am giving Your Majesty
operates on the organisms
that cause the white death.
If the medicine is taken properly for
half a year, full recovery can be expected.
That is quite a long time.
The white death is a tenacious malady.
Farma, your explanation fundamentally
upends our existing concept of disease.
Very well. I shall take your medicine.
As you wish.
Now then, starting today,
I will watch Your Majesty take
this medicine every day.
This is called directly observed
treatment, short-course—
Your Majesty.
I put myself in your care, Farma.
Your Majesty, I, Farma de Médicis,
hereby stake my life
on Your Majesty's safe
and effective treatment.
Here I go.
Your Majesty.
Ladies and gentlemen,
when this new medicine has succeeded in
appropriately eliminating the bacteria,
the white death shall cease
to be an incurable disease!
Never again shall we fear this illness!
Young man, just what is this object?
Please, spare no detail!
What a splendid Divine Art!
This is not a Divine Art.
It is a device anyone can make.
Farma de Médicis
I will share the designs.
A pharmacian must be close with patients.
What a pharmacian needs most
is not skill, but heart.
In accordance with that conviction,
I have interacted earnestly with my
patients, and I believe I understood them.
And yet,
I have failed to do even a single
fatherly thing for my son.
I don't even know what my son thought
about, or how he felt about his life.
Despite that, I can tell that the boy
before me is not the Farma I knew.
I'm glad Her Majesty managed to sleep.
I hope she rests well.
Y-Yes. I'm sure your medicine helped.
I hope so
Um, these are for you.
If you're willing to take them, that is.
The Panactheos has blessed you.
A god's will cannot be comprehended,
but I imagine this is a reminder that
I have much room for improvement.
If it is my Guardian Deity's will,
then I can only obey.
You are mistaken.
Though I had knowledge,
I didn't understand the needs of
a patient on the verge of death.
That is something you taught me.
Though I have been granted these abilities,
I am still only an
apprentice-level pharmacian.
My acumen is shallow and unrefined.
So please,
as someone deeply immersed in medicine,
continue to show me the way.
Let's pursue the path of medicine together,
Thank you,
my son.
Episode 4
The Empress and an Imperial Charter
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